Signs and Portents Everywhere… But of What? (Interlude 4)

Here’s another interlude post in Seneca III’s latest treatise. See the archives link at the bottom of this post for previous installments in this series.

Signs and Portents Everywhere…But of What?

by Seneca III

Interlude 4 — The coming of Floyd and the end times of nations.

The robbing, looting and burning, the beatings of people trying to defend their properties and the random shooting of innocents by both black and white BLM and Antifa scum in the US, supposedly on behalf of a dead thug and career criminal whom the media have turned into some sort of innocent saint, has nothing to do with the reasons for his arrest nor the circumstances of his death, which will, in due course, be openly dealt with by the courts.

[It has been reported that at the time of his arrest he was extremely violent and heavily under the influence of the drugs to which he was habituated. The coppers at first managed to get him into the squad car, but, being the large, strong, violent man that he was, he somehow managed to get out. No doubt extreme force was required to restrain him, and the coppers were not to know that he had an underlying heart condition and that kneeling on his neck for, in retrospect, several unnecessary minutes would cause partial asphyxiation resulting in a heart attack.]

That said, what any of this has to do with us in the UK is beyond rational explanation, as is the sight of Met Police officers being repeatedly attacked by the same primitive savages whom we have foolishly welcomed into this country in the name of multiculturalism and enrichment…

…and then ‘taking a knee’ at the feet of the same slavering, predominantly black mob…

…which was egged on by white co-conspirators such as this one…

…who I fervently hope will take that self-asphyxiation process to its ultimate, and for me, rewarding end.

Indeed, coppers such as those obsequiously kneeling, and their Common-Purposed superiors, disgust me to the extent that I almost vomited at the sight.

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Fundraising in the Time of Corona

This was the “sticky” post for the spring fundraiser. It was first published on May 25, and was on top throughout fundraising week. Scroll down for items posted on and after that date.

Spring Fundraiser 2020, Day Seven

Sunday’s Update: A Diversity Flashback

We’re moving into the final day of what has been a very unusual fundraising week.

Tip jarThere was no way to tell in advance how this quarter’s fundraiser might turn out, given the economic devastation that is enshrouding most of the Western world. Would anybody have spare cash to donate to a minor website?

Would anyone even be paying attention?

Well… Up until now there have been a greater than average number of donations — which is astonishing. Yet the total amount that has come in is somewhat less than average, which isn’t surprising at all, since most people have been hit hard financially for the past two months or so. It’s gratifying that so many have been willing to chip in, under the circumstances.

If you haven’t got around to it yet, the tip jar is on the sidebar, or you can use this link.

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Instead of another COVID-related update, I’ll close this fundraiser with a blast from the past. The excerpt below was written by Dymphna almost exactly eight years ago, on June 4, 2012, for the final fundraising post of that year’s spring fundraiser.

The theme for that week’s bleg was “Diversity”, and she wrapped everything up with the following remarks:

The subject of Diversity is fraught. So for this Fundraiser, I’ve deliberately kept the lid on certain subjects. They can accumulate like barnacles or smart bombs on the wall of diversity, or rather on the battlements of modern, top-down “Diversity”. As is true of any other project, some stuff has to be routinely scraped off so you can see what’s underneath, yet other junk — whilst appearing to be identical — will blow up in your face. Frankly, the explosions aren’t interesting anymore.

It is the former which draws my curiosity. .The latter, full of traps like the origins or even the existence of “global” “warming” — oops, climate change…oops, methane in the atmosphere. Whatever. Any point in “discussing” those issues is long past. Those in Charge will tell you ahead of time: “It’s settled…” “Consensus Has Been Reached”… “Everyone Knows”… “Only an Idiot Would Think Such a Thing”….and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Have you noticed that the more fervently views on such issues are clung to (bitterly), the less room there is for Reason or even the possibility of entertaining alternate ideas? Entertaining ideas? Enter that realm at your own risk.

Here’s a partial list of Don’t-Go-There-Unless-You-Want-a-Fight hot buttons. No particular order here, simply a reflection of what I’ve been reading and thinking about. These are only contentions; I have no solutions. The mysteries of life usually don’t come with quick remedies:

  • Abortion. Or not. When does life begin to have value? No, it’s not “settled”. Look up the numbers of those who believe religiously in #1 vs. those who think the prize is behind Door #2. Just don’t put these folks in the same room.
  • Gender. What could be simpler: This is a girl; see that little cleft where her penis should be? This is a boy, see his penis hanging there? Gender-bending is occurring at younger and younger ages, much to the horrified sorrow of parents caught in a five year-old’s intense identity crisis. It may well be that the crisis is real enough, but it could turn out to be just one manifestation of a larger, more complex reality than the one we can see. Human beings are quite malleable, but they are also fragile. The times in which we live, where sexual identity is up for grabs — literally — are reflected in many issues, and one of them is seen in these canary children. In different times most of them would’ve been spared this assault from the zeitgeist, an assault which begins during the dark floaty existence in utero. Were there no assaults from the residues of psychotropic drugs left in the drinking water (just to name one possible influence), or the constant low-level cultural exposure to increasingly depraved pornography, these children could have lived within the boundaries of their respective anatomy without a blip. When times simplify again — and they surely will — outlier cases will recede again. That’s not much comfort now to these kids or their parents as they stumble through the nightmare.
  • Religion is a crutch vs. Spirituality is a part of human experience. The former has become the more intellectually acceptable attitude of late, though one wonders what insecurity keeps the more aggressively devout unbelievers at their megaphones, proselytizing like hard-shell Mississippi Baptists. You begin to ask if there is some fervent need on their part to save the unwashed from arrant foolishness. Perhaps a good dose of American history about the cycles of the Great Awakenings in the 18th and 19th centuries would at least help the ardent atheists this side of the Atlantic to gain some perspective.

    My guess regarding the foundation of this popular orthodoxy among the media gatekeepers? It’s high school redux: they want to be with the cool kids and they don’t want to have to actually study anything. Aping your betters is so much easier, especially if your “educated” betters are being all edgy and you know it will irritate those boring duds in Flyover Country… As is the case for other media belief blankets, if you want to hear another side (and there is more than one) you’ll have to hunt for it on your own. What surprises me is the number of people who do — want to hear another point of view, I mean.

  • Sex among adults. Interestingly, as the results from the Boomer generation become apparent, and the laws of unintended consequences begin to take their toll, their children are turning away from their parents’ youthful decisions to let it all hang out. They see the results and politely decline. Or at least the ones who catch on early enough do so. They know the health risks for both sexes of too many sexual partners. They understand the complexities of bonding better than their naïve parents did. Except for the one percent — those befuddled “Occupy” useful tools — for the most part middle-class kids have turned back the clock. Of course many of them face rigors their parents did not: huge education debt, a poor job market, and increasing balkanization by class. Their lives will be tougher in many ways, but then so will they. At least the ones who aren’t forced to move back home, much the same way their great grandparents had to do to get by.
  • Sex with children as the new norm. Nope, that’s not worth our time. The downward deviancy of our culture was seen two generations ago and I’m sure it’s not hit bottom yet. But it will. In the meantime, let’s not contribute to the pollution.
  • Death. Like the beginnings of life, its endings are becoming more fungible. The Right to Die vs. the Responsibility to Die. Our old are becoming the Ice Floe Generation. And who gets to decide whose life has meaning or value? Recently, a couple sued for Wrongful Birth when their child was born with congenital anomalies the parents believed they should have been told about ahead of time. Among the nettles were questions like financial responsibility for this life no one wants. This question lies floundering side-by-side with the reality of aborted, breathing fetuses who are killed on the operating table without a qualm. Are we confused or what?
  • Trash. There are lots more thorns and contention here, but let’s end with garbage, with refuse, with detritus. Like global warming, there are folks on both sides of the Religion of Recycling, which is a smaller denomination of the colossal Environmental Cathedral — and that place makes Vatican City look like a high-rise tenement. Again, this subject has sectarian overtones in the higher reaches (or screeches) of the True Believers. For the dissidents there is often no choice: just because you can ‘prove’ your locality saves nothing by recycling doesn’t mean you can opt out. There are handy garbage technologies in your wheelie bin that will see you fined or put in jail if you don’t conform.

    One of the dystopian uncharms of living in an urban landscape is unending trash. But city-slicker trash has become another source of revenue for cash-poor rural areas. While the downside is that the nearby urban poor often find it cheaper to skulk out here to the country and leave their bags of unidentifiable refuse because they can’t afford the trash stickers the city makes them buy, there’s an upside to this. Big cities up North will pay good money to poor rural areas if they’ll take the garbage out. Thus many county boards of supervisors do just that, and this venture keeps the real estate tax rate down for the bumpkins.

    Don’t you wonder where this will lead as consumers are unable to continue consuming? Will trash reduce itself to an endangered species? In order to continue the justification of its existence, will the EPA have to step in with emergency rulings?

Diverse contentions. They’re endless and they get more polarized all the time. As resources get thin on the ground, look for the rigidities to worsen. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of living in interesting times. I’m ready for a good long spell of boredom — kind of like those endless amber waves of grain we don’t have anymore because they hybridized all the wheat. Modern varieties are now too short to wave at anyone.

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The photo below was taken in the late 1990s. It shows Dymphna on her 58th birthday:

It’s probably the last image of her that I’ll scan and post, unless I happen upon another trove of lost photos. She gave her permission for me to post just one, the photo of her holding a puppy that I included with my eulogy for her last June.

However, I figure that her attitude about such things is probably more relaxed now that she is incorporeal. The photos of her that I’ve posted here over the past twelve months are excellent ones, in my opinion. She is exactly herself in them, and I cherish them more than words can say. I think she’s OK with my including them here.

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Saturday’s gifts came in from:

Stateside: California, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Texas

Far Abroad: Australia and the UK

Canada: Ontario

I’ll be back in a few days to post a wrap-up with the final tally of locations.

The next fundraiser will begin sometime in the hot, hot summer. Who knows what the coronacrisis will have morphed into by then?

Many thanks to everyone for their generosity.

Saturday’s Update: Who is That Masked Man?

We’re moving into the penultimate day of Gates of Vienna’s quarterly fundraiser.

Readers who are sheltering in place at home and have nothing better to do are invited to send a modest donation by way of the tip cup on the sidebar (or by using this link).

Those small individual gifts are the way I keep this blog going. If a significant number of readers give a little bit each, it adds up to enough to pay for the site and keep me in cheese and crackers for another quarter.

Full disclosure: This website is not corona-compliant. Its proprietor is a coronadissident who refuses to wear a mask.

Since yesterday morning’s update I became aware of an article published by the The New England Journal of Medicinethat bolsters my dissident stance. It concerns the ineffectiveness of wearing a mask as a means of preventing the spread of COVID-19. One of our commenters mentioned it, but I also ran across it on Twitter.

This was actually published in April, but for some reason is only now drawing attention:

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The Corona Scam

I’ve been following the Wuhan Coronavirus closely for almost four months, since it was first publicly acknowledged by the Chinese government as a scourge in the city of Wuhan. In the early days it was quite alarming, but after large quantities of data began to roll in — real data, not the claptrap being beamed at the general public by the MSM, the WHO, and the CDC — it became less alarming. The more information that was gathered on it, the less threatening it seemed to be for anyone but the very old or the very ill.

However, the political class is wont never to let a good crisis go to waste, especially when it can be used to damage a Republican president. The media went easy on the H1N1 flu back in 2009 because Obama was in charge, and they had to make sure that he didn’t get any bad publicity because of the disease. But with the hated Orange Man at the helm, the elites grabbed the opportunity with both hands and ran with it. Millions will die from COVID-19, and it’s all Trump’s fault!

What we’re seeing now are the desperate attempts by a number of state governors (all of them Democrats, as far as I know) to hang onto the executive powers they have arrogated unto themselves as a result of the manufactured crisis. They’ve gotten a taste of what it’s like to wield totalitarian power over the serfs, and they don’t want to let go of it. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer seems to be the champion despot of the bunch, although the governors of New York, California, Illinois, Washington State, and Minnesota, among others, are giving her a run for her money.

I’ve been gathering material for several weeks for what was intended to be a comprehensive post on the topic of COVID-19, but the data have been coming in too fast and thick for it to be possible. There’s just too much information, and it becomes outdated so quickly. Now that civil disobedience has become widespread, the crisis is easing, as local authorities and governors relax some or all of the restrictions under pressure from angry citizens who have decided they don’t want to be serfs any longer.

So I’ll just include a few things I’ve collected in the past month or so. The first is a video featuring two doctors in California, Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, who give a commonsense, rational presentation on the virus, based on their experience, plus their analysis of real data from elsewhere. This video was taken down at least twice by YouTube, which seems to be removing mirrors of it as fast as they appear, even though it is calm, factual, evidence-based, and contains no conspiracy theories. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for preserving it:

The second clip is a discussion by Tucker Carlson about the totalitarian oppression that emerged so rapidly and took hold so completely during the ChiCom flu crisis. Mr. Carlson (like many of the rest of us) is dismayed at how easily Americans surrendered their Constitutional rights and willingly allowed themselves to be turned into compliant sheep:

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A Surprise Change of Venue for the Democratic National Convention

The Democrats have abruptly decided to relocate this summer’s nominating convention. Here’s the story from The Washington Post:

In a surprise move, the Democratic National Committee has decided to relocate the party’s July convention to Wuhan, China.

The convention was scheduled to take place during the week of July 13th in Milwaukee. However, with the coronavirus pandemic raging through major American cities, it had become unclear whether an event of that size would be allowed to take place.

At a hastily-convened press conference in Washington D.C., DNC Chairman Tom Perez said, “Since the very beginning of the coronavirus crisis, the Democratic Party has admired the way China has handled the infection. Chinese officials acted promptly and decisively back in January, implementing stringent measures that curbed the spread of the disease. As a result, no new coronavirus cases have been reported in China for several weeks. With respect to the coronavirus, Wuhan is now the safest city to be in on the planet.

“It had become uncertain whether we would be able to hold the convention in Milwaukee in July, given the way the disease is trending. The Chinese government has made an excellent facility available to host the relocated convention. It’s a large building in Wuhan that was formerly used to manufacture funeral urns, for which purpose it is of course no longer needed.

“There will be plenty of time to refit the premises for the full participation of the international media, so you will be well taken care of there. All American journalists can expect the usual gracious Chinese hospitality — except for those malcontents who were recently expelled from the country, naturally, but that’s only a tiny minority.”

Lijian Zhao, an official spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confirmed his government’s offer. He said further details of the arrangements will be announced in the coming weeks.

Frick and Frack at Sea

To take your mind off the Chinese virus, here’s another inimitable pastiche by JLH.

Frick and Frack at Sea

by JLH (with apologies to Edward Lear)


Bernie and Biden were all at sea.
Their faces as green as the kelp.
They brought some money — but it was funny,
They both still needed more help.
Biden looked up at the stars above,
And sang to his mandolin:
“Oh Bernie my friend
You’re insane without end.
What an absolute kook you are.
You are,
What a nutcase from Vermont you are!”


Bernie said to old Joe, “It’s too bad that your Id
Is the only thing left of your mind.
If you’d done all the things you said that you did
We wouldn’t be in this bind.”
So they sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the money tree grows.
And there on a hill, a Hillary stood,
With a permanently out-of-joint nose.
A nose.
A permanently out-of-joint nose.


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The Coming Elections in the Netherlands

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan has the latest on the convoluted political situation in his homeland.

The coming elections

by H. Numan

In the UK the Labour party lost massively. Their biggest loss in nearly a century. In America the Democrat party is going to lose even more. The signs are all there. The most important candidate is Bernie Sanders who isn’t even fit to sit in a clown car. Much less to drive it. The man has absolutely no authority whatsoever. I’ve seen clips where his radical supporters grab the microphone out of his hands and totally humiliate themselves. With comrade clown standing next to it. Seething, and not able to do a darn thing about it.

Don’t be mistaken: The other clowns are almost as bad as he is. That’s pretty good news, I think. Even Bloomberg isn’t going anywhere. He can’t help it, he simply has the wrong credentials. Just like a child abuser has to live with his past, so must he. He was not only a strict Republican, he’s also a billionaire. Apart from the fact that he is simply bribing his way to nomination, and gloating that he can do it. Voting fraud is now completely legal in at least California. You can collect all the ballots in a retirement home or a town, fill them in as desired and present them as valid votes.

Even so, Trump is going to win. He doesn’t have to do a thing himself. The clowns do all the hard work for him. I hope the Milwaukee police department is planning for some huge riots. Antifa is not going to accept anyone else but comrade Sanders. They’re going to be very angry, as Sanders will not be elected.

Now, in Holland we’re also heading for elections. Officially we aren’t. Elections are due in March of 2021. That’s a full year in the future. The government is basically finished governing. Their goals have been achieved, or need a different coalition. I have no idea what will cause the resignation of the cabinet, but all parties are gearing up in election mode. The conservatives (VVD) and Christian Democrats (CDA) especially are making very bold statements about fewer migrants, stronger borders and — don’t laugh — less money to the EU. That’s a sure sign elections are coming.

It’ll be a very interesting election. In the recent past, first the Christian Democrats got trashed, followed by the labor party PvdA. In both cases after a long period of governing and a string of broken promises. This election will be the same, only now it’s the VVD’s turn to get trashed. Like their Christian and Labor compatriots earlier, the VVD has governed for a very long time, nearly 12 years continuously. The broken promises of Mark Rutte are legendary. As before people had high hopes during the first Rutte cabinet, which over time lessened. Currently the government is a minority government. The cabinet had a one-seat majority at the start in parliament. They lost that seat last year. In the senate it’s already a minority cabinet.

We’ve seen a massive shift to the left in nearly all parties. We used to have three large parties: a big conservative party (VVD), an even larger center party of Christian Democrats, and a large labor party. All of them moved far to the left. They want to woo young, hip and progressive voters. Nothing wrong with that, but there is a price to pay. There are lots of young people who are not progressive. Most of the not-so-young voters are anything but progressive. The price the formerly big parties have to pay is far fewer voters. They all shrank from their position of the big three to middle of the road. Or in case of the PvdA: that’s now a small party. In Dutch politics anything under 10 seats is small fry, 10-25 is middle of the road and anything above is a big party.

Progressive parties want to create a united left front. That won’t fly, because the PvdA party knows very well that will cost their party whatever seats they have left. Of course GL (former communists) and the SP (former Maoists) are in favor. They would gain the seats lost by the PvdA. Two birds with one stone!

That big gap on the right is being filled by two parties: The PVV party and the new Forum for Democracy (FvD). The PVV currently holds 19 seats, and FvD 2. It’s highly likely both will gain a lot in the coming elections. I expect both to grow to about 30 seats each. However, that is not enough for a majority. They will need 76 seats. That’ll be a problem as both the PVV and FvD parties are boycotted by the others.

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Impeachment Meets Sennacherib

We are currently in the midst of the most insane political season that I can remember. It’s not just the USA, but the impeachment circus is the Greatest Show on Earth at this point, so that’s what JLH has spotlighted in his latest pastiche.

Impeachment Meets Sennacherib

by JLH, with apologies to the shade of Lord Byron

The Democrats came down like lemmings in heat,
And the might of their anger would brook no retreat;
And the glare of their fury was like fire in the brush,
And the heat of their hate turned their minds into mush.

Like ants in an anthill when summer is warm,
Like termites mindlessly forming a swarm;
Like hyenas circling what they think is half dead.
They carelessly created their own end instead.

For the Spirit of Truth and the obvious facts
Blew through the lies and inventions so fast,
That the troika of traitors who’d chosen this task
Stood forth in the klieg lights, unaware and unmasked.

The Fatman, the Pipe Cleaner, Cruella Deville,
Who wished no one good and everyone ill,
Intoned and squeaked and flew ‘round on a broom,
Mindlessly causing their own allies’ doom.

And the iceberg of treason to sink the ship of state
Passed through Hurricane Donald to a well-deserved fate.
Its melting portends a political tsunami
To wash away the corrupt, the banal and the commie.

Burnin’ Bernie in Iowa

In the following interview the retired CIA station chief Brad Johnson discusses Monday’s Democrat caucuses in Iowa, in which chaos reigned. As of this writing, the complete final results are still unreleased.

Note: Mr. Johnson misspeaks at 13:45 when he refers to McGovern as Ronald Reagan’s opponent during the president’s re-election campaign in 1984. George McGovern ran against Richard Nixon in 1972 (and lost by a landslide). Walter Mondale ran against Ronald Reagan in 1984 (and lost by a landslide).

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading this video:

Socialism Really is a Cult

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan takes a look at the bizarre wave of socialist madness that is currently raging on both sides of the Atlantic.

Socialism really is a cult

by H. Numan

A bit of a bold statement, I know. Let me explain. There is nothing wrong with being social. After all, we humans are social animals. However, socialism as a political ideology is wrong. Very wrong. Socialism doesn’t work. It lets others do the work. Socialism has failed wherever it was implemented. It sometimes took a while, but it always failed. The few states left over that really are socialist are failing or going to fail. No question about it. With one exception: China. But China is first Chinese, then Chinese, then a long time nothing and finally they are socialist. Sort of socialist, that is.

Now, China has always been an absolute monarchy. Not surprisingly Mao ruled as one too, and so does the present emperor — who is titled president for life now. Not emperor, but effectively the same thing. Just a different name. He isn’t socialist, he’s Chinese. Red was always the preferred color for the Chinese. Red being the color of socialism is just an extra. All Chinese companies are effectively, if not outright, state-run organizations.

China has two major problems that it cannot solve: first of all, their failed one child policy. By the time China becomes a real superpower their army will be made up of old fogies with crutches and drips. Don’t underestimate that problem. China already has huge problems finding sufficiently capable soldiers at this very moment. Imagine what it will be like in twenty years, when they really will have an enormous manpower problem.

The second problem is corruption. Corruption is ingrained in Chinese society, regardless of ideology. Socialism only makes it worse, much worse. The current Chinese leadership is more worried about the reliability of their army, specifically the top brass, than anything else right now. If worst comes to worst, we can always buy a couple of Chinese army commanders. The leadership knows it, and dreads it.

On the bright side: China is not interested in conquering the world. Just the business part of it. On the not-so-bright side: they’re damned good at it. China is a problem for the future. Right now we have bigger worries. The first is socialism, and the second one is mohammedanism. More about mohammedanism in another article.

So let’s get back on topic. Socialism is a cult. You see it in America, where the Democrat party is anything but democratic right now. And in England, where the Labour party should rename itself the Stalinist party. Likewise, in all western countries social democratic parties have been taken over by diehard old-fashioned communists. And … the left is again losing. Again, because they have learned nothing from the past. Like Louis XVIII of France, the king who replaced Napoleon: they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

Jeremy Corbyn even had the gumption to say: “We have won the debate, but failed to achieve a majority.” His followers blame everyone — except themselves. They blame the ‘extreme right-wing media’ for their loss. And of course the silly, stupid and antediluvian electorate. Anyone and anything, except themselves. Now, the media in Europe are about as left-wing as Pravda was during the heydays of communism. It was Corbyn (and his minions) who vilified themselves. Not the media.

For Corbyn really is a vile person. He is a warm supporter of every socialist dictator alive. Kim Jong-Un, Maduro and Castro among others are his friends. Corbyn is a virulent antisemite, though he calls himself anti-Zionist. It’s exactly the same, but being antisemitic is nowadays punishable by law. Hamas and Hezbollah are his friends; they fight against the capitalist Zionist conquerors of their country. The media did all they could to soften Corbyn’s words so it wouldn’t hurt him too much. Labour adherents who say the BBC is a right-wing broadcaster are delusional.

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It’s Poppy Time

It’s Poppy Time

by MC

“Religion is the opiate of the people,” said a man who was busy creating his own political religion.

Opioids are very dangerous and powerful drugs. They sit in the bodies’ pain receptors and calm them, but at the same time they distort those receptors so that that the bodies’ own natural painkillers no longer work. This is why ‘cold turkey’ is very painful.

Karl Marx was building a religion, a religion aimed at bringing down Judeo-Christianity and free market capitalism and replacing it with a revised form of secular feudalism and an associated cartelism.

He identified an enemy: the ‘class’ enemy, consisting of any nebulous personage who disagreed with his doctrine or offered a threat to it.

He also discarded conventional morality, a morality based upon the journey, not the destination. His doctrine held that the desirability of the destination justifies any immoral action required to get there.

In this, he, Marx, whether knowingly or unknowingly, was following the same path as his predecessor, Mohammed, over a thousand years earlier.

We do not have much actual history about Mohammed, but we can see the results of his religion. It, too, was primarily a political religion, and it, too, expanded massively and violently and without mercy. Convert, be enslaved or die.

And the ‘cold turkey’ of political religion is also very painful.

We are looking here at the highly intoxicating effects of the same, but deeper problem of humanity — the innate desire to be part of something, to enslave and maybe to be enslaved by a ‘good’ cause; to be part of something exciting.

Historians tend not to use the word ‘slave’. It is too emotive, so they use euphemisms: vassals, serfs, workers, peons, the proletariat, indentured servants, and the like. We reserve the word ‘slave’ for use when we want to emphasize a negative cause.

But slavery is the normal state of mankind, and what was so exceptional about the Bible was that it described the way Yahovah took His people out of slavery. That was the real revolution. It was that revolution that inspired Protestant Christianity in the West, along with the translation/printing of the bible in the common languages — the real revolutionaries being the likes of Luther, Tyndale, Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley, whose ideas led King James to authorise a public version of the Bible in English.

So the great British anti-slavery movement had its roots in the Exodus of the King James Bible, and likewise in the USA.

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The Democratic Communists of America

They don’t call themselves communists, but they might as well — the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) revere past American communists, adhere to communist doctrine, and use the venerable jargon of communism.

The video below features excerpts from a talk given by DSA head Maria Svart at a global meeting of Marxists held in April of this year at the EU Parliament building in Brussels. Ms. Svart is quite candid about her organization’s plan for infiltrating, co-opting, and assuming control of American political institutions. And she’s proud of how much success they’ve had in recent years, helping numerous candidates get elected to local, state, and federal government positions. Mind you, they ran for office as candidates for the Democrat Party, the same way Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did (and do).

One of the DSA’s proudest moments was its success in deterring Amazon from establishing its headquarters in New York City.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing this video, and to the RAIR Foundation USA for uploading it:

Muslim Brothers Shut Out Critics

The following essay by Andrew Harrod was previously published at Sharia TipSheet.

Muslim Brothers Shut Out Critics

by Andrew Harrod
July 25, 2019

The email announcing the Eventbrite refund of my ticket for Washington, DC’s July 23-24 Muslim Collective for Equitable Democracy conference clearly indicated to me a depressingly familiar tactic of controlled public relations. Once again defenders of Islam like the Hamas-derived Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) had excluded the inquisitive eyes and ears of a known critic like me from participation in a purportedly public event.

Numerous past and present CAIR officials filled the conference schedule, such as CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad, Abbas Barzegar, Zahra Billoo, Robert McCaw, and Corey Saylor while CAIR had promoted the conference online. CAIR’s radical political allies such as the past and present Congress members Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib also appeared in the conference lineup. New York City Muslim-American political activist Debbie Almontaser and the nationally-known Gold Star father Khizr Khan also continued their long history of event appearances with CAIR.

Such CAIR involvement gave this author a foreboding feeling when he purchased a conference ticket. CAIR’s longstanding practice of strictly scrutinizing event attendees does not allow entry for anyone who would question CAIR’s pro-jihad/sharia affiliations. CAIR has accordingly refused this author admittance to CAIR’s gala dinner, as well as CAIR Capitol Hill and National Press Club briefings.

CAIR’s aversion to prying eyes reflects a broader pattern among its likeminded Islamist allies. Georgetown University Professor Jonathan Brown once ejected this author from a lecture, before outrageously proclaiming that Islamic doctrine precluded condemnation of slavery and sex slavery. Brown later similarly revoked this author’s invitation to a conference co-hosted by Georgetown’s Saudi-established Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), which Brown directs.

Representative Omar’s own personal behavior at the conference continued this see, hear, and speak no evil maxim. As with a past refused request to condemn Al Qaeda publicly, she responded testily to a request to denounce Muslim practices of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) made by a fellow panelist, Muslims for Progressive Values President Ani Zonneveld. Omar claimed that such questions directed at Muslims were offensive and rejected commenting upon FGM, a horror that 98 percent of females suffer in Omar’s ancestral Somalia, the highest rate globally.

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Analysis of the 2020 Presidential Race

Reader From Chicago is a long-time tipster and commenter here at Gates of Vienna. His analysis below looks ahead to next year’s presidential election, the primary season of which is already well underway, at least on the Democrat side.

Analysis of the 2020 Presidential Race

by Reader From Chicago

A U.S. presidential election is scheduled for 2020. The purpose of this essay is to determine in an analytical way who is likely to win.

I first came across the historian Allan Lichtman’s model for predicting the winner of the US Presidential election during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Allan Lichtman presented his model in books such as The Keys To The White House. He went on record predicting a Trump victory a few weeks before the 2016 election. I found that prediction interesting, for it went against polling and conventional wisdom that indicated Hillary Clinton would win.

Allan Lichtman has called every presidential race since 1984. For nine elections, he was correct all nine times. The way I see it: a person who only made one or two correct predictions might be lucky. Nine correct predictions in a row is like a fair coin landing heads on 9 flips in a row, the odds of which is 1 in 512.

Lichtman’s “Keys to the White House” looks at thirteen criteria, and if the incumbent party candidate fails at least six of them, the incumbent candidate loses.

Two of the criteria I think are too subjective. Also, it cannot be determined at this time whether some criteria have been fulfilled or not. We should get definite answers a few weeks before the election. However, it may be interesting to see where we stand.

1.   After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections. The Republicans lost seats — and lost majority status — in the US House. Verdict: a strike against the incumbent.
2.   There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination. At the present time, there is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination. Someone like Jeff Flake might run, but it would be a flaky campaign. Verdict: Undetermined, but criterion likely will be fulfilled.
3.   The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president. Verdict: Criterion fulfilled.
4.   There is no significant third party or independent campaign. At the present time, I see no significant third party or independent campaign, but that might change. Verdict: Undetermined, but criterion likely will be fulfilled.
5.   The economy is not in recession during the election campaign. In financial news, it has been reported that the yield curve has inverted. A yield curve is a curve showing several yields or interest rates across different contract lengths (2 month, 2 year, 20 year, etc. …) for a similar debt contract. An inverted yield curve occurs when long-term yields fall below short-term yields. An inverted yield curve has been taken as an indicator that a recession will arrive. An inverted yield curve has occurred before recessions. However, it has been pointed out that there have been “false positives”. Verdict: Undetermined, but criterion likely will be fulfilled.

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