Corpses? Slaves? Or Compliant Drones?

I originally intended the essay below to be part of last Friday’s post about compliant drones. However, the entire piece would have been longer than I wanted, so I broke it up into two parts. And it’s a good thing I did, because the comments on the first part not only touched on issues that need further discussion, but also reminded me of others that I might otherwise have neglected to address.

The existence of the Deep State in the USA has never been more obvious than it is now. The election of Donald Trump in 2016 — not to mention the unremitting and unconcealed campaign against him ever since — has brought a welcome clarity to the ruthless machinations of the permanent government. People who had never been conspiracy theorists before have become conspiracy theorists now, because the existence of a conspiracy has never been so clear and so obvious. The creature that had previously been lurking in the shadows has come forth to snarl at us in the full light of day.

The same may be said of the globalist conspiracy. Two recent events have made the machinations of the NWO starkly visible, as if a nighttime landscape were suddenly illuminated by two successive flashes of lightning. The first was the coronavirus “pandemic”. As soon as the global governance crowd — represented by the World Health Organization — decided that the Wuhan virus was indeed the great crisis they had been waiting for, nations all over the world fell into line at the same time, implementing the same mitigation policies and drastically curtailing the civil liberties of their citizens in the same manner. The response was uncannily uniform and immediate — even Hungary climbed on board.

How could all that happen without some sort of coordination?

The second obvious sign was the appearance of simultaneous Black Lives Matter protests and riots all across the globe after the death of George Floyd. Sudden uprisings in American cities could perhaps occur without coordination, given the pervasive BLM propaganda that had already enfevered the minds of leftists and persons of color. But Sweden? Ireland? Scotland? Finland? When rioters started smashing and looting and pulling down statues in England, their modus operandi was identical to that of mobs in Minnesota, Seattle, Portland, and other American cities.

Somebody was clearly handing out instruction manuals all over the world, or at least the entire Western world. I have no doubt that the name “Soros” figured prominently in those events, but he couldn’t have been the only one.

I don’t have any definitive information about such conspiracies, but they have made their existence known the same way Planet X did, by causing visible perturbations in the orbits of other bodies. When you see that many national governments do (or allow) the same sorts of things in exactly the same manner, you know that something is out there exerting a strong gravitational tug on them.

So we’ll take it as a given that globalist conspiracies exist. What, then, are the goals of the conspirators?

Not all of the conspiring is concealed. Take the “Great Reset”, for instance. That’s not a fever dream under the tinfoil hat of a conspiracy freak, but the official policy of the World Economic Forum. We’ll own nothing, and we’ll be happy. We’ll be chipped, and we’ll never use cash again. Those goals are being openly discussed — which moves them out of conspiracy territory. Instead we might call them “proposed policy positions for global governance.”

It would be imprudent, however, to assume that there are no additional conspiracies out there. After all, if any of the grand plans to construct the Ultimate Global Utopia involve mass suffering or death, it would not be prudent to discuss them openly. Adolf Hitler understood that it would be unwise to publicly reveal the Final Solution until it was a fait accompli. One assumes that the Powers That Be are no less canny in their preparations than Der Führer.

So what might the covert goals be that are being advanced behind the gilded doors of the New World Order?

Obviously, there is no way for ordinary peons like me to be able to state with any certainty what the conspirators intend. All I can do is use my observational skills and employ Occam’s Razor in order to make educated guesses.

When conspiracy-minded people discus the plans of the globalists, two possible goals are usually adduced, and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive:

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Sacrificing Liberty for Fear

Once again our Israeli correspondent MC does battle with the Narrative of the Great Pandemic of 2020.

Sacrificing Liberty for Fear

by MC

Bolshevik Communism was supposed to take over the world. The Third Reich was also to be a worldwide movement. So what is ‘Globalism’ but a reincarnation of both at the expense of our liberty?

Men rise to power, and then the ‘power’ takes over. They see themselves as gods, having a vision of world betterment, creating ‘new men’ to follow their doctrines and their beliefs, or to die in their dissidence.

There has been much talk of the mRNA vaccines being a mass elimination event. Although they are probably not, it has demonstrated how easy it is now to use fear to get people to voluntarily submit to be injected with strange experimental substances, to willingly sacrifice their hard won freedom of choice for an insubstantial but highly propagandized fear.

First a word on Spanish Flu. SF is the benchmark for ‘pandemics’, but like the plagues and black deaths before it, we know very little about it except that the described symptoms match those of Reye’s Syndrome (not influenza).

The existence of the first viruses was confirmed in the 1930s with the advent of the electron microscope, but there has been a tendency to equate all undefined illness with ‘viruses’ ever since. One can read about this in the Japanese ‘enteroviroform’ (SMON) issue of the 1960’s. Here is a 1974 paper where scientists are still looking for a ‘virus’ causing SMON.

It is assumed that the Spanish Flu came back with the soldiers from the WW1 trenches, but there is an alternative explanation as well (note: aspirin is acetyl salicylic acid):

The high case-fatality rate — especially among young adults — during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic is incompletely understood. Although late deaths showed bacterial pneumonia, early deaths exhibited extremely “wet,” sometimes hemorrhagic lungs. The hypothesis presented herein is that aspirin contributed to the incidence and severity of viral pathology, bacterial infection, and death, because physicians of the day were unaware that the regimens (8.0-31.2 g per day) produce levels associated with hyperventilation and pulmonary edema in 33% and 3% of recipients, respectively. Recently, pulmonary edema was found at autopsy in 46% of 26 salicylate-intoxicated adults. Experimentally, salicylates increase lung fluid and protein levels and impair mucociliary clearance. In 1918, the US Surgeon General, the US Navy, and the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended use of aspirin just before the October death spike. If these recommendations were followed, and if pulmonary edema occurred in 3% of persons, a significant proportion of the deaths may be attributable to aspirin.

Given that our obsession with viral pandemics is centred upon the assumption that Spanish Flu and its extraordinary death rate amongst young people was actually a viral pandemic rather than an iatrogenic accident, it is incumbent upon us to understand what is known of the event, and understand as well the many unanswered questions that still exist a hundred or so years later. I suggest reading the whole article as it throws some light on modern pandemic planning, and the assumed narrative of the ‘killer virus’ that is behind the great 2020 plandemic.

Covid-19 may well be new, and may well be the result of careless handling of bio-warfare pathogens, but its effects were minimal except amongst those compromised by age and chronic disease. It was no worse than the ‘Asian flu’ of 1957 that I can just about remember (extra school holidays).

What is new about Corona was the fanning of the flames of fear by highly paid and connected public servants and the ultra-rich, probably for their own benefit but basted with a liberal virtue-signal of supposed philanthropy. Is Fauci a hero or a cheat?

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Alexandra Henrion-Caude: “We’re No Longer Acting According to Our Hippocratic Oaths”

Alexandra Henrion-Caude is a French geneticist who was born in the UK. She is a former researcher at the French government’s Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) and a widely respected expert on RNA.

Below is a three-part interview with Dr. Henrion-Caude that was recorded last October. In it she discusses the widespread disinformation that surrounds COVID-19, the mendacity of the media, and the likelihood that the virus was artificially modified for “gain of function”.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

Update: Due to technical problems at 3Speak, the three videos of Alexandra Henrion-Caude were lost. Vlad has re-uploaded the three parts combined into a single video:

Video transcript #1:

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BBC Misinformation: Mohammed Film “Innocence of Muslims”

The following essay by Michael Copeland was originally published in shorter form by LibertyGB in 2012.

The film trailer, “Innocence of Muslims”, depicts episodes in the life of Mohammed. Blackened without cause, it was wrongfully blamed by Hillary Clinton for the unrelated jihad attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi that killed four Americans. The Obama administration, disgracing the First Amendment, publicly apologised for it in Pakistan. The film, albeit low-budget, is important for being a pioneer work.

BBC Misinformation: Mohammed Film “Innocence of Muslims”

By Michael Copeland

“Q&A: Anti-Islam film”

On their news website the BBC have an article headed “Q&A: Anti-Islam film”. This heading neatly furnishes the desired viewpoint for the readers, to colour their understanding, and probably remain in their memories. Typical of the BBC’s articles on Islam, the author is unidentified. Consequently there is no disclaimer limiting to the author the opinions expressed: they are presented as the BBC’s own.

The writer, obviously not one of the BBC’s usual named film critics, carefully provides a slant by announcing the film as “anti-Islam”. In the text it is further criticised as “satirising” and “mocking” Mohammed: the writer calls his depicted actions “insulting”. The film, Innocence of Muslims, is a very low budget trailer. It is a brief biographical documentary, portraying incidents from the life of Mohammed, as recorded in Islam’s source texts. The BBC, who produce both satires and documentaries, have the facilities to verify the accuracy of these pejorative critiques. Their editors failed. The film does not satirise, insult, or mock Mohammed’s actions: it is not anti-Islam.

The article says:

“The footage appears to depict Islam as a religion of violence and hate.”

Are the BBC being threatened? Can they not decide whether the film depicts Islam as a religion of violence and hate, or only “appears to” do so? The writer does not say the film “appears to” be anti-Islam, or “appears to” be satirising and mocking. Why the uncertainty? Of course, this is a false critique. The BBC’s unnamed writer is blowing smoke. This bluff is there to convey, falsely, an impression of injured surprise, so as to put people off from checking for themselves. It is there to affirm and shore up the carefully planted propaganda deception, “Islam is peace”, with which George W. Bush was duped, and, after him, Hillary Clinton and a line of British politicians. This lie and its companion, “perversion of Islam”, have run and run. The writer does not want them to be disturbed.

“Let’s be clear,” said Hillary Clinton, “Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” Hear Tony Blair: “…there is not a problem with Islam… there is no doubt about its true and peaceful nature… The doctrine and teachings of Islam are those of peace and harmony… It is a whole teaching dedicated to building peace in the world…” (quoted by Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe). Of the terrorists’ motivation Blair says: “It’s an ideology based in a complete perversion of the proper faith of Islam… …perversion of Islam is the source of a lot of the problems in the Middle East”.

David Cameron repeated the same narrative, in his best emphatic air of authority: “They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people… They boast of their brutality. They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims. They are monsters.”

So, too, Theresa May, adopting her authoritative and confident tone, “It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam… Islam is entirely compatible with British values and our national way of life.”

These are all falsehoods. They are what smooth-talking Islamic deceivers, like serial liar Tariq Ramadan, advisor to both Blair and Cameron, have been feeding to politicians under Islam’s doctrine of “Permissible Lying” (Manual of Islamic Law, Reliance of the Traveller, r8). Islam is all sweetness, you see: it could not possibly be a religion of violence and hate. This also complies with the tyrannical political correctness that prevents true descriptions from being expressed.

Islam authorises deception of kafirs. This has an Arabic name, taqiyya. “Using deception to mask intended goals” is instructed in the Muslim Brotherhood’s secret “Explanatory Memorandum” captured in a police raid. The deceived politicians’ rosy picture is completely at variance with Islam’s track record, its source texts, and its leaders’ announcements, all accessible on the internet. The BBC themselves were told directly by Anjem Choudary: “Islam does not mean ‘Peace’: it means ‘Submission’.” Apparently BBC editors know better.

The film Innocence of Muslims is accurate.

“Violence is the heart of Islam”, says Ayatollah Yazdi of Iran, advisor to Iran’s Ahmadinejad. “Battle,” — which is violent — “animosity, and hatred …are the basis of our religion”, explained Osama bin Laden in his open letter after 9/11. “Islam is a religion of blood for the infidels. Prophet had sword to kill people,” proclaimed Ayatollah Khomeini; “a religion of war and conflict”, said Caliph al Baghdadi; “a permanent war institution”, instructs Al Azhar in Cairo. “Islam is a religion of power, fighting, jihad, beheading and bloodshed”, says Imam Hussein Bin Mahmoud, a prominent writer. “Muslims… must have… enmity and hatred” of kafirs, instructs “As a Muslim”, explained Anjem Choudary to the BBC’s own Newsnight, “I must have hatred for everything that is non-Islam”. Don’t the BBC’s editors listen?

The Koran, which anyone can consult online, is the authority. The “excellent pattern” praised in Koran 60:4 is: “between us and you enmity and hatred forever…”. Koran 9.5, a late verse which overrides — “abrogates” — all peaceful verses elsewhere, because they are earlier, says: “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them…”. Christians count as idolaters because Islam teaches, erroneously, that they worship the cross. There are many, many more verses which repeat these themes. The verses are — all of them — part of Islamic law, with the death penalty for denying even one (Manual of Islamic Law, Reliance of the Traveller, o8.7(7)). Can the BBC’s editors not read them? Do they patronisingly assume that their viewers cannot read them?

The article goes on to say:

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Fjordman Interview, Part 5: “They Had to Invent a Version of Me as the Culprit”

This is the fifth excerpt from a January 11 interview with Fjordman. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Below is the fifth installment of the interview, recorded on January 7 and published on January 11. It was translated for subtitles by Fjordman himself.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

For more on Breivik’s letters from prison see “Breivik’s ‘Double-Psychology’””.

Video transcript:

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Wokist Waycism — May We Rest in Piece (sic)

In the essay below our Israeli correspondent MC tackles some of the thorny issues concerning the COVID-19 vaccine.

A few days ago, in an unrelated context, I wrote the following about the Corona hysteria:

We know only a few facts about the “pandemic”. We know that the Powers That Be are going to extraordinary lengths to convince us that their narrative is true, and that it is the only possible narrative, and everything else is a “conspiracy theory”. We also know that dissenting opinions and alternative information are being suppressed by any and all means necessary.

This creates a vacuum of real, reliable information. It’s an environment in which conspiracy theories flourish. Yet, the two main facts I cited above demonstrate that there really is a conspiracy of some sort, although it’s next to impossible to determine its exact composition and goals.

So we are of necessity conspiracy theorists. As long as the information vacuum persists, there is no other way for the intellect to engage what little information is available to it.

Wokist Waycism — May we rest in piece (sic)

by MC

A few years ago I wrote a piece about who benefits from the Holocaust. Despite the adverse comments, I still see the intervening history as supporting the idea that wokist waycism is rooted in a distortion of Holocaust issues, and that because of this, we Jews need to ‘man up’ and step down from the Holocaust pedestal, which has given birth to something far more sinister and which we should endeavour to fight.

We are all racists. The fear of the stranger is built-in, and the flames of that fear can be massaged to the extent that we abuse people for not wearing a mask. Waycism is about the left’s obsession with skin colour; true racism is much more about fear of the unusual.

Early Nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as dirty, and a health risk to the average upright (Aryan) German citizen, and it may have been true in some cases (curious, however, because Judaism demands bathing and washing rituals on an almost daily basis).

This last year should tell us how easily all this can be achieved, and now we are beginning to see those who do not want to take the vaccine being excluded from society in exactly the same way as Jews were from Nazi society. No vaccine certificate, no job. Instead of a tattooed number on the arm, a digital certificate on the smart phone.

But it is not a vaccine. It is a ‘gene therapy’, a genetic modification of the body to produce anti-spike proteins and the associated antibodies. It is untested; it is thus experimental and is being long-term tested here in Israel. This gene therapy does not stop the Covid, it just treats the symptoms. It was initially tested on healthy (not at risk from Covid death) people. The long-term impact of the therapy is unknown. Will the production of proteins and antibodies just switch off in a few months, a few years, never? We don’t know.

But in many ways, all this fades into insignificance compared to the impact of the worldwide propaganda and the gagging of truth and adverse opinion, and the Nazi-style branding of the ‘unvaccinated’ as dirty and disease-ridden.

We can recognize this phenomena in history. Stalin used the kulak as his excuse to exterminate millions in the Holodomor, and Hitler used Jews and Slavs (untermenschen) as focal points of fear, inciting hatred and street violence.

We all know where this leads.

The Satan of the Bible is a manipulator, the most subtle of the beasts. His aim is to replace Yah, and to do this he must substitute himself for Yah in the minds of men.

Genesis 3 tells us that at issue is exactly who defines “good and evil”. Is evil telling lies, or is it telling truth that is considered to be ‘hate speech’ (usually defined by the liars).

Philosophically speaking, ‘godship’ is the ability to define right and wrong on behalf of the client people group, and this is the object of the latest power grab: The World Economic Forum want a ‘reset’. They want to reset our perception of good and evil to accord with their view of how their utopia should be.

A hundred and sixty years ago, many God-fearing gentlemen did not consider slavery to be evil. They would see “hewers of wood and carriers of water” in the context of “cursed art thou Canaan”, and looked no further. A few did, and discovered that Yahovah was a God who brought people out of chattel slavery. (Genesis 9 v 25)

Good, evil, and money (and power) are inextricably bound together. We are told that the [the love of] money is the root of all evil. And for those gentlemen of slavery, the whole of their well-being and ‘superiority’ were based on chattel slavery and the economics of that slavery.

But there is a new slavery: Big Pharma slavery.

We have been taught that Big Pharma can come up with cures for many, many diseases and problems (except the ones I seem to have). But the history tells us that the pharmaceutical industry has so shaped the market that medicine has become a vicious circle of drugs, and then more drugs to treat the side effects of the first drugs.

Those of you who take statins (currently top of the drug hit-parade) should read this. And to the Big Pharma shills that will descend on us defending their master’s voracious habits at $3.50 a comment — this is not my study, or GoV’s; it is a National Institutes of Health document.

But worse is to come. There has been talk of vaccine coercion for several years, and there was a time when smallpox vaccine was mandatory, even in my lifetime.

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Fjordman Interview, Part 4: “There Really Was a Witch Hunt”

This is the fourth excerpt from a January 11 interview with Fjordman. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Below is the fourth installment of the interview, recorded on January 7 and published on January 11. It was translated for subtitles by Fjordman himself. The interviewer is Hans Rustad, the editor of The interview was taped on January 7 and published online on January 11.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

For more on Simen Sætre, see “The Media Myths”, “Breivik, the Useful Nutcase”, and “Icebergophobia on the Titanic”.

Video transcript:

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The Mad Dog Election

As you all know by now, Time magazine recently published an article entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”, which basically owns up to all the things that “conspiracy theorists” said the Left did to swing the presidential election to Joe Biden. Yes, it stops short of acknowledging all those hastily manufactured mail-in ballots that were trucked in at the last moment and run through counting machines multiple times. But it describes everything else we deplorables have been saying about what happened — the media manipulation, the alliance between the hard Left and major corporations, etc.

What stood out for me when I read the article was this paragraph:

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream—a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures. [emphasis added]

Perhaps because I’m an old hippie, the word “fortified” immediately made me think of fortified wine. Which is wine (or at least a base imitation of wine) that has been supercharged by the infusion of distilled spirits, usually brandy. The cheapest varieties of such “wines” are augmented by artificial flavoring and garish colors. Examples include Thunderbird (the old version of it, bottled by Gallo if I’m not mistaken) and MD 20/20 (bottled by Mogen David), more popularly known as “Mad Dog”.

What better metaphor could be found for the November 3 election? The Left started out with a weak, ineffective product, fortified it with a massive infusion of specially distilled votes, added artificial ideological flavors and colors, and the Biden/Harris administration is the intoxicating result!

It was strong enough to vote ordinary Americans under the table. And now the entire country needs to go into detox.

Doubling Down on Deplorable

When political topics come up in conversation with my liberal friends, I tend to say: “Let’s not talk about politics. I’m a right-wing extremist; everyone knows that. So any discussion would be fruitless, and probably unpleasant.” My political opinions haven’t changed much in the last eight or ten years, but I’m much more of a right-wing extremist than I used to be, because the “center” has moved so far to the left.

Years and years ago I used to keep up with the latest news by checking Google News every day. Yes, it was obviously biased, but it still listed relevant news items. It might not feature or headline the ones I wanted to see, but they could be found. However, it gradually became more and more restrictive and censorious, so I gave up using it, and relied on the Drudge Report to headline the news stories that were most likely to interest me. Then a couple of years ago Drudge sold out, and his former site became just as useless as Google News. I had to cast about in other places to find relevant material. Doug Ross is an excellent aggregator, and provides useful tips. And Conservative Tree House is invaluable.

My most frequent stopping places are Power Line and Western Rifle Shooters Association, for very different reasons.

I’ve been reading Power Line since the “fake but accurate” Killian Memo days in the campaign season of 2004. Back then its contributors were Scott Johnson, John Hinderaker, and Paul Mirengoff. Since then they’ve added Steven Hayward. They’re generally more deplorable than National Review, but still well within the conservative mainstream. They live in the world of foundations, think tanks, and reputable right-wing journals. Which is fine with me; I’ve hung out with plenty of think-tank people since I started doing Gates of Vienna full time. I don’t fit in very well with that crowd — I’m more radical, and disinclined to zip my lip just to protect my income streams — but I like them well enough.

So I read Power Line to keep abreast of the right-wing mainstream. At least three of the contributors are lawyers, and often focus on legal issues, which is very useful. Two of them are from Minnesota, and feature the Woke absurdities of progressive Twin Cities political issues, which are as bad as those of Ann Arbor, Berkeley, or Portland.

But they don’t stray beyond the pale of the mainstream. That fact became glaringly obvious in the wake of last month’s election. All the massive, egregious shenanigans that came up in the weeks after the vote made it abundantly clear that the election was a complete fraud. There’s plenty of documentation available for those who care to look for it, but the Power Line guys are reluctant to discuss it, and tend to insist that the malefactions of the Democrats were insufficient to change the result. Joe Biden was the people’s choice, maybe not as much as the official tally would indicate, but still the winner.

I can understand their reluctance look the facts squarely in the face. Even if they dissent from liberal orthodoxy, they are still denizens of that environment where people have jobs talking politics and going on TV and writing books and papers and attending conferences. To admit that the election was a sham would be to acknowledge that their world is constructed of the flimsiest gossamer and can be rent asunder with the twitch of a pinky.

No, it’s better to pretend that conservatives can somehow manage to prevent the worst forms of electoral fraud in the future. They’re already gaming out strategies for the midterms in 2022, and thinking about Republican prospects in the 2024 presidential contest. As if future elections had any real meaning. As if Republicans differed in any fundamental ways from Democrats.

And maybe they’re right. Maybe the deplorables who descend on Washington D.C. next week will have no lasting effect. Maybe the new socialist regime will only be temporary, and Republicans will get another chance to pretend to be conservative in Congress and the White House. Maybe the earnest foreign policy wonks of the Right will get their hands on the levers of the military-industrial complex and initiate new military interventions to bring democracy to Berserkistan or engage in nation-building in Gondwanaland.

Maybe… Maybe…

But my intuition tells me that the country has been irretrievably changed, and not for the better. The gossamer fabric of the old political system will most likely be twitched aside soon by the Fickle Pinky of Fate.

For that reason, I tend to hang out more and more at WRSA these days. They’re so far beyond the pale that they don’t even register on the National Deplorometer.

Concerned American — whose avatar is Zippy the Pinhead — posts numerous links to a variety of sites that disagree on many issues, major and minor. What they all have in common is an absolute dedication to the Second Amendment, without all the restrictions and revisions that have hobbled it for the last fifty years or so. And they also agree that serious trouble — variously known as the Boogaloo, Spicy Time, and the Big Ugly — lies just around the corner for what was once known as the American Republic.

This time it will be a real civil war. The Recent Unpleasantness of 1861-1865 is usually described that way, but it was actually a sectional conflict. The two sides held well-defined territory, and clashed in the traditional manner of opposing armies. Yes, the war divided families. And yes, the situation in the Border States was not clear-cut. Still, the war was a sectional one.

The Big Ugly will be different. It will pit rural and small-town people against the major metropolitan areas, and urban neighborhoods against each other. We have no parallels in North American history for the type of conflict that is likely to break out here. We will have to look to the Balkans or Rwanda to get a feeling for what we can expect.

Or maybe not. Maybe the Power Line boys are right, and all this will blow over. Maybe people will put on their masks, get vaccinated, and plop themselves back in front of the TV, where they belong.

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Earlier today I found an excellent essay linked at WRSA. It’s called “The Next Question” by someone who writes under the pseudonym Publius Valerius at American Partisan.

The author opens by laying out the facts of the stolen election of 2020. I agree that they are indeed facts — the election was stolen, in divers, clearly identifiable ways, as documented and attested by numerous eyewitnesses in affidavits and other forms of legal testimony.

It is also a fact that state and federal courts are largely refusing to receive the evidence of the attested materials, but that doesn’t make the latter any less facts. In the long run, the historical record will feature these demonstrable facts — that is, assuming that the historical record does not end up under the control of Google, Amazon, and/or the Red Chinese.

Below are excerpts from rest of “The Next Question”:

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The American Future: A Simulacrum of Normality

I hate to jump the gun on events, so I prefer not to write about the definitive Death of the Republic until January 20, after Joe Biden has put his hand on The Communist Manifesto, or The Autobiography of Malcolm X, or whatever he plans to use in lieu of the Bible, and been sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts as the 46th President of the United States. That’s when we’ll be able to say that the Republic is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably dead.

In the meantime I’m keeping up with the flow of events in this American Twilight. As is Roger Kimball, who has written a lucid, restrained essay for American Greatness that is worth reading while you’re waiting for the Biden/Harris administration and the Great Reset.

I found the link at Western Rifle Shooters, which also has many other links to much less restrained discussions on the same topic. If you want to get a feeling for what the community of, ahem, friskier and well-armed deplorables — who by now number in the millions, if not tens of millions — are talking about, I recommend following those links at WRSA.

Mr. Kimball opens his essay with these paragraphs:

A Betrayal of American Freedom

At the moment, the world seems to be divided into two camps.

One camp belongs to those who believe that Joe Biden, notwithstanding some possible election “irregularities,” won the 2020 presidential election fair and square. A corollary of this belief is the conviction that Donald Trump, by refusing to concede and go graciously into the good night of political defeat, is behaving badly (one venue even describes his behavior as a “disgrace”).

The second camp, which is where I reside, holds that the 2020 election was inherently fraudulent, that the fraud was perpetrated in ways large and small over many months, and that it appears to have cost Donald Trump the election. I say “appears” because the reality, I believe, is that Donald Trump won by a significant margin but that voter fraud obscures that reality.

The first camp seems to be the larger of the two and its membership is growing quickly as more and more erstwhile supporters of the president fold their tents and make their peace with “President-elect Biden.” Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, was a recent high-profile defector from President Trump’s side.

Or maybe he is only a realist who sees the writing on the wall, not to mention the headlines in the papers and on CNN.

This is being too generous to Mitch McConnell. The majority leader has never been in the Trump camp. He may have pretended to be from time to time, when he found it expedient. But he has always been a member of what Sundance at Conservative Tree House calls the “Uniparty”, which includes all Democrats and most Republicans, especially in the Senate.

The Republicans pretend to be an opposition party, but the snouts of their leadership are as thoroughly dipped in the trough of graft and corruption as are those of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the Democrat Party.

But that’s a minor point. And Mr. Kimball seems to allude to that reality a couple of paragraphs further along:

President Trump has not fared well with his legal battles, but that has not dimmed his determination to fight on, much to the dismay, indeed, the fury, of his critics in both parties (actually, I think it is basically one big party, but that is an issue for another day).

And where do we go from here?

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Something Ugly This Way Comes.

It’s likely, I suppose, that Congress is just too sclerotic for anything really dramatic to happen. It seems pretty clear that the courts — above all the Supreme Court — remain terrified of being called mean names by reporters at the New York Times.

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Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner: “You Are Leading Our Country Into Ruin!”

Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner is a former member of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) as well as a hematologist and oncologist. He currently serves in the Baden-Württemberg regional parliament (Landtag), which is where this video was recorded. In his remarks Dr. Fiechtner calls out the German government for its relentless propagandizing about the Wuhan Coronavirus, not only through exaggeration and overstatement, but also by out-and-out lying.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Feigned Objectivity of Television Reporting

The late German comedian Loriot understood the deep political bias and dishonesty of television more than forty years ago, all the way back in 1979. In the following clip from a talk show broadcast that year, the comedian expressed his opinion on politics and TV.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling. The translator sends this thumbnail bio from Wikipedia:

Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow (12 November 1923-22 August 2011), known as Vicco von Bülow or Loriot, was a German comedian, humorist, cartoonist, film director, actor and writer.

He is best known for his cartoons, the sketches from his 1976 television series Loriot, alongside Evelyn Hamann, and his two movies, Ödipussi (1988) and Pappa Ante Portas (1991).

On the television series Unsere Besten (Our Best), Loriot was ranked the 54th best German ever. In a special comedy episode of Unsere Besten, he was ranked as the most famous German comedian ever.

Video transcript:

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Planned Bankruptcy

Below is a wry take on the US presidential election from a German vantage point by the popular columnist Hans Heckel.

Many thanks to JLH for translating this essay from Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung:

Week in Review

by Hans Heckel
September 12, 2020

Planned Bankruptcy

Why Joe Biden reminds us of Heinrich Lübke, and what Wolfgang Schäuble has up his sleeve.

Let us imagine for a moment that Joe Biden, who wants to be President of the USA, was not a member of the Democratic party, but in the wrong party — that of President Donald Trump. How then would the media handle the challenger? Americans can only wonder what that would be like. Not we Germans though, for we had Heinrich Lübke, whose dementia overshadowed the last years of his presidency and was an inexhaustible source of schadenfreude. Leftist media laughed themselves sick over the poor soul’s real and invented slips.

What does that have to do with Biden? Two quotes with which he delighted the coalition of Asians and Latinos: the anti-racist comment: “Poor children are just as clever and talented as white children.” That was a real “Lübke”, right? Another time, he was defending himself against the charge that he was a total opponent of private ownership of weapons: “I have three guns for hunting, my son has three hunting guns, altogether we have five guns.”

He doesn’t get numbers. His appearances in Internet videos are astounding in many ways. Names, too. He once confused Angela Merkel with Margaret Thatcher, and the states of New Hampshire and Vermont.

So, fortunately, our media protect us from knowing of these bizarre reports — they don’t fit the image of the “great hope” and would only confuse us. After all, what were the Democrats to do? The friendly wink to “Black Lives Matter” and Antifa tells us clearly that the party elite has moved so far to the left that it could shake the majority of voters. So somebody who is redolent of the “Middle” is needed. And old man Biden is the right one. People know him. They will vote for him. Later, the party grandees can slide the old man across the stage like a cardboard backdrop, while completely different persons are pulling the strings and making the policy, whether for Vermont or New Hampshire or the whole country. And if President Biden should later address our Chancellor as “dear Maggie”, Tagesschau will cautiously miss this. After all, what is the cutting room floor for?

It is in Germany’s best interests that Biden be elected. For we hear that Trump’s ambassador in Berlin will be no friend of ours. The opposition is seriously concerned that the appointment of Douglas Macgregor would gravely damage German-American relations. PAZ has already published the quotes that are the source of these concerns.

Among them is Macgregor’s attribution of a “sick mentality” to us, because we are fixated on the twelve years of Nazi rule, and pay almost no attention to the other 1500 years of our history. And yet Germany has “played a decisive role in Central Europe in the defense of Western Civilization”. He also reproaches Berlin over its offer of free state aid for “millions of unwanted Muslim intruders”, instead of raising military spending.

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COVID Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Last week, when I posted my observations about the coronavirus “pandemic”, I put the cart before the horse. Those were the conclusions I had drawn after sifting through cubic hectares of data on COVID-19, but I didn’t include any sources. I’ll list some of those sources here, along with some additional data.

In the video below, Paul Weston discusses the statistics of COVID testing, and why the large numbers of false positives render “case counts” essentially meaningless:

Mr. Weston doesn’t make it clear whether the expected error rate in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests would be expected to go in both directions, or would be false positives only. The second video embedded below will help clarify why the errors are essentially all false positives, but even if there could be both false positives and false negatives, a simple calculation shows how bogus the media’s “case numbers” are.

Suppose the expected error rate is 1%, and that the PCR test is administered to ten million people. That means that out of those ten million people, 100,000 would either show false positives or false negatives. Further suppose that the tests indicate that there are 60,000 coronavirus “cases”. That means that at least 50,000 of those supposed infections are false positives, leaving at most 10,000 cases of the disease. However, the media would report 60,000 as the number or coronavirus infections, as if it were an established fact.

The second video features Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is licensed to practice law in both Germany and California. He explains the fraudulent nature of the panic over the coronavirus, which is deliberately created and maintained by Western governments, globalist interests, and the media. He also outlines a possible recourse for lockdown opponents: a class-action lawsuit against the government for the substantial harm done to ordinary citizens by draconian anti-COVID measures undertaken for fraudulent reasons.

He also helps clarify why all the errors in the PCR test would tend to be false positives. Pay special attention to his detailed explanation of the uselessness of the PCR test as a tool for diagnosing infection with the coronavirus (or any other disease):

The PCR test does not actually detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2, or any other specific antigen. It simply indicates the presence of a certain sequence of RNA, which is contained in COVID-19 as well as other coronaviruses. It may also be present as a leftover fragment of a virus particle, without there being any infection whatsoever.

A random bowl of porridge is probably just as likely to test positive for COVID-19 as a nasal or throat swab from a human being.

There are reams of data out there supporting the above assertions. Facebook and YouTube may well delete any discussion of them, but they are well-sourced and meaningful. A dedicated reader who is willing to stray outside the pale of the MSM and major social media can discover the facts for himself.

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