Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/25/2015

The conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) won 39.1% of the votes in today’s Polish elections. This gives it an absolute majority of seats in parliament, allowing it to govern without forming a coalition. PiS is Euro-skeptic and immigration-critical.

In contrast, a leftist coalition in Portugal won a majority in parliament during the recent election. However, because it is anti-euro, the Portuguese president refused to appoint it to form a government, out of fear that Brussels would be dissatisfied and foreign investors would be spooked.

In other news, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, warns that many “refugees” now coming into Europe will freeze to death in the next few months if measures aren’t taken to protect them, and quickly. Also, a politician in the German city of Bremen warns that Salafist extremists have infiltrated asylum centers in Germany and are recruiting among the inmates.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Sacked for “Xenophobia”

The major German metalworkers’ union IG-Metall (Industriegewerkschaft Metall, the Industrial Union of Metalworkers) has taken upon itself the responsibility of policing its members’ opinions on immigration as expressed on the Internet, and demands that those who do not toe the line be fired.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Donau Kurier:

IG-Metall demands the firing of employees who show hostility to foreigners

IG Metall demands a non-compromising procedure against xenophobic employees. Firms should fire anyone who makes openly racist and xenophobic commentaries on the Internet.

IG Metall demands a non-compromising procedure against xenophobic employees. Firms should fire anyone who makes openly racist and xenophobic commentaries on the Internet, so says the new IG-Metall boss Jörg Hofmann in an interview with Deutschlandfunk. The companies can expect approval of such actions from the Worker’s Union.

“Whoever hates? Fired. Everybody has to understand that. It can’t be just accepted, when racist vulgarities split entire workforces,” he says.

Hofmann also warns not to play domestic Germans and refugees against each other. “The long-time unemployed person here has the same entitlements and chances for assistance as the refugees who come here.” In this non-discriminatory approach also includes that refugees who are less qualified still have a right to a minimum wage of €8.50. Shorting wages because they’re refugees is barred.

Spielfeld: Nickelsdorf on Steroids

A couple of weeks ago we posted about the hellishness of Nickelsdorf, a small Austrian town not far from the Hungarian border. It was crammed with feral “refugees” who had brought their iPhones with them, paid for purchases with €500 notes, and left garbage and excrement in their wake.

Since then Hungary has closed its border with Croatia, and the migration stream has shifted westwards to Slovenia. One of the hardest-hit Austrian towns in the pathway of the relocated immigrant flood is Spielfeld, just across the border from Slovenia in Styria, on the main route from Ljubljana to Graz.

The situation in Spielfeld is worse than in Nickelsdorf. Nash Montana, who translated the video below, sums it up this way:

Businesses have been closed down. The mall has been closed for days. People are out of work, standing guard in front of their houses and businesses with guns. People are being harassed and berated. Houses are being broken into, everything stolen, more and more people buying guns…

I don’t know what the gun laws are in Austria. But it seems this could be quite possibly the place where the first shots will be fired. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

More from Nash Montana:

Spielfeld is turning into Nickelsdorf on steroids.

Spielfeld on the Steiermark looks like a war zone. It’s not just that thousands of invaders push into Austria, no, they believe that they arrived in Germany.

Apparently a lot of the “refugees” think that Austria is Germany, and they wander about aimlessly, repeatedly asking the same questions: “Train station? Speak Arabic? Germany, where?”

They storm into people’s gardens and play areas and mark their territory with the usual… garbage and feces.

One Facebook user writes:

“It is enough! Spielfeld is in a state of emergency! Our mall Wieser has been closed for days. The entire area along the border, all businesses have been closed! Business owners are standing guard on front of their businesses and gave off warning shots and carry pepper spray to defend their stores. Nobody knows when they can get back to work. Everything is dirty. The streets, the autobahn, and the train tracks are full of people. The citizens have begun to buy guns en masse. All of this is reminiscent of a war zone. How is that now WE and OUR existence is in danger???”

Video transcript:

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Vigorous Crackdown on Dissent in Germany

The “refugee” crisis is spinning out of control, and the political establishment in Germany is doing damage control by feverishly suppression all criticism of the country’s immigration policy, and of the migrants themselves.

JLH has translated two op-eds by Hans Heckel on the crackdown that were published in the past week in Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung. The first piece:

Germans into the Tent

by Hans Heckel
October 17, 2015

How a small gallows spreads fear, why we are too primitive for lies, and what Merkel and company are afraid of

Goodness gracious! ARD sounds the alarm that in the PEGIDA movement “now almost revolutionary tones are sounding” — words like “resistance” or “traitor to the people” or “Merkel must go.” Citizens have been “radicalized”, scolds the government broadcaster. We are scared to death — Radicalized! Even more? Is that possible? Already last year, North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of the Interior Ralf Jäger (SPD) was calling the PEGIDA people “Nazis in pinstripes.” Since the time when our society accepted leftist extremists as belonging to the forefathers of our “humanistic heritage,” “Nazi” has been the most absolutely radical term you can aim at someone. Shortly before the latest PEGIDA demonstration, Spiegel called the Dresden walkers the “complete Browns.”[1] So now the “complete Browns” are supposed to have been even further radicalized? To what… the “even more Browns”?

The main source of the most recent uproar is two small gallows someone put together for the Dresden demo — one that had about 2,000 participants. From one dangled a slip of paper with the name of Chancellor Merkel, and from the other the name of Vice Chancellor Gabriel. Was that it? Yes, that was it. Anyone who followed the level of outrage in the media would have assumed the man had thrown a bomb into the chancellery offices.

But maybe this upset is just necessary for strategic reasons. Saarland’s interior minister Klaus Bouillon (CDU) warns that “unregulated, wild masses of asylum seekers are streaming through Germany,” Bavaria’s Seehofer accuses the chancellor of trying to create a “different Germany” and the US presidential candidate Donald Trump calls our chancellor “a madwoman” whose “crazy” immigration policy is driving her country to ruin. “They will have uprisings in Germany,” he said on CBS.

Germans who hear that, and see their city morphing rapidly into a caravanserai…they could have some dangerous — some “radicalized” thoughts. To forestall that, they must be pumped full of proper thinking in good time, before dangerous thoughts can take hold.

Thinking properly means sensing danger only from the “right” and not seeing it, for instance, in the flood tide of millions of immigrants. That is why it is depicted as a sad accident when one asylum seeker murders another. An incident that — it goes without saying — “may by no means lend itself to generalizations.” If, on the other hand, a German demolishes an empty asylum house — still in the planning stage — it is a “disgrace for all of Germany” as Thomas de Maizière has just recently written into our history. That means that misdeeds of this sort are “generalized” to include all of Germany — Shame on you!

So here we all are, with one foot in the Nazi trap. Anyone who dares to think (danger!) is on the line.

Or at the very least will be revealed as stupid. Surveys show that people with little or no education are especially afraid of the flood of asylum seekers. The more educated, it is said, are more relaxed in their appraisal. “Fear researcher” Borwin Bandelow detects the “primitive part of the brain” at work in the stupid portion of the people “who have not completed secondary school.” The “more logically driven people emphasize the economic and demographic advantages of young and work-ready people immigrating to an aging Germany.”

To preserve his own logic, Mr. Bandelow should probably not read what Widand von Petersdos has written in the Frankfurter Allgemeine: If a million 25-year-olds came over the border, that would lower the average age of our population by a measly two years, from 43 to 41 That is as good as no help at all to our pension funds in “aging Germany.”

So we may certainly ask what the many immigrants will do for the pension fund. Minister of Employment Andrea Nahles is expecting one million additional Hartz-V [welfare] recipients because of the asylum seekers. Remember: In Denmark, three-quarters of the asylum seekers who had immigrated in 2000 were still clinging to the support structure of social services ten years later. Will that rescue the pension fund?

And those who find a job are competing for the most part with those “less qualified” indigenes, who are now hardly able to find employment that is enough to live on. Their miserable earnings will shrink even more, the rare positions will be even more hotly contested. So perhaps that is a reason that reservations about the flood of asylum seekers among the “simple people” is especially great.

Oh well, they’re all primitives, as researcher Bandelow knows, and in that he is in full agreement with his peers in the handsome villa neighborhoods and expensive inner-city apartments. The rabble with their dim drives, “with no secondary education” — what do they know! And who cares about the “pack” anyway? The truth is, we Germans definitely profit in general economic terms from the influx of asylum seekers, so say the economic experts.

Did I actually say “profit”? Bad mistake. Now you are definitely suspicious, because “Germany will profit most from the euro” or “…from the bank bailout” or “…from the bailout of Greece” or “…from open borders” is ringing in your ears. Unfortunately, your mistrust is once again justified. Who will “profit” is the asylum industry, including the owners of real estate, who can now rent their hovels at sky-high prices to their community, so that it will be able to accommodate the immigrants. And profits will also be made by all those firms that offer everything from portaloos to containers, tents to beds, without consideration of the price that is being snatched from your hands.

What is not so profitable is the whole shebang that has to be paid for by the taxpayers. What is being sold to us as “additional economic growth as a result of the refugee influx” is nothing but a gigantic redistribution of wealth at the expense of almost everyone and to the benefit of very few. But we are already familiar with that from the “salvation of the euro” which went — is still going — exactly the same way.

For certain people, the “profit” from the flood of asylum seekers could have rather drastic results. In Focus, Christoph Butterwegge fears that soon Germans too will have to live in tents because the paucity of living accommodations in heavily settled areas will really accelerate. So now we ask ourselves why the “Nazi club” is more important than ever. Look at all of this together. Here is the stuff of a full-fledged people’s uprising — deception, robbery and finally the decline into the tent cities. A people faced with such a scenario might possibly decide to inquire about who has made all this happen. They might want to bring those responsible to justice!

Exactly that naturally flashed through the minds of the listeners when they encountered the toy gallows. It can make a person queasy. So now is the time for firm use of the deadly Nazi club — criticism must be smothered in the cradle, beaten to a pulp.

But, what if “you Nazi” bounces off the people because they can see through the maneuver. Oh my, then things will be getting serious. Right then.


1.   For anyone curious about why the Nazis chose to be the Brownshirts, one explanation I have seen is that when the SA was just starting, the price of brown material for shirts was quite low.

The second op-ed:

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Austrians Are Buying Guns

The flood of “refugees” into Austria is continuing without interruption. The Hungarian route has become less active, and traffic is now flowing at a rapid rate through Slovenia instead.

According to the following report from Czech Independent TV, Austrians — especially women — are responding to the presence of all these “New Austrians” by purchasing firearms at a record rate. Many thanks to Xanthippa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Transcript (times shown are from the original video):

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Compare PoorPali™ Terrorists to Breivik? The Nerve!

This post by Carl in Jerusalem went right by me when he put it up in August. I try to look at his website every day…or rather, every “good” day I have, but this must have been posted on one of the other kind. Here is my mirrored version, sans links. Unlike the Baron, I can’t automate embedded links. But I urge you to go over to Israel Matzav to appreciate the wealth of sources he used in this essay:

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Swedes and Norwegians seething over comparison between ‘Palestinian’ terrorists and Anders Breivik

The Israeli ambassador to Sweden, Isaac Bachman, managed to touch off a storm by comparing the release of ‘Palestinian’ terrorists to an imaginary release of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik.

“The horrors that [the Palestinian prisoners] did, to put it in a Scandinavian understanding, it’s like what happened in Norway with Breivik,” he told SR.

“Imagine if Breivik was released as a gesture of some sort,” he added, explaining that Israel was not getting enough credit for agreeing to the release. “Research has shown that these people will return to crime. It’s not easy to get public support for releasing these people.”

But Swedes, who have more than their share of anti-Semites, don’t see the ‘Palestinians’ as mass murderers. They see them as ‘freedom fighters.’

“The comparison does not make sense,” added Bjørn Ihler, who survived the massacre by hiding on the southern tip of the island. “Breivik was a solo terrorist whose actions were based purely on an unreal situation. The situation in the Middle East is very different. There is a real fight for Palestinian freedom going on.”

Middle East expert Per Jönsson with the Swedish Institute for International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska institutets – UI) also slammed Bachman’s Breivik comparison.

“The comparison with Brevik is insane in several ways. Breivik is very special. These people that Israel is now releasing are freedom fighters, murderers, and in some cases terrorists, but they are nevertheless rather normal people,” he told the Aftonbladet newspaper.

Rather normal? Really? Let’s go back to the description of how Ronen Karamani and Lior Tubul HY”D (May God Avenge their blood) were found on that August night in 1990:

They were later found bound and murdered outside of Ramot in the northern end of the city.

The two youths, Ronen Karamani, 18, and Lior Tubul, 17, were last seen Saturday night at the close of the Jewish holy day when friends dropped them off on a main road leading north from Jerusalem.

They had said they intended to hitchhike to the home of Tubul’s girlfriend, who lives in the northern suburb of Givat Zeev and was about to leave on vacation in Eilat.

When the two youths did not arrive, police were notified, and search parties were organized. Helicopters, trained dogs and professional trackers took part in the search.

About 1:30 p.m. Monday, searchers found the bodies about 20 yards apart in a ravine off the road. One bore about 50 stab wounds, witnesses said, and the other’s skull had been bludgeoned.

“The way they were tied down, the way they were stabbed points definitely to a political murder,” Turner was quoted as saying. “There was no reason to think that these two normal, good teen-agers were murdered for any criminal reason.”

Late Monday, police began a massive search for the killers, believed to be Arabs who picked the boys up on the road. Nearby villages were placed under curfew.

And recall this story from the Munich Olympic Massacre, funded by none other than Abu Mazen.

Guri Weinberg, the son of murdered Israeli wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg, on why the International Olympic Committee will never honor the 11 Israelis who were murdered at the Munich games 40 years ago.

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SPD: Prosecute PEGIDA to the Fullest Extent of the Law

The German Social Democrats (SPD) are demanding that supporters of PEGIDA be suppressed by force of law to “protect the Constitution”. Although SPD is not Since SPD is currently part of the government, and given Chancellor Merkel’s rapidly eroding approval ratings, they may be dictating official policy fairly soon. So this is a significant development.

Nash Montana, who translated the article below, includes this note:

I think this is the start of something really really big. This woman — an Iranian-German, by the way — is demanding the pursuit of everyone who follows and supports PEGIDA, to the fullest extent of the law, “to protect the Constitution”.

The translated article from Die Welt:

SPD Planning on Going After PEGIDA for Being Anti-Constitutional

According to the SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, Social Democratic Party of Germany) Secretary General Yasmin Fahimi, supporters and followers of PEGIDA need to be pursued to the “fullest power of the police under the protection of the Constitution”, as there is the threat of “right-wing terror” emerging.

The SPD demands a strict crackdown by the police under the Constitution against the xenophobic PEGIDA movement. Last Saturday SPD General Secretary Yasmin Fahimi said, “gatherings of PEGIDA are meant to show concerned angry citizens.” But in reality PEGIDA is nothing more than an accumulation of “petty, hypocritical arsonists and seditious hate mongers.” And as such, “to protect our constitution, they have to be pursued by the police to the fullest extent.”

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/24/2015

The Finnish Foreign Ministry has launched a Facebook campaign in an attempt to discourage more asylum seekers from immigrating to Finland. The initiative, which is in Arabic, targets Iraqis and Turks. Meanwhile, EC President Jean-Claude Juncker says he is concerned about rising xenophobia in Germany.

In other migration news, bad weather did not deter an undetermined number of additional “refugees” from landing on the Greek island of Lesbos.

In other news, bombs were detonated at a Shi’ite celebration in Bangladesh, killing at least one person and wounding dozens more. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, LP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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This is yet another essay on guns by a conservative Neanderthal who thinks evabiddy oughter have the right to shoot evabiddy else iff’n they feels like it. And that goes double for their dog, too, gosh darn it. /sarc

Okay, that little speech pretty much covers the “gun control” talking points in this country when it comes to what they think the other side is like — i.e., Bible in one hand, gun in the other.

But if you look at the news once a week or so, it becomes obvious that in our grand American Exceptionalism, we have devised many more ways to kill people than the anti-gun folks would have you believe. Knives, hatchets, bombs, pressure cookers with bombs, exploding backpacks and the like. But our foremost method of violent deaths here seldom gets mentioned: automobiles. Especially those driven by the inebriated. Our 32,000+ annual car fatalities are simply the accepted risk for driving.

There was a horrendous one today in Oklahoma. No Islam, folks, just the usual awfulness that we remember from more “normal” times when average people did bad things and irrevocably changed their own lives and the lives of others. In this case, at least three people are dead because a local twenty-five year-old white woman was drunk when she plowed into the iconic Oklahoma State University Homecoming Parade at 10:30 on a beautiful October morning. This is no ordinary parade, but a much-loved custom dating back over the decades since college football became a big money-maker at state-funded schools. For any school, it doesn’t get much bigger or more important than the Homecoming Parade that precedes the football game.

For the drunk driver who did this there probably won’t be any bail allowed, simply to protect the perpetrator from the enraged people who would do her harm.

So with more than thirty thousand deaths annually due directly to cars, what do you think the chances are that we’ll hear a call for the repeal of automobiles? Will schools proudly proclaim they are “car-free zones”? No, I don’t think they will either. We have the technology available now to make a car shut down if the driver can’t pass a breathalyzer. Don’t you wonder why we don’t use it? Where are the noisy gun-control advocates when you need them?

Bill Whittle’s parallel logic in this video about gun control makes the point that it’s not the actions of people that result in gun deaths, but the material from which guns are made that is the problem:

I agree with Mr. Whittle’s assessment. He makes the salient and vital point about the crucial need for fathers, genuine men who are involved in their children’s lives. In order to explain what kinds of men he means he uses as the anti-man portrayed by a New York Times essay about the ways to be a modern man. A modern NYT man is a mewling metrosexual who wouldn’t be caught dead with a gun. Sadly, though, in certain parts of New York City or Chicago or St. Louis, he is statistically much more likely to be “caught dead” if he’s unarmed than if he dares to carry protection. Oh, I forgot, most of those are gun-free zones.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/23/2015

Unprecedented numbers of “refugees” are still arriving in Europe. In a period of five days, a record 48,000 new arrivals landed in Greece. And 12,000 immigrants entered Slovenia in just one day, exceeding the rate of influx in Hungary even at the height of its own crisis. Meanwhile, of the 160,000 refugees slated for mandatory relocation among EU countries, fewer than 1,000 have actually been placed.

In other news, the kinetic activists of Boko Haram have taken over the town of Kerawa on the Nigerian-Cameroonian border.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Diana West, Insubria, JD, Nick, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Iraqi in Finland Says: 70% of Iraqi “Refugees” Are Tourists

An Iraqi who lives in Finland has a low opinion of the current flood of “refugees” into the country. His attitude is similar to that of the migrant in Berlin who wants Germany to stop admitting any more immigrants. Except this guy presumably speaks better Suomi than the other fellow did English.

Many thanks to KGS for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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A Mayors’ Revolt in North Rhine-Westphalia

More than two hundred mayors of municipalities in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia have written a letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel demanding that she immediately enact measures to bring relief to German communities suffering under the burden of the massive “refugee” influx.

Only the mayors of smaller cities and towns signed the letter — that is, those who are suffering the most devastating consequences of the migration crisis.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Die Zeit:

215 Mayors write a Letter of Urgency to Merkel

The possibilities for housing refugees are exhausted, write Mayors from North Rhine-Westphalia in a letter to the Chancellor. The communities are hopelessly overwhelmed.

215 Mayors from communes and small cities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) have sent a distress signal to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and SPD Minister President Hannelore Kraft. In the face of still rising numbers of refugees they have “great worry about the country and the cities and communities we represent,” they write in a Brandbrief, a “flame letter” of utmost urgency (Direct link to the letter). The letter was published in the Rheinische Post.

Every single housing facility has been exhausted; even the housing of refugees in tents and living-containers is barely manageable anymore. The operation of these communal housing facilities, in very considerable ways, ties down existing personnel. “And this leads to a case where we cannot follow up or satisfy other communal duties, or that we can only handle them in very restricted ways.”

The bill that was enacted in October to expedite asylum procedures was a step in the right direction, but it will not lead in a timely manner to a noticeable decrease in numbers. The federation had announced a month ago in a meeting with the Chancellor that they would create 40,000 new spaces for new asylum seekers. Furthermore, beginning in 2016, all federation counties would get the amount of €670 per month per refugee.

But this is not enough for the signatories of the letter. They attached a list of eight stipulations to the letter. Among them, they demand that the Federal government has to expand the border patrol. Refugees that are coming in from safe, non-war torn countries, have to be prevented from entering the country; they need to start the asylum process from their home country. The mayors also demand a quota for redistribution of the refugees on the entire EU and a yearly maximum limit on refugees that are allowed to immigrate.

The Mayors also demand relief for communes: The Federation has to step up and increase care and management for at least half of all refugees in NRW and be responsible for their deportation if their application for asylum is rejected. And lastly, they demand discussion and enactment of a new immigration act.

North Rhine-Westphalia has a population of 17.6 million and is therefore the most populous Bundesland, followed by Bavaria with a population of 12.7 million people. North Rhine-Westphalia has 396 politically autonomous cities and communes. Big cities such as Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund and Essen did not participate in the letter.

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Translation of the letter to the Chancellor:

Cities and Communities in North Rhine-Westphalia are at the end of their capabilities in the housing of refugees

Dear Madam Chancellor Dr. Merkel,

We write to you with great worry about our country, and worry for the cities and communes that we represent. The reason for this is the massive and considerably uncontrolled influx of refugees into Germany and into our towns and communities.

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Four-Star Hotel in Saxony Becomes “Refugee” Housing

A four-star hotel in the German town of Halle (in Saxony-Anhalt, the former DDR) was abruptly converted into “refugee” housing. Hotel employees and business owners received little or no information about the closure beforehand, and many were taken by surprise, finding themselves locked out and suddenly unemployed.

What is notable about the following German news report is the restrained response given by most of the people interviewed. There is simmering anger in their voices, but they are at pains to emphasize that it is not directed at the “New Germans” who are getting off the buses and moving into the hotel. Presumably they are angry at their elected political leaders and the bureaucratic functionaries who serve them, but these newly-unemployed citizens are careful not to voice any specifics in that regard. Perhaps they don’t want to ruin their chances of getting another job.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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