The Jihad Boys Bring it All Back Home

Ann Corcoran does exemplary work.

Today we were sent a link to her latest post on Austria’s PC/MC dhimmified decision to accept Muslim asylum seekers. Actions have consequences: the dhimmis, having grasped this nettle, are now stamping their feet about the pain while Counterjihadists roll their eyes and reply, “Well, duh…what did you think those battles for Vienna were about, anyway?”

Below is today’s post from Refugee Resettlement Watch. Her links to her previous posts about this issue may be found at her URL.

Like Gates of Vienna, Ann keeps a subject archive; it’s linked on the post I’ve mirrored (though I have omitted her links in this mirroring, but you can find them there).

(Reuters) – Authorities suspect around 130 people resident in Austria – most of them foreign nationals – have allied themselves with Islamist militants fighting abroad, officials in Vienna said on Friday, raising their estimate by nearly a third.

Public safety director Konrad Kogler told a news conference the 130 figure included “people actively participating in combat as well as ones who have returned to Austria, because both groups of people are relevant for us”. He thought around two-thirds of them had come back to Austria and one-third were in battle or on the way there. Officials were tracking the target group’s foreign travel and monitoring their activities when they return given the security risk they might pose, he said.

He said 40 of the 130 were Austrian citizens. The others were primarily from Russia, the Balkans and Turkey.


Kogler did not confirm reports that the nine suspects – one aged just 17 – were Chechens, but said many were Russian citizens.

The suspects had mostly come to Austria as young people and got political asylum that could be revoked should they be convicted of joining a terrorist organization, officials said.

To which Ms. Corcoran adds this exasperated note:

“Big deal! I am sure those budding Jihadists are concerned about the revocation of their political refugee status!”

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I looked for some of our reports on the subject of Austrian jihadists and came up with this series from early 2013, focusing on “The Votive Church” and the harm leftists have done to the Catholic Church and to the citizens of Austria with their naïve calculations and disruptions:

Just in case you think our American Left is any smarter, read this sad tale:

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Islam Rising — In Poland?

The Islamization of Poland seems to be proceeding much faster than I ever expected — and probably to the surprise of most Poles.

Our Polish correspondent Green Infidel sends the following translated report on the latest official oppression of “Islamophobia” in Poland. He includes this introductory note:

It seems that in Poland, Western-style “hate-speech” laws are being rapidly enforced — perhaps helped by a Communist-style mentality still present in much of the police and prosecutors’ offices.

Here’s one victim — the owner of a Jihad Watch-style portal, reposting news articles about the “Islamisation of Europe”, mostly from Western media.

The police promptly took away his computer and laptop for examination, he was questioned about his “attitudes towards believers of Islam”, and even donors to his website received visits from the police!

One wonders whether the commenters, and over 150,000 Facebook users who “liked” his page will also receive visits?

The translated article:

On the 23rd of July [2014], the police carried out a search of my apartment and secured a PC, as well as my mobile phone with its SIM-card. However, this is not the first time when I’ve been the target of political correctness and pseudo-intellectual elites.

My legal problems commenced at the start of September 2013 — when I received a letter from the same prosecutors’ office, which is currently leading the investigation against me. At that time, I was accused of inciting hatred during 2012-2013, and insulting a group due to its faith. This is an charge from article 256§1 of the Polish penal code, and 257§ in relation to article 11§2 of the Polish legal code.

The prosecutors’ justification was as follows: “Damian Kowalski, inciting through the internet to hatred of the followers of Islam, requested donations to support his actions to the bank account number: …”. After a few days, I was forced to present myself at the prosecutors’ office and submit a statement in the presence of my lawyer, I was questioned about everything to do with the functioning of the website [].

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ISIS: Guided by the Koran

Two weeks ago we posted about the march in Vienna in support of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Below is a subtitled video of a speech given by Christian Zeitz on that occasion, concerning the Koranic basis for the actions of ISIS and the nature of Islamic law. In addition to his translation of the video, Rembrandt Clancy has provided us with an explanatory introduction.

by Rembrandt Clancy

Below is a video of a demonstration against the “Islamic State” which took place in Vienna on 10 August 2014. The speaker is Christian Zeitz, Scientific Director of the Institute for Applied Political Economy in Austria. According to Internet portal, where he has published guest commentaries, Mr. Zeitz studies the theory of democracy, monetary theory, Islamology and the sociology of religion.

Mr. Zeitz raises two subjects in the video for which it is perhaps worthwhile to provide some background: the Ridda wars and the Austrian Islam Act of 1912.

The Ridda Wars

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the current IS leader and self-proclaimed Caliph, takes his name from Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, who according to tradition was an early friend of Mohammed’s. Upon the prophet’s death in 632, Abu Bakr became the prophet’s “rightly-guided” successor and the first Caliph. It was he who sponsored the Ridda or Apostasy Wars until his death in 634. The aim of the wars was to re-establish Muslim hegemony over Bedouin tribes on the Arabian Peninsula after they had fallen away from the faith. Raymond Ibrahim describes these first jihads this way:

Many Arab tribes were still willing to remain Muslim, but had second thoughts about paying zakat money to the first caliph, Abu Bakr. That was enough to declare jihad on them as apostates; tens of thousands of Arabs were burned, beheaded, dismembered, or crucified, according to Islamic history.

Indeed, Qaradawi himself, while discussing the importance of killing any Muslim who apostatizes from Islam on a live Al Jazeera program, correctly declared that “If the penalty for apostasy was ignored, there would not be an Islam today; Islam would have ended on the death of the prophet.”

The Austrian Islam Act of 1912

Christian Zeitz also refers briefly to the Islam Act (Islamgesetz) of 1912 (English, French and German versions), which the Emperor Franz Joseph (1830-1916) promulgated for the purpose of integrating Bosnia-Herzegovina into the Habsburg Monarchy. In a recent article for Gates of Vienna Mr. Zeitz details the background to the Act and outlines what is at stake:

Austria will soon have to decide whether it wants to establish in orderly fashion the primacy of the secular state versus the aspirations for an Islamic divine state, or intends to allow a further embedding of radical variants of Islam.

The Gatestone Institute has an article “Austria: Muslim Brotherhood’s New European Headquarters” (4 June 2014) which analyses why Austria’s Islam Act of 1912 provides attractive, external legal conditions for the Muslim Brotherhood that do not exist in any other European country.

Video Credits

Henrik Ræder Clausen did the technical work on the original footage. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff supplied the German transcript, without which this project could not have gone ahead. She was also responsible for taking the video footage of the demonstration. Translation and subtitling are by Rembrandt Clancy.

Video Transcript

Speech by Christian Zeitz:

… devote a significant part of their free time in the service of this solidarity.

An outward gesture is very important for Austrians and the people of this city.

But it is also very important to speak truthfully about what is behind these massacres occurring right now in Iraq and in Syria and in the entire Near East.

Dear friends, we know that not only Christians, but also Yazidi, Shiites, and Alevi are affected by it; but that does not change the fact that it is inaccurate to label, as so-called “Islamic terrorists”, those who are acting here with tremendous violence, with bloody violence. They are nothing less and nothing more than people very concretely guided by central passages in the Koran. And we should not forget that ladies and gentlemen.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/23/2014

A boatload of illegal migrants capsized off the coast of Libya. It is feared that up to 200 people may have drowned. However, an estimated 100,000 refugees have successfully made it to Italy so far this year.

In other news, civil aviation authorities in Iceland have issued a red alert for air traffic over the country due to the Bardarbunga volcano, which has begun to erupt under the ice sheet of the Vatnajokull glacier.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, DS, Fjordman, Insubria, JP, LH, RR, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Singular Woman

JLH has translated an article about an Iranian-born woman named Maryam Mirzakhani, who made the headlines earlier this month when she won the International Mathematical Union’s Fields Medal.

The translator includes this note:

While this is not as dramatic as some reports on our life-and-death struggle with Islam, it illustrates what I think of as “the Fjordman Effect.” I think back to the time before the West European purge of dissenters began, before Breivik et al., when I enjoyed reading Fjordman’s well-researched studies of various fields of endeavor — scientific, commercial, philosophical — that detailed the inventiveness and industry of Dar al-Harb, and by contrast exposed the vaunting presumption and willful ignorance of Dar al-Islam.

The translated article from blu-News:

Iranian Is First Woman to Win Mathematics Prize

Every 4 years, the International Mathematical Union awards the Fields Medal, which is regarded as the Nobel Prize of mathematics. Iranian-born Maryam Mirzakhani is the first woman to receive it.

For the first time, the Fields Medal — awarded every four years since 1936 for outstanding discoveries in mathematics — is being given to a woman — Iranian Maryam Mirzakhani.

At age 17, Maryam was one of the first girls to participate in the Mathematics Olympiad, and she won a gold medal. This specialist in geometry earned her doctorate at Harvard University. She moved to Princeton University in 2004 and was offered a professorial chair at Stanford University in 2008.

In August 2014 the 37-year-old was the first woman, as well as the first person from Islamic Iran, to receive the Fields Medal, which — as the Richard Dawkins Foundation informs us — was awarded for the first time in 1936. Mirzakhani received the distinction for her “outstanding contributions to Geometry and Dynamic Riemannian Surfaces and their Modular Spaces,” in which she combined “methods of diverse fields like Algebraic Geometry, Topology and Probability Theory.”

The Islamic World — Lacking in Scientific Achievement

Maryam Mirzakhani’s achievement is noteworthy because it is an absolute exception in the Islamic world. Besides the fact that as a woman and a scientist she is non-existent in the Muslim world, there is the fact that up until now there have been only two Nobel Prize winners in the “hard” sciences,” i.e., the natural sciences, from the Arabic Muslim world — Abdus Salam (Physics, 1998) and Ahmed Zewall, Chemkstry 1999).

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A No-Bacon Zone

The news article below concerns the response of a Vermont community to a Muslima who was offended by a public display of the word “bacon”.

Update: Here is a video of the news story about the Winooski Bacon Crisis:

Such stories are not all that unusual these days. In fact, a complete cave-in after a single culturally enriched complaint (or even before any such complaint is made) is becoming more and more typical.

It’s not the just the surrender to sharia that’s so dismaying, but the obsequious, truckling, craven dhimmitude of it. A thousand years ago, Christians and Jews submitted with full cowering humility after seeing the murderous brutality and rapine of Muslim invaders. Today, in the nominally free United States of America, full surrender occurs just because someone is offended, before there is even a whisper of violence.

Here’s the story, from WPTZ News:

Advertisement removed after resident expresses offense

Business advertises food, neighbor offended

WINOOSKI, Vt. —A sign on a lamp post at the bottom of the Winooski Circle displayed the words “Yield Sneakers Bacon” until Friday morning. The bistro owners took it down.

It got there as part of “Operation Bloom.”

A city program put it in place to keep its flower beds beautiful. If businesses do some gardening they can post an advertisement where they do it, but the word “bacon” on the Sneakers Bistro sign started a discussion about diversity on the Winooski Front Porch Forum.

It started with a post from one woman who wrote that the sign was insensitive to those who do not consume pork. She said as a Muslim she is personally offended by it.

The owners of Sneakers spoke to WPTZ. They say they’ve reached out to the individual who made the post and proactively took the sign down. They also say they regret any harm caused by the sign, and that their goal was never to cause stress or bad feelings.

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As Nice As ISIS Is…

…it’s not as nice as the beach or the golf course.

The Islamic State has thrown Western heads of state off their game. Their political game, that is — not their other games. It’s August, after all, and those fun-in-the-sun games are proceeding very nicely at Martha’s Vineyard and Polzeath, thank you very much.

First it was Barack Obama, fist-bumping with his buddies on the links. Now it’s David Cameron, showing off his trim prime ministerial physique in the surf on a Cornish beach. Below is the cover from today’s Daily Mirror:

Our British correspondent JP notes:

Islamic surf’s up, however, it alludes to the Sun headline of 11 Jan 1979 when Jim Callaghan denied that there was ‘mounting chaos’ during Britain’s ‘Winter of Discontent’.

In other ISIS news, JP sends more about what the meaning of “IS” is. The twelfth item down in today’s Telegraph headlines— if made all-caps with the punctuation removed — reads:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/22/2014

A Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid crossed the border into eastern Ukraine without the permission of the Ukrainian government. Meanwhile, NATO says that Russian artillery units are now firing on Ukrainian forces from both sides of the border.

In other news, a Shiite suicide bomber and Shia gunmen attacked a Sunni mosque in Diyala Province north of Baghdad, killing at least 64 people.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Jerry Gordon, JP, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Beheaded by a Feckless Delusion

The video below is a snip from a speech given by John Brennan on June 29, 2011. At that point Mr. Brennan was Homeland Security Advisor to President Barack Hussein Obama. He is now the director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

In his speech he mocked radical Islam’s “grandiose vision of global domination”:

Mr. Brennan dismissed any threat of a Caliphate with these words:

Our strategy is also shaped by a deeper understanding of al-Qa’ida’s goals, strategy, and tactics. I’m not talking about al-Qa’ida’s grandiose vision of global domination through a violent Islamic caliphate. That vision is absurd, and we are not going to organize our counterterrorism policies against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen. We are not going to elevate these thugs and their murderous aspirations into something larger than they are.

What a difference three years makes!

I haven’t read any comments from the esteemed CIA director since ISIS declared a Caliphate, ethnically cleansed Mosul of its Christian population, besieged the Yezidis on Mount Sinjar, and beheaded James Foley. At a press conference yesterday, however, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were singing a different tune:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/21/2014

A U.S. official told the media that American special forces were sent to Syria earlier this summer in an attempt to rescue hostages held by ISIS, including James Foley, but the effort failed. Meanwhile, ISIS has captured four new Western hostages, including a Dane.

In other news, Anders Behring Breivik’s father Jens announced that he plans to publish a book about his role as the father of the Butcher of Utøya.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, Kitman, Rachel Lipsky, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Five Pillars of Islamic Conquest

Below is the trailer for a new film, Europe’s Last Stand, produced by PRB Publishing and the Christian Action Network, which will premiere in Italy on September 24.

Full disclosure: I was present for several of the interview sessions. I know and work with Marty Mawyer, the president of CAN. And some of the participants in the film (e.g. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff) are my friends and colleagues in the Counterjihad. I’m looking forward to listening to the full interviews and seeing CAN’s reports from all over Europe.

So I’m not a disinterested party as far as this movie is concerned. Nevertheless, I think readers will want to attend the premiere in Rome if they can make it. If they can’t, I urge them to watch the DVD when it comes out.

English trailer:

Italian trailer:

From the advance material sent out by CAN:

Europe’s Last Stand is a shocking and graphic documentary by an American film company that examines the Islamic invasion of Western Europe and its threat to European democracy, freedoms, culture and history.

A continent that once gave birth to the greatest advances in world civilization is now on the verge of being extinguished by an unrivaled foe of religious zealots who are on a quest to establish an Islamic Caliphate across the European continent.

The film is presented in five parts, revealing each of the Five Pillars of Islamic Conquest:

1.   Infiltration.
2.   Imams.
3.   Isolation.
4.   Islamization.
5.   Implosion.

Europe’s Last Stand is an epic film about the heroes and villains, the champions and quitters, the bold and the weak in this life-and-death struggle for the heart and soul of Western Europe.

More than four years in the making — and with more than a dozen European countries visited and investigated — Europe’s Last Stand is the most authoritative film ever produced documenting the rise of Islam in Western Europe.

Violence …Protests … Arrests … they are all joined together with scores of eyewitness and expert testimonies from politicians, activists, business owners and everyday citizens to tell the story of Europe’s Last Stand.

By Invitation Only

To receive your special invitation, please e-mail: Cody Ott (English)
For your Italian invitation, please e-mail: (Italian)

The Capranichetta Theater
Piazza Montecitorio 131 • 00186 Roma RM, Italy
September 24, 2014

Italian Viewing: 6:00 pm (18:00 hours) • English Viewing: 1:00 pm

The Five Pillars of Islamic Conquest:

Infiltration …

Between 1990 and 2009, 26 million Muslims have immigrated to Europe — coming from all directions and pouring into every country. No country has been hit harder than Italy with both legal and illegal Muslim immigrants. “The problem of illegal immigration in Italy and Europe is really a big issue that concerns us all — especially immigration from Muslim countries,” says Italian Senator Enrico Pianetta. “This will be the big issue in the years to come in Italy and Europe, because the nation’s birth rate is very low in Italy, but it is a very high birth rate by the Muslim people.”

Imams …

Along with millions of Muslim immigrants arriving in Europe are radical Imams. These extremist Islamic preachers have a large Internet following and guide thousands of European Muslims in their plan to implement Sharia law in the West, and to topple the governments of their home countries.

“Of course Islam is growing in Europe and we’re going to take over, anyway. Very soon. I’m sure of it,” said Abu Imran, with Sharia for Belgium.

Isolation …

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Out of Africa… To Where?

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

I have written several times before about the rapidly changing global demography, but sometimes a message needs to be repeated until it sinks in. Just ask Coca-Cola.

One of the most important mega-trends in the world today is the changing demographic balance between the world’s countries and regions. Roughly speaking, some of the most technologically advanced societies with a high level of economic performance have below replacement-level birth rates and an aging population. This applies not just to Europe and the Western world, but also to East Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and China. At the same time, less successful peoples as measured by their technological level breed faster.

Those who have a doctrinal dedication to open borders and the (highly questionable) claim that all peoples and cultures are equal will present a simple solution to this dilemma: Just let the dysfunctional societies continue breeding and let them send their excess population to countries with lower birth rates. The East Asian countries have not yet succumbed to such pressures because their political elites actually care about the long-term preservation of their people and are not open-border fanatics. Western political elites, however, seem stubbornly wedded to a nearly religious belief in open borders at all costs.

The challenge is that many people from backward societies will bring with them their dysfunctional culture if they move to other countries in significant numbers. As a result, we now have large and growing Third World ghettos in cities across the Western world, riddled with all kinds of social problems. How long can this continue until the newly arrived immigrants have made Western countries just as dysfunctional as their home countries?

It is true that birth rates fluctuate and will not necessarily be the same fifty years from now as they are today. Even in some Muslim countries such as Iran, they are lower now than they were a few decades ago. Yet they are still higher than in virtually all European nations. This is not just true of the Middle East or the Islamic world, but also of other parts of the global South.

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