Come Join the Hive!

The strange-looking creature in the following video is Lin Junyue, the principal architect of China’s social credit system. In this excerpt from an interview, Mr. Lin advises France to adopt such a system in order to prevent outbreaks of social disorder, such as the protests by the Yellow Vests movement.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for translating French voice-over, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Why is China so Dangerous?

H. Numan sends this follow-up to his earlier essay about China.

Why is China so dangerous?

by H. Numan

A response from a reader encouraged me to continue my essay about China. His points are valid, and will be exploited to the max by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the near future. China is a dangerous dragon, despite having fairly blunt teeth and very short claws. It remains a terrible danger, simply because of its size. 1.4 billion people can’t be wrong, though they may not have it right.

Let’s look at the People’s Liberation Army. The whole lot of them, army, navy, air force, rocket force and the auxiliary navy. The last are civilian registered ships, operated by navy personnel under military command disguised as fishing trawlers. Yes, the PLA is a powerful force on first glance. However, first looks are deceiving. What they lack is combat experience. They have no veterans. None whatsoever.

You can train someone to become a soldier, easily. But you can’t train someone to become a veteran soldier. Only combat does that. No matter how hard you try. Lots of very promising cadet officers proved to be worthless under fire. Not just freshly-minted lieutenants; it happens to generals, too. Especially if they themselves avoided any hazardous duties, managing desks from as far away as possible, and got promoted based on their relatives, not on experience. In other words: all Chinese generals, admirals and air-marshals.

The current price for three stars (lieutenant general) is 2.5 million dollars. Any Chinese with the right connections and at least that amount of money can become a general. That kind of corruption seeps through down below. A corrupt general (that’s all of them) isn’t going to promote a bright keen honest colonel over his not so bright but corrupt and therefore controllable colleagues. That would be suicide. That bright keen incorruptible colonel cannot be influenced, and makes everybody look bad. Imagine that pest becoming general! What hell can he unleash? Corruption breeds corruption. Only officers with enough money get promoted. Almost the same goes down the line: you need $25,000 to enter the cadet school. Even joining as a humble private costs you hefty $2,500. Which is good news for us: if need be, you simply buy a few generals! It happened in the past. Sun Tzu wrote about it, as a valid strategy in The Art of War [pdf].

Next, almost as bad, is the total lack of experience. China hasn’t fought a war since 1979. A war they lost. All officers, noncoms and soldiers with any kind of experience have since retired. And… they are treated like dogs**t Chinese civilians. Veterans regularly don’t get their retirement. It’s pocketed by the Veterans Administration. So often, that veterans have to demonstrate to get something. Demonstrating is not something you do for fun and games in China. High-ranking officers have often complained about it to the party leadership. With zero results. You think US veterans have it bad? That’s nothing compared with Chinese veterans.

The only reason one joins the People’s Liberation Army is career advancement and material profits. If a bright ambitious officer cadet longing to die for China doesn’t realize that when his parents shell out $25,000 to get him into the academy, he will long before graduation. He’s got two choices: either he coughs up $75,000 for a nice comfy posting in Beijing. Or he doesn’t, and will be posted to the dark side of the moon (Tibet). Where he remains a second lieutenant, until either he finds the required $75,000, resigns or dies. Whichever comes first. The PLA is truly democratic: the same applies to all ranks. With progressively lower fees, of course. Loyalty does not exist in China, least of all within the PLA.

Remember when Germany invaded Austria, in 1938? People were lining the streets with flowers and cheering the invading Wehrmacht. It was even better than a walk in the park! Of course the official poll where 99.75% voted in favor of unification was rigged. It was not only stupid; it wasn’t even necessary. Almost every party was in favor of unification anyway. At least 60% would have voted yes. Probably a lot more.

However, the Wehrmacht couldn’t take that for granted. It was possible (though unlikely) some units of the Austrian army might resist. Or that parts of the crowd might turn hostile. What do you do then? What if a truck or an armored car breaks down? Do you leave it there or repair it on the road? Or do you tow it? Do you need to post guards around it? Fair questions they simply couldn’t answer in advance. Something you have to experience, and decide on the spot. Only then you can write a combat manual about it. The peaceful invasion of Austria gave the Wehrmacht its first real combat experience since 1919. Something that’s worth gold.

Notice the utter lack of PLA units operating in UN peacekeeping forces. Asians don’t like losing face. That’s worse than stepping into a fat smelly turd with your bare feet. Why do Western units participate? Simply to gain valuable experience. Sure, you’ll make mistakes. Lots of them. Some of them even tragic. But overall they gain lots of combat experience with very little fighting.

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Our Chinese Woes Get Ever Grander

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan takes a look at the current crises in China.

Our Chinese woes get Ever Grander

by H. Numan

Seems like the only real quality items coming from China are pandemics and crises. We can’t blame them for the Black Death. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) denied any responsibility for SARS and now again for Covid-19. They added something new to that deadly duo, as if the Covid-19 pandemic weren’t enough. The Chinese real estate developer Evergrande is going bankrupt. With it, China. And the rest of the world as well. Don’t believe for a minute the crisis can be contained to China only.

Imagine the biggest real estate developer in America goes bust. Add to it a real estate bubble running for decades. All of a sudden, the value of houses drop by 75%. Would that impact the economy of America? Of course it would. Not just America, but the rest of the world as well. It’s Lehman Brothers all over again.

By now you surely have heard of Evergrande. Two weeks ago it all of a sudden popped up in the news. It’s the second biggest Chinese real estate developer, going bankrupt. Evergrande doesn’t do just real estate; it’s a huge conglomerate doing much more. However, real estate is the core — and there isn’t enough money to pay the bills. At the moment the total outstanding is $300 billion. With 200,000 jobless employees and +1.5 million highly unsatisfied customers.

How did that happen? The Chinese have very little opportunity to invest their savings. It’s a communist country, after all. Chinese money may be internationally recognized and a world reserve currency; internally it’s more like coupons to buy goods with. You can’t invest on the stock exchange, the only thing you can do is to invest it in leasing real estate. I stress leasing, because you can’t buy land or properties in China. It all belongs to the CCP. You can lease it for 70 years. Provided you’re really nice to the local party bosses who grant those leases. That’s what everybody in China did.

Local governments (provinces, cities) don’t get much money from Beijing. Most of their income they get out of selling leases to real estate developers. Those developers happily pay the price, plus a nice fat bonus to the local CCP boss, and start selling properties from the drawing. Nothing has been developed yet. Not a stone has been laid. In many countries buying based on a drawing is illegal. In China you have to pay in full upfront for a house. That money they used to buy more leases. And so on. That’s the basic concept of a Ponzi scheme.

Another factor is the failed one-child policy. Chinese prefer boys over girls. If they are allowed only one child, it better be a boy. Many parents had girls aborted. Which resulted in a surplus of boys. Do the math. The policy started in 1979, and ended in 2015. That means a lot of baby boys are now grown man desperately seeking a wife. Each possible wife can pick whoever she wants. They can literally say: for you? Ten others! A man really needs at least one house plus a nice car to be considered for marriage. Having two or more houses is even better. The demand for houses outstrips supply by a huge margin.

The third factor is the lack of spendable income. The average Chinese middle-income worker earns considerably less than his American or European counterpart, about ⅓. Add to that horrendously high real estate prices in China. He makes one third of what you earn, but has to spend at least ten times as much on buying a house. To the Chinese, houses in California are ridiculously cheap.

Something made of quality died long before the Great Leap Forward. Those hugely expensive apartments are shoddily build at best. It’s quite common for large buildings and bridges to wobble or even collapse. That doesn’t get into the news often, as it is local news. China doesn’t allow bad news to go worldwide.

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Joe Benedict Biden

It’s always interesting to get a non-American viewpoint on American politics. Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan is better-informed than most Europeans about what goes on here in the USA, so his insights are entertaining as well as instructive.

Joe Benedict Biden

by H. Numan

I normally don’t write a lot about the USA, but sometimes I have to. The humiliating surrender in Afghanistan is such an occasion. Surrender? Yes. It’s not a withdrawal with some minor hiccups when you leave $85 billion worth of equipment behind, and willingly throw your allies to the wolves. Actually, this is a follow-up to the article I wrote when the Biden victory was confirmed. It’s a lot worse than you think.

Benedict Arnold merely tried to sell West Point. Joke Biden actually sold the United States. At this moment Afghanistan has one of the best-equipped armies in the world. That’s not a joke. The Taliban has more and better equipment than France, Germany or the UK. Plus plenty of money to buy whatever they lack. Oh, so they don’t have pilots to fly those Black Hawks? No problem, we hire some. How much equipment was left behind? Enough to give each and every Taliban fighter his own truck, plus a couple of rifles.

Was surrender necessary? Of course not. Portugal had the same problem after their Carnation Revolution in 1974. The revolutionary government dissolved the Portuguese colonial empire overnight. They did it as it should be done: first they evacuated civilians. Next they evacuated everything remotely possible, including toilets, water taps and bathtubs. Then they withdrew their military to the last airport, while keeping a vigilant heavily armed guard. The withdrawal was finished in a couple of weeks. Nobody (Portuguese or otherwise) was killed or even hurt. That’s how you do it.

However, that was not what the caretakers of Biden — the man is clearly senile — wanted. They desired mayhem. Wanton destruction. Mass killings. Immense loss of prestige. This defeat is worse than the defeat in Vietnam, far worse. It will take another twenty years to get over it. If ever. Yes, it is that humiliating. Vietnam was a fairly developed country compared with stone age Afghanistan. They only wanted the foreigners out of their country. Contrast this with religious zealots who always talk about defeating the crusaders. They just defeated the most advanced, biggest, and professional army in the world. Surely Allah knows best!

I can understand something had to be left behind, but not on this scale. That is not “an act of God” (Allah?) or “a simple mistake”. This is intentional. Leave helicopters and aircraft behind? Why on earth? You can’t fly them out? Or should I say: the minders of Biden didn’t want them to fly out? Leave a few vehicles behind? No problem, understandable. But +40,000 light attack vehicles and +22,000 Humvees? That is not an accident. That is on purpose.

It gets even worse. A Black Hawk helicopter is loaded with state-of-the art technology. You can rest assured those helicopters already are being dissected and reverse-engineered in Beijing, Tehran and Moscow. If not this week, certainly the next. Next year Russia, Iran and China have their own copies flying. That’s excluding all the technology that can be found in left behind high tech equipment, such as night vision goggles and communication gear. Forget about any advanced American technology next year. By then Russia, Iran and China have reverse-engineered everything.

In one stroke the American advantage in everything is gone: no more technology advantage, and more importantly: you lost needlessly against a bunch of stone-age shepherds armed with blunderbusses. Remember 9-11? Oh, you got satellite technology? We got box cutters!

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“They Will Really Bring Everything to a Complete Collapse”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a German lawyer and politician who leads a regular podcast called Corona Ausschuss (“Corona Committee”). The following video is the last of three excerpts from a recent podcast by the group (previously: Part 1, Part 2).

In this segment Ernst Wolff, a journalist and author who specializes in the economics of globalism, elaborates on the Great Reset and the form that the New World Order will take after the old one has been thoroughly destroyed. He pays particular attention to the coming global digital currency that will supplant the dollar, and the expected Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Implementing Geronticide

All Western democracies are welfare states to varying degrees, the most extreme versions being Germany and Sweden. An important component of the welfare state is its care for the aged. In recent decades life expectancy has increased, along with the cost of geriatric medicine. The cost increase is not linear — the last decade of life for those over 75 is, on average, very expensive, and governments are footing the bill.

Back in 2008 I posted about the coming demographic crisis and how various Western governments might decide to cope with it. It was clear that the Baby Boomers — my generation, the proverbial “pig in the python” — would eventually break the system as they entered retirement and became more and more expensive to maintain.

The current demographic debacle was foreseen long ago, all the way back in the 1960s and 1970s. The preferred solution back then was to import immigrants from the fecund Third World, who would become productive citizens, generating the tax revenues that would be crucial to supporting the Boomers in their dotage. In addition, Aisha and Mehmet would be trained to take jobs as nurses and medical technicians to staff the nursing homes that would eventually be bursting at the seams with the Aged of Aquarius.

Alas, the scheme failed to work out as planned: the newcomers tend to consume more in government benefits than they contribute in taxes. Furthermore, their occupational skills haven’t managed to reach the level of the natives they are supplanting, so that providing adequate care for the elderly becomes problematic. If the experience of the National Health Service in the UK is any indication, the on-the-job behavior of third-world immigrant caregivers goes beyond negligence to active abuse, and even becomes homicidal on occasion.

Raising the retirement age is one strategy to cope with the problem, but it is politically difficult to implement, and can even cause mass unrest. Besides, there’s a limit to how much it can be raised — just think of Joe Biden being employed as a bus driver or a store manager. We geezers tend to become less and less competent after attaining our allotted three score and ten.

By the time I wrote my post on the topic, it had become clear that the Powers That Be would have to do something fairly soon about the eldercare crisis. Projecting the situation a quarter-century into the future showed that it was catastrophically unsustainable. In 2017 I posted a follow-up, augmenting the gloomy prognosis with more detailed demographic data.

Obviously, it isn’t possible to increase the number of 20- to 50-year-olds in the population. There is, however, another way to increase the ratio of the young to the elderly; it’s just one that can’t ever be mentioned in public. Nevertheless, I’m sure it has been discussed extensively at closed-door meetings within the governing class, at both the national and the globalist NWO Davos-and-Bilderberg levels.

Geronticide has become an obvious necessity from the point of view of anyone who wishes to maintain the existing system in its current form. But how to accomplish it without generating mass unrest, rebellion, and systemic instability?

Half that quarter-century has elapsed since I first began making grim projections of geronticide. Back then I speculated about what form the culling of the aged would take, proposing several general strategies, beginning with triage and neglect. The latter was evident in care homes for the elderly in the UK. The quality of care varied by region, but overall the aged fared better if their families could afford something besides the NHS.

The NHS has also floated various schemes of triage, proposing to deny care to smokers, or the obese, or those with unhealthy eating habits.

Such actions, however, can only nibble away at the margins of the elderly population. To achieve a reduction that would lower costs significantly, more draconian measures would be required. Yet those would have to be implemented in a manner that the general public would not perceive as geronticide. How can that possibly be accomplished?

The past eighteen months of this extraordinary time we live in has allowed us to see the general outline of what is intended. The geronticide has now left the planning stages. The process of implementation has begun.

I’ve been waiting for the “vaccination” project to unfold completely before assaying an analysis of these momentous events. Enough data have now come in, however, to permit some educated guesses about what the man behind the curtain intends.

I’m making several assumptions. Firstly, all the actors in the process — Dr. Fauci, the Wuhan lab, the WHO, the CDC, the vaccine manufacturers, the media, various national governments, the pocket totalitarians among the mayors and governors who oppress their citizens with lockdowns — are being manipulated to serve the purposes of the architects of the geronticide.

The mayors and governors love their new despotic powers, but contrary to what many people think, that in itself is not the motive for the new totalitarianism. Those who designed the crisis understood well what a taste of tyrannical power would do to the progressives who rule our major urban conglomerations. Tyranny was indeed necessary to accomplish the ends of the project, so all those Li’l Hitlers were exactly what was needed.

The vaccine manufacturers and the patent holders for the mRNA treatments are making inconceivably large amounts of money from the rollout of the “vaccines”. Those players are surely motivated by profit, but their avarice is simply a tool that has proved useful to the Powers That Be.

The Red Chinese may be making what they consider to be a bioweapon derived from various animal-based coronaviruses and augmented by gain-of-function research. But the architects of the geronticide, by channeling the funding of the lab through the avaricious Dr. Fauci and his cronies, were able to direct the production of the exact pathogen required for their purposes.

Every bureaucrat at every stage of the process is gaining power and prestige from what is currently unfolding. Fiefdoms in medical bureaucracies are being enlarged and enhanced. The directors of corporations and state enterprises are getting richer and more powerful. Once again, they are all useful tools for those planners who never lose sight of the larger goals.

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Germany is Looking at the Chinese Model

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Tichys Einblick:

Effective in Climate Protection

Ministry of Education is considering social point system based on the Chinese model for Germany

In a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education, one of six future scenarios is the introduction of a social point system based on the Chinese model. Jobs and study places then depend on social commitment and a small ecological footprint.

Orientation for the “world of tomorrow” is what the Federal Ministry of Education wants to offer with the “Foresight” (Vorausschau) campaign. For this purpose, six future scenarios have been devised in a commissioned “value study”, which researchers will discuss there. In addition to the “European Way” and “Ecological Regionalization”, there is also the “The Bonus System” scenario. The point is that every person receives an individual social score, which should play a decisive role in the allocation of jobs or university places, for example. It is a social point system, as it is currently being tested in China. However, this scenario does not serve as a dark dystopia — neutral, almost positive, the effects are shown and weighed up.

The paper by the Federal Ministry of Education states: “For certain behavior, points can be collected in the point system operated by the state (e.g. volunteering, caring for relatives, organ donations, provision for old age, traffic behavior, carbon footprint). In addition to social recognition, collecting points also has advantages in everyday life (e.g. shorter waiting times for certain courses).”

The approval of the law among the population would increase through “the dynamics of climate change”. The system is in fact successful in this area: “This generated pressure to act to counteract, whereby a points system turned out to be an efficient control mechanism for dealing with the consequences of climate change (e.g. by scoring the ecological footprint). The ‘polluter pays’ principle was made transparent through the point system. In addition, given the good economic situation, the point system proved to be a suitable instrument for the labor market, which is characterized by a shortage of skilled workers and workers,” it says.

In the year 2030, the social point system will then only be fundamentally questioned by a minority: “The point system will meet with approval from a majority of the population in the 2030s, as many feel that it has a binding orientation function for a more complex and differentiated society occupied by different social groups. At the same time, in Germany in the 2030s, the point system as a forecasting and control tool was gradually anchoring new norms in everyday life.” The social point system would obviously also be profitable for democracy. The state sets incentives “for activity in civil society or political organizations, as this is conducive to pluralistic discourse and is seen as the basis of the social evaluation system. Only those who are active here are able to get involved in social decision-making.”

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The Clueless Clucking Clan

MC’s latest essay concerns the intersection of Racism, Woke ideology, and the Corona “pandemic”.

The Clueless Clucking Clan

by MC

I am an anti-vaxxer. I have spent hours of study, looking at the benefits of vaccines, and also the risks associated with vaccines, and the effectiveness of vaccines — I have also followed the money…

In my opinion, it is not a pretty picture.

My oldest son had a febrile fit following on from an MMR injection (he is now 40) — he survived, and in spite of some small personality changes, he was OK.

It was my sister-in-law who warned us about the MMR Jab and its dubious history (the first version was withdrawn after adverse side-effects were reported). My wife and I had argued over having the jab for our son; unfortunately, I won.

I would encourage all parents to do the research for themselves, here is a good place to start.

If I wanted to break the Constitution of the USA I would have to choose my point of attack very carefully; I would need to get the People to want to break it, to be so fearful of outcomes as to voluntarily submit to destroying individual choice for the benefit of the ‘group’.

What could be better, then, than a ‘Satan Bug‘ and a vaccine that ‘must’ be administered to all for it to be ‘safe’ and effective and provide ‘salvation’?

It is not white supremacy as such which is the problem, after all, almost all of the original communists were white (and mostly male — Kollontai and Luxemburg being the exceptions). Most of those who fought against slavery were white, and most of those who dreamt up ideas of individual liberty and freedom were also white.

It is ironic that dead white men are also behind the wokism that so besets the modern USA and most of the rest of the world, and one might even think that any intelligent non-white wokista would smell a rat…

Imagine a modern implementation of the post-bellum Ku Klux Klan, but designed to support minority non-white interests instead of defeated ‘white’ interests. What would it look like? It seems to me that the Democrat party has once more scraped through the bottom of their barrel of dirty tricks and come up with an inverted KKK clone — lets call it the CCC.

The assassination of President Lincoln created political chaos, especially as he had chosen a Democrat as his running mate Vice President in the hope of some sort of reconciliation. President Trump was not assassinated as such, but a majority of Americans believe that there was election fraud, and that Sleepy Joe is just not legitimate.

The reactions of the Democrats to the Arizona election audit has convinced me that there is something to hide here. Instead of welcoming an audit as an honest winner would do, the Democrats are squirming like a child who has had an ‘accident’.

Wokism is pure racism and is Nazism in drag. It will soon turn lethal if not scotched. The political buildup that led to Adolf Hitler started with a ‘red/green’ alliance; The socialism of German Workers’ Party (DAP) combined with the ‘volkism’ of the Thule, Vril and Wandervogel pseudo-religious cults gave us the NSDAP and many millions dead.

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SARS, Gain of Function, COVID, and the Vax: A Timeline

MissPiggy compiled the following timeline for our skype group. I’m not going to tell you what to think about all this; you can easily draw your own conclusions.


November: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC) researcher Ralph Baric publishes a “breakthrough work” in gain-of-function research (studies that alter pathogens to make them more transmissible or deadly), describing the creation of a synthetic clone of a natural mouse coronavirus.

November: China’s Guangdong province reports the first case of “atypical pneumonia” (later labeled as SARS).


October 28: A paper by the Baric research group at UNC describes their synthetic recreation of the “previously undescribed” SARS coronavirus. (Writing in 2020, a scientist states, “The speed of the Baric group illustrates how quickly a qualified team of virologists can create a synthetic clone from a natural virus, and therefore make genetic modifications to it. Moreover, that was back in 2003. Today, a qualified laboratory can repeat those steps in a matter of weeks.”)


December 30: Dr. Fauci promotes gain-of-function research on bird flu viruses, arguing that the research is worth the risk. The risks worry other “seasoned researchers.”


Christine Grady, wife of Anthony Fauci since 1985, becomes head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, opening up the possibility of numerous conflicts of interest concerning vaccines, HIV and COVID-19. Grady previously served in the Department of Bioethics as an investigator (2004-2012), senior staff bioethicist (1996-2004) and head of the Section on Human Subjects Research (1998-2014). Like her husband, Grady has made HIV a central career focus, including stints on the Scientific Advisory Board of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (which Fauci helped launch), as a paid consultant for the WHO and UNAIDS and, in 1987-1988, as a staffer for President Reagan’s Commission on the HIV Epidemic. Grady’s 1995 book is titled The Search for an AIDS Vaccine. Fauci, who became NIAID director in 1984 under Reagan, holds a number of HIV vaccine-related patents.

April 20: Baylor College researchers publish their evaluation of four vaccine candidates for SARS, concluding that “Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”

May: The 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly endorse the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), led by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with NIAID, WHO, Gavi, UNICEF and others. Dr. Fauci is one of five members on the GVAP’s Leadership Council.

October: Fauci writes article in the American Society for Microbiology saying “gain of function” benefits outweigh the risks.


May 7: Email from Kary Mullis to the widow of boxer Tommy Morrison, whose career and life were destroyed by an “HIV test,” and who litigated ferociously for years, against test manufacturers. Dr. Mullis wrote on May 7, 2013:

“PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself. The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment.”

“If things were done right, ‘infection’ would be a far cry from a positive PCR test.”

“PCR is a needle in a haystack technology that can be extremely misleading in the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”


Merieux (former employer of Moderna CEO) is instrumental in creating high-security P4 Lab that opened in Wuhan in 2014.

Dr. Deborah Birx takes the helm of PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), which Dr. Fauci helped launch (in 2003) and which benefits from generous Gates Foundation support. Birx and Fauci are long-time allies, having worked together during the early years of AIDS and sharing overlapping career paths.

October 7: National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins announces a “new phase of cooperation” between NIH and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, including partnering for vaccine development.

October 17: U.S. funding of SARS to create a biological weapon is paused due to the extreme risk of a pandemic. However, the pause allows agencies within the U.S. government to continue funding if they determined “the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security.”

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Vox: “China Must Pay”

I reported on Friday about remarks made in Parliament by Santiago Abascal, the leader of the Spanish anti-immigration party Vox. Mr. Abascal was vehement in his denunciation of China for its role in unleashing the Wuhan Coronavirus upon the world.

Below is a video made by Vox demanding that China pay for the damage caused by COVID-19. Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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What About Taiwan?

Our Bangkok correspondent H. Numan takes an eastward field trip to investigate an urgent issue: the status of Taiwan.

What about Taiwan?

by H. Numan

For the last couple of months there has been a lot of attention over Taiwan. Now even more, with a senile president in the White House. The Democrat Party is busy replacing senior military officers with more party-compliant officers. Biden is mounting the red mule of war. The rhetoric is cranking up. Will China invade Taiwan? Lots of comparisons can be found on YouTube. They compare the strength of China with that of Taiwan. It seems like an invasion is imminent. How can Taiwan possibly defend itself? The answer may surprise you: yes, easily!

First, let’s have a look at a possible invasion. In order to invade Taiwan, China needs a US president busy elsewhere, and preferably a blithering idiot. They couldn’t have asked for a better president. Not only is Biden senile, he is — almost certainly — bought and paid for by China. Remember the laptop you don’t hear about? Biden’s son Hunter also visited China, and did naughty things with young Chinese girls. We don’t know that for sure, as the laptop is ‘under investigation’. Given Hunter’s track record, you can safely assume the Chinese taped everything. Supposing daddy doesn’t comply, it can and will be leaked. This year an invasion is out of the question. Why? You can only attack for part of the year, from May until November. For the remainder of the year the weather doesn’t allow for it. Next year, then?

Don’t be fooled; the People’s Republic of China is not going to invade Taiwan. All comparisons I have seen — a lot! — often forget to mention or take into consideration:

Numbers don’t say much. Yes, if Taiwan had a land border with China, they would have been a Chinese province 72 years ago. Only Taiwan is an island, 180 km away from the mainland. That’s six times the width of the English Channel. The Chinese navy is just as experienced and dangerous as the German Kriegsmarine: not enough to successfully invade. The Germans couldn’t do it across a 30 km stretch of sea; the Chinese can’t cross a 180 km stretch of sea.

You have to know that the most dangerous operations any military can perform are airborne drops or naval invasions in hostile well defended territory. That’s why paratroopers and marines by default are the very best units in the military. They have to be.

Unlike what you often read about the Maginot Line, it did exactly what it was build for: the Germans couldn’t cross it. Their solution was to circumvent it, and attack through the Ardennes Forest and the Low Countries. The commander in chief of France was Maurice Gamelin at that time. He was unwittingly helping the Germans by sending his entire reserve forces towards Breda in The Netherlands. They never got there. On the way they had to retreat back to Dunkirk. When the French government told Churchill they didn’t have any reserves anymore, that was the reason. They were taken prisoner or evacuated at Dunkirk.

Now, Taiwan has been fortified massively for 72 years. You don’t hear a lot about it, but Communist China has tried everything possible to take over Taiwan for 72 years. And failed miserably. There is a problem when you apply maximum political pressure for 72 years nonstop. You can’t apply more pressure. All you can do is invade. Which the Chinese won’t do; it simply can’t be done.

The Maginot Line could be circumvented. That’s not possible with Taiwan. The Taiwanese army doesn’t have the very best military equipment in the world. They don’t even need it (though they often and loudly complain about it). All they need is good enough equipment. They have plenty of that. And lots of more than good enough equipment.

Yes, they have the oldest submarines in service, anywhere on the world. Used primarily for training. But the boat itself doesn’t matter much. It still is fiendishly difficult to find a submarine that doesn’t want to be found. What really matters are the torpedoes and fire-control systems. They are not the most modern, but more than enough to do the job.

The Chinese navy is big, but not big enough to cover an invasion fleet over 180 km of treacherous seas. Of course they can use civilian ships to carry most of the invasion force. China has plenty of those. However, the difference between navy and civilian ships is that navy ships are designed not to sink as fast as civilian ships. They have usually stronger hulls, more redundant systems and more watertight compartments.

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Roundup of COVID and Vax News

Below are four videos from Italy, Spain, and France covering varying aspects of the Wuhan Coronavirus “pandemic” and its associated “vaccines”.

The first video features Dr. Barbara Balanzoni, who is an Italian anesthetist and surgeon, and also has a law degree. She served as a medical officer in the Italian army with KFOR in Kosovo. There’s an interesting story about her time in the service: back in 2013 she disobeyed orders to save the life of a pregnant cat, and was tried in a military court for gross insubordination. Most of the news about her case is in Italian, but if I understand it correctly, she was eventually acquitted.

In the following video Dr. Balanzoni discusses the case of an 18-year-old girl in Genoa who needed neurosurgery for a blood clot in the brain after receiving the experimental AstraZeneca medical treatment.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The second video is a later report on the same 18-year-old girl that Dr. Balanzoni was talking about. The emergency neurosurgery to treat her blood clot was not enough to save the young patient, and she died while in the hospital in Genoa.

Once again, thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The third video is a report on the “vaccine hesitancy” of French teenagers, who are reluctant to be subjected to any of the experimental mRNA treatments to prevent COVID-19.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The final video features Santiago Abascal, the leader of the anti-immigration party Vox in Spain. Speaking on the floor of Parliament, Mr. Abascal blames China for the COVID-19 epidemic.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript #1:

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The Origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus

The French virologist Luc Montagnier led the team at the Pasteur Institute that discovered HIV in 1983. In 2008 Professor Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition of his work. The following video about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 includes remarks by Prof. Montagnier, who assigns ultimate responsibility to the Pasteur Institute. The professor also emphasizes that it is not COVID-19 that is dangerous, but the “vaccine” against it.

(Luc Montagnier has been featured here several times since the Coronamadness began. See posts here, here, and here.)

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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A Little Bird Told Me

Our Hungarian correspondent László sends his analysis of a news report on the long-awaited escape of the bird flu from the avian community.

New virus-psyop: China confirms first human case of H10N3 bird flu (The New York Post)

by László

I analyze this new and pretty obvious virus-psyop below.

“First human case” — You only name the first element of a sequence if you know that there will be more. So this naming is a psyop already. The word “case” is very suspicious: will it become also asymptomatic, like Covid “cases”?

“the risk of community transmission is low — health officials said Tuesday” — OK, but who asked? Why would you think it is not low? Why would you make it public other than to create fear? Also the word “community” is related to Communism — exactly what they are building in the West by curbing individual rights and freedoms for the sake of the “community”. If you do not take the jab you are already the enemy of the community i.e. communism. A psyop clue again…

The 41-year-old man, a resident of the eastern city of Zhenjiang, was hospitalized April 28 after developing a fever and other symptoms, the National Health Commission said. — the implication here is that younger people are affected, unlike with Covid. “Fever” makes it look serious, and the “other symptoms” are mentioned but not detailed to engage our imagination in a way that will create fear. Gaslighting for scaremongering. The Bogeyman can do more than you can imagine… The best horror movies do not show many tangible details at the beginning, in order to ramp up fearful imagination. The mention of the National Health Commission aims to make it look official.

“He was diagnosed with the H10N3 strain of bird flu on May 28, but now is in stable condition and preparing to be discharged from the hospital.” — they are trying to tell us that: it is a serious fact because he has been “diagnosed”. It is flu so it can be as dangerous and contagious as the Corona. The word “stable condition” is normally used in very serious or life-threatening cases, often on the occasion of an accident or disaster; so they want to suggest that he had been indeed very sick — but it is an obvious lie because they never mention in the news that his condition had not been stable before in the first place. They also want to suggest that this new virus may be dangerous to us personally because he is in a hospital. And this new thing could overburden the hospitals even more than Covid.

It’s unclear how exactly he became infected with H10N3, but health officials said it was a case of “accidental cross-species transmission.” — it is clear that ‘unclear’ is a self-contradiction: they do not know how it happened but they know that it has been ‘cross-species transmission’… It is gaslighting because it leaves the game open for the ‘human-to-human transmission’ version and other horrible guesses; and it is very similar to the bat psyop.

“‘The risk of large-scale transmission is low,’ the commission said.” — the second reassurance about some improbable horror. They just want to brainwash us into the fear of “large scale human transmission”: the subliminal mind does not understand “NO”; therefore these sentences target the individual subconscious for fearmongering, and the collective mind for predictive programming. The subconscious mind will take transmission as a real threat, as it cannot handle the parameter (low). Usually, what the mind concentrates on, it subjectively blows it out of proportion — therefore in the people’s subsequent dreams the parameter will immediately be “high”; especially if one has believed the Corona-psyop in the first place.

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