Brigitte Bardot is a WAYCIST!

The retired movie star Brigitte Bardot has made a name for herself in France — and been prosecuted several times — for her animal-rights activism and her vigorous opposition to Islam. The following video refers to an event in which both of her principal concerns intersect: the annual slaughter of animals by Muslims during Eid al-Adha.

The young “French” culture-enricher in this video directs some angry remarks at Ms. Bardot because of her tweet about Eid, and asserts that she and people like her cause WAYCISM.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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German Police Get Their Daily Dose of Cultural Enrichment

The “youths” featured in this video outnumber and get the best of the police who attempt to arrest them. You’ll notice that the police officers show great restraint — even though they are larger and stronger, they never utilize all of their strength against the young culture-enrichers. A baton blow upside the head wielded with full force would do wonders to change the dynamics of the situation, but that never happens.

If this had happened in the USA, of course, the young miscreants would have faced the possibility of being shot — we have different rules of engagement here. But Europe treats offenders more gently; that’s why it’s a nicer place to live, right?

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Surrender, High Treason and Language Fatigue

Surrender, High Treason and Language Fatigue

by Seneca III

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has declared Germany “is a nation of immigrants and will remain so”, asserting: “There are no half or whole Germans, no biological or ‘new’ Germans”…

“Racism and discrimination violate human dignity and damage our democracy,” he continued, claiming: “Immigration has taken place because we have repeatedly asked people to come — a situation which will continue to be true in the future.”…

“There are no Germans who are ‘on probation’ and having to earn their rights in society again and again because their [citizenship] could be revoked on the basis of alleged misconduct,” the president said, insisting that there are “no half or whole, no biological or ‘new’ Germans; there are no first— or second-class citizens, no right or wrong neighbours.”

From: Breitbart London — German President Declares There Are ‘No Native Germans, We Are a Nation of Immigrants’ by Virginia Hale, 25th August 2018

Perusing the global media on a daily basis, one becomes so weary of the endless iterations of the deconstructionist oxymora ‘Racism!’, ‘Hate Crime!’, ‘Human Dignity!’, ‘Discrimination!’, ‘White Privilege!’, ‘Cultural Appropriation!’, ‘Alleged Misconduct!’ ‘Xenophobia!’, ‘Islamophobia’ and the rest of the juvenile effluent spewing from the mouths of the butterfly horde of the emotionally incontinent and intellectually destitute.

That these disinformation peddlers should populate every nook and cranny of Europe’s Political Estate, its Enforcement Arms, Academia and what once was known as the Mainstream Media but is now nothing more than a set of comic books for the vicarious entertainment of the perceptually retarded should profoundly alarm all rational native citizens. Collectively, this assault on and insult to our intelligence is nothing less than the implantation of poisonous mind-worms, the spawn of a malignant ideological plague that eventually will leave the Black Death looking like a minor outbreak of infection.

In the UK the overriding problem is none of those spurious assertions; it is the current imbalance between population density, available space, sustainable resources and a commonality of purpose created by Europeans for their use according to their needs, not as a source of bottomless largesse for the human detritus of every failed, unrelentingly primitive society on planet Earth.

It comes down to understanding the reason why, five hundred years ago, Europe began to race ahead of the rest of the world in the creation of viable self-sustaining nation states, engineering, art and technology. The reason is that the intellectual development of Europe was far more advanced than that of the rest of the global population outside of Oriental Asia, and if we are to make it intact through these times of enforced reverse evolution we must recognize that reality.

Geography, history and chance conjoined to evolve the advanced humans of Europe; the lack of melanin in our skin is an evolutionary adaption to climate. It is not a creator of privilege, but simply a reaction to diminished levels of ultraviolet radiation. It is pointless castigating Europeans for being white; in all situations what goes on between the ears of Homo sapiens sapiens is the defining factor, not the hue of the dermal envelope that contains them.

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The Predictable End Begins Again

Three opinions on the hot mess of #WaitForMe South Africa, which is anxious to go Zimbabwe one better:

The main problems facing national entities in the African continent are corruption, corruption, corruption. Without a rule of law and robust property rights, no country can flourish.

All too soon South Africa will have begging bowls in the U.N. Or rather, a list of demands that “former colonials” had better meet. But those wicked colonials will be embroiled in their own troubles, many of them brought about by their imported African populations.

Not to worry. China – already buying up mineral rights throughout the continent – is waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces. Who needs to ‘own’ countries when one can simply strip them to the last yuan?

The end of this sad tale will be blood, death, and famine. However, the present instigators will get away, their pockets bulging.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/24/2018

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte distanced himself from Geert Wilders’ “Draw Mohammed” contest, saying that Mr. Wilders was not a member of the government. The Netherlands has come under increasing pressure from the government of Pakistan to stop the blasphemous contest.

In other news, after an internal shakeup within the Liberal Party in Australia, Scott Morrison was unexpectedly elected as prime minister.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, Dora, JD, Reader from Chicago, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Tommy Robinson, The UK Political Football

This persecution of TR would be illegal in America. Here, anyone facing trial is entitled to have a formal written document outlining the charges under which the government plans to try him. Evidently, that’s not the case in Old Blighted.

What has the UK become?

This is beyond dreadful, veering into sadistic, cruel and unusual. They’re playing “Kick the Can Down the Road” – in hopes his public following gets bored and the furore dies down, perhaps? The can they are kicking so hard is Tommy Robinson and his family.

As I’ve said before he is damaged from his previous stays in prison. I hope he can sue some bureaucracy or other for sufficient treatment of the sequelae from the last two imprisonments before they send him back. That probably won’t happen; they’ve stitched up the man and due process be damned.

The Knife of Peace Comes to Düsseldorf

The videos below feature two versions of the same news story from Germany, one broadcast earlier and the other later.

The first gives an account of a culture-enriching knife murder in Düsseldorf, with no clue as to the identity of the perp, or the motive for the murder. By the time of the second news report, however, the Iranian murderer can be identified (although he has only an initial for a surname, since this is Germany, and his “privacy” must be protected), and the victim is the former girlfriend of the killer. Also, he is “mentally ill” — surprise, surprise!

Many thanks to Miss Piggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

Video #1:

Video #2:

Video transcript #1:

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A Plea for Help From a Distressed Hungarian

The following humorous piece was published yesterday by a Hungarian news portal. CrossWare, who translated the article for Gates of Vienna, includes this introductory note:

This short, light sarcastic essay is from the portal, essentially a reader’s letter, with a great sense of humor. As you know, the Soros soldier and MEP Judith Sargentini (from The Netherlands) compiled a report where she brings together all the smears she could find about Hungary. The usual stuff: a fascist dictatorship, where all the Hungarians’ rights are stomped on with an iron boot, Viktor Orbán eats children for breakfast, etc. etc. In the spirit of the report, the letter-writer has now prepared an answer from the “suffering” Hungarians.

The translated essay:

Sargentini, help! I would like to find refuge in Saudi Arabia

Reader’s opinion by: L.V.

August 23, 2018

We here in this little country embraced by the Carpathians look at you, almost ten million of us, with great hopes and excited expectations. You constantly say that you are worried about us Hungarians. Although this worry reminds us a bit of the atmosphere in the ‘50s when the ÁVH [the Communist Gestapo] agent welcomed the person of concern: “We have come for you, not against you!”

In that case a Hungarian already knew that this would be either a big and lengthy beating, internment, or maybe death … But before that, a little beating.

99.9999% of the Hungarian population listening to your words with suspicion, doubting that you wish us well and aim to benefit us. I want to be the first who is trying to believe you.

You are so highly respected, and you have done so much to make a better world, within which you have done almost everything to settle Muslims in Europe, and your determined efforts have certainly drawn the attention of the leaders of Saudi Arabia.

I would like to utilize the obviously very close friendship between you and the Muslim community. According to Mr. Juncker, “Solidarity is not a one-way street.” I am sure that what he meant by that was that if the EU shows solidarity with Muslim “refugees”, then Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, etc. will also show solidarity with the “fleeing” Christian refugees there.

So if you are so determined in the name of humanity to accept, in solidarity, Muslims as refugees, then you will be fighting for me with the same anger — as a first swallow — to have Saudi Arabia to accept me as a refugee.

You know, I am a small, low-income, quiet refugee from Central and Eastern Europe, and I just want to enjoy the same rights in Saudi Arabia which the United Nations, George Soros and you as his subordinate expect Europe to show the Muslim “refugees” here.

Please make contact as soon as possible with the competent leaders of Saudi Arabia, following the international principle of reciprocity, to provide guarantees for me before my flight. As for me, I AM entitled to, according to UN and EU principles, and which you certainly support with pure heart:

  • I want exactly the same benefits that every citizen gets in Saudi Arabia based on their fundamental rights.
  • Monthly fixed income of thousands of dollars for my bank account in Budapest.
  • A simple normal furnished home, 2200-2700 square feet in size, with a small pool and air conditioning.
  • A decent car, not a diesel! Because I’m environmentally friendly! Something normal like… an Audi Q6 or a Mercedes or something in a higher category. Sports cars are out of question. How could I get in and out of a Lamborghini, when I have too much sciatica? [EC President Jean-Claude Juncker said he has sciatica, and was (is) not drunk. In Hungary now everyone calls being drunk “having sciatica”.]
  • I want at least 17 plane tickets a year to Budapest, because while it is true that I want to escape from there, because of my fluid gender I sometimes feel that I just do not want to escape.
  • I want the right to family reunification, by which I mean to say that my relatives all get refugee status. We Hungarians are like a small family! Even our ancestors entered into a blood treaty, so we are almost ten million, and all of us are relatives in the end. Without any relatives, what would refugee status be worth?
  • 10 km away from my home there must be a pig farm. I like pork and I want to eat organic pork here as well. So let’s have at least 100 mangalica [a type of Hungarian pig] on the farm.
  • Have a Catholic church nearby! I also have the right to practice my religion! So I would go to church six times a week to thank God for providing me with such a golden life at the expense of others without doing any work.
  • I want to have a decent beach near my home, where on cooler days, I can spend the day with my female partner. We can sunbathe, she in her bikini, me in a loose bathing suit. Maybe if my girlfriend is not in the mood for the beach, I would like sit with the guys and have a beer on the beach, just like at home at Lake Balaton. Of course, a little fried pork sausage goes down just before beer.

If anything else comes to mind, I will let you know…

Dear Sargentini, who WANTS TO HELP HUNGARIANS so badly, that would be my simple, modest desire. If there were any worries about the costs in Saudi Arabia, then I could offer an alternative solution to Saudi Arabia with my refugees:

Saudi Arabia’s competent leaders should discuss with Soros a contingency that if the Hungarians were to stay at home, then Soros would give the Hungarians $100,000 per head to stay home. This is also a perfect win-win situation: we stay home, Soros plans and “helps” many people. Because “help” is what Soros, Juncker, Merkel, [Federica] Mogherini plan, and this is your intention, too.


Ms. Sargentini, OR NOT?!

Another commenter translated the letter into German (CrossWare says “I am not sure about the quality”):

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/23/2018

The Italian government is threatening to withhold €20 billion in payments to the EU if other European countries don’t agree to take in some of the latest batch of migrants waiting off the Italian coast. Meanwhile, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini says that no migrants will be allowed into Italy without his say-so.

In other news, an ethnic Chinese woman in Indonesia was sentenced to 18 months in prison for blasphemy after she complained about the loud noise coming from a mosque.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Forty Culturally Enriched Assaults Per Day in Germany? It’s Worse Than That.

In the video below, the speaker tells the audience that there are forty assaults on Germans by “refugees” every day. When MissPiggy translated it, I asked her if there were any source for the statistic other than the man speaking to the crowd in Offenburg. It seemed a plausible figure to me, but I wondered where it had come from.

MissPiggy did some digging, and found the source: official government statistics. And the official number of daily assaults per day wasn’t forty; it was considerably more. The speaker was actually low-balling it.

More on that in a minute. First, here’s the video from Offenburg. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Now for the government report. It showed that as of 2017, there were on average more than one hundred assaults committed by migrants against Germans every day.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for translating this one, too, and to Vlad again for the subtitling:

Video transcript #1:

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Boris and the Burka

El Inglés uses the recent controversy over Boris Johnson’s remarks to introduce some little-known historical examples of Islamophobia.

Boris and the Burka

by El Inglés

Boris Johnson is at it again, it seems. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the kitchen, Britain’s most/least-admired/hated (delete as appropriate) white, straight, male, privileged, politician has caused a stir by saying that Muslim women in burkas look like ‘bank-robbers’ and ‘letter-boxes.’

Given that no bank robber in the history of the world has ever actually looked like a letterbox, it seems clear that at least one of these two epithets must be inaccurate. Here, we will put that to one side and focus on the response to his comments.

One Lord Cooper, of whose existence I was unaware until fairly recently, communicated the following via Twitter in response to Boris’s comments:

The rottenness of Boris Johnson goes deeper even than his casual racism and his equally casual courting of fascism. He will advocate literally anything to play to the crowd of the moment.

Lord Cooper, which actually means Lord Barrelmaker, and is therefore a very weird title, had effectively accused Boris of being a fascist. Woop-de-doop. Another day, another fascist under the bed. So far, so original.

Let us ask, though: was the charge actually fair in this particular case? It is no secret that Boris is a gigantic, attention-seeking bellend. Could he also be a fascist?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Whatever exactly one thinks of Johnson’s comments, we need to be clear about one thing: anti-Muslim feeling has by no stretch of the imagination been limited to fascists, historically speaking. People of all different political backgrounds have despised Islam equally. Let us consider a few examples here.

Ho Chi Minh — Communist and Islamophobe Extraordinaire

Ho Chi Minh was a hugely talented Islamophobe. According to his unauthorized biography Not That Type of Ho…, Ho was arrested for attacking a group of Algerian men with a meat cleaver during his days in Paris in the 1920s. He was quoted in his police statement as having said:

Why so many ****ing Muslims in Paris? Why they park all over sidewalk so no can pass? Why they shout at me and lady friend when we walk down street? Next time I kill even more, ****ing hate ****ing Muslims.

That hard-left sentiments and anti-Muslim bigotry often walk hand-in-hand is made abundantly clear by this tale of borderline psychotic Islamophobia.

Jane Austen — World-famous Victorian novelist and grand wizard-level Islamophobe

Jane Austen’s position as a greatly-loved English novelist seemed unassailable until 2014, when previously unknown letters of hers exposed her as a raving anti-Islamic nutcase. The following is a particularly choice demonstration of her unrelenting anti-letterbox bigotry.

I happened upon a most unlovely bearded bollockhead of a Mohammedan a few short days ago, whereupon I did immediately start screeching the vilest of slurs at him: goat****er, sand monkey, and others that quite escape me at present but that yielded great pleasure at the time. I went home feeling rather pleased with myself and enjoyed a celebratory scone with extra jam. Goat****ers everywhere these days, darling, you simply can’t imagine.

Pancho Villa — Mexican revolutionary Islamophobe

Not only an unreconstructed sombrero-wearer and tequila-drinker, Pancho Villa was well ahead of the curve as an Islamophobe too. An undercover documentary released on YouTube in 2013 constituted incontrovertible evidence of this. At one point, a voice, subsequently identified as Villa’s, is heard to say:

You haf to remeber wid de Moosleems dat dey dreenk de blod of two infeedels every day jos’ to stay alive, ese. We talkin’ bout som baaad hombres, hermano. In Mexico, we shoot on sight, no questions asked. No Moosleems in Mexico ese, an’ we aim to keep it dat way….

Edward the Third — Launcher of Hundred Years’ War against the French, and precocious Islamophobe

Edward the Third, when not busy battling the Valois dynasty for the French throne, was a tireless opponent of the Islamic religion and its adherents. Historians recently unearthed one of his angrier diatribes about the Muslims swarming his capital city. We quote from a post he made on Facebook in 1363:

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Goat in a Baby Stroller: A Sacrifice for Eid al-Adha

It’s that festive time of the year again: Eid al-Adha, when blood flows in the streets and the laughter of children mixes with the sound of animals screaming in pain.

A culture-enriching boy in Italy was pushing a bound goat in a baby stroller, intending to sacrifice it during the festivities, but a WAYCIST Italian intervened, and the goat’s life was spared. (Vlad says he thinks it’s a sheep, not a goat. And the guy who took the video also says “sheep”.)

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is the accompanying article from Il Sussidiario, also translated by FouseSquawk:

Islamic Feast, Goat in a Baby Stroller for Slaughter

A goat in a stroller ready to be slaughtered. Storm in Naples for the Islamic feast of sacrifice. A Moroccan is charged with mistreatment of an animal.

August 21, 2018
by Silvana Palazzo

[Photo: Goat in stroller ready to be slaughtered]

The polemics continue in Naples for the Eid al-Adha, the Islamic feast of sacrifice, which will continue until Saturday 25 August. The tradition provides for the sacrifice of an adult animal, sheep, cows, and camels. Reporting the incident in Naples was Salvatore Iodice, a counselor, who when he saw a boy with a goat in a baby stroller, confronted him, “Stop — don’t slaughter it.” “I have always done this ceremony in my country, and so I will continue to do it,” the young man declared. Immediately, four police cars showed up, but nothing could change the mind of the Moroccan. In Naples, the citizens continue to be worried about this custom.

Storm in Naples

Polemics in Naples over the feast of sacrifice celebrated by the Islamic community. The tradition of Eid al-Adha provides for the sacrifice of goats and lambs, through slaughter. Therefore, the worry has grown among residents in the area of Garibaldi Square and animal rights activists. “None of this has happened, though attention has remained high,” assured the representative for immigration, of CGIL Campania*, Jamal Qaddorah, as reported by The Messenger. But the video tells a story that was about to end with the killing of a goat. It was filmed by the counselor of the II Municipality, Salvatore Iodice, who told of seeing a youth with a stroller in which could be seen the legs of an animal. “Alarmed, I got out of the car shouting at the boy to let the animal free, and I called the police who quickly intervened with four squad cars. The boy said that he had always done this ceremony in his country and that it was his intention to continue to do it.” The intervention of the counselor and the police who identified and charged (without taking him into custody) the young man of Moroccan origin for mistreatment of animals, averted the worst.

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