Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/24/2017

France is deploying 97,000 policemen and soldiers to keep the country safe over Christmas. The added security personnel will focus on the protection of Christmas markets, shopping centers, churches, and tourist attractions.

In other news, two heterosexual men in Ireland have gotten married so that one of them will avoid paying estate tax when he inherits the other’s house.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Charles Low, Dean, DH, Dora, KS, MC, Reader from Chicago, SS, ST, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Music To Go With Your Wassail

Our English correspondent Seneca III sends this eclectic medley of music for your enjoyment as we approach Christmas morning.

I’ve embedded the first video, a Celtic version of “O Holy Night”. The other selections are linked below, after Seneca III’s message

Amidst all the Turmoil and Uncertainty Feast, Your Ears, Your Heart and Your Mind on What it Really Means to be Human

— Seneca III, wishing you all a Christmas of love and understanding of what we are from Middle England, this 24th day of December in the year of our Lord 2017.

Angela Merkel: The Inconvenience and Annoyance of the Breitscheidplatz Anniversary

The following report by Egri Nök was published yesterday at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.

Germany: A Government, Failing The Minimum Requirements Of Humanity

BERLIN — It took chancellor Merkel one year to meet the survivors and the families of the victims of the Berlin Christmas Market terror attack at last.

Parts of the German press have found unusually strong words for her conduct and the statement that she made. Watch her statement on video, and read on for the commentaries.

Below are a full translation from Cicero, and a translation from n-tv in excerpts.

1. An original translation from conservative monthly Cicero:

Remembrance at Breitscheidplatz

A Disruption Of Business Operations

by Alexander Kissler
December 19, 2017

One year ago there was an Islamist attack on Berlin Breitscheidplatz that took twelve lives. At the memorial service it became clear: Angela Merkel can’t speak, because she has nothing to say. She offers empathy under reserve.

Would David Allen be happy with Angela Merkel? The American management consultant is considered the inventor of the Getting-Things-Done method. His books are called “Getting Things Done”, “Making It All Work” or “Ready For Anything!”. Coach Allen writes like the German chancellor purportedly thinks. But the difference is palpable: the things that Merkel wants to get done slip out of her hands, because people aren’t things.

It has been noted on several occasions, and justly so, that the chancellor is hostile towards the German language. Talking is not her thing, because, in the end, she has nothing to say — nothing that would be beyond the scope of her operational self-reference, which announces: Here I stand, you are looking at me, so I may as well talk. Merkel’s sentences are sentences that you forgot, even before she has completed them, and you’d await their completion in vain. Politics means — in Merkel’s own words — “make things better”, “make things better that didn’t go well.” The last big thing was the Islamist attack on the Breitscheidplatz Berlin, where one year ago today twelve people were murdered.

“She had met an Imam at whose mosque an explosive device had been thrown, one week after the explosion”

Don’t Push

An act of terror, too, is one of the many things that a chancellor has got to deal with. She does so visibly grudgingly, evidenced not least by the year she let pass, before she embarked upon a meeting “that is very important to me”. This is what the chancellor announced upon request, and without visibly blushing, last Monday after the CDU executive committee meeting. And she continued: “I know that some would have preferred for such a meeting to have taken place earlier. But it is important to me that I again make it clear today how much we feel with the families and with the injured.” And she added, formally correct, that by the way the Federal President was the “Head of State”, and he had met the victims already “at the beginning of the year”. Don’t push us, is what this means, we are Germany, we are following a protocol. Exceptions confirm the rule. She had met an imam at whose mosque an explosive device had been thrown one week after the explosion, in which, by the way, no one was harmed.

Government Spokesman Steffen Seibert on Twitter: “Chancellor #Merkel spoke with family of the imam whose mosque in Dresden was attacked last week with a bomb.”

The divergent reaction times are characteristic of the political style of a chancellor who sets crude priorities where humanity is called for. Wherever you look, whether logic or faculty of language, there is an abyss opening up, concealing a vacuous center. The “but” alone, between the expectations of “some” — in fact, nearly everyone, except herself — and her own delay in action, is apocalyptic. Misery nests in this “but”: as if her own, weak-sounding “sympathies” were in contrast to the compassion expected by her critics. No, the true contrast is between empathy and the refusal of empathy, between responsiveness and Merkel. It is a bold-faced joke “that we feel and suffer with the people” (Merkel), if these people have been treated, for a year, or rather, are still being treated, as a disruption of business operations.

“It is a bold-faced joke that [she] feels and suffers with the people”

Onlookers of a Process Machine

Merkel prefers things to people, and what she appreciates about people is their thingness, because people stand in the way of political processes. Where smoothness is the highest aim, people, convictions, principles, are a nuisance. These three, all of them, are just onlookers in Merkel’s process machine. Her pale acknowledgement “how much we want to make things better” culminated in Merkel’s referring the insight of victim commissioner Kurt Beck that “a whole list of things” were “inadequate”, and “here, we will also support this with all our strength.” Is this the same strength with which the federal government will support the deportation of Islamic risks, and send rejected asylum seekers out of the country? The dead of Breitscheidplatz would still be alive if the German authorities had worked professionally. The fact that “with all their strength” no one is taking responsibility for this gives Merkel’s will “to make that better which didn’t go well” a taste as bitter as gall.

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Fourth Sunday of Advent, 2017

“E’en So Lord Jesus, Quickly Come”

Paul Manz and his wife wrote this Advent hymn when their young son was very ill and it was thought he might not survive. He did live, though, and today has the original of this work.

Manz died in 2009.

The words are adapted from Revelations. The motet is Manz’ own composition.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/23/2017

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania yesterday a man named Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty went on a shooting spree, targeting police from his vehicle. One policewoman was shot and wounded before police eventually shot and killed the gunman. Authorities are completely mystified as to what Mr. El-Mofty’s motive might have been.

In other news, the Catalan independence leader Carles Puigdemont asked the Spanish government for permission to return to Catalonia so that he can become the region’s next president.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Charles Low, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Managing Geronticide

The “greying” of the population in Western countries is a well-known phenomenon. The current demographic trend that sees Western women having an average of about 1.5 children each means that that the birthrate stays well below replacement level. With substantial improvements in medical care for the elderly, Western societies have become top-heavy with older people — geezers like me.

This situation is obviously one of the driving reasons for importing so many young and fecund foreigners from the Third World. It’s clear to long-term policy planners that the current welfare state cannot be sustained if the cohort of working-age people keeps shrinking while the geriatric cohort keeps ballooning. The importation of young foreigners is the only way to keep the system from crashing — or so the reasoning goes.

Nationalists who desire to preserve their country’s culture and genetic makeup routinely discuss the need to increase the birthrate, to make motherhood more socially fashionable — I can’t think of a better word — and less of a financial burden to families. In countries where nationalist parties control the government, such as Russia and Hungary, programs have been put in place to encourage and support childbearing, with an eye towards raising the fertility rate to the magic number of 2.1.

Even the most optimistic promoters of birth-encouragement, however, admit that achieving success will be a long and difficult process. And even if they enjoy such success right now — which doesn’t seem to be happening — the benefits won’t kick in for a full generation. Whereas the liabilities of a rapidly-aging population are kicking in right now.

Nevertheless, there is another, obvious way in which the demographic makeup of the population could be shifted. But no one really wants to talk about it — and with good reason.

The demographics of a population are controlled by two factors: the birth rate and the death rate. When either changes, the demographic balance shifts. Nudging the birthrate upwards is, as policy-makers have discovered, quite difficult. But nudging the death rate upwards would be quite easy, especially in a welfare state with a fully socialized medical system.

Do you think the policy wonks that manage socialized medical care haven’t noticed this alternative? I don’t — anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of statistics would be aware of it. But it’s not something that a clinician or social scientist would want to write about, nor would any medical journal want to publish about it.

Up until now the planners have preferred a less draconian solution to the problem of the greying of the population. The plan has been to import new workers from among the teeming hordes in the “developing countries” to replace the aging whites whose taxes have hitherto propped up the system. “New skin for the old ceremony,” as Leonard Cohen said.

But it’s not working out the way it was supposed to. Even Angela Merkel must have realized by now that the “New Germans” aren’t going to provide a sufficient economic base to replace the native German one. Not anytime soon, and maybe not ever, based on the way the second and third generations of culture-enrichers stubbornly cling to their low-skill welfare-parasite habits.

No, the system will eventually collapse if present trends continue. Even when London becomes the Dhaka of the West and Berlin morphs into Istanbul, the problem will remain: there won’t be enough working young people to pay for the old people.

And that’s when the policy planners will start looking at the other side of the ineluctable demographic equation. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that they’re already looking at it — quietly and discreetly, behind closed doors. How could they not be looking at it?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

I’ll have more to say about the geriatric “final solution” to the demographic problem, but first let’s take a look at the statistics.

I recently ran across an excellent website called World Life Expectancy, which features well-designed graphical representations of demographic data for all the countries of the world, beginning in 1950 and projecting all the way up to 2050.

The site uses a graphing script to create a “population pyramid”, which shows the statistical breakdown of a population by age. Youngsters are at the bottom, geezers at the top; females on the left right, males on the right left.

The traditional form of the pyramid is represented by the 2015 graph for Senegal:

(Click to enlarge)

Lots and lots of youngsters, very few old people, and a smoothly decreasing graph from the bottom to the top.

This is the sort of population that can, at least in theory, support socialized care for the elderly. Not many old people and lots of young ones: a modest tax on the youthful will suffice to support the senescent.

But for various reasons — among them the fact that the welfare state disincentivizes childbearing for all but the underclass — the population pyramid isn’t a pyramid at all for mature Western social democracies. Take a look at the USA in 2015:

(Click to enlarge)

You can see the Boomer Bulge up there at the top (that’s where I am). Down below is a second bulge for the children of the Boomers. And then below that it gets narrower.

Obviously, the American taxpayer is going to have to endure a much higher tax rate than the Senegalese do to support the geezers in their dotage.

But the USA is close to a best-case example of the fully-developed Western democracies. For something closer to worst-case, we need to look at Greece. Here it is in 1950:

(Click to enlarge)

This is not bad for supporting a full welfare state. It’s not quite a pyramid, but at least it’s similar to one.

Move ahead sixty-five years to 2015, however, and it looks completely different:
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Updated Analysis on the ÖVP-FPÖ Coalition Pact

The following report by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff scrutinizes the recent coalition government formed in Austria by the ÖVP (Österreichische Volkspartei, Austrian People’s Party) and the FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party), paying particular attention to the provisions on domestic security in the coalition’s program.

Updated analysis on the ÖVP-FPÖ coalition pact

by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
Vice President of Wiener Akademikerbund (WAB)
December 20, 2017


After 51 days of negotiations, the ÖVP and FPÖ finally concluded their talks on their coalition pact. These 51 days might seem like a long time; however, statistics show that this time frame is about what previous governments needed to reach their pact. What set these 51 days apart from other coalitions in the past was the lack of infighting between the two partners: the so-called grand coalition partners (SPÖ and ÖVP) began their government bickering, and ended it with open hatred. Never before have I seen two parties argue so little and work so quietly and successfully. This alone gives cause for hope.

The finalization of the coalition talks was presented in a hotel on the Kahlenberg, the very site that saw King Jan Sobieski begin the liberation of a Turkish-occupied Vienna. The new chancellor was asked by a German reporter whether he was aware of this historic site and whether the choice was intentional. He replied: “I was in charge of many things, but not the choice of venues for the presentation.” In any case, the Kahlenberg was a telling choice.

Gatestone notes the following:

A 180-page document [pdf] explains the new government’s agenda between now and 2022. It promises to crack down on political Islam; to crack down on illegal immigration; to speed up asylum decisions and to sponsor an EU summit on immigration when Austria holds the EU presidency in the second half of 2018.

The document also pledges to give Austrians more opportunities to vote in referendums — although it explicitly refuses to allow a referendum on the country’s continued membership in the European Union.

In addition, the document promises to: require migrants to learn German; require migrant kindergartners who have insufficient German language skills to repeat kindergarten before progressing to the first grade; increase the legal penalties for sexual crimes; strengthen Austrian defense; hire more police officers; reduce the bureaucracy and not raise taxes.

My analysis will comprise solely the chapter on “Domestic Security”, as this is the only one of concern to CJ allies. (For those who know German: I urge you to read the original document.)

In its introduction to the part on domestic security, the program says: “Parallel societies may not develop in this country. We must prevent subversive extremism and subversive radicalization […]”

WAB: This can be interpreted as constitutional combat of those holding disagreeable views, i.e. us.

The subchapter on “Combating subversive extremism and subversive radicalization, especially to prevent terrorist activities” notes specifically, “As in prior years, the greatest danger for Austria’s domestic security stems from Islamistic [sic!] terrorism.”

WAB: Thank you, this is very explicit and clearly stated.

Program: “new threats and challenges (transnational terrorism, foreign agitation, migration)”

WAB: what is foreign agitation?

Program: “Amendment of the Law on Association in order to combat extremism and terrorism as well as strict execution of legal provisions in order to shut down extremist-religious places of worship.”

WAB: The above point warrants a closer analysis.

1.   A place of worship cannot be extremist, only people can.
2.   When the Law on Islam was passed in 2015, thanks to the support of FPÖ, WAB was closely involved in the constitutional and parliamentary process. Even back then, WAB strongly criticized the weakness in this specific point of the proposed law. As noted by Christian Zeitz in his critique:

The necessary dissolution of mosque and prayer groups which have been established in a rampant, unmanageable process in recent years, and have overspread all of Austria with a dense net of 460 such institutions. The reality of the practice or pursuit of a religion in completely unaccounted-for organizations is incompatible with the idea of a legally recognized religious society which is responsible for its actions and its practitioners and therefore enjoys legal protection and privileges.

So now WAB’s predictions have come to fruition. Unfortunately, no one from FPÖ team called Zeitz to ask for suggestions on how to fix the law. Here are the suggestions:

Revision of the Law on Associations:

By this is meant standardisation of a general prohibition on the exercise of corporate freedom of religion or the management of a religious establishment based on the legal structure of an association. At the same time a measure must be adopted which also ensures that those religious communities which do not satisfy the requirements for the approval of a legally recognised religion can exercise their rights in the context of the general freedom of religion. Therefore:

Revision of the Act concerning the Legal Personality of Religious Confessional Communities [Bekenntnisgemeinschaftengesetz: BGBl. I Nr. 19/1998]

This law — as a law on special associations, since the law encompasses this category — should enable a low-threshold access to the utilisation of corporative freedom of religion. In addition, the obligation for proof of a prescribed minimum number of members (presently 300) should be removed.

At the same time the Act pertaining to a prohibition of foreign financing of societies approved by this law should be supplemented in a way analogous to the corresponding standardisation in the Islam Act. In this way, the fact that this regulation is not limited to Islamic communities could be given expression. In order to be certain of accomplishing the task to be solved here, an adaptation of § 1 must be made, which excludes legally recognised associations of religious adherents from the choice of legal structure.

Supplement to the Draft of the proposed Islam Act.

This law should be supplemented by an introductory provision, which, based on the introduction of Article I of the “old” Islam Act, is directed towards all adherents of Islam, regardless of their denomination. These should first of all be invited to participate in the building up of the common good and in the cultivation of the constitutional quality of the Republic of Austria and to contribute to the preservation of the cultural foundations, which make for a worthwhile life and a prosperous polity in Austria.

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My Heart Are Full of Grievous

The video below is a special project by Egri Nök.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is well-known in Germany for her fractured, incorrect, deficient use of the German language. Her oratorical skills were apparently at their worst when she made these brief remarks on the occasion of the first anniversary of last year’s truck jihad attack at the Berlin Christmas market.

Egri worked hard to render the Chancelloress’s solecisms in English, but it wasn’t always easy to do so. For example, in two instances Mrs. Merkel used the wrong case of the German word for “big”. English, being largely case-free, has no equivalent. So we all put our heads together, and Dymphna suggested the imaginary word “bigly” (which she says was invented by Scott Adams). In the text you’ll see other erroneous neologisms (or neologous errors) that were coined for the occasion.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/22/2017

A man named Everitt Aaron Jameson, a.k.a. Abdallah adu Everitt ibn Gordon, has been arrested for plotting a Christmas attack in San Francisco. Despite the fact that Mr. Jameson is a Muslim convert, his nefarious plot obviously had nothing to do with Islam.

In other news, stung by criticism that it is helping the Libyan coast guard prevent migrants from leaving Libya, the Italian government is airlifting immigrants directly from Libya to Rome.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Caroline Glick, Charles Low, Dean, Dora, KS, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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She Was Asking For It, Part Two

More on the Fittja gang-rape case, also from Fria Tider and translated by FouseSquawk:

All charged in Fittja rape case freed

December 19, 2017

[Photo caption: In this stairwell the rape allegedly happened]

Soderholm’s criminal court today announced a judgment of release (i.e. dropping charges) for all five immigrant men who were charged with gross rape and abetting a gross rape in Fittja in the summer of 2016. The court did not find the woman’s account fully believable in spite of the fact that injuries were found and that sperm from many men were found on her clothing.

It was in August 2016 that a 30-year-old woman at the Fittja center in Botkyrka commune accompanied a group of men to another public place. There she was later attacked by a larger group of men and exposed to “very serious sexual violence”, as police earlier expressed it on their webpage.

“It concerns a terrible rape that led to a very terrible torture-like trauma for my client. This is one of the most terrible rape cases that I have encountered in my 26 years of work,” said the woman’s counsel, the attorney Elisabeth Massi Fritz, in an email to the newspaper Metro in September.

But now the men who were charged have been freed, all of whom are immigrants and come from Iraq and Somalia.

In its judgment, the court directed criticism at the investigation upon which the prosecution was based.

“All parties have agreed that the investigation had its shortcomings. During the hearing it became apparent that the reasoning the prosecution is based upon falters,” says Chief Judge Erica Hemtke.

“The evidence presented by the prosecutor at the main hearing simply is not enough for anyone to be convicted. The information provided by the plaintiff does not coincide with it, and her information is not supported by other evidence,” says Erica Hemtke.

“Overall, the court judges the credibility and reliability of the information which she has given during the court proceedings,” writes the court.

At the same time, the judgment states:

“It is established that after the incident, the woman had injuries in the form of skin discolorations and skin scrapes, the origin and cause of which cannot be established. Sperm from several men were found on her clothing. She told police whom she met with soon after the incident as well as the doctor who treated her at the Soder hospital that she had been gang-raped and that she was in pain. She also showed signs of being in pain.

“It is established that there had been oral sex between three men and the woman. However, the parties had different accounts about whether there were also other sexual acts between the men and the woman, also whether all this happened during one and the same course of events in the stairwell,” as the prosecutor states.

Since the men have now been freed, there are no judgments for them to pay damages,” the court clarifies.

Christmas Market in Bonn Evacuated

The following report by Egri Nök was just published at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.

Breaking: Germany — Bonn Christmas Market Evacuated

An original translation from Bonner General-Anzeiger:

Suspicious Item

Christmas Market Bonn Evacuated

BONN. The Bonn Christmas Market was evacuated Friday night. According to information that General-Anzeiger has obtained, a suspicious package was found. Police ordered explosives experts and a unit for analysis of chemical substances.

By Alf Kaufmann and Axel Vogel
December 23, 2017

Police evacuated the Christmas Market Bonn Friday evening 10PM. According to police, a suspicious item was noticed in front of the main postal office on the Münsterplatz Square. Additionally, witnesses described a person in front of the post office who deposited suspicious packages in a mailbox. According to GA information, the packages might be a major drug find. Accordingly, substances were found in about one dozen containers. The Analytical Task Force (ATF) from Cologne was called during the night. A unit which specializes in chemical analysis, usually to recognize and combat biological, chemical or radioactive threats.

Police and firefighters were on-site with a large deployment. Visitors were requested to leave the Christmas Market. Police explosives experts arrived around 11PM. A robot searched the parcels for explosive materials. A so-called “special setup entity” is ongoing. These are setups when situations are complex and a large number of officers will be needed for an extended period of time.

More coverage to follow.

Go to Vlad’s place to see the photos.

She Was Asking For It!

The following article is about a protest in Stockholm against the freeing of five suspects due to lack of evidence. The men had been accused of gang-raping a woman in Fittja, a suburb of Stockholm. The women who came out to protest the judicial decision were heckled by a crowd of culture-enrichers.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for the translation from Fria Tider:

Go home and cry: Here men heckle women’s protest against rape

20 December 2017

When a group of women gathered together in Fittja to demonstrate against the controversial court-ordered release of rape suspects, a group of men appeared.

“Go home and cry! The woman was a junkie,” they shouted, among other things.

The woman had stated that she was raped in very brutal ways by up to 20 men in a stairwell in Fittja, a suburb of Stockholm.

But the five immigrants who were being prosecuted for involvement in the rape were freed on Wednesday by the Soderholm court for lack of evidence.

The court directed hard criticism at the investigation conducted by police in the case.

The court’s decision to release the suspects has led to protests, and on Tuesday evening the women gathered in Fittja to demonstrate.

A video of the event that has been widely spread on Facebook shows how a group of men show up and begin to heckle the demonstrators.

“Were you there when it happened? I was there,” shouted one of them.

“Go home and cry. There is nothing for you but to go home and cry,” said another.

When the demonstrators answered that they were there to support the woman (victim), one of the hecklers responded, “The woman was a junkie.”

Another Day, Another Rape in the Shisha Bar

The following report by Egri Nök was published earlier at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.

Munich: 19-Year-old Raped In Shisha Bar

by Egri Nök

An original translation from the Munich daily newspaper t.z.:

Early Thursday morning

19-year-old raped in Shisha bar

December 22, 2017

Munich — In the early hours of Thursday morning, a 19-year-old met an Iraqi (22) in front of a Shisha Bar in Leonrodstraße. Subsequently they went together to a basement room of that bar. There the man became forward, so that the young woman went back to the bar.

Later, when there were no other guests remaining in the bar, the man wanted to go into the basement with her again. She refused. Upon which the suspect violently dragged her downstairs and raped her in the basement room of the bar, despite her massive resistance.

When he finally let go of her, she fled to a neighboring bar where her girlfriend was.

Suspect in Detention

Police discovered the Iraqi on the premises and made a preliminary arrest. He was taken into custody and will appear before the committing magistrate.