A Hamburg Caliphate is Stirring

Participants in the Islamist demonstration demand, among other things, the caliphate as “the solution”

Muslim culture-enrichers in Hamburg are impatient with the slow pace of Islamization in Germany. They want to jump-start the Caliphate.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from today’s Berliner Morgenpost:

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“Caliphate is the solution”— Big Islamist Demonstration in Hamburg

April 28, 2024

Hamburg. In Hamburg more than 1,000 people take part in an Islamist-organized demonstration. Nancy Faeser alarmed.

On Saturday, according to police reports, some 1,100 people gathered to protest against alleged Islamophobic media reporting. According to a report by the Hamburger Abendblatt, which, like this outlet, belongs to the Funke Media Group, slogans on placards such as “Germany = Dictatorship of values” or “Caliphate is the solution”, could be read. The call “Allahu Akhbar” (God is Greater) was repeated over and over again.

Islamists reportedly behind the demonstration

According to the report, the initiators are people who are also connected to the Islamist-classified “Muslim Interactive”. These people were also reportedly responsible for a violent demonstration on October 28 of last year. According to police, there were no incidents at today’s gathering.

“Seeing such an Islamist demonstration on our streets is hard to bear. It is good that the Hamburg police are working to counter crimes with a large contingent,” says Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to Tagespiegel. According to Faeser, security authorities are targeting the Islamist scene. That also goes for the alleged group at the demonstration in Hamburg.

9 thoughts on “A Hamburg Caliphate is Stirring

  1. “ It is good that the Hamburg police are working to counter crimes with a large contingent,” says Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD).”

    Germany doesn’t have a chance with Nancies in charge.

  2. What they mean by this is the implementation of the “Final Solution” for anyone that isn’t prepared to kowtow to Islam and convert to become a Zombie to their sick and toxic ideology.

  3. It is too late for mass repatriation although it is refreshing to see that the politicians (who caused this) now seem to be aware of the seriousness of the situation.

    • If they need this long to recognize the problem I wonder how long it will take for them to do something about it.
      On the other hand: I dont want to know.

  4. If a Caliphate is the solution, it must have been a pretty stupid question. Lock and load children, It’s time to pay the bill.

    • I remember I read a book about the profecies of Nostradamus back in around 1985. It said that muslims would invade Europe and establish a califhate with Cologne as capital. That made me laugh. Well, I’m not laughing now and haven’t for quite a while.

  5. There seems to be a good deal of this Islamic agitation going on everywhere. In the US on some college campuses there appears to be an alliance of Communists and Sharia Supremacists. Each group imagines the other to be useful idiots. The purple haired crazies are clueless as to what their fate will be if they do not “submit” to Sharia after their usefulness has expired.

    • “There seems to be a good deal of this Islamic agitation going on everywhere.”

      It’s just Mohammedanists doing what Mohammedanists do. And having IMPORTED this malignancy just about everywhere….well…

      “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [rabies] in a dog….No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.” —Winston Churchill, “The River War” (1899)

  6. Isaiah 28 is an interesting chapter because it describes the end of the islamic occupation of the bible. In this chapter Isaiah says the Israelis covenant with death will be annulled. How could this be? The answer is in verse 20. There, Isaiah says the bed is too short to stretch out on, and the blanket is too short to wrap around you. He is speaking to the killers of the Israelis here. His statement means the source of the confidence of the killers will fail them. This is not an empty boast by Isaiah. Jacob foretold of a choice vine of prophetic words in Genesis 49. Then the prophets came and built it so his word would come true. The prophets built an outcome that could only be fulfilled by someone with a lot of experience with God’s superior intimacy with murder. Since it is a planned action against murder, it deserves to be called a choice vine. This is an intentional act against the killers of the followers of the bible. An important statement by Jesus in Matthew shows He is all in on this plan. He said a nazarite will come and get things restored and ready for Him. Many other biblical figures contribute to this outcome against murder as well. This exact biblical result proves the statement by Isaiah against the killers of the Israelis is true.

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