Music To Go With Your Wassail

Our English correspondent Seneca III sends this eclectic medley of music for your enjoyment as we approach Christmas morning.

I’ve embedded the first video, a Celtic version of “O Holy Night”. The other selections are linked below, after Seneca III’s message

Amidst all the Turmoil and Uncertainty Feast, Your Ears, Your Heart and Your Mind on What it Really Means to be Human

— Seneca III, wishing you all a Christmas of love and understanding of what we are from Middle England, this 24th day of December in the year of our Lord 2017.

10 thoughts on “Music To Go With Your Wassail

  1. Thank you. Merry Christmas everyone!

    Here’s something in return, the traditional 1790s “Czech Christmas Mass” (Missa pastoralis bohemica) by Jan Jakub Ryba. It’s essentially a musical nativity play – no subtitles, but I believe it’s largely self-explanatory thanks to the illustrations. 😉

    • Wonderful, so well done both visually and musically for it catches the essence of what it is to be both European and Christian; it has now gone into my music library and will not be forgotten next year. Thank you, E.K.

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