Whitewashing the Ovens — The Moral Equivocating Starts in Nashville

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #201: Whitewashing the Ovens — the moral equivocating starts in Nashville

Anybody can be an anti-Semite, but to really harm Jews, it helps to be a Jew.

Leftist Jews who concede a moral equivalence between the horror and evil of the Holocaust and the “nakbah,” (translated as “the catastrophe”; what Arabs label the reestablishment of Israel, the Jewish homeland) should be ashamed.

Starting on October 14, 2016, The Tennessee Holocaust Commission, Temple Ohabai Shalom, The Jewish Federation, Vanderbilt University, Family of Abraham and The Faith & Culture Center will sponsor the “Exhibit & Lecture series: “Moving From Indifference to Action.” The lecture series will continue for two weeks.

Event sponsor Faith & Culture Center’s president Daoud Abudiab posts on his Facebook page how he really feels about the State of Israel

The event will also include an interfaith service with Imam Mohamed Magid at The Temple whose senior rabbi Mark Schiftan has made it his mission to fight Islamophobia in Nashville.

Magid is among the “newly-educated” former Holocaust deniers. After his visit to the Nazi death camps of Auschwitz and Dachau, he said, “[w]hether in Europe today or in the Muslim world, my call to humanity: End racism for God’s sake, end anti-Semitism for God’s sake, end Islamophobia for God’s sake, end sexism for God’s sake… Enough is enough.”

Magid’s sentiments may be sincere, but leave unanswered whether his call to end anti-Semitism includes this century’s new anti-Semitism movement called Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions against Israel (BDS). The United States Commission on Civil Rights has stated, “anti-Semitic bigotry is no less morally deplorable when camouflaged as anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism.”

Sometimes described as politically correct or politically sanctioned anti-Semitism, the end goal of BDS as stated by the movement’s founder Omar Barghouti is clear. He rejects a two-state solution and says that Palestinian right of return is the way to end Israel as a Jewish state. “You’d have a Palestine next to a Palestine rather than a Palestine next to Israel.”

Leaders of the BDS movement, including the former and current directors of Samar Ali father’s Jerusalem Fund organization, agree that the end goal is to destroy the State of Israel.

The question Nashville’s Jews and the Tennessee Holocaust Commission members should be asking Magid is why, as President of ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), he allowed his organization to actively promote the leaders of BDS and the BDS campaign?

Who is Imam Mohamed Magid?

Mohamed Magid was born in Northern Sudan. He first came to the U.S. sometime in 1987 to donate his kidney to his father. He claims that the relationship with his father’s kidney doctor, who was Jewish, caused him to reject anti-Semitism:

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The African Slave Trade: The Islamic Connection

This essay was published originally in the New English Review, September, 2016.

As many of our readers know, Gates of Vienna finds Emmet Scott’s research into the history of Islam’s darker corners, largely unexamined by Western scholars, to be a sorely-needed remedy for the current obfuscation of authentic Islamic history. Thus, faux-“movements” such as #BlackLivesMatter, funded by Soros or those like him, sadly cheat African Americans of the full story regarding Islam’s brutal treatment of Africans. Just like the slavery that preceded it, BLM cheats people of a reality based on factual information, trading it for the easy answer of deep resentment fueled by misinformation.

Emmet Scott’s essay appears here in its entirety, including his choice of image.

The African Slave Trade: The Islamic Connection

by Emmet Scott

In The Impact of Islam (2014) I showed that whilst slavery as an institution had been abolished in Christian Europe by the tenth century, it was revived in later centuries first and foremost by contact with the Islamic world. As might be expected, it was that region of Europe in nearest proximity to the Dar al-Islam, namely the Iberian Peninsula, that first adopted the Islamic custom of slave-raiding and slave-keeping. In the Iberian Peninsula Christendom had shared a land border with Islam for many centuries, and it was precisely there that Christian kings and princes, from the eleventh century onwards, began to adopt such characteristically Islamic customs as polygamy, the keeping of harems, and the guarding of those harems with slave eunuchs.

By the late fourteenth century Portuguese and Spanish sailors had begun exploring the coasts of West Africa, with a view to finding a route to the Indies by circumnavigating the continent. This was known to be possible because just such an expedition, described in the pages of Herodotus, had been accomplished during the reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Necho. A direct route to the Indies would open up the possibility of a lucrative trade in spices without the need to traverse the Muslim lands of the Middle East.

By the middle of the fifteenth century Portuguese caravels had pushed south of the Saharan coast and established a trading post at Arguin in modern Mauretania. Slaves were among the first commodities purchased by the Europeans, but it should be remembered that the latter were only now participating in a commerce that had been pursued by the Arabs of North Africa for centuries. Indeed, throughout the Middle Ages Christian Spaniards and Portuguese had become familiar with the sight of black slaves in the possession of the Muslim inhabitants of Andalusia (Islamic southern Spain) and Morocco, and there is absolutely no question that in procuring African slaves the Christians were merely imitating the example of their Muslim neighbours. This is not to make excuses for the Christians, but it is something that needs to be said, for it is a fact that is routinely ignored in academic and popular publications.

Many of the slaves obtained by the Portuguese were taken to Madeira, where they worked in sugar-cane plantations. Others, however, and this is a fact usually hidden from readers, were sold in Morocco and Algeria. The Spanish and Portuguese merchants quickly discovered that a very handsome profit could be made in selling black slaves to the Muslims, for the sea-route was far speedier and therefore cheaper than the trans-Saharan routes by which the slaves had hitherto been conveyed north.

After the discovery of the Americas in the late fifteenth century the African slave trade became extremely important for Europeans, with the English, Dutch and French joining the Portuguese and Spaniards in transporting many thousands of Africans across the ocean every year. Altogether, an estimated 12.3 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic in the four and a half centuries between the end of the fifteenth century and the middle of the nineteenth. Of these, about 10.4 million survived the crossing and were put to work mainly in plantations, though some were also employed in mines and factories. African slaves were usually permitted to marry and their descendants now form an important element in the populations of North, South and Central America.

European slavers preferred young males who were best suited to heavy work in the fields, and in this regard European slave-trading was very different from its Muslim counterpart. Although the Muslims also traded in healthy young males, who were often put to work in mines and on ships as galley-slaves, the great majority of Africans taken by the Muslims were young women and girls as well as young boys. The women and girls were destined for the harems either as concubines (sex slaves essentially) or as harem attendants, whilst the young boys were normally made into eunuchs and expected to perform the various functions expected of this class of person. The “operation” by which youths were made into eunuchs was barbarous in the extreme and it is estimated that at least 60% of the victims died of blood loss or shock.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/7/2016

The Swedish government is threatening to sue Hungary if it doesn’t take back some of the migrants who passed through its territory. The Swedish foreign minister says that before it passes them on to other countries, Hungary is duty-bound to process the asylum applications of migrants who entered there.

In other migration news, fifteen illegal immigrants were found in a freezer lorry on a British motorway. The temperature in the cargo compartment of the lorry was set at -25°C (-13°F), so the suspected migrants are now being treated at a medical facility.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, JD, Nick, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Fear of Terrorism Puts the Dampers on Oktoberfest

All public gatherings in Germany are now considered likely targets for Islamic terrorists. The annual Oktoberfest in Munich is possibly the most well-known and iconic of German festivals, which makes it the favored goal for suicide bombers and “amok” killers. Security has been increased dramatically, but attendance at the festival has dropped by half.

It’s not mentioned in the news story below, but there are reports that sexual assaults have increased dramatically even as attendance has decreased.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Dresden: We Are the People! Merkel Has to Go!

When Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Dresden last week for German Unity Day, she was greeted with jeers, whistles, and a PEGIDA protest. Nobody in the crowds cheered her. There had even been violent incidents leading up to her visit — the burning of police cars, a bomb outside a mosque. In the law-abiding German context, those acts are the equivalent of revolution.

Below is a video with clips from the welcome that Mrs. Merkel received in Dresden, and also footage of the antifa counter-demonstrators. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Machteld Zee: “Islamization is Planned”

A young Dutch political scientist is causing consternation among the bien-pensants of the multicultural Left in the Netherlands with her analyses of Islamization. Her impeccable liberal background and credentials make it more difficult for the establishment to discredit her.

Dr. Van Helsing has translated an interview with this iconoclastic young woman. He includes this introductory note:

Machteld Zee Ph.D. is a Dutch scholar who investigated sharia courts in the UK for her Ph.D. thesis. This interview was published in the Algemeen Dagblad, a nationwide Dutch newspaper, on October 4, 2016.

The interview is relevant for several reasons:

  • Very few non-Muslims ever have gained access to the world of sharia courts in the UK. She has.
  • The University of Leiden is fairly highbrow in the Netherlands, because it is not only one of the oldest universities. but also because the heir to the Dutch throne traditionally studies at this university (for example, our former Queens Juliana and Beatrix did, just like our current head of state King Willem-Alexander). The reputation of this university gives authority to her voice.
  • She has become a target of attacks by leftist apologists for radical Islam since she published her thesis. She could do with some positive publicity. Similarly, Islam-sceptics could benefit from her work.

The translated interview:

“Islamization is Planned”

Investigating Sharia

The Islamization of Europe follows a strategy, according to Machteld Zee in her book Holy Identities, which was published today. ‘Once you have knowledge of it, you understand what is going on.’

‘I discovered a comprehensive system of law that contradicts our secular laws.’

Investigating sharia courts

Machteld Zee (32), a Dutch political scientist from the University of Leiden, studied sharia courts in the UK and wrote her Ph.D. thesis on it in 2015.

She was one of the few outsiders who gained access to the sessions of these Islamic courts. 95% of the cases before these courts are divorce cases. Her investigations resulted in a pamphlet, Holy Identities.

‘If you compare the Netherlands in the 1980s with today,’ says the political scientist and law school graduate Machteld Zee, ‘you will see an increased influence of Islam everywhere. Saudi Arabia and other countries flooded the world with thousands of imams, Islamic text books, mosques and tons of money.’

Machteld Zee needed barely 150 pages to describe the background of Islamic fundamentalism, which is gaining ground in Western countries. Her book Holy Identities: On the Road to a Sharia State is an analysis of the problems of the multicultural society.

You say that conservative Muslims want to convince their fellow Muslims to embrace sharia, the religious law of Islam. These fundamentalists are being helped by ‘useful non-believers’, non-Islamic intellectuals, politicians and opinion leaders who don’t want to offend Muslims.

‘Yes, leading multiculturalists actually believe that Muslims should be shielded from criticism because it would inflict psychological damage on them. Although many Muslims consider this an idiotic point of view, others use it to call those who criticize Islam ‘Islamophobes’ and ‘racists’.

You described yourself as left-leaning liberal when you started your investigation on sharia courts in the UK. Now you warn against a lack of knowledge of and a lack of resistance against the advancing radical Islam.

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Crossroads Mall Knife Jihad — JIM Makes an Appearance in the MSM

On September 17 a 22-year-old “Minnesotan” named Dahir A. Adan went on a stabbing rampage in the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud. He managed to wound ten people before he was shot dead by an off-duty police officer. Witnesses said that the knifeman shouted “Allahu Akhbar” during his attack, and also asked at least one of his victims if he or she was a Muslim.

Normally I would expect public officials and the media to dance gingerly around the issue of Islam, and only mention JIM when they absolutely have to. So the following video from AP is an anomaly: it’s up front about Mr. Adan’s recent metamorphosis into a devout Muslim, and emphasizes his Islamic references during his attack.

It’s too early to say whether this represents a shift in the zeitgeist, but it is startling to see it in the MSM:

An important but unexamined corollary to this report: Muslims who become more devout in their religious practice have a greater likelihood of going on murderous rampages than those who remain “moderates”.

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/6/2016

Several hundred migrants who have been stuck in Serbia set out from Belgrade for the Hungarian border. Possibly heeding provocateurs who advised them that they could now enter Hungary, they carried banners and shouted slogans calling for open borders.

In other news, the Catalan parliament voted to hold an independence referendum next September.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JD, Jerry Gordon, Nick, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Clare Lopez on Apostasy

The following intervention on freedom of religion was given at last week’s OSCE/HDIM conference in Warsaw by Clare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy. Ms. Lopez emphasized the fact that the right to apostatize is fundamental to freedom of religion as laid down in the UDHR. However, Islamic law does not recognize the right to leave Islam, and in most cases to do so is punishable by death.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

László Földi: “A 4th-Generation Military Operation Against Europe”

Yesterday we posted an interview with the Hungarian intelligence analyst László Földi about the deliberately engineered “refugee” crisis in Europe. Below is another interview with Mr. Földi on the same topic in which he breaks down the modus operandi of the migration into different tactics used within a 4th-generation warfare strategy to deconstruct the nation-states of Europe.

The discussion on the program centers on recent news stories. More details about one of them — the mass sale of SIM cards to the terrorists — may be found in an article below the video.

This interview was conducted as part of a radio program, so Vlad has added relevant file footage to accompany the discussion. Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

The following article about the SIM cards (also translated by CrossWare) is from the Magyar Idők. The translator includes this note:

The Hungarian phone provider mentioned in the article, Magyar Telekom Nyrt, is the largest Hungarian telecommunications company. The former monopolist is now a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom.


The translated article:

SIM Cards for the Terrorists, Too

To initiate an ISIS action, a single text message is enough.

Using the personal information of a single homeless person, organized criminal circles bought 200,000 prepaid SIM card from the Hungarian Telekom, according to information obtained the Magyar Idők (Hungarian Times).

As we know, some of the cards ended up in the hands of terrorists who executed the Paris (Bataclan) massacre and the Brussels (Airport) bombing.

Based on our information, the homeless man bought only a single card in person; even then he was just running an errand for foreign person. The rest of the cards were bought later in smaller batches using his personal information. The transactions continued for months.

For the question of why the terrorists and criminals needed so many cards, our source said usually one SIM card is used only once and then thrown away. For actions coordinated from the ISIS command center, most of the time a single call or a text message is enough.

Some of the cards ended up in the hands of the murderers of Paris and Brussels.

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Changes to the Hungarian Constitution to Block EU-Imposed Migrants

As we reported on Sunday, Hungarian voters overwhelmingly rejected the imposition of mandatory migrant quotas by the EU. As a result, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised that his party, which has the necessary two-thirds majority in parliament, would amend the constitution accordingly.

Our Hungarian correspondent CrossWare sends the proposed new wording for the text to be inserted into the Hungarian constitution:


„A szabad mozgás és tartózkodás jogával nem rendelkező személyt Magyarországra csak a magyar hatóságok által egyedileg elbírált kérelmére, az országgyűlés által megalkotott törvény szerinti eljárásban meghozott, törvényes határozat alapján lehet betelepíteni. Tilos a csoportos betelepítés”


“A person who does not have the right to free movement and residence in Hungary can only be settled when Hungarian authorities approve each individual application. The application process will be based on a law created by the Hungarian Parliament. Settlement of groups is forbidden.”

Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/5/2016

The Italian coast guard rescued 6,000 migrants in a single day off the Libyan coast. Two hundred of the rescued migrants were children, and nine of those were under five years old.

In other news, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told President Obama that he could go to hell.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, JD, RR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Hungarian Intelligence Analyst: Thousands of Muslim Soldiers Have Arrived Here

Vlad and CrossWare finished subtitling the following interview just before I went away, so I didn’t have a chance to post it until now. It’s an interview with László Földi, a Hungarian intelligence specialist. What Mr. Földi has to say is exactly correct, as far as I can tell. His analysis is widely assumed to be true by Counterjihad activists, but you will never see such a lucid explanation on any television program west of the former Iron Curtain.

Vlad’s video seems to have stirred some interest at the British newspaper The Express: I hear that its editors — ahem — borrowed two minutes of the video to go with an article on their website. Readers who see it may want to leave a comment giving a link to the entire video on Vlad’s YouTube channel.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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From the Nuptials Returned

I returned from foreign climes this afternoon, after attending the wedding of one of my kinspersons. The principals were so young — how is it possible that such tiny children are allowed to wed? At least that’s what they looked like to me — and the one I’m related to was a baby just the other day — I recall it clearly!

I passed through some well-off blue-state regions on my trek to the nuptials, so it gave me a chance to give you an update on the election-sign situation. I finally saw some Hillary lawn signs, eleven in all. There were way too many Trump signs to count, a couple of hundred at least.

I realized that I could determine which party the congressional candidates were from by the placement of the signage. A campaign sign for a congressional candidate standing alone on a lawn meant it was a Democrat (except for those with the rare Hillary signs). A Republican House candidate’s sign was always standing next to a Trump sign.

Even the upscale neighborhoods that I would expect to be wall-to-wall Hillarites were speckled with plenty of Trump signs.

This is the weirdest presidential election I’ve ever paid attention to, and I’ve been paying attention since Nixon vs. Kennedy in 1960.

I brought home one other little tidbit for you, a joke. It’s somewhat naughty, so I’ve placed it below the fold:

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