Some Piggy Banks Are More Equal Than Others

You can’t make this stuff up: a German bank that caters only to “refugees”, where ordinary, hard-working native Germans are not allowed. That has to be a hoax, right? Wrong!

The following article is from the online German magazine Opposition 24. Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation:

No Admittance for Germans? Savings Bank Opened Only for Refugees

When it’s about money: Savings Bank! And now Bielefeld has one just for refugees.

As fast as possible they should be “provided” with savings accounts, so that they quickly can take part in commercial life in Germany.

Of course this would be a relief for the government, but is this really only about participation, integration, relief?

Nationwide there is a multitude of buildings, especially concerning ATMs, that are not easily accessible for handicapped people. Wheelchair-bound people are often unable even to enter the small cubicles, which are usually not much larger than a telephone box, and they have to rely on the few “real” locations, or in inner cities they have to use general ATMs which will charge them extra. Which of course exactly for this group of people presents an increased risk.

So, an entire location just for handicapped people, or for women only, does not exist.

Is it reconcilable with equality that now refugees are being provided with their very own savings bank? Why not just an Islamic Shariah bank like in Frankfurt am Main? Yes, it does exist. Here.

So what do German and conventional migrants, who do not possess “refugee status”, think of such preferential treatment?

Will grocery stores climb on the bandwagon and implement refugees-only registers?

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Can an Older Generation Learn From a Younger?

Let it be, let it be…

IN REFERENDUM, June 23, 2016

The decision of the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Islands; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present European Union is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these lands. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The EU has refused Assent to our Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

It has forbidden our Elected Parliament to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till its Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, it has utterly neglected to attend to them.

It has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

It has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with its measures.

It has ignored and denigrated our Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness its invasions on the rights of the people.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/21/2016

A Hindu priest in Bangladesh was attacked and beheaded in his home, which is also the Hindu temple. Two other victims were reportedly wounded. Although the group responsible for the attack is not known, officials are certain that the incident had nothing to do with Islam.

In other news, 3,000 protesters gathered to protest the establishment of a refugee center near Kranja in Slovenia, fifteen miles north of the capital Ljubljana.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, C. Cantoni, Dean, Diana West, Insubria, JD, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Lessons for Sweden From the Successful Persian Integration into India

The essay below by our Indian correspondent Krutya is a follow-up to his previous post about the Partition of India and its applicability to Sweden.

Lessons for Sweden from the successful Persian integration into India — The Ultimate Culture-Enhancer

by Krutya


The following essay may serve as an addendum to a reply in my earlier post .

I had conjectured that Islam finds its strength in numbers, and their influence on a nation changes radically as the proportion of their population in that nation changes. The link to that hypothesis is here.

Since a nation with a high Muslim population tends to be less open and stricter with the implementation of the Islamic worldview, perhaps then ghettoisation of a locality in a nation must be avoided. If Islam finds its strength in numbers, then their presence in a given population must be highly diluted. (Now I may find some detractors here, but a similar argument against a Christian-dominated colony in India can be made where the Christian sensibilities supersede indigenous ones. Although the repercussions are rarely as violent as when Islamic sensibilities are ignored.)

So if the Muslim population is 5% in Sweden, perhaps every Muslim family would have to be surrounded by 20 indigenous Swedish families. I understand its a very crude solution and more crudely presented, but I hope the gist is conveyed. I refuse to believe that every Muslim is a potential terrorist or harbours hostile intentions towards the host nation. But I am not blind to their violent history and the genesis of the current troubles.

I also agree with the idea of a “Culture-Enhancer”. But the local culture can only be enhanced if the foreign element immerses itself within the indigenous one, not the other way around. A pinch of sugar makes for a sweet cup of milk; a sugar overdose ruins the drink. If Sweden is the Land of Milk and Honey, the refugee’s culture can only be a nutmeg added to it.

In the essay below I recount an episode from India’s history when a group of Persian refugees agreed to follow the Three Rules of Integration laid down by the Indian king. Parsis (people from Persia), as they are called today, mixed with the Indian culture like sugar with milk eventually making the Indian one more tasteful.

In the 7th Century AD, Islamic expansion had conquered all of Arabia, destroyed the original religious beliefs prevalent there and was beginning to make its incursions into Persia (modern day Iran). The dominant religion of the Persian Empire (then Sassanid Empire) was Zoroastrian. One must note that Iranians, even modern-day ones, are not Arabs but Caucasians.

Anyway, Persia in 7th Century AD was not what it used to be at the time of the Greeks, and it began to yield to the Islamic invaders. By the 8th Century Muslims had conquered large parts of the region and the major trade routes such as the Silk Route and the ports were under their control. As is well-documented, the Muslims imposed a “Jazia” or jizyah — a tax on non-Muslims — as protection money. Zoroastrian traders along this route were no different, and had to pay the tax. Given the twin challenges of Islamic invasion of their homeland of Pars (Persia) and the Jazia Tax, the Zoroastrians became refugees fleeing Islamic persecution and immigrants seeking better financial lives. As refugees and immigrants, the Zoroastrians turned east to India.

Between the 8th and 10th centuries Zoroastrians landed on the western shores of the modern Indian state of Gujarat. The port of Sanjan where the Zoroastrians arrived was then under the rule of the Hindu king Jadi (Jadhav) Rana.

The fleeing Persians/Zoroastrians were warlike empire builders, astute merchants and carrying arms. Theirs was not an Indian religion. And yet they felt they could find refuge in an alien land — they could find peace and prosperity amidst the Hindu people. They realised first that they were the seekers and guests, asking for a hospitable land from an Indian king. Jadi Rana on his part was already known for his fairness among his subjects. When the Persians/Zoroastrians encountered him, requesting land and the freedom to practice their faith, Jadi Rana was concerned. Firstly he was concerned whether he could trust these warlike armed refuge-seekers to live peacefully among his subjects. Secondly, he was not sure if he could accept any additional population and expect his subjects to share their resources with these foreigners.

What followed is a unique combination of realpolitik and legend.

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What the Heck is “Populism”?

The following essay on the misuse of the word “populism”, which is applicable to the current political climate on both sides of the Atlantic, is from last Friday’s edition of the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

What the Heck is “Populism”?

A defamation for all occasions! “Democracy” is rule by the people and “populus” is the people.
Where is the insult? And who draws the line?

by Wolf Schneider

The AfD [Alternative für Deutschland, “Alternative for Germany”] is accused of populism, as is the CSU [Bavarian version of the CDU] often, and Julia Klöckner of the CDU [Christian Democrats]. And also France’s Front National, the Swiss People’s Party, the Lega Nord of Italy, Poland’s new majority party, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Donald Trump in the USA. And in Germany, since forever, the Bild picture magazine. The world is apparently full of populists, but lacking in people who have thought about the meaning of the word. Anyone who studies the definitions in Duden[1] has some difficulty recognizing what is shameful about “populism.” According to Duden, populism is an “opportunistic, close-to-the-people, often demagogic kind of politics” with the goal of “winning the favor of the masses.”

“Close-to-the-people” — What’s wrong with that?

It’s a little odd… Battling for the favor of the masses — isn’t that what all politicians and parties legitimately do? And “close-to-the-people” — Doesn’t that sound good in a democracy? So the question moves on to how the other two words are defined: “opportunistic” and “demagogic.” Opportunism, according to Duden, is “being all too willing to consider the utility of adapting to present circumstances.” That, too, doesn’t sound very reprehensible, aside from the words “all too.” But where does “all too” begin? And who has the right to define it? And how bad, really, is the “seduction of the people”?

Is the reproach of populism at least supported by the element “demagogic”? Yes and no. Demagoguery, according to Duden, is “seducing the people, inciting the people, rabble-rousing.” Inciting is a No-No, and even more so rabble-rousing. But again, drawing the line is not easy. Would an election campaign be discredited if were designated as the attempt of a party to “seduce” the people to its opinion? And as to rabble-rousing, that is practiced in campaigning rather often by Party B — in the opinion of Party A.

So when one party accuses another of “populism,” only one thing is clear: it is making the accusation so that voters and newspaper readers will hear the word as a reproach, even a vilification. But that is disingenuous and, besides, not very promising. How high a percentage of the voters even have a mental image to go with the word, even a cockeyed one?

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Stephen Coughlin on the CVE: The Triumph of the Narrative Over Reality

Below is the second part of Major Stephen Coughlin’s analysis of “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE).

The greatest achievement in the history of the Muslim Brotherhood has been its successful subversion of the American intelligence community over the past fifteen years or so. Carefully placed agents of the Ikhwan have managed to persuade the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI that examining Islamic doctrine and law is not only a form of ethnic and religious discrimination, but also helps to validate the ideology of the “radicals” who commit violent terror attacks in the name of Islam. By some unspecified magical process, any study of Islamic law by the DIA or the FBI would cause the “extremists” to believe even more fervently in their misinterpretation of Islam, and help draw other misguided adherents to their violent cause. Therefore intelligence and law enforcement professionals must never, ever examine the ideology of Islam or consider it as a possible motive behind any terrorist attack.

Instead an entire new bureaucratic structure has been built around the concept of “Countering Violent Extremism” — which has no inherent meaning, and is just as real as phlogiston. Normally an “extreme” ideology is an extreme version of something — the word should, after all, be an implied comparative modifier of some unmentioned substantive.

But not Violent Extremism. It is kind of just hanging out there in the aether, somehow causing people named Mohammed and Hassan to blow things up and behead people while shouting “Allahu akhbar!”

The only time the CVE will ever be applied by federal, state, or local law enforcement will be in operations against men who carry firearms and drive vehicles sporting Gadsden Flag bumper stickers. Then it will come in very handy — just wait and see.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading this video:

Previously: Part 1.

Arrested for Wearing a Pig Hat

I’ve been following political developments in Europe closely for the past ten years, and I’m sensing a qualitative difference just in the past few months. People are being prosecuted and convicted for “hate speech” in Denmark, which used to be immune to such nonsense. People are being arrested for criticizing immigration on Facebook.

And in the PowNed news video below, you’ll see a man being arrested at a PEGIDA protest in The Netherlands for wearing a silly pig hat.

The translator includes this summary of what happened:

There is a protest with hardly a Mohammedan in sight. One of the protesters wears a funny hat, in the shape of a pig. This hat does not cover his face in any way. Much less than a headscarf (or worse) does. Therefore the police have no legal reason to ask him to remove this hat. Nevertheless they do. Their reason? In order not to offend Mohammedans.

Many thanks to H. Numan for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/20/2016

A 12-year-old migrant boy in a Swedish asylum center was repeatedly raped by two full-grown men who had lied about their age — they said they were 15 — and were assigned to share a room with the unfortunate boy. Grown “refugee” men who pretend to be children are becoming increasingly common in Europe, since children get better benefits and are less likely to be deported than adult migrants.

In other news, the Italian birth rate in 2015 was the lowest annual rate that has been recorded since the unification of Italy in 1861.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Culturally Enriched Street Crime in Berlin: “A Climate of Fear”

The following video from German television reports on the breakdown of law and order in several culturally enriched neighborhoods of Berlin. As in Thursday’s video about pickpockets, you’ll notice the reaction from business owners who are themselves earlier immigrants — they say the new arrivals are violent criminals who are ruining everything.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Actions Will Speak

The following essay speculating on Europe’s immediate future was published in the Austrian journal Neue Ordnung*. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Actions Will Speak

by Dr. Wolfgang Dvorak-Stocker

Throw a frog into hot water and it jumps right out. But if you raise the temperature slowly, it will stay in the water until it dies. Thanks be to Mrs. Merkel. She has raised the temperature abruptly. Maybe we will jump out of the system that is surrendering our culture to a slow death by heat.

For decades, European elites have been pursuing the shattering of the European national cultures and transformation of the continent after the American model. The writer Barbara Spectre has named what she considers compelling reasons for that. This plan is now in serious peril. The frog may jump out of the water.

Members of the European right have grappled for a long time with the implications of the ideas of Mrs. Spectre and company. Journals like Neue Ordnung have explained why we consider the displacement of people and the dissolution of nations to be just as against human nature and disaster-prone, as the battle against religion and the destruction of families and gender identity. We have warned for decades of the consequences of demographic developments. We have repeatedly pointed out what perils the decreed multiculturalism and Islam’s expansion in Europe harbor, particularly for the democratic constitutional state. And we have made clear why the welfare state is being destroyed by mass immigration.

The time for arguments is past. That does not mean we should stop arguing, but we must understand that we are essentially only repeating what we have been saying for decades. The powers-that-be have brought things to a point where it is no longer enough to contend the pros and cons in the comfortable armchairs of public discourse. Right now — like it or not — actions will do the speaking. In the 1960s, British conservative, Enoch Powell, spoke of “rivers of blood” to which immigration policy would lead. That time has now come.

And the thinking in terms of parliamentary cycles also belongs in the past. It is of no consequence whether some patriotic party gains a few percentage points in the next election, or not. The decision will be made in the next year or two. Legally exercised forms of resistance such as demonstrations’ proving to be completely futile — ridiculed and slandered by the media — will have consequences. This is already clear. And we, who have warned of these developments, will again be the scapegoats, as Ernst Jünger knew: “After an earthquake, it’s the seismographers who get beaten up.”

We are, in the formulation of Viennese political scientist, Michael Ley, “at war.” We are undergoing a hijra — a jihad invasion. Wherever this leads, the years 2015-2017 will mean something to students a thousand years from now.

There are various possible directions of development, but three of them are probable:

1. Radical Change

Police and volunteers are reaching the end of their ability to cope. Government finances are overextended. The immigrants’ expectations of instant prosperity — to some extent promised by the people smugglers — that everyone will immediately get a car and a house, are disappointed. Realistic estimates by economists assume that fewer than 30% of the immigrants can be placed in the labor market. Conflicts within the refugee camps, but also with police and the local population, will increase. There will be fatalities.

In the local elections in Spring, 2016, AfD will enter the state legislatures with double-digit results, the CSU will slam on the emergency brake, Merkel will step down, there will be new elections. A fundamental change in the party system seems possible, similar to what has already happened in Italy and Greece. The hopes of many AfD adherents seem to focus on that. If it comes to a center-right government, the military, the police and the bureaucracy would be prepared — indeed just waiting for the setting of a new political leadership.

Then Germany could really close the borders. The result would be a domino effect. What does Austria do? How will Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia act? If it comes to a rigorous closing of the border, some part of the immigrants will probably try to force their way north. Plundering, battles and fatalities will be the result in southeast Europe. And to be expected in Germany is that leftist extremist forces will join the immigrants in throwing themselves in the path of the new government. Here too, escalation will accelerate.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/19/2016

A suicide attack on a market in northeastern Cameroon killed nineteen people. A pair of female suicide bombers carried out the attack, which wounded an undetermined number of people. No group has claimed responsibility for the deed, but the Islamic activists of Boko Haram are the primary suspects.

In other news, the Greek government says that it wants other European countries to keep their borders open to migrants, or it will refuse to sign off to an accord designed to help keep Britain in the EU.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Green Infidel, Insubria, JD, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Mrs. Merkel, Enough Is Enough!

The Groping Jihad in Cologne on New Year’s Eve was just the tip of the iceberg. According to the following letter and the accompanying article, the “greater jihad” in Europe consists of rape and molestation by “refugees” of very young (often pre-teen) boys and girls in public facilities wherever Muslim migrants are present in large numbers.

Many thanks to Nathalie for this translation from Médias Presse Info.

The numbers of children sexually attacked by asylum seekers is growing at an alarming rate.

Here is the letter* addressed to Angela Merkel and posted on Facebook by the father of an 11year-old girl who, together with a friend of hers, was sexually molested by a group of “refugees” while swimming in the water park of Celle (a town north-east of Hanover).

Dear Mrs. Merkel,

Are our children still safe in Germany?

All we hear about is the refugee crisis, but what about respect for our people?

Mrs. Merkel, enough is enough!

Today, at 5 o’clock, my eleven-year-old little girl, and her young friend who is the same age, were sexually assaulted by a gang of refugees aged from 16 to 22 years, as they were swimming in the pool of the Badeland water park in Celle. Three men accosted them and then surrounded them, and then two other men molested them.

The young girls were crying.

Nobody came to their aid!

My daughter and her friend were finally able to escape and ran to the life guards who called the police […]

The police said that it was only the tip of the iceberg and that incidents of a similar nature occurred every day… that such assaults are not made public- that they cannot be made public!

Can you imagine, Mrs. Merkel, how I feel as a father? I am disappointed, angry and I feel powerless, and all this in Germany, when I am German!

Similar incidents are occurring more and more frequently amidst the general indifference of the media and political class:

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