Some Thoughts on the Dubai Rape Case

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has a few choice things to say about Marte Dalelv, who was sentenced to prison in Dubai for reporting a rape, and the way the Norwegian authorities have responded to the case — which he considers anything but satisfactory.

Some thoughts on the Dubai rape case
by The Observer

The despicable treatment that the Norwegian rape victim Marte Dalelv was subjected to by the authorities in the UAE — who sentenced her to 16 months in prison for alerting them of her own rape — has by now made its round through the various international news channels. The entire world has gotten a glimpse into the depraved mentality of an Islamic regime that relies heavily on the inhumane Shariah when it metes out punishments to non-Muslims and women, whom it views as second class citizens. However, despite the repulsiveness of the case and all the media coverage that it has generated there is nothing unique about it. Women and non-Muslims have always been treated as inferior citizens in the Islamic world, and this highly unorthodox pardon should by no means be interpreted as a change in policy concerning these matters on the part of the authorities in the UAE.

When people in Norway and the rest of the West rejoice at the release of Ms Dalelv, they should bear in mind that there are thousands of women who are in exactly the same situation, women who are locked away in prisons for being raped or who are living under slave-like conditions where they are mistreated, sexually abused and looked upon as subhumans by their perverted and cruel masters, who draw their moral guidance from the Quran.

The fact that Ms Dalelv has now been pardoned for her ‘crime’ of being raped by the ‘generous’ and ‘benign’ regime in UAE is cause for celebration, however there is no reason to celebrate the Norwegian authorities’ craven handling of this case, which can only be described as abysmal. When the incident was first brought to their attention they chose to keep quiet about it, or to use diplomatic lingo, they decided to rely upon ‘silent diplomacy’ to try and lessen Ms Dalelv’s suffering as a convicted rape victim in a misogynistic and morally corrupt Islamic nation which treats rape victims like dirt. This spectacular tactic adopted by the Norwegian authorities result in absolutely nothing, apart from drawing unwanted media attention to the Norwegian authorities themselves. Instead of informing the media about this incident in order to make as much noise as possible and to create an atmosphere where it would be very hard for the authorities in the UAE to ignore this issue, the Norwegian State Secretary, Espen Barth Eide, chose to sit back and twiddle his thumbs while one of his compatriots was treated in the most appalling manner possible in a nation that completely disregards basic human rights.

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Journalistic Malfeasance and the Kangaroo Court

Over at the Conservative Treehouse Sundance describes Bill Whittle’s video as having “quite an impact”.

Now there’s an understatement. In the four days since Mr. Whittle aired his criticism of what went down in Sanford, and his praise for The Misfits (Sundance & Crew) and Jack Cashill’s essays the numbers of hits keep climbing for this latest “Afterburner” video. When Sundance published his update, the counter was over 500,000 views. It has since climbed another 156,000 and shows little sign of slowing. In addition to that video, he provides thumbnail links to previous PJ videos which have received a high number of views.

Since I subscribe to Bill Whittle’s channel, I saw this video when it first aired. His work is admirable and this one is a particularly fine effort. I hadn’t planned to publish it since it appears in so many other places, but requests for us to put it up continue to come in:

An essay by Paul Green was not available when Mr. Whittle’s video was posted, but our readers will find his ideas congenial. Yesterday, Paul took the conservative poo-bahs to task for dissing George Zimmerman. No doubt they’re anxious to prove themselves fair and balanced to their liberal cronies. But if they’d bothered to research Zimmerman, as the FBI certainly did, they’d find he is exactly the kind of neighbor any of us would want.

[NOTE: Due to illness, comments for this post are disabled. The tenor of a few of the comments on my previous post could leave us open to charge of causing incitement. I didn’t let those through, but I cannot expect the Baron to read everything that comes in on posts he didn’t put up.

Would-be commenters can leave their sentiments on Paul Green’s post at AT, or at the threads on the Conservative Tree House – Dymphna]

BREAKING: Fjordzilla Rampages Through Downtown Oslo

The second anniversary of the massacre by Anders Behring Breivik was marked by an outpouring of even more journalistic bile than usual directed at Fjordman.

In the space of a single month, from late June until late July 2013, the Norwegian media have compared Fjordman to Adolf Hitler, Vidkun Quisling, Heinrich Himmler, and several convicted murderers. It has been suggested that he represents a “modernized Nazism”.

A journalist in Adresseavisen referred to him as “Breivik’s ideological mentor”.

Øyvind Strømmen insists that the mass media don’t tell people how extreme Fjordman really is. At the same time, a professor emeritus in history, Hans Fredrik Dahl, wrote in one of the country’s three largest newspapers directly comparing Fjordman to Adolf Hitler. He predicts that there will now be more books exposing the alleged “right-wing extremist” ideology behind Breivik.

I’m afraid that Messrs. Strømmen, Dahl, et al. have it wrong. They have greatly underestimated the monstrously evil danger that has been spawned and is growing in their very midst.

It’s worse than Quisling. It’s worse than Hitler.

It’s worse than Lex Luthor, Darth Vader, and Sauron combined.


Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/23/2013

Scandal is swirling around the front-runner in the New York mayoral race after news emerged that a man who used the name “Carlos Danger” when sexting selected people and sending photos of his, ahem, apparatus, was in fact Anthony “Dangerous Dick” Weiner. Mr. Weiner insists that he has no intention of quitting the race.

In other news, a nursing student is suing a community college in Arizona for suspending her after she requested that her classes be conducted in English only.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, McR, Papa Whiskey, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gavin Boby Calls for Volunteer Researchers

Gavin Boby of the Law and Freedom Foundation is asking for a volunteer researcher to assist in its mosque-busting projects.

Researchers: The Law and Freedom Foundation’s mosque project needs your help!

A message from Gavin Boby

We need a researcher to help us do empirical research into the effect on property values once a mosque goes up in a neighbourhood. At the moment we are focusing on English neighbourhoods.

You will need to be sympathetic to this cause, and have some basic idea of the effects that a mosque has. You will also need to be comfortable working analytically, and meticulously, online.

We can guide you on the methodology, and the presentation of the information, but you may find aspects to the issue of which we were previously unaware.

This will be interesting to someone who likes to think about these issues. And very valuable to the cause!

We look forward to hearing from you.

You may contact us by email:

For more on Gavin Boby and the Law and Freedom Foundation, see the Law and Freedom Foundation Archives.

Halal Meat is the First Giant Step of Our Islamization

The following article by Enza Ferreri was published earlier this summer at the Liberty GB website.

Halal Meat is the First Giant Step of Our Islamization
by Enza Ferreri

Halal meat — made from animals sacrificed to Allah, often brutally — is being given to unknowing non-Muslim consumers and diners in supermarkets, restaurants and schools throughout Britain. How did this come about, and what can we do to stop it?

A few days ago I got up determined to keep Islam and politics out of my mind — I tend to think about such subjects a lot these days — at least until I would turn my computer on and start working.

I went to the front door to check my mail and among the letters there was a leaflet with the menu of a local takeaway. I inspected it and found the dreaded word: “Halal”.

There is no way you can keep Islam out of your life, or even out of your thoughts for long, in today’s Britain, even more so in today’s London. The saying “If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain” seems particularly appropriate under the circumstances. I did not want to figuratively go to Islam, but Islam came to me.

I threw the takeaway leaflet in the dustbin, but not before phoning the place to let the people running it know that I was about to keep their leaflet, since the takeaway is convenient and close to us, but that when I saw they were selling halal meat I got rid of it — which is exactly the truth. I added that there are many other people like me in our area who don’t want to eat halal meat and that the takeaway is going to lose business because of this issue.

The only thing I did not mention is that I am a vegetarian, which is the best, surest way not to be affected by halal if you live in Londonistan — although I was vegetarian long before the birth of this problem in the West: I recommend it to everybody, regardless of the halal question. Let’s not delude ourselves: even in the best conditions, slaughter is always atrocious for the animals, it is in fact murder. But although a vegetarian, I would not buy anything from a halal-meat-peddling outlet.

People who haven’t seen the light sometimes say to me during a discussion that the Islamization of Britain is never going to happen, a view, alas, shared by many.

The fact is that we do not even need to talk about the future, because it is already happening.

A clear case of Islamization already present is that of halal meat.

This subject is one of those that most antagonizes British and other European natives against Islam for two reasons.

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This Baby Needs a Shave

Wherever immigration laws grant unaccompanied undocumented minors special treatment — which includes a number of Western European countries and Australia — there is widespread age-related fraud. “Children” with heavy beards and gray in their hair make appear in these countries and claim asylum, giving their age as 15 or 17 to immigration authorities.

Sweden has one of the most liberal asylum policies in Europe, plus a very generous smörgåsbord of welfare benefits for new arrivals, so “child” asylum-seeker fraud is pervasive in the country.

Thoralf Alfsson is a member of the Swedish parliament for Sverigedemokraterna (The Swedish Democrats). The following article was posted today on his blog. Many thanks to LN for the translation:

Hypocrisy has no limits
by Thoralf Alfsson

Sometimes you see things the way they were intended. Yesterday I saw a group of “unaccompanied children” with their staff. I can only say I am upset, to say the least, when I look at the age group in which these “children” belong. One of them was certainly not a day under thirty years old!

What hypocrisy from our authorities! The hypocrisy is even greater from the staff of these places who are players in this theater. They do it with the argument that it is not their duty to assess the age of the “kids”.

I believe that you, as employee, have the obligation to report any anomaly in your workplace. Liars and cheats will be reported! Anything else is malpractice!

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Love, Afghan-Style

A “German” man was spurned in his proposal of marriage, so he stabbed his would-be bride — a fellow culture-enricher — in the neck. Thanks to the help of relatives and rapid medical intervention, she survived to testify against her erstwhile fiancé in court.

Many thanks to our German correspondent Tiedar for translating this article from Die Welt:

Marriage refused — woman stabbed

A 39-year-old Afghan wanted to marry his girlfriend but she refused it. He threatened her with hanging her up by her bowels. The woman countered that he was not in Afghanistan; then he stabbed her.

She didn’t want to marry him and made fun of his threats, although he had already beaten her — then he stabbed her. A 39-year-old Afghan admitted at Passau County Court that he stabbed the woman he loved in the throat with a knife because of jealousy.

He saw her sitting beside a fellow countryman on a bus and went crazy. At the beginning of the trial he said, “I lost control.” The detailed circumstances of the crime he couldn’t remember. The 39-year-old and the 26-year-old Afghan met in Athens as refugees. He gave up his wife and child and paid a smuggler to bring the mother, living in divorce and her three children, from Athens to Germany.

According to the woman they began a sexual relationship two years ago. Since they moved to Passau May 2011 he visited her three times, but the plans for a future wedding were too fast, and her 8-year-old daughter didn’t like the prospective new husband.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/22/2013

In a surprising move, the foreign ministers of the European Union agreed that Hezbollah should be added to the blacklist of terrorist organizations. However, the ministers only applied this designation to Hezbollah’s so-called “armed wing”.

In other news, a French politician caused controversy when, after seeing a gypsy camp, told a reporter that Hitler had perhaps not killed enough of them.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, ES, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, KGS, Steen, Takuan Seiyo, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Too Cowardly for The Conversation?

Part One

The case of the state of Florida v George Zimmerman will live in the annals of American history as a turning point in our centuries-long Conversation About Race, a discussion that has taken many twists and turns down through the generations. Remember when our current Attorney General came into office claiming it was a Conversation we were too cowardly to have? We didn’t know it at the time but that risible, rankly untruthful remark by Holder, made during Black History Month in 2009, was a warning shot fired across the bow of White People. Yes, we had been loaded onto our own separate ship, and our Attorney General was putting us on notice that the BGI (Black Grievance Industry) was now in the driver’s seat and we’d better make sure our lifeboats were in order.

But let’s go back a ways — back to the start of it all. Consider this:

Perhaps that Conversation itself was inherently flawed at our very beginnings? Is it the case that the long arms of karmic consequence reach down to us even now, to grab at our throats because of our Founders’ refusal to firmly confront the issue of slavery? Is that America’s Original Sin? Those men gathered in stifling back rooms in Philadelphia, hunkered down to hammer out something everyone could live with, had two ugly choices in the face of the exigencies of the situation.

The first “choice” would have been to refuse to give in to the Southern colonies on the issue of slavery and to demand surcease as the price for the South’s inclusion in this fledgling enterprise. The Northern and Mid-Atlantic delegates knew full well that the Southern colonies were adamant about keeping slavery legal. Thus, if the North pushed the issue, the grand dream of a federation free of King George’s heavy hand would die a-borning. Or rather, it would die on the battlefield itself, since they were already engaged in the conflict. Only unity could save the North and South from ruination and widespread executions of the rebel colonists.

The second choice, the path they took finally, was to appease the South and accept what they saw as an odious “institution”. Those men knew they were only kicking the can down the road to some future point when slavery would inflame and divide the country, but they thought it could be settled in a safer time and place, away from the pressures brought about by their Rebellion. Yes, they were certain that what they were bequeathing to future generations would carry a price, but I’ve often wondered this: if the Founders could have truly foreseen the consequences — the deaths of 650,000 men in horrific battles — would they have gone forward anyway?

Ruminating over the choices made by those signers of the Declaration of Independence is part of the Conversation that Eric Holder, with his Race-ist Filter permanently installed, can no longer hear nor see. Perhaps he never could.

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Nonetheless, the Conversation has continued down the generations since it first began. Its origins are coterminous with America’s own beginning. The talk has taken many twists and turns over the years, in large part driven by the engine of justice, however ill-defined that virtue may be. All of us are born with that sense of “rightness” hardwired into whatever it is that makes us human. That desire can be suppressed, denied, or otherwise twisted, but nothing can destroy it, not even death. Many tyrannies, both personal and corporate, have taught us this hard lesson repeatedly, but it never stops the power-hungry from their attempts to engineer the plebes into thinking differently.

It is inevitable that along with those who hunger for justice come those who hunger for power. This conundrum repeats itself in every generation, and sometimes we can’t separate the wheat from the chaff until long after even the gleaners have left the field.

The Civil War, with its 700,000 dead (no one really knows for sure) was supposed to have settled the argument. But the thoughtful among us never really believed a war would work, because weapons were, and remain always, the wrong tools for framing The Conversation. All that wars do is divide and conquer; feuds have a way of becoming eternal. One has only to study the history of the wider world to understand this phenomenon. If people perceive that Justice wasn’t served, then The Conversation goes underground, but it still continues. And the fiercest wars become the ones generated between those who are nearest, those in whom we can perceive just the slightest difference — and maybe the slightest, glancing blow of indifference. Grievances mount. Anger divides. The experience of scarcity accumulates.

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Tommy Robinson Gives Sharia Lessons in Birmingham

“This [Mohammed] is a man that we SHOULD criticize. This is a man we have the RIGHT to criticize.”

The English Defence League organized a demonstration in Birmingham this past Saturday. For once the EDL supporters outnumbered the police — there were several thousand demonstrators hemmed in by about a thousand police. Check out this video to get a feeling for the size of the crowd.

When Tommy Robinson addressed the gathering, he took the opportunity to explain some of the important elements of Islamic theology and legal doctrine. Tommy told the audience that he had read the entire Sira [biography of Mohammed] by Ibn Ishaq while he was in solitary confinement last winter, and he quoted from it to help his listeners gain a better understanding of the Koran, the Doctrine of Abrogation, and the life of Mohammed:

It’s an impressive talk, one of the most substantive and inspiring that I’ve ever heard him give.

Kevin Carroll’s speech is also well with listening to, and may be heard here.

Other speeches from the demonstration are available at the EDL website.

The Fire Jihad Comes to Nauru

Nauru is a remote island in Micronesia about 2,000 miles northeast of Australia, east of New Guinea. It is approximately three miles across, and with 10,000 native inhabitants, the second-smallest sovereign nations in the world.

Up until the 1980s Nauruans were among the wealthiest people per capita in the world, thanks to phosphate mining from millennia of guano deposits. When the phosphates were mined out and hard times hit the island, the government struck a deal with Australia to provide a refugee detention center in return for a generous subsidy. The center is one of several (others are on Christmas Island and Papua New Guinea) where the Australian government warehouses boat people until their asylum applications can be processed.

Australia has seen an explosion of illegal immigrants in recent years, especially under the more relaxed asylum policies of the Labor government. Would-be “New Australians” make their way to Indonesia, cram into overloaded boats after paying an extortionate price, and try to make their way to Christmas Island or mainland Australia. Here are the three most recent official press releases from the Hon. Jason Clare MP, the Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Justice:

20 July 2013 — Border Protection Command assists vessel

HMAS Bathurst, operating under the coordination of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia), responded to a suspected irregular entry vessel north of Christmas Island this morning.

20 July 2013 — Australian Customs and Border Protection Service intercepts vessel

Western Australian Police vessel, Delphinus with Australian Customs and Border Protection Service officers on board intercepted a suspected irregular entry vessel north of Dampier yesterday.

21 July 2013 — $200,000 bounty on the head of local people smugglers

Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Justice Jason Clare today announced that the Australian Federal Police will pay rewards of up to $200,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of people organising people smuggling ventures to Australia.

More than 2,600 “boat people” have arrived in Australia since the beginning of July. Numbers of that magnitude do not constitute asylum-seeking: this is an invasion.

While their asylum applications are being processed, the Australian government prefers to warehouse the invaders offshore if possible, including on Nauru. The massive increase in the number of arrivals necessitated a expansion of the Nauru center, and a $140 million renovation of the complex was recently completed.

That $140 million literally went up in smoke on Friday night, when detainees at the camp rioted and deliberately set fire to camp buildings, almost totally destroying them. The alleged issue was that their asylum applications were not being processed fast enough. As it stands now, unfortunately, many of them will never see the land of Oz. Some will end up in prison, while others will be relocated indefinitely elsewhere.

An Australian reader emailed us yesterday with a forward from a woman who works at the detention center on Nauru:

The last few days have been very stressful. When the detainees rioted last Friday night, workers were evacuated to the fly camp some 800m from the detention centre. I stayed behind, as did the command group who had to ensure all expats were safe. We exited the site shortly before 5.00 pm.

At about 8.00pm the detainees charged the security guards and the Nauruan police at the eastern end of the site . The guards and the police tried to hold their ground but were being pushed back.

While this was going on a group of Iranians syphoned petrol from cars in the car park, having breached the security fence. They filled some wheelbarrows with petrol and spread the petrol around inside their accommodation buildings and around administration buildings. Once lit the petrol soon got the buildings burning. At around 10.30 pm the whole site was alight.

While the fires were being lit the Nauruan police force called for volunteers. Fortunately, the locals responded and reinforced police and security guards who by about 11.30 contained the situation. I re-entered the camp at about 12.30am to see the last 7 months’ work burning before my eyes. I find it hard to put into words, even now, how I feel about the detainees.

We are currently constructing temporary accommodation for them as they are currently contained in an open yard or in the Nauruan jail. I am sure that these people should never be allowed to enter Australia — they are violent criminals posing as refugees.

That’s what it looks like to the people on the ground at Nauru.

Despite the dominant regime of political correctness, the tone taken by the Australian MSM is not very favorable towards the culturally enriched “refugee” arsonists. For example, consider this report from The Sydney Morning Herald:

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Norwegian Rape Victim Pardoned in Dubai

Marte Dalelv is a Norwegian woman who reported being raped in Dubai last March. Unfortunately, she lacked the four Muslim male witnesses required by Islamic law who could report that they saw the requisite joining of body parts without the victim’s consent. As a result she was sentenced to sixteen months in prison for having sex outside of marriage.

Happily for Ms. Dalelv, the worldwide furor that arose over her case has shamed the government of Dubai into pardoning her, and she is now free to return to Norway (where more sharia awaits her, alas, but that’s another story).

Notice that the Gulf News headline refers to the incident as the “Dubai sex case”, eliding any mention that an accusation of rape was involved. Then, in the article itself, the descriptions using the word “rape” say that she was “imprisoned for falsely reporting a rape”.

Also notice that after the first sentence, the article refers to the victim by her Christian name rather than her surname. Does that signify a deliberate lack of respect for her? Or are the Gulf journalists simply confused about which name is considered the formal one by Norwegians?

Norwegian woman in Dubai sex case is pardoned

Norwegian Marte Deborah Dalelv had been imprisoned for falsely reporting a rape, drinking and having consensual sex

Dubai: A Norwegian woman at the centre of a sex case in Dubai has been pardoned, her lawyer confirmed to Gulf News.

The lawyer of 24-year-old Marte Deborah Dalelv told Gulf News that he and his client went to the Dubai Public Prosecution office today, where they were informed that the Dubai government had granted her a pardon.

Mahmoud Azad Abu Gareda said Marte’s 33-year-old Sudanese boss, H.A., who was jailed for 13 months for consuming liquor and having consensual sex, had also been pardoned.

Following the pardon, Abu Gareda said Dalelv has dropped an earlier appeal against the primary verdict.

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Fictional and Dangerous Propaganda

The recent report about the Norwegian in Dubai woman who was convicted for “having sex outside of marriage” after reporting being raped has gained international attention. The fact that she was subsequently fired by her employer has served to add fuel to the outrage.

Fjordman has just posted a survey of material on “Sharia and Rape”, placing the incident in Dubai in its larger context of sexual predation by Muslims against non-Muslims, which is condoned by Islamic tradition and law.

Below is a report from the Canadian channel CTV featuring an apologist for Islam who earnestly endeavors to paint the “justice” system of Dubai as misunderstanding and misinterpreting Islam. Regular readers know, of course, that the decision in Dubai is in accord with every jot and tittle of Islamic law.

Vlad Tepes has augmented the news segment with some commentary of his own, drawing on the Koran and Reliance of the Traveller to make his points:

Here are the relevant sections excerpted by Vlad from ’Umdat al-salik wa ’uddat al-nasik, or The reliance of the traveller and tools of the worshipper, which is commonly referred to as Reliance of the Traveller when cited in English.

This an authoritative source on Sunni Islamic law, because it is certified as such by Al-Azhar University in Cairo. There is no higher authority on Sunni Islamic doctrine than Al-Azhar; it is the closest equivalent to the Vatican that can be found in Islam.

From Chapter O, “Justice”, Section 12.0”: The Penalty for Fornication or Sodomy”


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