For the Feast of All Saints: “Jesus Loves Me…” Updated

As a kid I loved Hallowe’en. Not only was it exciting but since we went to a Catholic school, the next day, November 1st, was All Saints’ Day (followed on November 2nd, by All Souls’ Day, but that’s another story).

Fast forward many decades later, to Texas and the Austin Lounge Lizards with their ditty, “Jesus Loves Me But He Can’t Stand You”:

When one moves from a childhood Catholic ghetto to the wilds of Baptists, this song is a good cure for ailments of dogma.

[NOTE: Mark H said he couldn’t open the one I put up, so this is another version. Lyrics below the fold. Mark would love this Lounge Lizards’ take on Ronald Reagan since the Republic of Austin is a socialist enclave:
The Ballad of Ronald Reagan]

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A Peek Under Hillary’s Smelly Sheets

Thanks to our reader/commenter Bill Keezer we have a reasonable account from Forbes of Lady Macbeth’s machinations immediately after she lost the election. Forbes is pretty strict about using their news stories, so this is limited to the first paragraph and a following header and links are also omitted.

According to an insider account, the Clinton team put together the Russia Gate narrative within 24 hours of her defeat. The Clinton account explained that Russian hacking and election meddling caused her unexpected loss. Her opponent, Donald Trump, was a puppet of Putin. Trump, they said, “encourages espionage against our people.” The scurrilous Trump dossier, prepared by a London opposition research firm, Orbis, and paid for by unidentified Democrat donors, formed a key part of the Clinton narrative: Trump’s sexual and business escapades in Russia had made him a hostage of the Kremlin, ready to do its bidding. That was Hillary’s way to say that Trump is really not President of the United States—a siren call adopted by the Democratic party and media.

Hillary and the Orbis Dossier


You can read the dirty details here, but don’t expect CNNMSNBCFBI, et al to ever look under the sheets. They only do Republican laundry and much of that is airy-fairy gossamer material; it dissolves as soon as the dew dries.

I swan. That Hillary is definitely not a beta male. One has the urge to peek under her kilt… I never did see such a conniving, testicle-crunching woman. No wonder she married The Letch. (Whose old age is morphing him into The Lurch. Sad.)

Time for Britain to Assume the Position

I was fooling around with some graphics this afternoon and put these together. I delivered versions to Vlad a while ago, and I believe he’s already tweeted them:

What Prime Minister Theresa May actually said on May 23, 2017:

I want to reiterate what I said this morning about the professionalism of the emergency services and the bravery of the people of Manchester. Through their actions, they proved that cowardice will always be defeated by bravery, that evil can be overcome by good, and that our values — the liberal, pluralistic values of Britain — will always prevail over the hateful ideology of the terrorists.

And this one’s from UKIP Daily:

White Masochists Just Wanna Be Safe, Ya Know?

At the recommendation of a commenter, I looked at Black Pigeon’s new video. I’ve seen his work before, but I don’t remember hearing about his own background before this. It proves to be quite interesting. One presumes he’s talking from his own background of The Privileged White…but then again, he’s a Black Pigeon, isn’t he?

The ugly phenomenon of White Masochism has a counter-reality: those mixed race folks who desire to “pass” as white and leave the burdens of ethnicity behind. That isn’t discussed by Black Pigeon but for American Southerners, it’s simply part of life – an obvious and eternal reality. “Whiter is Righter” is lived out in places like, say, New Orleans, all the time. The rage of those Black Lives Who Natter (on and on) stands against those silent “almost white” folks who sneak over the Color Border to get out of the whole mess, or those who marry whites in hopes their children can be spared the pain of being not-white. You can watch it happen among the rich and famous all the time.

Life is full of existential burdens, skin color – oops, “ethnicity” being just one of them. If Zeus would flash a bolt of white light and make the whole world pale – or at least those who found their rage on their color – they’d find something else to differentiate and kvetch about. That’s just how we are…

So onto the joys of being Japanese and not having to pretend we’re all alike:

We have a donor who lives in Japan. She’s been there for some years; from her name she would appear to be of European extraction. Considering what is going on, I pray she remains safe.

An important reminder:
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Wanna Vote for This Here Turnip?

As the days dwindle down to a precious few, Bill Whittle considers the advantages of a vegetative presidency:

Sounds good to me. Especially if we get to pan roast the president in butter. Yum!

I’m with her it. But I promise to send her “Get-Well-Soon” greeting cards care/of whichever federal prison she chooses to serve her sentence…because you know darn well they’ll let her choose.

Huma, on the other hand, will probably cut a deal, giving over all she knows in exchange for being placed in a witness protection program. That way, neither Hillary nor The Hon. Member can find out where she is.

OT: Why do you think a Muslim woman from Saudi Arabia would name her first son Jordan? Here’s my take: Jordan is a Muslim country, so that’s one part of her son’s heritage. On the other hand, the father of her child is Jewish. Thus, this could be an allusion to the River Jordan where the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land.

Turnips are both halal and kosher. Muslims and Jews can vote for one without committing any sins.

Today’s Funny Papers

(Click to enlarge)


Angela Merkel Admits She Regrets Open-Door Migrant Policy

Following a devastating defeat in Berlin state elections today, Mrs Merkel said she accepted her share of responsibility for voters punishing her ruling Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) party for her refugee-friendly migrant policy.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin, she said: “If I could, I would turn back the time by many, many years.”

The German premier admitted she could have been better prepared for the influx of migrants last year.

She added if she knew how people wanted her to change her migrant policy she would consider it.

And she admitted Germany had not been “world champions” in integrating migrants in the past, saying it would take time to integrate them.

Monday’s defeat is the second in two weeks, with the Chancellor being defeated in her own constituency in the state of Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania.

Hat tip: Nick.