Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/20/2018

Eighty illegal immigrants staged an attempted jailbreak from a deportation facility in the Spanish capital of Madrid. The culture-enrichers, who were of Algerian origin, injured ten officers during their failed attempt.

In other news, emigration to Hungary by French citizens has increased in recent months, by people wanting to escape the effects of mass immigration.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DR, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Och, the Puir Wee Bairns!

The photo above is a textbook example of the propaganda shots of “refugee” children that the mainstream media have so lovingly created and disseminated to advance the Narrative about immigration.

The whole thing is so obviously staged — clean well-dressed, well-fed boys (notice that they’re all boys?) with their arms carefully placed so that their fingers can desperately grasp the chain-link fence. We can just hear the photographer: “OK, kiddies, line yourselves up there and raise your arms like this. Perfect! Now hold that pose.”

As it happens, my gloss on this photo is not simply paranoia on my part. Due to the ubiquity of cell phones in all the “refugee” camps, numerous instances of staged photos taken by MSM photographers have been documented from separate vantage points that show exactly what was going on. The “journalists” who put these tableaux together may not all be working for the same propaganda service, but they’re all singing from the same hymnal — or rather, reading from the same Narrative of the Great Migration.

The kids in the photo are what the media and our political leaders would like us to believe the migration crisis is all about. However, the migrant “children” who arrive in Europe are far more likely to look like the youngsters in this photo from Vienna:

So what’s the explanation for this disconnect between imagination and reality? How is it that so many millions of people in Europe (and beyond) have been sold such a sleazy, obviously phony bill of goods?

In yesterday’s post from Germany about the fake Syrians who were really fake Ukrainians, a puir wee bairn was central to the story. A puir wee lassie, in this case — the daughter has some sort of debilitating disease guaranteed to tug at the heartstrings of every Gutmensch in the welcoming culture.

The family gamed their way into Germany five years ago, and now their children have been here so long — one was even born in Germany — that it would be cruel to uproot them from their new home and send them back to Ukraine, or Armenia, or Uzbekistan, or wherever they really came from.

Och, the puir wee bairns!

The apotheosis of the Puir Wee Bairns motif was reached when a dead baby was photographed on the beach in Anatolia in September of 2015. Little Aylan Kurdi became the poster corpse for the open borders movement in Europe. It didn’t matter that his body had been carefully moved and arranged by the photographer and his accomplices. It didn’t matter that Aylan’s father was the pilot of a boat belonging to the people-traffickers, and had wantonly put his wife and children at risk by including them among the passengers of the boat. It didn’t matter that the father’s goal was to make his way to Canada so he could get his teeth fixed for free under the generous Canadian welfare program for migrants.

None of that mattered. All that mattered was that a puir wee bairn was dead, and we all needed to do something to HELP THE CHILDREN.

Little Aylan was the proximate cause of Angela Merkel’s decision to fling wide the gates of Europe to the entire Third World. Mrs. Merkel — never one to let a crisis go to waste — took the opportunity to make sure that Germany and other Western European countries would be flooded with millions more migrants in addition to the ones that were already pouring in.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/19/2018

People smugglers are now bringing illegal migrants from Turkey into Europe using limousines and luxury cars at up to €3,000 per head. The criminal network running the operation is thought to originate in Georgia.

In other news, a radical atheist in Edinburgh admitted that he set fires in a church and a Sikh temple to make a political statement.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, Ivan Winters, JD, Reader from Chicago, Salome, Srdja Trifkovic, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Uzay Bulut: The Persecution of Non-Muslims in Turkey

During last month’s OSCE/ODIHR conference in Warsaw, the Counterjihad Collective organized a side event entitled “Why Does Europe Hate Speech?” The following video from the event shows a talk given by Uzay Bulut about the persecution of non-Muslims by the Turkish government and Muslim Turks, especially the repression of Assyrian Christians, Armenian Christians, and Jews.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading this video:

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

Thank You!

After a long hiatus, Jonathan Hanks returns with a guest-essay on Brett Kavanaugh, Elizabeth Warren, and the carnival freak show that American politics has become.

Thank You!

by Jonathan Hanks

The past few weeks have been a tumultuous time for the nation.

With the extraordinary spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearings we were all brought to the brink: not only of losing our democracy, but our collective sanity, as well.

You, and I, and millions of other decent and concerned citizens from wide-ranging points of view were horrified, and spent many sleepless nights over the Kafka-esque and circus-like atmosphere which commandeered not only the confirmation proceedings, but the life of the nation itself.

Supposedly wise and prudent lawmakers publicly undermined the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic, all while poring over high school yearbook entries from the early 1980s with the gravity one might have expected from a Stalinist tribunal.

And then, when it seemed like we were right at the breaking point, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine stepped onto the senate floor and addressed her colleagues, and her fellow citizens, and the world — and dispassionately, and intelligently, and articulately brought us back to our senses.

She reminded us that the rule of law was vital, and the presumption of innocence was paramount, and just as importantly she reminded us that we, too, believed these things. And we all breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Yes, some of us wept. But for many, and I suspect even most, this was ultimately an insufficient catharsis. The sturm und drang of the preceding weeks required even more serious medicine:

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present, Senator Elizabeth Warren.

In one fell swoop, and in what must be one of the most ill-advised political stunts in recent memory, we were finally free to do exactly what was needed most: Laugh!

Within hours of these solemn and pretentious and supercilious pronouncements that somewhere far in the distant past, somehow one thousandth of a remote ancestor’s DNA had managed to make its way into her genetic makeup (and thereby made her way up the academic ladder a whole lot easier), the well-deserved cacophony of contagious lampooning and old fashioned belly-laughter broke out.

Names like Faux-cahontas, and Liar-watha, and Fake-agawea were freely bandied about in public: we all started cackling like a high school sports team who’d drunk a few too many brewskies after a Friday night game.

But it was OK, because this was just the medicine that the nation needed most.

You see, sometimes the lie is so great that the best and only effective retort is hilarity.

Pure and simple.

And people with a functioning Bill of Rights can afford to laugh.

So thank you, Sen. Collins and Sen. Warren.

Each of you had your part to play in our national healing, by reminding us who we are.

And, who we aren’t.

Previously by Jonathan Hanks: A Picture is Worth…

Noli Me Tangere!

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a member of the National Assembly for La France Insoumise (“Unsubdued France”, LFI), a left-wing populist and democratic socialist political party. He is a former communist and a former member of the Socialist Party and the Left Party.

Recently the house and offices of Mr. Mélenchon were raided by the police due to alleged financial irregularities. Other prominent French politicians affiliated with LFI were raided at the same time.

During the police action at his house, Mr. Mélenchon live-streamed events with his cell phone in an extended video selfie. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is an excerpt from an RT article about the raids on La France Insoumise:

First Le Pen, Now Melenchon? Another Macron Critic Has Headquarters Raided

Former French presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon’s home has been raided by police, as part of an investigation into alleged misuse of EU funds that also targeted political firebrand and Macron critic Marine Le Pen.

The leader of France’s left-wing La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) livestreamed the unannounced intrusion on Facebook, vowing to exact revenge on France’s Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet for the raid, which targeted his home as well as his party’s headquarters.

Video transcript:

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We Are All Syrians Now

The video below tells the story of a Ukrainian family who became Syrian “refugees” in Germany. It demonstrates that ANYONE who claims to be Syrian can hope to obtain asylum in Germany and gain full benefits for their family.

I can imagine a Monty Pythonesque sketch in which a family of blond blue-eyed Swedes disembarks from a rickety boat at the port in Rostock and approaches the immigration officer on the quay:

“We’re Syrians, and we want to claim asylum”

“That’s funny — you don’t look Syrian.”


“Don’t come the raw prawn with me, mate. You’re from Uppsala — I can smell the surströmming on your jodhpurs.”

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Philippe de Villiers: “Careful: Europe Will Fall Apart”

Long-time readers will remember Philippe de Villiers, an old-school conservative French entrepreneur, politician and novelist who comments frequently on political issues. In the following television interview, Mr. De Villiers discusses populism, Viktor Orbán, Emmanuel Macron, and the current crisis in Europe.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/18/2018

President Trump threatened to send the military and close the Mexican border to stop the latest migrant caravan from entering the United States. Meanwhile, Mexico mobilized its forces to stop the caravan at its southern border after being pressured by Mr. Trump.

In other news, France is likely to receive a record number of asylum claims this year, and three-quarters of those will want to stay in France.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Andy Bostom, Dora, Insubria, JD, John, Reader from Chicago, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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More on the Firebomb Attack at McDonald’s in Cologne

The Cologne police acknowledged that the McDonald’s attacker might have caused significant carnage if his firebomb attack had gone as planned. The alleged perpetrator is a Syrian “refugee” who is said to admire the Islamic State. Yet the last I heard, the authorities deny any connection with “terrorism”.

Presumably that’s because they failed to find an ISIS membership card in the guy’s apartment.

Oh, by the way — he also has “mental problems”.

Miss Piggy, who translated the video and text, sends this snip from an eyewitness account on the news site

“I was standing in front of the main train station in the square and talking on my phone and suddenly I heard screams. Several screams, very hysterical screams, “ she said. As she turned around and she saw that McDonald’s behind her was very dark and flames were blazing out. At that moment, two women had run out. They were running for their lives.

“One hat their foot burning and the flames were already high up to the hips. Then a passerby came and tried to help the girl, trying to take off her shoe, take off her socks, because everything was already on fire. At some point he did it. And then someone came out of the nearby pharmacy and provided first aid.”

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Another Freedom of Speech “Issue”

Had you heard about the Atlanta brouhaha? I hadn’t either.

Here’s Dr. Turley’s take on the pushback against leftist activism’s bully pulpit.

The times they are a changin’. One hopes that the coming shift is both rapid and fundamental. While it takes a great deal of ruination to destroy a culture the ever-more-radical left has had two generations now to dismantle things. It was their uglification of everything that drove people away.

The mistake the left makes is believing it can never be wrong.

Well, that’s one of its miscalculations…the learning curve back to Reality is a steep climb. For example, that Atlanta mayor is going to have to run for re-election eventually and he may have a huge municipal insurance premium hanging like an albatross around his neck. Municipal insurance carriers don’t care about politics – for them, it’s all about the bottom line. If Atlanta has to go to the Supreme Court, the fiscal blood will flow as tax rates go up.