What Elephant? What Room?

An organization known as the Religious Communicators Council will be meeting next week in Nashville. Based on their agenda, they represent the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood, with the usual suspects from dhimmi mainstream Christian and Jewish groups providing the necessary veneer of “interfaith dialogue”.

There’s a discussion of this important event in latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice:

What the Religious Communicators Council WON’T Talk About in April

The Religious Communicators Council (RCC) will hold their annual convention in Nashville on April 3-5. According to their speakers schedule, they won’t be talking about:

  • the recent Pew Study findings of Christian oppression in the Muslim majority countries of Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen
  • the BDS campaign against Israel being waged by U.S. based Hamas supporters, college campus Students for Justice in Palestine and Muslim Students Associations groups

Introductory speaker Remziya Suleyman will likely tell her same old embellished story of how she organized all the Muslims in Tennessee to beat back alleged anti-sharia legislation. She likes to portray herself as having “defeated the bill” when in fact the key provisions are now in state law. Bet she won’t bother to tell her audience that it was actually an anti-terrorism/material support bill based on the jihad murder perpetrated by Muslim convert Carlos Bledsoe. Bet she also won’t bother to explain to her audience that she is the one who equated anti-terrorism and material support with sharia!

For sure she won’t disclose to her audience that before she started her pro-sharia campaign, she admitted that “she never knew the concept of sharia…” In fact, she continues to remind us how little she knows about her own doctrine as she continues to promote the idea that anything violent or negative associated with Muslims and Islam is simply “culture” because it is not taught in the Quran. So how about those verses in the Quran that make wife beating sacred?

Daoud Abudiab is also a scheduled speaker. He is a Palestinian now living in Spring Hill, Tennessee who serves as the President of the Columbia Islamic Center. He will use the left’s double standard to tell the story about how an Islamophobe burned down his mosque like what every other Islamophobe out there would try to do. He’ll paint anyone who questions whether the U.S. should follow the U.K.’s example of allowing a parallel sharia system to thrive as an Islamophobe.. But when a Muslim like Bin Laden or Nidhal Hassan commits murder he characterizes it as a hijacking of the religion.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/28/2014

40% of Italians want to dump the euro and return to the lira as their national currency. Also, more than four million Italians couldn’t afford food in 2013 and had to rely on one or more food assistance programs. It’s not clear whether these two facts are connected.

In other news, Russian President Vladimir Putin called up President Obama to discuss a U.S.-proposed negotiated solution to end the crisis in the Crimea.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Brutal, Bloodthirsty, and Merciless: The Jihad in Syria

After almost ten years of blogging the jihad, I’ve grown accustomed to the violence and sadism displayed by the followers of Mohammed as they carry out the commands of their prophet. Not inured — you never get inured — but used to it. It’s a day-to-day reality.

The following report about “French” mujahideen in Syria broke new ground, however. It managed to appall me, when I thought I was long past appallable where matters Islamic are concerned.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita translating this French news report, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

WARNING: Although this video blurs out the worst of the grotesque and bloody shots, it is still disturbing to watch. Readers who are sensitive to images of brutality and degradation may want to skip this one:


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The Muslims of America Wage Legal Jihad Against the Christian Action Network

Jamaat ul-Fuqra (a.k.a the Muslims of America, a.k.a. Muslims of the Americas, a.k.a. Quranic Open University) is an Islamic organization boasts dozens of rural compounds throughout the United States, Canada, and reportedly the Caribbean. It is headed by Sheikh Sayed Mubarik Ali Hasmi Shah Gilani, a Pakistani Sufi, who is persona non grata to the U.S. government and has been forbidden entry to the United States for several decades.

Most of the rank-and-file of Jamaat ul-Fuqra are African Americans, and many of them were recruited in the prison system. According to some accounts, the earliest membership of the organization was made up of defectors from the Nation of Islam who had become disenchanted with Louis Farrakhan and his reluctance to plan for an unconstrained violent jihad against the infidel society and government of the United States.

Back in the 1980s and early ’90s, members of Jamaat ul-Fuqra committed a series of fire-bombings, murders, and other crimes, many of them targeting Hindus. Sheikh Gilani reportedly reined them in later in the 1990s, and most of their crimes since have been confined to non-violent offenses such as money-laundering, welfare fraud, product counterfeiting, and unauthorized trafficking in firearms.

For a few years the State Department listed Muslims of America as a terrorist organization, but that designation was mysteriously withdrawn in the year 2000.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra became prominent in the news for a number of weeks in late 2002 and early 2003 when it was revealed that intelligence officials believed that the “Beltway Sniper” John Alan Muhammad had holed up in the MOA compound in Red House, Virginia, during a break from his murder spree in the fall of 2002. After that brief flurry of interest, the JuF story died out until it was picked up in this space, in the earliest days of Gates of Vienna.

When I read those news stories in The Washington Times late in 2002, I was brought up short by the name “Red House”, which I knew to be a tiny hamlet in the middle of rural Charlotte County. I was familiar with the place, having passed through it numerous times on my way to various places. How could Red House be the home of a Muslim terror-training compound?

So I took my camera and paid a visit to Red House one Saturday afternoon in October 2005, intending to write up my findings here at Gates of Vienna.

The rest, as they say, is history. My report went viral, and the story spread rapidly through the blogosphere. Other dedicated individuals and groups took up the research and investigation, notably CP and the Christian Action Network.

A few months later I retired from first-hand investigation of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, at Dymphna’s behest. She was concerned that our proximity to the compounds in Red House and Meherrin might put us in personal danger. Fortunately, there were plenty of capable people looking into the doings of the Muslims of America by then, and media interest in the group has increased even further in the intervening years. The most recent revelations, concerning an MOA enclave in Texas, were broken by Ryan Mauro for the Clarion Project.

For the past eight years Marty Mawyer of the Christian Action Network has been one of the most stalwart and courageous investigators of Sheikh Gilani and the Muslims of America. Marty has visited and overflown several compounds, and even discovered at least one compound that was previously unknown to the FBI.

Marty’s work has not gone unnoticed by Sheikh Gilani and his American lawyers: the Muslims of America have now filed a $30 million lawsuit against Marty and the Christian Action Network. As we all know, the primary goal of “lawfare” is not to win one’s case, but to bankrupt one’s adversary. The legal jihad by MOA is designed to drain CAN of its funds and force it to give up any further investigation of Jamaat ul-Fuqra.

Marty Mawyer has launched a legal defense fund to help defer some of the expenses of fighting the lawsuit. Below is his video appeal:

Marty recently sent out the following email asking interested citizens for financial help:

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Family Law and the Genocide Against Fathers

Mårten Gantelius continues with the topic of his most recent post, the systematic (and systemic) discrimination against fathers under Swedish family law.

Family Law and the Genocide Against Fathers
by Mårten Gantelius

Same job — same salary. Same crime — same punishment. Does this make me a femaleophobe and an Islamophobe? Young men have just as much reason to fear women as we all have to fear Islam.

Millions of fathers have died in the gutter, crying in grief over their lost children. I could easily have been one of them. The mothers and the entire society couldn’t care less. And the mentally injured and alienated children don’t even go to their funerals.

During fifteen intense years, my profession was producing and performing puppet theatre for children in an extremely women-dominated world. I could write a 3000-page book about brutal female violence against children — especially small children. In this period, I had many tough conflicts with women. At the performances, I was in charge, and I wouldn’t let anyone of them destroy the performances and the children’s experiences.

From my own story in Scania in the southern part of Sweden:

In June 1992, I had planned to spend two weeks at my beloved summer cottage in Kuggeboda in the archipelago of Blekinge together with my three children. My 15-month-old daughter had had some minor problems with her ears — nothing serious at all.

A few days before departure, my daughter’s mother called me from Copenhagen. She told me that two small tubes had been surgically inserted into each of my daughter’s ears, and that she couldn’t join us in Kuggeboda. “No way,”, I said, “I’ll pick her up, according to the court decision.”

All kidnapping mothers follow exactly the same compulsory — and thus predictable! — pattern of actions. And the children suffer. For example, you always need to be accompanied by a strong, articulate witness in every personal contact with them. My Danish friend Lasse from Copenhagen accompanied me.

To my surprise, the mother handed over our daughter to me. Before leaving Kävlinge, I took my daughter to the local medical center. I wanted a doctor to look at her ears and tell me if there were any restrictions in for example bathing. My oldest son stayed in the theatre bus reading magazines. His interest in his little sister was limited. My three-year-younger son joined us. He had grieved in the depth of his heart when his little sister had been taken away from him.

The female doctor examined the ears, and then she burst out at me: “How could you initiate such an idiotic surgery? And just before a summer with sun and bathing? Your daughter will probably have plenty of problems for many years — maybe for the rest of her lifetime.”

When I asked her “Can I have that in writing?”, the silence was thick. The doctor had realized that the mother was responsible, and not me. Of course I didn’t get anything in writing. It would have cost the doctor — with a slight foreign accent — her job, and she would have been blacklisted throughout the entire country. Breaking the Code of Women’s Solidarity is not for free. That’s one of the reasons why you never saw any women in court witnessing to the disadvantage of a kidnapping mother.

And the doctor was right. During my daughter’s entire childhood, her ears were repeatedly inflamed and caused her great pains. Fortunately, her problems ended when she went to college.

As soon as I had found a place to stay in Copenhagen in the late 1992, I wrote to Köbenhavns Overpräsidium, which is the authority that decides father’s access rights to their children. Not only had the mother caused my daughter physical injuries, now she was on her way to causing her Parental Alienation Syndrome that ruins people’s lives mentally. After tough negotiations, I was given the right to have my daughter one Saturday from 10am to 6pm and the same two weeks later “as a test”. If it “worked out well”, I could have her every second Saturday 10 am to Sunday 6 pm. The psychologist knew that I had taken the daily care of my children for more than ten years, and that my daughter was born in Sweden and had been kidnapped to Denmark by her mother. The vital point is that she knew that I knew that she knew. This is the conscious, ultimate humiliation/violation as one of the tools of the True Merchandise, which is breaking down fathers mentally. Without this understanding, you don’t have a shadow of a chance to survive.

I saved my daughter from Parental Alienation Syndrome, but it is inevitable that her hard drive had been filled with bytes, describing the low value of a loving father — not only by her mother, but by the entire society.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/27/2014

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, RR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Erasing JIM from the Picture

Anyone who reads alternative media on a regular basis knows that the mainstream media routinely airbrush Islam out of any news story where Muslims do bad things. It’s a given. And if a violent perpetrator has an obviously Muslim name, news outlets will withhold it for as long as possible (or never release it at all, which is generally what happens in Scandinavia).

But who is responsible for this sanitizing of the news? In many cases it’s the media outlets themselves, who understand the new rules implicitly and apply them voluntarily, without being told. They know very well you don’t mess around with JIM.

However, the following story about an attempted “honor killing” in Newfoundland was originally broadcast by NTV with the Islamic angle front and center, totally uncensored. Then, within two days, all mention of JIM was systematically scrubbed from text versions of the story, and the original news video disappeared down the memory hole.

Vlad Tepes was alert and noticed the changes. The CTV report that came out later had dropped all references to religious belief, but Vlad had screen shots of the original, plus the original video from NTV (an affiliate of CTV). He made this before-and-after video to demonstrate the sudden and dramatic change in the account of Khalaf Alshaek’s attempt to kill his daughter for marrying a non-Muslim:

Who ordered the changes in the story, and why?

Vlad had this to say when he first discovered the bowdlerized account:

Saudi man ordered to leave Canada after choking, threatening daughter

(This is very important. The video in this story is, as the expression goes, ‘The damnedest of lies’, meaning of course a lie with just enough truth in it to be effective, and hence pernicious. The original story we posted here some days ago, had the father stating clearly that his daughter was involved with a non-muslim and therefore he needed to attack her and possibly kill her for it. Now they have massaged the islamic angle totally out of the story, slipping in some details of the truth while interjecting aspects of it that anyone might think is motive for anger. “cultural differences, honour changes to husband” and other total bits of informational sleight of hand to take the islam, the real motive for all of this, out of the story. Both the video and the article here have been sanitized. Here is the link to the article from Monday this week. It appears that link has been sanitized as well)

He expanded on it further earlier today:
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Fjordman: NATO’s Next Secretary General: Jens Stoltenberg?

Fjordman’s latest essay has been published at FrontPage Mag. Some excerpts are below:

The Norwegian press has been buzzing with rumors lately that Jens Stoltenberg — who until the autumn of 2013 was the Prime Minister of Norway — is a serious candidate for becoming the new Secretary General of the Western defense alliance NATO. The former Danish PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen is stepping down from this position later in 2014.

Apparently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed Stoltenberg for the job. Merkel made her proposal directly to US President Barack Obama, who agreed that he was a good choice for the role. Stoltenberg allegedly spent months discussing the role with the US Secretary of State John Kerry and his security advisor Susan E. Rice while he was in New York, ostensibly in his role as UN Special Envoy for Climate Change.

This is not a done deal yet, however. One of Mr. Stoltenberg’s presumed rivals for the job as head of NATO is José Barroso, Portugal’s former Prime Minister and also a former Communist. In 2014 Barroso will be stepping down as President of the European Commission, the unelected and unaccountable government for half a billion people in the EU. Barroso has held this job for ten years. Other possible NATO candidates who have been mentioned are Franco Frattini, Italy’s former Foreign Minister, and Radoslaw Sikorski, Poland’s current Foreign Minister.

The decision on who will become the next formal head of NATO has thus not been made yet. However, Jens Stoltenberg himself is taking this possibility so seriously that there are already rumors that he might soon be leaving his current position as the leader of the Norwegian Labour Party.

My opinion as a Norwegian is that Mr. Stoltenberg is personally unsuited for the task of being the Secretary General of NATO. Assigning him the job will further weaken the organization. Yes, this is mainly a symbolic position with limited power. However, the world is full of symbols because we realize that symbols can be important in real life. Elevating Jens Stoltenberg to such a position would send out the wrong signals.

For instance, it is a documented fact that Jens Stoltenberg was one of quite a few left-wing politicians in Western Europe who had a file with the KGB because they considered him to be a friendly contact. There are no indications that he did anything that was outright illegal with these friendly talks, but they were certainly unwise and reflect poorly on his character. The KGB was the secret police of the totalitarian entity known as the Soviet Union. Back then it was NATO’s primary enemy and a very real military threat. It would look strange if a man who was classified as a friendly contact by NATO’s primary enemy a generation ago were to become head of NATO today.

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Jihad Thwarted on the Côte d’Azur

Update: For those who have commented on the “900 kilos” vs. “900 grammes”:

Read the article closely. You’ll notice that the at the time of his arrest there were 900 kilos of explosives in his flat. The 900 grammes of TATP are also mentioned, but they were discovered back in February.

900 kilos of TATP (“Mother of Satan”) would create a very large crater if detonated.

Counter-terrorism police in France arrested a suspected mujahid who had 900 kilos of explosives stored in his apartment near Cannes. The culturally enriched suspect had recently returned from fighting in the Syrian jihad, and is thought to have been planning an assassination operation.

Many thanks to Bear for translating this news report from French TV, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is a news story from RFI about the arrest:

French police thwart alleged Islamist attack by returning jihadist from Syria

France’s counter-terrorism unit said on Wednesday it had thwarted an imminent attack by a returning jihadist from Syria, who was preparing to strike in the Southern Côte d’Azur region. 900 kilos of explosives were found in the suspect’s temporary flat near Cannes. He is currently in police custody.

The suspect known only as Ibrahim B. was first spotted by Greek authorities on January 3. He was found returning from Syria, where according to sources he’d fled in September 2012 with two companions.

All three men are said to belong to a notorious terrorist group called Cannes-Torcy, that was broken up by police last year. Their escape to Syria saved them from the police raid at the time.

But investigators kept them on their radar. Police suspected them of joining the Al Qaeda-linked rebel group, the Al Nusra Front in Syria, and of sending terror messages via Facebook to attack the country.

On January 16, Ibrahim B. was eventually arrested in Italy and extradited back to France where he was jailed. On February 17, his temporary flat in Mandelieu-la-Napoule, near Cannes, was searched to the ground and 900 grammes of TATP explosives were found.

Police are on high alert after growing numbers of French youths leave to fight with Islamist rebel groups in Syria. As a first wave of volunteers returns home, there are fears that this could lead to home-grown terrorist attacks.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/26/2014

General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the head of the Egyptian military, has resigned from his position in order to run for president of Egypt. Gen. el-Sisi took control of the reins of government after the military ousted President Mohamed Morsi from power last summer.

In other news, Suleiman Abu Graith, the son-in-law and former advisor to the late Osama Bin Laden, was convicted of terrorism offenses in a New York courtroom.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, Kitman, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Taqiyya Trial in Birmingham

Tim Burton of LibertyGB is to be prosecuted next month for making disparaging comments about a well-known “British” Muslim. Enza Ferreri, the press officer for LibertyGB, just sent us the following report on this egregious politically-motivated prosecution:

Taqiyya Trial in Birmingham

Tuesday 8 April at 10am Tim Burton, the Radio Officer of the British party Liberty GB, will appear at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court.

He has been charged by the West Midlands Police with racially aggravated harassment for a few tweets about Fiyaz Mujhal that called him “a mendacious grievance-mongering taqiyya-artist”,

Fiyaz Mujhal, founder and director of the organisation Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks), came to public attention when he was exposed by the Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan as having massaged some facts and figures about “anti-Muslim attacks” following the Woolwich murder.

These revelations, along with previous discoveries of discrepancies between police official figures and those of Tell MAMA — which had inflated both rates of and increase in anti-Muslim crimes — led to the organisation’s public funding being discontinued. By then it had already received £375,000 from the UK government.

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Knights and Dames Return to Australia

Here’s some good news from Australia. A long-time reader from Down Under just sent us the following note:

Hi Dymphna and The Baron,

This news item has been all over the Australian news outlets.

Americans might not understand why conservative Australian like this, but many do.

As part of the British Commonwealth (Queen Elizabeth II is our legal Head of State) Australia always used to participate in the Royal honours system (Sir ABC, Dame XYZ). This ended with the execrable Gough Whitlam (Labor Party/left) in about 1973, was briefly revived by Malcolm Fraser (Liberal Party/vaguely right, he claimed) and then dropped.

Tony Abbot (Liberal Party/actual conservative) has revived it once again! This is a move worthy of RESPECT!

There is a double deliciousness here — lefty heads are exploding like Champagne corks on New Year’s Eve, and I (along with many other conservative Australians) like the return to tradition. Note that the titles are not hereditary, and confer no actual legal or social privilege, other than being allowed to call oneself “Sir So-and-so”.

The best detail is that the current Governor General (Queen Elizabeth’s representative in Australia) is an avowed republican (i.e. wants to remove the Queen as Australia’s Head of State) but has accepted the Honour (Dame Quentin Bryce).

Note also that the Governor General has little real power — only in extreme circumstances of failure of government can he/she dismiss the Prime Minister and call an election.

Still, round 1 to the conservatives!

Witch-Hunt Against Wilders

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan has published an analysis of recent political events in the Netherlands at FrontPage Mag. Some excerpts are below:

On March 19, 2014, local elections were held in the Netherlands. On the eve of the election, party leaders celebrated their victories (or losses, as it were, for most parties). During the festivities Dutch politician Geert Wilders appeared in the Hague, one of the two cities in which Wilders’ party, the PVV (Party for Freedom), participated in this election. In a rousing speech before enthusiastic party supporters, Wilders asked the audience if they wanted a bit less local taxation and fewer Moroccans. The audience shouted, “Less! Less! Less!” This created a storm of protest from just about everyone in the country. Wilders’ remark was taken out of context and is being used to vilify him once more.

The political climate in the Netherlands surrounding Wilders now resembles the demonization of Pym Fortuyn in the months leading up to his assassination almost twelve years ago.

Last Sunday the IKON and EO TV stations broadcast a special interreligious Dutch Reformed service denouncing Wilders. The theme was based on Kennedy’s famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. The Sunday service theme was a copycat variation: “We are all Moroccans.” Dutch people present literally embraced Moroccans to show their support for this poor, vilified minority. People wore T-shirts with the text “Wij zijn Marokkanen!” (“We are Moroccans!”).

The message of the fanfare was: We abhor the outright racist remarks of Geert Wilders last Wednesday. We strive towards an all-inclusive society, in which people of all races, cultures, religions and sexual preferences live together in peace. We believe that God/Allah wants it to be that way.

All political parties left, right and center denounced Wilders and demanded his apology. Wilders, nonetheless, is standing by his words.

The VVD (conservative party) Prime Minister has joined the chorus of critics, which now includes all major parties. His party was the last to join.

The PvdA (Labor) party is going even further. They announced that no parliamentary motion presented by the PVV will be supported by the PvdA. No matter what, the PvdA say they will vote against any PVV measure. Once a motion fails, the PvdA will propose it again and this time support it as their own party motion.


In contrast, another news item in which fifteen “lightly tinted” juveniles (the politically correct term for Moroccan hoodlums) entered a house, seriously mistreated the three inhabitants, ransacked the premises and got away before the police arrived on Friday does not warrant any attention anymore. If only because it would firmly underline the words of Wilders.

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England’s Requiem: “Dark Albion”

This book has sat like a shadow on my desk, waiting for the time I could face the daunting task of writing about England’s dystopian present and its even sadder future.

But sad as it is, the work cannot be postponed any longer. In the lead-up to the elections in some of the former countries of Europe now gathered into vassal satellites of a forced “union”, the walls are so obviously and unrelentingly closing in on people like this author. All the native peoples of Europe, people whose biggest sin is an abiding love of their homeland, will be consigned to a future they didn’t want, just because Brussels has the dictatorial powers to make it so. And the Political Class in charge of each former country wants this to happen so that they can continue to enjoy their status as the new nomenklatura. What “the citizens” want has ceased to be part of the equation.

Dark Albion is a commoner’s book. This is a series of essays for people who don’t often get to see their plight written about with sympathy, sans snark or condescension. It is written by one of their own, a pensioner from London’s East End who decided to get it all down before the story was obliterated entirely under the mass of foreign feet trampling everyone in their path.

The chattering classes will sneer or – more likely – they will pretend he and his fellows don’t exist except as occasional punching bags. It is as though a member of Tommy Robinson’s family, or a quiet voice among his band of brothers (or uncles), has stood up to have his say. His words will be tossed into the same oubliette where those in charge threw Tommy.

An amended precis from the author:

In this series of stand-alone essays, a Cockney pensioner (whose lifetime coincides exactly with the arrival of vast numbers of settlers) depicts mass immigration in general, and aggressive Islam in particular, as a catastrophe. He begins his “Requiem” with a brief summary of the coming of the English in 449 A.D., and concludes with a portrait of England in 2066, during the reign of King William the Conquered.

The book captures the rage and anger of the Displaced and Despised toward their politicians and those who do nothing, say nothing to stop this destruction. In fact, they profit from the selling off of England to those who neither value nor cherish her traditions and culture.

In those regions of the West which were considered to be the victors in World War II, this radical transformation of countries like England was not supposed to happen. Wasn’t this what Englishmen and Frenchmen and Free Poles, etc., wasn’t this what they’d fought and died to avoid – i.e., the subjugation of their descendants by foreign tyrants?

“William the Conquered” is the last chapter of Albion. We have stored a condensed version of that piece here at Gates of Vienna so that it can be read again after this post has past. Please feel free to link to it or use it as you wish. The book will also be available on the sidebar.

Here is a video enactment of that chapter on Poor William:

This is a synchronous moment where the coming elections in the member states of he EU are generating essays on the internet about the turbulent electoral situation in Europe. To say that Brussels is nervous would be an understatement.

Below is one such reflection, entitled appropriately enough, “European Elections Turn Nasty”.

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