Send ’Em Back — The Ukrainians, That Is

Germany, like other Western European countries, is averse to deporting migrants, whether legal or illegal. Unless, of course, they’re Ukrainian men of military age: then they must be sent back so that they can serve as cannon fodder and be fed into the Russian meat grinder. All for the sake of Ukrainian democracy.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

CDU politician Kiesewetter wants to encourage Ukrainians subject to military service to return home

Ukraine lacks soldiers. That’s why CDU politician Roderich Kiesewetter is pushing for Ukrainians subject to military service who are currently living in Germany to return to their homeland. He also wants to build up financial pressure.


The CDU member of the Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter has called for Ukrainians in Germany who are subject to military service to be persuaded to return home. “There are at least 200,000 Ukrainian men of military age living in Germany, who are missing in Ukraine to support the country in the defense struggle,” he told the editorial network Germany (RND).

The Federal Republic should support Ukraine in making fair offers to men capable of military service and providing incentives for voluntary return. “In return, Germany could, for example, suspend citizen’s benefits for this group and help with the registration and delivery of notices,” added Kiesewetter, emphasizing that not all those affected necessarily have to fight at the front. There is also a lack of staff in other areas.

Kiesewetter: “Question of patriotism, supporting one’s own country”

In Germany there is, for historical reasons, a great understanding of conscientious objection. But there is a difference between a country waging war voluntarily or whether it is about the country’s existence in a war of aggression, argued the CDU politician. “It is a question of patriotism and solidarity to support your own country.” [Funny that the same doesn’t seem to apply to Muslims and Africans. I wonder why?]

The reason for Kiesewetter’s statements is Ukraine’s decision to no longer issue passports to men of military age in its consulates. It is unclear whether conscripts in Germany will receive replacement documents.

Afterword from the translator:

They apparently cannot send back millions of Muslims and Africans, because their lives are threatened by non-existent wars in most cases, but the Ukrainian men must be sent back to die for the shareholders of the industrial military complex. And then this comes from someone from a political party that opened the floodgates into Europe with the slogan “Refugees Welcome”. I guess that was only ever aimed at those people from cultures that are utterly hostile to the host culture, and will cause mayhem in all its forms such as mass rapes, mass murders, and whatnot. How much more demented can this get?

15 thoughts on “Send ’Em Back — The Ukrainians, That Is

  1. Hm. If the Slavic Untermensch themselves clear the territory from themselves, then why not take advantage of this?
    I had the good fortune to be born among this Tutsi-Hutu people!

  2. Re: “Germany, like other Western European countries, is averse to deporting migrants, whether legal or illegal. Unless, of course, they’re Ukrainian men of military age: then they must be sent back so that they can serve as cannon fodder and be fed into the Russian meat grinder. All for the sake of Ukrainian democracy.”

    The naked hypocrisy and cowardice of the western so-called “elites” is on full display here. Young military age Ukrainian men, quite rightly not wanting to be the last one killed in the name of a fiasco of historical proportions or to die or get maimed for a lost cause, have fled their homeland looking for sanctuary.

    The Germans of all people ought to offer it to them, for not all that long ago, they had total war brought to their own homeland and saw its cost. The refusal of the German political establishment to offer such shelter betrays their moral and intellectual bankruptcy. It also shows that those historical lessons, won at such great cost in blood, suffering and destruction, have already been forgotten or put aside as no longer relevant to today’s world.

    You’d think that losing two world wars in a span of fifty years would have done it, would have driven some sense into those thick skulls of theirs, but apparently not.
    The German ruling class still want to compete for stupid prizes by playing the most-stupid of games.

    They’d better hope that President Putin doesn’t wake up in bad humor some morning and decide to teach Berlin yet another lesson in humility. Word has it that the Bundeswehr is now so weak-and-ill-equipped that the Russian Army would roll over them like a speed bump.

    The truly tragic thing is that none of this has to happen. There is still time for cooler, saner heads to prevail and end this insane conflict. There is a word that the Germans, French, British, et al. used to know, but seem to have forgotten where dealings with the Washington, D.C. foreign-policy establishment are concerned, and that word – in English – is “No!”…

    As for those Ukrainian men on the run, good luck to them… they are in the right, and their government is not.

    • The German Army isnt a speed bump – it is less.
      And I dont want to know how many will step aside and show the Russian troops the fastest way to Berlin.

      And to think of it: The Greens pushed for memorials for draft dodgers and deserters – but only for those who tried to evade the 3. Reich. But now they want war. And listenning to them gives me the Sportpalast vibes, you know Goebbels “Do you want total war?”

      • My information isn’t first-hand by any means or all that new, but I had some friends and associates about a decade ago who moved in military circles, and some of them had experience with NATO forces. One, whose name I won’t use, said that while there are some high-level, first-rate forces in Europe in this or that country, mostly their militaries are jobs programs and a massive form of defense social welfare, if you will.

        A lot of people over there, civilian and military alike, have feathered their nests rather well during the NATO years – and now we come to find when the alliance is asked to actually operate, how woefully ill-prepared and ill-equipped it is. The question then logically becomes ~ where did all of that money go? Well, there’s your answer. It’s all been a huge racket.

        Some of the smaller nations take their commitment to NATO seriously, and they have highly-professional and highly-competent forces… but the historic mainstays of the alliance, the larger nations such as Germany – are in very sad shape indeed. And we in the ‘States have no cause to gloat, either, because our forces are quite “hollow” and ineffective in many ways as well.

        • Merkel the commie gutted the German military to the bone, they put females in charge who be serving coffee in saner times refused the Generals calls to fund the hollow force they have, well here the heck we are. Same with Britain, France and the rest of them in western forces who couldn’t stop a child from crossing the street these days.

    • Zelensky is a puppet ruler, a fraud – albeit a rich one thanks to the enormously profitable racket in which he and his cronies are involved. He is literally a fraud, however… remember those staged PR photos of him dressed up in tactical gear as if he was headed to the front himself? It isn’t the fact that the regime is putting out propaganda in support of the war; it is that they think so little of the people that they are trying to deceive or persuade that they can’t be bothered to do a decent job of it. I mean, honestly, how many people did they think such simplistic drivel would fool?

      And by the way, you are right: The first casualty of war is the truth… without question, that is true.

    • @ First casualty of war

      Zelensky says that there are only 30,000 dead, huh? The true figure is closer to a half-million, according to third-party sources not affiliated with the deep-state, over there or here. For a nation whose total population is around thirty-seven million people of all ages, losing that many men is devastating.

      How hard up is the Kiev regime for warm bodies to feed into the meat grinder? Word was on the street a while back that the Zelensky regime was considering drafting not just women, but mothers!

      I think they backed off from that, but old-fashioned “press gangs” are now roaming the streets looking for likely prey to snatch for the army.

      Just like the U.K. a couple hundred years ago; one minute you were a teenaged boy minding his own business, the next you were in the Royal Navy, whether you liked it or not!

      How about this for an idea? All neo-cons are hereby conscripted into the Ukrainian Army, and no age or other cutoffs need apply! That means you Victoria Nuland! That means you, Anthony Blinken! Grab a rifle and stand a post…

      • I always think that when I hear those politicians considering moving Ukrainians to fight for Zelensky – hey, why don’t you go?

        Nevermind that the European economy does rely to a large extent on Ukrainian construction workers – we are talking millions of people. Send them away and I guarantee big storm in the construction business – and not in a good way – because the Ukrainians are the most competitive construction workers out there when it comes to real hands on work. I mean, we can all drive big trucks and work excel sheets – but somebody has to take the showel and dig – you can’t beat a good Ukrainian work crew on the quality/price.

  3. It’s almost as though the warmongers want to kill as many Christians as possible.

    Where is the outrage about the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria by muslims?

    The whole world hates Christians.

    • I doubt Putin invaded Ukraine to kill Christians specifically. His troops massacred without care for sex or age, nevermind religion.

  4. “It is a question of patriotism and solidarity to support your own country.”
    These words, uttered by the CDU member of the Bundestag, will come back to haunt this utterly sorry excuse for a politician. Any show of patriotism for Germany these days is subject to close scrutiny and, if at all feasible, criminal investigation.

    • I stll remember when Mama Merkel a few years back was handed a german flag and instead of waving it, disposed it.

  5. How much more demented can this get? Tune in tomorrow to find out. Same channel, same time. The hits just keep coming.

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