The Judenrein Future of Eurabia

The following opinion piece by Kurt Kotrschal was published last month in the Austrian daily Die Presse. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Is Europe Exchanging its Jews for Muslims?

Kurt Kotrschal (Print edition of Die Presse, February 24, 2015)

The renewed persecution of Jews in Europe is contrary to our central values, enlightened thinking and liberalism.

A preacher in Saudi Arabia announces that the earth is standing still. Here, masses of books are being given away, whose manipulative mix of science in the style of creationism attempts to prove that Charles Darwin was mistaken. For instance, “The Evolution Scam” by Turkish writer Adnan Oktar. “Wacky” is all you can say.

Now, the Islamic State is on a massive killing spree of “infidels” in the name of the above-mentioned author’s Islam, and he denies not only evolution, but the Holocaust. He is happily spreading the well-known theories of a Jewish-Freemasonry global conspiracy against Islam. And of course the American CIA arranged 9/11 itself so it would have an excuse for a western crusade against Islam. Unfortunately, such ridiculous ideas are believed by many Muslims all over the world, including in Europe.

The nucleus of every liberal-enlightened and democratic state is the separation of belief and knowledge, of religion and the state. This is alien to the Islamic system. To be sure, Islam is a part of Europe now, but many Muslims have not yet “arrived,” because they neither understand nor accept European fundamental principles. A little integration is not enough, especially since 70% of domestic imams reject and torpedo it. To really “arrive,” Islam must enlighten itself.

All across Europe, Islamic and radical right-wing scum are strangely allied in their belief in the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. So we shouldn’t be surprised that the persecution of Jews is hitting its stride again. The exodus from France is only the tip of the iceberg. Anti-Semitic insults and smears have long since become “normal” again — including in Austria. The threshold for physical violence is sinking steadily. Smug European citizens look the other way (in irritation?) — like that other time in Vienna when Jews were allowed to clean the streets with toothbrushes. And the oh-so-humane Left chants anti-Semitic mottos in their demonstrations against Israel, but say nothing about this new mega-scandal.

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Oppression Instead of Admission

Note: This post was originally published on January 10, and was “sticky” for a couple of days. Scroll down for more recent posts, including the livestream from tonight’s PEGIDA march, “PEGIDA is Not the Disease — It is the Symptom”, Amedy Coulibaly’s martyrdom video, and the news feed.

In his latest essay, Takuan Seiyo notes the many ways in which the bill is now coming due all across the West for mass Muslim immigration. He also details recent examples of denial and repression against anyone who dares to identify the cause of what is happening.

Vincent van Gogh, ‘Prisoners Exercising’, 1890

Oppression Instead of Admission

by Takuan Seiyo

A recent headline informed that TSA Considers All-Out Ban Of Carry-On Bags After Latest Terror Threat. That reminded me how and why I gave up my comfortable life and turned instead to the solitary, unrewarded labor of writing pro bono for samizdat publications shut out of the wider sheeple’s ken by the flock’s herders and shearers.

It was in the mid-2000s. My longtime home country, California, to which I had contributed much as a taxpayer, employer, educator, buyer of homes and planter of trees, had been pulled from under my feet by the usual postmodern wrecking crew. I had expatriated to Japan.

I like Japan and its culture, but I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life there. So I started flying across the Pacific periodically, in search of a future home in my country.

My first recon destination was Denver. What I experienced on that trip and on subsequent ones to other American cities was so shocking that words and paragraphs started pouring out of me. Not so much to change the course of this runaway train — I am not that naive — but to leave information for future archeologists puzzled over the piles of rubble where a great civilization once flourished.

That first flight from Tokyo placed me in a long line of Americans shuffling shoeless and beltless in silence under the watchful stares of uniformed state functionaries barking orders at the silent, snaking file of cowed, conquered people. As they moved along, the herded subjects were discarding their clothing here, nail files and pen knives there, watches and coins yet elsewhere, having that last drink of water before that too was taken away from them, in order to then step virtually naked into a contraption that showered them with a stream of particles.

To one born where I was born — an easy day’s hike to Auschwitz — whose own mother had been processed in a similar if more sinister manner before boarding a cattle car to a labor/death camp (she escaped en route), the analogy could not go unnoticed.

And now they want to ban carry-on luggage too. Your laptop, your valuables, your necessities for that 20-hour flight to Melbourne. What a windfall to TSA security minders, over 400 of whom were fired between 2003 and 2013 for theft from check-in — by law, unlocked — baggage, and even that just “the tip of an iceberg” of the larceny.

Things have progressed in other ways too, in the manner in which progressive Western countries now like to make progress. You go now to transact any business in a U.S. Government office, you’ll get the full airport security treatment. Soon, all manner of cops driving around in unmarked “mobile backscatter radiation x-rays” vans will be able to zap you inside your car and under your clothes, giving them the same prurient thrill currently available only to TSA employees at airports. But even that will soon give way to progress, as a private company, Q-Tel, working with the US Department of Homeland Security, has developed a “molecular level” (and of course clothes-penetrating) scanner that will “instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage” from 50 meters (164′) away — including what you ate for breakfast and how your hormones are doing this morning.

They have facial recognition embedded now in electronic billboards, cameras on every lamppost — over thirty million already — chips on supermarket shelves that record what merchandise you look at. The FBI’s Next Generation Identification system can now identify people just by looking at their faces, with all that data streaming from tens of millions electronic spy eyes and chips, and soon remote identification by iris scans, palm prints, voice analysis, DNA signature and even walking stride will be possible as well. There is Trapwire, exposed through Julian Assange’s Wikileaks, that sieves all this raw surveillance data for patterns of “suspicious activity.” And now there are “pre-crime surveillance cameras” too, thanks to BRS Labs, that we should all be grateful to know, identify criminal activity before it happens.

And that’s not counting the drones. There are about 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies in the United States, increasingly employing surveillance drones. There is a whole alphabet soup of federal law enforcement agencies, and who knows what fleets of drones and other devices they too deploy. And that’s not talking about the dedicated spying agencies such as NSA and the whole large domestic and global U.S. government spying program revealed by Edward Snowden.

Such spying includes access to all electronic communications of anyone — no court-order required and no Constitution consulted. Snowden revealed among other things, and it was verified by the Washington Post, that 90% of individuals monitored by the NSA are ordinary, innocent Americans. According to a lawsuit [pdf] by several former NSA employees, “The NSA has the capability to do individualized searches, similar to Google, for particular electronic communications in real time through such criteria as

target addresses, locations, countries and phone numbers, as well as watch-listed names, keywords, and phrases in email.” It can also seize and store “most electronic communications passing through its U.S. intercept centers.”

All for your own security, tovarisch. And there is a giant training regimen going on to get you used to the idea that your constitutional rights, your privacy, even your privates, are not your own but your benevolent, caring government’s as represented by its stalwart thirty million or so employees (federal, state and local, and growing on steroids).

Talk back to a TSA person, you will be detained. Visit some websites critical of NWO, Empire, Migra, Muslimization and fiat paper money, but extolling self-sufficiency, freedom, the Constitution and the natural right of a people to its territory, and you are a strong candidate for the “No-fly” list without a prior notice, due process or recourse. Visit a prepper website, and the FBI will insert a cookie in your electronic rectum. Run your phone’s video on an arresting cop, and he will smash you and your camera and you will not find a sympathetic judge. Search on Google for a rice cooker and a backpack — implements used by the Musloid-immigrant Boston bombers — and within hours your door will explode and your dog be shot dead by armored gummint ninjas with machine guns and stun grenades.

Ostensibly, all of that cattle treatment in airports and the freest country in the world turned into Orwell’s Oceania was to protect Americans from “terrorists.” TSA was created because on September 11, 2001 some jihadi Muslim retards took advantage of the even more retarded non-discriminative mindset of the country they hated. Ever since, and before too, practically all foiled or executed acts of terror have been by Muslims.

There are so very few exceptions to the “All terrorists are Muslim” rule that they are worth listing, as curiosities. One kind is White communists like Bill Ayers in the United States and Joschka Fischer and Danny the Red in Europe. They are themselves VIPs now at the apex of the Establishment: either friends and collaborators of the President of the United States or major, adored politicians themselves. The other White kind are mental cases like Timothy McVeigh and Anders Breivik, who see Leviathan’s weight crushing their peoples and for some twisted reason elect to kill innocents in reprisal. Then there are racist psycho Blacks like John Allen Muhammad or Ismaaiyl Brinsley, seeing “racism” everywhere and murdering whitey for that.

But all those existed before 9/11 too, conspicuously in the 19th century, and America and Great Britain were not fascist-leaning police states then. It’s Muslim immigration and Muslim residence in the West that changed all that, quantitatively and qualitatively.

And we must, say the commanders of this compound and their kapos, the sheeple-herders of every former nation state and home to a European-origin people, keep importing Muslims, and other indigestible brown and black tax eaters, because… because… we must!

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The Delights of Faithlessness, Part 2

This is the second installment of a three-part guest-essay by Thucydides. Previously: Part 1

The Delights of Faithlessness
by Thucydides

Part 2: The Incoherence of the Multicultural Paradigm

Max Weber suggested that we almost always pursue our self-interest, but that we want to have a good conscience about serving our own interests. He proposed that when we are successful in idealizing our own interests we are more effective in securing them. He thought that the Protestant Ethic provided that justification. Today, it no longer does — or at least not as effectively as its replacements, Marxist ideology and the supremacist ideology of political Islam.

As early as The Communist Manifesto (1848), a relatively early work, Marx and Engels provide the alienated intellectual with a moral and ideological justification for faithlessness when they write:

Finally, in times when the class struggle nears the decisive hour, the progress of dissolution going on within the ruling class, in fact within the whole range of old society, assumes such a violent, glaring character, that a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands. Just as, therefore, at an earlier period, a section of the nobility went over to the bourgeoisie, so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat, and in particular, a portion of the bourgeois ideologists, who have raised themselves to the level of comprehending theoretically the historical movement as a whole [Emphasis added].

In sum, according to Marx and Engels, alienated and disaffected intellectuals are not alienated and disaffected; they are merely more enlightened, more comprehending of the historical dialectic than the benighted masses surrounding them. This is pretty heady stuff for a narcissist, or for any highly intelligent person who feels unappreciated and who is subject to ambitious elitist temptations.

By means of this argument, now part of left-wing orthodoxy, and one now thoroughly internalized by leftist elites, Marx provides those elites with that smug, signature spirit of self-congratulation, that almost gnostic-like confidence that they have privileged insights which place them above others lacking such insight, that scarcely veiled belief that those who disagree with them are benighted, anti-social reactionaries without understanding, that firm conviction that they are the moral agents of history and their adversaries are not, and with all that, the conviction that this is a war and must be fought — albeit rhetorically for now — as if it, indeed, is a war.

But is it a war? And, if so, where is the violence?

To answer that question: The violence is all around us. To name but one example of the pervasive violence now endemic to Europe, one has only to note media reports that two Rotherham fathers who tried to retrieve their daughters from their Pakistani groomers were arrested by the South Yorkshire police. The message? The same that one finds in Dante’s Inferno: “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Why would authorities wish to convey such a bleak message? Because demoralization breeds passivity. And a passive population is easier to control.

Yes, the violence is all around, only disguised as menace, the menace abused spouses recognize as part of the world they inhabit, the menace so unpredictable and uncontrollable that one has to rationalize it by pretending one is the cause of it in order to contain the anxiety and depression it arouses. Thus many seek to rationalize the faithless actions of the ruling elites and their apparatchiks rather than confront the realization that their faithlessness will lead to the abyss. But all such attempts at rationalization not only strengthen the faithless by providing them with endlessly creative justifications for their faithlessness, they undermine the possibility that the abused will awaken to their true condition. Thus to the many temptations of faithlessness described above, another is the fact that the faithless, as actors rather than acted upon, suffer less anxiety and depression than those they are betraying. For many, the answer to the anxiety and depression is to tune out.

But still one wonders how someone in the middle of a spousal abuse relationship can fail to recognize what is occurring; fail to accept what is occurring even when the situation and their response to it is thoroughly analyzed for them?

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The EU as an Accomplice to Terror

his website.

The following essay by the prominent Austrian journalist Christian Ortner was originally published on his website. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

The EU as an Accomplice to Terror

by Christian Ortner
October 14, 2014

This past weekend the EU decided to devote half a billion euros of tax money to rebuild the Gaza Strip, which was partially destroyed during the last war. And since this money, of course, is non-existent, that much debt will accrue.

Just a reminder: This summer, the Gaza Strip was used by the governing Hamas regime as a launch pad for more than 2,000 rockets fired at Israeli schools, hospitals, a nuclear research center and other civilian targets. And because Israel had the unmitigated gall to defend itself militarily instead of peaceably observing, there is now considerable damage to buildings. Not least because Hamas is especially fond of using schools and hospitals as launching platforms; several of them in Gaza are in ruins.

If you hold your nose, you can half-heartedly argue that it is appropriate on “humanitarian grounds” for the EU to shell out for rebuilding Gaza. For now, we can ignore the fact that the population of Gaza democratically elected Hamas. The EU flushes tons of moolah down the toilet for other nonsense, including some hundreds of millions to Turkey.

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“Our Present Is Your Future”

Below is the prepared text of the speech given in Chanhassen, Minnesota tonight by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, at an event sponsored by SW Metro Tea Party Patriots and ACT! for America, Minneapolis Chapter.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for inviting me here to Chanhassen. It’s the first time I’ve been to Minnesota, and I must say it’s a pleasure to be here. The closest I came to this part of the country was when I lived in Chicago, but that was many years ago.

I have always admired the Tea Party Movement, contrary to most of my fellow Austrians, who are uneducated when it comes to the historical significance of the original Boston Tea Party. What I admire most is that you are nourished by the very American belief that the government does not have the answers, that reform comes from below, that people are wiser than their leaders.

I bring you greetings from Austria. I’d like to be able to report some happy news, but there is little good news to be had in my country. Austria, like most of the rest of Western Europe, is being Islamized at an accelerating pace, even as our freedom of speech is more and more often suppressed. The two processes are connected with each other: in order to prevent any real public understanding of what Islamization means, and to inhibit any popular discontent, the ability to tell the truth is vigorously squashed.

Those of you who know me are aware that I will NOT cease telling the truth about Islam. For almost ten years I have made it my business to inform my fellow Austrians about the nature of Islam, as revealed in the Koran and the sayings of Mohammed. I refuse to cease my activities merely because dhimmi government bureaucrats consider such truths to be “hate speech”. In the past I have been prosecuted and convicted for explaining Islam in a factual manner, and I may well be prosecuted again. But I shall continue regardless.

Similar conditions exist in other European countries. Austria is not even the worst-off — Britain and Sweden are vying with each other to see who can be the most repressive. In both countries you are likely to be prosecuted for saying anything that reflects badly on Islam. And, just as in Austria, the truth is no defense.

As an example, consider what happened to my good friend Paul Weston, a Counterjihad activist and the leader of the LibertyGB party in Britain. Last April, as a part of his election campaign for the European Parliament, Paul stood on the steps of the Winchester Guildhall and quoted from a book written in 1899 called The River War. He recited the following words:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property — either as a child, a wife, or a concubine — must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.”

Someone in earshot heard his words, took offense, and called the police. Paul was eventually arrested, taken to the police station, and charged with “incitement of racial hatred”, which is a “racially aggravated crime under Section 4 of the Public Order Act.” The charges were later dropped, but what happened to him served as a warning to others who might consider doing something similar.

All of this is bad enough — to be arrested for reading from an old book that makes politically incorrect observations about Islam. But that book happens to have been written by a man named WINSTON CHURCHILL.

Such is the sad state of affairs in Modern Multicultural Britain: an English citizen can now be arrested for giving a public reading from a book by the greatest British prime minister who ever lived.

I could cite more examples from all over Western Europe, but if I did I would exceed my allotted time and keep all of us up long past our bedtime. Someone is arrested almost every day in Europe for “hate speech”, and the offending words almost always concern Islam.

There is currently a demand by the Islamic Faith Community in Austria for an “anti-Islamism law”, which is actually a ruse to obtain new favorable provisions for Muslims. The drive for this law is being backed by Turkey. The same law is also being demanded in Germany by the Turkish community. The final result, if they are successful, will be that Muslims in both countries will gain further special privileges and be protected from criticism.

Truth is the first victim when our freedoms are threatened. Seraphina Verhofstadt was asked in a TV interview why she still displays the Israeli flag after being beaten up, and whether it would not be wiser to remove it. She answered: “If I do that, I will also lose my freedom of speech.”

I have been asked frequently after my conviction whether it would not be wiser just to stop talking about Islam “in this way”. My answer is: “If I do that, more people will lose their freedom of speech.”

First we lose truth, then we lose freedoms, and finally we lose life itself.

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ESW Speaks About Dhimmitude at the Roundtable in Orlando

On May 16 2014 Burning Bush Ministries held a roundtable discussion on “Current Christian Persecution — A Global Problem” at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Orlando.

Speaking on behalf of Burgerbewegung Pax Europa, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff discussed the topic of Dhimmitude. She was introduced by the Rev. Bruce Lieske, who then followed up with his own remarks.

Many thanks to Alan Kornman for recording this video, to Henrik Ræder Clausen for the audio, and to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading it:

Previous posts about the Prayer March for Persecuted Christians, Orlando, May 2014:
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The Power of Images

As many of you know the Baron was a landscape artist for several decades. When he had to surrender that vocation in order to move to another — i.e., a “regular” job as a systems analyst, he didn’t give up his creative side. Or rather, whichever side of his brain was operative, creativity remained a constant. He would often say that new ideas simply bubbled up from the well; he had long since realized that no matter what one’s occupation, creativity was what made for excellence.

He was always creating images of one sort or another, that’s simply how his mind works (some fine doodles resulted from some exquisitely boring meetings). And he deeply believes in the power of images to move people to action, whether the action be internal as in a new recognition or understanding of an important idea, or external as in being moved to action based on the same perception. The critical point is changing of minds and hearts.

Today, Henrik Ræder Clausen sent us an image the Baron created almost exactly eight years ago, and which has now appeared again, here.

To see it return is deeply satisfying. The Baron is more sanguine about these things: there’s always another where that came from; in other words, the deep well of creativity never runs dry. The secret lies in recognizing that abundance means never clutching or hanging onto things. The only exception he makes for his rule is when someone decides to cash in on a compelling image by reproducing it for sale. At that point, his creation becomes commercial and he wants a cut. But utilizing his art as a display on a sidebar, or an avatar — those are simply sharing the image in order to make the idea take root and spread.

Back on that post in 2006, he explained his thinking behind the image:

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Eurabia Strikes Again

The following essay, aptly called “Serpent’s Tongue”, was written by Joshua Pundit and posted at his blog earlier this week.

First he reminds the estimable Lady Ashton, the foreign minister of the EU, of some of the history of Hebron’s suffering at the hands of the British. Then he responds to her woman-from-Mars explanation for how things are going in the country the Middle East and its co-dependents would like to see obliterated.

This could serve as a coda to Bat Ye’or’s book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. The earlier print edition has this description, which was also used for the Kindle version:

This book is about the transformation of Europe into “Eurabia,” a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. Eurabia is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic.The institution that has been responsible for this transformation, and that continues to propagate its ideological message, is the Euro-Arab Dialogue, developed by European and Arab politicians and intellectuals over the past thirty years. [my emphasis —D]

Of course, the Eurabia reality means that Israel must disappear, so Lady Ashton steps up to drop one more rock onto the wall Europe and Arabia are building in an attempt to create this ghetto. For sixty years the Left has been attempting to build these walls, and for sixty years Israel keeps dismantling them.

One advantage of having an established book on Kindle is that individual highlights from the text begin to accumulate and are propagated on the book’s page. This book has a goodly number of such notations, to wit, this one, which six readers highlighted:

“Therefore, collective hostility to Israel became a linchpin of European unity.”

In a larger sense what Bat Ye’or — and Joshua Pundit — are describing in the particulars could be viewed on a meta-level as scapegoating. This dynamic is deeply entrenched on the Left; employed as a deliberate strategy it is only that: strategic maneuvering. The end goal is retention of control.

Enter Stage Right, Lady Ashton, titular minister of a soviet polity, the European Union. From Stage Left, Joshua Pundit, armed with his keyboard and his faculty of discernment. She has spoken and he has read her interpretation of what happened last week. What he has perceived in Lady Ashton’s remarks is another in the endless confabulations of SerpentSpeak that leftist politicians the world over use to discuss Israel. It does indeed take a forked tongue to be able to talk as she does…

The Serpent’s Tongue — An Open Letter To Catherine Ashton, EU Policy Chief

by Joshua Pundit

Dear Lady Ashton,

I noted with interest your remarks and your concerns about what you called “recent events in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, which are not conducive to the climate of trust and cooperation needed for the current peace negotiations to succeed.”

Your remarks were exclusively addressed to Israel. You were ‘concerned’ about Israel declaring something like 2.5 square miles (1 square KM) of vacant land near the Israeli community of Gush Etzion — which you, of course, call a ‘settlement’ — as Israeli state land. You’re also concerned about what you referred to as the authorization of a ‘new settlement’ in Hebron, and you “particularly deplore the recent confiscation of EU Humanitarian Assistance provided to vulnerable civilians in the Jabal Al Baba Community in the E1 area.”

First off, just between us…don’t you think your use of language is somewhat suspect? One might almost think you were biased. You refer to Gush Etzion as a ‘settlement’ when after all, it’s an established Jewish community that dates back to 1924 on land legally purchased by Jews from Arab landowners. Jews continually inhabited it and worked the land except for a 19-year period between 1948 and 1967. And when you speak about vulnerable civilians, may I remind you of how the residents were ethnically cleansed in 1948 by Jordan’s Arab Legion, and that almost 200 able bodied Jewish males were executed in cold blood after they surrendered and were guaranteed safe conduct to the Israeli lines with their women and children? May we recall who commanded the troops who committed that atrocity and who oversaw the ethnic cleansing of all the communities in Judea and Samaria as well as East Jerusalem? It was British officers, Lady Ashton, under your own Colonel John Glubb.

Project much?

Then you say you particularly deplore what you refer to as “confiscation of EU Humanitarian Assistance provided to vulnerable civilians in the Jabal Al Baba community in the E1 area.” That ‘community’, as you call it, refers to a handful of Arab squatters living for a matter of a few weeks in EU-funded caravans in a contested vacant hillside within the city limits of the Israeli city of Maale Adumim, a city that Israel isn’t going to give up in any peace agreement. And as we both know, E-1 is necessary to Israeli security needs in order to connect Maale Adumim to the rest of the Jerusalem area, so it doesn’t become surrounded on all sides by those extraordinarily peaceful Arabs whom call themselves Palestinians.

So in your world, Gush Etzion is a ‘settlement’ after decades of existence on legally purchased land, while a few caravans parked illegally for a matter of weeks on Israeli land with the EU’s connivance that you give the name of ‘Jabal Al Baba’ is a ‘community’? It seems obvious that you have one set of rules for Jews and quite another for everyone else, and there’s a word for that, isn’t there Lady Ashton? And isn’t it more than just a little hypocritical to ‘especially deplore’ the Israelis confiscating what was obviously an attempt by the EU to unlawfully create facts on the ground in what at best can be considered a ‘disputed’ area? If ‘humanitarian aid’ was the purpose, why not put those caravans somewhere in Area A, where the Palestinian Authority controls things? Again, one might almost suspect you of — heaven forbid — bias.

Hebron? Ah yes, another one of those awful ‘settlements’. This one amounts to Jews being allowed to move into a property they legally purchased, one four story house. Although to be honest, it could probably be more accurately described as a ‘repurchase’. You see, Hebron had a sizable Jewish community that lived there for centuries until 1929, when the Arab residents of the town turned on their neighbors on orders of the British appointed Grand Mufti and began raping and murdering them — while the British troops who were supposed to be keeping order did absolutely nothing to stop them.

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Brussels Pumps up the “Legacy of Al-Andalus”

The EU’s latest dhimmified pandering to Islam is explained by the Italian newspaper Il Giornale. Many thanks to Gaia for the translation, which was originally posted at Vlad Tepes:

Four million euros to raise awareness of the Omayyad…

…the great Islamic dynasty was allocated by the European Union in July 2013

But of course! Whilst the population of the continent rocked between crisis and taxes, while the Troika [the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund] spread the watchwords of austerity, while Europeans were asked for even more blood and tears, Brussels was allowed the luxury of financing with 4 million (€ 4,153,653 to be exact ) a program of “multilateral cross-border cooperation”, coordinated by the “Foundation for the Legacy of al-Andalus”.

The official purpose? Remedial measures to hurriedly correct what the Community institutions define as a — now intolerable — “serious imbalance”. What is this imbalance that is so bad? The pitiful wage of the workers? Unemployment levels among young people? Pension rates falling below reasonable levels? But no: the imbalance, according to Brussels, is the fact that not enough is known of the history of the Omayyad.

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The Prophet in Brussels

The following positive review of Bat Yeo’s book Europe and the Coming Caliphate was published, amazingly enough, in the mainstream Austrian daily Die Presse. Our Austrian correspondent AMT, who recommended the review for translation, includes the following note:

Die Presse is to be commended for publishing this review of the German translation of Bat Ye’or’s latest book. Of course, the commenters later heavily criticized Bat Ye’or’s theories without having read her book. Standard Operating Procedure. Case closed.

Many thanks to JLH for translating this article:

The Prophet in Brussels

Europe and the Coming Caliphate: Historian Bat Ye’or, living in Switzerland, fears a creeping Islamization of Europe. She considers that the concept of multiculturalism has failed.

January 10, 2014
by Michael Ley

The Cassandra calls about the demise of Europe have become unmistakable. A least since Thilo Sarrazin’s bestseller Germany Abolishes Itself, even well-meaning people have been stalked by doubts about the future of Europe and its societies. To the demographic ruination of the inhabitants of Old Europe which threatens present generations because fewer and fewer people will have to finance an increasingly superannuated society, are added the problems of impending poverty in old age and unimaginable government debt.

Added to that is a thoroughly failed integration of Muslim immigrants and a foreseeable shift in the composition of society, which can soon lead to the native majority finding itself a minority among minorities. The prestigious doyen of Islamic scholars, Bernard Lewis, paints the future in gloomy colors: “According to present trends, Europe will have Muslim majority populations at the latest by the end of the 21st century.” Since Islam is not a very peace-loving or tolerant religion, fear of Islamization stalks more and more citizens. Proselytizing the world by any means is granted especially to Muslims through divine revelation.

One of the warning voices concerning the Islamization of Europe is the Jewish historian writing under the pseudonym Bar Ye’or (daughter of the Nile), who was born in Egypt and has been living in Switzerland for many years. Her books on the history of Jews and Christians living under the domination of Islam, and about the degradation of non-Muslim communities and their members to people of lesser value are among the standard works on Islam. Her proofs that these societies have never had egalitarian coexistence naturally does not fit into the cliché of multicultural ideology.

Her most recent publication, Europe and the Coming Caliphate — now available in German — is the starting point for her argument that there can be no lasting peace between Muslims and people of other beliefs. “In the Islamic view, the whole world is an endowment, a territory that belongs to Allah. The Muslim community is pledged to bring it under the dominion of Islamic order as once revealed to the Prophet. Jihad is the battle to win back the granted land which is illegally occupied by infidels, and must be returned it to the Muslims.” With this background, she takes up European policy in regard to the Islamic countries of the Mediterranean or the Near East and Israel. An apparently insignificant mosque in Munich plays a central role in this development (see also “The Fourth Mosque: Nazis, CIA and Islamic Fundamentalism” by Ian Johnson).

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What If…

Our British correspondent JP has collected a number of quotations relating to various themes that are swirling around: The Big Lie, Orwellianism, Emperor Obama, etc. He includes this introductory note:

The process that is now underway in the West might be described as Gleichschaltung — a word that is well-known to students of the Third Reich, an umbrella term used to describe the stifling of dissent. Synonymous phrases in our context might be: to make sharia-compliant, render into dhimmitude, make the general population accepting of the Big Lie. If we can put words, even loan words, to processes such as these, we can chip away at the bewilderment so many people experience when faced with the apparent intransigence of politicians and others to recognise what is staring us in the face.

Perhaps Gleichscharisierung would be the right neologism, analogous with Islamisierung — the German word for “Islamization”.

The Wikipedia definition of Gleichschaltung does a good job of describing what I have been trying to get a fix on:

Bringing into line … Among the goals of this policy were to bring about adherence to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible.

Richard J Evans’ translation of the term: forcible coordination.

Islam and Sharia in a nutshell.

What If…

Collected by JP

American Iron Curtain

Only when Americans see the wall, when they sense its shadow over Missouri and Florida, over New York and California, from ocean to ocean and border to border, will they be ready to tear it down.

Arab Spring

There are two narratives of the Arab Spring. In one of them, the people rose up against the tyrants. In the other an international conspiracy of Western and Muslim countries collaborated with the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Arab countries.

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To the Muslim Brotherhood, democratization means the same thing that a plane ticket does to their Al Qaeda splinter group. A Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide was once quoted as saying, “Democracy is like a pair of slippers that we wear until we reach the bathroom, and then we take them off.” The Brotherhood was booted out of power because it decided that Egypt was already in the toilet and that it could take off its democracy slippers prematurely.

Big Lie

In the minds of that paper’s editors [Aftenposten], the impulse to appease would seem to have become utterly reflexive — along with the ability to deny effectively, even to themselves, in precisely the way Orwell outlines, that they’re acting on such an impulse.

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Non-recognition of reality is the first principle.

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Being human, politicians lie. Even in the best regimes. The distinguishing feature of totalitarian regimes however, is that they are built on words that the rulers know to be false, and on somehow constraining the people to speak and act as if the lies were true. Thus the people hold up the regime by partnering in its lies. Thus, when we use language that is “politically correct” — when we speak words acceptable to the regime even if unfaithful to reality — or when we don’t call out politicians who lie to our faces, we take part in degrading America.

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Like a band that only knows one song, politicians only know one response to Islamic terrorism.

Central Planning

The moral argument for freedom is the self-organizing principle of individuals. The moral argument for compulsion is that the system is superior to individuals. The left has chosen central planning in human rights as it has in every other area of life. It believes with the paradoxical perversity of doublethink that freedom can only come from government because only a central authority is qualified to provide the equal distribution of freedom within carefully planned limits.

This abrogation of freedom is the logical end result of the left’s entire pattern of reasoning which rejects the individual for the collective, the working man for the planner and the people for the ideological expert. These forms of repression are expressions of its rotten notion that the left may do anything and everything in the name of freedom except actually allow the people to be free.

Church and State

The United States is following the European course of rendering the distinction between the state and the church irrelevant by making the state into the church and mandating that everyone worship it. As in 19th century Europe, deliberate clashes are being stirred up between the values of the state and religious values for the purpose of demonstrating that the values of the state are supreme.


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Why the European Union Must Be Abolished

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Why the European Union Must Be Abolished
by Fjordman

In October 2008, I published an essay entitled Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union. The reasons I cited back then (and many more could be mentioned) were:

1.   The EU Promotes Crime and Instability
2.   The EU Weakens Europe’s Cultural Defenses
3.   The EU Promotes a Bloated Bureaucracy
4.   Excessive Regulation and Centralization is bad for Freedom and for Prosperity
5.   The Lack of a Real Separation of Powers in the EU Invites Abuse of Power
6.   The Lack of Transparency Leaves the EU Vulnerable to Hostile Infiltration
7.   The EU Leads to Less Freedom of Speech
8.   The EU Fails to Consult its Citizens and Insults Them When Doing So
9.   The EU Undermines Political Legitimacy and Connections between Rulers and the Ruled
10.   The EU Spreads a Culture of Lies and Corruption

The European Union (EU) is not good for prosperity in Europe. Perhaps it would have been so if it had remained a free trade zone, as it was first claimed to be. However, the bloated and excessively centralized bureaucracy of the EU today is clearly harmful to ordinary Europeans. It is nonsense to believe that this ramshackle, top-heavy Frankenstein monster is going to make Europe more competitive.

As I warned in 2008, the EU does not protect the peace in Europe. On the contrary, it undermines stability in the continent by dismantling border controls at a time of the greatest population movements in human history. Many immigrants come from unstable countries whose instability spills over to European states. Through its senseless immigration policies, the EU may become partially responsible for triggering internal conflicts in several European countries. It may be remembered as the “peace project” which brought war to Europe again.

The European Union has created a borderless region from Greece to France and from Portugal to Finland, yet the citizens of these countries still pay most of their taxes to nation states whose borders are no longer upheld. It is ridiculous to pay up to half of your income to an entity that no longer controls its own territory or legislation. Unless national borders are re-established, the citizens of EU member states no longer have any obligation at all to pay taxes.

The EU promotes a ridiculous amount of laws and regulations, yet street crime goes largely unpunished. Laws are used to punish law-abiding citizens while real criminals rule the streets, although this flaw is admittedly shared with many national governments. European authorities make a mockery out of the social contract every single day as they fail to uphold law and order.

In Scandinavia, the cultural critic and columnist Kasper Støvring published a book in early 2014 making many of the same arguments: The EU does not promote “peace” in Europe. On the contrary, it could be sowing the seeds of future conflicts by systematically breaking down dozens of European nation-states at the same time. The open borders through its Schengen Agreement and the legal and illegal mass migration promoted by the EU’s policies are particularly dangerous.

What has changed since 2008? Nothing. At least, nothing positive. If anything, the problems are worse today than they were some years ago.

The financial crisis was then just beginning. It turned out to be so serious that the euro, the common currency for many (but not all) EU member states, could have collapsed. It hasn’t, at least not yet. But the crisis has still not been resolved. It has hit many countries in southern Europe hard, including Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. The public debt keeps mushrooming.

The euro currently seems like a bad idea. Greece does not have the same economic level or industrial output as does Germany. It is artificial for these countries to have some same currency.

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Islamic Seasons and “Democratic” Global Policy: Part II, Section 4

Below is the final section (of Part II) of a four-section essay by Hans-Peter Raddatz about the EU, the Mediterranean Union, the Islamization of the West, and the deliberate engineering of the “Arab Spring” by the global elites to serve their own long-term goals. Previously: Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3. For the links to Part I, see the archive list at the bottom of this post.

This essay was originally published at Die Neue Ordnung in pdf form, and was kindly translated from the German by Rembrandt Clancy, who has also provided the reader with extensive notes.

Islamic Seasons and “Democratic” Global Policy

Part II: Fall and Winter in the Cycle of Radical Culture

Section 4

Part II: Fall and Winter in the Cycle of Radical Culture

by Hans-Peter Raddatz

Translator’s Introduction

Dr. Raddatz uses references which may be unfamiliar to some. Therefore there are reference notes. These are of two types: translator’s notes and endnotes:

1) Translator’s Notes: An asterisk (*) following a word or concept in the text indicates the presence of a “Translator’s Note” immediately below. These provide immediate clarification for concepts or expressions which may be unfamiliar to some, or even most readers.
2) Endnotes: Numbers in superscript following a term or a concept in the text indicate endnotes for readers who wish more detail grounded in original sources.

While in the previous sections Dr. Raddatz emphasised an ever-increasing narrowing of consciousness and reflexivity in the West due to the divorce of omnipotent reason from connection with non-rational roots, a “lost reference to God”, Section 4 views Western deratiocination (Denkschwund) from the standpoint of a drift of the “new man” into “biological proximity with the animal”. The central image is “devouring” drawn from Elias Canetti’s work Masse und Macht (1960), the English translation of which is Crowds and Power (1962). By “devouring” is meant not only the physical consumption of men through wars but also the obliteration of “form” (Georg Simmel) or culture through the reduction of man to the mechanical level of biological existence, literally an anthropological exodus (Hardt and Negri). Canetti correlates man’s primaeval behaviour in the early evolutionary pack with that of the modern individual in relation to the crowd, basing the comparison on the existence of an archaic memory of the pack. It is this primitive mnemonic inheritance which Dr. Raddatz places at the root of the modern social revolutions and their unprecedented scope of murder. The regression to collectivism is the counter-concept to the advanced, Judeo-Christian old culture, which is “differentiated”, and above all constructive” (cf Section 2).

4. Crowds and Packs

Just as the epochal philosopher René Descartes (d. 1650), with his inconvenient insistence on knowledge, was established as an enemy among the representatives of the Enlightenment and their extremist successors straight through to the culturally radical ideologues of the present, so too he serves at the same time as a subtle background figure for sensitive literati who treat in their works of the totalitarian character of the modern age. One of the most important of these genres is represented by Elias Canetti (d. 1989) in his much cited work, Masse und Macht (Crowds and Power). His book takes a wide-ranging perspective, drawing on mythology, history, religion, ethnology and psychology, and examines man, who, as a mass creature, retains a potential for archaic affect. In such a creature there is little which would not be traceable to the early evolutionary impulsions [Antriebe] of the “body machine”* (Descartes), which are capable of being activated at any time: “The greater the fear of unknown historical figures,… the more there exists the basis for fearing one’s self” (Peiter, Anne. “Auseinandersetzung mit der Shoah in Elias Canetti’s ‘Masse und Macht’“ [“Engagement with the Shoah in Elias Canetti’s Crowds and Power“], Zeitschrift für Germanistik 16, (2006), 558).

* [Translator’s Note: Body-machine: This reference to Descartes’ mind-body dualism parallels the logocentrism-hylocentrism (reason-matter) dualism in Section 2 of this paper. The direction of thought in the Enlightenment, from Kant to Derrida, is from left to right within the “force field” of the duality, indicating a trend toward the Enlightenment’s deratiocination (Denkschwund), which ends in the collapse of the Cartesian dualism into the “bio-machine” of the “mass creature” — hence the antagonism between Descartes (thinking) and the Enlightenment (reification) alluded to in the above paragraph. As for Descartes: “I rightly conclude that my essence consists in this alone, that I am a thinking thing” (Mediation VI).]

By bringing in the pre-modern world outlook, characteristic of myths, primitive peoples and magical ideas, Canetti fatefully calls to mind the intellectual regression, the deratiocination [Denkschwund] which is turning “modern discourse” into a reflex mechanism. Within the range of this dynamic, the “new man” can drift into biological proximity with the animal and into the particle format of physics; and can “express astonishingly, possibly even horrifyingly, much about the present character of man”. By striving for an “unfragmented conception of the subject” corresponding to the power-mass model [elite vs. reflexivity of the mass], Canetti circumvents the patchwork effect of the small field of vision and short-term thinking and forces open the all too restrictive limits of sociological coding [technologisation of communication], and of the power-serving sciences, which determine what knowledge is suitable for the mass.

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Welcome to Poland!

As I mentioned last October, Poland is relatively free of Muslim immigrants, which made it a refreshing place to visit after seeing the condition of so many Western European capitals. Unfortunately, the Polish authorities seem to be preparing to join the rest of the European Union in its celebration of extreme diversity.

Our Polish correspondent Green Infidel sends this photo from Warsaw. Notice the fourth language represented in the sign — you’d think it might have been, say, Czech, or Lithuanian, or even Romanian to reflect more accurately the likely demographics of visitors to Poland:

Here’s the same sign with the foreshortening removed:

Green Infidel includes the following note about the sign:

Yesterday, while stuck in traffic, I noticed a poster, opposite the Warsaw Masovia region immigration office where a friend of mine works. I asked her to take a photo.

Besides the Polish, English and Russian (the last one being the language, along with related ones such as Ukrainian, that she most often has to deal with), a certain other language, perhaps signifying the “cultural enrichment” that the powers-that-be expect to strengthen in Poland?

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