It’s Nice to be Appreciated

For the past couple of weeks, ever since the congressional elections reduced Emperor Palpatine President Obama to a vestigial appendage on the body politic, it seems that everyone in the country has been preoccupied with the details of what the Pardoner-in-Chief was going to do in the way of “Executive Amnesty”. No time left over to worry about the Great Jihad!

Whether you love him or hate him, Obama-obsession seems to be the order of the day. But Diana West has been an exception. As we have seen many times in the past, the author of American Betrayal is quite capable of keeping track of more than one topic at a time, unlike the majority of American journalists.

Ms. West’s column today at Townhall summarizes the work of ritamalik, Vlad Tepes, and Andy Bostom in exposing what was really going on at the November 14 Muslim prayer service at the National Cathedral (now the National Masjid) in Washington D.C.

Below are some excerpts from the column. For those who may have missed it, I’ve embedded the video she refers to in the body of her text:

Giving Thanks For The Counter-Jihad Network

I am giving special thanks this year for the hard work of patriots who toil without recompense to expose the many vectors of Islamic subversion currently eroding the already hollowed-out institutions of Western society.

To this end, I will tell a story about a story. It concerns the first Muslim prayer service ever held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. As I wrote last week, this weirdly “invitation-only” service, which took place on Friday, Nov. 14, gathered representatives of Muslim groups with proven links to Hamas and to Hamas’ parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood. This means that, however briefly, jihad-linked groups took over the National Cathedral, where presidents and other great Americans have lain in state. These terror links led some media to label the event overall a “Muslim Brotherhood event,” or an “Islamist” or “extremist” event. As the service itself demonstrated, however, it was all strictly Islamic.

How do I know that? Not from 24/7 media, national or local. Not from the armies of think tanks that occupy Washington and its environs. Not from religious or political leaders, either. No professional organization with experts or a newsroom that I am aware of bothered to analyze the Muslim service at the National Cathedral, even though it was live-streamed on the Internet and available to all.

I am able to tell you about the contents of the service only thanks to the incredible international counter-jihad movement. This movement lives and breathes in the ether of the Internet, on an array of blogs, on YouTube. This case of Islam at the cathedral shows how the network works.

First, the blog Vlad Tepes captured the streaming footage of the 80-minute Muslim service. Next, Arabic translator Rita Malik assessed the English and Arabic service for Gates of Vienna and provided a summary that was posted there. Enter Islamic expert Andrew Bostom, author of several indispensable books on Islamic jihad, anti-Semitism and Islamic totalitarianism, who analyzed several of the Koranic verses used in the service by consulting some of the essential Koranic commentaries that Muslims use to understand their religious book. Bostom posted his findings at his blog,

Finally, Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes compressed everything to create a watchable, educational YouTube video of four and a half minutes. (As a bonus, Gates of Vienna also posted the short video’s transcript.) Soon, the video was mirrored at other counter-jihad sites, such as the Scandinavian blog Tundra Tabloids and Denmark’s

Swift and seamless volunteer operations like this keep anyone informed who wants to be informed. For their extremely hard work, I am truly thankful.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/20/2014

Tonight President Barack Obama declared his intention to invoke what is commonly known as “Executive Amnesty”, which would grant legal status to illegal aliens who fit in certain categories. Somewhere between two and five million “undocumented” migrants may be legalized by his action. Mr. Obama expects that a period of inter-ethnic harmony, unprecedented prosperity, and improvement in the general commonweal will ensue. Or something to that effect — I was in the process of drinking down a quart shaker of absinthe-laudanum cocktails I had just mixed, so I may have missed a word here and there.

In other news, the mayor of the southern Israeli town of Ashkelon has banned Arab workers from the vicinity of nursery schools during school hours. National political leaders, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, condemned the mayor’s action.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, Phyllis Chesler, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Islamic State in the Sinai

The following news report from CNN concerns the Salafist jihad group in the Sinai known as Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, which recently declared itself the local franchise of the Islamic State and declared its allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

I’ve seen the full ISIS propaganda video from which the excerpts in this report were drawn, and the complete video is far more horrific and graphic than the portions included here:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

The Whited Sepulchre, Part 1

The Jihad Cognomen Flip-Flop

Islam is a charnel house. It was born in fire and blood and slaughter in the 7th century and has maintained the same modus operandi for the past fourteen hundred years.

When it is strong it wages aggressive jihad. It slaughters victims who refuse to convert. It takes slaves and distributes concubines to its warriors. It rapes and loots and destroys the wealth of civilized societies to feed its insatiable lust for booty and plunder, battening on the flesh of the prosperous. It reaps what it does not sow and harvests where it does not plant.

When it is weak, it goes into dormant mode. It turns its aggressive energies in upon itself, ferreting out blasphemy and unbelief and punishing the malefactors. Deprived of plunder, its cities fall into decay and desuetude. Poverty and degradation become the norm. The soldiers of Allah bide their time and await the moment when they may resume their rapacity.

With the emergence of the Islamic State in the Middle East, we are now moving out of a three-century hiatus of Islamic weakness into an era of renewed Islamic strength. What seems an unprecedented horror of bestial behavior is actually just a return to the Islamic norm as practiced before 1683 throughout the lands conquered by Islam.

All of the above is easily discoverable by any non-Muslim who cares to look into the matter. None of it is hidden. Yet the average Westerner is wearing a blindfold and earplugs when it comes to Islam. The arrant nonsense that is peddled by our media and our political leaders is swallowed by millions of people who should know better. And who could know better, if only they would raise a corner of the blindfold and take a little peek.

The political leaders and financial wizards who squat atop the pyramid of Western power know full well the reality of Islam. They have access to complete intelligence information on what the Great Jihad is doing, and what its long-term plans are. Cynical self-interest requires that they obscure the truth and lie to the populace.

The same cannot be said for all the millions of gutmenschen who go along with the feel-good multiculti program. These are decent, well-meaning people — I know quite a few of them personally — who believe the official lies and accept the unexamined premise that Islam is essentially a good, peaceful religion similar to Christianity and Judaism. They may be subliminally aware of mounting evidence to the contrary, but manage to screen it out to maintain the structure of a deluded worldview that becomes more and more untenable every day.

How did this come about? How did Islam become the whited sepulchre that it is today in Western popular culture? What keeps filling the buckets and dipping the brushes to maintain the paint job?

There are no simple answers to these questions. This is the first of an occasional series of posts that will highlight our capacity for mass self-delusion by examining some of its manifestations.

What’s in a name?

Many Canadians are familiar with the name Marc Lépine. It was chosen by a man who went on a killing spree at the École Polytechnique de Montréal on December 6, 1989. Mr. Lépine murdered fourteen students and wounded another fourteen before killing himself.

Most people, however, have never heard of Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, which was the name given to Marc Lépine when he was born. His father was an Algerian, but the murderer’s Muslim background was rarely mentioned at the time of the massacre, and is still generally unknown.

The case of Marc Lépine serves as the prototype for media coverage of vile acts committed by Muslims or people of Islamic background. If a violent criminal has two names, one Muslim and one non-Muslim, only the non-Muslim name will be used in media reports about the perpetrator’s evil deeds. John Allen Muhammad, the elder of the Beltway Snipers, is a case in point. After he was apprehended back in the fall of 2002, the media avoided mentioning his conversion to Islam and used his birth name, John Allen Williams, for as long as they could get away with it.

This phenomenon is especially noticeable when the perpetrator is a convert to Islam. Media reports will use the birth name of a killer and eschew his jihad cognomen whenever possible, even when his name has been legally changed. If the Islamic name is ever mentioned, it is relegated to back pages of the newspaper and the bottom of news articles, and is scrupulously omitted from the headlines.

The practice has become so noticeable and ubiquitous that it deserves its own name: Vlad’s Rule, after Vlad Tepes, who first pointed it out to me:

A Muslim convert who commits violent crimes will be identified by his non-Muslim name in all news stories.

Below is a list of converts to Islam whose names have figured prominently in recent news reports:*

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/19/2014

Another French convert to Islam has been identified among the executioners for the Islamic State who conducted the recent mass beheading that was recorded for an ISIS propaganda video. A young man named Michael Dos Santos, also known as Abu Othman, is said to have been one of the beheaders.

In other news, two men disguised in burkas and wielding guns robbed a jewelry store in Toronto, making off with $500,000 worth of swag.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DS, Insubria, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Messianic Ideology of Our Time

Alexander Maistrovoy’s latest essay was originally published by Canada Free Press in a slightly different form.

“The Road to Happiness” According to Federica Mogherini

by Alexander Maistrovoy

Messianism of the new age: The road to universal happiness lies in the creation of the Palestinian State

Right after taking office, Federica Mogherini, the new EU foreign minister, said she “would be happy if by the end of my term, a Palestinian state existed”. Her words exactly — “would be happy”.

The solution of acute and painful conflict in Ukraine, the destruction of the ISIS, anarchy in Libya, hundreds of thousands of African migrants rushing to Italy (home of Mogherini, by the way), massacre in Syria, the exodus of Christians from Middle East, the stabilization of Lebanon, standing on the brink of chaos — all these are secondary. Her dream is the creation of a Palestinian state. She arrived to Jerusalem and Ramallah only a couple of days after entering the office to demonstrate her stance on the issue.

Mogherini knows that it is a chronic, local, 50-year-old conflict that in reality doesn’t have any impact on the situation in the region, and definitely in the world. She is aware of Kerry’s desperate efforts. Kerry was so confident that Palestine is a winning ticket, a pass to the cherished post-apocalyptic era. He even visited the Holy Land almost every week while forgetting about everything else. Despite all his efforts he suffered a complete fiasco.

Perhaps Mogherini has to consider the pressure from the outside? From the Arabs, for instance? In such a case it would be understandable, however; such conduct can be cowardly and have a sense of ominous associations with Munich. But this is not case. The Arab countries — Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Kuwait — nowadays do not even care about Israel. They need to survive, to resist Iran and “jihadists”. The last thing they want is another Hamastan at their borders.

Could it be American pressure? Perhaps. But this situation is unbeneficial for the Europeans. They will have to pay while USA gets all the dividends.

So what is behind Mogherini’s passionate desire and dream? It is neither politics nor interests. It’s the “pursuit of happiness”. It is the irrational religious ideology similar to those of Communist and Nazi. It is the messianic faith that it is possible to radically improve the world by overcoming the main obstacle on the road to happiness. And this obstacle is the “Palestinian problem”.

The messianic ideology of our time is known as Postmodernism, and as every religion, it has own dogmas of faith. They are the following:

Dogma I: Political Correctness. Explanation: White racism and chauvinism, or the Third World is always right

We know about “White savagery” and “White ferocity”*. We know that history of the white race has been an endless spiral of unspeakable horror** and the great European classics of recent centuries are “Dead White European Males” (DWEM).

There is only White racism. There are no such concepts as Black racism and Colored racism.

It is very “moral” to rob and humiliate the South African Boers, even to publicly sing the song “shoot the Boer with machine guns”, as South African President Zuma did. It is very decent to forcibly take away the land from whites as Mugabe has done. No one is interested in all that. Nor the fact that black and colored racism are directed against no other than … black and colored people, too.

In Congo, Pygmies are used as “pets.” In Mauritania the whole population is divided into castes: “White Berbers” — slaveholders, “Black Berbers” — the lower classes and Negros — slaves, who comprise about 600,000 people (about 20% of the population). Girls are married off at the age of 8 to 10 years.

In Zimbabwe, people of the Ndebele tribe suffer from discrimination much more so than whites in Mugabe’s hierarchical system.

In many Third World countries, the fate of women fate is to be sex slaves. Gays, lesbians and transsexuals are persecuted. They are doomed to beatings, stoning, to the most severe humiliations and mockery.

In Pakistan, according to Koranic laws (Hadd), a non-Muslim may testify in court only if the victim is also a non-Muslim. The testimony of women (Muslim or non-Muslim) is not admissible.

All this is irrelevant to the Political Correctness Dogma.

Dogma II: Multiculturalism. The idea of religion is a medieval relic, obscurantism and fanaticism only in regards to Judaism and Christianity

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Counterterrorism in Quebec

The following video report features an RCMP counterterrorism workshop in Quebec. The overall JIM score for the event is very low:

Jihad: 0
Islam: 1
Muslim: 0

It’s all “terrorism” and “radicalization”. There’s no willingness to unmask the Great Jihad that is the single common factor behind all the planned and executed attacks.

After all, if even bikers can grow beards, how can we detect these violent extremists in advance? They have nothing in common with each other! It makes the job of enlightened, tolerant, multicultural-minded law enforcement officers that much more difficult…

Many thanks to Point De Bascule for the transcript, to CB Sashenka for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Read the accompanying translated article at Vlad Tepes.


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/18/2014

Two Palestinian youths stormed a synagogue in Jerusalem and killed five people with meat cleavers and guns. Four of those slain were rabbis, and the fifth was a policeman. Afterwards, crowds of Palestinians celebrated the attack and gave out candy in the streets of Gaza.

In other news, despite intense lobbying by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), the Keystone XL pipeline bill was defeated by one vote in the Senate.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Terror Attacks in Mombasa

We reported last night that Kenyan police raided two mosques in Mombasa. One person was killed while attempting to throw a grenade, and more than 250 people were arrested.

Today, in what may have been a response to yesterday’s events, “youths” went on a rampage in Mombasa, killing at least four people. However, residents of Mombasa were relieved when they learned that the incidents had nothing to do with Islam.

Below is a TV news report about the attacks in Mombasa:

The following news report from The Daily Nation describes the day’s events:

Pastor, Three Others Killed in Mombasa

There were unconfirmed reports from Mombasa on Monday night that youths wearing army fatigues went on a killing spree, leaving four people dead.

The bodies were taken to Coast General Hospital.

In one incident, a pastor who was waiting at a bus stop with four women was accosted by the youth and chopped with machetes.

He was cut in the back of his head and in his hands and left sprawled on the ground bleeding. He died on the spot.

The women were, however, left unharmed. One of them, who was said to be the wife of the deceased, identified him as Pastor Joshua Muteti.

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Helmets, Hoods, and Burkas

Sergio Redegalli is an Australian artist and anti-Islamization activist whose no-burka mural and other public actions have been covered extensively here at Gates of Vienna (see, for example, here, here, and here).

Last month Mr. Redegalli and two of his friends dressed up in a burka, a Ku Klux Klan get-up, and a motorcycle helmet, respectively, and tried to enter the Australian parliament building in Canberra. Their stunt was an attempt to draw media attention — which it most certainly did — to the incoherence of the rule that permits the niqab, but no other face-coverings, in public buildings and businesses. Allowing the burka while forbidding other coverings is evidence of special treatment for Muslims, and not “religious freedom”. The unexamined premise behind the policy is that someone wearing a niqab could never possibly commit the sort of criminal acts that the ban on motorcycle helmets is intended to prevent.

Vlad Tepes recently interviewed Sergio Redegalli — who was wearing the Ku Klux Klan robes — about this incident and related matters:

Here’s a flashback to the event, which took place on October 27, as reported in The Sydney Morning Herald:

Protester Wears Ku Klux Klan Outfit to Oppose Burqas at Parliament House

Anti-burqa protesters dressed in a motorcycle helmet, a niqab and a KKK uniform try to enter Parliament House with their faces covered.

A trio of men have attempted to enter Parliament with one wearing a Ku Klux Klan mask, and the others wearing a niqab and a motorcycle helmet as part of a protest against the burqa.

All three were forced by Parliament security to remove their facial coverings.

Sergio Redegalli, Nick Folkes and Victor Waterson call their protest movement “Faceless” and oppose the burqa being worn in public spaces. They also expressed strong views against what they said was the “political ideology” of Islam which they said was “contrary” to Australian beliefs.

The protesters were stopped between Old Parliament House and the Parliament House forecourt and told by police that the men wearing the Ku Klux Klan hat and motorcycle helmet would be forced to remove their facial coverings but the person in the niqab would be allowed to keep theirs on.

“One of the requirements of coming into Parliament House is that the motorcycle helmet is going to have to come off, your headdress is going to have to come off and your burqa … your identity will be checked,” the security guard told the protesters.

Mr Redegalli removed his Ku Klux Klan mask to reveal a niqab underneath. He said “so I guess this is the time to say that I’m now allowed into Parliament House am I?” “No,” responded the security guard.

“Bit of a loophole, eh?” Mr Redegalli questioned.

The group were screened as part of the regular entry procedures and all three emerged with their facial coverings removed.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/17/2014

A French convert to Islam named Maxime Hauchard may be one of the ISIS mujahideen who assisted “Jihadi John” in the Islamic States’ latest videotaped mass beheading extravaganza. Thus we have the unusual situation where a French convert to Islam may have assisted in the beheading of an American convert to Islam, Peter Tassig, a.k.a. Abdul-Rahman Tassig. Yet the victim is identified by his Islamic name in news reports, while the executioner is not. Funny about that.

In other news, the Colombian government suspended peace negotiations with the narco-terrorists of FARC after a general in the Colombian army was kidnapped.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, Phyllis Chesler, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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