Will There Be Justice For Justine Damond?

Last July an Australian woman named Justine Damond was shot to death in Minneapolis by a Somali-American policeman named Mohamed Noor. Ms. Damond had just called 911 to report what appeared to be a sexual assault in progress in the alley behind her house. When the police arrived, Mr. Noor fired his gun from the passenger’s side in front of his partner, who was driving, and killed Ms. Damond, who was standing at the driver’s side window.

It has taken eight months, but Mohamed Noor has finally been charged with the killing. The charges are third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. If convicted on both counts, he could receive a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison.

Three or four months of the lag time were taken up with the deliberations of a grand jury empanelled by the prosecutors. A couple of months ago a prosecutor remarked that they didn’t have enough evidence to charge Mr. Noor. Now, suddenly, they’ve found the evidence, and the officer has indeed been charged.

By the way — the case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Concerning the eight-month interval, Vlad says:

Yes, he was an affirmative action hire; yes, he did shoot a woman across the lap of his partner outside the driver’s window from the passenger seat; yes, he is a Somali Muslim; and yes, it took WAY too long to jail and charge him. Had it been a white cop and a black vic, it would have been instant.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this TV news video:

Below are excerpts from the accompanying article:

Charges Filed Against Officer Noor in Damond Shooting

Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor was charged Tuesday with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for fatally shooting Justine Damond last July.

Noor turned himself in late Tuesday morning and is being held at the Hennepin County Jail on $500,000 bail.

If convicted of third-degree murder, he could face a maximum of 25 years in prison. A judge could issue a sentence ranging from about 10 ½ to 15 years. The second-degree manslaughter charge carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

According to the criminal complaint filed against him, prosecutors say at the time of the shooting Noor neither investigated nor confirmed a threat “that justified the decision to use deadly force.”

The complaint also states Noor “recklessly fired his handgun” when he shot Damond, leaving her with her hands on a gunshot wound to the left side of her abdomen, saying “I’m dying” or “I’m dead.”

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman has scheduled a press conference for 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hennepin County Government Center to discuss the decision.

2018, 1984 and the Simple Truths

Dushan Wegner is a Czech-German journalist and political commentator. The following essay by him updates 1984 to 2018 and transplants it to Germany. We owe JLH a big debt of gratitude for the translation.

2018, 1984 and the Simple Truths

by Dushan Wegner
March, 2018

Wilfried Schmidt no longer looked out his window. A poster on the house opposite — he knew it already. “Hate is not an opinion!” There was one on the house front immediately opposite. “Hate is not an opinion!” Down at street level another poster, torn at one corner, flapped fitfully in the wind, alternately covering and uncovering the words “No Hate Speech.” In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hummed for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the Police Patrol, snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police were to be feared.

Every noise made by Wilfried was registered by a Smart home device. Wilfried had been able to locate the business he had bought it from. Wilfried hadn’t had to buy it, but who wants to make himself look suspicious.?

There was, of course, no way to determine if you were being watched at any given moment. How often and by what means the Thought Police infiltrated a private apparatus was anybody’s guess. Everything was recorded. Even if they overlooked an incident of hate speech or intended to get someone anyhow, better filters and artificial intelligence could retroactively find the false thought. So if someone wanted to attack an inconvenient politician, they sent the press an e-mail that the politician was supposed to have written years ago. Or a sentence he was supposed to have uttered years before, one night in a bar as an incautious reply to a provocation. There was always something to find about someone you wanted to finish — something that could be interpreted as “hate” or one of the sub-categories of hate. Anyone loyally serving the government and the official line was allowed to openly express hate every day. Hatred and lies against dissidents were rewarded by medals, money from propaganda funds and sometimes even an individual program on state broadcasting.

The past of anyone who deviated from the line was dug into as long as necessary to find alleged “hate.” The credibility of assertions was not confirmed by technical experts, but by moralists according to “demeanor.”

Truth was proven by “demeanor.”

It was necessary to live with the assumption — and instinctively adjust to the fact — that every sentence spoken or written, every post shared, was heard or read by attitudinal experts and assessed for “Hate Speech.”

A kilometer away, the Ministry of Anti-Fake News, Wilfried’s workplace, loomed, massive and white above…

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Well, you noticed it some time ago. I transplanted excerpts from the novel 1984 to the year 2018. I re-named Winston Smith “Wilfried Schmidt”, made the Telescreen into the Smart-Home-Loudspeaker and substituted “Hate is not an opinion” for “Big Brother is watching you.” It is remarkable how little it takes to transport 1984 into the present age. Orwell had no inkling of storage and retroactive evaluation. We had to add them.

How many fingers, Winston?

For some time now, the saying has gone around: “1984 was not intended to be an instruction manual!” It is supposed to serve as a warning not to let the state get too close to that novelistic nightmare.

But Merkel and the SPD, ARD and ZDF[1] happened, and we see what is happening and we can’t believe what we are seeing. And it makes no difference to what is happening whether we believe it or not.

In the following, I intend to take an uncomplicated preliminary leap into this casual, everyday insanity, by using several points covered in Wikipedia’s 1984 entry under “Methods of Exercising Power.” And I will be writing about the present day.

Control of the past

They have begun to re-write history. For instance, Tagesschau reported recently that the first Briton was dark-skinned — not likely. Leftists invoke the Scholl siblings, implying they were leftists — historically insupportable. Discussing marriage, they invoke the conservative rabbi, Jesus, and on tolerance they mention the “Jew critic,” Luther — it’s absurd. The effects of re-writing history reach into the present. They portray wide-eyed children who are in reality young men old enough for military service. They manipulate videos of unpopular politicians. (To be sure, they sometimes even admit their untruths, but only after the damage has been done, and the government has been able to carry out the measure in question.) Indeed the creation of new history reaches into the future. They show absurd horror films produced by the film company that produced films for Hitler, and today has the very best relations with big politics. They write a history, a present and a future that support their power. The truth is what serves power.


In the beautiful new Germany, there are two realities. One takes place on the streets and in the squares. The other — if you want to keep your feet on the earth — is what you are obliged to believe, to see and to report.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/19/2018

A woman crashed a car that contained accelerants into a satellite sheriff’s office in Broward County, Florida, near Miami. After the impact the car caught fire, and the woman is now in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. Police have not released her name.

In other news, early on Sunday morning forty Peruvian youths got into a brawl on the street in the Italian city of Florence, using beer bottles, cans, and street signs as weapons. The altercation reportedly started after a disagreement in a nearby disco.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, HR, Insubria, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Red Evolution IV: The Subversive Left, the Destabilising Left, the Antecedents of Generation Snowflake and the Ultimate Surrender of Rationality (Part One)

The essay below is the latest in an occasional series by our expatriate English correspondent Peter on the history of the Socialist Left in Britain.

The Red Evolution IV: The Subversive Left, the Destabilising Left, the Antecedents of Generation Snowflake and the Ultimate Surrender of Rationality

by Peter


Having lived through it, I believe the period from 1960 to 1975, commonly known as the ’60s, was a carefully devised trap into which we all propelled ourselves, willingly and of our own volition, a knot with a multitude of apparently loose strands which, when drawn tightly together, ensnared us all. The summer of peace and love did not happen, at least, not the way they said it did. With the wisdom of hindsight, I believe that what did happen in the 1960s was mass-indoctrination; the first of a succession of generations to move into Communism, not by force, but by stealth, subversion, sex, drugs and rock and roll by way of a process which began many years before.

World War II finally ended on 2nd September 1945 with the signing of the Peace Treaty with Japan on the deck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo harbour, Germany having surrendered to the Allies four months earlier, after Hitler had thoughtfully put himself out of everyone’s misery. As a result, the Soviet Union had acquired East Germany and much of Eastern Europe, upon which by means of the eradication of political institutions, terror campaigns, purges of dissidents, mass murder and other tried and tested methods of enforcing totalitarian control, the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ruthlessly imposed communist rule in defiance of assurances extracted from him by his allies at Yalta in February 1945 that free elections would be held. He guessed rightly that Western leaders had had enough of war and would not take up arms again — at least, not then, and not over Eastern Europe.

Stalin and his cronies had planned the Communist takeover of Eastern Europe well before 1939, so that when the Red Army had ‘liberated’ those countries, police forces, both conventional and covert Communist party structures were already in place and awaiting activation. In the late 1940s, with the Soviet Empire now a work in progress, Stalin was intent on extending Soviet influence, believing it was only a matter of time before Western Europe fell into its clutches, but there were several restraining influences.

While Western Europe was nearly destitute and primarily engaged on rebuilding what remained of its society and its cities, thanks in a large part to the Marshall Plan, it was still prepared to defend itself, and if it were to fall short in this enterprise, then America stood ready, willing and able to pick up any deficit. Additionally, the Soviet Union had paid a terrible price for its own role in what it called The Great Patriotic War, far greater than any other participating country. Stalingrad was not the only Soviet City to have been reduced to rubble during hostilities. In Western Russia alone, the degree of desolation caused by a scorched earth policy exercised by both sides had all but obliterated 1700 towns and approximately 70,000 villages, along with 32,000 factories and 65,000 kilometres of railway track. In addition, the loss of life suffered by the population of the USSR as published by the current Russian Government totals 26.6 million people, two thirds of which were civilians, but this has been called a conservative estimate by Russian scholar Boris Sokolov, who believes there were around 43.3 million Soviet lives lost, 27 million of which were civilians.

Therefore Stalin’s options for Soviet expansion through direct assault appeared limited, but there was one option, a proxy war in the east. This would require a minimal call on Soviet manpower while ascertaining firstly whether the West still had the stomach for a fight, and secondly whether his newly-acquired Chinese allies would rally to the cause. The Korean Peninsula had been occupied by the Japanese since 1910, and following their surrender in 1945 had been divided along an area just north of the 38th Parallel between the Soviet-backed north ruled by the Communist Kim Il-Sung and the US backed south led by President Syngman Rhee. It would be fair to say that Soviet support for the North Korean leadership was lukewarm, while the Americans regarded Rhee as the best of a particularly nasty bunch, whose only positive characteristics were his fluency in English and his aversion to communism.

Throughout 1949 and 1950 the North Korean military had been receiving large quantities of Soviet tanks, artillery and aircraft as well as intensive combat training, while its numbers had been enhanced considerably by the return of battle-hardened veterans who had fought on the Communist side in the Chinese civil war. By contrast, the South Korean army had little more than small arms with which to defend itself. A North-versus-South conflict appeared to be a very unequal contest, and this encouraged Stalin to give the word for his North Korean client to invade the South, which it did on 25th June 1950.

Although the invasion caught the Americans by surprise, the UN reacted with amazing speed, compared to the lethargic Arab-dominated talking shop it has now become. On 27th June it authorized a US-led multinational force from what would eventually become twenty-one countries to repel the North Korean invasion. After the first months of the conflict, coalition troops were very much on the back foot until a seaborne UN counter-offensive landed at Inchon cut off North Korean troops and effectively altered the course of the war. The retreating North Korean forces were pursued northwards to an area close to the border with China, whereupon in response to an earlier commitment made to Stalin, Mao Zedong ordered the Communist Chinese army into the war, dispatching a massive force across the border into Korea, compelling the UN armies to retreat in the face of its ferocious advance.

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Eric Zemmour: Italy Was Prevented by European Jurisprudence From Defending Herself

In the video below, the ever-popular French commentator Eric Zemmour discusses the recent Italian elections and the decline of traditional democratic processes in the European Union.

When Mr. Zemmour objects to what he calls the “Rule of Law”, the phrase does not mean what we would normally expect, possibly due to the difficulty of finding an exact equivalent in English to the French version. He is talking about the hubris of judges, which is sometimes referred to as “judicial overreach”. “Rule by Judges” might be a meaningful equivalent.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Monoculture

MC’s latest essay is an appropriate follow-up to our recent discussions about neo-totalitarianism.

The Monoculture

by MC

One hears tell of the unity of the three great monotheistic religions, and maybe that “we all worship the same god”.

Culture is inextricably linked to religion. Even atheists adhere to a religion-based culture that they may have been born into. The socialist religion, however, seeks to destroy culture(s) with the intention of replacing all culture with its own.

So what if we do if we all worship the same ‘god’? It is meaningless when one also supports a socialist mono-culture.

Judaism is exclusive; it does not welcome new converts. Christianity welcomes new converts but does not impose conformity to any degree. Islam demands conformity on pain of death. Socialism, however, demands compliance on pain of incarceration and genocide.

It is the ‘Christian’ way to assume a unity among the three monotheisms and to build bridges, but the Jews do not want any bridges; they are happy with stepping stones. For its part Islam does not believe in two-way bridges, only in a drawbridge and portcullis; Islam is a cultural prison. Mainstream ‘Christianity’ has become totally confused by the socialist political-religion(s) based on the writings of Karl Marx.

There are Christians who still believe in Jesus (a Jew who kept the Torah of Moses), but most believe only in a world of Marx based multicultural diversity where all you need is love (and that I am an object of ‘hate’ because I am a conservative and I live in Israel).

Religious multiculturalism and diversity, however, have a huge problem; the monoculture of Islam does not, cannot and will not integrate. Islam cannot move; it is embedded in a 7th century male-orientated ecstasy in which to change is to fail. But the paradigms of socialism dictate that we are all equal and that all cultures are of equal value, and that Islam must therefore be thrust down everybody’s throat in order to appease the socialist conscience and to prove the verity of the socialist meme.

This particular socialist political religion is creating havoc in Western civilisation. The monoculture of the political-religion, and in particular the maniacal and irrational religious meme of hating all the works of the white Judaeo-Christian male, is taking us back to barbarism.

The white Judeo-Christian male, ably assisted by the white Judeo-Christian female, dragged the world kicking and screaming into the 20th century. White Judeo-Christian male culture condemned the ancient warlord culture and fought wars to end all wars to finally put pay to the meanness, greed and cruelty of the (socialist) dictators.

These J-C people “gave peace a chance”, and boy! are they now paying the price.

It was my generation that was wooed by the idea that we could leave behind morality and self-discipline, and that being ‘non-judgmental’ was a virtue, whilst being blind to exactly what a ‘permissive society’ actually meant in the long term.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/18/2018

Italian authorities seized a migrant rescue vessel at the port of Pozzallo in Sicily. The day before the seizure, the NGO Proactiva Open Arms had used the boat to pick up 216 migrants off the coast of Libya.

In other news, a fourth explosion occurred in Austin, Texas this evening. This one sent two people to the hospital with serious injuries.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Charles Low, CrossWare, Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Declining to Play the Game

A discussion in the comments today reminded me of the following essay, which I wrote back in 2011, in the wake of the Breivik crisis. It hasn’t lost any of its relevance in the last seven years, so I decided to repost it. Since I wrote it the political climate has become even more vicious and polarized, and the animosity of the MSM towards us “racists” is now absolute.

Declining to Play the Game

Main Premises:

1.   Media coverage of the Counterjihad is stacked against us.
2.   This overwhelming disadvantage can’t be significantly improved.

The organs of the Socialist Left have a stranglehold on all discourse about Islam, immigration, Multiculturalism, etc. This stranglehold is maintained through the iron grip of the Left on education, NGOs, large corporations, the media, and the permanent bureaucracy.

Each new generations is even more brainwashed than the previous one, guaranteeing that the demonization and marginalization of people like us will only intensify. We cannot improve our standing to any useful extent in the media without conceding the Left’s major arguments about immigration, Multiculturalism, and “racism”.

The New Mainstream

During the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Norway, one of our people expressed his despair over the situation. He said, “Now we’ve lost any chance of even partially winning over the mainstream.”

My response was, “Forget the mainstream. We never had a chance anyway. We will create our own mainstream.”

This may sound grandiose, but when “we” are thousands of people who follow the same program independently, we create a new common discourse that abandons any elements of the current mainstream. When enough people adhere to such a strategy, the “mainstream” becomes irrelevant, and eventually withers away.

In order to build a coherent set of values that reflects what the vast majority of Westerners support — the new mainstream, in other words — we must refuse to accept the basic premises that inform what now passes for “mainstream” thought. We do not accept the validity of those premises, so we must decline to enter any discourse based on them.

The Game is Rigged

The media game is rigged against people who believe what we believe.

The rules of the game state that it can only be won by someone who accepts the “mainstream” premises about immigration and Multiculturalism. Players are “racists” if they do not accept those premises.

Examples of the ground rules of the game which all players must accept if they expect to win:

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Swedish Countess Who Escaped to Hungary: “There is no Public Safety. We Live in Fear.”

A Swedish countess whose mother is Hungarian has decided to relocate to Hungary because the flood of migrants was made life unsafe in Sweden, particularly for women. After she explained her decision in a TV interview, Countess Natalie was doxxed and her life was threatened. Now she has former soldiers as bodyguards.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

An article on the same topic, also translated by CrossWare, was published by the Hungarian news site 888.hu:

In Sweden the Muslims, and here the liberals, threatened the life of this woman

March 17, 2018
By Gellért Oláh

The Hungarian woman whose life was threatened, whose address was made public, and whose social media site was hacked recently moved home from Sweden because of the migrants. Countess Natalie previously gave an exclusive interview to M1 [Hungarian state television] about the attacks. She has been assigned former soldiers as bodyguards since then.

Countess Natalie has lived in Sweden for almost forty years, and moved to Hungary because of the deterioration of public safety. In an exclusive interview with M1 [television], she also described how regular attacks have become in Swedish cities, but the police ignore them.

The Hungarian-Swedish woman was threatened after the publication of the interview, her Facebook page was hacked, smear-campaign articles were released, and one of the liberal Internet portals even published her home address. After that, Natalie’s life was threatened, so she reported it to the police.

Countess Natalie is now protected by professional guards who are former soldiers, said Georg Spöttle. The security expert added: After speaking several times with a woman who returned from Sweden, they decided with a friend to provide her with personal protection. According to Georg Spöttle, because the facts listed by Natalie cannot be denied, her enemies are now trying to damage her reputation.

Georg Spöttle said: “This is a typical Leftist liberal smear campaign.” [This type of personal attack was the Communists’ favorite. They were the master of character assassination, and their intellectual descendants, the liberal-Bolsheviks, do it well, too. — Translator]

“Anyone who supports the government, anyone who is against migration, who wants a normal European life and who represents this view, they will try to smear and make life impossible for them,” he said.

It was not the first time that someone has been threatened for openly talking about the deterioration of public safety in Sweden because of migrants.

The Czech journalist Katerina Janouch wrote last year that because of the migrants, an increasing number of locals in Sweden are learning to shoot. In the Nordic state, the writer’s words were then called Russian propaganda by the Swedish Prime Minister, and criticized on Facebook. Among other things, he was quoted as saying that with her lies she pushed the cause of the xenophobic Czech President, Milos Zeman.

Video transcript:

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Tommy Robinson at Speakers’ Corner

As promised, Tommy Robinson appeared this afternoon at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park to read the speech that Martin Sellner had planned to read. Mr. Sellner (a leader of the Austrian Identitaires) and his American girlfriend Brittany Pettibone were detained for three days when they entered the UK, after which they were deported:

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/17/2018

A lawsuit filed by the father of Ahmed the Clock Boy has been dismissed with prejudice by a judge in Texas. This means that Mohamed E. Mohamed (Mohammed Coefficient = 200%) cannot file another suit based on the same evidence. Mr. Mohamed must also pay all costs associated with his lawsuit.

In other news, more than half of Swedes who live in so-called “no-go zones” say they feel unsafe going outside after dark.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Charles Low, Dean, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, Red Mike, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Away From My Desk

I have to go out of town for the funeral of a relative. No, it’s not the relative who was in the terrible car accident last month — he’s still in the rehab place in Richmond, slowly recovering.

This relative was a geezer, only a little older than me, so his death — although a bit early from an actuarial perspective — was not such an awful blow, just a sad occasion. I will be going down there tonight for the service and the reception tomorrow, and will be back sometime tomorrow evening.

So no news feed tonight. Mind your p’s and q’s while I’m gone — don’t throw your empty wine bottles behind the davenport, or stub out your cigarettes in the aspidistra pot.


Viktor Orbán: Brussels Wants to Dilute and Replace the People of Europe!

Yesterday Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke in Budapest on the 170th anniversary of the Revolution of 1848. Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript (no times, paragraphed):

Welcome, everybody, to the ceremony of Freedom.

I would like to respectfully welcome the participants from the Peace March, and I would like to welcome with special appreciation our Polish friends. Our cohesion is natural; our connection to each other is a source of energy. At the time of ‘Father’ Kossuth [Father = term of respect] they wrote: Hungary and Poland are two immortal oaks. that grew separate tree trunks, but their roots are intertwined, so one’s existence and strength is a condition of the other’s health and existence. This is no different today. If Poland is strong, then Hungary cannot be lost, either. If we are strong, we can help our Polish friends. That is why the Peace March is not only an assembly for the cause of the homeland, but also a stand for Poland, too. Respect for Poland! Respect for Hungary!

Again came the day — respected celebrating compatriots — that lifts up the hearts of every Hungarian. That day when they wrote a word in the Hungarian language into the great book of history: Freedom! This day many of us congregate to celebrate the brave, bow down before the memory of the heroes. Today a lot of us are gathered here because of — besides the tribute — a special reason. In not much more than three weeks we will decide the fate of Hungary. For this election, not only the next four years will be at stake.

I knew there would be a lot of us; I knew I would see resolute faces. Today we need exactly that. Seriousness and intrepidity, because we must discuss serious things. Just as serious things as were discussed 170 years ago [Revolution of 1848, when Hungary became separate from Austria]. We are the successors of 48’s freedom fighters and revolutionaries. That is why — just like 170 years ago — today we must also speak honestly and directly. If we do not say clearly what is happening with Hungary, and why what is happening is happening, then nobody would understand it. And if we do not understand, we can’t make a good decision three weeks from now. That is why directly, without opportunism, and without being demure, we must speak.

Petőfi clearly asked: “Shall we be slaves or be free?” Everybody understood it, and everybody knew the answer for this. We have done a lot of things together in the last 30 years, lots of struggles, and memorable battles we fought together. But the greatest things we could achieve in our lifetime, the utmost battles that we could fight together, are still ahead of us. And by all signs, right now, just coming up. The situation, my dear friends, is: They want to take away our country! Not with a stroke of the pen, like they did 100 years ago at Trianon [WW1 treaty that divided up Hungary]. Now — in just a couple of decades — they want us to hand it over willingly to others. To strangers from another continent, who do not speak our language, who do not respect our culture, our laws and our way of life. Who want to replace our way of life with theirs. From now on they do not want us and our descendants to live here, but someone else.

There is no exaggeration in this! We can see it day by day, as great European peoples and nations, step by step, area by area, from city to city, lose their homeland. The situation is such that those who do not stop the migration at their borders will be lost. Slowly but surely they will be consumed. All of this by external forces, international powers that are trying to force it upon us, with the help of their local allies, and they see the upcoming election as a great opportunity for this.

Respected ladies and gentlemen: The legacy of 1848 is that Hungary shall be a free, independent and HUNGARIAN country. In this there is everything that we would need today. As Széchényi said: “National orderliness, educated people, and a self-sufficient country.” Then he added: “Many think Hungary has been. I would like to believe: it will be.” Today we would answer the earl: Hungary WAS, IS… The question is: WILL IT BE?

So, my dear friends, we not only want to win an election, but our future too. Europe, and in it, we Hungarians are at an historic turning point. Never before have the national and globalists forces so openly strained against each other. On one side: us, the millions with national sentiments. On the other side: the elite world citizens. On one side: us, who believe in nation states, the defense of borders, in the value of families and work. And on the opposite side: those who want open societies, a world without nations and borders, who want new types of families, devalued work, and cheap labor. Above them rules an army of inexorable, impenetrable and unaccountable bureaucrats. The national and democratic forces on one side, supranational, undemocratic forces on the other side. This is how the situation looks in Hungary 24 days before the election.

Respected celebrators, respected Peace March members! The end of the work that needs to be done is far away. But the results of the last eight years speak for themselves. To remind you of those is important, but not enough! Europe and Hungary are in the middle of a war between civilizations. We face a migration that upsets our order and puts at risk our way of life. At the same time, we must protect our achievements, and begin to fight for the persistence of meaning. Without preserving our way of life, everything will lose meaning. If the country is no longer Hungarian, what is all the “orderliness” for?

Let’s not delude ourselves [refers to Earl Széchényi’s sentence]; we do not have to fight against the anemic opposition parties, but an international network that has been organized into an empire. Media financed by foreign groups, and a domestic oligarchy, professional activists for rent, agitators, organizers of riots, chains of NGOs paid by international speculators, which can be summed up with George Soros’ name, since he personifies it. This is the world we must fight against, to defend our own.

A good soldier does not fight because he hates the opponent before him, but because he loves what is behind him. Loves Hungary and the Hungarian people.

Respected celebrators: we grew out of Christian culture; we differentiate between the man and his deeds. We never hated and we will never hate anybody. Just the opposite: we continue to believe in the power of love and unity. But we will fight against what George Soros’ empire does and wants to do against our country. This is our home; this is our life; we do not have another one, so we will fight to the end for it and never give up… ever!

We know that in every constituency they will be against our candidates. Their mission — once they grasp power — to execute the “Great Plan”. The Great Plan is to break Hungary, which stands in the way of the migration, and bring first thousands of migrants, then ten thousand, later tens of thousands to be settled in Hungary.

In these numbers there is no exaggeration! Europe is already under an invasion. If we let it, in the coming decades, tens of millions will begin to move into Europe from Africa and the Middle East. Western Europe is watching this with their hands in the air. Whoever puts his hands up is disarming himself. He is no longer making decisions about his fate. The history of the losers will be written by others in the years ahead. The young people in Western Europe will see it, when they become a minority in their own country and they lose the only thing in the world they can call home. Such forces as now reveal themselves have not been seen in the world for a long time.

Africa will have ten times more young people than Europe. If Europe does nothing, they will kick down the doors, and Brussels will not protect Europe. They do not want to stop the migration, but rather to support it and organize it. They want to dilute and replace the people of Europe! They [Brussels] throw them our way of life, our culture and everything, what separates us and differentiates us Europeans from other nations of the world. It is a meager consolation that the European nations will not forgive those leaders who — without asking the people — totally changed Europe.

Let us be proud that we were the ONLY country in the entire Union that asked the people if they want mass immigration.

Respected ladies and gentlemen, respected celebrators: in three weeks, we will have an election. The list of parties has been published; the candidates are registered. We know them. There are some we have battled with for 30 years, and some for ten years, but sometimes it feels like a hundred years. We can’t have illusions; let’s learn from our past. They themselves acknowledged they were lying in the morning, at noon and in the evening — without taking a breath. We must prepare for the fact that in the end, against our candidate will stand one of Soros’ candidates. Perhaps ostensibly more than one of them will start, some of them with the parking brake on; others will step down at the last minute; some of the others will pretend they are not even there. We must prepare also; they will try to wear disguises. Last time they hid behind a candidate disguised as an independent. They were afraid to openly acknowledge their owner. They know that if they openly stand in front of the country and say who is paying them, they have no chance. Everybody knows that we, the migration-opposing Hungarians, are the majority. Our opponents only have a chance if they can divide our camp, if they can break our unity.

Their goal is to talk of anything except the trouble that endangers Hungary. Our opponents know that the fate of Hungary could now be decided for decades. That is why they are undeterred by anything. They do not argue, but censor. They do not fence, but pinch, kick, bite and sow the seeds of hatred wherever they go. We are a lenient and jovial people, but we are not blind or dupes. After the election we will have our satisfaction — moral, political and legal satisfactions, too. But right now we can’t waste our strength or our time. We should shake off the attacks, like a dog shakes off water. Only think of our mission, only think of our common goals, turn our strength towards defending Hungary. Let’s not forget the first rule of election fights: strength is in unity! One camp, one flag, and everybody is needed!

Respected ladies and gentlemen… I know this struggle is hard for everyone. I understand it if some are scared. It’s understandable, because we must fight an opponent who is very different than we are. Not with an open helmet [= fair fighting], but hiding. Not straightforward, but crafty. Not fair, but excremental. Not nationalist, but internationalist, who does not believe in honest work, but in financial speculation; who does not have a homeland, because he feels he owns the whole world. He is not generous, but vengeful. And he always attacks the heart, especially if it’s red, white, and green [national colors of Hungary].

But my dear friends: we always knew that there is a great deal at stake. Hungarian history accustomed us to having to fight for the same things that are natural for luckier people. For us it’s enough that there is a single wobbly leader; enough that there is a clumsy government. A single election result goes awry, and everything vanishes that for years we worked so hard for. This is such a drafty corner of the world, where history never leaves us alone, no matter how much we feel that we deserve a break. Our ancestors phrased it correctly: Cowardly people have no homeland! And we gathered our courage when we needed it.

It has never been easy. Look at the sculptures in the square: Andrássy was sentenced to death by the Emperor in Vienna; Rákóczi died while he was in exile. Kossuth was ousted by the Labanc [German, Austrian troops for the Habsburg Emperor]. István Tisza was shot by communists. It was never easy. But in the end we were always victorious. In the end we sent the Sultan home with his janissaries, the Habsburg Emperor with his Labanc, the Soviets with their comrades, and now we will send “Uncle” George home with his network. We want to ask you to go back to the United States and bring “happiness” to the Americans. [Chanting: go back, go back, go back]

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Merkel Akhbar!

The following report by Egri Nök was published earlier today at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.

German Press on Attack on Merkel: When someone runs towards you, yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’, don’t be bigoted!

by Egri Nök

Berlin — on Wednesday, a loudly yelling Afghan ran towards Angela Merkel as she was leaving the Reichstag, and was wrestled down by two security guards. It was caught on camera, and aired live, more or less accidentally.

Please have a look at the two following videos and compare.

The first one aired LIVE, so the interviewer and his guest keep on talking, as they have no idea what is going on. The sound is un-edited and you can hear the yelling very clearly.

Then please watch the second clip, produced by Bild newspaper afterwards, and compare the sound of the two.

1. The clip that aired live, relevant part beginning at 7 seconds in:

2. Bild’s edited clip. Please pay attention to the sound:

Die Welt reassure us that the “disturber was merely running towards Merkel”, no harm intended, and that there is no reason for a “knee jerk reaction”, just because someone runs toward you, yelling “something in a foreign language” that “sounds similar to Allahu akbar”.

We are translating it for the humor:

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