“Our Present Is Your Future”

Below is the prepared text of the speech given in Chanhassen, Minnesota tonight by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, at an event sponsored by SW Metro Tea Party Patriots and ACT! for America, Minneapolis Chapter.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for inviting me here to Chanhassen. It’s the first time I’ve been to Minnesota, and I must say it’s a pleasure to be here. The closest I came to this part of the country was when I lived in Chicago, but that was many years ago.

I have always admired the Tea Party Movement, contrary to most of my fellow Austrians, who are uneducated when it comes to the historical significance of the original Boston Tea Party. What I admire most is that you are nourished by the very American belief that the government does not have the answers, that reform comes from below, that people are wiser than their leaders.

I bring you greetings from Austria. I’d like to be able to report some happy news, but there is little good news to be had in my country. Austria, like most of the rest of Western Europe, is being Islamized at an accelerating pace, even as our freedom of speech is more and more often suppressed. The two processes are connected with each other: in order to prevent any real public understanding of what Islamization means, and to inhibit any popular discontent, the ability to tell the truth is vigorously squashed.

Those of you who know me are aware that I will NOT cease telling the truth about Islam. For almost ten years I have made it my business to inform my fellow Austrians about the nature of Islam, as revealed in the Koran and the sayings of Mohammed. I refuse to cease my activities merely because dhimmi government bureaucrats consider such truths to be “hate speech”. In the past I have been prosecuted and convicted for explaining Islam in a factual manner, and I may well be prosecuted again. But I shall continue regardless.

Similar conditions exist in other European countries. Austria is not even the worst-off — Britain and Sweden are vying with each other to see who can be the most repressive. In both countries you are likely to be prosecuted for saying anything that reflects badly on Islam. And, just as in Austria, the truth is no defense.

As an example, consider what happened to my good friend Paul Weston, a Counterjihad activist and the leader of the LibertyGB party in Britain. Last April, as a part of his election campaign for the European Parliament, Paul stood on the steps of the Winchester Guildhall and quoted from a book written in 1899 called The River War. He recited the following words:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property — either as a child, a wife, or a concubine — must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.”

Someone in earshot heard his words, took offense, and called the police. Paul was eventually arrested, taken to the police station, and charged with “incitement of racial hatred”, which is a “racially aggravated crime under Section 4 of the Public Order Act.” The charges were later dropped, but what happened to him served as a warning to others who might consider doing something similar.

All of this is bad enough — to be arrested for reading from an old book that makes politically incorrect observations about Islam. But that book happens to have been written by a man named WINSTON CHURCHILL.

Such is the sad state of affairs in Modern Multicultural Britain: an English citizen can now be arrested for giving a public reading from a book by the greatest British prime minister who ever lived.

I could cite more examples from all over Western Europe, but if I did I would exceed my allotted time and keep all of us up long past our bedtime. Someone is arrested almost every day in Europe for “hate speech”, and the offending words almost always concern Islam.

There is currently a demand by the Islamic Faith Community in Austria for an “anti-Islamism law”, which is actually a ruse to obtain new favorable provisions for Muslims. The drive for this law is being backed by Turkey. The same law is also being demanded in Germany by the Turkish community. The final result, if they are successful, will be that Muslims in both countries will gain further special privileges and be protected from criticism.

Truth is the first victim when our freedoms are threatened. Seraphina Verhofstadt was asked in a TV interview why she still displays the Israeli flag after being beaten up, and whether it would not be wiser to remove it. She answered: “If I do that, I will also lose my freedom of speech.”

I have been asked frequently after my conviction whether it would not be wiser just to stop talking about Islam “in this way”. My answer is: “If I do that, more people will lose their freedom of speech.”

First we lose truth, then we lose freedoms, and finally we lose life itself.

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Planes and Tanks and Missiles

In the comments on last night’s essay by The Kafir, William Palmer made this remark:

Don’t we want to have a festering Shia-Sunni war going on forever in some relatively safe place like Syria-Iraq? Isn’t this perfect strategy to attract the maggots? Our goal should be to keep it going and try to keep one side from winning. When our radicalized citizens leave the west to go fight in such a war, isn’t this good? [no return policy however…surprise!] The more, the better. We want to foster an Islamic crusade from the west to help ISIS and to battle ISIS at once and together..and, if Iran gets the bomb.to finally abet a larger Sunni-Shia face-off between a nuclear Iran and a nuclear Pakistan/Arabia as an ultimate stalemate?

Our long term objective must be to let the fires roar but to contain them.

I entertained similar thoughts about ISIS until very recently. What changed my mind was last night’s release of the latest propaganda video by the Islamic State. It’s at least as ghastly as its predecessors, horrible beyond the ability of words to describe. Needless to say, YouTube has taken it down since then. However, Vlad Tepes captured and edited some excerpts from it that contain no atrocity footage, and should thus be acceptable. Let’s take a look at these brief clips, which show the equipment captured by ISIS when it made a successful assault on a Syrian air base:

Update: Well, I was wrong — YouTube did remove the video, for being inappropriate, according to the Community Guidelines:

Violent or gory content that appears to posted in a shocking, sensational or disrespectful manner is not permitted in YouTube. For example, videos showing someone being physically hurt, attacked, or humiliated are not okay. If your video is graphic or disturbing, it can only remain on the site where supported by appropriate educational or documentary information.

Vlad and I chose the excerpted footage precisely because it contained no violence — only footage of captured weapons and equipment. The weapons weren’t even being fired, and the tanks and planes were not being operated. There were no corpses or wounded people in the excerpts. No one even got slapped in the face.

So go figure.

For those of you who missed this footage: it showed several planes, identified as MiG-21s, and two tanks, one of which is a T-72. The artillery piece has not been identified.

Now you can proceed. Just pretend you saw the video.

Those are Syrian flags on the planes, which suggested that they (and presumably the tanks and ordnance) were Russian in origin. Vlad and I brought a third person into our discussions, a young man who happens to be an expert on military equipment, especially tanks and planes.

Below are some excerpts from our three-way discussion:

Expert:   The plane is a MiG-21:

Syrian Civil War

Starting in July 2012, after more than a year of Civil War with no aerial action, the Syrian Air Force started operations against Syrian insurgents. MiG-21’s were among the first combat ready aircraft to be employed in bombings, rocket attacks and strafing runs with many videos recorded from the ground showing the jets in combat.

The rebels had access to heavy machine guns, different antiaircraft guns and Russian and Chinese MANPADS up to modern designs such as the Russian 9K38 Igla. The first loss of a MiG-21 was recorded on 30 August 2012. Its registration was 2271. It was likely downed on take off or landing at Abu Dhuhur air base, under siege by rebels, by heavy machine gun fire. A few days later a second MiG-21, registered 2280, was shot down and recorded on video on 4 September 2012. It was likely downed on take off or landing at Abu Dhuhur air base, under siege by rebels, by KPV 14.5 mm machine gun fire.

Baron:   Now ISIS has them. I wonder if they can fly them.
Vlad:   I’m sure they have some of the same pilots that flew them before. Whose idea was it, after all, to get the air base? Why did they want to go after such a fortified target? Why couldn’t they defend the base? I don’t understand why the Syrians didn’t blow up stuff like ordinance and so on.
Baron:   Their soldiers were there in force, and they lost. They probably underestimated their enemy.

They must have guys that can fly those. There have been defectors. Remember that guy at the oil refinery who welcomed them?

Expert:   I can’t tell what the first tank is. The second tank is a T-72. (Photo)

The nice thing about the MiG-21 is that it’s been around forever, so there are probably tons of pilots who are familiar with it, especially in that area where there are tons of Soviet-era planes. Tanks, probably the same deal. ISIS seems pretty proficient militarily. I would assume they have people who are comfortable with Soviet-era tanks.

I would wager some of the US tanks they might be oddly less comfortable with, because those are more modern and less prolific in the Middle East.

Vlad:   I mean, where are these ISIS guys coming from? Are they former military?
Baron:   Some of them, yes. They get defectors from Iraq and Syria. Sunnis. And some Turks and Lebanese and lots of “Europeans”.
Expert:   Well, that would explain it, as far as the planes go. If these guys have any familiarity with civilian aircraft, I assume they could figure out a jet. I imagine there have been some accidents, probably some fatalities, but it would be doable. Tanks would be even easier, and artillery pieces easier yet.

I would say planes present the most problems for them, but even so I think they’ll probably do a better job than we expect. And I would say that with planes, they will probably have a very easy time figuring out air-to-ground missiles.

I think ISIS’s first air to ground attack will take place much sooner than anyone expects, and I predict they will get very devastating, very fast.

Vlad:   Military jets require specialized training to the extent that they reject commercial ATR level pilots.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/7/2014

Israel’s energy minister announced that his government will sign a 15-year deal to deliver natural gas to Jordan. The gas will come from the Leviathan offshore field.

In other news, after 126 years, DNA evidence from the shawl of one of his victims has conclusively determined the identity of Jack the Ripper.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DF, Fjordman, Insubria, Ivan Winters, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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God Save Us From Our Own Ruling Elite

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir returns with a brief essay prompted by recent revelations about mass child-rape and sex-slavery in Rotherham.

God save us from our own ruling elite
by The Kafir

Rotherham made me cry. People are not able to comprehend the full import of this crime.

The families of Rotherham pay taxes in the fond hope that the money so collected will be spent to keep them safe. After all, keeping citizens safe from violence is the first duty of every government. The residents also surrendered to the government their right to violence in self-defence in the fond hope that government will stand between them and the violent.

But the people who live off those taxes, those whom people elect to administer the society, and those who are employed to run the day-to-day administration of laws, and whose salaries are paid with those taxes — all of them betrayed the taxpayers. All betrayed the 11-year-old daughters of the taxpayers, on whose money they live the grand life. They betrayed them in the service of some fantasy of theirs, the fantasy of Multiculturalism.

They imported members of a Crime Syndicate masquerading as a religion and settled them among their own citizens. They spend the tax money to give the members of Crime Syndicate a lifestyle they do not earn, cannot earn. All in the service of their need to feel how evolved, how intellectually superior, how broadminded they are.

And they do not act against these criminals because in their eyes, their own sense of fairness is more important than the lives of 11-year-old girls whose fathers pay the taxes to make the ruling elite and its lifestyle possible.

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Shariah Police in Wuppertal

A group of Islamic zealots have formed a vigilante squad in the German industrial city of Wuppertal, wearing homemade vests marked “shariah police” as they try to deter young Muslims from engaging in haram behavior. They have distributed leaflets describing the sleazy nightlife area they monitor as a “Shariah Controlled Zone.”

Many thanks to EuropeNews for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below are excerpts from an article about the Shariah Police in Wuppertal:

Islamists Patrol German City as Shariah Controlled Zone

A group of radical Islamists have formed a vigilante squad, wearing homemade vests marked “shariah police” as they try to deter young Muslims from drinking and vice in a German industrial city.

German police said Friday they are seeking ways to stop the bearded young fundamentalists, who have been sighted on several recent occasions at night.

The radicals have distributed leaflets describing the sleazy nightlife area they monitor near the main railway station of Wuppertal — a city of 340,000 — as a “Shariah Controlled Zone.” They wore fluorescent orange traffic-safety vests marked “shariah police” in English on the back.

The Wuppertal radicals, who have won some converts among young ethnic Germans and have exasperated authorities with previous publicity gambits, are followers of Salafism, a puritanical stream of Islam.

Video transcript:

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Jailer, Torturer, and Murderer

A French citizen named Nicolas Henin was kidnapped and held hostage last year by Syrian mujahideen. After his release, he identified Mehdi Nemmouche as one of his Syrian captors. Mr. Nemmouche is the primary suspect in the Jewish Museum murders in Brussels on May 24 of this year. Four people were shot to death in that attack.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for translating this AFP clip, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

There’s more on this topic from France24.

Video transcript:

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Bad Stuff in the Name of Allah

The following WTHR news report concerns a series of incidents that occurred a week ago at three churches in Columbus, Indiana. The TV presentation and article are unusually forthright for an MSM story about a possible incident of cultural enrichment. The reporter and Father Marcotte, the priest she interviews, are not only willing to talk about JIM, but one of the two Koran verses is actually quoted in the accompanying article. (The other one, 19:88, says: “And they say, ‘The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son.’” [Sahih International])

Fr. Marcotte is even willing to forego all the usual mealy-mouthed Christian platitudes and say: “There’s a lot of bad stuff being done in the name of Allah.”

Well, I’m glad he noticed!

Below are excerpts from the accompanying article:

3 Columbus Churches Vandalized With Graffiti Overnight

COLUMBUS, Ind. — Columbus Police said they’ve never had anything like it — three churches vandalized in the same night.

Someone spray painted them on the outside. It’s the words used, though, that have some people asking if this was more than a prank.

“It was just one word. It said ‘Infidels!’” Father Doug Marcotte said of what was spray painted on Saint Bartholomew’s Catholic Church in Columbus overnight Saturday.

Parishioners saw that, along with the word “Qur’an 3:151” on their way into mass Sunday morning.

“It’s certainly not a warm and fuzzy verse. It talks about the infidels, their refuge being the fire,” explained Father Marcotte.

Specifically, that passage of the Qur’an reads: “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.”

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Boots for A Special Someone

Once upon a time I ordered a nifty “gun” for my son. In truth, it was really for me but it had his name on the package under the Christmas tree. This gun shot a goodly amount of ping-pong balls before you had to collect the lot and reload. On snowy days when one was forced to stay indoors, those little balls ponged so lightly off their targets that nary a lamp was offended.

Ever since then we’ve been on the Hammacher-Schlemmer mailing list. It continues to be one of my favorite magazines: figuring out what gizmo has pride of place on the cover is fun. They never reveal the page so you’re forced to thumb through all the tempting “stuff” we Americans didn’t know we needed until we saw them on those pages meanwhile trying to stay on task to find the Mystery Object.

I’ve long since surrendered our email to them (I bought some Civil War maps on sale last year) so a not-too-burdensome number of advertisements also arrive our In Box. Today’s, for instance, was irresistible. I offer it to those of you who are not landlocked and have money to burn in quantity. Don’t they look like a must-have for John Kerry?

NOTE:The government will check you out before you may acquire these cool boots. So pay up any parking tickets you’ve “forgotten” and discretion would advise a quick check to be sure your library books aren’t overdue.

The Aquatic Thrust Boots

Description (I kid you not)

This is the patented diver propulsion system currently used by the U.S. military for combat swimmer applications. Only available from Hammacher Schlemmer for recreational use by U.S. citizens within U.S. territorial waters, its advanced design requires purchase approval from the U.S. Department of State. The system’s twin 6″-diam. thrusters mount to the outside of a diver’s lower thighs just above the knees while its power source and throttle setting secures around the waist. With a maximum underwater speed of 3 1/2 knots, the thrusters’ brushless electric motors provide virtually silent yet powerful operation that relegates diving fins to controlling attitude and direction. Unlike other handheld propulsion systems, this one provides hands-free operation, one of the reasons the military prefers it for reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, and hull inspections—and why they are ideal for snorkeling. Its lithium-ion battery provides a range that exceeds two miles; an extra battery may be carried and “hot swapped” underwater to extend operation. Compatible with commercial diving gear. Special conditions and guarantee limitations apply.

Item 12344 Price $31,500

It doesn’t say what the tax bite is on this equipment. One can only guess that it’s substantial. As for ROI, it just depends on how many fish you bring home for dinner and how often. Maybe thirty years if you go out every day??

Oookay…this ought to make the Baron’s Christmas shopping decisions easy, eh?

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/6/2014

President Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration reform until after the November congressional elections. According to the most recent reports, Mr. Obama is concerned that any such action might endanger the re-election of Democrats in Congress. Hispanic groups have voiced their disappointment with the president’s decision.

In other news, the latest polls show that for the first time, more Scots want to secede from the UK than want to remain in the Union with England.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JP, LS, Papa Whiskey, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“The Koran is a License to Kill”

Last Thursday we posted the text of Geert Wilders’ speech in front of the Dutch Parliament during the debate on jihad. Below is the video of the speech, subtitled in English.

Many thanks to SimonXML for timing and editing the text, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Bar Fight in the Emirate of Volusia

Two culturally-enriched gentlemen walk into a bar in Ormond Beach, Florida…

It sounds like the start of a corny joke, but it was no laughing matter for the staff and patrons of Jus’ Beachy Bar. The two enriched fellows were at least three sheets to the wind when they arrived at the infidel hangout. When the bartender refused to serve them more alcohol, they responded by punching out customers, throwing chairs and glasses, and threatening to behead the deputies who eventually arrived on the scene.

Here’s the report from WKMG:

Notice the felicitous synchronicity of the surname “Albagdadi”.

Below are excerpts from the accompanying article:

2 Arrested After Starting Bar Fight, Making Threats, Volusia Cops Say

Man threaten to ‘kidnap an American, behead him,’ according to report

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. — Two men are facing charges after Volusia County deputies said they started a fight at a bar Wednesday night.

Staff at the Jus’ Beachy Bar on Ocean Shore Boulevard claimed they refused to serve alcohol to 54-year-old Faisal Albagdadi and 30-year-old Ahmed Hindi after they walked into the bar already drunk.

“I need cops at Jus’ Beachy Pecker’s Pub immediately. I got a huge fight going. I mean they’re tearing (expletive) up,” the caller told 911 dispatchers. “We wouldn’t even serve him when he came in, he was so drunk.”

Deputies said that’s when the men got angry and attacked the customers.

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President Coward Cloward-Piven

Not just President Coward, but President Coward with his REAL strategy: let’s call him by his REAL name, President Coward Cloward-Piven.

That’s Obama now, and probably always was — only now he’s out of the closet and into the golf cart, right back to his college days. Obama doesn’t appear to care, nor can one suppose there is fear under that carapace of sneering indifference. Perhaps his indifference lies in knowing that the secrets he holds are ones that would surely bring others down with him.

Does that sound paranoid? This administration has led me along paths of paranoia I hadn’t realized existed. Nor am I alone in this sad journey.

A comment dated yesterday, appended to that YouTube video of Mr. Whittle’s, said what I have been known to mutter on my bad days:

Bill needs to read a little more. All empires eventually collapse, generally after about one hundred to one hundred and fifty years, although some fail long before. The US ‘empire’ is almost one hundred years old and is approaching its end, as its craven and impotent political class shows. Don’t be frightened, there is life after empire, you just have to get used to playing second fiddle to a much more powerful competitor. Get used to it quickly and learn enough Chinese to apologise profusely when they threaten you with military retaliation because your government doesn’t follow their agenda.

No and no. To begin with, lots of empires lasted longer than he claims is their usual life-span. Also we were never an Empire On Purpose. George Washington warned us as he left office to keep out of foreign entanglements. But the well-traveled sophisticates Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson thought we should try foreign markets for the sake of our domestic economy. Unfortunately, foreign markets meant finding personnel to maintain a presence wherever we wanted to build commercial ties. A coming continent of untold resources and a citizenry free to innovate cried out for trade.

Our attempts at “empire” failed eventually, after egregious missteps by both former empires and by our own distracted, ever-incoherent “foreign” policy. Despite the cries of Manifest Destiny we suck at foreign policy, even as we keep trying, resembling ever more closely the cartoonish bumblers in old vaudeville routines. There is nothing graceful about our missteps and even less so our attempted cover-ups of mistakes.

You could compare our efforts to the ways China keeps trying to grow a market economy — ineptly and half-heartedly. China’s intellectual understanding has evolved enough to grasp that a demand economy works better in the long run than a command economy. However, the weight of history and habit — not to mention a conserving culture handed down from the old emperors — means that letting go and building transparency into the system will require trusting the Chinese people. That may be an innovation too far.

By the way, there’s another thing about China’s supposed menace: that large country is imploding on so many levels the idea of a Chinese empire will remain merely that: an idea. China is both too ancient and too young to attempt it yet. And Australia has to be more concerned about that than we do — Australia and India and the Philippines.

We may be coming to an interregnum period of No Empires. Will it be a vacuum? Will Russia rush to fill it? Or will Putin be satisfied with the security of locking in his own near-abroad and insuring a dependable energy supply which he can use for domestic purposes and to intimidate those who need those resources? Putin is mortal; Russia needs a post-Putin plan, too.

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