Why Is Obama Trying to Start a Race War?

Perhaps because there is a disappointing lack of widespread “burn-baby-burn-and-bust-me-some-cracker-heads” outbreaks across the country, our President chose to make a surprise speech today. That is, the occasion was a surprise, but the speech was the usual narcissistic insertion of himself into the story in order to generate a crisis. The man loves crises but mostly all he’s managed to create are scandals. And they go on and on. So he needs the race riots he keeps begging for.

So now we have a disgraceful and profoundly disrespectful ‘spontaneous’ speech about how he and Trayvon are soul mates. Trayvon Martin was a throw-away kid. He’d been suspended from school numerous times and was headed to a life as a petty criminal. He lived among various relatives because no one wanted him from Day One. Obama, on the other hand, was – and remains – a child of privilege. Though he and his groomers have done their best to erase the man’s past, we know he went to private schools until he hit Columbia. And his way was paid through private Harvard Law School, though we have little to no access to his records there or to his writings before his ascent to the White House. There is a short recording somewhere of an interview when he was a state senator.

Ah, Breitbart has it. An interview from 2001 and it’s every bit as bad as remembered:

[The video that was originally in this slot was very annoying to our readers because it includes the “autoplay” feature, and starts right in on the commercial. Instead of the embed, go to Breitbart to see the video.]

A snip from that interview:

“If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court.I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution…”

Imagine that. The Supreme Court needs to break free of the original constraints. Keep that sentiment in mind as you watch him try so very hard to push us back into cultural chaos. If he can succeed, then all the scandals and failures of his reign will be ignored. After all, it’s hard to read the news when all you have is the light of burning cars.

Fox News has the full text of Obama’s whine. For sure there are You Tube videos popping up of the full bore I, I, I, my, mine, me but it won’t be posted here. Reading his words is enough to tell what he’s up to: a deliberate attempt to incite the black minority in this country as he pretends to an identification with a black teenager he wouldn’t have given five minutes’ of his precious time were Martin still alive, still jivin’.

Sundance remains the best source for the inside skinny on what is being engineered here. He knows who Trayvon Martin really was and he has collected every jot and tittle from the Federal and State Zombies since the beginning of The Scheme. If he says that President Trayvon Obama is injecting himself into this story “to insure that racial tensions explode” you can take that to the bank:

We have meticulously outlined how the Eric Holder Department of Justice was used last year to subvert the traditional law enforcement mechanisms in Sanford Florida. Specifically how the Civil Rights Division, led by recently confirmed for Labor Secretary, Tom Perez, used the Community Relations Service, to assist the civil rights law firm of Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks.

These are Obama’s czars, in cahoots with Obama and Holder, leading a huge assault on this country. The media has long since caved, they won’t stop him. Law enforcement? Not bloody likely. Judicial restraints? Just look at the level of corruption in the office of the Attorney General of Florida. The woman has been unleashed and many more folks besides Zimmerman are going to feel the lash of her whip.
Here’s some more behind-the-curtain-lever-pulling: Continue reading

Eric Holder Meets the Sundance Kid

Those of you who follow the news must know by now that our intrepid Attorney General, one Eric “too-black-to-be-true” Holder, has got him a new informer’s website where community–minded folk can snitch on report any knowledge they have of George Zimmerman’s racistiness. Just any little old thing at all. Maybe you saw the perp frown at a black kid in third grade? That’ll do.

Knowing Holder’s record so far, veracity isn’t high on the list of requirements for your snitching reports. He has stated his opinion that Americans are cowards about race, so here’s the chance to prove his prejudices.

From Sundance at The Conservative Tree House, here’s an open letter to his Honorableness:

Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr.
Attorney General of The United States Of America
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington DC, 20530-0001

Dear General Holder:

It has come to our attention that you have requested the citizens of the United States to provide your office with any evidence or documentation, to support your efforts, toward proving any civil rights violations in the case of The State of Florida VS. George Zimmerman.

Further we have found numerous national media articles citing your direct and specific request. It is our understanding you have created a website for the collection of evidence in that regard:


We are in direct possession of the evidence you seek.

And then Sundance shows some of the pictures he’s been collecting over the last year-and-a-half as evidence of civil rights violations right there in Sanford.

Here is one of those images:

New Black Panther Flyer
Heck yes, it’s shocking! And proof that Eric Holder doth make cowards of many of us while he emboldens others. But Sundance obviously isn’t cowed; I don’t know enough to say if he ever could have been, but one thing is sure: that period is long past. Sundance has seen too much now, has viewed up close and personal the corruption and evil attending this attempted destruction of the man The New York Times crowned and crucified as the “White Hispanic”.

[There are more evidentiary photos at the URL above, plus links in the orginal I didn’t put in this post – there is a basic courtesy due fellow-bloggers regarding how much of their work you take the borry of at one time.]

Sundance goes on to say to the Honorable Mr. Holder:
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Away From My Desk

I’m leaving in a little while on a trip to visit family members. I’ll be gone overnight, so there will be no news feed this evening.

While I’m gone, Dymphna will hold the fort. Better mind your manners: she’s stricter with comments than I am.

No stubbing your cigars out on the antimacassars this time! Mind the Chippendale, and please crate up all your empty Tsingtao bottles and take them with you.

OSCE Vienna 2013, Part 13: Are You Demanding a Return to Communist Albania?

This is the thirteenth in a series of posts on last week’s OSCE “Supplementary Human Dimension” meeting in Vienna. See the list of links at the bottom of this post for previous articles.

The following intervention was referred to in a previous post that featured a clarification by Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE) on the role of religion in public affairs. In that paper, presented on July 12, BPE was answering the “Right of Reply” intervention by the Holy See.

The video below shows the response by Msgr. Marinko Antolovic of the Holy See to a BPE comment earlier in the day. Msgr. Antolovic protests the request to have religious expression removed from the public space, and asks the BPE representative to elaborate on whether she really desires a return to the anti-religious policies conducted, for example, in communist Albania.

Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for processing and uploading it:

(The response to Msgr. Antolovic’s intervention is here.)

OSCE Vienna 2013:

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Repugnant and Dangerous

I reported last night that the Web Editor of Standpoint magazine had written to us requesting that we take down our embed of the recent speech by Daniel Johnson, the editor of Standpoint.

The Web Editor was unhappy with what I posted in response, and asked that I remove his name from the piece, which I have done.

[Update: The Web Editor sent a follow-up email with this request: “Also, my name remains in a comment underneath your first post. Please remove it.”

I’ve complied with his request. Readers who happen to know his name are asked to refrain from including it in comments.]

Below is the brief email he sent me this morning:


I find it wholly unprofessional of you to post our correspondence without waiting for my permission. Had you waited, I would have asked you not to publish my email or at least not include my name. By offering to remove identifiers like my email address, physical address and phone number you acknowledge the risks involved in being named on a site like Gates of Vienna. But by leaving my name and place of work on your post you have left me exposed to anyone with an internet connection. The decision to include my name is particularly odd given that you use a pseudonym instead of your own name, Edward S. May. If I am to be named on your site, let it be known that I find your “counter-jihad” repugnant and dangerous.


[name removed at the Web Editor’s request]

I sent him the following response: Continue reading

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/17/2013

In view of the growing incidence of MERS, the new SARS-like virus, Saudi Arabia has decided to restrict the number of visas for people entering the country on this year’s hajj. 45 people have died of MERS so far, 38 of them in Saudi Arabia. It is feared that the hajj might cause the virus to spread more widely as the pilgrims return to their home countries carrying the contagion.

In other news, an estimated 100,000 immigrant residents of the Netherlands are not paying taxes, due to their never having registered with their local councils.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, McR, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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From the Standpoint of Eternity

Last week we posted videos of two rebuttals from an Oxford Union debate on the question of whether Islam is a peaceful religion. The second video recorded the rebuttal by Daniel Johnson, who eloquently expressed the case against associating the words “peace” and “Islam”. In his speech he mentioned Standpoint, which he described as the “not very right-wing magazine” that he edits.

Unfortunately, Mr. Johnson seems not to be as pleased as I was to discover the convergence of his liberal perspective with the conservative one that is generally expressed in this space. This morning we received an email from [name removed at the Web Editor’s request], the Web Editor of Standpoint:

Hi there,

I’m contacting you on behalf of my editor, Daniel Johnson. You posted a video of his speech at the Oxford Union on your site and he feels uncomfortable being associated with your site. Please could you take the video down?


[name removed at the Web Editor’s request]
Web Editor

[mailing address redacted]

Needless to say, I was unwilling to remove Mr. Johnson’s inspirational video from our site. I sent [the Web editor] the following reply:

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“I Was Treated Like a Stray Dog”

The following is a harrowing account by a French business owner of her experiences with harassment, threats, physical attacks, and rape at her shop in a culturally enriched banlieue. The official “justice” delivered to her was laughable, to the point of being willfully negligent.

Many thanks to Guy Sauvage at François de Souche for making this video available, to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Sharia is the Red Line

ICLA logo (new)

Below is a subtitled version of the excellent keynote speech by Alain Wagner, chairman of International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA), at the beginning of a colloquium on Radical Islam sponsored by the Union of Jewish Entrepreneurs and Professionals of France (L’Union des Patrons et Professionnels Juifs de France, UPJ). It was given in Paris on June 9, 2013.

Translated transcript:

I’m Alain Wagner, International Civil Liberties Alliance’s chairman. Our actions take place in international forums like OSCE, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and are focused on defense of freedom of speech and we’re trying to prevent attempts to undermine it. Attempts coming from very powerful international organizations like OIC, Organisation for Islamic Cooperation which aims to restrict freedom of speech in western countries regarding Islamic related topics.

When I was invited to speak during the conference keynote address entitled “reflection on radical Islam,” I asked myself what my response should be.

Claim to sum up all that is known about the subject in 15 minutes seemed to me not only pretentious — there are indeed many things to say — but also counterproductive because if everything is said from the beginning of the conference … so what is next?

So how can I contribute to the success of this conference? Well simply it may well be by defining a clear and unambiguous foundation that will support the reflections this afternoon.

Radical Islam. The phrase sounds familiar. It occurs regularly in the media, but rarely with a precise definition. What are we meaning when we talk about radical Islam? In today’s society when the word Islam is pronounced, warning lights turn red, adrenaline level soars and trembling hands are ready to press the alarm button.

The obvious reason that brings us here to this conference is that emergence in our country and around the world, of an Islam seen as radical, an Islam close to its roots and faithful to its entire doctrine … such an emergence is a cause of concern.

The topic is considered as “politically sensitive” by medias and politicians. Consequently, the vast majority of those who bring up the topic of Islam cautiously stay on the safe side carefully avoiding to cross the limits imposed by the so-called “political correctness”. Those who know me, know what I think of political correctness. It is the enforcement of an opinion declared “correct” at the expense of reality. Political correctness is not only an insult to the intelligence but also a breach into the main pillar of democracy: freedom of expression.

So don’t expect any politically correct in what follows. If it was the case you still just have the time to run out of this conference room.

Well… radical Islam.

Let’s begin with something not too controversial…

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Picking on Israel

The European Union’s new guidelines on doing business in Israel instruct its member states not to have any dealings with firms in the “territories”. The PVV, Geert Wilders’ political party, raised a strong objection to the new policy in the Dutch Parliament.

According to a press release from the PVV:

PVV questions Dutch Foreign Minister about EU guidelines on Israel

Parliamentary questions of the MPs Raymond De Roon and Geert Wilders (both PVV) to the minister of Foreign Affairs about Israel’s condemnation of a new EU guideline

1.   Have you seen the press articles about the Israeli condemnation of new EU guideline to ban funding and cooperation beyond the 1967 Israeli borders? *
2.   Is it true that you agreed with this guideline last December?
3.   Don’t you think that with this new guideline the European bureaucrats are interfering in the internal affairs of Israel in a complete unfair manner?
4.   Why do the EU bureaucrats interfere so openly with Israel while they do not set any guidelines for other territorial disputes, such as the Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus, the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara?
5.   Can you make sure that this new guideline will not be issued?
6.   Do you share our view that paying Israel-hating EU bureaucrats, who previously wasted billions of development money in Egypt, are a wasteful expenditure for our taxpayers?

*   The Washington Post

Shariah in Action, Again

Here is yet another article about what happens to Western women if they report being raped while they are in Dubai. It’s appalling that female tourists are not given any information about the hellish treatment they face in the Emirates if they attempt to obtain justice for being violated.

Travel agents and airlines should hand out informational pamphlets on the issue to women planning a trip to Dubai. However, since this would have a negative impact on the tourist industry, it will never happen.

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer, who translated this piece about a Norwegian woman’s ordeal in Dubai (she’s actually still there), includes this introductory note:

This article concerns a Norwegian woman who was jailed for reporting her own rape to the police in Dubai earlier this year. This incident is almost identical to the one involving Alicia Gali, the Australian woman who was thrown in jail in Dubai in 2008 for exactly the same ‘offence’.

As the article states, Islamic law is the norm in Dubai and thus the rape victim is looked upon as a criminal and treated with utter contempt. This is something that the liberal PC crowd in the west should pay close attention to, because this is what their favourite religion is all about.

Incidents like these are not something that we the ‘evil’ and ‘hateful’ counterjihadists make up ourselves and disseminate on the internet in order to smear Muslims. This is what Islam is like in its most undiluted form. It’s evil, misogynistic, highly unjust and thoroughly corrupt.

In order to stem the advance of this totalitarian thought system it is essential that it is called by its proper name. So allow me to spell it out: Islam is ideological and religious fascism, and there is no place for it in a free and democratic society.

The translated article from NRK.no:

A 25-year-old Norwegian woman has been sentenced to one year and four months in prison for reporting a rape to the police in Dubai. The sentence of the rapist’s was three months shorter than hers.

What was supposed to be a business trip to Dubai with work colleagues turned into a nightmare for the Norwegian 25-year-old when she reported a rape to the police in March.

After filing the report she was thrown in prison on suspicion of having non-marital sex. Her passport was confiscated and she was only allowed to make a phone call two or three days later. She was then able to notify her family.

Her family then contacted the Norwegian Consular service in Dubai. The Norwegian Consulate eventually managed to get her out of jail and brought the 25-year-old to the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Dubai where she has remained ever since.

Stunned when the verdict was handed down

The Norwegian Seamen’s Church has confirmed to NRK.no that the 25-year-old has stayed with them since March.

“We have become very fond of her,” says Anniken Meling, a diaconal worker and the wife of the priest at the seamen’s church in Dubai, Gisle Meling.

The woman lives next door to the couple. Anniken Meling has also accompanied the woman several times in court.

The 25-year-old was convicted of consuming alcohol, having non-marital sex, and allegedly giving a false statement.

“Right up until the verdict we were convinced that it would go her way, and that she would escape punishment. It was therefore somewhat of a shock when she was sentenced to prison for such a long time,” says Meling to NRK.

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The Abominable White Man

Prefatory Notes: If you read this post at all, please do so carefully. It is as painstaking a construction as it was possible for me to make in an internet essay given my limited energy and attention. You needn’t follow all the links, but they were valuable resources in my quest for comprehending and attempting to come to terms with the travesty inflicted on one particular man — an otherwise anonymous man whose situation was cynically used to further a pernicious end.

And what goal might that be?

Well, think back: do you remember the political philosophy so openly touted in 2009, when Barack Obama began his first reign? It was a page from Saul Alinsky’s communist manifesto for Americans, and it posited the notion that no crisis should be allowed to go to waste. Back then, before all the fraud and cynicism and abuse became so blatant and so rampant and so in-your-face, it seemed to most of us to be nothing more than a saying, merely a witticism the brash Rahm Emmanuel was wont to use.

Experience has been a stern teacher. They really meant what they said, and even when Obama or his advisors or his minions overstepped the bounds, we learned not to expect apologies. Not ever. Thus did an obscure and tragic situation in a small town in Florida become a convenient catalyst that could serve two ends: the first was to deflect our attention away from the alarming pace of scandals erupting in Washington. The second end was yet another opportunity to divide and conquer Americans, this time through the escalations of racial tensions. Obama is particularly fond of this one, of creating and inflaming a sense of scarcity, of people getting “more than their share”. It’s become pernicious.

My motive in struggling to pare the story down (and, yes, despite its length, I did indeed pare) is simple: I want all of us who value what is left of our liberty to strive with me to understand our risks at this point. Think of this as a kind of cautionary tale for all of us, and in particular I hope our American readers will take it in the spirit in which I wrote it.

For our European readers, what can I say? If Americans find this experience fraught with ambiguities, what must it be for you, beyond perhaps a shrug before you walk away from the thicket? I can’t say I blame you for not wanting to wade into this briar patch, but should you decide to do so, I ask that you put on your American boots — i.e., that you walk in our shoes rather than become impatient because we don’t walk/talk like our European cousins. Sometimes I get the sense that y’all think if we’d just listen to you more carefully, we’d avoid a whole passel of problems.

Of course Americans do the same thing in return. We all tend to do that, to place our own template onto the Other’s life experiences. So it was that one reader, a European with a good heart and personal courage, said he found George Zimmerman “weird”. If that is the case with him, what must it be for others?

Zimmerman isn’t “weird”, not that I can see. He’s a prototypical “Heinz 57 variety”-American with a self-described Afro-Peruvian mother, a retired military father whose name places him within a German immigrant-some-time back context. The Zimmermans have three other children, and all four kids attended Catholic schools when they lived in Virginia. If anything, they stand out for being a still-intact family.

But wait. A very special category was invented just for George Zimmerman, courtesy of the American MSM with help from the black underclass. Thus, despite his African and Latino heritage (and looks), he lives in a special cage made for “white Hispanics”. This is a term that permits the talking heads, or at least the ones who like to be cool with ghetto language, to dismiss him as a “creepy ass cracker”.

The most important section of my essay comes last. For reasons of continuity, it needed to be at the end, as you will see. But since it is original investigative reporting about the players, it is and will remain a primary source, both now and in the future.

Have our estimable readers followed the George Zimmerman trial at all? Here at Schloss Bodissey we’d been averting our gaze, so sure were we that it would be an American version of that three-ring Breivik circus in Norway.

I am ashamed now of our scant faith in the justice system, but in our defense I will point out that the scandal-ridden news reports of the last year have worn everyone down. Horrible injustices go by barely remarked upon, much less addressed. Just one small dispiriting example, one which in normal times would’ve created a groundswell of outrage: the president, in a fit of pique because the budget sequester that he himself arranged ahead of time but was sure wouldn’t be voted on by the spineless Congress, spitefully revenged himself on those legislators by slamming the doors of the White House shut to all Americans. No more public tours of The People’s House at all — though of course President Obama continues to host private parties there for his big donors. Meanwhile the many Spring and Summer trips planned and paid for by school children have had to be cancelled.

Obama’s glaring lack of civility toward the citizens he is supposed to lead — and especially the spite vented on school children — is bad enough. That it has gone largely unremarked upon by the media is appalling in the extreme. The gob-smacking cruelties our press lets slide with this man are stunning in their breadth and depth.

I can remember precisely when the sense of doom about this case descended: at the point where Obama inserted himself into the umm… “narrative” the MSM was busy fabricating, as will be seen below. It was at that juncture I felt sure the verdict would be a slam dunk “Guilty” before the trial even got underway. For my own rush to judgment, I owe an apology to that jury of six women in Florida.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/16/2013

A massive influx of dollars and euros into Syria via rebel groups financed by the United States and the EU has caused severe inflation of the local currency. The Syrian pound has lost 85% of its value since the uprising began.

In other news, Miguel Angel Trevino, the kingpin of the dangerous Mexican drug trafficking gang Los Zetas, was captured by marines in a carefully planned intelligence operation just across the border from Texas.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, JD, JP, McR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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