The Abominable White Man

Prefatory Notes: If you read this post at all, please do so carefully. It is as painstaking a construction as it was possible for me to make in an internet essay given my limited energy and attention. You needn’t follow all the links, but they were valuable resources in my quest for comprehending and attempting to come to terms with the travesty inflicted on one particular man — an otherwise anonymous man whose situation was cynically used to further a pernicious end.

And what goal might that be?

Well, think back: do you remember the political philosophy so openly touted in 2009, when Barack Obama began his first reign? It was a page from Saul Alinsky’s communist manifesto for Americans, and it posited the notion that no crisis should be allowed to go to waste. Back then, before all the fraud and cynicism and abuse became so blatant and so rampant and so in-your-face, it seemed to most of us to be nothing more than a saying, merely a witticism the brash Rahm Emmanuel was wont to use.

Experience has been a stern teacher. They really meant what they said, and even when Obama or his advisors or his minions overstepped the bounds, we learned not to expect apologies. Not ever. Thus did an obscure and tragic situation in a small town in Florida become a convenient catalyst that could serve two ends: the first was to deflect our attention away from the alarming pace of scandals erupting in Washington. The second end was yet another opportunity to divide and conquer Americans, this time through the escalations of racial tensions. Obama is particularly fond of this one, of creating and inflaming a sense of scarcity, of people getting “more than their share”. It’s become pernicious.

My motive in struggling to pare the story down (and, yes, despite its length, I did indeed pare) is simple: I want all of us who value what is left of our liberty to strive with me to understand our risks at this point. Think of this as a kind of cautionary tale for all of us, and in particular I hope our American readers will take it in the spirit in which I wrote it.

For our European readers, what can I say? If Americans find this experience fraught with ambiguities, what must it be for you, beyond perhaps a shrug before you walk away from the thicket? I can’t say I blame you for not wanting to wade into this briar patch, but should you decide to do so, I ask that you put on your American boots — i.e., that you walk in our shoes rather than become impatient because we don’t walk/talk like our European cousins. Sometimes I get the sense that y’all think if we’d just listen to you more carefully, we’d avoid a whole passel of problems.

Of course Americans do the same thing in return. We all tend to do that, to place our own template onto the Other’s life experiences. So it was that one reader, a European with a good heart and personal courage, said he found George Zimmerman “weird”. If that is the case with him, what must it be for others?

Zimmerman isn’t “weird”, not that I can see. He’s a prototypical “Heinz 57 variety”-American with a self-described Afro-Peruvian mother, a retired military father whose name places him within a German immigrant-some-time back context. The Zimmermans have three other children, and all four kids attended Catholic schools when they lived in Virginia. If anything, they stand out for being a still-intact family.

But wait. A very special category was invented just for George Zimmerman, courtesy of the American MSM with help from the black underclass. Thus, despite his African and Latino heritage (and looks), he lives in a special cage made for “white Hispanics”. This is a term that permits the talking heads, or at least the ones who like to be cool with ghetto language, to dismiss him as a “creepy ass cracker”.

The most important section of my essay comes last. For reasons of continuity, it needed to be at the end, as you will see. But since it is original investigative reporting about the players, it is and will remain a primary source, both now and in the future.

Have our estimable readers followed the George Zimmerman trial at all? Here at Schloss Bodissey we’d been averting our gaze, so sure were we that it would be an American version of that three-ring Breivik circus in Norway.

I am ashamed now of our scant faith in the justice system, but in our defense I will point out that the scandal-ridden news reports of the last year have worn everyone down. Horrible injustices go by barely remarked upon, much less addressed. Just one small dispiriting example, one which in normal times would’ve created a groundswell of outrage: the president, in a fit of pique because the budget sequester that he himself arranged ahead of time but was sure wouldn’t be voted on by the spineless Congress, spitefully revenged himself on those legislators by slamming the doors of the White House shut to all Americans. No more public tours of The People’s House at all — though of course President Obama continues to host private parties there for his big donors. Meanwhile the many Spring and Summer trips planned and paid for by school children have had to be cancelled.

Obama’s glaring lack of civility toward the citizens he is supposed to lead — and especially the spite vented on school children — is bad enough. That it has gone largely unremarked upon by the media is appalling in the extreme. The gob-smacking cruelties our press lets slide with this man are stunning in their breadth and depth.

I can remember precisely when the sense of doom about this case descended: at the point where Obama inserted himself into the umm… “narrative” the MSM was busy fabricating, as will be seen below. It was at that juncture I felt sure the verdict would be a slam dunk “Guilty” before the trial even got underway. For my own rush to judgment, I owe an apology to that jury of six women in Florida.

I was stunned when they found Zimmerman not guilty. From the beginning of this media-driven “narrative”* the sharks had been churning the waters looking for blood — for Zimmerman’s blood. Given our president’s clearly stated bias — an utterly amazing (but sadly not unprecedented ) breach of probity and justice — Zimmerman appeared doomed.

When we heard the trial was finished and the jury was in the process of deciding Zimmerman’s fate, the Baron said the best he could hope for was a verdict of manslaughter, and he expressed an additional guarded hope that, given the vitriol in the media narrative, Zimmerman would survive incarceration in Florida’s penal system. Thus you can imagine our reaction when the “not guilty” verdict was announced; we were gob-smacked. How could that have happened given the MSM’s endless misrepresentations of facts for all these months?

What “misrepresentations” you ask? Well, I’ll give you John Nolte’s breakdown, month-by-month, below. But first look at this scurrilous report from the Beeb (some things never change and that oh-so predictable BBC slant on news reports is one of them):

The not guilty verdict for a man accused of killing an unarmed black teenager in Florida was “right”, a Harvard law professor has said.

Lawyers for George Zimmerman, 29, successfully argued that he was acting in self-defence when he shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The case has sparked a fierce debate about race relations in the US and protests are being held around the country.

Alan Dershowitz told BBC News that there was “reasonable doubt” about the facts of what happened and blamed a misrepresentation of the facts by the media for the public’s expectation of a conviction. [my emphasis — D]

The thing is, even though the attorney Alan Dershowitz reported it correctly, the Beeb still managed a passive-aggressive pretzel in the very first sentence of this terse “report”.

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For almost a year and a half, our MSM here worked overtime, zealously trying to prove Zimmerman guilty before the fact of his trial. The news coverage in this country descended into the pits at such a rapid rate it felt as though we were on an express elevator speeding recklessly to the dungeon. Given the widespread tar-and-feather lynching mode in the mainstream, it was plain they thought a dungeon wouldn’t be punishment enough.

Thus I simply stopped looking at the case, up to and including the trial. I limited any input to headlines, though even those were often the same repetitious race-baiting scare stories.

But once the burden of bad news had been lifted with that surprising verdict, I raised my head to look around. The first thing I came across was John Nolte’s damning evidence against just about every major news outlet in the country. Mr. Nolte wrote this timeline while the jury was still out and when it seemed as though the verdict would surely be “manslaughter”. In his URL he tagged the story as “media-coverage-rap-sheet”. Indeed it was exactly that — a long list of MSM offenses, many of which undoubtedly will be paid for in civil suits initiated by Mr. Zimmerman. At least I hope that is to be the case.

When one actually looks at this accumulative timeline (it’s only a partial listing since it would be impossible to get it all down. Besides the limitations of space, it also stops at the date when Mr. Zimmerman was charged) collected into one essay, it’s amazing the jury stayed level-headed:

Timeline: How the Press Prosecuted Zimmerman While Stoking Racial Tensions

…As you will see below, by hook and crook, the mainstream media did everything in its still-potent power to not only push for the prosecution of Mr. Zimmerman (the police originally chose not to charge him) but also to gin up racial tensions where none needed to exist.

It all started with the anchor of a major television network (Al Sharpton**) inserting himself in the story to spread division and hate; it continued straight through to the closing days of the trial when another major news network, desperate to keep a fabricated racial narrative alive, propagated the portrayal of Zimmerman as part of a racial group that doesn’t exist — the “white Hispanic.”

In-between, there has been an astonishing amount of malicious fraud and lies, all in an effort to serve a president, stir racial hatred, and influence the justice system.

For most of the dates below, I have placed ellipses where Mr. Nolte has the particulars. He has numerous links to back up each of his claims; the sources are prima facie evidence of fraud and deceit. He gives the dates of each egregious assault on the truth. For a few of them, I included his information but not the links he researched.

This is genuine investigative reporting:

February 26, 2012 — George Zimmerman Shoots and Kills Trayvon Martin

Zimmerman claims self-defense. After an investigation, the police agree and decide not to press charges.

March 8, 2012 — The AP Falsely Describes Zimmerman as “White”…

March 13, 2012 — NBC’s Al Sharpton Uses MSNBC Platform to Stoke Phony Racial Narrative


March 13, 2012 — ABC News Reporter Claims Trayvon Shot Because “He Was Black”…

March 19, 2012 — CBS News Falsely Claims Zimmerman Is White


March 22, 2012 — Zimmerman Described as a “White Hispanic” by The New York Times


March 23, 2012 — President Obama Repeats Sharpton’s Talking Point

The day after Sharpton held his rally and said, “Trayvon could have been any one of our sons,” President Obama made huge news when he stepped before the cameras, demanded action in the Zimmerman case, and famously said, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.”

In just two days, a network news anchor and an American president had blasted the Zimmerman case into the nation’s top story and did so based on a racial narrative without a shred of evidence to support it. Almost every other major news outlet would now commit every journalistic sin imaginable to fabricate evidence.

March 27, 2012 — NBC News Edits 911 Audio to Make Zimmerman Look Racist


March 28, 2012 — ABC News Falsely Claims Zimmerman Wasn’t Injured Night of Shooting


Late March, 2012 — Zimmerman’s “Black Friend” Vilified by Media

Even though Zimmerman is Hispanic and there was no evidence of any racial motivation behind his actions, the media’s racial-hysteria was, at this point, in full bloom. To try and tamp things down, Joe Oliver, a black reporter who had worked with CNN and an Orlando television station, started doing the national media interview rounds to speak on behalf of his friend, George Zimmerman.

The counterattack in the media (CNN, New York Times, and MSNBC, among others) was exceptionally vicious, personal, and effective. [see the Big Journalism URL, above, for those links]

Oliver went away.

April 1, 2012 — The New York Times Maliciously Edits Zimmerman’s 911 Call


April 11, 2012 — George Zimmerman Is Arrested, Charged with Second Degree Murder

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Zimmerman was charged in April 2012. The killing of Trayvon Martin had taken place in February. But it would well over a year before the ensuing brouhaha ended: the trial began in Seminole County, Florida with the seating of a six-woman jury on June 20 2013. It ended on July 13 with a “not guilty” verdict from that jury.

But has it really ended? And do we know the sordid details — the reality beyond the MSM “narrative”? Will the truth ever be uncovered?

Those are valid questions. They are the same concerns that have haunted me since April 2012, when Florida’s attorney general egregiously interfered for political reasons stepped into a local case in Sanford Florida in order to charge George Zimmerman with the murder of Trayvon Martin. It was only when the case had ended that I was given a key to understanding some of the machinations behind the curtain, and if you have been wondering what the heck happened and what will be likely to go on in the future, well…I have a place you can visit for more information.

Andrea Shea King sent ’round a link to a site called…umm…you figure it out: the blog is either “The Last Refuge, a Ragtag Bunch of Conservative Misfits” (that’s the title at the top of their home page), or it’s “The Conservative Tree House”, which is the name in their URL. Whichever it is, this group is peculiarly American in outlook and philosophy. Think of them in the same spirit de Tocqueville displayed when describing what he saw as our good points: openly religious (on the sidebar it appears you can ask to be put on their prayer list), fighters for the underdog (Zimmerman, for one), and happy to hold contrarian opinions (Zimmerman, again). These folks appear to either sit on the front porch musing amongst themselves, or they’re out and about nosing around.

If I remember correctly, I started into their site here, at this post: A Nation of George Zimmermans Awakened — Understand The Fraud — Post Verdict of Acquittal:

We have not yet had true justice — We have merely stopped ONE aspect of injustice. So long as these people remain in social, political, or legal power — No-One is safe from becoming the next George Zimmerman.

That ‘we’ in the quote above is not a royal prerogative. These folks really did have all their fingers in the dike, holding back a tidal wave of cynical injustice. So great — and successful — were their labors that Zimmerman’s father contacted them to give his thanks for the work they did in attempting to uncover the truth… no matter where that led.

That post is confusing to read if you’re in a hurry; so many players, so many crooked or cooked connections. But The Last Refuge has been tracking this for so very long, this juggernaut they call “The Justice for Trayvon Martin™ Scheme Team” that they’re accustomed to the many trails one must traverse to follow the money and influence back to its origins.

A more immediately interesting post, if like me you joined the game after the players went home, is an open thread by one of the blog’s administrators, Sundance. Here he offers — or offered — to answer lingering questions about the case. When they finally closed the thread there were almost six hundred entries. There are some mystifying acronyms in those Q and A’s. For example, BGI means “Black Grievance Industry”. You can safely bet the house on the very large role the BGI played in this whole ugly mess.

I haven’t felt so disheartened/encouraged since I posted about Mukhtar Mai’s harrowing tale eight years ago. In the normal course of events, she was supposed to go home and kill herself after being gang-raped by the men of a powerful family in her rural village in Pakistan. Thanks to her father’s deep compassion for his daughter, and her imam’s encouragement to transcend her experience, she actually flourished, though hers was a long, painful recovery.

The source of my disheartenment is obvious. The treatment George Zimmerman received at the hands of the powerful, well-connected cynics in Florida who arrayed themselves to destroy him is, as I said in the beginning, a cautionary tale. Though they failed this time, they have succeeded at others, and will do so again.

So why am I encouraged? Because from what I’ve gathered so far in reading these posts at “The Last Refuge”, the detective work on Trayvon Martin’s real background, and the uncovering of the prosecution’s dirty tricks, gives me great hope. This story of detection isn’t exciting. It’s full of drudgery and footwork, of being buried under the tons of paper a bloated bureaucracy passes through its bowels and out onto you, should you ask for information. And of course there are the ugly threats that come your way if you keep going. Thus, the sheer persistence of someone like Sundance is salutary for the rest of us. No doubt there are others, equally hard-working on that website, but I have much reading to do before I can name them.

I may be back with more information as I learn more. One thing is for certain: we are fortunate that sites like The Last Refuge still exist. I don’t know how much longer the tattered flag of free speech will fly, but while it does, let’s honor those who rally ’round it.

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Vlad Tepes has collected some post-trial incidents that are beginning to accrue as random acts of violence are spurred on by irresponsible Grievance Mongers.

*   “narrative” is a favorite word among liberals, one they seem to have borrowed from Academe’s postmodern Literary Criticism — that’s “po mo LitCrit” just in case you’re sent to hell and forced to endure one of their conferences. In the context of modern jornolism, “narrative” means “We make stuff up and you, our stupid audience, will believe it. We’re safe because we know you don’t pay attention.” c.f. Norway’s elitist ruling class.
**   The Rev. Sharpton needs no introduction to Americans, but our European readers may want to see some of his accomplishments. Despite what you will read there, MSNBC has hired him as a news personality.

62 thoughts on “The Abominable White Man

  1. The “Legal Insurrection” website posted excellent, day-by-day analysis by Andrew Branca. That and everything else I’ve read leaves no doubt in my mind that Zimmerman (returning to his car) was suddenly attacked from the shadows by Martin, who had “profiled” GZ as a “creepy etc. etc.” TM had a documented enthusiasm for fighting and no doubt thought this was easy pickins. The fact that Zimmerman said “Thank God” when an investigator told him (falsely) that the incident was caught on video is extremely strong evidence that Martin was the aggressor and that Zimmerman had reason to fear for his life.

    It baffles me that so many are willing to believe that a man “stalked” or “chased” a “child” out of pure rational animus and then shot him in cold blood after calling the police to give his name and location! Those who know it’s preposterous, and know the evidence demonstrates that GZ was punched and pummeled but TM was not, still keep trying very hard to find GZ guilty of something: He was guilty of being outside his car, in his own neighborhood!

    • “racial animus,” of course, but y’all are smart enough to figure out what I meant.

      • As a favor, when you quote a site favorably, would you also leave a link to it.

        I admire Professor Jabcobson’s work. In fact, I am certain he was on our blog roll at one time. He may have been removed inadvertently during a clear-out of deadwood…which he is *definitely* not…

        You can leave short URlLs like his without doing the HTML template, as in:

        Or you can use the template you can see right above the white comment box, where it says “to add a link in a comment, use this format, and the next line is the one you copy and use, thusly:

        Legal Insurrection

        If you could do this, it would help me save my very limited energy. And it’s a good thing to do for L.I., an excellent site.

  2. The whiteman is finished….

    As a child I looked up to America. Everything good came from there. That was in the 1950s. Wonderful intelligent homely people, superb actors and films, the space race- a bulwark against fascism. Today I see an inverted picture- a country and people so corrrupted, so evil, so stupid….

    My own is now the same. Last night an out of control Parliament passed the ”same sex marriage” bill. It passed without comment. The Church apart from myself has said nothing and I was ignored…as usual.

    Liberal Retard Man has won. Try to talk to any of the younger generation and they simply do not understand, what they have lost and that they are headed into slavery and stupidity. It was said that if a troop of chimps was left alone for a million years, it might write a Shakespearian sonnet….Maybe there’s hope….

    Our youth don’t even talk anymore but sit around restaurant tables ”texting” each other only inches away. They don’t even gibber but they do hoot and grunt like a monkey when one of their false celebrities wins ”X Factor”. I saw one yesterday scratch its armpits.

    Discourse is now a thing of the past. The civilisation that developed the Socratic method of argument, now even writes and communicates in ”textese”- words like ‘create’ spelt ”Cr8”….

    Stupid dumb and arrogant…. but also incredibly shallow and selfish.

    • Father Leven-Torres —

      The “whiteman” isn’t finished, despite all the stats and the prophets of doom.

      Come on, follow your own Christian theological virtues – especially Hope. A little Faith wouldn’t hurt, either, and as St Paul famously noted, it is Love that differentiates our kind. Or at least it’s supposed to.

      There is much to celebrate in this decision of six regular ol’ citizens in Florida who simply did the right thing despite a whole Department of Justice arrayed against them.
      Due to some of the medications I have to take in order to function, my memory has become quite bad – my doctor says I suffer from CRS -“Can’t Remember Stuff”(except he uses another word for ‘stuff). It’s a maddening side effect and if I weren’t so fatigued I’d have the energy to be bitter… so much is gone….

      However, in the midst of that desert which I used to call my ‘mind’ there are several rocks remaining, and it is to those I cling when things aren’t going so well. I will pass one on to you, in the hope it helps heal your despair.

      This is a quote from one of my theology professors, a man who carried a number of his own burdens, and he carried them lightly, never letting them get the best of him. During a lecture (he never needed notes) he said this in an aside:

      ” To be a Christian means that — for YOU at least — love is possible, evil is reversible, and you *can* live freed from your past.”
      It doesn’t mean that we have to be naïve or gullible. Remember Christ’s advice to be as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove. Performing that balancing act is where grace comes in.

      For myself, the idea of a Judgment Day is irrelevant. However, if there were such a thing, I suspect we would be asked if we could see any circumstances in our lives where we might have been more loving. Just a guess, of course…who really knows what jokes the Karma Dude has in store??

      A suggestion for your reading, sir. A lowly, humble priest:

      THE COMPLETE FATHER BROWN MYSTERIES COLLECTION [Annotated] (Complete Works of G.K. Chesterton)

      Amazon’s Kindle edition, 99 cents

      I read Father Brown over and over. Chesterton’s ability to describe scenes and people remains just as sharp and relevant as ever it was…

      • What a lovely response. Lifted my spirits – and I’m not even at the bar!

      • I’m a Christian, too, albeit of the Evangelical separatist type which the MSM likes to call “Christian Rightist”.

        Dymphna, I think you responded well to Guy Leven-Torres (although I admit that I, too, have black moods that match his).

  3. While you have been looking at Eurabia, or speculating about it coming into existence, you forgot that you as an American already live in a Nation of Islam. 50% of American Muslims are Black. They have Christian whites on the run and in hiding and have done so since the 1960s.

    • American blacks are a minority that is getting MORE minority by the day – due to the high rate of black abortions and white Hispanic immigration.

      American Muslims were an extraordinary minority until 911 enabled our government to wholesale import third-world Muslims to prove that “we” are NOT racists against political-religious terrorists.

      American black Muslims have practiced a sloppy self-made version of Islam-lite until now. It will be interesting to see how American black Muslims adapt to authentic third-world Muslims who – the world over – view blacks as nothing more than past and present slaves. Indeed, in Arabic, abd/abed the word for slave translates as black (African).

      Abd/Black Slave

    • American “Black Muslims” are drawn heavily from prison populations. One reason is that Islam sanctifies every sin of the average, natural male; another is that Islam never calls on people to “rend your hearts and not your garments”, but to go looking for someone else to scapegoat.

      And, in the wake of 911, there are a lot of Black people in America who are waking up to what Islam really is, along with the rest of us.

  4. Wasn’t there also a national television newsroom who repeatedly played the 911 tape and claimed to hear Zimmerman muttering racial slurs under his breath? They all huddled around and gasped and pretended to be shocked by what they were pretending they heard. I think they were trying to suggest that Zimmerman said “c**n.” Then the tape was submitted for analysis and the story about c**n just disappeared.
    Shame. Shame. Shame.

    • It was CNN and Anderson Cooper playing “enhanced” audio. More recently, well after that audio was proven false Nancy Grace of HLN repeated the slanderous lie.

  5. We have posted about the Zimmerman case on our blog and the title of the post we are commenting on, “The Abominable white man,” is very similar to words we used to describe the media portrayal of George Zimmerman, contrasted with that of Trayvon Martin. The MSM repeatedly showed photos of Trayvon Martin that were several years old, so he looked like a harmless, cuddly 12 year old, whereas, Mr. Zimmerman was portrayed as something approximating to the Incredible Hulk! The MSM employed disgraceful tactics in this case. We are sorry to hear of any death, including that of Trayvon Martin, but justice is not served by misrepresenting the facts and portraying an act of self defence (with tragic consequences in this case,) as murder.

  6. In my perception, the professional black complainers came out looking even worse than the press. While this nonsense show trial was going on, hundreds of black men, women and children were killed in Chicago, and (to my understanding) no one has been arrested for the crimes. Not one of those murders has received national attention. We don’t know the names of the victims. The victims don’t have totemic symbols (Skittles, hoodies) that can be waved in marches. What makes Trayvon special? Of course, it’s that he was killed by a white… er… um… “white Hispanic.”

    The fact that they had to make the strange stretch of inventing a new racial/ethnic group pretty much highlights the reality that they can’t find any other instance of the wanton murder of a black “teenager” by a white man.

    Yes, I said it: we don’t know the names of black-on-black crime victims because there are too many and they refuse to single one out for public scrutiny; we don’t know the names of white-on-black crime victims because they can’t find one. God knows, our vigilant media WANT such a crime. Why can’t they find one? Instead, they have to find one that’s close and whiten it up.

    Blacks prattle on and on about “institutional discrimination,” but can’t find a single story of a black person being told “We don’t hire your kind here.” But like feminists who can’t stand it that their old problem of unequal pay is GONE, blacks are now faced with the cold reality that their victimization is over, and so (like the feminists) they continue the lie. It’s like Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard” swooping around her mansion, pretending that she’s still a movie star. She knows no other way to exist. Blacks know no other way to exist than “I’m outraged!”

    They need to discover the liberating truth that’s found in the saying “Living well is the best revenge.” If people are trampling you, just walk away, forget them, go build a happy life. It will annoy your enemies more than lawsuits and legislation.

    My part of the country is loaded with South East Asians who are doing generally well because they have community cohesion. Blacks can’t get their [excrement] together because of their “leaders” filling their heads with tales of white bogeymen who won’t hire them if they ever did try to go get an education and a job; an entertainment industry that tells them to be “cool” instead of smart, impregnate women and abandon them, and Democrats who tell them to wait in their cages for the daily food pellet to fall into the bowl.

    • You’re right: “community cohesion” in a functional community is crucial to keeping kids on the right path. In my reading at the Tree House it became obvious that Trayvon (what kind of made-up name is THAT??) Martin had neither family nor community. In his adolescent ignorance, he was drawn to flashy bling values, which may have been one reason he was suspected of stealing jeweley.

    • “The fact that they had to make the strange stretch of inventing a new racial/ethnic group pretty much highlights the reality that they can’t find any other instance of the wanton murder of a black “teenager” by a white man.”
      Exactly. Certain pressure groups were desperate to find evidence of something they pretend is commonplace in “racist” white America but in fact is extremely rare. Those pressure groups have no intention of addressing the epidemic of violence that makes white/Asian/Hispanic people (even Jesse Jackson when he was honest) think, “Maybe it’s a good idea to be wary when a certain demographic is involved.”

      The pressure groups don’t want to acknowledge that what looks like “prejudice” is sometimes actually a sober assessment of facts and statistics. It’s unfortunate when good people are (initially) viewed through a lens of suspicion, but it’s dishonest to claim that the suspicion is entirely the result of rank bigotry and entirely the fault of white people.

      I’ve watched a mob of black teenagers break windows and loot stores when they weren’t even purporting to protest anything; they were just emerging from a party and wanted to have some fun. That was by no means a singular case.

      I wish that “black leaders” would sit down and watch all the available video of black gangs or mobs or just unruly teenagers causing mayhem and bodily injury (and try to find the equivalent white mobs), and sincerely, honestly ask themselves: “Should our ‘community’ perhaps be doing something different to deserve the unqualified respect of white people?”

      • Well, the fact of the matter is that if you consider the older, early 20th century anthropomorphic standards, a lot of America’s Hispanics are indeed “white”. I’m of Jewish and Scandinavian background myself (Chinese through the better half), but when I visited Puerto Rico, I noticed that if I’d known Spanish well enough, I might’ve blended in.

        Back in the Dark Ages (the 1930’s-’50’s, I think), a lot of states classed Mestizo Mexican-Americans as “white”, and the Hispanic “race” started our as “Spanish-surnamed” (until someone noted that the Filipino- and Sephardi-descended muddied the waters).

  7. Good one Dymphna, it IS more heartening than depressing that the pillars of justice held firm, even though the Feds are still going to do their damnedest to
    fit poor Zimmerman up. The whole thing feels like a post-natal abortion as the
    odds are stacked against Z. One other thing confirmed as if we didn’t already know, is that it seems at least 90 per cent of Afro-Americans are out-and-out
    racists of the highest order. I hope Z survives, he did nothing wrong.

  8. There’s another factor here. Most of the African American community INSISTS that George Zimmerman is Jewish, when he’s not the least bit Jewish.

    It started with the New Black Panthers calling him a “dirty Jew”. This, no doubt, fueled the vitriol against him. To this day, if you do a twitter search for Zimmerman + Jew (and look at All) you see dozens of posts every minute from African Americans calling him a Jew.

    They call him “white” and he’s not. They call him “jew” and he’s not. Are there really so few cases of actual white people shooting black people that they have to make one up?

    Sadly, I personally know three white people who were murdered by black people. Nobody cares about them.

    • When the inevitable black mob tries to go rampaging into a white neighborhood they will shortly understand that we are not easy pickings as they thought we were. The Balkanization continues until the proverbial straw breaks the camels back and we get downright medieval in the face of naked aggression.

  9. What this entire sorry tale has spelled out without any doubt what so ever, is just how racist the majority of black people in the USA are. Mr West would be a great role model for them if they would only listen to him, but the BGI has to be fed.

    Now as a European I will try in my own way to educate as many people that it was the Black population being racist, but it will be a very uphill battle, but we must keep plugging away, that Zimmerman’s own record proved that he was no racist makes the BGI even more foolish, but getting those facts out to the general populatin will be very hard.

    • I was talking to a black friend about this case and regret my sweeping generalisation there, anger at the BGI made me make that statement, I am glad that there are many black people that see through this, but its worrying to see so many that are taken in by it.

  10. You may as well have Al Sharpton for President and the Black Panthers for police!

    • That won’t happen. I know a number of blacks who would never have anything to do with such a person.

      We live in a rural place, in a black “neighborhood” – if you can have a neighborhood in the country, where houses are so far apart. The people here are the descendants of those who stayed put after the Civil War. One local fellow, a black man who’d come back to retire here after leaving for the big city as a young man, ran for the County Supervisor post for our area last time around. He lost because he’d brought back his big city ways with him and had generally managed to alienate everyone around here. Last I heard he’s moving back to the big city.

      One thing I didn’t say but which you can find in that Conservative Tree House website is that Trayvon Martin was a thrown-away kid from a very young age. It was no wonder he was headed toward a life of troubles…no one wanted him. As one person said, he was worth more to them as a dead victim than he ever was as a living teenager.

      • As coincidence would have it, a film titled “The Butler” will be released soon. At 2:12 in the video preview, the son of this butler, a defiant member of the black panther party is confronted by his father, the butler (played by Forrest Whitaker) and then his mother (played by Oprah Winfrey) . Those days, of earned self esteem and pride, appear to be gone.

      • The “thrown-away kid” is certainly a big part of the back story, but of course it was completely ignored by the dominant media and erased by the Scheme Team, who immediately set out to make sure that Sybrina and Tracy always appeared together like an up-till-recently happily little family, when in fact Sybrina didn’t seem to know much about Trayvon’s life over the past several years, and Tracy appeared to be more concerned about the next main squeeze than about his “baby.” Trayvon was said to have spent as much time as possible at an uncle’s house.

        Trayvon’s parents tore apart the moorings that might have enabled him to grow into a healthy and non-pugilistic adulthood. And now the pro-Trayvon crowd says it’s all down to “white racism.”

  11. Nobody that followed the actual trial was remotely surprised by the verdict. At the end of the day, every bit of actual evidence presented firmly vindicated Zimmerman’s account of events in every relevant detail.

    The prosecution case consisted entirely of trying to shift the burden of proof to the defense, in a complete reversal of normal presumption of innocence, while obstructing the introduction of relevant evidence, and even at that it failed. There was some danger that the case could have ended with a hung jury, but a conviction was basically impossible.

    Then why? Why all of this?

    Because Zimmerman’s acquittal is useful.

    Most obviously, it forwards the idea that racial bias against blacks is still a serious problem in America, when the truth is that racial bias against whites is a far greater issue. But that is a canard, the real target is gun-ownership, and particularly the right to carry. As things stand, the forces arrayed to destroy freedom in America cannot actually win. They can tear the country apart in another civil war, but they’ll lose (again). They MUST disarm those who support the Constitution and Rule of Law if they are to have any hope of imposing totalitarian government.

    This isn’t about race at all. It’s about the rights of law-abiding citizens to carry lethal weapons to defend themselves against unlawful aggression. And the hidden message behind all the commentary on the incident is that the gun is to blame. Yes, there are far more fatalities which have gone unmarked by those that would impose tyranny. But they suffer from a serious defect, they were generally committed with illegally obtained guns. The racial aspect the Zimmerman case is useful to make it a national story. But the utility of the case comes from the fact that Martin was killed by a legally obtained and carried handgun.

    This might make the case somewhat less accessible to Europeans. This, above all else, is what they probably find “weird” about Zimmerman. But it is a simple calculation of tyranny, if those who love and uphold the principle of Rule of Law are armed and ready to defend it, then tyrants cannot emerge victorious.

    • As someone who has followed this case from the beginning, your comment is one of the most insightful and intelligent I have seen, apart from the reporting at The Conservative Treehouse.

      Americans must actively oppose the attempt of the federal government to take away the right to keep and bear arms, which resides in the Constitution of the United States of America, and is backed up by the millions of guns and gun owners who wield them in this imperiled republic.

      • IIRC, I’ve seen your name in some of the comment threads that post automatically on the home page at “The Last Refuge”.

        Your nic grabbed my attention because St. Benedict greatly influenced the form that western monasticism would take thanks to his Rule.

        We need just such a quiet determined reformer in what passes for our national political religion in this country.

        • I was very grateful to find the Treehouse when the Zimmerman case broke open. Like Gates of Vienna, they are fearless about the truth.

          St. Benedict has greatly influenced my thinking over the years. The thistle part came when my parish priest went after me for stirring up ‘trouble’ in my parish and becoming a “burr under his saddle”. I’m afraid St. Benedict would be none too pleased with my lack of obedience. 😉

    • Holder’s focus on “Stand Your Ground” is particularly cynical when he knows it wasn’t part of the trial. And his department must have the data indicating that crime rates dropped dramatically after SYG was enacted in Florida, just as they tend to drop when concealed carry is allowed.

      Holder must know all that. Therefore, reducing violent crime cannot be his agenda.

      • I’ve also heard that SYG has been disproportionately used by black people to defend their right of self-preservation in the face of violent attack. And, a recent gun-rights case was brought to court by a black man who needed to defend himself in a dangerous neighborhood.

        Again, it shows how cynical and dishonest the race-baiting-anti-gun-anti-self-defense Holder and Obama are.

    • Bingo. That is why Obama and Holder pivoted immediately to Infringing upon the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and rolling back the Right of Self Defense.

  12. FYI, Zimmermann would have been acquitted under Danish law, a clear case of self-defence.

    The American hysteria musr serve some purpose.

    • The purpose is to advance the Narrative and keep the pressure on disarming the population and removing their right to self defense.

  13. Note to this commenter: I usually don’t understand your comments, and that’s probably due to the language and culture gap between us. However, I can grasp enough of this one to see that you’re actually On Topic so it’s getting published 😉

    First question: Who of the two tried to “achieve” a fighting by words ?

    This could have been both or only one.

    A serious judge or judgess could check this.

    The more important is a “doublett”- question: Who of the two had started the corporal fighting and for which “reason” ?

    A serious judge or judgess could have checked this.

    Finally the most important question: Did one`s or both fighters aiming turned finally clearly to the wish of “killing” the “enemy” ?

    This could also have been both or only one as both or only one could have cried for help and both or only one could have had while crying for help having had already the intent to murder.

    A really serious judge or judgess should have checked this.

    This would need judges minds which are freely thinking.

    If truth finding is the theme: No one can flee ………

    Would have had Martin instead of building HIS trap by fleeing called 911 while being confronted with Zimmerman`s following and phoning ……… maybe they would have finally have become friends.

    … hating both first their own lie-bounded dispositions. And by positive discussing finding the way out their own lies….. by helping each other, not quarreling each other deeper down into inhuman “orders of the dark.”

    • I watched a few minutes on a Fox Vid on the case. Lawyers used the terms of “win” and “loose” …..

      How sickminded they are ……

      Such a trial is never a case of “win” or “loose” its a procedure to detect guilt and how big this guilt or how small it is…. and even with the possibility in mind that for the cause of guilt someone is looking for there is no indication at all.

  14. We here in England cam empathize with your situation. We had a similar case. A black youth, Stephen Lawrence was assaulted and killed at a bus stop. It was also same here, one would think that it was the first murder in England. The media were out in full force for a conviction. The bad news for you my American cousins is that you probably have not heard the last of Mr. Zimmerman. The UK changed the law. In the first court case two men were found not guilty. When further ‘evidence’ appeared the law was changed and the men stood trial again. Double jeopardy had been thrown out of the window. Later this year ‘pop stars’ are holding a concert for the Stephen Lawrence Trust or some such garbage. The only thing missing in the Stephen Lawrence affair is for the MSM to call for his beatification. So be prepared I suspect that there will be a lot more to come.
    Incidentally, talking of crimes the other way round. Let me enlighten you of a couple of names you won’t have heard of. The first is Charlene Downes. This was a young English girl who went missing. Police secretly taped suspects talking about her. They had groomed and sexually assaulted her. They then murdered her. To get rid of the body they minced her up and she was served as kebabs in their takeaway shop. They were sent for trial but were dismissed because of a legal technicality. They also received £250,000 ($450,000?) in compensation.
    Kris Donald was an unfortunate white youth. Walking down a road in Edinburgh he was abducted by ‘Asians’ who beat and tortured him for being white. They eventually dumped him on a tow path and set fire to him while he was still alive.
    But, Hey, these last two were white. Who cares what happened to them.

    • I’ve heard of Charlene Downes and Kris Donald because I read sites like GoV. But there was an interesting video in which someone went around a British city asking if the name “Stephen Lawrence” rang a bell, and everyone knew who it was, but nobody at all recognized the names of white Britons killed by people of foreign origin. It’s sickening how the predominantly white establishment so avidly cultivates the myth that whites are always victimizers and non-whites are always victims — unless, perhaps, they themselves become victims, but even then they’ll sometimes make patronizing excuses for their attackers. The double standard is a form of moral condescension.

    • The latest revision of the ‘ Saint Stephen ‘ story is that
      Lawrence and his friend were selling dope in the area and
      the drug gang that attacked him were not pleased he was doing business on their patch.

      • I’m still not convinced by the case against those tried and found guilty of Lawrence’s murder. (I can’t recall their names – that means something, tho I know not what). Lawrence’s parents have become celebrities since the death of their son, the MSM giving them every opportunity to pontificate, and the establishment inviting them on to race-related committees and working parties. Lawrence’s murder could have happened yesterday for all the MSM’s constant reference to it.

    • Don’t forget Christopher Yates. He was “… knocked to the ground and his head kicked like a football …” by an Asian (i.e. Muslim) gang in London in 2004.

      After the attack one of the gang was heard to say in Urdu: “We have killed the white man. That will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business.”

  15. As a European looking at this case from an outsider’s perspective, the thing I find most shocking is the rampant tribalism on display by a significant element of the American black community.

    It is perfectly obvious that if the murderer had been black, or if the victim had been white or Hispanic, then Al Sharpton and all the protesters would not be getting involved. What about all of the black on black murders in America, and where were the protesters then?

    As for Obama’s comment of “if I had a son, then he would look like Trayvon”, then this just shows that black tribalism is represented right at the top of the political establishment in America today.

    • Good to know there are parts of the world where that kind of tribalism can be a shock and not an all-too-familiar reality. And you’ve probably noticed how the “people of color” who reject the tribalism and think for themselves are viciously treated by the tribe and by their white patrons who otherwise maintain that any critical word about a “person of color” is ipso facto racist. The dishonesty and moral contortions are stunning.

      One of the main drivers of tribalism, I think, is the power and sometimes considerable wealth it brings to people who keep the victim narrative going and the ethnic tensions boiling.

    • This is but one of many frightening biases the tribal chief at the top manifests. I’m not American either, but I’ve been observing him since just before he decided to run in 1998 and quite frankly the veneer of greatness that that his enablers coated him with then, has almost completely eroded now and the ugly reality of the core of the incompetent has been laid bare for all to see.

      Conservative, decent, Americans (those that built and maintained the values and morals and indeed the greatness of America) are not surprized by this revelation and the remaining low-information quotient are incapable of seeing it or do not care to see it. In Rachel Jeantel, we now know the face of the ubiquitous low-information American. This is the type of American that results when AlSharpton/JessieJackson/JeremiahWright/Dr.Drey/MichaelJAckson is your role-model and if truth be known there are far more of these than there are Benjamin Carsons. Their number will grow in leaps and bounds through the next generations unless America can right the listing ship of state that Obama knowingly steers onto the rocks.

      I commented here when I first joined that most Americans had little idea of the damage that Obama intended to do to America and the people who built her. His pace of destruction is accelerating as he leaves scandal after scandal in his wake. America has had some poor presidents (Dubya, Ford, Johnson), an incompetent president (Carter) and a couple of criminal presidents (Nixon, Clinton) but until now, it never had an incompetent, criminal obscenity of a president hiding his evil behind a mask of claimed transparency. Max.

  16. We autochthones don’t really have any alternative left to us and hence I commend this thought to you:

    “He either fears his fate too much,
    Or his desserts are small,
    Who dares not put it to the touch,
    To win or lose it all.”
    James Graham, 1st Marquess and 5th Earl of Montrose, 1612-1650

    Unfortunately, he failed…
    “He was brought a prisoner to Edinburgh, and on 20 May sentenced to death by the parliament. He was hanged on the 21st, with Wishart’s laudatory biography of him around his neck. He protested to the last that he was in truth a Covenanter and a loyal subject.” (Wikki).

    …but, what the hell, better to die a free man (or woman) than a slave. Your call, guys and gals, it really is that simple.

    Seneca III

    • Seneca —

      As inspiring as the sentiment is, your analogy between the USA and Europe does not hold in this regard.

      Black Americans are every bit as much “autochthons” as white Americans are. In fact, statistically speaking, they have precedence over white people, in that the African ancestors of the average black person arrived on these shores (in chains) several generations before the European ancestors of the average white person (free or indentured).

      The catastrophic immigration problem in Europe is no more than three generations old. European indigenes have on average perhaps fifty generations of precedence, and none of the arriving allochthons was brought there against his or her will.

      Although the symptoms are the same — illiteracy, crime, violence, rape, gangs, welfare dependency, etc. — the etiology of the disease is quite different.

      Any solution here in the USA will have to take this difference into account.

      • Your reply to Seneca hits on one of the unsung issues in American race relations: perverse social climbing.

        My white kinfolk mostly arrived in the USA after the Civil War, although a sister of one of my great-grandfather’s married a guy who’d served in a Wisconsin regiment in the Civil War. Generally, we were looked down on for being “greenhorns” and a few other epithets reserved for certain European immigrants.

        Well, by feeling guilty over slavery, people like us can pretend that we’re the peers of the South’s tidewater aristocracy and New England’s codfish aristoccracy (the folks who owned the slave ships before importation of slaves became illegal).

        It’s a kind of perverse social climbing.

  17. Shooting a suspected thief doesn’t always have to end this way… a few years ago, Roderick Scott was aquitted of shooting dead a teenager “because he’d threatened him”… apparently he had cause to be in fear of his life… The result? A national outcry? For some strange reason, there were only a few small snippets in newspapers, such as this

    Why? Could it just be, because the shooter in that case was black, and his victim white??

  18. Ive seen much ink spilled in denying minorities can be racists because they lack the institutional power to persecute and discriminate against the majority white European population. Well this case adds to the pile of discriminatory legislation to disabuse the notion that minorities dont have the institutional power to persecute the majority white European population. The DOJ, Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama, and the racist lynch mob led by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the NAACP and it’s head Ben Jealous, the vast majority of the Mainstream Media, the city of Sanford, the State of Florida, the Governor of Florida, the Florida State Prosecutors office, all either persecuted Zimmerman of their own volition or were forced by racist lynch mobs and government officials to do so. One hero in this travesty is the former Chief of Police who refused to arrest Zimmerman, because their wasnt evidence to merit an arrest, who was fired for executing his duty to uphold the law.

    It’s clear that these racists do have institutional power to persecute white Europeans. This is besides a myriad of laws that made discrimination against white Europeans not just legal but the enforced law of the land. Affirmative action aka legal discrimination being the prime but not only example. Diversity promotion enforced via Human Resources Departments being a non-governmental instance of said persecution and discrimination.

    Think for a minute if this was done to a black man who had shot a white teenager in self defense. Imagine that the Attorney General and the DOJ got involved after his acquittal in a court of law to dragnet for dirt on the acquitted black man in order to bring justice to the white community.

    That is what we are witnessing. This is a racist lynching, pure and simple.

  19. Thank you Dymphna for your cogent distillation and for providing links so we can see for ourselves. I look forward to any further court cases brought by the Martin family, because this alone will show America, who Trayvon Martin really was. It will show his family, the court system and the foul air within the racebaiters industrial complex. Let’s let the sunshine into this fetid stink. It will let the sunshine in on the media, the court system and maybe more importantly, the education system in Florida where the 19 year old witness is going into her senior year and she wrote a statement, but could not read what she wrote since she can’t read cursive. Some people said she needed a translator since English wasn’t her first language, no kidding. Black is her first language and since being in school since kindergarten, her estimated cost to Florida taxpayers in $100,000. Some fool radio host offered her tutors and a college education. She said I have a 3.0. As a Canadian it means nothing to me, but [I found her alleged intelligence less than impressive]. I am sincerely hoping there is another trial where all the tweets and info from Trayvon Martin get some fresh air and truth, not that it would stop the crazies, but to sober minder seekers of truth it could be a balm.

  20. Two quick points:
    1. I saw the first few days of the GZ trial on US Tv [I’m English]; it’s the first time I’ve seen US TV in 32 years [bar the odd show on UK TV]. And I’ve never seen a US court in action before. First thing that struck me was how disrespectful Jeantel behaved – and the judge say nothing. Not once. I was torn between a. she’s getting away with it as she’s back and b. maybe that’s acceptable now in US courts. I’d have been telling her to pull the chair close to the mike, sit up straight, speak loudly and clearly. You’re in a court of law.
    2. On the Stephen Lawrence case, let’s not forget Trayvon Martin’s parents came to London to visit the spot where Lawrence was killed. Here at 0:20 you’ll hear one of the Martin legal team [Benjamin Crump?] say ‘It’s eery how similar this is”. This is from UK news and typical of their reporting of anything racial.

  21. @ my 0515 post – “said nothing” not “say” and “as she’s black” not back.

  22. Some of you have wondered about white-on-black crime. Here’s an instance that also shows how crazy we’ve become in these United States.

    Back when the much-execrated Dubya Bush was gov. of Texas, a black man named James byrd was hitch-hiking, got picked up by three ex-jailbird white supremacists, and dragged to death behind their pickup truck. An all-white jury found the three guilty, and sentenced two to death (three cheers for “barbaric” Texas). When the condemned men’s attorneys brought a last-ditch appeal for executive clemency to the governor, old Dubya didn’t even pretend to be gone fishing when he refused it. So much for “white racist” Texas.

    Yet the race-baiters nonetheless went after Texas and its governor because the murder of James Byrd wasn’t called a “hate crime”.

    BTW, my guess is that had Byrd been armed and shot his assailants while they were trying to tie him up, “white racist” Texas authorities probably would have deemed it self-defense and refrained from pressing charges.

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