Condition Red in Sderot

Our Israeli correspondent MC reports that Sderot is under rocket attack from Gaza again. He just sent this message:

Just to let you know we had three code reds in the last ten minutes. I will keep you informed

No detonations heard…

Here’s an early report from Israel National News:

Salvo of Kassams From Gaza Hit Near Sderot

A salvo of kassam missiles were fired from the Hamas-enclave of Gaza on Thursday night towards Sderot and the surrounding communities. As of now, three rockets have been identified as having fallen in open fields, with no damage or injuries reported.

The ‘code red’ warning siren was sounded in Sderot and the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional District, bordering Gaza…

Fjordman: Iran’s Final Solution for Israel

Fjordman has published a review of Andrew Bostom’s new book at American Thinker. Some excerpts are below:

Andrew G. Bostom is the author of such seminal works as The Legacy Of Jihad: Islamic Holy War And The Fate Of Non-Muslims and Sharia Versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism. In March 2014 he published his latest book, Iran’s Final Solution for Israel: The Legacy of Jihad and Shi’ite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran.

Bostom worries about what he terms the Trusting Khomeini Syndrome. Just days after the Islamic leader Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran in 1979, Richard Falk, an International Law Professor at Princeton University, reassured the world in a New York Times op-ed entitled “Trusting Khomeini” that “the depiction of him as fanatical, reactionary and the bearer of crude prejudices seems certainly and happily false.”

Richard Falk was very wrong back then. Khomeini and his hard-line mullahs succeeded in deceiving quite a few Iranians and even more naïve Western observers about their true intentions. Have Western leaders and policy makers learned anything in the decades that have passed since then? Bostom fears that this is not the case.

Khomeini faced a weak US President back in the late 1970s in Jimmy Carter. His successors face an equally weak US President in Barack Hussein Obama today, plus many appeasing European powers, too. The difference is that this time, the Islamic regime in Iran has a substantial nuclear program as well. Bostom doesn’t criticize merely the Obama Administration, but also the Bush Administration, for failing to deal properly with the Iranian threat. The mullahs of Iran arguably constitute a greater threat than the cruel but largely secular dictator Saddam Hussein in Iraq ever did.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/2/2014

An Iraq vet with PTSD named Ivan Lopez went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, killing three people before committing suicide. A number of other people were wounded, and have been taken to area hospitals.

In other news, the Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik will go to court in attempt to end his nearly three years of solitary confinement, which he says breaches his human rights.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Open Season on Austrian Churches

Earlier this week an Austrian man was arrested after committing serious vandalism at a number of churches and cathedrals in Austria. Below is a translated article from Krone that was posted earlier tonight at Vlad Tepes (see Vlad’s post for photos of some of the damage). Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for the translation:

Asylum seeker admits vandalism in six churches

A 37-year-old asylum seeker, who was apprehended on Tuesday on suspicion of deliberately causing damage to several Vienna churches, has declared himself comprehensively guilty. The man admitted that in a total of six churches he had destroyed statues and damaged baptismal fonts.

The man had left behind a trail of destruction through Viennese cathedrals. In doing so, he caused massive material damage, which has so far left investigators puzzled. According to police in reference to his statement, the 37-year-old had committed his crimes in Pfarre St. Othmar, Kolonitzplatz, Bezirk Landstraße, in a church at Uhlplatz in the Viennese suburb Josefstadt, in Lazaristenkirche, Neubau, in Pfarrkirche, Neuottakring, in the main cathedral of Saint Stephan, and finally on Tuesday in Barnabitenkirche, Mariahilf.

Caught in the act in St. Stephen’s Cathedral

The man was first arrested on Saturday evening, when the 37-year-old threw the statue of the Holy Judas Thaddeus from its stand. As he tried to escape, intervention by employees held him back. Shortly after, however, the man was released, and only later it was discovered that he had vandalized several other churches. Due to their suspicions, the Vienna legal authorities issued a warrant for his arrest.

Early Tuesday the 37-year-old struck again, damaging two statues in Mariahilfer Pfarrkirche. Shortly thereafter the man was finally apprehended in Traiskirchen, Lower Austria.

The 37-year-old says he was on “tasked by God”

“He has made a complete confession, but is providing very confusing statements about his motivation. The man has stated that he ‘was tasked by God’”, said police spokesman Roman Hahslinger on Tuesday evening. The 37-year-old has explained that according to his belief, man must not create any idols.

“The suspect is not psychotic at the moment, but will be taken to prison”, according to Hahslinger. There is no immediate risk of self-inflicted harm or harm to others, but of course the mental state of the imprisoned will be examined. Political motivations for his vandalism are ruled out.

There are more photos at the original article (in German).

Farage vs. Clegg, Round Two

Nigel Farage of UKIP engaged Nick Clegg of the Lib-Dems in a second round of debate tonight hosted by BBC television.

In this writer’s humble opinion, Mr. Farage ate Mr. Clegg’s lunch. Unfortunately for Mr. Farage, that lunch was alfalfa sprouts on Ryvita, and who would want to eat that?

Below are excerpts from the exchange, mostly focused on Syria, Ukraine, and Vladimir Putin:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

Reality is Blond!

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends this report on a recent culturally enriched event in a Dutch village that highlighted the reality that Geert Wilders has so often been excoriated for describing.

Reality is blond!
by H Numan

A few days ago I reported about what happened after the local elections in The Netherlands. A big stick was found to beat Wilders with, to divert attention from the massive losses suffered, most of all by the socialist party.

That circus is still going on. Not really a circus, more like church expressing an act of faith: mayors and aldermen walk solemnly in ceremonial procession to a police office so each can personally file an official complaint against Geert Wilders. Very much like publicly confessing sins by sacrificing a white bird (seagull) on the altar of politically correctness.

However, things are not going the way they hoped. Wilders doesn’t have to do a thing. Reality does it for him. The poor oppressed victimized Moroccans do everything they possibly can to show Wilders’ remarks were quiet, restrained, even polite, and above all 100% spot on. Read what even the staunchest multicultural believer cannot sweep under the rug.

Saturday a jewelry shop in the small village of Deurne was robbed at gunpoint by three suspects. Only it went wrong. The wife of the owner shot two robbers dead; the third one got away.

On Sunday the DA came to the conclusion this was a case (exceptionally rare in The Netherlands) of justified self-defense. The wife was, of course, still a suspect, but she is free until this case goes to court. In court she will not be the accused, but the victim. The gun she used was possibly an illegal weapon, so she will have to explain that to the court. But the act of using that gun itself was not, in his opinion, reason to keep her in custody.

As soon as I read the news about the robbery I noticed no clues whatsoever were given to the identity of the suspects. By law the family name of suspects cannot be printed, only the initials. Usually suspects are named by their first name followed by the initial. Volkert v.d. G, for example. To protect their privacy.

Since most criminals for whatever reason appear to be Muslim, and most often of Moroccan origin, that was changed by all media into vague terms. Yusuf H., Mohammed B., or Hassan Y. are too obvious. Almost invariably no clues are given at all. They are described as “citizens of”, “locals from”, “boys of”; that sort of vague terminology. Which is a dead giveaway that Muslims and most likely of Muslims Moroccan extraction are involved.

All the more so because the media assume people are really stupid. When a real Dutchman commits a crime they do write his first name plus initial. So, if you read “a robber from …” it’s almost certainly a Moroccan. If you read “the suspect Jan B. …” it’s a Dutchman. Easy.

On Sunday too many people inquired if the suspects were something else than Dutch Reformed juveniles skipping Sunday school. The DA gave away the identity of the first dead robber: he was Dutch Moroccan. On Tuesday the second one was identified: a real Moroccan. Illegally in the country. Both with a record of violent crimes. The third one is not yet identified and police are searching for him. Let’s guess. This chap is probably from Nunavut.

If the police can spare the time, because the above mentioned politically correct exorcism ceremonies do take up a lot of it. Time they could much better be issuing speeding tickets or fining pedestrians walking through red lights. Real important matters, in other words.

On Sunday evening they had to act on an illegal demonstration in Deurne, which supported…

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LIVE: Benghazi Again. CIA Testifying

“Talking Points”…who drew them up, and who decided what they would be.

Live stream right now. We will find the archive later but at this moment the live exchanges are here:

The Benghazi Talking Points and Michael J. Morell’s Role in Shaping the Administration’s Narrative

And Mr.Morell, the Acting Director of the CIA during Benghazi, appears to be running away from this radioactive material…

NOTE: I hope to put up a larger background post on Benghazi and the American mis-management of the lead-up to the massacre and the even more egregious mishandling of the aftermath.

There are many Americans, in and out of the government, who are concerned about this debacle and determined not to let this one disappear, not to allow SecState Clinton’s “what does it matter” meme to decide the process of what we will be permitted to know.

Many career personnel are now concerned for their own safety in the face of hazardous duties on the rise and this administration’s proven disregard for their safety.

Too many “I don’t recalls” are starting now…


The hearing has ended now. So we back up to the already-recorded morning investigation of Mr. Morelli. This is twelve-minute video so it must be a digest:

Mr. Morelli testifies before the House Select Committee on Intelligence, 12 minutes long.

Here is more than an hour, though it’s not clear if this is the whole enchilada…the website for the Committee assumes the watcher is more familiar with their procedures than is reasonable:

Recorded Live, the Hour-Long Testimony of Michael Morelli

Especially listen to the beginning introduction by the head of this committee, but then, you can safely skip the following ~ twenty-one minutes of bumpf.]

Commenters are welcome to reflect on the testimony of Mr. Morelli and/or the Congressmen’s questions.

NB: The head of this committee, Mike Rogers, has announced his retirement from Congress. He will be leaving to begin his own radio program, based in Washington. The grapevine talk is that he’s positioning himself as a potential candidate for the presidential primary campaign – that perennial race which never really stops anymore.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/1/2014

An 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck earlier this evening off the coast of Chile. Two fatalities have been reported so far, and landslides and building damage occurred in several cities. Coastal areas of Chile and parts of Peru have been evacuated in anticipation of a tsunami.

In other news, violence between police and university students continued in four different Egyptian cities. The student are supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, KP, Papa Whiskey, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Rapes in Sweden, Redux

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

Rapes in Sweden, Redux
by Fjordman

In early 2014, journalist Simen Sætre in the weekly Morgenbladet in Norway published an essay about rapes in Sweden. Curiously, he seemed to be more concerned about the fact that “xenophobic” and “Islam-hating” people like me write about this subject than he was about the actual problem. Sætre has previously claimed, with absolutely zero facts to back up his case, that my essays were never meant seriously. Ironically, the same man who makes claims without any basis in facts has suggested that my texts and views are not fact-based.

Let us look into this matter more closely.

In 2013, 5900 rapes were officially reported to the police in Sweden, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet — Brå). This figure was slightly lower than in 2012, but the reported number has been close to or above 6000 for several years. We’ll stick to a medium number of 6000 reported annual rapes for the last couple of years.

We know with certainty that there are numerous victims who don’t report rape to the police. Many criminologists assume that the official numbers only reveal a minority of such cases. This assumption is backed up by a number of studies.

[Header] Residence permits granted during the year — The number of reported rapes in the years 1980-2008 (Source Migration Board, BRÅ)

[Footer] (grey) Granted residence during the year — (red) Number of reported rapes during the year

The crucial question is: How much higher is the real number of rapes? Twice as large as the official numbers? Four times as big? Ten times?

In late 2013, I published an essay about this very subject in which I suggested two different estimates for how many rapes there truly are in Sweden. The lowest estimate was that one in four rapes committed are actually reported to the police and listed in official statistics. On average for the last couple of years, more than 6000 rapes have been reported in the country annually. If this merely represents one in four rapes actually committed, the real number is 24,000 rapes annually.

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Beating the Mohammed Meme

I wince every time I hear Barack Obama say “The Holy Qur(*gulp*)an”. If he’s a Christian, as he claims to be, the book is not at all holy to him. It’s unseemly and embarrassing to hear a president talk this way.

The BBC has caught the same disease. I’ve read BBC news articles about alleged desecrators of “The Holy Qur’an” and accounts of newspapers that publish blasphemous cartoons of the “Prophet Mohammed”. The Beeb doesn’t refer to “Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” in any of its publications, does it? What does this tell you about the official institutional religion at the British Broadcasting Corporation?

The following essay by Sonia Bailey about the Western “Prophet Mohammed” compulsion was originally published at the American Thinker on March 25.

Beating the Mohammed Meme

by Sonia Bailey

North American news outlets are unwittingly caving to Islam. They have fallen into the trap of referring to Islam’s founder Mohammed as The Prophet Mohammed, implying that his “prophethood” is universally accepted. These media outlets, like their European counterparts, are unknowingly extending the influence of Islam to their viewers, thereby doing the proselytistic work of Muslim propagandists who are relentlessly bullying their host society into sharia-compliance. It is precisely this indifference and ignorance that Islam is counting on in order to help subjugate Western civilization to sharia law.

Casually repeating the phrase The Prophet Mohammed, instead of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, on television to millions upon millions of viewers, cements this phrase into their consciousness until eventually the phrase metamorphoses into a mantra or meme, a term coined by zoologist and atheist Richard Dawkins. A meme is a catchy phrase that spreads quickly like a virus from person to person until the imitated phrase finally gets ingrained into the culture. Grooming gangs, a polite term used by Western media when referring to Muslim rape gangs (the definitive report on this problem in Britain is available here) is another example of a meme.

People are accepting the meme of The Prophet Mohammed as a given, or as a basic fact, in much the same way that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. Eventually, more and more people will come to falsely believe that Mohammed was one of the world’s most righteous prophets, when in reality he was a prophet specific only to Islam, a prophet who showed fanatical hatred for and intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims, women, gays and Western values. He brutally forced other religions to accept his faith with the goal of replacing Western civilization with an Islamic one, all the while enslaving, massacring or taxing those who refused to submit.

Considered in Islam to be the perfect model for humanity, Mohammed the warlord must be emulated. His followers are religiously obligated to copy his banditry practices and violent actions that are all divinely sanctioned in Islamic doctrine. This explains why brutal sharia-compliant acts, such as beheadings, stonings, hangings, limb amputations, child-bride marriages, and female genital mutilation continue to dominate the modern Muslim world.

These barbaric acts that show no regard for human life are rearing their ugly heads in the West as well. Street-killings of non-Muslims, honor-killings, and raping and pimping of underage non-Muslim girls are occurring with regularity. Even worse, acceptance of these atrocities is becoming the new social norm in the West, where they are rarely publicized.

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The Twelver Apocalypse

Andrew Bostom has written a new book, Iran’s Final Solution for Israel: The Legacy of Jihad and Shi’ite Islamic Jew-Hatred in Iran. In it he analyzes jihad and Jew-hatred in the Persian theocracy over the course of history. In his view, the relatively secular Pahlavi dynasty in the 20th century was an anomalous interval in an otherwise continuous history of apocalyptic Shi’a jihad in Iran. The mullahs who have ruled the country since 1979 are thus representative of an indigenous tradition among Shi’ites in Persia, rather than a sudden outburst of “extremism”.

Dr. Bostom has been appearing on various conservative media outlets to talk about his book. The following video is from his discussion with Monica Crowley on her radio show last weekend. Many thanks to KGS for YouTubing the audio:

Below are excerpts from Ed Driscoll’s interview with Dr. Bostom at Pajamas Media:

Mr. Driscoll: […] I think I can guess what Iran’s ultimate goal is, but in your estimation, how will they achieve what you describe as their final solution for Israel?

Mr. Bostom: Well, this seems to have been the goal of their nuclear program for a long time now. And whether they would actually use a ballistic missile to deliver a nuclear weapon to Israel, [or] turn it over to proxies, who could do something that would be akin to a mass suicide operation, it’s pretty clear from their own rhetoric, which now spans really the entire Khomeini era, even to some extent the pronouncements of Khomeini before he assumed power, that it’s something to be taken quite seriously.

And when you also consider the regime’s willingness to withstand sanctions and all kinds of international pressure not to develop nuclear weapons, you again have to take them at their word.

Mr. Driscoll: Andrew, let me quote from your book’s preface, which begins, “With great fanfare, and giddy expectations of continued diplomatic success, the so-called ‘P5 +1’ interim agreement was announced on November 24, 2013. Ostensibly, these negotiations were going to eliminate Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons, and constrain the regime’s hegemonic aspirations, including its oft-repeated bellicose threats to destroy the Jewish State of Israel.”

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, who are the P5+1? And how did they propose disarming Iran, which has long been hell-bent, seemingly literally so, to acquire the Bomb?

Mr. Bostom: The +1, which I’ll give you first, is Germany.

Mr. Driscoll: Yeah, and I wanted to ask you about the +1 when you’re done.

Mr. Bostom: It’s the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, since the U.N.’s founding; the major powers, the major post-World War One powers: Russia [from back when it was still the] Soviet Union; China; Britain; [America]; and France, plus Germany.

And the idea was that you could create a monitored enrichment program for Iran. Now, the fundamental flaw in this premise is that serious nuclear experts understand that the only way to guarantee, particularly with a regime like Iran, because it’s the same processes; whether it’s enrichment to so called, you know, only nuclear fuel grade of five percent or, you know, twenty percent to eighty percent and well into the high enrichment range for weapons, it’s the same exact processes.

So serious weapons prevention experts argue — and they have argued in open Congressional testimony — that the only way to assure that you won’t have a regime like Iran develop nuclear weapons, is to dismantle infrastructure. And that’s exactly what we’ve enshrined instead of dismantling.

Mr. Driscoll: The +1 that you mentioned in that formulation of P5+1 is Germany. What is their relationship with Iran?

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An Independent Beringia?

Two weeks ago, after months of Russian military buildup in eastern Siberia, 95% of the ethnic Russian residents of northwestern Alaska voted to declare independence from the United States and join their brethren just across the Bering Strait. The only remaining question is whether they will choose to join the Russian Federation, or set up a sovereign independent state known as the Republic of Beringia.

Below is the latest report from The Los Angeles Times on events in Beringia since the referendum:

What next for Beringia?

Nome, April 1 2014

By Scapley Montferrat

The chill wind blows in off the Norton Sound in the harbor area of Nome, the capital of the newly-independent state of Beringia. Longer days have returned to Nome, but there is not yet any sign of spring.

Earlier today I talked to a number of citizens down by the wharf, all of them Beringitsi, the ethnic Russians who have maintained their language and cultural identity here for centuries, since Catherine the Great first wrested Alaska from the Inuit in the 1780s. The fact that Secretary of State William Seward bought their territory from Russia in 1867 is of no moment to them. As far as they are concerned, Beringia remains Beringia.

Most of the men I spoke to were unwilling to give their names or go on the record. However, Pyotr Kornilov, a seal-blubber dealer and boat salesman, was ebullient and talkative. He spoke to me in fluent English, albeit with the peculiar Beringit accent.

“Aye, everyone around here is real happy about the vote,” he told me. “We’ve got our own flag and our own government offices now. Beringia is a reality!” He grinned at me, showing three missing teeth on one side. “We’ve always been Russian, ever since we first kicked the Inuit into the sound!”

I asked him if he thought the new state would join up with Russia.

He gave me a sidelong, canny look. “It’s too early to say, lad. I’ll tell you this, though: we’ll do whatever is in our best interests. That might be Russia, or it might not.”

I asked him about the Beringian economy. He reminded me that large oil reserves were recently discovered under the Chukchi Sea, just off Cape Lisburne.

“We’ve lots of choices about who will develop it, y’know. It’s not just Rosneft. The Chinese are very interested. We had a delegation of Chinese geologists and energy officials up here just last week. We’ll see who offers the best deal.

“I’m partial to the Chinks meself.” He winked at me. “Better-looking women, y’know…”

What caused the Beringian people to vote so overwhelmingly for independence?

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/31/2014

In the wake of the Socialists’ disastrous showing in the French municipal elections, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault felt compelled to resign. President François Hollande has appointed Interior Minister Manuel Valls as Mr. Ayrault’s successor.

Meanwhile, after his party’s victory in Turkish local elections, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised that the “traitors” who defamed him during the election campaign would pay.

In other news, North and South Korea fired artillery shells into each other’s territorial waters in a disputed area of the Yellow Sea near several South Korean islands.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, Nick, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Voices for the Voiceless

Everyone who labors in the “Islamophobia” business has to contend with the same issue: a lack of effectiveness in the wider world. As has often been pointed out, this website and others like it constitute for the most part an echo chamber. We are addressing an audience that is already familiar with the issues surrounding Islamization and largely agrees with what we say.

There are intramural battles, to be sure — some of them quite fierce. Does the “moderate” Muslim exist? Can the advance of Islam be stopped without first addressing the issue of globalist socialism? Does the welfare state have to collapse before the cultural enrichment of the West can be turned back? The intensity of the arguments over these questions masks the fact that most of the people engaged in the debate already agree with most of what the Counterjihad stands for.

How do we force the same issues into the attention span of the average uninformed low-information voter? This is the essential problem.

My approach is to pursue multiple tracks, mostly Europe-related, since that’s where the center of gravity for this blog may be found. The Brussels Process is one such track. The involvement of the International Civil Liberties Alliance in fighting creeping shariah through the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is another.

Dr. Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam has developed his own ingenious approach to the same problem. He employs the methods of the Left — simplified emotion-based arguments targeting the ill-informed — to shame previously uninvolved people into paying attention to the worldwide persecution of religious minorities by Islam. He uses the same “lefty-speak” as his opponents to occupy the moral high ground in the discussion.

In the following video Dr. Warner provides some specific advice and examples of his approach:

A couple of days ago we mentioned the Religious Communicators Council (RCC) meeting in Nashville later this week. Bill Warner and other activists from Voices for the Voiceless are planning a silent demonstration at the event:

RCC is Training Writers to Deny the Persecution of Christians

We will hold a silent demonstration on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 11:15 am to protest the Religious Communicators Council (RCC) meeting in Nashville. It will be silent to demonstrate their lack of reporting persecution of Christians. We will invite the media and issue a press release.

The protest will be held rain or shine. Further details about how to park, signs, etc. are posted at

Why We Are Demonstrating

On April 3-5 the RCC will hold a national convention at The Inn at Opryland, 2401 Music Valley Drive, Nashville, TN 37214

There is not ONE RCC speaker who will deal with the persecution of Christians. They support the oppressors, and deny the victims.

Why This is so Important

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