I wince every time I hear Barack Obama say “The Holy Qur(*gulp*)an”. If he’s a Christian, as he claims to be, the book is not at all holy to him. It’s unseemly and embarrassing to hear a president talk this way.
The BBC has caught the same disease. I’ve read BBC news articles about alleged desecrators of “The Holy Qur’an” and accounts of newspapers that publish blasphemous cartoons of the “Prophet Mohammed”. The Beeb doesn’t refer to “Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” in any of its publications, does it? What does this tell you about the official institutional religion at the British Broadcasting Corporation?
The following essay by Sonia Bailey about the Western “Prophet Mohammed” compulsion was originally published at the American Thinker on March 25.
Beating the Mohammed Meme
by Sonia Bailey
North American news outlets are unwittingly caving to Islam. They have fallen into the trap of referring to Islam’s founder Mohammed as The Prophet Mohammed, implying that his “prophethood” is universally accepted. These media outlets, like their European counterparts, are unknowingly extending the influence of Islam to their viewers, thereby doing the proselytistic work of Muslim propagandists who are relentlessly bullying their host society into sharia-compliance. It is precisely this indifference and ignorance that Islam is counting on in order to help subjugate Western civilization to sharia law.
Casually repeating the phrase The Prophet Mohammed, instead of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, on television to millions upon millions of viewers, cements this phrase into their consciousness until eventually the phrase metamorphoses into a mantra or meme, a term coined by zoologist and atheist Richard Dawkins. A meme is a catchy phrase that spreads quickly like a virus from person to person until the imitated phrase finally gets ingrained into the culture. Grooming gangs, a polite term used by Western media when referring to Muslim rape gangs (the definitive report on this problem in Britain is available here) is another example of a meme.
People are accepting the meme of The Prophet Mohammed as a given, or as a basic fact, in much the same way that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. Eventually, more and more people will come to falsely believe that Mohammed was one of the world’s most righteous prophets, when in reality he was a prophet specific only to Islam, a prophet who showed fanatical hatred for and intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims, women, gays and Western values. He brutally forced other religions to accept his faith with the goal of replacing Western civilization with an Islamic one, all the while enslaving, massacring or taxing those who refused to submit.
Considered in Islam to be the perfect model for humanity, Mohammed the warlord must be emulated. His followers are religiously obligated to copy his banditry practices and violent actions that are all divinely sanctioned in Islamic doctrine. This explains why brutal sharia-compliant acts, such as beheadings, stonings, hangings, limb amputations, child-bride marriages, and female genital mutilation continue to dominate the modern Muslim world.
These barbaric acts that show no regard for human life are rearing their ugly heads in the West as well. Street-killings of non-Muslims, honor-killings, and raping and pimping of underage non-Muslim girls are occurring with regularity. Even worse, acceptance of these atrocities is becoming the new social norm in the West, where they are rarely publicized.
The public will not be shown videos such as this one from Denmark of a march organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir, a religious Islamic organization that openly supports an Islamic caliphate ruled by sharia law. Approximately five hundred Muslims marched in the streets of Copenhagen last week, shouting Jihad and accusing the West of mocking Islam’s best man Mohammed.
This mockery, an organization member claims, constitutes a smear campaign against Islam. “It will not be tolerated,” he asserts, “we cannot remain passive to this. The time has come for us to stand up, to fight for Islam, we must rise together to defend Mohammed.” Not a peep from the Western world, only dead-end complacency and more concessions, such as the recent British ruling on sharia law to be enshrined in the British legal system.
Oddly enough, the news media does not give equal opportunity to other key religious figures. Rarely is Jesus referred to as the Lord and Savior Jesus, the Pope as the Holy Father Pope, Moses as the Prophet Moses, Krishna as the Lord Krishna, or Buddha as the Gautama Buddha. The news media rarely, if ever, assigns honorific titles to key religious figures other than Mohammed.
If the Western news media were to educate itself on Islam and familiarize itself with Mohammed’s bloody and horrific legacy of 1,400 years of jihadist violence and expansionism, then those very same news sources might consider deleting the prophet in Mohammed. The life and legacy of Mohammed prove that he is not to be considered a prophet in the West, but only a prophet in Islam — a totalitarian ideology that poses the greatest threat to freedom, equality, and the human race. Islam could never have advanced as it has today without Western indifference and ignorance.
It’s high time that Islam’s news lackeys stop crooning to the tune of The Prophet Mohammed and take the steps necessary to prevent an Islamic onslaught on Western culture and civilization. Referring to Mohammed as Islam’s founder or prophet, rather than The Prophet, is a start.
We could call him the mofo formerly known as Qutham. Because Mohammad is itself just another honorific.
“The Holy Qur(*gulp*)an” – I can hear it .)
Mohammed never actually existed according to latest researches. The whole of the “Religion of Peace” is a complete fraud….
Beautiful post
The recent news item about sharia in British law is not actually a “ruling”, though it may result in having the same effect. Published by the solicitors’ equivalent of a Trade Union, the “Law Society”, it is claimed to be a “guide” to “promote good practice”, and “support members so they can help”.
This is very reminiscent of the dishonestly neutral vocabulary used by promoters of sharia, to slip it unopposed into normal life:
“introduce”, Imam Faisal Rauf, late of Ground Zero Mosque
“bring”, ” ”
“implement”, Anjem Choudary, UK imam
“implant”, Samir Khan, traitor to USA
All these words are dishonest smokescreen for “impose by force”.
Apologies, I omitted to say thank you very much indeed for an excellent and highly quotable article. It should go to all media and politicians (not that they would allow it to influence them, as their track record sadly shows).
Muslims need to appreciate that this guy is no one else’s prophet. He’s certainly not mine and never will be.
Kind of like the way they regard Joseph Smith.
If he (mo) existed ; he was right apparently in one prophesy. That being his statement that his “god” would only kill him if he lied or misled…With the help ironically of a Jewess who sought revenge; he was poisoned unto death with a forleg of lamb…. How ironic indeed… Pride goeth as they say.
Brilliant post, Baron- though I did allow myself a chuckle when you quoted Richard Dawkins.
But he is a Muslim. Expect him to come out after he leaves office.
His next dream job will be head of the whatever-it-is-called organization with all the retard countries as members.
That’s no way to talk about the EU.
Obama finally showed up in Brussels last week – costing the locals 10 million euros for his day-long visit which one news report called “a security parade”…why show up now, after so many years’ previous snubs? He’s probably job-hunting. A special kind of job that can be fit around his golf games and basketball predictions. Preferably one that can be a telecommute from his $35 million compound in Hawaii. And think of how much each speechifying event will bring in. I’ll bet ol’ Bill is gonna be jealous. He claimed he was the “first black president” and along comes this light-skinned white man with a little black blood, maybe from Davis?- no way in heaven from any Obama paternity – and leaves Clinton in the dust.
Maybe we can get a real black man next time around, though I think Obama has ruined the ground on which anyone of integrity could stand…how about a black woman – kill two birds with one stone. Sad for Hillary that she might be one of the wounded birds…