Who’s the Bigger Phony?

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

(Note: The Republican candidate for the District 21 Senate seat in Tennessee has a Mohammed Coefficient of 50%, which is VERY unusual for an individual human being.)

Newsletter #123 — Who’s the Bigger Phony?

Mwafaq Aljabbary (aka Mwafaq Mohammed), identifies himself as a Republican who is running for the District 21 Senate seat vacated by Democrat Douglas Henry who has retired but held that seat since 1971.

During a May candidate forum, Aljabbary revealed that he is running his campaign under his real name.

Does that mean that he legally changed his name from the one he used to purchase his home which is the address he used on his qualifying petition?

Which name does he uses for his job with the TN Department of Transportation?

Which name did he use to qualify to be a candidate?

Which name does he use on his voter ID? Does he have a voter ID card for each name?

When he runs for a GOP Senate position he says he is Mwafaq Aljabbarry.

When he criticizes the Speaker of the Senate, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey for his comments about concerns for radical Islam, he says he is Mwafaq Mohammed.

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The War on Stupid Talk About Guns. BOO!

While looking for news and views on the current mess in Iraq, I ended up distracted by a blog called “WeaponsMan”.

His qualifications to talk about guns? Here’s what he tells us:

WeaponsMan is a blog about weapons. Primarily ground combat weapons, primarily small arms and man-portable crew-served weapons. The site owner is a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B; before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S), and you can expect any guest columnists to be similarly qualified.

Our focus is on weapons: their history, effects and employment. This is not your go-to place for gun laws or gun politics; other people have that covered.


A lot of nonsense is written about weapons, especially on the Net. Rather than rail at the nonsense, we thought we’d talk sense instead, and see how that catches on.

Well, sir, it is indeed ‘catching on’, even as the brainless Left ratchets up their screaming spasms of irrational hyperbole when someone says “gun” or when a child pretends to have one using a piece of toast, or a little boy draws a picture of a weapon, causing apoplexy among the putative adults, the Big People In Charge who haven’t a clue, nor a cluebag to put it in.

These indoctrinated folk are becoming unhinged. We need more light and a lot less heat on this subject, but the places under the lamppost are few and far between.

I’ll get the Baron to add “WeaponsMan” to our blogroll. Meanwhile here’s a post from April, the only changes being my emphases and some formatting, plus an editorial comment. Or two.

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10 Things about Murderers we Learned from “The First 48.”

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Free at Last!

Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, has been given early release from prison, with certain conditions attached.

I just received the following message from a source close to Tommy Robinson:

To all Team Tommy:

Just to let you know — Tommy was released from prison this afternoon, and is now at home. He is spending time with his family, who are overjoyed to have him back.

One of the conditions imposed on Tommy — the violation of which could result in his being returned to prison — is that NO person(s) who are involved with the EDL may contact him, directly or indirectly. So he will not be involved in any EDL-related activities, nor should any EDL people attempt to contact him.

These conditions will apply until the end of the original sentence imposed on him, which would be sometime in June or July of 2015.

Upon learning the news, Vlad Tepes made this brief observation:

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Taqiyya, Vatican-Style

A Muslim imam invited to participate in last weekend’s “prayer for peace” event at the Vatican went off-script and asked Allah to help him gain victory over the unbelievers. To Counterjihad activists this news is no big surprise. Anyone who has delved into Islamic theology and liturgical practice knows that Muslims always insert a call for Allah to defeat the infidel into their prayers. It’s as much a part of praying as “Amen” is to a Christian.

The top management at the Vatican (CEO Francis and the Board of Cardinals) were taken by surprise by what happened, since the translated script they were handed in advance by the imam contained nothing controversial. And none of them understood the spoken Arabic.

However, someone lower down in the pecking order did understand Arabic, and called public attention to the imam’s words. At first the bosses denied the imam had said any such thing. Then, when that story became untenable — or inoperative, to use a more Nixonian cadence — they changed gears slightly. They said, in effect, “Who you gonna believe? Me or your lying ears?”

Below is a follow-up story about Imamgate from the Catholic site kath.net, published yesterday (June 11) and translated by Rembrandt Clancy:

“Help us against the People who are the Unbelievers”

At the prayer for peace on Sunday evening in the Vatican there was absolutely and definitively a “prayer for unbelievers” which was not foreseen. Radio Vatican (RV) also clearly confirmed this on Wednesday. As kath.net reported yesterday, an Imam — exceeding the scope of the programme — quoted in Arabic the last three verses from the second Sura of the Koran. A possible translation is as follows:

“Pardon us (Allah), forgive us and have mercy on us! You are our protector. Help us against the people who are the Unbelievers (Volk der Ungläubiger)!”

There are heated debates about this in various Internet fora. The Islam scholar Father Felix Körner, a Jesuit who teaches at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, said the following to RV concerning the incident:

“This verse, perhaps spontaneously selected by someone who then also recited the Koran from memory, actually fitted very well into the overall context of the prayer for peace! There are always three steps in the three religions: We recognise the Creator and praise Him, we recognise our guilt and confess it and we plead for the gift of peace. And all that comes out very beautifully in these three verses of the Koran. To You, God, belongs everything. We repent our guilt and ask forgiveness. And we need your help so that peace and justice can arise. That is the content of these three verses, and for that reason the choice was quite understandable — perhaps spontaneously hit upon, but at any event, well-chosen.”

Körner acknowledged that the recitation of the Koran could trigger certain unease among Christians. He points out, however, that the religions did not come together in the Vatican gardens to pray together, but “each recited their own prayer texts in their own way”. The Jesuit priest also made reference to Psalm 25 from the mouth of a Rabbi at the prayer meeting.

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Out Here with King Lear


Turns out it’s not the string on the tin cans, it’s the amount of lightning in any given storm. At the moment, there is a small band of three cells of storm activity with lots of lightning. It hits trees…and in one sad case, a man was struck by lightning last night at a nearby store. People tell me there were lots of trees across the main road headed into town…

I suppose we ought to be glad there are so many, many trees rather than King Lear’s heath. Otherwise, wouldn’t people be in more danger? The lights are flickering again tonight (early Friday a.m. Very early) so maybe more transformers are being knocked out. What a strange weather pattern this is…

…just a reminder. If the lights are on but no one appears to be home? A bolt out of the sturm und drang…man, that thunder do roll! I need thunderstorm earplugs.


Well, darn…

For some time now the summer rains have been passing us by. They form and disappear on the radar, sometimes to the west of Schloss Bodissey, sometimes to the east. It’s a strange pattern anyway. Most times our weather moves in from the Midwest; we get their leftovers. But these huge masses coming up from Florida have been passing us by. From the radar of the last few days it looks like Washington D.C. has been getting hammered, though.

Meanwhile we’ve been doing little dances to bring on some rain before the “grass” got any crispier, but our gracefully synchronized movements brought merely sunshine and heat.

However the Karma Dude employs the whim theory when he’s responding to pleas, kinetics applied or otherwise. Thus, while we did get rain finally today, there were strings attached to this welcome gift. They were obviously disconnected from the tin can contraption of the electric grid that runs to our house. Seems like we could have rain or we could have electricity, but not both.

So far none of the outages has been very long, but resetting the clocks each time is tedious. After the third or fourth one, just to be on the safe side we stored some jugs of fresh water — our well pump is electric; when our connection goes, so does running water. The Baron dragged out some lanterns so we wouldn’t be looking for them in the dark.

We expect this kind of thing in the winter, with its ice and heavy snow bringing down trees and lines. But not during summer’s serial thunderstorms! I hope we don’t lose y’all but if we do, you’ll know why. If the door is open but we don’t seem to be home… that’s the reason.

Why does this feel like another of Obama’s plots to keep everyone poor and unhappy?

After one horrific bout of cold and snow and ice and no heat, we did a fundraiser which in part paid for our gas cooker; we don’t worry about hypothermia setting in anymore. Still, I wonder. What plans is he making for propane shortages?

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/11/2014

The ISIS Islamic terrorist organization has overrun Mosul in Iraq and taken control of part of the city. Tens of thousands of refugees, including overwhelming numbers of Chaldean Christians, are fleeing Mosul. The terrorists have reportedly taken 48 Turkish citizens as prisoners. Tikrit, Saddam Hussein’s hometown, is also said to have been overrun.

In other news, suspected Islamic terrorists from Boko Haram in Nigeria have attacked a village in neighboring Cameroon, burning churches and looting buildings.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, RR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Integration Through Dialect

The following article concerns a policy recently implemented in German-Swiss kindergartens that requires the teaching of children from all ethnic backgrounds in the Schweizerdeutsch dialect. JLH, who translated the piece, includes this brief note:

This article attracted me because it reminded me of the “bilingual” arguments in California and elsewhere and I thought, how much better to make sure that new citizens and their children can deal confidently with their neighbors, business partners and shopkeepers in their own tongue.

The translated article from Blick.ch:

Dialect in Kindergarten: Foreigners Are Happy About the Ban on High German

ZURICH: There has been compulsory dialect* study in Zurich kindergartens for two years. This makes not only conservatives, but also foreign parents happy

Brigitte Fleuti has been a kindergarten teacher for 30 years and is in favor of the dialect initiative in Canton Zurich.

Lea Hartmann
June 2, 2014

“Chaugummi” or “Chätschgummi”**? The class is divided. After the kindergarten teacher, Brigitte Fleuti, has sung about “Chaugummi” in the song “The Policeman’s Tire,” which has a hole and can be repaired with chewing gum, a boy raises his hand and says: “Hey, Mrs. Fleuti, that’s not ‘Chaugummi,’ that’s ‘Chätschgummi’!” Several of the children in the circle nod in agreement.

Since August 2013, teacher and students in Langnau am Albis — as in the entire canton of Zurich — have been speaking Schweizerdeutsch, as will also soon be the case in Aargau, following a similar initiative This continues to instigate discussion from time to time.

Brigitte Fleuti, a kindergarten teacher and president of the Zurich Kindergarten Organization, is happy to lead these discussions.

Schweizerdeutsch is the Basis for Integration

Twenty children from eight countries are in her class. They come from Switzerland, Albania, Spain, Brazil, Chechnya, Germany, Italy and Russia. Fleuti — who has been a kindergarten teacher for 30 years — says: “Schweizerdeutsch is the basis of integration for all of them.” She calls the dialect the language of the heart and of connection, which is crucial for small children.

This is the same argument made by the initiative committee composed of kindergarten and other teachers, and confirmed in the election a year ago. The dialect initiative was opposed but in the end passed with 54% of the vote. “Fortunately,” says Fleuti. “The pressure from certain parents to have their children speaking perfect High German by the end of kindergarten has abated.”

Foreign parents especially profit from this. “Many of them have told me how much it means to them that their children are learning Schweizerdeutsch in kindergarten,” Fleuti says.

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Charges Against Paul Weston Dropped

As we reported here back in April, Paul Weston, the Chairman of the LibertyGB party in Britain, was arrested during a campaign appearance in Winchester for quoting Winston Churchill on the topic of Mohammedanism.

Now comes word from Enza Ferreri at LibertyGB that the charges against Mr. Weston have been dropped.

Charges Against Liberty GB’s Leader Paul Weston Are Dropped
by Enza Ferreri

Paul Weston, candidate at the 22 May European Elections in the South East constituency and leader of the Liberty GB party, who was arrested in Winchester, Hampshire, on the 26 April, has had the charges against him dropped.

Mr Weston was arrested for publicly quoting an excerpt critical of Islam from the book The River War by Winston Churchill. After spending several hours in a cell at Winchester Police Station, he was charged with Racially Aggravated Crime, under Section 4 of the Public Order Act, which carries a potential prison sentence of two years. He was then bailed with a return date to Winchester Police on May 24th.

His arrest sparked a national and international outcry in the media and in the political world.

16 million viewers watched Fox News’ panellists on “The Five” political talk show as they discussed the Paul Weston case. They remarked that in the UK a radical imam has more respect than a man who saved the Western world, and that “now Churchill is seen as another dead white male, and probably racist”.

Online, major websites such as FrontPage Magazine, Jihad Watch, Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes reported the news.

In the Dutch Parliament, MPs Geert Wilders and Raymond de Roon asked the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frans Timmermans, a number of questions, such as “Do you share our opinion that the arrest of the politician Paul Weston is a gross violation of freedom of expression and an example of dhimmi [historically, subservient to Muslim rulers] behaviour? If not, why not?” and “How do you intend to wage the fight for the preservation of freedom of expression, in light of the planned rapprochement to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, an organization which aims for an international ban on blasphemy and which attempts to restrict freedom of expression in the West under the pretext of the fight against ‘Islamophobia’?”.

Hampshire Police has now communicated to Mr Weston:

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Global Mosque Report: May 2014

This is the latest in a series of monthly reports by our British correspondent JP on the progress of worldwide Islamization, as represented by the building of mosques, and activities associated with mosques.

Global Mosque Report (GMR) — May 2014
by JP

This is the tale of Avondale Islamic Centre. It’s like the Mosque on the Prairie, except it’s in New Zealand, and it’s a real mosque so everyone is trying to kill each other.

— Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine, 21 May 2014

See the New Zealand section for details of the holy war launched by a firebrand Salafist imam and his followers on other Muslims, private security guards, and New Zealand Herald reporters covering the story.

Note also Paul Wilkinson’s report on phases of Islamisation in three English towns: Whitley Bay, Dudley, and Bradford.

Finally, some commentators at recent online discussions about the British Islamic schools Trojan Horse plot provided links to the Channel 4 documentary Undercover Mosque, first aired on 15 January 2007 — a link is repeated here in the end notes.



One of the founding members of the Clinton Islamic Center, Dr. Anis Ansari, elected president for the fourth time in the past twelve years.

New Jersey

Bridgewater residents jeered and disputed traffic expert testimony that suggested the proposed Al Falah Center mosque development would not have a negative impact on local traffic. The next planning board meeting at the Bridgewater-Raritan High School is scheduled for 30 June.

New York State

Report on plans by the Islamic Society of Central New York to build a $1 million mosque-community center on land it owns on East Seneca Turnpike in the town of Onondaga. “Our numbers are growing — we need more space,” said society President Mohamed Khater.


A federal appeals court ruled that a Christian police captain from Tulsa was rightfully punished for refusing to enter a mosque for a police appreciation ceremony.

South Carolina

The Islamic Center of Columbia, also known as Masjid al-Muslimiin, held a ‘Share Islam Day’ for those interested in the area’s diverse spirituality.


Senior Judge Paul Summers of Davidson County appointed to hear a case over a county-approved cemetery at the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro after all other judges in Rutherford County recused themselves from the matter.


Redmond residents concerned over plans for the proposed two-storey, 22,467 square feet Anjuman-e-Burhani Mosque on empty land near Microsoft Corporation’s headquarters.



Hamilton Downtown Mosque held a fun fair at its new premises to raise funds for further refurbishment.

Czech Republic

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Bamiyan Comes to Japan

The lunacy of Multiculturalism has never infected Japan, so it’s a surprise to find a TV report about an incident of culturally enriched vandalism there. It’s also interesting that NHK, the Japanese state broadcaster, makes no mention of JIM when discussing the destruction of statues of the Buddha by a Saudi grad student:

Al Ahram has a report on the incident:

Saudi destroys Buddha statues in Japan and gets arrested: Japan news

ANN news television network in Japan reported on Wednesday that a Saudi man destroyed three 300 years’ old Buddha statues in Senso-Ji temple in Tokyo.

Senso-Ji temple is a Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Taito, and Tokyo. And the temple is considered Tokyo’s oldest temple, and one of its most significant.

The Saudi citizen, who was arrested by Tokyo Police department, is currently being investigated for reasons behind his action.

The incident caught the attention of moderate Muslims, and therefore a hash tag was trending on twitter #saudi-destroyed-statues-in-Japan, Saudis condemned the actions of the Saudi citizen, saying he should respect other’s beliefs and religions.

And the text report from NHK:

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The Vatican and Islamic Prayer

I posted last week about the Pope’s invitation to Jewish and Muslim clerics to join him for prayers in the Vatican. Several readers pointed out that every Islamic prayer contains a call for Allah to destroy the infidels, sometimes including specific mentions of Christians and Jews.

The event duly took place, and the guest imam performed his duty as expected. One of the Vatican functionaries who was present is fluent in Arabic, and his translation of the Arabic prayer was reported on a Catholic website. A summary of what happened was published earlier today at Politically Incorrect.

Rembrandt Clancy has translated the material from PI, and includes this note:

I thought it was significant that such a frank presentation can be found on a Catholic site, and as far as I can see, it is the first news out on this latest papal dialogue.

See the bottom of this post for an embedded video of the prayers said in the garden at the Vatican.

The translated article from Politically Incorrect:

11 June 2014

Vatican: Imam prays for Victory over Unbelievers

Rome: At the recent prayer meeting for peace in the Holy Land, an Imam prayed in the Vatican for “Victory against the unbelievers”. The publicist, Hamed Abdel-Samad, in contrast to the gullible Gutmenschen all over the ideal-world with their multiculti ideology, speaks fluent Arabic. And above all, he knows the Koran extremely well. He writes on his Facebook page: “In the garden of the Vatican the Muslim cleric concluded his prayer with the Koran verse: “May Allah help us to victory against the unbelievers”.

kath.net writes:

10 June 2014

On Monday the Arabic news network Al Arabiya made public an excerpt of the meeting in the Vatican. The caption read: “Imam quotes the Koran for the first time in the Vatican”. The video with Arabic subtitles shows an Islamic cleric praying. However Al Arabiya gives no information about the Koran verse nor do they provide any concrete content.

On Tuesday Hamed Abdel-Samad, who was born and raised in Egypt, confirmed his [Facebook] entry of Sunday. He writes that Vatican Radio disputes that the Muslim cleric prayed for victory against unbelievers. Then he quotes Sura 2:286 of the Koran which ends with the words: “You alone are our protector. Give us victory over the unbelievers” [English translation from N. J. Dawood]. Upon request, Abdel-Samad confirmed that he followed the ceremony on television. He says he understands Arabic and knows the quoted verse from the Koran well: Perhaps the Sheik meant well, because in the verse it also says that all prophets are equal. In conclusion he writes: it also shows, however, how problematic Koran quotations are for the legitimation of peace.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/10/2014

In a stunning upset, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was ousted in the Virginia Republican primary. Mr. Cantor was defeated by a Tea Party candidate who spent only a fraction of the amount of money that the Majority Leader spent on his campaign.

In other news, insurgents seized Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, and freed 1,200 convicts from the prison there. Meanwhile, thirty-one mourners were killed by a bomb at a funeral for an assassinated Sunni leader in Diyala.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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