Good Riddance!

Geert Wilders and other Dutch politicians are opposed to any efforts to keep “Dutch” mujahideen from traveling to Syria and Iraq to wage jihad. They’d be glad to see them go — provided that the Dutch government never, ever permits them to return to the Netherlands.

Many thanks to JLH for translating this piece from Politically Incorrect:

Geert Wilders: How We Can Help Our “Migrant Holy Warriors” and Ourselves as Well

Whether they are Hamas, Fatah, Al Qaida, Boko Haram. ISIS, Hizb ut-Tahir, Salafists or other, they are all part of the Islamic ummah, just as the Islamic organizations in Europe belong to the ummah. With every terror attack and death, the jihad activists confirm what they told us in the devastating attacks in Madrid in 2004: “You love life; we love death.” And the local representatives of Islam, in their mosques sponsored and ratified by dhimmi politicians, clergy and media, have not denied that, and they do not demonstrate against Islamic terror. They can’t — it is in accordance with the Koran. So how would it be possible to find agreement with these “wandering holy warriors,” or even find some way of mutually helping each other?

(by Alster)

Almost all the countries or Europe are discussing how to deal with the danger from radicalized Muslims returning from Syria and Iraq. At the same time, according to the chief of state security with the Braunschweig criminal police, Klaus Buhlmann, thirty persons from the region of Braunschweig/Wolfsburg alone are sitting, waiting on packed luggage.

How many are there altogether in Europe? 400 to 500 fighters from Great Britain alone have been taken on by ISIS. Germany shares the problem with other European countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain and Ireland, Belgium, France, Spain and the Netherlands.

Now, a video from Aleppo, Syria has turned up in Holland, in which a couple of jihadists from the Netherlands offer a solution. They say it would be better to make it possible for those eager for war to go to jihad. Take their passports from them, as they themselves wish it: “Oh Aqsa, we are on our way! The monotheistic revolution has begun!”

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Day 18: Treachery

In today’s report, MC takes a look at UNWRA, an entire agency of the United Nations that for all practical purposes is devoted to the care, maintenance, and indoctrination of Palestinian “refugees”.

Day 18: Treachery
by MC

UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) is a sinecure, an expensive sinecure that pays its executives very well. It is the only organisation in this world that supports the idea of hereditary refugeeship, and thus perpetuates its own role, as paid for by the taxpayers of the USA.

This organisation were caught with their pants down the other day. Some 20 missiles were ‘found’ in one of their schools. Of course they knew nothing about this cache.

They duly handed the missiles back to their owners: HAMAS, a proscribed terrorist organisation specialising in the genocide of Jews. Maybe those were the missiles arrived on our doorstep this morning, Iron Dome took out several; one landed and caused a fire.

It is time for UNRWA to be disbanded. All the refugees from 1948 should now have been absorbed into their host communities. The Jewish ones certainly have, but then they did not get one cent from UNRWA. UNRWA is only for Muslims, and is part of the Middle East problem, perpetuating the hatreds whilst paying proto-terrorists to study their trade and to learn to live at the expense of others.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/20/2014

Today was the deadliest day so far since Israel began Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. At least 13 Israeli soldiers, 87 Palestinians, and one donkey were killed. The unfortunate donkey had been outfitted with a bomb and sent towards Israeli lines, forcing IDF soldiers to shoot the poor animal in order to detonate the bomb before it could kill any humans.

In other news, ISIS has begun marking homes in Mosul with symbols meaning “Christian” or “Shia”. The last Christians have already been driven out of the city, so presumably the Shiites are next.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, GH, Insubria, JP, Kitman, MC, Papa Whiskey, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Vote Muslim Brotherhood! Vote Republican!

The Muslim Brotherhood in America is a bipartisan operation, judging by the ongoing political shenanigans in Tennessee.

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #132 — Haslam and Aljabbary/Mohammed: Made For Each Other

Mwafaq Aljabbary/Mohammed is running in the Republican primary for Tennessee Senate District 21 in Davidson County (Nashville), the seat previously held by Democrat Douglas Henry for over 40 years. Governor Bill Haslam has more in common with him than he has with our conservative legislators.

Aljabbary’s website says he has “experience in refugee resettlement and welfare laws.”

Haslam’s director of legislation, Leslie Hafner is the business partner of Chamber of Commerce lobbyist David McMahan. Chambers of Commerce like the Nashville and US Chamber support refugee resettlement for the exploitation of ‘serf’ labor from other countries while US citizens line up for work. Haslam also continues to explore expanding access to Medicaid (TennCare) in Tennessee, something else the TN Chamber of Commerce supports.

Aljabbary is a Kurdish Muslim who used to be president of his mosque. He follows the Quran and the Sunna of Mohammed. Memphis Islamic Center’s Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, described by the New York Times as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam,” says that the Quran “destroys” American capitalism.

Haslam says he is concerned about income inequality and that “Republicans should not deny evidence that wealth is being spread unevenly or write off such concerns as Democratic propaganda.”

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Day 17: Joos

Day 17: Joos
by MC

I was talking to V today. V is from South Germany. She was up on that ‘hill’ at the same sort of time as the journalist who complained about the cheering. V was unaware of any cheering or intimidation, and we have been unable to corroborate the journalist’s statement. More disinformation?

A commenter yesterday was accusing Joos of being professional ‘victims’ along with other Semitic peoples. Today three soldiers of my son’s unit died in street fighting in Gaza; it could have been him. There are those who pretend to be victims, and those whom history shows to be targeted every time the opportunity arises. All through today there has been a heavy bombardment going on, and all today, the advance of Islam has been reversed, if only temporarily. The world should be thanking us, but instead they curse us. This victimhood is for REAL.

The York massacre happened because the Joos were too rich and too successful for the populace:

The massacre of 1190 was a horrific catalogue of violence and murder driven by religious intolerance and the greed of those who owed the leading Jewish money-lenders money. And it was sadly only one of countless incidents of mob-violence against Jewish communities across England and Western Europe in the Middle Ages.

Is this any different to Europe in 2014?

Today has been loud. We seem to have war all around us, and an Iron Dome intercept overhead just now rained shrapnel on us. It whines like one of those fireworks with a spinner inside.

The situation here reminds me of Byron*:

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“We Cannot and Must Not Remain Impartial”

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators rallied in Vienna today, as they did in major cities across most of the Western world. In comparison with the “third intifada” now underway in Paris, the Vienna event was mild and peaceful (see the photos at

Austrian voices in support of Israel are relatively rare. One of them is Christian Ortner, who has written an impassioned plea in Die Presse on behalf of the Israelis. Rembrandt Clancy has translated Mr. Ortner’s opinion piece, which is preceded by an introduction from Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff.

by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Christian Ortner is a self-termed neoliberal and proud of it. He is the author of several scathingly honest essay-books about the state of Austria and the rest of Europe with regard to current affairs. He is very critical of Islam and the Islamic Faith Community in Austria, frequently writing commentaries about Islam. So it is only natural that Ortner would side with Israel in the current stand-off in Gaza.

Christian Ortner has composed a speech to be delivered by the Austrian government, along the lines of that by Czech president Milos Zeman, but one he is sure will never be delivered. Unfortunately, he is very right in his assessment. Official Austria is eerily quiet about Israel. The comments section in Die Presse shows the rampant anti-Semitism still present in Austria, thanks to Eurabia.

Not-so-official Austria — i.e. the Palestinians and their “friends and allies” — marched in Vienna’s city center this afternoon. Following the recent, often destructive clashes in other European cities, Austrian authorities called for restraint on the part of the demonstrators. It appears their calls have been heeded. I have been told by eyewitnesses on the ground that this restraint may have been due to the massive police presence, while at the same time nearly thirty Jewish facilities were heavily protected.

Whether this situation is sustainable remains debatable. In any case, it is interesting, as noted by Vlad Tepes, to see different strategies employed around the world.

Update from ESW 4:08pm EDT (22:08 CET):

Many underage boys and girls collapsed due to the heat (35°C, 95°F) today. It was painful to watch the suffering of the children. Water was distributed by police union members, but was refused, due to Ramadan.

Adults were exhausted as well. They remained standing in the shade. Many did not continue marching because of the heat.

None of the demonstrators said a word about the Geert Wilders button my contact wore.

The atmosphere was calm. Every five minutes there were chants of “Allahu akhbar!”

Leftists held banners praising international solidarity while wearing Che shirts.

Dolls wrapped in white cloth spattered with blood were held.

My contact estimates an attendance of approximately 3,000 to 5,000. Police estimate 10,000, organizers 30,000.

Let us All Become Israelis Just Once for a Single Moment…

A Speech which the Federal President, the Federal Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor or otherwise any other Politician will unfortunately not make.

By Christian Ortner

(Die Presse, translated by Rembrandt Clancy)

Dear Austrians!

Allow me to stress one thing, free of all ambiguity and with all possible clarity: in view of the rocket attacks by the Islamic terror organisation Hamas on Israeli cities and villages, on children and the elderly and on kindergartens and hospitals, Austria stands unambiguously and without reservation on the side of the state of Israel in this confrontation. And I would like to think that the newly elected President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, would likewise explain this clearly and unequivocally in the name of the European Union.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the reason we are standing on the side of the Israelis is not so as to remove thereby any possible historical guilt on the part of Austria toward the Jews. The present generation of Austrians bear no responsibility for the holocaust and they have to recompense that guilt to the least extent possible.

Therefore, Austria does not stand on the side of Israel because Israel is a Jewish state. Austria stands steadfastly on the side of Israel because she is taking the only position which is right. When a democratic, constitutional state is attacked with thousands of rockets by a terrorist organisation, there can be no neutrality between terrorists and the state which is attacked; just as there can be no neutrality between armed hostage takers and police. With good reason we were not impartial with respect to al-Qaida and the United States after the 9/11 attacks; by the same token, we cannot and must not remain impartial when faced with Hamas’ terrorism against the Jewish state.

Personally, my fellow countrymen, I remain very happy today that during the Second World War the allies did not attempt to bring to a halt the “spiral of escalation” between themselves and Nazi Germany; and I am particularly pleased that the USA did not, for example, attempt to mediate between Hitler and Churchill, but stood clearly on one side: — on the right side.

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Life Goes on During the Bombardment

MC shot some video footage of Sderot early this morning, as normal day-to-day life continues despite the artillery fire that can be heard almost constantly not far away in Gaza.

Vlad includes this note about the footage:

A friend of ours living in Sderot sent some footage last night of what can be heard to be some heavy fighting, audible from his home. There are several clips put together here but not edited at all, other than clips stitched together, in terms of time. So the frequency of explosions you here is what the residents are hearing. Before he started his camera, MC reported also hearing drones, helicopters and machine gun fire. By the time the camera started the fighting had moved farther away but you still get a solid sense of it in this clip.

I added the graphical aids to give a sense of scale. Thank you MC for doing this.

Many thanks Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

Al-Sisi’s Struggle

Ashraf Ramelah sends his latest evaluation of the presidency of Abdel Fatah al-Sisi in Egypt.

Egypt’s Al-Sisi struggles for democracy: Fights terrorism

by Ashraf Ramelah

Some would say Egypt now leads the world in the war against terror, and Egyptians are relieved to see punishment for Mohamed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood backers. Concerned with Egypt’s “overall stability” during his June visit to Cairo, US Secretary of State John Kerry cautioned President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi about the recent death sentences for MB members (, June 22), emphasizing tactical errors in the political environment. State Department officials are concerned by Al-Sisi’s “polarizing” tactics, and seem to imply that getting on with the business of democracy has nothing to do with cleaning out corruption and hunting down jihadists. If Al-Sisi manages to convert an Islamic state to anywhere near the full experience of human rights and equality it would be a first in this part of the world, and it would require beginning with the hard line he has now taken.

Before Kerry stresses Egypt’s need for the greater political freedoms, he might remind himself of the humanitarian guidelines found in the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights — the document signed by Egypt when it refused to sign the rigorous U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights — under which Egypt functions. Democracy won’t materialize overnight, especially in the Islamic Middle East where nothing is what it seems and nothing goes in a straight line. Where there is no precedent on how to reverse six decades of Islamist buildup that culminated with rule by jihadists, Al-Sisi is on his own, so to speak.

Ultimately America understands this while it endorses him. The U.S. has handed over the check. Coldness between the U.S. and Egypt — Al-Sisi refused to receive Obama’s phone call after Morsi was removed, the U.S. froze aid, the Secretary of State did not attend Al-Sisi’s inauguration — spares Egypt any more U.S. delegations brandishing the moral high ground regarding Egypt’s death penalty for former government henchmen (MB spiritual guide, deputy of MB, former MB prime minister, former MB cultural minister) and savage street gangs — fierce and unsavory agents of the street.

No one can predict what Al-Sisi will eventually do or become for the democratic effort, but identifying and ridding the country of terror cells as a priority is important. It is viewed as the first step in achieving human rights. No former Egyptian president has genuinely turned against the MB because each was affiliated with the organization in one way or another. As a consequence, the MB was confined to dark dungeons where it produced the treatises for the extended terror enterprises the world endures today.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/19/2014

Despite a government ban, pro-Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets of Paris today and clashed with police. Other anti-Israel demos and threats against Jews were reported in the Netherlands, Britain, Denmark, Canada, and various cities in the United States. There’s no word yet on whether people have rallied against Israel in Australia or New Zealand.

In other news, for the first time in history, the Iraqi city of Mosul is free of Christians. The last Christian families fled the city ahead of an ISIS deadline as the soldiers of Allah burned the seat of the Syriac Catholic archdiocese of Mosul, destroying everything inside.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JP, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Day 16: Cowering

(Thanks to KGS for the graphic.)

Day 16: Cowering
by MC

Reports are telling us that the Hamas leadership are holed up like rats in the basement of the Gaza Hospital. Just like the last time. One can just imagine them cowering behind the sick and maimed, telling the children to be brave because a six-year-old really needs 72 houris…

There is something about Islam that makes me gag: a religion that loves the toys of Western culture but hates the makers and inventors. A religion that induces utter barbarity in its adherents. A religion for whom lying is as natural as defecating.

The freemen at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 had been, one and all, horrified at the utter barbarity of Muslims, Muslims who impaled their upright victims on sharpened stakes and allowed gravity to do the rest.

Has anything changed? Not really. Our young men know what will happen to mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts if they fail. The same punishment will also be meted out to Muslim sympathisers too, there is no ‘friendship with unbelievers’…

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What Really Happened at the Don Yitzchak Abarbanel Synagogue in Paris?

We posted the other day about what had been described as an attack on a Paris synagogue by a mob of anti-Israel pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who diverted from the main demonstration and headed for the Don Yitzchak Abarbanel Synagogue.

Our French correspondent (and long-time reader and commenter) Robert Marchenoir has done some research into the events of that day. The Muslim mob never actually reached the synagogue; they were met and stopped on their way there by Jewish volunteers who had been guarding the entrance to the building. The truth about what happened has been confirmed by the president of the synagogue.

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: We do immeasurable harm to our cause whenever we play fast and loose with the truth.

The entire political and social culture of the West is arrayed against us, poised to pounce whenever we deviate even a micrometer from the truth. We are held to a higher standard than lefties and multicultis. It’s unfair, but it’s the sad truth.

What makes it even worse is that the true story of what happened on July 13th at rue de la Roquette is just as bad as the fabricated story. The Jews in that synagogue are in just as much danger, as are Jews in many other parts of Europe. There was no need to embroider the truth; the facts themselves told a story that was terrifying enough.

Many thanks to Mr. Marchenoir for digging into the case. The following account is adapted from his most recent comment on my original post:

I did a bit of research on the anti-Semitic incidents that accompanied the Paris pro-Palestine demonstration on Sunday, July 13th, and they confirm most of my former comment.

In a long, precise and subdued interview on a French TV channel (i-Télé), Serge Benhaim, the president of the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue on rue de la Roquette in Paris, states very clearly that the synagogue was not attacked, although there were clashes between the demonstrators and Jewish militants protecting it in its vicinity.

At 10:44, Serge Benhaim says:

The truth is that the demonstrators reached a point 150 to 200 metres from the synagogue, on the right and the left of the street. But they never arrived in front of it. No object whatsoever was thrown onto the synagogue. At no point were we in danger [the 300 worshippers instructed by the police to stay inside].

Benhaim, without blaming the police, indirectly confirms that they lacked oversight: there were only two policemen standing guard in front of the synagogue, and four others at one end of the rue de la Roquette, on the place de la Bastille, where the demonstration ended. However, the other side of the street was not protected, and the demonstrators took advantage of that.

In front of the synagogue, there were forty Jewish activists to protect it. Around ten belonged to the SPCJ (Le Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive, Protection Service of the Jewish Community), a security body well integrated with French Jewish institutions. Around 30 belonged to the LDJ (La Ligue de Défense Juive, Jewish Defence League), a more autonomous group of young hotheads with a somewhat, ahem, hands-on approach (my comment).

[Note from the Baron: In an entirely unrelated case, two members of the French JDL were recently imprisoned for placing a bomb under the car of an anti-Zionist journalist in Paris in 2012.]

It’s this group, says Benhaim, that moved right and left into the street and rushed to confront the demonstrators, when a police radio message warned that some of them were advancing towards the synagogue.

Note the disproportion: only two police only to protect the synagogue, compared to forty security volunteers from the Jewish community. They must have been terrified, hearing that Muslim demonstrators were coming towards them from both ends of the (narrow) street.

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Muslim Immigrants and Their Suicidal Prey

The following essay from Cherson and Molschky has been cross-posted here at the recommendation of our British correspondent JP.

Muslim Immigrants and Their Suicidal Prey

by Y.K. Cherson

How do former empires get colonized by their own colonies? It defies all logic, yet somehow, this is what has come to be in Europe. In the midst of a full-blown conquista, after what began as a simple plan to bring over some cheap labor to do the work the natives couldn’t be bothered with, Europe is aiding and abetting in its own demise. Muslim immigration has become a Muslim takeover.

A few years ago, Victor Volsky compared the situation to that of the mammoth wasp and its prey. Why such an analogy? Well, a mammoth wasp ensures the survival of its children using a rhinoceros beetle like canned meat. The wasp finds the larva of the beetle that will act as a storehouse for it. With one strike in the nerve center, the mammoth wasp paralyzes the beetle and lays one egg in its outer skin.

Immediately after getting out of the egg, the wasp’s larva starts to use its sharp jaws, eating through the first layer of the beetle’s outer skin before getting to the inner organs and devouring them until the entire stock of food is eaten.

The consumption of the helpless host goes in a strict sequence: first the baby wasp eats the least important organs, like muscles, blood, fat… and only then does the nervous system follow. It means that the paralyzed victim stays alive until the last moment. In this blood-chilling way the growing larva of the mammoth wasp has fresh food during the entire period of its growth.

Europe is certainly feeding its own parasite, first by inviting the parasite to begin with, along with all its friends and relatives. Then by allowing it to thrive in its own community with its own set of rules, never monitored, and even given a stack of beetles in the form of welfare benefits, it has actually become a protected species with political correctness at the helm, directing all critics to the land “hate speech” where “racists” and “fascists” go- to the land of ruined careers and destroyed reputations. Thus, the natives who complain about getting devoured are penalized, while the parasite lives happily on.

The parasite has rights after all. The right to set up shop in our world, feed on us, hate us and consume us, and anyone who doesn’t like it is a parasite-phobe. This is where political correctness has taken us.

Muslims claim more and more privileges, hysterically demanding “to defend” them from “Islamophobia”, “racism” and “discrimination”, operating these terrible words like a thief uses a lock-pick. And yet, in most cases when Islamophobia is reported, it was a crime perpetrated by a Muslim himself or a few insults thrown around on social media. If that is a “hate crime”, Muslims are far more versed in that type of crime than anyone else.

In fact, their own hate crimes go far deeper. After perpetrating a horrific terrorist attack, for example, in the 7/7 London bombings, injuring hundreds and killing 52, shortly before the anniversary this year, they urinated on and defaced the memorial with graffiti. And to show how incredibly “assimilated” they are, they are falling all over themselves to become jihadists in Syria, hoping to return to Europe to demonstrate what they’ve learned amongst their peers.

But no one is allowed to utter a word of discontent. Political correctness again.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/18/2014

American officials say that the evidence points to pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine as the likely culprits in the shooting down of the Malaysian jetliner yesterday. Russia, however, suspects Kiev of launching the missile — it says Ukrainian air defense systems cover that region, and showed evidence of activity at the time the plane was downed.

In possibly unrelated news, experts told a congressional committee that United States is too dependent on Russian rocket engines for military satellite launches.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, Kitman, LS, The Independent, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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What the Caliphate Means

In her latest message from LibertyGB, Enza Ferreri discusses the significant of the newly-established “caliphate” in Syria and Iraq.

The Caliphate Means Constant War on us on a Scale Not Yet Seen

by Enza Ferreri

While the British government is making its own citizens pay for the jihadis allowed to return to the UK from Syria and Iraq, both in terms of money — through the £1.1 billion cash injection for defence announced today, £800 million of which will fund an extra investment in intelligence and surveillance to deal with the threat of terrorism — and in terms of intrusion and greater state power — through emergency laws to monitor phone and internet records “to stop terrorists” — people hear of the establishment of a caliphate in the Middle East without the media — with few exceptions — providing any explanation of its real significance.

In Islam, only a caliphate has the authority to declare offensive war on infidel countries. That’s why Osama bin Laden was so keen on it and called for Muslims to “establish the righteous caliphate of our ummah”, after Abdulhamid II’s Ottoman caliphate was abolished by the Turkish Republic of Kemal Ataturk in his secularisation (short-lived) attempts in 1924.

And that’s why jihadis always explain their acts of terrorism in terms of defensive war, as a response to the infidel’s armies occupying Muslim lands, for example.

The Egyptian-American scholar of Islam and Middle East history Raymond Ibrahim over three years ago explained the caliphate concept and predicted the re-establishment of a caliphate. If, as in science, accurate predictions confirm the validity of the theory from which they derive, we must take his words very seriously:

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