Red Dragon, Dead Dragon

They say demography is destiny. According to the following report by H. Numan, China’s destiny is in an accelerating tailspin.

Red dragon, dead dragon

by H. Numan

I’ve written an essay in which I showed that the People’s Republic of China (‘China’) isn’t going to attack the Republic of China (‘Taiwan’). They probably still won’t, but the whole situation has changed with the advent of the Russo-Ukrainian war. China is on the way to oblivion. In 2050 the country will have fewer than 700 million citizens. Worse, the Chinese government knows it. That changes everything.

It won’t be through war, thank God. Nor by famine or diseases. Though all will definitely play a part in the future. It’s because of demographics. The One Child Policy has been way more effective and has lasting effects far beyond what policymakers could imagine. China will die slowly of old age. Not in the distant future, but (Mark 9:1) within the lifetime of those here standing. By 2050 the Chinese population will be half of what it is today. The shrinkage didn’t start this year, as was expected by the Chinese bureau for lies statistics, but had already begun around 2010. They miscalculated and included about 100 million that should have been born but weren’t due to the one child policy.

Demographics are complicated

Let’s have a look at how demographics work. We can’t foretell what individuals will do when they reach a certain age, but we can do that fairly accurately for large groups. Those groups are called cohorts in demographics; they consist of males and females of the same age bracket, in periods of five years. A generation is the period a cohort needs to start reproducing, usually 20-25 years.

We can split the population into roughly three groups: juveniles (< 21), adults (21-65) and pensioners (>65). Every five years a cohort moves up one spot on the graphs. On the left side are males, on the right side females.

The first graph is Niger, a country with a fast-growing population. Observe a huge number of infants and a very small number of pensioners. This kind of growth is disastrous. In 15 years the largest cohort (bottom) will start reproducing. Making the bottom cohort even larger. A country like this runs out of resources quickly.

The next graph is Sweden, which has a stable population. Though when you look at the bottom, they are slowly shrinking. The last graph is Singapore, which has a declining population. How can you see that? Look at the bottom. Move up the bottom cohort, with a small reduction for death. The Singaporeans aren’t replacing themselves. The bulge in the middle are the people that are the most productive for the economy. By looking at those three graphs, you can see that Niger is in trouble, Sweden is doing all right and Singapore is booming at the moment.

The Chinese graph is worse:

In both graphs you see more males than females. That’s deadly for any civilization. Imagine a war kills off 50% of all males in a country. It will take a while, but they can recover. Imagine the same, but now 50% of all females are killed/removed. That country will never recover. Impossible. It’s gone forever. An observant reader will say: in the right graph are far more females than men. Correct, but have a look at their ages. They start catching up from 55 years and older. Not too many women in those age groups are likely to give birth …

The One Child Policy started in 1980, and was abolished in 2015. That means 35 years or seven cohorts (!) were raised as single children. That’s far more than a generation. Not only that, but Chinese prefer boys over girls. If they only can have one child, it better be a boy! That single boy is far more precious than you think, because he eventually has to provide not only for his parents and grandparents but those of his wife as well, if he can find one. China does not have an old age pension, and does not allow its citizens to invest for retirement.

This created three unforeseen effects. Once those single boys grew up, they started to look for prospective wives among the surviving single girls. For girls a dream come true: they could marry a young handsome millionaire! If a prospective groom doesn’t bring at least two houses (pauper!!) and a BMW he doesn’t have to waste his time wooing her. Yes, even in this woman’s paradise there are still leftover women. The grass is never green enough. Some things never change.

The other effect nobody thought about is that children raised as single children have great difficulties socializing and do not want more than one child themselves. If they want children at all, that is. In 2015 when the Chinese government allowed for two children, nobody responded. A bit later they encouraged three children, but that was ridiculed by the people. A poll was quickly taken offline, because the results were not exactly what the government wanted to be. +90% of respondents stated that they don’t want any kids at all. None. In very plain language. Not a word of Chinese in it (in a matter of speaking, of course)!

The third and most important effect is that the emperor cannot send countless soldiers to die in a vain, glorious war. Invading Taiwan will immediately cause widespread revolution. Because the parents and grandparents of those soldiers would have lost the means to subsist in their old age.

What’s the complexity of demographics?

First nothing seems to happen, then it happens all of a sudden. It takes 20 years (four cohorts) to become a productive adult. It takes 45 years (nine cohorts) to reach the age of retirement. Then, all of a sudden … boom! … retirement. One day you are working, the next day you’ll never work again. It’s not a gradual process, it happens from one day on the next.

From 1980 onwards Chinese people became prosperous. Less poor, for the most part. But some people really became wealthy. Here China loves to play the numbers game. “We have more millionaires than The Netherlands has inhabitants!” True enough, but China also has 1.4 billion citizens. If we look at the percentages, China has less than 1% of it citizens as millionaires. In The Netherlands that’s 3%.

The prosperity of China is over. Forever. Demographically, they borrowed from the bank. Now it’s payback time. Raising children is very expensive. From 1980 onwards Chinese didn’t have to spend their money on raising children. They could spend it on whatever they wanted. That’s the reason why Thailand became — until Covid — the most popular foreign tourist destination for the Chinese. Chinese tourists amounted to one-third of all arrivals. That money would otherwise have been spent on raising children.

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They Have Plans For Us

When I wrote last week about the financial crisis and the Great Reset, I said:

None of the above is the raving of a tinfoil-hat paranoid. It has all been written up, more or less the same as I summarized, in articles and treatises and papers put out by the World Economic Forum and the other institutions that are planning our globalized future. None of it is hidden. It’s not secret. But it’s TLDR for most people, so they pay no attention.

The following report talks about Klaus Schwab’s most recent book, which is an example of the blatant out-in-the-open plans our future overlords have for us. They probably rely on the fact that almost nobody outside of their totalitarian technocrat community reads their stuff.

The sheep just never look up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Report24:

“Insane!”: Schwab’s new book “The Great Narrative” is torn in two

It was published in English on December 28 last year and has been available in German since February 21: The second part of Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” is called “The Great Narrative” and has the dubious subtitle “For a better future”. The latest work by the founder of the World Economic Forum is not well received by readers.

The big narrative est [sic!] is a guide for anyone who wants to better understand how the world has evolved since the beginning of the pandemic and what solutions can make it more resilient, fairer and more sustainable..

This is how the 293-page book by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret is described on Amazon. However, users find completely different words for it. The 1-star ratings outweigh the others in both the German and the English version. German readers state:

“Insane! Does he believe he is “God”? Orwell sends greetings: he says protection, peace and freedom. He means control, slavery and paternalism.”

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

“Severely sick! A lone man who has gathered a kind of elite cult around him is trying to transform all of humanity according to his ideal! Mankind should do everything possible to ensure that this nightmare does not become a reality!”

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

“A dangerous pamphlet that promotes totalitarian socialism with pretended global problems such as climate change. Pooh!”

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The ratings for the English version are hardly more forgiving. Here is what UK readers write:

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A Handgun Against the New World Order

In my introduction last week to Thierry Baudet’s video I said, concerning the implementation of the New World order, that “…the same is true here in the USA. The process is fully underway now, and not enough people are aware of it for it to be stopped, by democratic means or otherwise. Not only can we not vote our way out of what’s happening, we can’t shoot our way out either, because we are too fragmented and isolated, and under such constant surveillance that the formation of any coherent mass resistance is now all but impossible.”

Western Rifle Shooters Association featured Mr. Baudet’s video (and my comments), but is not as pessimistic about the future of the Country Formerly Known as the United States of America. Concerned American said:

Perhaps here in the former USA as well as Europe.

But perhaps not.

Or more properly, the demon is most certainly in both places, but his final standing — victor or vanquished — is yet to be determined.

Earlier today, the state of Georgia became the 25th American state to remove any form of handgun license requirement for Georgians who otherwise can legally possess firearms.

That means that every day in each of those 25 American states, the servants of tyranny will have to assume that some significant portion of the “civilian” population is both armed and trained at least as well as the average policeman.

So too every politician and bureaucrat in each of those states.

And in another relatively recent post, the Baron was kind enough to bring back a voice from the grave on just what can be done with a handgun.

L’audace, mes amis — l’audace!

Once you know that the government stooges intend to inject, imprison, starve, and eventually kill you and your family as part of the Great Reset, then make them each pay for their bloodthirsty allegiance to Evil.

No matter what weapon, adequate or not, you have at your disposal.

No matter your enemies’ titles, costumes, or alibis.

For the NWO jackboots, their masters, and their bureaucrats:

No prisoners.

Far be it from me to gainsay his remarks. There is no doubt that millions of Americans are well-armed, well-trained, and — shall we say — skeptical about the designs of the federal government.

The problem is not that ornery Americans lack the firepower, or the will to use it. The problem is: Who are you going to shoot?

I’ll present a couple of examples that illustrate the kind of thing I’m talking about.

Imagine that your son is in the second grade at George Floyd Memorial Elementary School. You have some suspicions about the kind of indoctrination that is being inflicted on him, so you slip a micro-recording device into his backpack before he goes to school so you can find out what’s going on. You discover that it’s even worse than you expected: he’s being instructed by his “non-binary” teacher in the explicit details of homosexual erotic practices, and cautioned not to tell his parents about it.

Who do you shoot?

The teacher, maybe. The principal. The superintendent of schools. The mayor and various members of the city council. And perhaps, just for good measure, the purple-haired pierced genderqueer being who represents your district in the state legislature.

And then what happens? If you don’t get blown away by the cops while exacting retribution on the people who did this to your son, you get locked away in the slammer for the rest of your life. In either case, your son grows up without a father. And he still gets instructed in the mechanics of gay sex in his elementary school classes.

The obvious alternative is to pull your kid out of the public schools ASAP. A private school, or, if you can’t afford it, home schooling. The latter can be costly in its own way, if both parents had previously been working for wages. Plus the state or city where you live may make it difficult to home-school. You might be required to use an approved curriculum, which would of course include explicit instruction about gay sex for 7-year-olds.

At that point you might decide to relocate your family to Florida or a rural area in Texas where people are still relatively sane.

In any case, there’s no obvious way to solve the problem by shooting people.

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Another example.

Imagine that your employer decides to mandate as a condition of your continued employment that you agree to be injected with the experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. You assert your basic human right not to undergo a medical procedure against your will, and decline to comply. As a result you receive two weeks’ severance pay and are shown the door.

You’ve got three kids to support, so you have to find another job pronto. Unfortunately, all the other employers in your area are imposing the same vax mandate, so you can’t find one. After several months of fruitless searching, the mortgage company forecloses on your home, and you’re out on the street with your wife and kids. The entire family ends up sleeping in a van and using the portosans in the park where all the other homeless people live.

Who do you shoot?

Your former employer, for a start. The bank manager, maybe. And, for good measure, the purple-haired pierced genderqueer being who represents your district in the state legislature.

Then you get put away, and your wife and kids are still sleeping in the van down by the park, only now they have no husband or father to protect them from marauding drug addicts and/or violent rapists.

Once again, shooting people didn’t solve the problem.

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The above examples are relatively trivial compared to what’s rapidly coming down the pike at us. I’m talking about the Great Reset, of course.

The full New World Order will be upon us shortly. The conversion of the tattered remnant of the American republic into a province of the Global Paradise will be ushered in by the collapse of our currency, which is already well underway.

Two essential components will be necessary for the new system to function: universal personal digital identification and a global digital currency. The recent vax passport or “green pass” schemes were a test run for the universal digital identification. The digital ID will be combined with the global digital currency (I’ll call it GDC), and will be mediated by your cell phone.

And everyone has a cell phone, right? I am literally the ONLY person I know who doesn’t have a cell phone. Everybody I know, even the most deplorable libertarian types, has a baby monitor. There must be a few other stone-age weirdoes like me, but they’re few and far between. When the time comes to implement the NWO, it will hardly be necessary to make ownership of a hand-held device mandatory.

If you have a cell phone, the government and major corporations (yes, I know, same thing) know where you are. They know what you buy. They know who you hang around with. And, obviously, they know what you say or text through your phone. If you have Siri or Alexa or something similar, they know what you and your friends converse about in your living room.

Once a personalized digital currency is added, the corporate state will have achieved total surveillance and total control over your personal life.

“Ah,” you say, “but I’ll never be willing to use their digital currency. So they won’t have that.”

Well… You might not have any choice.

It’s not that cash will be outright abolished, not immediately. The first step will be to make it worthless.

That’s where the inflation comes in. The severe inflation that’s beginning right now isn’t a bug in the system, it’s a feature. In order for you to be willing to embrace the new GDC, the currency you’re used to has to lose 99.9% of its value.

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Who Will Succeed Him?

I’m talking about Klaus Schwab, actually, and not Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron. Mind you, it would be nice to see Marine Le Pen succeed Junior. If for no other reason, it’s unlikely that we’ll ever see her in a fond embrace with the Guru of the Great Reset.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Corona Transition:

Who takes over the throne from Klaus Schwab?

The big maneuvers to succeed Schwab as WEF leader have begun. Why ICRC President Peter Maurer has the best chance.

by Guy Mettan, Bon pour la tête

The big maneuvers to succeed Klaus Schwab at the head of the World Economic Forum have begun. On March 30, the great Sultan of Cologne turned 84, and the burden of the years has left its mark on him, too.

Who could follow Schwab? This is of course one of the most sacred taboos of international Geneva. Those who have tried to break it have stumbled. All envisaged sequels, including those that the grandmaster himself brought into play, became history pretty quickly. Some of them because they put Schwab in the shade too much. We remember, for example, the head of a multinational company or a former president — their names disappeared from the spotlight at the WEF as quickly as they appeared there…

The governance of the WEF, which has now become an international organization with ad hoc status, is indeed problematic for an international body that should apply to itself the rules of transparency and democracy demanded everywhere else. The laws of the private sector only apply to a limited extent in the WEF. Klaus Schwab has headed the forum, which was founded in 1971, for 52 years. He has been in office twice as long as Putin, whose longevity is currently a popular subject of criticism. Only Kenneth Roth cuts a similarly good figure in Geneva. He has run Human Rights Watch with an equally iron fist for 29 years. So, monarchical governance is not exclusively Russian.

However, things could change soon: in September, Peter Maurer, the current President of the ICRC, will hand over his office to the diplomat Mirjana Spoljaric Egger. The nearly 65-year-old Maurer is a member of the WEF Council and acted as guarantor in the transformation of the WEF from a private NGO into a public international organization. It would only be logical for Maurer to assume the position of Grand Vizier Schwab, bearing in mind that a place of honor must be reserved for the outgoing ruler. A constitutional monarchy might emerge.

The image of the WEF is not exactly in good shape. The institution has become a symbol of oligarchic globalization and the Great Reset ideology, and accordingly the butt of the wrath of “conspiracy theorists” on social media.

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Name Your Poison

Most readers are familiar with the variation of the toxicity of individual batches of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. The differences are of such a magnitude that they cannot be attributed to random variation, statistically speaking. It has become clear that the composition of different batches was deliberately varied in a controlled fashion for experimental purposes.

The following German-language report provides additional data to support this thesis. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian weekly Der Wochenblick:

“Russian Roulette” with the experimental gene treatments

Toxic gene injections: These are the 10 DEADLIEST Pfizer batches!

1.   Shocking finding, suspected high number of unreported cases
2.   The 10 deadliest Pfizer batches worldwide…
3.   …and only within the USA
4.   Quality problems known for a long time

As Wochenblick already reported, the batches of gene vaccines sometimes differ up to 3,000 times in terms of their toxicity. Renowned researchers have had doubts about the consistent manufacturing quality for some time, recognizing clear differences in color and effect. The most frequently injected active substance from BioNTech/Pfizer in many countries around the world is affected. Shock: In some cases, well over a hundred deaths can be traced back to one and the same batch!

Shocking finding, suspected high number of unreported cases

This is the result of ongoing database analyses of the VAERS system by, which periodically crawls the US adverse reaction reporting system. The data are neatly divided between US reports and international reports. The proportionate distribution suggests that, outside of America in particular, a high number of unreported cases of suspected side effects, including the death of the vaccinated person, are not sufficiently documented. The real situation could therefore be far more dramatic than has been proven so far.

The 10 deadliest Pfizer batches worldwide…

Currently (data: April 10, 2022) these are the 10 deadliest Pfizer batches worldwide (outside the USA). It is also striking that there are several adjacent or almost adjacent batch numbers among the presumably particularly dangerous production series. Could this be an indication of sloppy production standards?

EM0477: 235 deaths, 118 disabilities, 97 fatal diseases, 1962 adverse events reported
EJ6788: 148 deaths, 26 disabilities, 56 life-threatening diseases, 1137 adverse reactions reported
EJ6795: 147 deaths, 46 disabilities, 76 life-threatening diseases, 1041 adverse reactions reported
EK9788: 140 deaths, 142 disabilities, 112 life-threatening diseases, 2641 adverse reactions reported
EJ6796: 120 deaths, 38 disabilities, 64 life-threatening diseases, 1033 adverse reactions reported
EP9598: 97 deaths, 83 disabilities, 59 fatal diseases, 1133 adverse reactions reported
EP2166: 97 deaths, 101 disabilities, 85 fatal diseases, 1086 adverse reactions reported
EJ6134: 95 deaths, 169 disabilities, 59 fatal diseases, 1300 adverse reactions reported
EJ6789: 94 deaths, 101 disabilities, 45 life-threatening diseases, 1076 adverse events reported
ET3620: 86 deaths, 65 disabilities, 74 fatal diseases, 1109 adverse events reported.

…and only within the USA

And these 10 batches were responsible for a particularly large number of suspected deaths, especially in the USA. Here, too, the finding of possibly inferior neighboring batch numbers is repeated even in this top segment. The higher proportion of reports as a percentage of the total population and the population injected may be related to greater awareness of the VAERS reporting system in the United States.

EN6201: 90 fatalities, 57 disabilities, 47 fatal diseases, 2633 adverse reactions reported
EL9261: 83 deaths, 31 disabilities, 31 life-threatening diseases, 1749 adverse reactions reported
EN5318: 80 fatalities, 49 disabilities, 51 fatal diseases, 2604 adverse reactions reported
EL3248: 75 deaths, 30 disabilities, 25 life-threatening diseases, 1912 adverse events reported
EN6200: 71 fatalities, 43 disabilities, 46 fatal diseases, 2290 adverse reactions reported
EL3249: 68 deaths, 30 disabilities, 21 life-threatening diseases, 1972 adverse events reported
EL9269: 68 deaths, 29 disabilities, 40 life-threatening diseases, 1412 adverse events reported
EL9810: 65 deaths, 19 disabilities, 25 life-threatening diseases, 1096 adverse reactions reported
EN6202: 64 fatalities, 50 disabilities, 48 fatal diseases, 2209 adverse reactions reported
EL8982: 62 deaths, 40 disabilities, 25 life-threatening diseases, 1923 adverse events reported

Quality problems known for a long time

The concentration of life-threatening side effects up to and including the death of the patient is nothing new: as early as November, Wochenblick reported on research that suggested that in the USA just five percent of the batches were responsible for almost all deaths. Leaks about the side effect data from Pfizer and Moderna nevertheless suggested that the “vaccination” companies had known for a long time that the probability of a dangerous reaction is sometimes higher than the statistical chance of dying from or with Corona.

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Thierry Baudet: “The New World Order is Upon Us”

Thierry Baudet is the founder and leader of the Dutch party Forum for Democracy (Forum voor Democratie, FvD). He has been a member of the Tweede Kamer since 2017.

In the following English-language video Mr. Baudet discusses the New World Order, the World Economic Forum, “climate change”, and the coming regime of totalitarian global governance. He believes that the globalist project is so far along in Europe that there is almost no chance of impeding it. I tend to agree, but would take it even farther and say that the same is true here in the USA. The process is fully underway now, and not enough people are aware of it for it to be stopped, by democratic means or otherwise. Not only can we not vote our way out of what’s happening, we can’t shoot our way out either, because we are too fragmented and isolated, and under such constant surveillance that the formation of any coherent mass resistance is now all but impossible.

The political process has devolved into theater. We can be entertained by it, as if it were a sportsball event or a series on reality TV, but it has no meaningful effect on the major issues that control our lives, especially those surrounding the imposition of the new order.

Look at the stupid things Joe Biden said! Listen to Kamala Harris cackle! Nancy Pelosi is drunk! Justin Trudeau is a moron! AOC is an idiot! Boris Johnson’s hair is out of control! Emmanuel Macron’s wife is old enough to be his mother!

That’s what preoccupies us, so that we don’t see the boot stamping down on our faces — forever.

Here’s Thierry Baudet’s take on the NWO from a Dutch perspective:

Hat tip: Thomas Landen.

Home Before Christmas?

H. Numan provides additional analysis of the Russo-Ukrainian war (see previously: “Mene, Tekel, Perish!”).

Home before Christmas?

by H. Numan

Everybody wants, or at least hopes, that this war will be over soon. I’m not optimistic. The comrades probably won’t be home before Christmas. Large nations don’t admit defeat easily. Their conflicts often expand and turn into a death struggle. It very much looks to me like this is going to be one of those. This war will go on for a very long time.

We’re looking at the Ukrainian conflict from the wrong end: Putin isn’t going anywhere. Least of all back to Moscow with his tail between his legs. He’s going to stay exactly where he is. Unless he is militarily defeated, which is unlikely. After all, he has the world’s biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons at hand. Right now NATO and Putin are playing a game of chicken. The problem is Putin has no eyelids to blink with. He’ll win.

We’re looking at the conflict with a Western mindset: War is bad. Not good for the people. Think about the poor/innocent/harmless children/women/elderly. It ruins business. Bad for the environment, and more of that crap. That’s not the way Russia got as big as it is today. They know war is hell. Give the other as much of it as possible! Depopulate the area. Terrorize the population into submission. Either kill what’s left outright or send them elsewhere in Russia. There’s plenty of space for them. Repopulate the new territory with ‘better’ people. Usually, but not always, that means Russians proper. This policy was practiced under the czars. The only thing the communists did was to expand on terror part. The post-USSR presidents merely continued the policy.
Part of the policy is simply out-waiting the other. Sooner or later they will give in. They all do. For example, Crimea. Was the plebiscite real or not? It doesn’t matter. Given the outcome, of course it was rigged. 96.77% is not realistic. So what happened? Nothing. It’s still Russian.

Putin simply out-waited sanctions. He got what he wanted, and took it from there. Merkel opted for sanctions, but only those that didn’t hurt. Had she shown what she didn’t have (a spine), he would have reacted differently. How different, we don’t know. Because Merkel doesn’t have a spine, and caved in immediately.

Taking a big risks is typically Russian. Usually it pays off. Sometimes it doesn’t. The consequences can be massive, when the gamble fails. Watch these two videos; they show how Russians manage their own people: The voyage of the Kamchatka. He (not she; Russian ships are he) was part of the Second Pacific Squadron. The First Pacific Squadron was wiped out in a Pearl Harbor style attack by the Japanese navy in 1903. The czar send the Baltic fleet, renamed it as the Second Pacific Squadron. Their voyage was at that time the laughing stock of the world. If you think the Russians bungled up in Ukraine, watch the video. It was truly the voyage of the damned. They sailed from the Baltic past Africa (the Suez canal was closed to them, after they opened fire twice on British fishing vessels in the North Sea) across the Indian Ocean to meet their doom in the Straights of Tsushima. Most sailors died.

Another gamble, one that worked out very well, was Stalin’s East European policy. The Allies, at that time Britain, needed him. So he boldly insisted the conditions in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact should be honored by the Allies as well. Churchill didn’t want it, but eventually he had to. Simply because Stalin refused to negotiate anything else. No matter what or how British and later American negotiators argued. He remained silent or restated his demands, until they caved in. Effectively, the Iron Curtain was created there and then. It was a huge gamble, because Stalin needed the Allies a lot more than the Allies needed him. Had the allies shown a bit more spine… You’ll read that a lot, when dealing with Russian politicians.

Sometimes the West does show its spine. During the Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy didn’t cave in to the pretty reasonable — they were very good at finding reasonable excuses — demands of Khrushchev. That’s how Russia usually wins, and sometimes not. Even in this defeat, US missiles in Turkey were removed, so Khrushchev still could call it a win. It was a close call, though. We’re about to relive that exiting time all over again. Only this time with a mindless moron in the White House. And a lot more nukes.

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It’s Time to Vax the Chix

A few months ago the narrative surrounding the Wuhan Coronavirus had begun to unravel, so the Russo-Ukrainian war had to be arranged. Evidently that war has now stagnated to the point where it is losing some of its Great Crisis punch, so another pandemic needs to be launched. This time it’s the bird flu, and the initial focus will be on the chicken population.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German website Arrangement Group:

Now comes the vaccination requirement for chickens and with it the shortage of eggs and poultry

In the US, bird flu has long since returned, and it has already caused shortages in egg and poultry supplies. For this reason, vaccination for chickens will soon be compulsory in the USA and private chicken keeping will be banned.

As a result, many states have now completely banned the sale of chicks to the public. The largest egg producer in the US has culled all of its chickens and fired its workers.

How can these viruses coordinate so well and make one of them Corona during the winter while the others will soon spoil our summer? It’s all just starting slowly for us, but due to the flight movements of the birds in spring, the viruses are making good headway towards us at the moment.

The coronavirus flies by plane, and the bird flu comes straight to us with the birds from Ukraine.

There, such viruses were grown in the high-security laboratories and in the video below you can see the malicious grin of the wife of the Virus Lord (Billy Boy) when he announced the next pandemic.

We will probably see the bottlenecks in the food trade with eggs and poultry in Europe around the middle of the year. But as always in such cases, that’s only half the story. Because not only are chickens threatened by the bird flu, but also people. Incidentally, the new bird flu virus was deliberately developed in such a way that it can be transmitted directly from birds and chickens to humans. This is where you should start getting worried. They want to starve you and make you sick at the same time. This will end tragically.

Afterword from the translator:

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Trials and Tribulations

A brief word of warning from Seneca III.

Trials and tribulations

by Seneca III

The UK and much of the rest of the Western Ecumene are in deep trouble. That trouble is, as always, the product of the self-serving machinations of corrupted politicians who either fail to comprehend it or which, in their eternal hubris, they contemptuously choose to ignore. They have no concept of the limits that their so far hapless electorates intuitively understand, and the breach of which are no longer prepared to tolerate.

There is a limit to what any government can achieve by whipping up fear and driving onward the Carbon Net Neutral scam, or whatever other names it goes by, with its inevitable fuel poverty, malnutrition and death by hypothermia. Now it is emerging that their victims really are beginning to realise what is being done to them and are turning to bite the hand that is whipping them.

But it is not only that.

There is also a limit to the amount of money that any government can take out of the economy without putting anything back. There is a limit to the number of alien parasites and predators with territorial objectives of their own that can be allowed to enter into our counties before the people demand, and violently so, that the ‘In Door’ be closed and the ‘Out Door’ be opened wide.

There is a limit to the number of sick, deviant minds that can be permitted to dominate the public and political dialectic before being sectioned and locked away to prevent them from irrevocably polluting the minds and destroying the bodies of the younger generations.

All of these things are connected; they are individual cogs in the globalisation power machine which, if not rendered toothless soon, will ensure we will no longer have countries left.

Those of us that survive, that is. Unless we very shortly go full kinetic.

— Seneca III, this seventh day of April in the year of our Lord 2022.

For links to previous essays by Seneca III, see the Seneca III Archives.

Worldwide Vax Report

The two articles below from German-language media discuss topics related to the experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

The first concerns the alarming incidence of death and serious medical issues involving young athletes. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Der Wochenblick:

Many young people affected — average age 38 years

Sudden and unexpected: Over 1,000 cases of athletes collapsing — many dead

1.   Just a normal marathon
2.   Cycle races: only 38 percent finish
3.   Tennis fans shocked: Favorites had to give up
4.   Suddenly and unexpectedly: Over 1,000 cases — average age 38 years
5.   The mainstream is slowly waking up — very slowly

Wochenblick has reported several times about athletes suddenly and unexpectedly collapsing [see original article for multiple links].

Now a sad record has been reached. Over a thousand cases of collapsed or deceased athletes have already been documented. It should be a cause for concern when healthy and very often young people suddenly drop dead.

The average age of the dead is shocking: it is only 38 years.

Just a normal marathon

Politicians and mainstream media still look the other way and try to ignore the problem.

In September 2021, for example, the Standard headlined: “One dead and dozens of people collapsing in a completely normal marathon”.

93 percent of those at the start were vaccinated. Never before have there been so few runners. Never before have there been so many who failed to reach the finish-line. But they don’t want to see the connection with the Corona vaccination on the dirty pink sheet: just a completely normal marathon.

Cycle races: only 38 percent finish

Even reports like those from the Paris-Nice cycle race do not lead to a finding in the mainstream media. In this race, only 59 of 154 riders made it to the finish. The remaining 95 riders collapsed on the way or had to give up.

This is explained, in mainstream terms, by the fact that the participants were ill. The flu is said to be to blame.

Tennis fans shocked: Favorites had to give up

The situation was similar at the tennis tournament in Miami in the USA. 15 players had to end the tournament prematurely due to health problems. Among these were the favorites to win both women’s and men’s tournaments.

“The tennis world was shocked after the favorites Paula Badosa and Jannik Sinner had to retire in the quarterfinals of the Miami Open. Badosa, who will soon be number three in the world, felt unwell during her match against Jessica Pegula and left the court in tears,” Free West Media reported.

The fans reacted in shock to the bizarre tennis day. “What’s going on here?” someone asked. The question is posed, but no attempt is made to answer it.

At least since the fuss about Novak Djokovic and his non-vaccination [see original article for multiple links] it has been clear that almost all athletes in tennis are vaccinated.

In the newspaper articles just mentioned, all sorts of explanations are offered — but that it could be due to the vaccinations is not even considered.

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Islam is Peace” — The Anatomy of a Masterly Deception

Michael Copeland looks back to the moment when George W. Bush launched his enduring “Islam is peace” meme.

More than a generation has grown up who never knew 9/11. Very probably they are unacquainted with quite how it was that President George W. Bush came to misinform the nation, and the West, that “Islam is Peace”, the untrue slogan that, all these years on, still banefully blights the West.

“Islam is Peace” — The Anatomy of a Masterly Deception

by Michael Copeland

“Islam is peace”. We know that because Western leaders have told us: Blair, Brown, Cameron, they all said that. And, have you noticed, they all said it in a sort of special hushed reverential tone? What was going on? Why the drop in volume?


The hushed voice trail goes back to President George W. Bush. A few days after 9/11 it was he who told us all on television, in a special reverential manner, “Islam is peace”. This is where it comes from. This is where British leaders heard it, later repeating it complete with hushed voice, probably without even realising. We accepted the message. Bush was on television, so it must be true, no?

We are accustomed to the format: a Presidential or Prime Ministerial address from the state office. Everyone pay attention: this is our leader talking directly to us. Yet this broadcast was different. Bush was standing, with other people nearby behind him watching him speak, and watching rather closely. Who were they? Where was he? Why were they there?

Crafty and masterly

Bush was, most unusually, in a mosque. Now we all know that Bush is not a Muslim. Why was he in a mosque? Apparently the White House, already having Islamic sympathisers in place, had requested a meeting with the grandly self-styled “Council on American Islamic Relations”, CAIR. Also apparently this was a replacement for a meeting originally scheduled for 9/11, but which had been overtaken by events. Though the pretentiously named “Council” promote themselves as a civil rights advocacy group, they are a Hamas-linked foreign-funded pressure group for securing Muslim privilege. They make a point of gaining publicity and claiming to speak for America’s Muslims. CAIR is a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is outlawed in its native Egypt for being a terrorist organisation. They invited Bush not to their office in Washington, but to the mosque, a crafty and masterly move. The mosque being their territory, it empowered them with a Gamesmanship psychological advantage. It was a trap.

Obediently shoeless, and most inappropriately referring to the CAIR personnel as “the good folks standing with me,” Bush delivered the “Islam is peace” assurance to the camera. Hold it there for a moment. The camera? Mosques do not normally have cameras on hand. The press was there too, to take pictures. Who was it who arranged for them to be there? The White House with its Islamic sympathisers? CAIR? Perhaps we may never know. Certainly it had all been carefully set up. The broadcast was not live: the footage was recorded. The video can be seen on the internet.

By inference it was the location, a house of worship, that influenced Bush to adopt the hushed tones. Maybe that had been CAIR’s intention all along. The special calm and lowered voice comes across as extra sincere and personal. It is this reverential tone that has been unwittingly duplicated by other Western leaders. In delivering his speech, Bush stumbled on some of the words, and makes small mistakes. The CAIR people looked on critically, as if monitoring his performance. After Bush had spoken the imam made a short deceptive speech stressing peace, thereby sealing the deal.

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Giving No Quarter

A couple of days ago I received a brand new 2022 quarter in change at the supermarket. I was surprised to see that for the first time in ninety years the obverse of the coin has been completely redesigned. It still features a bust of George Washington, but he has been turned around and has lost his wig, as far as I can tell. Now he just sports a man-pigtail.

It’s still a copper-nickel sandwich, though — a “Johnson slug”. No more silver quarters for us.

The old reverse with the eagle has been gone since the late 1990s, when the mint put out a series of state quarters. After that they varied the design, running through the states again, but this time with a featured tourist attraction for each. It became clear that the mint was simply aiming for the “collectibles” market, striking quarters that collectors would immediately pull out of circulation and insert in their coin folders.

From what I read at the mint’s website, Maya Angelou is the first of five chicks to be featured on the back on the new quarter. Not all of them will be women of color — I believe the astronaut Sally Ride is next in line.

Our coinage has been seriously degraded over the past twenty years. And I don’t mean just because of the lack of silver and the paucity of copper, but also because of the designs. The new penny looks like a fairground token, and the new version of Thomas Jefferson on the nickel is an ugly instance of hip kitsch. I assume the dime will also be revamped in a similar fashion.

And, based on these new quarters, political correctness is now firmly ensconced in the Department of the Treasury. It’s bound to get worse — I mean, how much longer until the dead white men, especially the slave-owners, are permanently expunged?

During the reign of Obama there was a push to get rid of Andrew Jackson and install Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. That got interrupted by the usurper Trump, but with Brandon at the top, it will probably get right back on track.

I fully expect to see George Floyd’s head on a coin or a bill sometime fairly soon. Maybe he can be featured on the $100,000 bill when that becomes the smallest denomination of our new paper currency…

Fjordman: A Convergence of Catastrophes

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

A Convergence of Catastrophes

by Fjordman

Pierre Brochand is a former director of the French Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE), tasked with intelligence gathering and safeguarding France’s national security. He has also been a diplomat, the French ambassador to Hungary, Israel and Portugal, and has served his country in various positions for decades. In an interview with the national newspaper Le Figaro in March of 2022, Brochand sounded an alarm bell over the damage immigration is doing to France and to other European nations.[1] He judges that Europe is currently the only part of the world to deny the importance of ethnic and cultural homogeneity for stability, peace, and prosperity.

France has for more than half a century experienced large-scale immigration from what used to be called the Third World: countries in the Islamic world, Africa, and other parts of the global South. Brochand notes that this recent mass immigration is unprecedented in our history, and observes that it is fracturing France into various competing tribes. While it has become taboo to say so in Western countries today, experience indicates that Multicultural societies of competing ethnic groups are often inherently unstable and tend to break down into violence. Brochand compares France to Lebanon and the former Yugoslavia. These were Multicultural countries with large Muslim populations that collapsed into horrific civil wars.

Pierre Brochand has harsh words for the political leaders in France and the rest of Western Europe. In his view, they have for decades allowed the situation to grow worse and worse due to cowardice. He fears that the country could be heading for some form of collapse unless a complete reversal of public policy is implemented immediately. The politicians must say loud and clear that France will not for the foreseeable future be a country that welcomes large-scale immigration. However, Brochand believes that political leadership in France and Europe still underestimates the seriousness of the situation. Time is running out if we want to avoid a disaster. With his decades of accumulated experience, Pierre Brochand fears a dark future for our children and grandchildren.

In April of 2021, one thousand French soldiers, including more than twenty retired generals, signed a public letter warning that France could face a bloody “civil war” fueled by Islamic separatism.[2] Several other observers have voiced similar worries.[3] Some fear that war has become inevitable.[4] A few, such as the author Michel Onfray, state that a civil war has already begun.[5]

The American writer Ned May quotes the American science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein with what he terms The Year of the Jackpot. This is when several negative happenings converge in time and cause a systemic collapse in society. May wrote an essay about this at his website Gates of Vienna in 2007, and in 2022 this emerging chaos appears to be drawing closer.[6] A toxic mix of negative factors could cause dramatic ripple effects throughout the entire Western world. Right now, we are witnessing a combination of mass immigration, Islamization, terrorism, unparalleled money printing by the central banks, massive public debt, disrupted economies after lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic, outsourcing of industries and jobs to an increasingly powerful China, war between Russia and the Ukraine, social decay, decadence and cultural decline, dissolution of families, a spike in violent crime, increasing censorship, surveillance and ideological indoctrination, harmful environmental policies plus a steep rise in the prices of energy and food. Every one of these problems is bad by itself. Combined, they could be disastrous.

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The West’s Goals in Ukraine

Emmet Scott sends his analysis of the causes and goals of the Russo-Ukrainian war, as seen from the perspective of the architects of the New World Order.

The West’s Goals in Ukraine

by Emmet Scott

In a speech delivered, or stumbled through, in Poland on March 26, Joe Biden declared that Russia was in need of regime change, a sentiment echoed throughout the Western media. Many commentators and media talking-heads agreed that “regime change” is and should be a fundamental goal of Western policy towards Russia. One or two went so far as to argue that this is the reason for the West’s effort to prolong the war by continuing to pour arms into Ukraine — rather than call for an immediate ceasefire, as is the normal procedure in modern wars.

One such commentator has been Niall Ferguson, who has cautioned Western leaders that the desired regime change will almost certainly not be materializing in the foreseeable future. Writing in Bloomberg News, Ferguson concludes that the Biden administration “is making a colossal mistake thinking that it can protract the war in Ukraine, bleed Russia dry, topple Putin and signal to China to keep its hands off Taiwan.”

But is regime change the primary goal at all?

The is no question whatsoever that the Western elites loathe and despise Vladimir Putin, and they would indeed be glad to see him go — into retirement, or better still, into the grave. The source of that animosity, however, has nothing whatsoever to do with Putin’s real or alleged brutality, far less with his warmongering or aggression.

The “West” itself has been a reasonably enthusiastic warmonger over the past few decades, invading and destabilizing dozens of countries in numerous parts of the globe, often under the most mendacious of pretexts. The destruction of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and yes, Ukraine, can all be chalked up to Western “humanitarian” interventions over the past thirty years. Nor is Putin’s (alleged) contempt for the democratic rights and freedoms of his own people a problem: Western “elites” have displayed a commendable contempt for the rights and freedoms of their own citizens, or subjects, over the past two years. None of these things bother Western “elites” at all. Whence then comes the loathing for Putin? That’s a question I’ll address presently.

Notwithstanding the Western elites’ hatred of Putin, do they really think a prolonged war in Ukraine will achieve the goal of removing him? That is highly unlikely. As Niall Ferguson pointed out, wars tend to unite countries behind their leaders, and this is particularly the case with Russia, which has a “heroic” national narrative that glorifies the sacrifice of its people and its soldiers in wartime situations. This narrative, Ferguson notes, can be traced back to the time of the Russian people’s struggles against the Mongols, and manifested itself again during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and during the Nazi invasion in 1941. Western leaders, I assume, are as aware of this as Ferguson, and must know that nothing short of catastrophic casualties, involving the loss of quite literally millions of men, is likely to shift the Russians away from their patriotic support for their army and their leader. But if this is the case, what then do Western leaders hope to achieve by prolonging the war?

And that point is very much worth emphasizing: It is the West which is prolonging the conflict. Indeed, it was the West which provoked the conflict in the first place. If the West had wished to avoid war, all it had to do was give Moscow a guarantee that Ukraine would not be joining NATO and insist that Kiev implement the provisions of the Minsk Accord, which provided a limited autonomy for the ethnic Russian populations of Donetsk and Lugansk. This was never done; on the contrary, the West encouraged Kiev to provoke the Russians by launching periodic attacks upon the inhabitants of the above two regions, and by providing the Ukrainians with high-tech weaponry to launch those attacks.

So, we are back to the original question: What does “the West” — or the West’s leadership — hope to achieve by a prolonged conflict between Russia and Ukraine? This was a topic I touched upon in an article published towards the end of January this year (“The Great Reset: Why Now?New English Review, February), where I predicted a war in Ukraine within a few months. As it turned out, the war kicked off even earlier than I had imagined. In that article I said that the “West” actually wanted war with Russia, which is what made its occurrence all the more likely. I explained at length that when we speak of “the West”, we are actually talking about an immensely wealthy oligarchy comprising no more than a few thousand people, an oligarchy which effectively dictates the policies of Western governments. It does this through its control and ownership of 90% of the world’s wealth, a stranglehold which is augmented by its near-total control of the media. The latter allows the oligarchs to shape the narrative and therefore, to a great extent, what people think. “Public opinion” is therefore ultimately what the billionaire and trillionaire class decrees it to be.

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