The Road to Hell is Paved With Petrodollars

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer turns his attention from Sweden to the latest migration-related events in his own country.

The road to hell is paved with petrodollars
by The Observer

Most people learn from an early age that money doesn’t grow on trees. And nowhere is that more true when it comes to paying for cultural enrichment, which is a lesson that Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg learned the hard way the other day when she had to inform the Norwegian Parliament that the estimated costs of processing the enormous influx of so-called “asylum seekers” would reach a staggering US $6 billion over the next five years.

And to add to Mrs Solberg’s woes, this is occurring at a time when Norwegian oil revenues have taken a severe blow, resulting in tens of thousands of Norwegians losing their lavishly-paid jobs in the Norwegian oil industry. More and more young Norwegians have been joining the ranks of the unemployed, and have to rely on social handouts from the government to get by.

What could possibly be better then than to spend billions of dollars on hordes of people from the Third World — mostly Muslims — who are borderline illiterates, who have no intention of contributing to society and who are only looking for a rich and gullible sugar-daddy nation in the West that they and their extended clan can scrounge off?

Well, according to the Left, nothing could be better, because they are literally walking on sunshine these days. They are enthusiastically encouraging Norwegians to join in what has colloquially been dubbed a “working bee” by the MSM, to ensure that the influx of future welfare recipients is dealt with as proficiently and smoothly as possible. The prospects of importing hundreds if not thousands of hard-core terrorists who could destabilize the country and cause serious mayhem doesn’t seem to faze them in the slightest. In fact, they are much more concerned that the police in Norway are now carrying firearms at all times, a safety measure that was introduced late last year due to the increased threat level, and a direct consequence of by the Left’s aggressive pursuit of a multicultural society.

Hardly a day goes by when there isn’t a frenzied reference in the MSM by a left-wing diehard about the outrageousness of an armed police force and the possibility that a member of the police could actually shoot and harm a violent criminal who took it upon himself to go berserk on a crowded street with a samurai sword, a box cutter or some other exotic type of bowel-slicer. But then again, these are the people that were outraged over suggestions that Anders Behring Breivik should have been taken out by a sniper’s bullet when he went on his mad killing spree on Utøya Island in 2011, so what else can you really expect?

“Cultural enrichment” is, of course, a term coined to mock the multiculturalists’ outrageous claim that importing hordes of people with diametrically opposing views and values is a smart and decent thing to do. And no, we’re not talking about importing people who think that capitalism is superior to Norwegian social democracy, or people who prefer football over cross-country skiing, but rather individuals from “exciting” cultures where it’s considered completely acceptable to stone women to death and hang gays from mobile cranes. To kill people who decide to leave Islam or who have the temerity to offend the prophet Muhammad’s honour.

If you look at it from a completely rational point of view, you’ll find that today’s cultural enrichment is just as beneficial as the Black Death was in 14th century Europe. The reality is that this enrichment is slowly destroying our culture and our way of life, and just like the Black Death it is spreading like a malignant cancer, which the decision-makers are doing their utmost to ignore.

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W muzułmańskich dzielnicach Europy, Odcinek 1

Long-time readers will recall the four-part documentary “Europe’s Takeover by Islam”, which was featured here back in 2012. Below is the first part subtitled in Polish. It was originally translated from the Hebrew and then subtitled in English; Green Infidel has now translated it into Polish.

The English-language version of Part 1 is here.

Green Infidel includes this note:

The Polish elections are just a week away, and the issue of immigration, Islam, refugees and cultural enrichment is one of the main topics in Poland. People in Poland might be interested in watching such a video, if they knew about it. (especially since it concerns Sweden — which was mentioned by the opposition leader as an example of immigration gone wrong).

So if you speak Polish and share these sentiments, please pass the link to this video around.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for doing the Polish subtitles:

From the notes to the video:

Film dokumentalny emitowany w Izraelskiej telewizji, w 2012r. Arabskojęzyczny reporter, Zvi Yehezkeli, odwiedza dzielnice zasiedlone przez imigrantów muzułmańskich, w krajach Europy Zachodniej, dowiadując się o nastrojach panujących wśród imigrantów, oraz w społecznościach innych obywateli. (emitowany na Izraelskim kanale 10 jako “Allah Islam”).

Pierwszy odcinek dotyczy sytuacji w Szwecji (Malmö), oraz Francji (Marsylia, i Clichy-sous-Bois – miejsce wybuchu zamieszek imigrantów w 2005r).

Polish transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/15/2015

Dozens of people were killed today when suicide bombers blew themselves up at a mosque in northeastern Nigeria. Meanwhile, the Obama administration announced that it is sending 300 American troops to Cameroon to assist in the fight against the kinetic activists of Boko Haram.

In other news, a chemical lab designed by Thomas Jefferson was discovered during the renovation of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia. The science classroom, dating from the early 1800s, had been walled in at some point, which protected it from a fire that devastated much of the building.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Conscience For Sale, Almost Unused. Any Takers?

The following item is up for sale on the German-language section of eBay. Readers are strongly advised to bid early, before Vladimir Putin snaps it up!

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation:

For sale Angela Merkel’s Conscience – Absolutely pure, barely used!!!

Selling Frau Merkel’s Conscience
(Sharply on this day, October 7th, Birthday of the DDR)

I found it in Berlin near the government district at the edge of the Spree. I assume that Frau Merkel simply threw it overboard on one of her many boating tours, and it must have washed ashore here. Even from a distance, lying in the water on sandy ground, it looked perfectly pure. Of course, I thought, she barely even used it.

As I got closer, I noticed it looked like a sponge; it was porous and full of holes, which made sense of course, because it had to “absorb” the experiences of life. As I picked it up and held it in my hands, I felt it was greasy and smarmy and I suddenly understood how she was able to slither herself out of literally every logical argument.

I worried, maybe I should give it back to her. But considering the fact that she was the one who threw it away in the first place, and I’m sure not without good reason, I decided it would be a waste of my time to return this conscience to its owner.

I can sympathize with her, after all. It is only without a conscience that one can so enduringly withstand this state of ungoverned being. It is only a state like this that enables one to lie so stubbornly and put on such a phony grin in the face of the pack… err, I mean, the people, whenever one is asked a logical question.

I imagine if I myself, holding the highest office in the country without having the power to use it, also wouldn’t be able to survive WITH a conscience either! But who knows, maybe the USA has already invented something better to replace a conscience, something from Area 51 or whatever.

She won’t need her conscience, anyway, not until the long-term plan for the dumbing down of Europe has come to fruition. Until the median IQ has sunk to a 90, right after the motto, ‘too dumb to know what’s going on, but not dumb enough to work’. Merkel only has to figure out how to keep slaves in a state of thinking that they’re actually free.

Merkel’s common sense was at first lying right next to her conscience in the water. But because there wasn’t much left, it washed away in the Spree after I tried to grab it. I just hope the fish will be okay.

Now you probably ask yourself, what would one do with Merkel’s conscience?

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The Klepto-Kids of Berlin

Nash Montana has translated an article about the culture-enriching “youths” of Berlin, multiple recidivists who receive virtually no punishment at the hands of the state, and brag about their larcenous exploits.

They are known as klau-kids in German. The translator includes this note about the term:

“Klau-Kids” — I don’t know how to translate that. It would literally mean “Steal-Kids”, or “Thieve Kids”, but I’m sure there are better expressions.

Klauen means swipe, steal, pilfer, lift.

I chose “klepto-kids” because it retains the alliteration. Also, I strongly suspect the Greek word kléptes (thief) is cognate with klauen, which would make it appropriate. But there isn’t really any commonly-used equivalent English idiom.

Maybe we should call them “Light-Fingered Louies”…

The translated article from Bild:

The Police Keep Releasing Them and They Coolly Pose and Brag on the Internet With Their Loot

Klepto-Kids Laughing Down the Police

by Nicole Biewald

Berlin — Thumbs up, sword in hand and a wide grin on his face. Ten criminal investigations of theft and larceny fill the dossier the police maintain on Walid K. (19) from Berlin. But in his photos on the Internet he keeps happily presenting himself with the fruits of his thievery: Smartphones, money, laptops, designer sunglasses.

The police have repeatedly arrested the 19-year-old and his buddies, and they are repeatedly let go again.

The police estimate that there are at least 150 “Klepto-Kids” active in Berlin. According to investigations, they come from Eastern Europe and North Africa, and have zero to multiple passports.

Most of these kids have pending asylum applications, but live without permanent addresses in Berlin. Example: Ismat O.; he claims he’s 16 years old. The Tunisian possesses two passports.

“Quite possibly in neither passports is his real name stated,” says one investigator. He is not registered, and gets caught stealing regularly. At current time there are more than twenty separate open cases against him for theft, robbery, and criminal property damage.

But despite all that, he is not held in custody. Bodo Pfalzgraf (52), the Chief of the German Police Union in Berlin, says: “It is absolutely incomprehensible that criminals like him are not held in pretrial detention.”

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/14/2015

The billionaire financier George Soros is being publicly taken to task in his native Hungary for promoting the disastrous open-borders policies that are now causing so many headaches for Hungary and other countries in the EU.

In other migration news, the Finnish police union says that more resources will be required if law enforcement is to successfully cope with the influx of migrants, which is currently running at eight times its normal level. Meanwhile, in order to accommodate the “refugees”, Sweden has decided to turn a ski resort in Lapland into an asylum center.

In other news, the Israeli army has deployed six units to patrol major cities in an effort to protect citizens against continuing terror attacks from Palestinians.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Excremental Journey

The Danish newspaper Extra Bladet sent a reporter to Berlin to take a look at the “refugee” situation in the German capital. The following report describes a big-city version of the mess in Nickelsdorf.

Reading both stories made me certain that the winner of the next Eurovision Song Contest will be a catchy little tune with the title “The Smell of Turds in the Bushes Reminds me of Berlin”. A sneak preview of the lyrics:

The scent of faeces on an autumn morning
Puddles of urine in a sunny street
Your hand in mine as we flee from the riot
An iPhone in the hand of everyone we meet

Many thanks to Liberty DK for translating this article:

Ekstra Bladet in Berlin: Refugees demand money

by Christian Kloster

There is chaos in Berlin, where the authorities are being sued by refugees who demand money

Right now a train arrives in Berlin with approximately 450 refugees daily — where authorities are pushed to the limit. Between 350 and up to a total of up to 800 find their way, every day, to Germany’s capital.

The tens of thousands of predominantly young men, who have, in recent months arrived in increasing numbers from many countries, must first queue in front of the foreigners’ agency in Lageso in the district of Moabit.

It is going to go horribly wrong.

Here, in the middle of Berlin, around 50,000 refugees and migrants are expected this year. Frustration prevails, anxiety and sometimes chaos — because the queues are endless, and now comes the cold.

A mixed bunch

Ekstra Bladet visited the area Wednesday morning and met asylum seekers from Russia, Bosnia, Albania, Nigeria, Syria, Gambia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Serbia, Kosovo, Eritrea, Macedonia, Pakistan and Montenegro.

Photo: The refugees wait for weeks, sometimes months before their number shows up on the panel. When that happens, it’s their turn to have their asylum application processed.

It is a motley crew with a few children amongst them.

60-70 percent of them, are, according to the authorities, young men traveling alone. Some want to be joined by their families.

Hundreds of people are huddled in the driving rain and 5ºC (41ºF) under blankets, sleeping bags, umbrellas and hoods in the gray weather, while the humanitarian organization Caritas sounds the alarm and warns that it cannot continue once the frost sets in.

“We can no longer rule out the possibility that people will die,” warned Caritas’ director Ulrike Kastka.

But out here they wait impatiently while officials hand out small pieces of paper with numbers that provide access so that they can — for weeks — wait in a queue until their number shows up on the board.

Guards deployed

When it finally happened, at 10:30, guards had to pacify a restless crowd and convince them to calm down.

It wasn’t necessary for the police to intervene, as has happened in the past when there is a scuffle in the crowd.

“I got a number. That was 22 days ago. I have been here every day since. I freeze, and I have no money yet!” says 25-year-old Yonatal Hailu from Eritrea.

He is grateful that Germany gives him shelter at night.

Photo: The asylum seeker Yonatal Hailu is not satisfied with the catering: bread, but otherwise grateful to Germany.

I’m tired of getting the same boring bread every day, says the young man and sucks on a cigarette, which he says he has begged.

A sanitation worker in Lageso is far from happy with the situation.

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“There is a Great, Unexpressed Rage”

Below is the second part of last month’s interview with Thilo Sarrazin from Die Zeit. Part 1 is here.

Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Die Zeit: Aside from the fact that we do not believe that billions of people will start out from Africa — if they did, no fence could keep them out.

Thilo Sarrazin: Yeah, you should study a little military history. The British managed in WWI — without radar and, until 1916 — without aerial reconnaissance, it sealed the entire North Sea against blockade runners. Feel free to ask me what I would do if I were head of Frontex and had the political and financial means.

Die Zeit: So what would you do?

Thilo Sarrazin: I would capture every ship. Even if it were a not merchant ship, I would set its passengers ashore at the exact spot on the African coast where they started and destroy the boat. You may be sure — after six weeks, no more of them would start out and there will be no more boat refugees.

Die Zeit: Let’s think that through. You have a militarily secured, impenetrable border around the Schengen area. What do you do with war refugees from Syria?

Thilo Sarrazin: War refugees from Iraq and Syria should for then most part be accommodated near their homeland, that is in Turkey, northern Iraq and Jordan. And then, when the war is over, they can most easily return.

Die Zeit: That is, we should take no war refugees into Europe?

Thilo Sarrazin: I believe, to put it positively, war refugees should be accommodated near the location of he conflict.

Die Zeit: And if that overwhelms these countries? The situation in Lebanon is explosive, Jordan is extremely fragile, war against the IS prevails in Iraq…

Thilo Sarrazin: Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan are the neighbor states. And there are the Gulf States or Saudi Arabia which are stinking rich and have taken not one foreign Arab and co-religionist. They have the primary responsibility to keep order in their region. But I would hold other European countries responsible too. I would not pay out one cent of the Greek aid package until the Greeks completely fulfill their obligations under the Dublin agreement. They ought to set up camps on Kos and Rhodes or wherever, near the border. And the Poles, Czechs and England must be brought to take in as many refugees as Sweden and Germany.

Die Zeit: And even then, you reach the point where you have to be concerned with the people who are now in Germany.

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The EU Elites’ Positive View of Islam

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

The EU Elites’ Positive View of Islam
by Fjordman

If somebody suggests that the EU elites actively welcome and embrace Islamization, this is quickly dismissed as a “conspiracy theory.” But is that true? Let us have a look at some statements made in 2015 by high-ranking EU officials. All of the following quotes were taken directly from the EU’s own websites in English.

Federica Mogherini is the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, basically the EU’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mogherini made the following remarks at the Call to Europe V: Islam in Europe FEPS conference on June 24, 2015.[1] She dismissed any notion of a clash between Islam and the West, stating that “Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and — what matters most — in Europe’s present and future.” According to her, Europeans should celebrate their “diversity.” She further stated that “I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture.” According to Mogherini:

“The very idea of a clash of civilisations is at odds with the most basic values of our European Union — let alone with reality. Throughout our European history, many have tried to unify our continent by imposing their own power, their own ideology, their own identity against the identity of someone else. With the European project, after World War II, not only we accepted diversity: we expressed a desire for diversity to be a core feature of our Union. We defined our civilisation through openness and plurality: a mind-set based on blocs does not belong to us. Some people are now trying to convince us that a Muslim cannot be a good European citizen, that more Muslims in Europe will be the end of Europe. These people are not just mistaken about Muslims: these people are mistaken about Europe — that is my core message — they have no clue what Europe and the European identity are. This is our common fight: to make this concept accepted both in Europe and beyond Europe. For Europe and Islam face some common challenges in today’s world. The so-called Islamic State is putting forward an unprecedented attempt to pervert Islam for justifying a wicked political and strategic project.”[2]

Mogherini is an Italian Socialist and former Communist. Many of her countrymen were for centuries kidnapped from their homes by Muslim slavers. Altogether, millions of Europeans have been taken as slaves by Arabs, Turks and other Muslims over the last thousand years. The countries along the Mediterranean and the Black Sea were hardest hit by this Jihadist scourge, but even northern European nations were affected by this. Federica Mogherini should listen to a far more sensible Italian woman, Oriana Fallaci. Until her dying breath in September 2006, Fallaci warned against the threat Islam poses to Europe and to European civilization.

The Social Democrat Frans Timmermans is a former Dutch Foreign Minister. He is currently the First Vice-President of the European Commission, the unelected and very powerful government for more than half a billion people from the North Sea to the Black Sea. That makes him one of the most senior officials in the European Union (EU), next to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Here are statements made by Mr. Timmermans at the First Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights in Brussels on October 1, 2015:

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As Goes Nickelsdorf, So Goes Europe

Western Europe is currently undergoing a transformation, into a multicultural utopia or third-world hellhole, depending on your perspective. The process has been going on for decades. It began in the centers of major cities, and then spread to the larger towns and suburbs. Neighborhoods that used to be occupied by Europeans engaged in traditional European activities have morphed into exotic ghettoes that look more like Karachi or Rabat than London and Rotterdam.

The wave of “refugees” now engulfing Continental Europe is accelerating the process of transformation. Border towns in Germany and Austria are feeling a multicultural shock that used to be confined to the inner cities and major banlieues. Native Europeans accustomed to their traditional lifestyle are being confronted with a level of alien backwardness they have never before experienced.

The following article concerns the little hamlet of Nickelsdorf in the province of Burgenland in eastern Austria, hard on the Hungarian border along the main route between Budapest and Vienna. Over the past several months Nickelsdorf has been overwhelmed by an influx of thousands of primitive, feral “refugees”, who have left the town — and in particular its railway carriages — overflowing with refuse and filth.

It’s heartbreaking to look at this aerial view of Nickelsdorf. The idyllic scene brings home the magnitude of what is being systematically destroyed in the heart of Central Europe. Well-ordered public spaces, beautiful architecture, peaceful communities — all surrendered to the mandate of multiculture.

The same scenario is being replicated over much of Western and Central Europe. This destruction is being executed willfully, deliberately, and with malice aforethought. As Fjordman has often said: “This is the greatest organized betrayal in Western history.”

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this piece from

Border Town Nickelsdorf Drowns in Garbage and Feces

When you dare to take a look at the border town of Nickelsdorf, population 1,600, you will literally be blown away: uncontrolled, illegal migrants wherever you look, and an orgy of garbage and feces of unparalleled dimensions.

As early as arriving at the railway station in Nickelsdorf one will notice crowds surrounding ‘Trafiks’ (slang for tobacconist). An astonishingly high number of immigrants — or migrants — want to pay with €500 bills. The trafikant is obviously overwhelmed by this payment method, which seems to have been going on for a long while now. The customers are baffled for being rejected due to lack of change.

Of the two border accesses to Nickelsdorf, the smaller one has been closed. And at the larger one, an amazing amount of taxis are waiting with license tags from Vienna. It appears that here all Austrian laws have been rendered inoperative. Sometimes up to eight people per taxi are being chauffeured to Vienna, each person at an individual price — with a complete lack of police control or even prevention.

Borders are not controllable anymore

Anyone who watches the uncontrolled masses and their behavior can see very clearly that Austria has long lost its sovereignty over its borders. Neither a few ramshackle patrols nor the few remaining police have any effect here — especially not when there is a clear and blatant lack of political will and operative commands.

To the onlooker, the population in the border town appears accordingly resigned. Women especially haven’t dared in months to go out alone on their bicycles or even by foot; the chances are too risky and too great to suddenly find oneself surrounded and confronted by a gaggle of foreign love-starved young men.

Western toilets are phooey!

Mobility is an across-the-board problem nowadays for the indigenous population. For the longest time, all train traffic has been completely halted to and from Nickelsdorf; the trains stopped at the station before the town. And here you see the same picture you can see with the Railjets of the ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railway) in all trains that were used to transport immigrants: All railway wagons were extremely filthy beyond the acceptable. The trains had to be cleaned and disinfected. Many cars were rendered useless due to the contamination of feces. Many of the immigrants of the Near and Middle East have no use for Western toilets — just as they have no use for our idea of garbage disposal. The local garbage collection locations at the most were used as convenient pissoirs.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/13/2015

Frontex has announced that the number of migrants that have arrived in Europe this year is already more than twice as many as came in last year. Meanwhile, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg told Parliament that the increasing flow of immigrants into Norway is going to cost the country heavily for years to come, and something must be done to contain the costs.

In other news, in a letter to the mayor of Turin, Pope Francis said that the profit motive is “inherently immoral”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Nick, The Observer, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“We Must Protect Our Own Population”

JLH has translated an interview with Thilo Sarrazin that was published in Germany last month. The translator includes this introductory note:

Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) is a former member of the executive board of the Bundesbank, previously senator of finance for Berlin, and was removed from all these affiliations after publication of his book Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany Is Abolishing Itself), which was followed by Europa braucht den Euro nicht (Europe Does Not Need The Euro).

He may be less than well informed about the US-Mexican border, but he is admirably steadfast in concentrating on the good of his own people, and not being distracted by the bleeding heart-arguments from the reporters.

The translated interview from Die Zeit:

Thilo Sarrazin: “You Are Welcome to Ask Me What I Would Do if I Were Head of Frontex”[1]

Interview with Thilo Sarrazin by Tina Hildebrandt and Heinrich Wefing

September 13, 2015

Die Zeit: Mr. Sarrazin, what thoughts go through your mind when you see pictures of refugees in Europe?

Thilo Sarrazin: I do not see these pictures because I watch absolutely no news. The image of a person in dire straits is always bad — whether in Cambodia or on a Sooth Sea Island. But I try not to be influenced by coincidental media images.

Die Zeit: The difference between a person in need in Cambodia and a person in Budapest, Vienna or Munich is that he is closer to us and we can do something for him. Does that imply responsibility?

Thilo Sarrazin: People arriving in Vienna now are not in need, but in security. Life and limb are not threatened. They are fed and treated medically.

Die Zeit: They come to Germany to be safe, because before they were in distress.

Thilo Sarrazin: If they came by way of the Balkans, they started out in secure northern Iraq or in secure Turkey. They are already out of the dangers of war. If they decide to go to Germany, there are other reasons. It is just more pleasant to be a refugee in Hannover than in Erbil.

Die Zeit: Do you fear the immigration of these people?

Thilo Sarrazin: Everything I wrote in Germany Abolishes Itself has not only been confirmed, but is far worse.

Die Zeit: For example?

Thilo Sarrazin: The [indigenous] birth rate continues to fall.[2]

Die Zeit: The most recent figures contradict that.

Thilo Sarrazin: Those are small fluctuations in the trend — insignificant. The radicalization of Islam proceeds, the widening gap in educational achievement, the transformation of city districts — all continue unabated. All of that will be amplified by immigration. So I am naturally concerned.

Die Zeit: If the experience with integration in Germany is as disastrous as you say, how do you explain the population’s overwhelming readiness to help?

Thilo Sarrazin: First of all, it is good that people help other people. But the question of readiness to help must be separated from the question of what is right for our state and our society in the long run.

Die Zeit: What would be right in the long run?

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I’ve often described the postmodern craze for Politically Correct Multiculturalism as a form of mass insanity. It seems that this commentary from Zukunfskinder agrees. Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation:


For many citizens it seems that being German is something that presents them with extreme psychological strain. Merkel helps.

Case in point, a reader commentary from Focus:

“Johannes Schley: For the first time in my life I am proud of my country, and especially of our chancellor. Never before have I wanted to tell the world that I am a German. Despite the fact that I am proud of us and our fathers. On the contrary, it has always been a source of horrible embarrassment. And it always was accompanied by deep grief over our past. And now all these people of the world want to come to us. That, to me, is a beautiful miracle. And we have to thank our chancellor and her alone, since even among her own ranks she is being criticized and they talk bad about her motto “we can do it”. I stand fully behind Angela Merkel and I am excited, that she stood her ground at the Anne Will Show and that she stood by her word.”

Deep grief and a continuous feeling of embarrassment, caused by Being German — a human tragedy! Is it possible that external factors (parents, educators, teachers, political Sunday speeches, mass media) may have contributed to this syndrome?

Dr. Angela Merkel
Miracle Healer
Specialty: Mass-hypnosis

Quite obviously this reader never sought out professional help, but instead practiced self-abnegation. In quiet desperation he wasted away; never before had he purchased a foreign passport in Bulgaria or in Turkey. And now Focus was there, live, as he made a spontaneous recovery! Merkel was the remedy for his ailing soul.

How high are the estimated numbers of unknown cases? Are we to assume that the motivation behind the Willkommenskultur is a sort of mass psychosis?

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No Rational Arguments Please, We’re Swedish

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer sends the latest in an occasional series of reports on recent developments in Modern Multicultural Sweden.

No rational arguments please, we’re Swedish
by The Observer

Someone recently wrote on Twitter that Sweden is a failed state. It is a harsh accusation, but sadly the person who posted the tweet has a point. It’s a statement that will be acknowledged with approving nods by those who have followed the situation in Sweden for a while, because it’s something that they’ve been able to see with their own eyes. Deep cracks have begun to form in the Scandinavian country’s glossy veneer and its shiny surface has taken on a smut-stained colour, and is turning into something ugly and revolting. The familiar characteristics of a failed state are there to see for anyone who are willing to look at it with honest eyes. Admittedly, it does not fall into the category “Third-world hellhole à la Somalia and Afghanistan”, but it is moving rapidly into the category “Full speed ahead to Dungtown”.

It is sad, but also perversely fascinating, to observe a country such as Sweden that has tremendous problems with integrating its predominantly unassimilable immigrant population — one that has seen massive riots in its towns and cities in recent years, choreographed by belligerent immigrant youth who will soon make up the majority population, that whose police officers, ambulance personnel and firefighters are routinely physically attacked — decide that the way forward lies in importing even more unassimilable immigrants who will further exacerbate the country’s already insurmountable problems.

The official projections regarding the arrival of “refugees” in the coming years run in the hundreds of thousands, which is absolutely jaw-dropping considering that the population of Sweden is just shy of ten million. But no one in the politically correct Swedish establishment seems to think that this is an undesirable scenario, one that they might actually have to take some serious steps to avert. So far the only ideas that have been presented are to raise taxes to pay for the invasion, to take out loans from the EIB (European Investment Bank), and to raise the possibility of confiscating ordinary Swedes’ private real estate in order to house all the newly arrived “refugees” should the situation prove to be “untenable” in the coming years — something which it most definitely will.

The horror stories coming out of Sweden these days involving newly arrived “refugees” who demonstrate their complete inability to function in a modern Western society run into the hundreds, if not thousands. But it does not shake the resolve of official Sweden in its efforts to import as many “refugees” as humanly possible.

So when Mohammad from Syria, who only arrived in Sweden as a “refugee” in September 2015, manages to sexually harass 21 women ranging from 4 to 69 years old, it is a non-issue. The fact that he has been walking around on the streets of Sweden aggressively propositioning teenage girls, trying to kiss a 4 year old and pestering a 69-year-old woman with the intention of placating his raging hormones is suppressed and simply hushed up. The show must go on, and nothing can be allowed to stop it.

And this is the new reality that the political classes in Sweden are working like well-trained ants to foist on its citizenry, who are made to think being replaced demographically is more preferable than being labelled a vile racist and Islamophobe. And this is the reality that emerges when one opens up the nation’s floodgates to “refugees” from the Islamic and third world. TV crews all over Europe have documented numerous local “clashes of civilization” wherever the migrants have decided to grace the indigenous population with their presence. Thus it should come as no surprise that the “asylum seekers” keep up their behavioural pattern when they reach their final destination, which in this case is Sweden.

One is tempted to say “Welcome to reality, Mr Jönsson and Mrs Persson! This is the first day of the rest of your lives, and no it’s not going to be anything like the fairy-tale story that has been promised you by the blue eyed university graduated spin-doctors who despise nothing more than their own cultural heritage.”

Because the “refugees “will not shower you with unrestrained gratitude for letting them into your country, but rather complain about what they are being offered and in many cases resort to violence to show their displeasure.

Which is exactly what happened on a train between Malmö and Stockholm recently, according to an anonymous source working for the Swedish National Railway (SJ).

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