Jubilation While a Church Burns in Garbsen

A church in the culturally enriched German town of Garbsen, near Hanover, was set on fire a few days ago. While it burned, local youths gathered nearby to celebrate the occasion and take videos of the burning church.

Yet as far as one could tell from reading the regional newspaper, the fire in the church was just one of those tragic things that inexplicably happen from time to time. The connection between the jubilant youths and the ashes of the church was one that local residents were able to make, but the German MSM did not want to go there.

JLH has translated two very different articles about Tuesday night’s events, and includes this explanatory note:

To go with the short Politically Incorrect article I chose one of the articles in what PI identifies as the “left-leaning” Hannoversche Allgemeine newspaper.

The general tone reminds me of an old government-sponsored ad which urged us not to leave our keys in the car on a city street. It did not seem to care whether we could afford to lose the car. The big aim was “Don’t help a good boy go bad.”

Here it seems that the problem is that there were not enough social workers on the street and not enough programs to divert the unnamed (and hopefully native, white?) miscreants from this particular form of entertainment.

First, from Politically Incorrect:

A Mosque Burns in Hanover
by Roland

Actually, no. it’s not a mosque. If it were, all of the daily papers of the region and beyond would be full of this event. But it is only a Christian church in heavily enriched Garbsen, near Hanover. There is also no talk about an initial suspicion of racism or xenophobia, since it is not a mosque, only a church.

Anyway, we can say without fear of contradiction that there was arson on Tuesday night. In the case of a Christian church burning, of course, the logical assumption is spontaneous combustion or an accident with the candles during a service.

What conditions prevail in the area surrounding the Christian church, and the fact that the state authorities are unconcerned by them, one can see in the left-trending Hannoversche Allgemeine newspaper (HAZ) and make sense of that:

“When they set fire to a church, neighboring houses burn next.” That night, a neighbor says what many others may be thinking. Fear, consternation, tears among those who were attached to Willehadi; “I am shocked that everyone is not shocked this night,” says Pastor Renate Muckelberg. and is thinking of what firefighters and police had to experience: almost jubilant, uproarious youths on the Sperberhorst,* sneering shouts and teens on bikes, racing provocatively close by; cell phones filming everywhere…

The second translated article is from Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung:

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The Iranian Infiltration of Latin America, Part 3

Below is the third of several parts of a summary of prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s much longer report on the 1994 bombing of the AMIA center in Buenos Aires, which was released at the end of May. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies issued the 31-page summary (pdf) when the larger report was published. (Previously: Part 1, Part 2)

This section deals with the dual functionality of Iranian institutions — including embassies, consulates, cultural centers, mosques, etc. — in Latin America. The ostensible purposes of such institutions are used to conceal the fact that they are being used to gather intelligence as well as plan and coordinate terrorist attacks.

The following sentence seems anomalous in this report:

“The prosecutor made clear that his office has always been aware of the importance of religious issues, indicating that the conclusions arrived at in all of his indictments have nothing to do neither with the Islamic faith nor with people who professes that religion.”

Either the translation from the Spanish is less than adequate, or the writer of this summary (or even Alberto Nisman himself) felt compelled to include a politically correct disclaimer at odds with the rest of the report.

Dual use of institutions related to the Iranian regime

The cultural and religious cover to hide illegal actions turned out to be a milestone of the infiltration strategy developed by Teheran. Precisely the investigation of this case uncovered the use of legal activities, as for example the cultural and religious diffusion and commercial and diplomatic activities, as a cover for intelligence tasks and, mainly, it evidenced the fact that this duality paved the way for the establishment of Iranian espionage structures that, if necessary, are able to facilitate and support terrorist acts. In sum, during the course of the investigation it was possible to collect different probing elements that showed a methodology which consist in the use of legitimate activities to hide criminal objectives and actions.

This methodology was not limited to South America. Thus, in the former Federal Republic of Germany, Kazem Darabi, who occupied a similar position to the one hold by Sheik Rabbani in Argentina, had also been implicated in criminal activities, when he participated in the murder of four Iranian dissidents committed in September, 1992, in Berlin by order of the then Islamic Republic of Iran government (known as “Mykonos case”).

This has been highlighted by the Higher Regional Court of Berlin, which affirmed in its ruling: “Under the veil of a religious activity, he made contact with his fundamentalist fellows of Lebanese origin and verified their ideas and levels of trust. These qualities allowed Darabi, both personally and logistically, to organize the attack against the representatives of the DPK-I in Berlin, with such a detail that the act could be executed with the support of other forces from Iran, with a high level of success probability and with the lowest risk of being discovered”.

Not less important is the fact that Kazem Darabi, who took advantage of his religious position to connect the different participants of the “Mykonos case”, was arrested by the German police and convicted to life imprisonment by the judiciary of that country. This constituted a true lesson for the Iranian authorities who had ordered the assassination of their opponents. So, for the AMIA bombing, they decided deliberately and with premeditation to protect from justice their agent in Argentina, by granting Mohsen Rabbani diplomatic immunity designating him Cultural Attaché of the Iranian Embassy, four months before the attack.

In this same line should be read the dual use of Islamic centers, as it has been exposed by the French judiciary, regarding the murder of the former Iranian Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar, when affirmed: “Jaffar JALALI arrives to France in 1980 as a student; he rapidly calls the attention for his political-religious fanaticism. In 1981 he becomes an employee of the Iranian Embassy in Paris […]. In 1983, as Political Commissar at the Embassy, he actively participated of the Khomeinist propaganda from the Iranian Cultural Center in Paris […] and exercised an “intense information activity” about the movements leaded by Shapour Bakhtiar”.

This matter can be perfectly noticed, once again, in the “Mykonos case”, not only for the categorical statements of the pronouncement but especially for the authority that rules the matter, the Higher Regional Court of Berlin. While studying Kazem Darabi’s activities — identified as the “local connection” of that terrorist act — the Berlin Court detected this duality by declaring that the Islamic Center of Berlin “functions, in a similar way as the Islamic Center of Hamburg, for the diffusion of the Islamic thought in the sense of an authoritarian “State-God” and for the recollection of intelligence information…”.-

Hans Vorbeck, Government Director of the former Federal Republic of Germany and expert in the terrorism, when asked about the investigation of the “Mykonos case”, revealed that the Islamic centers, mosques and businesses of its followers were the meeting points of Hezbollah members.

In addition, Bernard Millerat, then Chief of the Middle East Department of the “Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire” (DST), Ministry of Home Affairs, informed, on September 3rd 1997, that his department detected Iranian intelligence elements in the Islamic Center of Paris, when assessing the patterns of the different crimes in which it had been proved the participation of Islamic fundamentalist extremists.

The same duality, but in reference to mosques, has been publicly proclaimed by one of the top leaders of the Iranian Revolution, the Ayatollah Montazeri, who stated that mosques should not only be centers of praying but also centers of cultural, political and military activity. In fact, Mohsen Rabbani, in charge of the “At Tauhid” mosque of Buenos Aires, used this institution to spread fundamentalism. Even one of his acquaintances, without being an expert in international security affairs or having any particular study on Islamic religion, was able to notice the Iranian agents’ double game and therefore he mentioned that Rabbani’s religious activity was a “mask”.

Furthermore, the qualified witness Abolghasem Mesbahi said: “Regarding the transfer of information, religious ceremonies or cultural meetings are generally used in order to hand over a telephone number, for example”.

Embassies follow this same pattern. Former Iranian President Abolhassan Bani Sadr declared: “In the countries where Iran conducts terrorist operations, most of the embassies members are Iranian intelligence service agents, VEVAK, or from the Revolutionary Guards”.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/2/2013

During an air exercise over the ocean off the Eastern Shore of Virginia, two Air National Guard jet fighters clipped wings in a close pass. One pilot landed his plane safely; the other was forced to eject. The rescued pilot is unharmed, but his plane was lost.

In other news, according to a recent study by American scientists, there is a correlation between the global increase in violence and rising temperatures caused by climate change.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Fjordman, JD, Jerry Gordon, Steen, Takuan Seiyo, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Islamic “Science” and Other Nonsense

Enza Ferreri considers Muslim contributions to science and philosophy, as reflected in the recent “two-minute hate” directed at Tommy Robinson on BBC television.

Islamic “Science” and Other Nonsense
by Enza Ferreri

Above is the video of a BBC lynch mob against Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League, during the programme called — a misnomer — FreeSpeech on BBC3. It is not free speech if you verbally abuse and even incite to murder someone for exercising his right to free speech, as it happens in this “debate”.

Interestingly, the comments to the video on YouTube reveal how the audience was cherry-picked by the BBC to fit its political bent and in no way represents the British general public. That’s reassuring, because a country whose population the studio crowd faithfully represented would be a cross between the Soviet Union and Pakistan.

Horrendous ganging up against one person by clueless people — or worse — is a more apt description of the situation. A bloke in the video, apparently a “musician” I’d never heard of called Akala, who talks about Islamic culture pioneering mathematics and science, must have been listening to Barack Obama instead of going to school. Has he ever heard of Euclid, the father of geometry, and Pythagoras? Muslims did not pioneer anything. All they did was translate intellectual treasures from the original Greek into Arabic and preserve them in the library of Alexandria. The numbers we use and call “Arabic” were actually developed in India and translated from Sanskrit into Arabic, hence their name.

The Islamophile Barack Hussein Obama has been big on the subject of “Islam Has Contributed To The Character Of Our Country” in his celebration of Ramadan, recently but not for the first time. He also mentions “Muslims who helped unlock the secrets of our universe”, whose names he must have been hard pressed to find because he didn’t say them.

In reality, science and Islam are fundamentally incompatible, which is why, despite the propaganda, there are no Muslim scientists in the history of the Islamic world. The only rational thinkers of some influence that world has produced, Averroes and Avicenna, were not real Muslims, but apostates. Avicenna (980-1037) was an Aristotelian who tried to reconcile formal logic with Islam and failed. Averroes (1126-1198), also influenced by Aristotle, had his works burnt and his disciples persecuted.

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Will Anyone Stop Fjordman?

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

Apropos of the essay below, Fjordman was recently awarded the Anti-Nobel Prize by Vlad Tepes.

Nobody stopped Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. Will somebody stop Fjordman today?

On June 14, 2013, it was announced that the well-funded free speech organization Fritt Ord would give a grant to support my upcoming and still unfinished book about the Breivik case, Witness to Madness. This triggered an explosive debate in Norway which continued not just for weeks but for months afterwards, even reaching the government level.

My most positive impression came from those individuals who probably genuinely disagree with and dislike my viewpoint, but who nevertheless supported the decision and freedom of speech as a matter of principle. There are fortunately still quite a few of those left in Norway, Scandinavia and the wider Western world, which is encouraging.

They included the veteran publisher William Nygaard and the Professor of the History of Ideas Trond Berg Eriksen. The columnist Shabana Rehman Gaarder supported Fritt Ord’s decision. So did the activist Sara Azmeh Rasmussen, although she suggested that I am a “troll.”

There was no shortage of people who failed this test, though. The author Anne Holt was furious, while the author and journalist Vidar Kvalshaug described my writings as “muck” and wrote Twitter messages about my supposed “personal responsibility” for the terror attacks.

One of the nastiest reactions came from Snorre Valen, an MP from the Socialist Left Party (SV). He wrote an essay for the public broadcaster NRK, stating that the “Fascist” Peder Jensen will “write a book about the terrorism that he himself inspired.” He further wrote that “Fritt Ord’s support to Fjordman is an insult to all those who were killed and injured. It is an insult to all the relatives and to all those who lost somebody on July 22, 2011.”

I employ my freedom of speech to say controversial things. As such, it’s only fair that my level of tolerance for what others throw back at me should be high. It is of course ridiculous that I’m being referred to as a Fascist, but I will reluctantly accept this as being within the boundaries of our libel laws. I also accept being compared to Darth Vader, Lex Luthor or Sauron, but I prefer not to be compared to Gollum because he’s got such bad teeth.

Yet there are limits. There is little doubt that Mr. Valen, who wrote this essay as an MP for the ruling party SV, believes that I share some culpability for terror attacks and the mass murder, an accusation which is not only obscene but borders on the libelous. I have been a staunch anti-terrorist for years. The same can unfortunately not be said about Valen’s own political party, which has for years expressed sympathies for Palestinian Jihadist terrorists.

The dissident writer Hans Rustad commented that the mass media have made me into a form of abominable snowman or all-purpose bogeyman. Rustad believes that the rhetoric employed by Valen, among others, in the country’s largest media outlet was akin to branding somebody an outlaw, which in previous ages put them beyond the boundaries of normal legal protection.

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Fjordman Wins the Anti-Nobel Prize

The Norwegian politician Thorbjørn Jagland is currently serving as Secretary General of the Council of Europe, but he is also the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Inspired by Mr. Jagland’s peculiar animus towards Fjordman, Vlad Tepes has come up with a great idea: The Anti-Nobel Prize.

Norwegian Nobel chair gives Fjordman the anti-nobel-prize for literature and history

I remember as a child hearing my mother explain to me how the Nobel prizes were so prestigious and important that they were not given out every year and in fact were not to be given out unless a candidate met the amazingly high criteria for such a prize.

This was however, before the Norwegian branch of the Nobel prize meandered off into politics and started giving the Peace Prize to anyone who had planted a few trees and was an anti-white racist who believed that AIDS was a white plot to kill the black man. Even so, what an honour that a humble and until recently, anonymous essayist who has accurately predicted the effects of mass islamic immigration into Western nations and written other scholarly essays about the history of Western civilization, its roots and origins of its ideas, should be granted a once only ever Anti-nobel-prize!

The fact that the head of the Norwegian (Remember, Norway is home to the politically correct branch of the prizes, not the real ones like maths and physics etc.) Nobel committee saw fit to single out Fjordman to try and remove any ability to express his ideas would, I suspect, be anathema to Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and creator of the prize. But perhaps more importantly. his chain of logic is identical to the notion that because Charles Manson committed horrific murders in California because of his interpretation of a Beatles song means that we all must make sure that Paul McCartney never sings another note…

Read the rest at Vlad’s place.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/1/2013

A German-Canadian consortium has discovered oil deposits under Brandenburg, in the former DDR, that will eventually be worth billions of euros when exploited. Although the amount of oil involved is small by Persian Gulf standards, it is of high quality and is expected to help revive the depressed economy of northeastern Germany.

In other news, the Russian government has officially granted a one-year term of asylum to Edward Snowden, the fugitive NSA whistle-blower.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, McR, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Erik Svensson Hopes for Understanding, Moderation and Balance

The controversy swirling around Erik Svensson has had an impact on the Spitting Professor, and he and Lund University are obviously feeling the heat. Prof. Svensson has already apologized to Ingrid Carlqvist on Twitter, but has now gone further and done so again on several “Islamophobic” Swedish websites.

In addition to his apology, the distinguished professor has asked for understanding from his detractors, and for a more moderate tone in the criticism leveled against him. Even though the concept of “moderation” was evidently unfamiliar to him during his Twitter-Spitter rampage, it seems only fair to allow him to have his say. To their credit, three of the websites he so obviously despises have done just that.

The following version of Dr. Svensson’s appeal was published today at Fria Tider. Many thanks to LN for the translation:


Erik Svensson: “Do not judge me unheard”

Erik Svensson, a professor of evolutionary ecology at the Lund University, came under fire over the weekend after the site Fria Tider and other Sweden-friendly alternative media noticed his twitter attacks on the journalist Ingrid Carlqvist of Dispatch International. Now Dr Svensson answers the criticism and calls for understanding in a rebuttal.

Read also:

  • Professor in wild attack on a female journalist: “I want to spit in your face”
  • Lund University is investigating personal attacks of twittering professor
  • Lund University takes twittering professor in the ear

My name is Erik Svensson, the person who is now written about a lot at “Fria Tider”, “Avpixlat” and “Exponerad”. I just want to give some brief comments, in the hope that some of you who read and write here can gain some understanding of my situation and might not judge me too harshly.

I deeply regret my misguided words to Ingrid Carlqvist on Twitter, and have already apologized for them on Twitter . What has been said can not be undone, and there is no reason to excuse them. All I can do now is to appeal for your understanding.

Some of those who commented wrote that “one should not kick somebody who is already lying,” and “we are not like the stone-throwing leftists”. I agree with this, and want to emphasize that I have never in my life used violence against my opponents, and never plan to. I have absolutely no understanding of what you call “the stone-throwing leftists” nor of any other violence-prone extremists on the right (edge), the left, or the in-between edges.

What I wrote about Carlqvist can of course be interpreted literally, as if were going to spit on her, but I can assure you that I have no plans to do it either at her or at any other dissidents. To express oneself in this way was misguided and stupid; it expressed a frustration and a feeling, rather than something I intended to realize/implement.

I appeal to you who comment and to editors and other readers not to judge me unheard and unilaterally based on the one-sided negative images given of me while you are reading the many negative comments here and elsewhere. “Fria Tider” has already written three (3!) articles about me, and Lund University has been mail-bombed with complaints and negative comments about me.

I myself have received several threatening and hateful emails, with suggestions that I “should get a severe spanking”, hoping that I’ll sleep badly at night, desires for me to be shot or to kill myself, and a shower of racist, sexist and other insults. Anonymous and semi-anonymous people have written that they will not give up until I leave or lose my job, and have threatened that they will haunt me for the rest of my life.

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The Spitting Professor Hunkers Down

We reported last Sunday about the controversy in Sweden over Erik Svensson, a professor of biology at the University of Lund. Dr. Svensson had engaged in a notably abusive exchange on Twitter with (among others) Ingrid Carlqvist of Dispatch International, and had expressed his desire to spit on her.

The Twitter-spitter’s expectorant bile was too much even for Swedish public discourse, and an uproar ensued. The distinguished Dr. Svensson, now widely known as “The Spitting Professor”, was pressured into a public apology to Ms. Carlqvist — also on Twitter. I’ve been told that he has since deleted his entire Twitter account.

A couple of days ago a Swedish reader emailed the dean of the science faculty at the University of Lund and asked, “Avser Lunds universitet utreda personangrepp av twittrande professor?” (“Is Lund University investigating personal attacks of the twittering professor?”) His message included a link to the Gates of Vienna post.

Yesterday he received this reply:

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Enter the Fjordmaniacs

Fjordzilla is rampaging again through the Norwegian press, bringing on the vapors, heart palpitations, and a general loosening of bowels amongst the literati wherever his terrifying visage appears.

And what is the source of this latest wave of panic? It seems that the Norwegian media have been too supportive of Fjordman!

At least that’s what Thorbjørn Jagland, a longtime enemy of Fjordman, has proclaimed. What keeps him awake at night in a cold sweat is the “real danger that the topics he [Fjordman] writes about could become part of the normal public discourse”.


Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article about Fjordman from today’s VG. He includes this note:

It seems that the political elites in Norway are suffering from ‘Fjordmania’ — maybe we should refer to them from now on as ‘Fjordmaniacs’?

Notice also the mandatory reference to Anders Behring Breivik; it’s almost as if ABB and Fjordman have morphed into this giant two-headed bogeyman that has been condemned to live life as an outcast and a pariah, constantly taunted and ridiculed by the righteous few.

See these previous articles about Thorbjørn Jagland:

The translated article:

Jagland condemns the Norwegian media for their support of Fjordman

It is troubling that the Norwegian media haven’t focused on the ethical aspects of ‘Fritt Ord’ (Freedom of Expression) monetary grant to Fjordman, says Jagland.

“The fact that Fjordman is given so much coverage in the media and the fact that he has received a grant to write a book means that there is a real danger that the topics he writes about could become part of the normal public discourse. Someone has to sound the alarm, says the Secretary General of the Council of Europe,” says Thorbjørn Jagland to Dagsavisen [Norwegian newspaper].

In a commentary in today’s edition of Dagsavisen Jagland writes about what he refers to as a “failed liberalism” in the Norwegian media.

“Fritt Ord’s decision has been supported by a unified Norwegian media. It is disturbing that no one has contested the decision and adopted a different position,” writes Jagland.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/31/2013

The EU’s border agency Frontext is concerned about the rate of arrival of boat people into Italy. In the past week 1,300 migrants from North Africa arrived on Italian territory, or were rescued at sea. Italy reported that non-EU immigration into the country increased by 127,000 people in a year.

In other Italian news, the youth unemployment rate — for potential workers between 15 and 24 years old — has risen to 39.1%.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, McR, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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No-Go Marseille

The socialist leader of the French city of Marseille has requested that the central government in effect declare his entire city a no-go zone, due to its endemic and escalating culturally enriched violence. Today, however, the interior minister refused the request.

Via Vlad Tepes, an article with the latest from Le Figaro. Many thanks to C. B. Sashenka for the translation:

For the Interior Minister Valls, to comply with the request of the socialist president of the urban community of Marseilles, Eugene Caselli, to place the entire Phoenician City (Marseille) in a Priority Security Zone (ZSP in French — Zone de Sécurité Prioritaire), would not make any sense.

A proposition that “would not be effective and would not make any sense” for Manuel Valls.

Wednesday, the Minister of Interior rejected the proposal advanced by Eugene Caselli, the socialist president of the urban community, and others before him, to classify the entire Phoenician City as a Priority Security Zone (ZSP in French).

In a letter addressed to Manuel Valls, the socialist elected official complains about the situation and denounces “intolerable exactions”. “I’m worried and angered. The situation has become so widespread that it warrants a maximum response”, writes the elected official Eugene Caselli, also candidate for the socialist primary elections for the local elections of Marseilles in 2014.

On France-Info, Manuel Valls rejected this radical measure: “We will not put all of Marseilles in a priority zone of safety. The ZSP’s are targeted devices”. In Marseilles, “there is only the city centre which is not in a zone of priority safety. The south and north districts are already in priority zones of safety; and in the city centre, we have created dedicated units (…) that actively patrol “, he recalled.

Eugene Caselli had advanced this proposal after a wave of new violence at night on Monday to Tuesday. A little before midnight, a body had been found partly burned in a town bordering Marseilles, in Pennes-Mirabeau. The 22-year old young man was killed by a bullet to the head. Two men in their thirties were wounded by bullets in an industrial zone of the Saint-Pierre district. Finally, a driver of a garbage truck was a victim of several paintball shootings, when he drove au niveau de la traverse de la Jarre, not far from an area in a ZSP.

But the classification of the whole of Marseilles as a priority security zone is an old claim. In August 2012, UMP senator and mayor of Marseilles, Jean-Claude Gaudin, had also made this request in Le Figaro.

Read the rest at Vlad’s place.

That description of Monday night’s violence in Marseille actually sounds like a slow night in Chicago or Detroit. Maybe those places should be designated ZPS…?

Below is a report from ANSAmed on the same topic:

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Vandalism in South Bay?

The following video was compiled by Vlad Tepes to consider a series of incidents in the South Bay area of California that may or may not be connected with each other. They’re being described as “vandalism”, but is that what they really are? Or are they something more deliberately sinister?

In light of this video, take another look at what James Woolsey had to say in our previous post.