Two-State Solutions — Do They Work?

There has been a two-day lull in Palestinian missile attacks on Sderot. Our Israeli correspondent MC used the opportunity to examine the recent history of “two-state solutions”, in Israel and elsewhere. He says, “I wrote it on Friday as we sat waiting for the next incoming.”

Two-State Solutions — Do They Work?
by MC

Nobody here in Israel really wants a two-state solution. It is the obsession of a particular clique of elitist left-thinking politicians who see dividing and ruling as their droit de seigneur; their divine right to rape the world in the name of a New World Order. The existing propaganda relates two states to peace. This is a chimera.

In Israel we have had at least three attempts at the “two-state solution”, each one stripping away territory with no quid pro quo. The first one was in 1923; the most recent is still ongoing, but is stagnating because one side will make no concessions.

In many ways, the one side is more honest: they want a one-state solution which is facilitated by the annihilation of the Jewish State of Israel (as a prerequisite to the extermination of Jews worldwide).

This is ‘acceptable racism’ because it is not Judeo-Christian in it origin. To be ‘racist’ one must be born into Judeo-Christianity, and these are Muslims.

There was an attempt at a two-state solution in the USA in 1861; it failed with huge loss of life. That particular two-state solution too was caused by dissension between two opposing and irreconcilable worldviews. The two-state solution is the compromise of moral relativity: if one assumes that all worldviews are equally valid, then the two-state solution becomes a viable outcome.

The Scottish Nationalists want an independent Scotland. They want a two-state solution, on the assumption that, if it works they get power, and if it does not work they will get bailed out and will still retain power. So it is win/win for them as long as they can rely on other people’s money to underwrite the risk.

In 1922 the League of nations mandated Great Britain to create a Jewish Homeland in the territories prescribed by the mandate, and based upon the Balfour Declaration of 1917, a letter of intent addressed to Baron Rothschild. This was land recovered from the defeated Ottoman Turks by the efforts of British and Commonwealth Soldiers in 1917/18. The British immediately ceded some 80% of the land to the Arabs, the first two-state solution in the area, depriving the Jewish homeland of a huge tract of land.

A later two-state solution was proposed by United Nations Resolution 181 ratified in 1947, which further split the remaining land between Jews and Arabs. The Arabs rejected this two-state solution and invaded the Jewish areas in 1948. They lost. They also lost three successive wars to bring about a ‘One (Arab) State Solution’. After the 1973 annihilation they gave up military warfare for political lawfare, claiming the intention of a two-state solution (to appear tractable in the eyes of western liberals) whilst insisting, in reality, on conditions appertaining to a one-state solution, and making political pawns of the people they claimed to be serving.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/15/2014

The Malaysian government has finally admitted that Flight MH370 was intentionally diverted from its flight path en route to Beijing towards an unknown location. Some experts say the plane’s destination was the Andaman Islands, others Pakistan. Since the engine “pinged” a satellite for seven hours after the plane cut off communication, there are many potential places where it could have landed. Attention is focused on the plane’s pilot, a supporter of Anwar Ibrahim, the jailed leader of the Malaysian political opposition who has been tried and convicted of homosexuality.

In other news, a Sicilian man who receives poverty assistance from the government has turned out to be a millionaire. Meanwhile, in the northern Italian city of Parma, a fake cripple was arrested for begging alms from passersby. It is thought that his mendicant activities netted him €3,000 a month tax-free.

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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, KP, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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The Danish People’s Party Moves Up

According to the latest polls, the immigration-critical Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti) stands to make stunning gains in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament.

Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc has provided Gates of Vienna readers with a handy digest of an article by Lars Hedegaard about the improvement in DPP’s electoral fortunes that was posted today at Dispatch International.

Kepiblanc includes this note:

Rather than translating all the nitty-gritty about the myriad of Danish political parties, their respective poll numbers etc. — stuff that I suspect will mean absolutely nothing to an international audience — I prefer to quote the essentials only and give a short overview of the matter.

The Danish People’s Party Moves Up
by Kepiblanc

The headline in Dispatch International reads:

The Danish People’s Party is poised to double its votes in the upcoming elections to the EU Parliament, whereas Socialists, Social-Democrats and Conservatives all face a catastrophic outcome. Together with another EU-skeptical party — ‘The People against EU’ — the two parties can look forward to gaining almost half of the ballots, according to a poll from Sentio Research for Dispatch International.

“The Danish People’s Party” will get 30.7 % (up from 15.3 % in the 2009 elections) and “The People against EU” will get 15.3 % (up from 7.2 %). On the other hand the EU-positive parties combined all stand to lose: from 75.5 % in 2009 to 48.7 % in today’s poll.

Those numbers must be taken with a grain of salt, however. As is the case in the rest of the EU, only half of the electorate cast their ballots in elections to that so-called ‘parliament’ — by the late Margaret Thatcher appropriately named ‘The Mickey Mouse Parliament’. Traditionally the Danes show up in larger numbers — something like 60 % — in contrast to the national elections, where 80-90 % show. But this time, things may be a tad different. Something happened.

In order to spare your heads from exploding I will not even try to explain the Danish welfare system. But one peculiarity recently surfaced and attracted an unprecedented attention to the EU-rigmarole of directives, regulations and imperial aspirations. Especially the so-called “right to free movement of labor” — which means that an EU-citizen can choose whatever country he likes in order to earn a living. So far so good… or should I say bad? Anyway, a Bulgarian, a Romanian, a Greek or whatever can go to Denmark and earn as much as ten times here as in his native country. Most of the time he leaves his family at home and can send a substantial amount of money back to support them where they live. Quite a fortune in a country where living standards are far below those of Northern Europe.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/14/2014

The search for the missing Malaysian jetliner has been widened to include the Indian Ocean. American officials believe that the plane’s onboard communications systems were shut down deliberately in stages, and that the plane continued flying afterwards for up to five hours. The Andaman Islands have been suggested as one possible destination, but other experts believe the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean.

In other news, the United States gave Russia until Monday to stand down in Ukraine, or face serious consequences. Meanwhile, the Kremlin’s website was hit by a massive cyber-attack. The Russian stock market slid steeply again, losing an additional 2% in value.

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Thanks to Andy Bostom, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Kidnapped by the Syrian Jihad

Early in February the Danish journalist Jeppe Nybroe was kidnapped by mujahideen in eastern Lebanon near the border with Syria. He and a colleague were held in brutal captivity for a month until the money could be raised to ransom them. They were released a week ago.

The following interview with Mr. Nybroe was published today in the “Indland” section of today’s Jyllands-Posten, after his return to Denmark. Many thanks to Henrik Ræder Clausen for the translation:

Nybroe: Whipped with his family listening

Jeppe Nybroe was frequently beaten up and whipped during his 28 days as a hostage. The 40-year-old journalist has no desire to return to the Middle East.

“I have never been beaten up in my life. Never in my life have I been treated like an animal. Never in my life have I been this scared around the clock, and for so long.”

These words come from Jeppe Nybroe. The Danish freelance journalist and former television host was kidnapped on February 7th along with a friend and colleague, the Lebanese journalist Rami Aysha. They were imprisoned for 28 days, until his family, along with professionals in the field, managed to get the two journalists released.

In the four weeks of being kidnapped, Jeppe Nybroe was beaten up on several occasions, kicked and whipped.

“During the time they repeatedly told me they would cut off my fingers, cut off my hand, and that they would cut me and Rami into little pieces to be shipped home to our families,” says a deeply moved Nybroe, who came back to Denmark around a week ago.

The last message came over Skype, while the family in Denmark — negotiating with the aid of professionals — were listening in.

Everything was peaceful

On that morning, February 7th, Jeppe Nybroe and Rami Aysha had travelled to the city of Arsal, located in eastern Lebanon close to the border to Syria, to write a story about the kidnapping industry in the area having shifted its focus from religion and politics to being pure business. And that it was increasingly businessmen, aid workers and journalists who got kidnapped.

On that morning, they were to meet up with a young man on a motorbike who would then lead them to some hostage-takers that Rami Aysha had contacted, and who were willing to talk to the two journalists. Jeppe Nybroe had no feeling that this might be dangerous.

“I have been in Arsal lots of time in order to write stories about refugees. The week before we were kidnapped, we had been there to talk with some persons, and everything had been entirely peaceful, friendly and accommodating,” he says.

This ain’t good

But dangerous it was.

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EU Dependence Day

The following video is a UKIP election campaign spot produced by the local Bradford branch of the party. It isn’t new, but I had never seen it before yesterday, when a UKIP supporter in Bradford sent the link to me.

I don’t agree with the party’s entire platform (but then again, I’m neither British nor a proponent of the welfare state). However, this is professional production featuring a delightfully-executed sci-fi conceit that everyone should be able to enjoy.

The producer and lead speaker in this clip is Jason Smith of Bradford Branch UKIP:

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/13/2014

Geert Wilders, the leader of the Islam-critical PVV party in the Netherlands, caused another storm of controversy at a campaign stop in The Hague. Mr. Wilders said the city needed fewer Moroccans, and also averred that Moroccans cause a disproportionate share of crime. His statements offended some people, and at least three complainants have caused his remarks to be referred to the public prosecutor.

In other news, in the latest wrinkle in the saga of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the missing jetliner continued to send signals to a satellite for four hours after it cut off its transponders and disappeared.

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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, MC, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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What’s it Going to Take?

The interim deal with Iran is laughable, since the Iranians have openly told the West that they intend to proceed with their nuclear work regardless. Iran is obviously a threat to the United States itself — or intends to be — since they themselves have often bragged as much.

The Endowment for Middle East Truth has launched an initiative to highlight the folly of the P 5+1 interim deal with Iran, and includes this video as part of their campaign:

Below is the EMET press release:

EMET announces video campaign against dangerous nuclear deal with Iran

(March 12, 2014, Washington, DC) — Today the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) announced its sponsorship of a video campaign focusing on the disastrous nature of the Nuclear Interim Deal between the P 5+1 nations, including the United States, Russia, China, France, Great Britain and Germany, with the terror sponsoring, violent, theocratic dictatorship of Iran. The video released by EMET warns the public of the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran to the United States, and encourages citizens to take immediate action.

Ever since it was announced in November of 2013, EMET has strongly opposed the Iran Nuclear Interim Deal. The deal gives Iran relief from crippling economic sanctions in return for almost nothing of any real significance, leaving Iran’s nuclear infrastructure almost totally intact. Iran keeps every one of its 19,000 centrifuges spinning, and under the deal may be able to continue to construct more. While caps will be placed on Iranian enrichment, it will do nothing to prevent Iran from expanding its stockpile of uranium, which means that Iran will emerge from the interim deal closer to its goal of a nuclear weapon. In return, the U.S. and its allies give the Iranian terror supporting regime immediate economic relief from the economic sanctions that have left it so weakened as to be close to collapse. The treaty widens permissible trade in oil, gold and auto parts, giving the Iranian regime an economic windfall of over $20 billion. It also releases frozen Iranian assets to the tune of about $8 billion. Worst of all, while any Iranian concessions are easily reversible, Western concessions are likely irreversible, meaning the existing sanctions regime will have been gutted with no realistic prospect of restoring those sanctions to previous levels.

Until now, the American media have largely focused on how this interim nuclear deal will impact Israel. However, by framing the conversation on Israel, which the Iranian regime regards as only “the Minor Satan,” the U.S. media has largely avoided discussing the very real threat that Iran still poses to the United States, which they have long referred to as the “the Great Satan.”

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Brussels Pumps up the “Legacy of Al-Andalus”

The EU’s latest dhimmified pandering to Islam is explained by the Italian newspaper Il Giornale. Many thanks to Gaia for the translation, which was originally posted at Vlad Tepes:

Four million euros to raise awareness of the Omayyad…

…the great Islamic dynasty was allocated by the European Union in July 2013

But of course! Whilst the population of the continent rocked between crisis and taxes, while the Troika [the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund] spread the watchwords of austerity, while Europeans were asked for even more blood and tears, Brussels was allowed the luxury of financing with 4 million (€ 4,153,653 to be exact ) a program of “multilateral cross-border cooperation”, coordinated by the “Foundation for the Legacy of al-Andalus”.

The official purpose? Remedial measures to hurriedly correct what the Community institutions define as a — now intolerable — “serious imbalance”. What is this imbalance that is so bad? The pitiful wage of the workers? Unemployment levels among young people? Pension rates falling below reasonable levels? But no: the imbalance, according to Brussels, is the fact that not enough is known of the history of the Omayyad.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/12/2014

Two people were killed (some accounts say three) and dozens more were injured when two buildings collapsed and caught fire in East Harlem this morning, after what was reportedly a gas explosion. The front walls of the buildings were blown out over the street, covering the pavement and cars with bricks and other rubble.

In other news, the Chinese government says that it has satellite photos showing debris in the sea northeast of Malaysia, where Flight MH370 might have gone down. However, the Malaysian military says that it tracked an unidentified radar blob that crossed the width of the country traveling westward at a time consistent with the disappearance of the jetliner, assuming that it reversed direction after cutting off its transponders. The radar image eventually disappeared to the northwest, about two hundred miles off the coast in the Strait of Malacca, apparently heading for the Andaman Sea.

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Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, KP, MC, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Declining to Play the Game, Revisited

The essay below was originally published two and a half years ago as a response to months of unremitting demonization of the Counterjihad in the wake of the Breivik massacre in Norway. Everyone in this line of work came under severe pressure to repudiate the “extremists” in their midst who were alleged to have inspired the Butcher of Utøya in his bloody work. A considerable number of people gave in to this pressure, and some were forced to withdraw permanently from the field.

Since then Anders Behring Breivik has revealed that his affection for the Counterjihad was in fact a calculated feint, and bore no relation to his actual political inclinations. This revelation has made no difference to the media writers and government officials who demonized us back in the summer of 2011, nor do I expect it to. Mr. Breivik provided the media with exactly the “narrative” they longed for, and they are unlikely to abandon it in the face of something as trivial as the truth. They have their story, and they’re sticking to it.

I was prompted to resurrect this post by the widespread reaction to recent events in Ukraine, which bears a certain similarity to what happened after the terrorist attacks in Norway. Writers are expected to pronounce the prescribed shibboleths about Russia, or risk being demonized and dismissed as “Russophiles”. Expressing insufficient condemnation of Vladimir Putin or failing to focus on the brutality and barbarism of Russian behavior invite the shunning and shaming behavior we’ve all become so familiar with whenever Counterjihad topics are discussed.

The tacit demand to repudiate each other for adhering to incorrect doctrine remains as strong among “conservatives” as it is in progressive circles. There are some ideas that are doubleplus ungood, and must simply never be thought.

Declining to Play the Game

Main Premises:

1.   Media coverage of the Counterjihad is stacked against us.
2.   This overwhelming disadvantage can’t be significantly improved.

The organs of the Socialist Left have a stranglehold on all discourse about Islam, immigration, Multiculturalism, etc. This stranglehold is maintained through the iron grip of the Left on education, NGOs, large corporations, the media, and the permanent bureaucracy.

Each new generations is even more brainwashed than the previous one, guaranteeing that the demonization and marginalization of people like us will only intensify. We cannot improve our standing to any useful extent in the media without conceding the Left’s major arguments about immigration, Multiculturalism, and “racism”.

The New Mainstream

During the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Norway, one of our people expressed his despair over the situation. He said, “Now we’ve lost any chance of even partially winning over the mainstream.”

My response was, “Forget the mainstream. We never had a chance anyway. We will create our own mainstream.”

This may sound grandiose, but when “we” are thousands of people who follow the same program independently, we create a new common discourse that abandons any elements of the current mainstream. When enough people adhere to such a strategy, the “mainstream” becomes irrelevant, and eventually withers away.

In order to build a coherent set of values that reflects what the vast majority of Westerners support — the new mainstream, in other words — we must refuse to accept the basic premises that inform what now passes for “mainstream” thought. We do not accept the validity of those premises, so we must decline to enter any discourse based on them.

The Game is Rigged

The media game is rigged against people who believe what we believe.

The rules of the game state that it can only be won by someone who accepts the “mainstream” premises about immigration and Multiculturalism. Players are “racists” if they do not accept those premises.

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Islamic Jihad Strikes Again

According to the latest reports, the rockets that fell on Sderot today were part of a larger attack of at least thirty missiles. The Palestinian terror group Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for the attack.

MC, who sent the tip for the following article from Arutz Sheva, says: “The drones are now overhead, IAF retaliation soon. Poor Gazans, they have it worse than we do and they cannot speak out — no freedom of speech in Gaza!”

Gaza Terrorists Shower at Least 30 Rockets on Southern Israel

Rocket sirens sound, explosions heard in southern Israeli communities; Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.

In the last few minutes Gaza-based terrorists have fired a salvo of rockets at towns in southern Israel.

Residents of communities including the Eshkol Region, as well as the towns of Sderot, Netivot and Ofakim, have reported numerous sirens and impact sounds.

In the last few moments Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for firing the rockets.

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EC to Germany: Damp Down Your Productivity!

The European Commission is unhappy with Germany’s high level of productivity, because it drives up German exports relative to the rest of the EU. The solution? Germany must cut production and limit exports!

JLH has translated a brief article about what’s happening, and includes this note:

This piece from PI caught my eye because the US comes into it as one of the anti-market forces, and because it reminds me of nonsense like cap-and-trade, and not least, because I bet Angela Merkel of the former GDR feels right at home with this kind of tinkering.

The translated article from Politically Incorrect:

The EU Want to Forbid German Firms to Sell

What is being undertaken against German companies nowadays is downright abnormal and perverse! The EU Commission is complaining about Germany’s export surplus. What is that supposed to mean? For example, that German car companies should not sell their vehicles in other EU and European countries, stop production, scrap the new cars, double their prices? Anything goes with the EU bigwigs, just so we don’t sell anything any more and the foreigners, like the French, get to sell more. Planned economy at our expense. What nerve! So what are the premises the EU was founded on?

Wasn’t unrestricted trade one of its basic liberties? And now the big shots in Brussels are deciding who can sell how much in the EUSSR — like Stalin in the USSR or the communists in the GDR, systems that went under for precisely that reason!

And it gets worse! In our land of economic illiteracy as run by socialists and communists, there is no breath of resistance, no full-throated protest against Brussels’ presumptions.

And it gets even worse! The formerly capitalist USA and the International Monetary Fund agree! Just as the leftist Zeit has thought, the market should be turned off. How did Germany get back on its feet economically after the war? With what economic prescription of Marx, Brezhnev, Ulbricht, Pol Pot or Kim il-Sung? Only after China economically sloughed off Mao did the upswing come. And all of that no longer means anything? Crazy!