Bad Juju in Bad Ischl

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Explosive argument: Big fuss over pork slogan in front of restaurant in Bad Ischl

Excitement in Bad Ischl! The trigger is a host known for his funny sayings. His text about people who eat pork is explosive. And in the eyes of some, it went too far, given the already tense political climate. Others agree with the restaurant owner.

A sign outside his restaurant reads: “People who eat pork are statistically less likely to blow themselves and others up.” A provocation that is of course primarily aimed at Muslims. There is already a lot of excitement online, where pictures of the saying are spreading rapidly. Some feel “deeply disappointed and attacked”, others see “pure racism”. [Islam is an ideology and not a race, MORON.] In a free newspaper, a reader said that reading this text took his breath away, and called for “messages of peace;” after all, the situation was already very tense. [Appeasing Islam has worked so well for us during the last 1,400+ years, hasn’t it? Are people really that willfully blind and ignorant of what Islam and its followers stand for?]

Lots of approval online

However, the opinions are not as clearly distributed as the rapporteurs want to convey. If you look at the comment columns, it is quite clear that the innkeeper also receives a lot of support. “It’s a bit harsh, but unfortunately he’s right,” says one user on Facebook. “Sometimes the truth hurts,” writes another. “He’s absolutely right,” many people say.

Afterword from the translator:

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International Law or Sordid Double Standards

As the bloody conflict in Gaza rages, the more important war is the propaganda war, which Hamas is handily winning, thanks to the help of Western progressives, especially in the universities. Our Israeli correspondent MC sends his observations on these grim events.

International Law or Sordid Double Standards

by MC

Nobody applies ‘international laws, rules and standards’ to Hamas, and we must ask ourselves: Why not?

The first obvious answer is that Hamas is a terrorist group and just does not care about ‘infidel’ morality. Their standards are defined in the Koran, the Sunnah and the Hadith, not in anything coming out of Geneva.

In Europe prior to the Treaty of Westphalia, the whole of the continent was torn apart by religions which were, in fact, political entities, and which recognized no national boundaries. For each religious sect, Catholic and Protestant alike, the ends — i.e. absolute power over the other — justified the means used to get it. Forget do as you would be done by.

That had to stop, and the religious zeal (and personal ambition) eventually had to be tempered by biblical imperatives to ‘love your enemies’. In Christianity the central character was truly a man of peace. Trying to justify a barbaric war of mass extermination against another ‘Christian’ sect proved to be impossible, and the men of conscience finally prevailed.

Thus “Jaw Jaw, not War War” became important.

The wars of the 20th century dictators followed. WW1 was a war of trenches, machine guns and artillery, with a an act of gross stupidity at its beginning. Not so much the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, but the follow-up assumption that the Serbian government did it, and the terrible ultimatum issued by Austria-Hungary on the assumption of said ‘guilt’.

The WW2 was the result of the Central Powers failing to learn the lessons of the first war. The Nazis combined a sense of victimhood and resentment arising from WW1 with a schadenfreude of an immortal, undefeatable mythological Volk proclaiming the Germanic people’s right to rule, enslave, occupy and exterminate. To generally play god…

But Islam does not go by Christian norms, and the separation of mosque and state is not even contemplated.

Many people do not believe that the events of 7th October actually took place. I do; I was there. I heard the massacre in Sderot and I saw the aftermath. My son was about three minutes behind the pickup trucks loaded with AK-shooting terrorists.

He was in shock for a week.

Many blame nationalism for WW2, and have striven ever since for globalist socialism based on Marxist principles. But what if the ‘nationalism’ in National Socialism was actually benign, and that it was the ‘socialism’ part that caused all the problems and the huge death toll? It is only then we can suddenly understand that global Marxism is a catastrophe of epic proportions and that the utopia it is meant to bring is nothing but a cruel and impossible pipe dream.

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Biden Administration Focuses on ‘Islamophobia’ While Jew-Hatred Runs Rampant

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Biden Administration Focuses on ‘Islamophobia’ While Jew-Hatred Runs Rampant

by Clare M. Lopez

Not even a month after the horrific Sabbath Massacre by HAMAS jihadis on 7 October 2023, and as venomous Jew-hatred runs rampant on campuses and streets across America, the Biden administration thinks it appropriate to unveil “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia”

“White House slammed for ‘tone deaf’ unveiling of anti-Islamophobia strategy as antisemitism surges” by Victor Nava at The New York Post, 2 November 2023

“White House Announces Anti-Islamophobia Strategy Amid Large Spike In Antisemitism” by Reagan Reese at Daily Caller, 2 November 2023

Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Biden’s Establishment of First-Ever National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia”, White House Statement, November 1, 2023

The Biden Administration is riddled with officials who loathe Israel, Judaism, and the Jewish people. Hard to believe this is a vetting failure. With friends like these…

“Homeland Security officer on leave after it was revealed she worked for PLO and wrote ‘F**k Israel’ post” by Yaron Steinbuch at The New York Post, October 19, 2023

“After exposure, Biden regime puts pro-Hamas ‘F**k Israel’ PLO spokeswoman at DHS on leave” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, October 19, 2023

“DHS worker and former Palestinian Liberation spokeswoman Nejwa Ali is put on leave after praising Hamas terrorist attacks and saying ‘F*** Israel…we are ready for your downfall’“ by Noa Halff at Daily Mail, October 19, 2023

“Former PLO Spokeswoman Tweets ‘F*** Israel’ While Working at DHS. Heritage Demands Answers.” by Tyler O’Neil at the Daily Signal, October 19, 2023

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The German State Pays the Jizya

The following report highlights the lavish benefits provided by the German government to an Afghan migrant, evidently one of the translators who worked for NATO and escaped the country before the fall of Kabul. The Afghan and his family receive all sorts of state stipends and subsidies. He is well-educated, but chooses not to get a job. He wants to pursue a master’s degree instead.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating both the video and the article from eXXpress, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for subtitling the video:

The translated article:

Report about money for asylum families: TV station deletes entire program from the network

This RTL report has it all: A camera team visited a family of four Afghans at their home in Germany. They net €3,200 net per month — financed by the taxpayer. This sparked heated debates on social media. Too fierce? In any case, the TV station deleted the article from the media library.

The Afghan family of four welcomes the TV team in a four-room apartment of 120 square meters (1300 sq.ft.
in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The head of the family, the father, was a German translator in Afghanistan. He reports that his family is “very happy” with the situation. No wonder, since the authorities are giving him and his wife every opportunity to learn, live and look after their children. The monthly income of the Afghans is €3,200 — net, of course.

€80,000 in two years

In the past two years, German taxpayers have supported the migrant family with a total of €80,000. There are also kindergarten places for the little ones. Money for local public transport, various health costs and German courses are also paid for. German courses for a man who worked as a translator for five years? This question remains unanswered. Does the family plan to look for work soon? “No, because I’m still trying to learn German better,” said the Afghan.

Work? “We don’t feel like it”

After that, perhaps a degree course followed by a master’s degree, because he attended a university in his home country and he and his wife wanted to become diplomats. Of course, the need for Afghan diplomats in Germany is negligible, as many subscribers on the Internet note. The reactions to the report are violent, and the fuss about benefits for families unwilling to work is enormous. The video is still available on platforms like X, but it has already been deleted from RTL itself.

[Video on Twitter]

Herrmann Gaugeler, head of the “Welcome Center” in Schwäbisch Gmünd, was also interviewed by the TV station. He notes that the Afghan interpreter may have to take on another job if his diplomatic career doesn’t work out soon.

The disappointed Afghan: “No, I’m not willing!” The wife sees it similarly, and explains that they didn’t work as craftsmen back home. “We have no experience and no desire! We also have a lot to do at home. We still need time to spend with our children.”

[Screen shot]

The RTL Extra report — from October 24, 2023, broadcast at 10:00 p.m. — is no longer available in the media library.

Afterword from the translator:

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Report From Sderot: Three Weeks

Tanks have rolled into Gaza: the latest from MC.

Report From Sderot: Three Weeks

by MC

It is hard for most people to assimilate that ‘moderate’ Muslims are either playacting, or they are bad Muslims who do not respect the Koran, Hadith or Sunna.

It is also hard for them to understand that most people are brainwashed, some by their cultural norms, others by exposure to incessant TV propaganda. Until my early twenties, I was a socialist because I knew no other influence. I had never met a true conservative and my pro-Nazi aunt and uncle were Nazi socialists — very confusing until I realized that the socialism in National Socialism was not only real but substantial.

Muslim National Socialism gets an easy ride in the USA. Islam looked at the stupidity of ‘anti-Semitism’ and groups like the ADL who picked up on every possible nuance of (possibly accidental) Jew abuse, and squealed vociferously. They decided that they, too, needed to create their own parallel dialogue in order to give themselves victim status, and to distract idiotic attention away from Islamic warmongering, violence and terrorism.

The gullible fell for it, hook, line and stinker. ‘Islamophobia’ came into the world in a miasma of lies and deceits. People who fear Islam are not phobic: Islam is currently engaged in about 50 conflicts around the world, and in nearly all of them the Muslims are the aggressors, the occupiers and the persecutors. Islam is a religion of war, occupation and forced conversion at sword point.

Yesterday evening the bombardment of Gaza intensified, and it appears the tanks went in.

But also, the road blocks around Sderot have disappeared. The IDF are satisfied that all the terrorists have now been rounded up.

It is sad to see that some 50% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 support Hamas and the Palestinians. Strange, because the Palestine Authority hates Hamas, even if it falls short of openly criticising them. Isn’t ignorance bliss!

Back to the propaganda: one of the problems is that when the government lies to ‘we the people’ it undermines society in a big way, and support for Hamas at the student level can be regarded as a huge conspiracy theory based upon the idea that the ‘Palestinians’ were forcibly ejected from their own country.

The Palestine Liberation Organisation was an invention of the KGB in 1963. Before that, Palestinians were Jews born and raised in Palestine Mandate territory. Between the wars, as a consequence of the defeat of the Ottomans and the removal of their colonies in the Levant, Britain was made responsible for the development of the mandated territory as a Jewish homeland. But Britain had no intention of allowing Jewish home rule because Ben Gurion and Weizmann were proto-communists, and Israel was strategically placed as the Doorway to India. They gave 78% of the territory mandated for Jews to the ‘Palestinians’ and set the Hashemites (the Lawrence of Arabia crowd) over them.

Britain then populated the remaining mandate Palestine with Muslims from the surrounding lands instead of the Jews they were mandated to settle. My wife’s grandfather’s brother from Baghdad tried to emigrate to the new ‘Jewish’ homeland but was rejected by the British (circa 1933). He apparently went across to the other queue where Muslims were being processed (in Arabic) and gained entry without difficulty.

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Report From Sderot: Day 15, and Hamas is Winning

MC sends the latest grim news from the border with Gaza.

Fortifications at Kibbutz Revivim

Report From Sderot: Day 15, and Hamas is Winning

by MC

Sad to say, Hamas is wining. They are winning because whatever Israel does, the world hates Jews and regards them with deep, deep suspicion. They will say nice words, and do all they can to make sure Israel cannot win.

The Lutheran Church openly despises Jews and supports Hamas’ atrocities because they believe Israelis have kept Gaza penned up for decades (they forgot to tell us that the Egyptians too, have closed their border with Gaza). Martin Luther hated Jews, so it is inevitable, I suppose.

The Ivy League hates Jews, and will take no action against students and faculty supporting Hamas terrorism.

The Roman Catholic Church, and especially its revolutionary Pope, appears to have a very ambivalent attitude towards Jews. Even after Vatican II declared that the Jews were not “Christ Killers” that doctrine persists. One must asked oneself why Jesus was tried (by the Herodian ‘Jewish’ elite in the middle of the night). Was it to ensure that the average ‘Jew in the street’ who supported Yahushua (Jesus) was presented with a ‘fait accompli’ come the next morning?

And those awful left-wing Jews who are so arrogant and ignorant. Do they not realize that they are next on the butchery shopping list? The DNC needs their money, and it is probably the only reason that Brandon is making a lot of noise (and screwing the process through his inaction).

Hamas is winning because of the hostages. They are the ace of trumps, providing a lever that can be twisted and turned to squeeze White House policy any way but win.

My son has now been at the Northern Border for two weeks, all of it on the front line. In civilian life he is one of an elite squad clearing mines, of which there are many in Israel going back to 1916. Sometimes he brings back little bits of military antiquity.

But two weeks in the front line without relief is not good news in military terms, and Sleepy Joe seems to be insisting that Israel hold back on its proposed invasion of Gaza. Ostensibly this is to enable further hostage negotiations. With 200+ hostages, that could mean that he never needs to authorise the invasion, and we all sit comfortably and do nothing.

President Jefferson was faced with the same problem. The Barbary Pirates (also Muslim fundamentalists) were commerce-raiding and taking hostages/slaves in exactly the same way as Hamas (they had read the same book, of course). But President Jefferson was a man of integrity and action. He created the USMC and put them ashore at Tripoli. The Barbary Pirates quickly surrendered. Muslims have no stomach for a real fight against hardened troops. Martell and Sobieski demonstrated this.

The Muslim way is to attack a soft target and brutalize the victims in a way that will intimidate all those in the immediate area, such that they will surrender without a fight. This is all chronicled in the Koran. The book of war, occupation and submission.

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Reality Bleeds to Death as the Ummah Celebrates

The view from Blighty, as sent by our English correspondent Seneca III.

Reality Bleeds to Death as the Ummah Celebrates

by Seneca III

In this once green and pleasant land where reality and truth are now under attack from every quarter there are few voices brave enough to speak out publicly. One of them is (was?) the relatively new Broadcaster GB News, which is rapidly overtaking the long-standing BBC in viewership. Since its inception GBN has had to exist under the axe of impending closure (i.e., having its broadcasting licence withdrawn by the Quangonistas of Ofcom, the Broadcasting Regulator staffed almost exclusively by ex-BBC apparatchiks who are determined to protect their mentor’s tax-funded monopoly).

As a consequence, GB News has to tread very carefully indeed, particularly with what it posts in the comments section below each programme.

As I write, the programme still being presented by the charming and erudite Emily Carver is dealing with the horrendous ‘demonstrations’ that took place in several major British cities yesterday, where howling mobs of Muslims of various flavours, including ‘Palestinians’ (to whom we have granted asylum, residency, free accommodation and endless handouts), vented their blood lust, both verbally and with banners, and called for another holocaust, essentially, the extermination of all Jews in general and Israelis and Israel in particular.

Our governing classes have since postured and snivelled in the public media, both broadcast and in print, in essence claiming that that these savages haven’t actually broken any laws and that is why the police were extremely limited in any actions that they could take.

Make of that what you will. I present it is as the background to the short story which follows and which illustrates what a collection of angst-ridden wet wipes some of us are becoming. Aux armes, mes amis!

To continue. I have an old friend, not just old in friendship but older in years as well, which is quite remarkable in view of my increasing decrepitude. That said, he is an acute observer of our troubling times, and occasionally posts in the comments section following GB News programmes. This morning he attempted to post a comment re. the Emily Carver presentation, but was knocked back twice without explanation, despite having asked why it had been knocked back in the first case.

He received no reply, so I will reproduce his comment below as a public service, but first I will tell you that he asked me if I could hazard a guess as to why this had happened. All I could offer was to suggest that his comment was both reasonable and correct in all particulars but that such things no longer carry any weight in public discourse, for the fearful and the treacherous now have full control of the levers of power and the mainstream media are fully complicit therewith.

Here is what he said:

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Report From Sderot: Day 11

MC is still in Sderot, and the missiles from Gaza are still falling on the city.

Have you noticed that the tide of public opinion is changing, as it usually does, from all-out support to the usual cries of “don’t hurt (Muslim) civilians”?

When Hamas hides behind civilians, then civilian casualties are Hamas’ responsibility. Except, it seems, where Israel and Jews are concerned.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken now appears to be setting conditions.

In a recent X (twitter) catfight two conservatives had a scrap over the fate of Harvard students who signed that infamous letter of support for massacring jooz. “Silly ignorant students,” said one. “Malicious anti-Semites,” said the other.

The real point is that there need to be consequences if freedom of speech is to be viable. If one supports a holocaust-like event, then one is probably a Nazi of some kind. In my experience, Nazis remain Nazis until terminated.

The Left, including Nazism, is a nasty political disease that has brought cruelty and mayhem beyond belief to this world. My wife’s sister has emailed us three times so far to express her support for Hamas against Israeli ‘apartheid’.

Most people are totally ignorant of the inner workings of the original apartheid in South Africa, and the dire consequences of its dismantling.

Apartheid means separation in Afrikaans (die taal), and was an experiment in trying to get differing cultures to live in harmony. It was partially successful until the socialists got hold of it. They turned it into a catastrophe for all concerned.

For example, the African tribesman straight from his kraal expects to be able to defecate anywhere there is room to squat (a bit like San Francisco). This behaviour is not acceptable for the white European-based culture, as they have to deal with the mess. Apartheid dictated that high walls make good neighbours and that these cultural points of friction could be mitigated by ‘separation’.

Unfortunately for South Africa it became all about skin colour, not culture, and the rest is history.

Israel is the most (skin colour) un-racist country I have ever been in. As immigrants from the UK, we stand out as ‘white’ (Anglos), and most Israelis assume that I am American.

Muslim Israelis have exactly the same rights under Basic Law as I have. However, in the areas supervised by the PA (and Hamas) under the Oslo Accords, the same is not true.

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Report From Sderot: Day 6

Email seems to be functioning properly at the moment, allowing this report to be posted in a timely fashion.

Report From Sderot: Day 6

by MC

Within the definition of anti-Semitism is the concept of applying different, higher standards to Jews and Israel than are expected of others.

Israel declared war as a result of the Shabbat massacre. But only when Israel declares war is any nation expected to feed, water and supply free electricity to their enemies.

Does anybody know of this expectation being made of other nations who have declared war?

Hamas became a ‘judenrein’ political entity in 2005 and is self-governing. It has no GDP and is totally dependent on aid from other states, some of them hostile to the Western world, others comprising the humanitarian guilt-tripping of ‘useful idiot’ states.

These idiotic states enable Gaza to become a ‘hate state’ with no perceived aim other than to destroy Israel and conquer the world for Islam.

To ask the question of Israelis what about Gazan civilians, is to indulge in that wallowing anti-Semitism that simplistic journalists play to create a ‘gotcha’ moment that they so love.

The left is so obsessed with their feelings that they ignore the legal aspects of most situations. Israel has no legal responsibility to supply Gaza with anything. Hamas is solely responsible for the safety of and to supply the needs of the civilians of Gaza, but they fail badly in this primary responsibility of government. Hamas sees civilians as shields from amongst whom the fighters can shoot, and then point fingers and play the blame game.

By international law, that makes Hamas responsible for civilian casualties amongst those they hide behind. Unfortunately, Hamas gets a bye on international law, and only Israel is ever held to account…

I was horrified yesterday to find out that many conservatives support the view that it is incumbent upon Israel to support all Gazan civilians, supplying them with food, water, sanitation and electricity.

This is an egregious application of anti-Semitic double standards. Instead of asking Hamas the question, they ask Israel, as if there were a special duty incumbent upon Israel that was not shown by the allies when Dresden was bombed and Japan reduced to starvation.

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Pinkwashing the Perps

In the Netflix fantasy world, criminals in Berlin must be native Germans, and never culture-enrichers. The reality of life on the streets of Berlin doesn’t matter — only the PC narrative is allowed.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from AUF1. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Politically correct Netflix censorship: German perpetrators instead of criminal migrants

Netflix actually wanted to film the bestseller “Sun and Concrete” by the German comedian Felix Lobrecht. But in times of “sensitive reading”, cancel culture and strict political correctness, what happened was what had to happen: the streaming provider demanded changes to the script. For example, no criminal migrants were allowed to appear in it. [It’s supposed to be fiction, and reality should not intrude.]

In their place, Netflix would rather have a German — and also lesbian — girlie group. “Sensitive content” was also allegedly revised in other passages and seemed to have been redlined.

“Deep into woke lunacy”

As Die Welt reports, Lobrecht reacts in horror: “The fiction department at Netflix is completely crazy. They’re really deep into this woke lunacy,” the newspaper quotes him saying. The company’s strict line was particularly disappointing for him because Netflix had broadcast his past comedy program “Hype”.

However, there was no collaboration for his current program “All you can eat”. In his podcast “Gemischtes Hack/Mixed Minced Meat” (together with Tommi Schmitt), Lobrecht mentioned that Netflix wanted to pay less than for his “Hype” show — even though he was much less known back then.

Content distorted

But the worst thing was the changes to the literary template for “Sonne und Beton/Sun and Concrete”, which distorted the entire content of the book — that typical Berlin migrants were to be turned into German perpetrators and girls.

“What kind of girl gang? What kind of German gangsters?”, says Lobrecht angrily. “Imagine, Hakan and Hamudi are standing on the corner of Sonnenallee and suddenly Holger and Jens come along. Are you crazy? It’s just nuts!” The film adaptation isn’t happening — and the comedian finally decided to finance his new comedy program himself.

Afterword from the translator:

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Breakout From Gaza

Mujahideen from Hamas broke out of the Gaza strip into Israel today, using explosives to breach the border fence, paragliders to go over it, and amphibious vehicles to go around it and land on beaches to the north. Thousands of rockets were fired into Israel, some landing as far north as Tel Aviv. Hamas commandos have been slaughtering civilians on the streets of Ashkelon, Sderot, and other Israeli towns. An unknown number of Israeli hostages have been carried back to captivity in Gaza.

The number of reported Israeli casualties keeps rising, but has definitely reached three figures. The IDF has launched a series of massive attacks on Hamas’ infrastructure in Gaza.

The MSM is packed with biased reports on what’s happening, with lots of photos and videos of the puir wee Palestinian bairns being killed in Gaza. This AP article is as good as any. It describes the Hamas invaders as “militants”, needless to say.

Our Israeli correspondent MC sends the following report from Sderot.

Breakout From Gaza

by MC

This time it is really bad.

I woke up at about 6am this morning; we spent yesterday evening (last day of Sukkot) at a family BBQ in the woods north of Sderot. My second son and his 6-year-old daughter stayed overnight.

At about 6:20 the missiles started coming in. Luckily my granddaughter slept through it.

After about 45 minutes we started to hear small arms fire, which got very close in, and at which point my son decided to cut short his stay and evacuate back to Kibbutz Revivim, where they live.

They only made it a few klicks up the road, and had to drive through the aftermath of Hamas ‘heroes’ shooting up unarmed civilians.

Luckily he was able to distract my granddaughter, who has no idea that she is in a war zone.

They are safe, having been taken in by a kibbutz further north, but my son is suffering from the trauma. It is still Shabbat, so news is scarce.

Muslims like shooting unarmed women and children. It is part of their creed.

Many of the farming settlements along the border are under Hamas occupation. Civilians and soldiers have been taken hostage and bodies are being paraded in the streets of Gaza.

We are under lockdown at the moment, but we may well join my son at Revivim if we get the opportunity. This may be a long and bloody war.

Please be aware that the MSM is spinning this brutal act of terrorism using words like ‘militants’ instead of violent invaders, and always remember that it could be you next.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

Invasion of the Country Snatchers

Our English correspondent Seneca III sends this report on the political and cultural Ragnarøk that is now underway in the failed state formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Invasion of the Country Snatchers

by Seneca III

Throughout the Western Ecumene including the UK socio-cultural collapse and ethnic treason in high places continue apace. Mind you, this debacle is not confined to this small archipelago; wherever one looks from the USA to Canada, from non-EU Europe (Norway, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.) and to the EU itself and then on south to the Antipodes, the picture is the same.

Simply put, we are in the midst of a mass invasion by primitive barbarian hordes, an invasion enabled and orchestrated by ruthless global power seekers who are pulling the strings in the background whilst at the same time paedophiles, perverts and deviants of every conceivable persuasion simultaneously infiltrate and poison virtually every public and private body with their toxic sexual indulgencies. The once Hallowed Halls of Academia have become so infested with this insanity that they now do little more than churn out young people with minds so crippled that they cannot differentiate between make-believe and reality.

Nevertheless, it is worth bearing in mind that Europeans became civilized only after several centuries of methodically executing criminals and invaders and imposing other violent forms of civilisation. In Africa, genetic patterns that had been significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species were never eliminated and are still prevalent there and throughout the African diaspora.

[Disambiguation: The short précis in the paragraph immediately above is written from my memory of an article I read quite some time ago but did not archive. Furthermore, I do not recall ever reading any anthropological or genetic arguments, either then or now, challenging or substantiating the article’s central hypothesis so I must leave that line of research to any interested readers, other than to say that it is not unreasonable to conclude that evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it most certainly does produce more socially coherent and smarter human beings. —SIII]

The latest result of this African-heritage genetic pattern was horrifically demonstrated a few days ago in the London Borough of Croydon, a.k.a. the stabbing capital of London, where a 15-year-old black schoolgirl trying to defend her friend on the way to school was stabbed to death by a 17-year-old black ‘youth’ because her friend had rejected his advances; he subsequently used a foot-long, serrated zombie knife to stab the girl in the neck and chest. This, however, is really no surprise when looks at the demographics of Croydon.

According to the latest 2021 census, Croydon is predominantly white at 48.4%** with non-white minorities representing the remaining 51.6% of the population. Black people were the largest minority group in Croydon accounting for 22.6% of the population. In England more broadly the portion of the population that is white is 81%, 10% are Asian and 4% are Black. Metropolitan Police statistics also show Croydon had more stabbings than any other London borough in the year to last month — recording 211 knife crimes. (** ‘Predominantly white’ is an obfuscation used to mislead the reader from the reality that Croydon is a minority white Borough in the heart of our capitol city). The barbarians are definitely through the gates and increasing by the day; this could well be described as a form of ethnic Quantitative Easing which is eliminating the civilised values of this nation.

So, we the people of the West have a choice: either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on criminals and invaders today that the medieval Europeans did, or watch our civilisation collapse everywhere such archaic genetic patterns are permitted to prevail. We must let Anarch’s Legions march or we are finished. Hence, the only question now is just how brutal and comprehensive the process of recovery will be, and as for the biology-denying plague of transgenderism, it is a fabricated attention-seeking condition used to legitimise abnormal behaviour, and will simply cease to exist in the midst of that great turmoil that will soon impact us.

Further on the home front, we now live with violent criminality by day and night in the form of drug peddling, stabbings, muggings, violent burglaries and gangs of organised thugs plundering shops and businesses [1] & [2], in the main perpetrated by a protected criminal sub-class with little fear of meaningful punishment in a system that is terrified of being labelled as racist unless the offender is white. As a consequence, the everyday activities of millions of law-abiding citizens are curtailed, and they now go in fear of their lives and livelihoods even before they are hit with yet more punitive taxes simply for leaving their homes in vehicles that are not compliant with Sadiq Khan’s highway robbery project.

Add to this the undefined number of homegrown benefit junkies sucking at the public teat and further emptying what little is left in the nation’s coffers already drained dry by supporting the hundreds of thousands of criminal predators and parasites who have invaded these islands by land, sea and air.

Where I live is not to too badly infected at the moment; it remains somewhat of a backwater, an island of semi-calm within the eye of the storm that is tearing the rest of the country apart, although this small town has had its quota of ‘asylum seekers’ secretly dumped on it (quietly in the dead of night, of course, in case we long-established inhabitants should be so white racist as to object to this forced non-British occupation) and who have taken up all of the available social housing where they are sheltered, fed and watered and provided with free pocket money at the taxpayers’ expense whilst our own young people despair of finding affordable rental housing for themselves.

Londonistan/Africa-on-Thames, long under the draconian thumb of a Labour Muslim Mayor, plus Birmingham, Manchester and every other large urban conurbation in the UK are no longer British in any meaningful sense of the word. They have become the fiefdoms of the imported scum of the world, in many cases by the Demented Slaves of Allah, who have arrived both illegally or, as with the Pakistani and Bangladeshi paedophile rapists…

…mostly legally thanks to decades of high treason on the part of the self-serving drones who are still warming their posteriors on the green benches in the House of Commons and the red benches in that geriatric nursing home known as the House of Lords, all of whom are now themselves being quietly cleansed and replaced in both the Legislative and Executive arms of government. The photograph below, published by Khan’s apparatchiks in the London Assembly, make it quite clear what future lies in store for what remains of the native British still managing to survive in their capital city and elsewhere throughout this once green and pleasant land.

Sadiq Khan’s official website recently published a photograph of a young white family with the words: ‘Doesn’t represent real Londoners’: [3]

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The Dialectics of the Communist Revolution in North America

Last month our friend Vlad Tepes spoke at Rally in the Valley in Pembroke, Ontario. His topic was the Communist revolution that has already taken place in Canada and the USA, and the role that Hegelian dialectics plays in it.

The video below contains the audio of Vlad’s talk. Note: The date that appears on the screen while the video is playing is incorrect; the rally took place on August 25, 2023.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for uploading this video:

Getting Rid of the Danes

It’s hard to believe that almost eighteen years have passed since the onset of the Danish Mohammed Cartoon Crisis. Kurt Westergaard’s “Turban Bomb” was the iconic image for the affair, but it’s important to remember than twelve cartoons were actually commissioned and published by Jyllands-Posten, and one of the others is shown at the top of this post.

Dymphna and I covered the Motoons — for that was the shortened version of the name that rapidly emerged in the blogosphere — in the early days of this blog. Then, a couple of years later, when I became more closely involved with the European Counterjihad, I was able to make the acquaintance of some of those doughty Danes, and got to know the Scandinavian scene fairly well.

Back then Denmark was refreshingly different. Not only did the Danes tolerate political incorrectness, they even celebrated it on certain occasions. And freedom of speech was vigorously defended, even by government ministers.

That was then; this is now.

The Danish government is planning to reintroduce a blasphemy law so that the burning of Korans can be forbidden. They have been successfully mau-maued by Muslim leaders — including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — who demand that the Danes and the Swedes forbid their citizens to engage in activities that Islam deems offensive.

This is a watershed moment in the history of the West. It marks the beginning of the official transfer of power from the secular humanists to the proponents of sharia. The process will be slow, but inexorable. It will probably take a couple of decades before it is complete. In the end, the tenets of Islamic law will reign supreme in what were formerly known as the Western democracies. Savvy and cynical politicians and bureaucrats will convert to Islam in order to enjoy the privileges and perquisites of the new system. Those who don’t will become second-class citizens.

It will take a while, but we’ll get there in the end.

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One of the people I was privileged to meet during my involvement with the European Counterjihad was the redoubtable Mark Steyn, who has been untiring in his struggle against sharia and in support of free speech. His latest essay is a retrospective on the Motoon crisis, and a somber recognition of the emergence of a dhimmi government in Denmark — The Danes, Gelded. Below are some excerpts:

Many years ago, my compatriot Ezra Levant observed that one day the Danish Mohammed cartoons would come to be seen as a more consequential event than 9/11. Not in the overall death toll, obviously — although the corpse count of the Motoons continues to rise (Charlie Hebdo et al) — but in its lessons for a free society’s enemies. 9/11 led to two decades of ineffectual warmongering in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and the goatherds with fertilizer soon had the measure of that. But the cartoons and the west’s reaction to them told the world that we would not defend core liberties such as freedom of speech. You don’t need to blow up our skyscrapers; we’re happy to surrender to subtler pressures.

And here we are eighteen years later, with the Danish Government proposing to criminalize the burning of the Koran and make it an offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.


~In 2005 Jyllands-Posten, one of the biggest-selling newspapers in Denmark, as part of an exploration of the state of free speech, was willing to publish a dozen cartoons of Mohammed by prominent cartoonists.

~In 2010, on the fifth anniversary, I was given an award by the Danish Free Press Society and appeared on stage with the society’s founder Lars Hedegaard and fellow freespeechers from across the Continent: the Norwegian comedienne Shabana Rehman, the Dutch cartoonist Nekschot, the Swedish artist Lars Vilks and the Danish-Iranian actor Farshad Kholghi.

If those names don’t ring a lot of bells for you, here’s the scorecard so far:

  • Shabana Rehman’s family restaurant was firebombed, and she was forced to live under 24/7 police protection, which is not terribly conducive to a career in observational comedy. She died of cancer last year at the age of forty-six;
  • Nekschot was already under so many death threats that he could only appear at public engagements with his face obscured and unidentifiable. So in Copenhagen that day he chose to wear a burqa. Funny, but not quite secure enough. He had already been arrested for “hate speech” with the Dutch authorities openly taunting him about the impending loss of his anonymity. The year after our appearance in Denmark, he gave up cartooning and went into hiding. I assume he is still alive;
  • Lars Vilks was speaking at an event on art and blasphemy when a Muslim opened fire with a semi-automatic. A Danish film director was killed and three police officers. The jihad boy then went to a nearby synagogue and killed a second man. Lars retired from public life, and died in 2021 with two of his security detail when their unmarked police car crashed;
  • oh, and our host Lars Hedegaard was shot at point blank range, but fortunately by an incompetent. So Lars survived, but his opponent managed to flee to Turkey.

Most of the above did not impinge on the media in a big way: There were no celebrities wearing #JeSuisLars buttons. Nevertheless, of the six who were on stage that day in 2010, there would be only two of us today: me and Farshad Kholghi, last men standing in an Agatha Christie for the jihad set — And Then There Were None. Come to think of it, that might make a blackly comic play, or novel, or film… But good luck finding a publisher or producer.

~In 2015, on the tenth anniversary, I was back in Copenhagen, this time with Douglas Murray:

Like Mark Steyn I’ve been doing these ‘defend free speech’ gigs for some years now and as Mark recently mordantly observed, I also sometimes wonder why I keep ascending up the running order only to realise that it’s because everybody who used to be ahead of me is either in hiding or dead.

As Douglas also remarked:

The event will be in the Danish Parliament apparently because it’s the only place in Denmark sufficiently secure enough that — we hope — the now traditional gunmen won’t be able to get in and shoot everyone.


As Marie [Krarup] said, the walls of Christiansborg are “thick and massive”. However, I woke up on the morning of the event to find that both the US State Department and the British Foreign Office had issued travel advisories warning their nationals to steer clear of both Copenhagen in general and Christiansborg Palace in particular.

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