Report From Sderot: Day 6

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Report From Sderot: Day 6

by MC

Within the definition of anti-Semitism is the concept of applying different, higher standards to Jews and Israel than are expected of others.

Israel declared war as a result of the Shabbat massacre. But only when Israel declares war is any nation expected to feed, water and supply free electricity to their enemies.

Does anybody know of this expectation being made of other nations who have declared war?

Hamas became a ‘judenrein’ political entity in 2005 and is self-governing. It has no GDP and is totally dependent on aid from other states, some of them hostile to the Western world, others comprising the humanitarian guilt-tripping of ‘useful idiot’ states.

These idiotic states enable Gaza to become a ‘hate state’ with no perceived aim other than to destroy Israel and conquer the world for Islam.

To ask the question of Israelis what about Gazan civilians, is to indulge in that wallowing anti-Semitism that simplistic journalists play to create a ‘gotcha’ moment that they so love.

The left is so obsessed with their feelings that they ignore the legal aspects of most situations. Israel has no legal responsibility to supply Gaza with anything. Hamas is solely responsible for the safety of and to supply the needs of the civilians of Gaza, but they fail badly in this primary responsibility of government. Hamas sees civilians as shields from amongst whom the fighters can shoot, and then point fingers and play the blame game.

By international law, that makes Hamas responsible for civilian casualties amongst those they hide behind. Unfortunately, Hamas gets a bye on international law, and only Israel is ever held to account…

I was horrified yesterday to find out that many conservatives support the view that it is incumbent upon Israel to support all Gazan civilians, supplying them with food, water, sanitation and electricity.

This is an egregious application of anti-Semitic double standards. Instead of asking Hamas the question, they ask Israel, as if there were a special duty incumbent upon Israel that was not shown by the allies when Dresden was bombed and Japan reduced to starvation.

I do not like the fact that the allies dropped nukes on Japan, but I accept both the tactical and strategic necessity. Mounting an invasion of mainland Japan would have been bloody beyond belief.

But behind the shadows it would appear that Japan had its own nukes ready to go at Hungnam in Korea, but just lacked a delivery system. That Japan tested a nuke in early 1945 is the subject of debate, as is the existence of a nuke made by the German Post Office…

But not to digress: Japanese (and German) civilians were not deemed relevant in the WW2 context nor in any other context except where Israel is concerned. When President Bill Clinton bombed Serbia, were civilian casualties considered important?

Otherwise the news is that I am back in Sderot. The missiles are still incoming and the artillery is still outgoing. Gazans have been told to move south, out of the danger zone.

Sderot itself is slowly reverting to ‘normal’ in the context of a city less than three kilometres from a war zone. I drove back from Kibbutz Revivim last night. My little Skoda Fabia is not exotic enough for terrorists, so I was left alone by the patrols.

More to come…

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

43 thoughts on “Report From Sderot: Day 6

  1. The nature of war is to bend the enemy to your will by any means possible. The will of HAMAS was/is to kill every Jew and every non-Muslim who will not convert. Thus they commenced this war. Once begun, it was within Israel’s purview and the nature of war to bend HAMAS to their will. The repeated attacks over generations and failure to even credibly pretend not to want to kill Israelis leave no choice for the nation of Israel but to return in force to impose anything up to and including the death of HAMAS and all their subjects.

    Admittedly I am not a “nice” person. But when I looked into the situation inside HAMAS governed Gaza, I was pleased that Gaza is completely incapable of supplying its own power, water, and sanitation. I know that the IDF has more kinetic plans in mind, but I am happy that there is a fallback onto the “Rule of Threes”.

    Subotai Bahadur

    • I am not a nice person at all and I wish death, poverty, starvation and and evil on satans sons and their devil women and their children that are taught to stab the Jew.

      Israel IS God’s Country.

    • Israel has never persecuted anyone at all. There are no Christians in Palestine because they follow the Koran which tells them to murder Jews and Christians.

      Your stance is utterly meaningless.

      • Almost all sources I’ve researched say there are at least some Palestinians in Israel, even the Koran doesnt say that they should murder all Christians

    • Arab Christians have had their numbers decimated, not by Israelis, but by Arab Muslims, ad this is not just in places like Bethlehem and Nazareth, but in the whole of the Muslim world, take Pakistan and Bangladesh for example.

      Palestinian Christians embedded in a totalitarian Muslim state do what they are told to do, and say what they are told to say in order to survive, same as the few Jews left in Iran and Syria.

      I have lived ad worked with Arab Christians, they are forced to conform, but in private they will say something different.

      If you can cite a valid case of Israel persecuting Arab Christians I will consider it, but as far as I am concerned, what I have seen so far is pallywood.

      The PFLP is supposedly a ‘Christian’ terrorist movement and sometimes makes news, but it is actually both secular and Marxist and is one of the larger factions of the PLO. Palestinian Christians are much like Pope Francis, with their feet deeply into revolutionary theology…

    • The only country in the Middle East where the number of Christians is growing is… Israel!

      • Indeed. Christians in Israel have occasional problems of course, but these are similar to those of any minority group anywhere. Problems like religious holidays not coinciding with public holidays. That type of thing. But nothing that makes people want to emigrate en masse.

        Things are indeed VERY different in Palestinian-controlled areas, where Christian numbers are declining rapidly. The world puts no attention on this, because they can’t blame the Joos. Similarly to how they don’t put emphasis on the declining number of Hindus in Pakistan.

      • Reliable Christian sources report that there are many Christian converts in Iran! Somehow they manage, there in Iran. Amazing.
        The Lord wants everyone to come to Him, be born again, and following Him.

        Pray for the Iranian Christians, and all the real Christians in the ME. They certainly need our prayers. Israeli Christians (and Jews) also need our prayers.

        • I work with a young Iranian woman, whose family (except the father) came to the UK as refugees after converting to Christianity. She’s very bright, hardworking and brave; she wears a “women, life, freedom” badge, and goes to demonstrations against the regime, notwithstanding myself and others warning her that she may be targeted by the Iranian secret police.

          After volunteering (like myself) in the charity shop where I work, she became a paid employee last week, and has plans for further education. In short, the kind of genuine “refugee” we should all welcome.

  2. Well this conservatives says raze Gaza to rubble and scorch earth the GD place. No more muzzy’s = no more problems. It is as coldly simple as that and to hell with the hand wringers and so called international law has to say about a bloody thing. Just remember, napalm sticks to all jihadi’s really nicely and scares the allah(devil) out of them.

  3. Hamas is an amoral, pointless demonic death cult and should be crushed like the vermin they are.

  4. But only when Israel declares war is “any nation expected to feed, water and supply free electricity to their enemies”.

    What has the West been doing for the last 60+ Years?
    Who controls Western Politicians/Banks/Media?
    Yeah Israelis…

  5. To think I used to sympathize with the Uighurs. The Chinese have the right idea. Islam is not a religion, it’s a death cult. The kindest thing for Muslims and non-Muslims alike is to treat Islam as an infectious disease – like rabies – and breed it out of them.

    • I feel kind of sorry for the Uighurs, because they did have an advanced culture before they fell to (or for) Islam. I’m hazy about the historical details about how this happened, were they conquered or was it voluntary or enforced by some leader. Under the mental state they are in today, I would not want them to rule their own nation again. It would just become another tyrannic hellhole and we have too many of those. Not that the CPC is any better, it takes a monster to tackle another one.

  6. Raze Gaza, what am I missing, what about Iran, they get a pass,,,,,,, again. When hunting deadly snakes, you cut their heads off, not their rattles.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.

    • You are not wrong at all. When all those mullahs gather every year in the city of Qom, drop napalm and thermobaric bombs with an arc light strike on them, that’ll put a nice dent in these savages. Nothing frightens the savages better than things that burn with the heat of the sun and incinerates everything it touches. Short of a nuke, they are the best option against muslims.

  7. The author refuses to understand that the intelligence failure was anything other than an “oops”. The fact that the Mossad INTENTIONALLY IGNORED the Egyptian intelligence warning that “something big was coming” tells me that the whole thing was a setup. Would HAMAS go to such planning if they didn’t know that it would take the Israelis by total surprise? NO! Somebody (Israel) told HAMAS that they would be unopposed.

    • You are such a great analyst! Can you share with the rest of us the evidence? Maybe Bibi or Gallant invited you to their secret reunions and welcomed you to their plans to allow Hamas terrorists to enter Israel unimpeded. Can you please post a picture of those documents they shared with you? Or a video? Or at least some audio? And boy, you’ll be the hottest intelligence asset in the world today. With all that knowledge! And all those connections! The Mossad wants you. MI5 wants you. NSA, they just phoned me to ask me for your cell number to get in touch with you and recruit you. Could I have your autograph?

    • Actually ‘the author’ went into this in his day 1 article,and also later in the comments. Here on the ground in Israel this subject is well known, but it can wait until the dust settles and the truth becomes known.

      The important thing at the moment is to rescue the hostages, they took Russian hostages, this is usually not a healthy thing to do, the Russian special forces tent to be uncompromising and ruthless….

    • “The fact that the Mossad INTENTIONALLY IGNORED the Egyptian intelligence warning that “something big was coming” tells me that the whole thing was a setup.”

      It’s possible, but can you provide one piece of factual evidence to support this premise?

      “Would HAMAS go to such planning if they didn’t know that it would take the Israelis by total surprise?”

      It’s the nature of warfare to try to outsmart your adversary in any way possible, often by pushing the boundaries of civility. Sometimes, the best plan fails. Sometimes, it’s only partially effective. Sometimes, you catch your opponent completely flat-footed and overwhelm him.

      The Japanese overwhelmed us in ’41. Oswald overwhelmed us in ’63. Sirhan (a Mohammedanist) overwhelmed us in ’68. The Mohammedanists overwhelmed us in ’93 with the first Trade Center bombing. Tim McVeigh overwhelmed OK City in ’95. The Mohammedanists did it again on 9/11. And the Mohammedanists did it last week in Israel.

      “We live in a wondrous time, in which the strong is weak because of his scruples and the weak grows strong because of his audacity.” —Otto von Bismarck

  8. Israel declared war as a result of the Shabbat massacre. But only when Israel declares war is any nation expected to feed, water and supply free electricity to their enemies.

    Does anybody know of this expectation being made of other nations who have declared war?

    Yup. Pretty much every time. When we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, we were expected to put the utilities back together.
    Right now, the Russians are being pilloried for not keeping a nuclear power plant running while the Ukrainians are actively attacking it, because Ukraine wants the power from it.
    In fact, even Hitler was required to feed and house the prisoners in concentration camps in Poland and other eastern front countries.

    • Another know-all-your-facts genius. As per your expert quote: “Even… was required to feed and house the prisoners….”. Germans fed and housed prisoners because they were slave workers. The were given the minimum indispensable to be kept alive, and a high percentage of them perished to famine and disease. Germans couldn’t care less about providing anything to their Jewish captives. And yes, viciously the world expects Israel to provide basic needs to Hamas. Under what excuse or pretext? The only one I can think of is that succesive Israeli governments have been pretty stooop1d to believe they are “their enemy’s keepers”. It blows my mind why on Earth would any half decent Israeli even think about providing anything to the muslim slime that inhabits Gaza. Now the useless beggars need to beg water from Israel and the antisemites feel their obligation to pressure and demand Israel to comply with the beggars.

      • 4th Geneva Convention, Part III:

        ART. 55. — To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate.

        I’m not a know it all, but you are a know-less.
        I’m not on either side, but I’m also not on the side of treating either side like they are some special case that has never occurred in modern society. These rules were enforced on the Serbians and Croatians, they can be enforced on Israel.

  9. Re: “Hamas became a ‘judenrein’ political entity in 2005 and is self-governing. It has no GDP and is totally dependent on aid from other states, some of them hostile to the Western world, others comprising the humanitarian guilt-tripping of ‘useful idiot’ states.”

    This goes back to 1948 and the very founding of Israel as an independent nation. When British Mandatory Palestine was to be abolished and it was clear that a Jewish nation was to be formed, a great many Palestinian Arabs ~ many of them Muslims ~ found themselves facing the lack of a proverbial chair when the music was to stop.

    These refugees, people without a country, could easily have been absorbed by any of the Sunni Arab nations in the vicinity, from Jordan to Egypt, but none of those nations allowed the Palestinians to enter. Why? Because their leaders made the cynical and cruel decision to use the plight of the Palestinians as a de facto weapon against the new nation of Israel.

    As long as the Palestinians remained unhappy, rootless and angry at the circumstances fate seemed to have dealt them, they would serve as a perpetual thorn in the side of the new nation and its people. A weapon, in other words, in the court of international opinion.

    And that is where matters lie today. Decades later, they are still there and the Palestinians are still being used as a geopolitical weapon by cynical and amoral leaders.
    Perhaps the worst miscarriage of all is that the Palestinians, many of them utterly ignorant of the history of their plight, blame not their own leaders, but the Israelis.
    Tel Aviv may (or may not) have many misdeeds and wrongful acts of its own for which to answer, but the plight of the Palestinians isn’t one of them.

    • This is a good point but I think the unwillingness of palestinian Arabs to live peacefully in any of the surrounding Arabic nations is equally strong as the unwillingness of the latter to let them in the first place, for the reasons you described. Otherwise, why would they have with such overwhelming majority voted for the most radical and uncompromising leadership imaginable. And before anyone brings up the usually highly manipulated show elections in de-facto dictatorships, most of us alive today got to witness this one live on the screens a few years ago, and the “Free World” accepted it as valid. Whether true or not, now we should act consistently, and if we are to be convinced of a different reality, the Palestinians collectively would need to make it evident that they didn’t want this to happen. I don’t see any signs of that, quite the opposite. These people are victims of their own carefully fostered hatred, and deservedly so.

  10. “Never Again” say the Jews. Yet the Jewish Left since 1946 has purposely disarmed its Jewish citizens and still will not allow them to defend themselves.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 100 times and the shame belongs to the Jewish Left in Israel as well as the United States.

    I understand why to some degree that the people of Liechtenstein may not all have AR-15’s but Israel is surrounded by enemies. Imagine our wagon train ancestors with no guns.

    Jews are very smart people and simultaneously incredibly stupid. I have not even read that Likud has said much in favor of arming its Jewish people. That is insane.

    • I just read that now has changed, the govt of Israel is now going to allow all citizens to carry and have in their homes rifles/shotguns and pistols, funny how this far to late and after a tragedy. A armed man stands a chance, and unarmed man stands no chance and is sheep to the slaughter.

  11. I’d say that the Israelis can count themselves fortunate that Hamas cannot do unto them what Israel is doing unto Gaza.

    Maybe, for once, they’ll find that they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

    • Please illustrate us with your wisdom: What is it exactly that “Israel is doing unto Gaza”? Maybe you’d like Israelis to bring milk and cookies to each palestinian at bedtime? Or maybe Israelis should come to any commonfolk in the streets in Gaza and tell them: “Please shoot me”? Or maybe you’re one of the ignorant fools that buys the story about “the largest open-air prison in the world”? Have you asked yourself why aren’t the “prisoners” allowed out of “the prison” through the Egyptian exit? If not even their muslim brothers, the Egyptians, want the Gaza filth, why should the Jewish enemies want them? Or maybe you’re one of the ignorant fools that says: “Israelis are creating a humanitarian crisis by not providing to their arch-enemies, the Gazan filth, with the basic supplies”? Have you ever wondered why the Egyptians, their muslim brothers, don’t provide the Gazans with the time of day, let alone water or electricity? Why should the Jewish Israelis provide their enemies, the ingrate Gazan filth, even a single grain of rice?

    • You are GD lucky I am not in charge, for the only question that would be asked is, what Gaza? It is new beachfront property devoid of all muslims. Paradise.

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