Report From Sderot: Three Weeks

Tanks have rolled into Gaza: the latest from MC.

Report From Sderot: Three Weeks

by MC

It is hard for most people to assimilate that ‘moderate’ Muslims are either playacting, or they are bad Muslims who do not respect the Koran, Hadith or Sunna.

It is also hard for them to understand that most people are brainwashed, some by their cultural norms, others by exposure to incessant TV propaganda. Until my early twenties, I was a socialist because I knew no other influence. I had never met a true conservative and my pro-Nazi aunt and uncle were Nazi socialists — very confusing until I realized that the socialism in National Socialism was not only real but substantial.

Muslim National Socialism gets an easy ride in the USA. Islam looked at the stupidity of ‘anti-Semitism’ and groups like the ADL who picked up on every possible nuance of (possibly accidental) Jew abuse, and squealed vociferously. They decided that they, too, needed to create their own parallel dialogue in order to give themselves victim status, and to distract idiotic attention away from Islamic warmongering, violence and terrorism.

The gullible fell for it, hook, line and stinker. ‘Islamophobia’ came into the world in a miasma of lies and deceits. People who fear Islam are not phobic: Islam is currently engaged in about 50 conflicts around the world, and in nearly all of them the Muslims are the aggressors, the occupiers and the persecutors. Islam is a religion of war, occupation and forced conversion at sword point.

Yesterday evening the bombardment of Gaza intensified, and it appears the tanks went in.

But also, the road blocks around Sderot have disappeared. The IDF are satisfied that all the terrorists have now been rounded up.

It is sad to see that some 50% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 support Hamas and the Palestinians. Strange, because the Palestine Authority hates Hamas, even if it falls short of openly criticising them. Isn’t ignorance bliss!

Back to the propaganda: one of the problems is that when the government lies to ‘we the people’ it undermines society in a big way, and support for Hamas at the student level can be regarded as a huge conspiracy theory based upon the idea that the ‘Palestinians’ were forcibly ejected from their own country.

The Palestine Liberation Organisation was an invention of the KGB in 1963. Before that, Palestinians were Jews born and raised in Palestine Mandate territory. Between the wars, as a consequence of the defeat of the Ottomans and the removal of their colonies in the Levant, Britain was made responsible for the development of the mandated territory as a Jewish homeland. But Britain had no intention of allowing Jewish home rule because Ben Gurion and Weizmann were proto-communists, and Israel was strategically placed as the Doorway to India. They gave 78% of the territory mandated for Jews to the ‘Palestinians’ and set the Hashemites (the Lawrence of Arabia crowd) over them.

Britain then populated the remaining mandate Palestine with Muslims from the surrounding lands instead of the Jews they were mandated to settle. My wife’s grandfather’s brother from Baghdad tried to emigrate to the new ‘Jewish’ homeland but was rejected by the British (circa 1933). He apparently went across to the other queue where Muslims were being processed (in Arabic) and gained entry without difficulty.

There have always been Jews in the land, and in the 1880s Jerusalem became a Jewish majority city. Hebron, Tiberius and Safat had always had a significant Jewish presence, and as long as the zakat was paid they were left alone.

It is not a simplistic situation. Very few of the so-called ‘Palestinian refugees’ are native to Eretz Israel, but claiming to be a ‘refugee’ has always been a substantial meal ticket and has attracted the parasites who love to sucker the infidel Anglos.

Many residents fled Mandate Israel after the so-called Deir Yasim Massacre. There is so much propaganda about Deir Yasim that it is still impossible to get to the truth. There is Palestinian propaganda that says that some 400 women and children were taken prisoner and shot — this was the version that was featured in the UK Channel 4 docufiction ‘The Promise’. The truth seems to come from the Irgun and Lehi troops who made the raid: it would seem that Iraqi troops used the civilian population as human shields, now where have we heard that before?

As is usual in the Middle East, nothing is clear or easy except the lies. So Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 women and children… Or was it hat a misfired Grad missile exploding in the car park and providing a good opportunity for some creative alternative warfare?

Hamas headquarters is still under a hospital, but we’ve known this for years. If the hospital is hit, it is Hamas’ fault, but the world would rather blame Jooz…

I am working among the bangs and clatter of a war a few clicks away, and occasionally an incoming missile attack, but these are getting less frequent. I spoke with Stewart from Hope for Sderot yesterday and we are facing a humanitarian crisis here. He has 19 families who have run out of cash because they have not been paid, the feast of Sukkot for a week, then war and evacuation have left them penniless, and whilst their basic needs in terms of food and shelter are usually met, rent, mortgages and utilities on their (empty) homes in are now in arrears, as well as payments on cars and such.

Many chunter about Gazan ‘humanitarian’ problems, but we have our own right here and now. Apparently the children are also going nuts, being confined to often crowded rooms, and it looks as if it will go on for a long time. Also, many fathers have been called up, so the wives are trying to manage on next to nothing. Reservists are paid, eventually, but families need support now, and whilst extended families can help, there are those who fall through the government net.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

10 thoughts on “Report From Sderot: Three Weeks

  1. “I had never met a true conservative and my pro-Nazi aunt and uncle were Nazi socialists — very confusing until I realized that the socialism in National Socialism was not only real but substantial.”

    G’Day and Warm Regards MC.

    Are/were your pro-Nazi aunt and uncle Jewish? I believe your were born and raised Jewish in the UK. Where do/did your pro-Nazi aunt and uncle emanate from?

    An Irish Rebel Abroad.

    • My grandfather was a member of the Independent Labour party (ILP) and active in his constituency.

      My Aunt married a German Soldier she met in a PoW camp in North Africa.
      He was always pro-Nazi.

      I was not brought up Jewish, my maternal grandfather converted to Catholicism, but I married into a Jewish-communist family.

      My wife and I were fundamentalist bible believers, who eventually saw that the truth of the Scripture is nether Christian or (Rabbinical) Jewish, but requires a personal commitment to the TRUTH of Yah

      • I had assumed you were Jewish based on your Cohen surname. Every Cohen I have met has been Jewish.

        Deceased Canadian Jewish singer Leonard Cohen remains my favourite in the prediction genre of music: “The Future”, for example.

        I also was engaged to an American Jewish actress with surname Cohen (her family is of Romanian extraction).

        Stay safe MC – Situational Awareness is paramount.

        AIRA (M2C2).

  2. Money???
    The Jews are swimming in money
    Tel Aviv holds the heart of the diamond trade
    They have money
    Are you kidding me?

    • Is that a trope? Maybe you could substantiate your claim because Sderot is full of Jews who live paycheck to paycheck and if the paychecks stop then they have nothing but the soup kitchen.

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