Report From Sderot: Day 15, and Hamas is Winning

MC sends the latest grim news from the border with Gaza.

Fortifications at Kibbutz Revivim

Report From Sderot: Day 15, and Hamas is Winning

by MC

Sad to say, Hamas is wining. They are winning because whatever Israel does, the world hates Jews and regards them with deep, deep suspicion. They will say nice words, and do all they can to make sure Israel cannot win.

The Lutheran Church openly despises Jews and supports Hamas’ atrocities because they believe Israelis have kept Gaza penned up for decades (they forgot to tell us that the Egyptians too, have closed their border with Gaza). Martin Luther hated Jews, so it is inevitable, I suppose.

The Ivy League hates Jews, and will take no action against students and faculty supporting Hamas terrorism.

The Roman Catholic Church, and especially its revolutionary Pope, appears to have a very ambivalent attitude towards Jews. Even after Vatican II declared that the Jews were not “Christ Killers” that doctrine persists. One must asked oneself why Jesus was tried (by the Herodian ‘Jewish’ elite in the middle of the night). Was it to ensure that the average ‘Jew in the street’ who supported Yahushua (Jesus) was presented with a ‘fait accompli’ come the next morning?

And those awful left-wing Jews who are so arrogant and ignorant. Do they not realize that they are next on the butchery shopping list? The DNC needs their money, and it is probably the only reason that Brandon is making a lot of noise (and screwing the process through his inaction).

Hamas is winning because of the hostages. They are the ace of trumps, providing a lever that can be twisted and turned to squeeze White House policy any way but win.

My son has now been at the Northern Border for two weeks, all of it on the front line. In civilian life he is one of an elite squad clearing mines, of which there are many in Israel going back to 1916. Sometimes he brings back little bits of military antiquity.

But two weeks in the front line without relief is not good news in military terms, and Sleepy Joe seems to be insisting that Israel hold back on its proposed invasion of Gaza. Ostensibly this is to enable further hostage negotiations. With 200+ hostages, that could mean that he never needs to authorise the invasion, and we all sit comfortably and do nothing.

President Jefferson was faced with the same problem. The Barbary Pirates (also Muslim fundamentalists) were commerce-raiding and taking hostages/slaves in exactly the same way as Hamas (they had read the same book, of course). But President Jefferson was a man of integrity and action. He created the USMC and put them ashore at Tripoli. The Barbary Pirates quickly surrendered. Muslims have no stomach for a real fight against hardened troops. Martell and Sobieski demonstrated this.

The Muslim way is to attack a soft target and brutalize the victims in a way that will intimidate all those in the immediate area, such that they will surrender without a fight. This is all chronicled in the Koran. The book of war, occupation and submission.

Islam occupied a significant proportion of the world. Claiming to be a “Religion of Peace”, it makes war in a most brutal and vicious way, picking on the weak in order to proclaim the virility of the mujahideen.

For its first 60 years Israel was a deeply socialist country, and, of course, practised socialist gun control, where only the few were allowed firearms. Historically the kibbutzim were strong points and played a big role in the 1948 war. Revivim still has its fortifications preserved along with a C47 (DC3) Dakota which was used to drop supplies to the besieged kibbutzniks.

The rifles tend to be kept in a central armoury to be distributed at need and when authorised by the IDF. This all went wrong on 10/7 as the IDF was absent for reasons as yet unknown. Except for one very alert lady who heard the unusual gunfire and broke out the weapons, thus saving the whole kibbutz.

“Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am since December 2022, heard explosions early Saturday, when the terrorists launched their unprecedented attack on the Jewish state,” according to Walla News.

“She realized that the sounds were different than those heard during the usual rocket attacks on the kibbutz — located near Sderot and a stone’s throw from the Gaza Strip.

“So Lieberman rushed to open the armory, distributed guns to the 12-member security team and coordinated their decisive response amid the unfolding attack.”

It was 6:20 on a Shabbat morning. I heard those same explosions and that same gunfire, but although a fully trained ex Royal Navy officer, I am unworthy to be trusted with a firearm. I still have my sword, however…

Socialist governments tend not to rule by consent. They may win elections by fair means or foul, but when elected they forget ‘we the people’ and only remember ‘me the god’. The last thing they want is an armed militia that can challenge them, which is exactly why the Second Amendment exists.

I have decided that I may need to acquire an illegal weapon as a last resort, maybe an AK, and I need to teach my wife to use it. The security team at Nir Am took out about 25 Hamas thugs and saved the kibbutz. Let this be a lesson to all: keep your guns no matter what.

It may be YOU next time.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

23 thoughts on “Report From Sderot: Day 15, and Hamas is Winning

  1. In the last few days I read an article that said that we loose wars because of Human Rights.
    In WWI and WWII we went ALL IN (both sides) – consequences be damned – and cared only about victory.

    So, if Israel would have cut of Gaza (water, power lines etc but most important: Communication!!!!) on all four sides and jammed the airwaves so that no message gets in or out and let nobody come close for the next few months than the situation would be different.

    I remember the old movie with Bruce Willis that today would never be made THE SIEGE with the most famous quotes:

    General William Devereaux: The Army is a broadsword, not a scalpel.

    General William Devereaux: Make no mistake. We will hunt down the enemy. We will find the enemy. And we will kill the enemy.

    Senator: You don’t fight a junkyard dog with ASPCA rules. What you do is you take the leash off your bigger, meaner dog.

    • “You don’t fight a junkyard dog with ASPCA rules. What you do is you take the leash off your bigger, meaner dog.”


      “The only thing a terrorist/thug respects is a terror G-R-E-A-T-E-R than his own.”

      If you wanna stop Mohammedanists “dead” in their tracks, you don’t play tit-for-tat, you MUST STAGGER AND STUPIFY ’em with HORROR AND PARALYSIS. Unfortunately, nothing less is effective with RABID monsters.

      • Sorry to tell ya, but they are better at horror and paralysis than we are. Way better.

        • “Sorry to tell ya, but they are better at horror and paralysis than we are. Way better.”

          You’re describing the status quo; I’m recommending how to change (correct) it.

        • Speak for yourself, I am really good at putting terror into the hearts of 3rd worlders. I’m not afraid to go that extra mile to get the job done by use of any and all means to make it happen.

    • I have fought muslims for a very long time, I have done things to them that would give you nightmares, but, the thing is, my methods, always got results, the more brutal, medieval, and horrific you make it on the 3rd worlders, the more they fear and respect you. It is about bloody time to take off the bloody gloves and put on the mailed fist with spikes and get busy.

  2. This I don’t understand.Every person who has done national service should be proficient in both the care of and the use of his weapon.My father was a spitfire pilot in World War 2.He was issued a revolver so that if he were shot down and bailed out ,he would in theory, have the means to defend himself and to make his way back to the Allied lines.

    He was shot down and interned in a P.O.W camp.On his release at the end of the war,he bought a replacement revolver. Every Saturday afternoon he’d sit on his bed cleaning his gun.He kept it in his clothes closet.

    Nowadays there are gun cupboards that you can buy to store your guns.And my understanding is that Swiss males are issued with a rifle at the end of their compulsory national service , which is their sole responsibility and which they are expected to take home and care for.

    This makes the Swiss less of soft target.If every man over the age of 18 ,does national service and is issued with a rifle to take home, I can assure you that Israel will be less of a soft target and better able to defend herself.

  3. Honestly, its time for the SPCA to step in. It is cruelty to animals what gazans are going through. Why not put them out of their misery? After the first hundred rockets hit Israel, they had every right to hit back hard, levelling that rotten piece of land. This is the fourth time they missed their chance to solve that situation. What do we expect the gazans to do?
    They will try harder to bite back because there is nothing else they can do. Get rid of them.

  4. I think that what is being missed, and quite likely purposefully, is that pre-meditated murder is a religious duty for the Muslim. “Hunt down and slaughter the People of the Book,” Sura 9:38 The people of the “Book” which is how the Bible is referred to in the Quran, are Jews, by birth, and Christians, by personal declaration.
    BTW as a side note, Hitler had a good and ongoing relationship with the Emir of Palestine and the Pope (Pius XII I believe). Protestants by and large were appalled by his behavior and his speeches. I wonder what that says about Roamin’ Catholics and Muslims.

    • The Catholic Church has always been against islam and it’s bloody minded minions. The bloody lutheran church always been to appease the bloody savages. So you got it wrong sport, and this so called commie jesuit pope’s days are numbered.

    • Catholics sheltered Jews in Eastern Europe, though Germans used terror to dissuade them. The Ulma family is just one example of many.

  5. “Hamas is winning because of the hostages. They are the ace of trumps, providing a lever that can be twisted and turned to squeeze White House policy any way but win.”

    Only a minor quibble: The people who actually determine “White House policy” neither reside nor work there and could care less about the fate of 200, 2000, or 2 million Jews. Their currency is power and blood. Neither quantity nor quality is of any consequence. They make policy to suit their own agenda and are in no way swayed or manipulated by a pack of savages, much less by compassion or morality.

    Arm yourself and family. Talk to neighbors, not friends 1, 5, or 20 miles away but next door and across the street. Build trust and confidence. Develop a true militia mindset for the plain of Megiddo or Lexington Bridge are not half-way ‘cross country or ’round the world but on your front lawn. Consider the defense of your neighborhood, not Vienna or Richmond. All politics inevitably devolve to the local, and war, whether tactical or strategic, is merely politics by other means.

    What once was is gone: and will not return. These may not be the End Times, but truly they are interesting times and will get much more interesting before they return to boring, if ever.

    • Those hostages Blinkin said on Face the Nation the other day, are 500 or more. I say: with all the bombings and buildings collapsing they are probably dead beneath the rubble by now.

  6. I am a big believer in pendullum swings…

    …and I also believe in absolute free speech.

    I don’t want to sound rude or anything but when I read about how the whole world “hates jews”, I can’t but think about all the censorship on behalf of “holocaust” and the ADL and all the people who critisized Jews and Israel only to be doxxed and fired for “jew hatred”….

    I don’t want to sound rude but the current “hatred towards jews”, IMHO, has been long in the making by all these attacks on free speech in the form of banning Mein Kampf(s) and imprisoning people for saying that holocaust never happened.

    The issue today, IMHO, is not about whether holocaust ever happened. The issue today is that the world media created an “aura” of “no one can ever critisize jews or he is racist!”

    Now the pendullum, which has been put in motion by all the “censors” who “protected jews in press” – now the pendullum is in in full swing to the other side, I am afraid. And the young and impressionable are going to the other side with it.

    Real Jews should know that there is only one Power that will protect them.

    But the word “Jew” – is consistently being mixed also with the Synagogue of Satan, and discerning these things is simply beyond your average football fan or fashion model. All they know is that “Jews” wield a lot of power in the world and therefore they are guilty. Unfortunately – this pendullum swing generation does not know what it’s like when “the other side” is going to wield World Power.

  7. MC: I am glad to hear you are safe. I wish you all the best.

    It is my understanding that Israel inherited the gun control laws of the British Mandate, which were based on the 1920 British Firearms Act. These laws are clearly wrong for a country under a state of siege by terrorists. I applaud your decision to obtain a gun by fair means or foul. An AK would be a good choice, there must be a lot lying around these days. Good luck to you all.

  8. “The Lutheran Church openly despises Jews and supports Hamas’ atrocities”

    As a Wisconsin Synod Lutheran, I was pretty upset with this blanket condemnation until I remembered that the largest Lutheran Synod in the U.S. (ELCA) openly embraced Islam as a “path to God”. It would not surprise me if they were advocating currently for a Hamas supporting “end to violence”, as “love your neighbor” has been twisted into “love evil” by Progressive Christian faiths. The Church is no less iminume to the cultural rot that has infected all of U.S. society and thinking. I think that MC would be wise to consider that Jesus is the spiritual head of my Lutheran church and not Martin Luther. From a spiritual standpoint, I could care less what Martin Luther wrote about the Jews or the Turks (he was critical of both) as he is not the head of the church, nor are his letters on the matter any part of the religion.


      This mealy mouthed statement is devoid of all understanding and equates Israel as being akin to beheading babies and torturing children.

      What does she suggest that Israel do to prevent this happening again?

      She is a disgrace, and Lutherans everywhere need to shun her.or bear the consequences.

      Genesis 12 v 3

  9. I wonder for a long time already why this thought, which seems so blatantly obvious (to me), doesn’t seem to occur to anyone or at least seems absent from public discussions: Independent from any specific events of the present or the past, doesn’t anyone think that considering oneself to be “God’s chosen people” will draw certain sentiments from all those who are not chosen? What is their destiny as seen from the Jewish vantage point, and how are they supposed to opine about it?

  10. I suggest you read Romans Chapter 10, it puts all this in perspective, there is only one tree, and non Jews who believe are grafted in.

    Believe in what you may ask?
    1. that in the begiining Yah Created
    2. The 10 commandments (i.e. Torah)
    3. That Yahushua is Torah made flesh and dwelling amongst us.

    Having a personal relationship with Yah has never been exclusive, the “mixed multitude” of the Exodus were included in the crossing of the Red Sea….

    Unfortunately, and like most religions, some Rabbis preach exclusivity, this is a deviation. Moses did not preach it, neither did Paul.

    • Not sure if you’re responding to me. I read it that way, apologies if incorrect.

      Well I am a non-Jew who does not believe. And I feel no obligation to even consider whether what I do believe may meet with Jewish approval. The basic tenet is that we can coexist, but also that we will meet as equals wherever that might occur. What I was trying to convey is that the “chosen people” narrative makes that difficult and that most people in the world will not bother themselves with exploring any deeper meaning which certainly was part of your education.

      Just to be clear, I do not wish to express any kind of antipathy, neither in regards to the current situation nor our history nor in general. I said this because in many postings by members of Jewish communities there seems to be an air of not understanding where all this hatred comes from and would like to offer this for an underlying motivation. This has nothing to do with guilt (I am aware of the egregious accusations of Jews being guilty of their own persecution), it is a natural reaction to a statement which appears lofty or aloof to outsiders.

  11. MC. Thankyou for your story. I live in Golders Green in London. Many of my neighbours are Jewish but I am from a mixed Anglican and Methodist tradition.
    One of the organisers of the festival which was attacked used to come to my house for sleepovers. She survived and was heroic taking wounded to safety. The Daily Mail carried her story.
    Please remember there are many of us who support you and know of the lies told in our media about Israel.

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