Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/3/2015

The far-left Syriza party stands poised to win the snap election in Greece. When it takes office it may well decide to abandon the country’s current austerity policy, which was required by the Troika in return for continuing bailouts. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has indicated that if that happens, there will be no more bailouts, and Greece will be allowed to depart from the Eurozone.

In other news, a Norwegian cargo ship capsized and sank off Vietnam. Of the 19-member Filipino crew, only the cook survived.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AP, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Papa Whiskey, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Östersund: Worse than War-Ravaged Syria

On New Year’s Eve a group of culture-enriching asylum seekers refused to get off a bus at Östersund in northern Sweden, in protest against the deficiencies of the place to which they had been driven. They objected vociferously to the bitter weather, and the fact that the center was far away from any urban amenities.

Our Swedish correspondent Alfred Fredriksson sends this report on the New Year’s asylum crisis in the far north of Sweden.

Östersund: Worse than War-Ravaged Syria

by Alfred Fredriksson

The Swedish multiculturalist establishment recently abolished parliamentary democracy when the Center-right Alliance abandoned their role as opposition parties in the December Agreement. The prime purpose of this agreement is to ensure that mass immigration can continue and that the patriotic party, the Sweden Democrats, won’t gain any influence on public policy. The mass immigration that they defend so fervently has soared to new heights 2014, with 81,000 asylum seekers and 42,000 relatives, mostly from Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, Iraq and the Palestinian territories. This is the highest rate of asylum seekers per capita in all of Europe by far.

While the report about the number of asylum seekers did not come until New Year’s Day, we were reminded of our multicultural future the day before. This New Year’s was celebrated explosively by some parts of the population. Gangs of immigrant youths terrorized the local population in immigrant-dominated areas by shooting fireworks at pedestrians and cars. In Växsjö, cars were set ablaze, and when police arrive they were forced to flee after being attacked by stones and fireworks. Similar events occurred in many cities such as Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Linköping.

The most interesting story, however, was the protest by a group of asylum seekers in the northern Swedish city of Östersund. They had arrived in Malmö and applied for asylum, which was of course granted, as Sweden grants asylum and permanent residency to all Syrians and Eritreans. They were then placed on a bus and taken to a residence near Östersund. When they arrived, thirty of the sixty so-called “refugees” refused to get off the bus and demanded to be taken back to Malmö. Here are some of the comments from people supposedly fleeing “war, death and persecution”, as the establishment usually puts it.

While pointing at the ice Isan Hydr said:

“I am 75 years old and come from the Middle East. So I get sent to a place that looks like this? It is dangerous for me to be here.

“It feels like a prison, in the middle of the woods. Sure, I could stay here for a few weeks or at most a couple of months. Now I am staying here nine months. I usually play music and write songs. I can’t do that here, I die inside of living here.”

Muhammad added:

“Either they get us out of here or give us better facilities, otherwise we will go on a hunger strike.”

The “refugees” claimed that they were lured to Grytan asylum home in Östersund and that they had been promised residency in Malmö.

Moaweyh Ramliy from Palestine said that he thought they were going on a short bus ride to an asylum home in Malmö and added:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/2/2015

In the wake of three attacks on mosques since Christmas Day, concerned citizens have staged rallies all across Sweden in support of Muslims. Demonstrations protesting the vandalism and arson against mosques took place in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.

In other news, a Spanish policeman was killed when he was pushed under a train at a station in Madrid after asking a man to show his identity papers.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, K, Papa Whiskey, RL, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Blows Against the Empires

Daniel Greenfield has posted a superb essay entitled “The Two Empires We Must Defeat” on the Sultan Knish blog . I always agree with what Mr. Greenfield has to say, but never more so than in this case. His lucidity of analysis is unmatched.

He opens his piece with an explanation of the two empires that are currently suffocating the remnants of Western Civilization:

There is a thread that connects many of our conflicts, whether it’s the one against terrorism or the one between the Republican establishment and its conservative insurgency. To win a war, we have to understand the nature of the conflict and how we got there. And that’s often the missing piece.

The left blames imperialism for our conflict with terrorists. And it’s right. Just not in the way that it thinks.

Empires may be expansionist, but they’re also tolerant and multicultural. They have to be, since out of their initial phase they have to enlist the cooperation and services of subjects from a variety of cultures and religions. An empire may initially be fueled by the talents and skills of a core nation, but as it reaches its next phase, it begins sacrificing their interests to the larger structure of empire.

The argument between the establishments of the right and the left is over two different kinds of empires. The Republican establishment in America and its various center-right counterparts abroad have attached themselves to the liberal vision of a transnational empire of international law so much that they have forgotten that this vision came from the left, rather than from the right.

This Empire of International Law proved to have some uses for global trade and security, particularly during the Cold War. These practical arrangements however are overshadowed by the fact that it, like every empire, sacrifices the interests of its peoples to its own structure. This is true of the structure at every level, from the EU to the Federal structure of the United States. The system has displaced the people. And the system runs on principles that require cheap labor leading to policies like amnesty.

The Empire of International Law needs Muslim immigrants even if its people don’t, because it envisions integrating them and their countries into this arrangement and rejects national interests as narrow-minded and nativist.

This formerly liberal vision now embraced largely by centrists is the left’s vision, which includes today’s liberals, is of a completely transnational ideological empire in which there are no borders, but there are countless activists, in which everything and everyone are controlled by the state.

Like the more conventional imperial vision, the left’s red Empire of Ideology depends on enlisting Muslims and Muslim countries into its ranks. This is the basis of the Red-Green alliance.

These two types of imperialists are incapable of representing native workers or communities because they are transnationalists. Their vision is cosmopolitan, rather than representative. They are entranced with a byzantine international arrangement and uninterested in the lives of the people they are ruining.

This Imperial blindness is why the West is falling so swiftly to Islam. It’s why the pockets of resistance are coming from nations outside the imperial sphere.

This is the heart of his argument:

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No to the Islamization of France!

Here’s some more on that press release from Riposte Laïque and Résistance Républicaine posted here yesterday that called for the expulsion of all Islamists in France. Many thanks to Sonia Bailley for the translation:

On Sunday January 18 at 2:30 pm, in each city and each town of France, patriots can hold rallies similar to those of PEGIDA’s (European Patriots against the Islamization of the West) to say:


If you decide to gather in your city or town, you can take photographs of the rally to send to Republican Résistance for dissemination. Even if your first demonstration starts with a small group, it’s already good. Subsequently, other patriots will join you to express their opposition to the introduction of the Sharia in France.

You can also share information with residents and elected officials in your city or town!

Happy New Year, And Stick a Fork in That Bird

Note: This essay was originally posted on December 31, and was a “sticky” feature two days. Scroll down for more recent posts, including Rembrandt Clancy’s translation of Udo Ulfkotte’s speech at a PEGIDA rally, a one-year retrospective on the Cedar Avenue explosion, a translated press release from Riposte Laique and Resistance Republicaine, “Voices from Across the Sound”, and last night’s news feed.

Takuan Seiyo returns to peer gloomily past Hogmanay to see what lies in store for the tattered remnants of Western Civilization in 2015.

Happy New Year, and stick a fork in that bird

by Takuan Seiyo

Having feasted on turkey and goose at Christmas, whitey is not much given to sticking forks in more fowl on New Year’s Eve. The French are an exception in their own inimitable S&M ways, whether torturing geese for foie gras to be consumed with oysters and champagne on December 31st, or importing so many Muslims from Africa that they are now 9% of the population: 6 million alien colonizers rich with “lone wolves” and welfare loot from the French taxpayer; the aggregate amounting to the French being robbed en masse of their patrimony and bodily safety at once.

Moving slightly north, you’ll be gratified to know that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg got a selfie stick for Christmas. That momentous event had completely escaped me! Not the stick, mind you, but the NATO position. A prime metrosexual, true-believer socialist, far-left leader of Europe’s most socialist country, unwitting former informant to the KGB, Hamas enthusiast, entrustor of Norway’s core identity to a keffiyeh-flaunting 2nd-generation Pakistani Muslim immigrant Minister of Culture — for top NATO man. How nice.

But it goes well with the five female current Ministers of Defense that Europe so prides itself on, not to mention the past ones like Carme Chacon, reviewing Spain’s military troops in maternity smock and her young, attractive female’s aura wafting over the virile soldiers erect at attention.

Spain’s Defense Minister Carme Chacon reviewing troops, Madrid, April 2008

The Ministers of Defense of Italy, Albania, Germany, Norway and Netherlands at a conference, February 2014

The problem is that facing this mad Islamo-Socialist vaginocracy of the West are various determined patriarchies, ranging from the entire Dar al-Islam to China to Russia. And in Russia alone, the two main antagonists of these European swells look like this:

         Vladimir Putin                    Valeriy Gerasimov

  • Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation
  • General of the Army

Moving on to the British Isles, on December 26th a callow, shallow man who knows nothing of what his country looked and felt like when its cops wore custodian helmets and carried batons instead of body armor and MP5s gushed on the pages of the Telegraph, “Goodbye to one of the best years in history; It might not feel like it, but we are safer, richer and healthier than at any time on record”. The same Telegraph having already stated that “Britain remains the world’s leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda”, it’s no wonder a day later the Daily Mail reported that London’s iconic Royal Guards had been moved behind the iron gates at the historic places where they are posted, “in face of mounting fears of new ‘lone wolf’ terrorist attack”.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/1/2015

Jeb Bush, the brother of George W., has been anointed by the media as the preferred Republican presidential candidate for 2016. His status was enhanced by his recent resignation from various business positions.

In other news, another merchant ship containing about 400 illegal migrants has been spotted in the Mediterranean, heading for Italy.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Takuan Seiyo, Vlad Tepes, YL, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Sixteen Arguments in Favour of PEGIDA Taking to the Streets

Rembrandt Clancy has translated a speech by Udo Ulfkotte at a recent PEGIDA rally, in both video and written form. A slightly longer version was published at Kopp Online, and the translator has added the omitted excerpts to his transcript.

Sixteen Arguments in Favour of PEGIDA Taking to the Streets

by Rembrandt Clancy

The following is the speech which Dr. Udo Ulfkotte gave at the demonstration in Bonn on 22 December 2014. It appears to be an adaptation of a longer written version of a 16-point presentation which was published by Kopp Online a day later. Some of the wording in the speech differs from the written version, there is material added, and Dr. Ulfkotte omits some text altogether, but some of this has been reintroduced in the translation below preceded by appropriate notification.

Udo Ulfkotte is well-known in Germany as a writer, an Islam critic, a Euro-sceptic and most particularly, a critic of the mainstream press (Qualitätsmedien). For those who would like a brief biography as background to this speech, one can be found at the American Free Press Newspaper which offers details consistent with those provided by Udo Ulfkotte himself in recent German language interviews. The author provides pertinent background in a recent thirteen-minute interview he gave in English to RT.

by Udo Ulfkotte

Written and Video Sources: Kopp Online
Translation: Rembrandt Clancy

23 December 2014

Hello, a very good evening. My name is Udo Ulfkotte. I am a rat; I am a Mischpoke* [member of an evil cabal]. I am what politicians call vermin. For 17 years I was with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. I worked for publishers like Gruner und Jahr; I spread lies; I was controlled and backed by the Federal Intelligence Service [Bundesnachrichtendienst BND] and by foreign secret services. Now, I do not wish to support a particular political group. I do not represent Right or Left or anyone else; but right here and now I would simply like to deliver a few hopefully factual arguments; sixteen good arguments for taking to the streets. Perhaps even some of those who are standing immediately beyond the police cordon will identify with what I am going to say to you now.

*[Mischpoke or Mischpoche, in Yiddish means clan, family or relationships. Here it is used pejoratively to mean evil company, a group of unpleasant people or in this case, a member thereof.]

1. No trust in the Politicians: Those of us who are taking to the streets with PEGIDA no longer have confidence in our politicians. For years the reputation of the politicians of all the established parties has been waning among the population. Only 15% of Germans trust our politicians. But they are not interested in that. They block out the growing dissatisfaction which is being directed at all the political parties.

2. Lies of the Media: Only about every third person in Germany still has confidence in our “quality-media”; and that does not come from me or from the political parties of the Left and Right. Among Germans, 63% no longer have confidence in the news coverage of the Ukraine. More and more journalists are unemployed.

Ladies and gentlemen, I can only tell you that the media and the politicians, who are now showing the citizens their full contempt, close down the comment function on the Internet and describe us, the citizens, as basically too stupid; or they call us rats because we, too, wish to draw attention to our problems once in a while. They will simply have to seek other readers and viewers in the future. We do not need the politicians and the media.

3. The Theme of Islamisation: The theme of Islamisation is in fact the most important subject which has brought PEGIDA onto the streets. Politicians and media are ignoring the people’s concerns over the relinquishment of our values, above all when it comes to Islam. They dispute that there is any Islamisation.

In this connection, to see whether or not there is Islamisation we need only look at today. The Green human rights expert, Omid Nouripour; the Baden-Württemberg SPD politician, Thomas Funk; and the Muslim functionary Aiman Mazyek in Baden-Württemberg, demand from us Germans that we, as a sign of OUR readiness to integrate, should sing Muslim songs in our Churches at Christmas time. — At a Christmas service on Christmas Eve, Muslim songs?

What would happen, ladies and gentlemen, if I, as Udo Ulfkotte, at the next Islamic festival of Breaking the Fast, were to go to a mosque here in Germany and belt out Christian Christmas carols? It goes without saying that I would be arrested immediately, charged and convicted of a crime against fasting. And of course our media would call me a right-wing radical. By way of inversion, is that supposed to be a sign of integration? Supposedly there is no Islamisation?

But wait a minute ladies and gentlemen! From the perspective of ever more citizens, Islamisation means that in schools and kindergartens, out of consideration for Muslims, we no longer find the preparation of pork there. Islamisation in our swimming pools means special bathing days with consideration only for Muslim clothing customs. Islamisation in cemeteries means that Muslims must not be buried in earth “defiled” by Christians. They may bury their dead without a coffin or an urn, and so on.

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The Cedar Avenue “Gas Leak”, One Year Later

A year ago today, just after dawn, a powerful explosion shook the second floor at 514 Cedar Avenue South in Minneapolis.

The incident occurred in “Little Mogadishu” in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood at the western edge of the campus of the University of Minnesota. The stricken building housed a halal market on the first floor and residential apartments upstairs. The force of the blast blew out upstairs windows, threw debris into the street, and started a blaze which eventually reduced the structure to a blackened shell, iced in with frozen waterfalls from the fire hoses. Eventually two bodies were recovered from the rubble, and another person died in the hospital from injuries sustained during the fire.

Fire officials initially said the cause of the explosion was unknown. But as soon as the FBI and DHS arrived on the scene the following morning (January 2), Fire Chief John Fruetel abruptly announced that the fire had been caused by a “gas leak”. He and other officials persisted in this explanation thereafter, despite adamant denials by the gas company that any leak had occurred, and despite the fact that the evidence was not consistent with a gas explosion.

Following standard procedure, the FBI immediately announced that the incident had “no connection with terrorism”. Before the investigation had even begun. Before the building had even stopped burning.

As soon as the fire crews had extinguished the last of the smoldering debris, the city of Minneapolis ordered the demolition of the remaining building, before any forensic examination of the structure could take place. Within three days of the explosion, the building had been leveled and the rubble was being carted away. The demolition was said to be necessary for safety reasons, despite the fact that buildings damaged by suspicious fires are typically shored up and stabilized so that arson investigators will have ample time to examine the ruins.

So why was this procedure not followed with the exploding Somali apartment building in Minneapolis?

In contrast, consider this news report from last month. On December 8, 2014, a small private jet crashed into a residential neighborhood in Montgomery County, Maryland, killing three people in the plane and three on the ground. A frame house caught fire and was badly damaged. Half of it was almost totally gutted.

Here’s what the Fire Chief Steve Lohr told a news reporter that day:

“We are in the process of shoring up the structurally unstable portion of this house so that we can finish the work of trying to account for those family members.”

Once again, why was this procedure not followed with the exploding Somali apartment building in Minneapolis?

What really happened in Cedar-Riverside on New Year’s Day 2014?

Why did honest descriptions of the day’s events cease as soon as the FBI and DHS arrived?

To provide context for the Cedar Avenue explosion, here are a few data points to consider:

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Refusing the Islamization of France

The two most prominent French Counterjihad groups are planning to use the model of PEGIDA in Germany to organize a series of rallies against the Islamization of France. Many thanks to Oz-Rita for translating this press release from Riposte Laique and Resistance Republicaine:

The situation worsens from day to day in France and in the world, where Islamists multiply their attacks and barbaric acts. In a video, the jihadists of IS asked the Muslims of France to strike the infidels, specifically to run them over with cars, or to slit their throats with knives. The dramatic events in Joué-les-Tours, Dijon and Nantes demonstrated that these calls could be heard. Denying this evidence, the government tries systematically to pass off the terrorists as “unbalanced” or “lone wolves”. The people of France cannot wait passively and put up with these acts of violence.

So we propose to initiate what should become a succession of rallies and patriotic demonstrations, a popular movement in the image of PEGIDA in Germany, a movement which rallies all individuals, associations, political parties… marking the refusal of the Islamisation of our country with all its consequences. We give you a rendezvous on Sunday 18 January, Place de la Bourse, at 2:30pm for a first meeting during which different speakers, French and European, will address us, speakers who are aware of the deadly danger awaiting our compatriots and will demand that all Islamists be driven out of France.

Pierre Cassen, founder of Riposte Laique
Christine Tasin, President of Resistance Republicaine

French version here

Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/31/2014

Happy New Year, everybody! There are a lot of interesting stories going into 2015 — such as the fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel felt compelled to criticize PEGIDA in a speech, saying that its leaders have “prejudice, coldness, even hatred in their hearts”. Why would a sitting chancellor choose to say such inflammatory things about thousands of her own citizens who simply mounted a peaceful protest over legitimate political issues?

Also, the Italian coast guard rescued nearly a thousand migrants who were abandoned by traffickers in a cargo ship in Greek coastal waters.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to DS, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, K, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Voices from Across the Sound

Below is a summary by Alfred Fredriksson of the situation in Sweden as reported by various Danish commentators.

Voices from Across the Sound

by Alfred Fredriksson

As the Swedish immigration catastrophe unfolds, other Nordic countries have in recent years decreased immigration in their countries. Politicians in these countries are astounded by the Swedish establishment’s blatant disrespect towards the country’s third-largest party, which actually advocates the same migration policies they have already instituted. Recently the astonishment has grown as the establishment parties abolished parliamentary democracy by forming the Christmas Junta.

Earlier we have seen the Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet criticize the situation in Sweden:

“Sweden is the Nordic North Korea. We would understand if the regular Swede were to seek asylum on our side of the sound.”

The leader of the Danish People’s Party, Pia Kjærsgaard, has called Sweden for the “sickest country ever” and describes it as “DDR-lite.” She has also written:

“Personally I do not think the proper term is invented yet. Sweden is such an insane country that it is different from all other societies throughout history, and in fact maybe it is not the role of political scientists to establish a term, rather the role of psychiatric professionals specializing in schizophrenia and repression of feelings.”

Morten Messerschmidt, a Danish People’s Party MEP, recently said:

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’Allo, ’allo, ’allo, an’ what do we ’ave ’ere then?

Seneca III returns with an investigation of what went on during the operation to rescue passengers who were trapped aboard the Norman Atlantic when it caught fire in the Aegean.

’Allo, ’allo, ’allo, an’ what do we ’ave ’ere then?

by Seneca III

As a long time aficionado of the MSM’s craven evasiveness when it comes to news of incidents that obviously have nothing to do with Islam — particularly those that at first glance actually do not appear to do so — it has become something of a hobby of mine to do a careful comparative analysis of any and all available reportage. This means a trawl through as much of the output of the Fourth Estate in the print, broadcast and electronic media as is possible. Every so often, by dint of long practice at reading the runes, I hit the mother lode.

Below is a selection of excerpts from the media (as attributed) concerning one particular aspect of the tragic fire aboard the Norman Atlantic ferry in the Aegean. The three things to watch out for are lacunae (obvious gaps or vague references in the narrative record), the juxtaposition of various comments and their attributions and overall a general air of media dissimulation.

From The Times, 30/12/14

Italy opened criminal investigations into the Norman Atlantic ferry fire as the death toll rose to ten and survivors described chaotic scenes when the blaze took hold, including fights to board rescue helicopters.

From The Daily Mail, 30/12/14

Other survivors spoke of passengers trampling over one another and fights breaking out among men forcing their way onto the helicopters before the women and children.

Turkish passenger Saadet Bayan said; “We experienced the Titanic. The only thing missing was that we didn’t sink.”

From The Telegraph, 31/12/14

“Our feet were burning and from the feet up we were soaked,” he [Christos Perlis] said. Everyone there was trampling on each other to get on to the helicopter. “First children, then women and then men. But the men, they started hitting us so they could get on first. “They didn’t take into consideration the women or the children, nothing.”

Another rescued Turkish passenger, Aylin Akamac, said the rescue operation was disorganised and that there were only three lifeboats on board. “We were soaked from the water they doused to extinguish the fire. Our feet froze. People were forced to move closer to the fire to keep warm,” she said. “We waited outside for hours.”

From BT, 31/12/14…

Den græske sopran, Dimitra Theodossiou, var ombord på færgen. Hun har fortalt til italienske medier, at hun så mænd slå på kvinder, for selv at komme først hen til redningshelikopteren.

»Det var helvede. Jeg så nogle skræmmende scener. Der var mænd, irakere, tyrkere, pakistanere på skibet, som blev sat ned for at tillade redderne at prioritere børn, ældre og kvinder. Men de klatrede, og slog og trak i folk for selv at komme frem til redningshelikopteren og i sikkerhed. Jeg blev også slået. Jeg var så rasende. Det var virkelig grimt. Jeg vil aldrig glemme det.«, fortalte Dimitra Theodossiou…

and here as translated for by Nicolai Sennels

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Blind Sweden

Our longtime Swedish reader and commenter Da Capo sent the following message via the comments, and I am reproducing it here at his request. A longer post on Roland Huntford will have to wait, but in the meantime, here is Da Capo’s outline:

Allow me to suggest — on the occasion of 2015 standing on the threshold — that you write a small back story to Roland Huntford (born 1927) and his book “The New Totalitarians” with its absolutely true description of the Swedes and their rulers 45 years ago. The book is unchanged in its relevance today — although the Swedish reality is sevenfold worse. 58 hits

At the same time, notify your readers that the book is downloadable as PDF file from this link.

The Swedish translation “Det blinda Sverige” (= Blind Sweden) seems to have vanished from the face of the earth. Have all residual copies, also at all antiquarian bookshops been bought up by the “power elite”?

The “sleeping people” (so called by Reinfeldt) must go on sleeping, and lose their country while asleep. And — fait accompli — wake up in 2022 or 2026 being ruled by sharia.