Refusing the Islamization of France

The two most prominent French Counterjihad groups are planning to use the model of PEGIDA in Germany to organize a series of rallies against the Islamization of France. Many thanks to Oz-Rita for translating this press release from Riposte Laique and Resistance Republicaine:

The situation worsens from day to day in France and in the world, where Islamists multiply their attacks and barbaric acts. In a video, the jihadists of IS asked the Muslims of France to strike the infidels, specifically to run them over with cars, or to slit their throats with knives. The dramatic events in Joué-les-Tours, Dijon and Nantes demonstrated that these calls could be heard. Denying this evidence, the government tries systematically to pass off the terrorists as “unbalanced” or “lone wolves”. The people of France cannot wait passively and put up with these acts of violence.

So we propose to initiate what should become a succession of rallies and patriotic demonstrations, a popular movement in the image of PEGIDA in Germany, a movement which rallies all individuals, associations, political parties… marking the refusal of the Islamisation of our country with all its consequences. We give you a rendezvous on Sunday 18 January, Place de la Bourse, at 2:30pm for a first meeting during which different speakers, French and European, will address us, speakers who are aware of the deadly danger awaiting our compatriots and will demand that all Islamists be driven out of France.

Pierre Cassen, founder of Riposte Laique
Christine Tasin, President of Resistance Republicaine

French version here

11 thoughts on “Refusing the Islamization of France

  1. Lets hope the French hear the call and get out to demonstrate against the savages in the thousands. Germans are waking up to the evils of Islam and maybe the French and all of Europe will soon realize the mistake their govenments have made by allowing thousands of these Muslim savages to immigrate to their countries. Here in the US, we have a Muslim president who’s doing the same. Thousands of Somalis and soon Syrian Muslims will be flooding our country. We already have a problem with the Millions of Illegals from south america and now Muslims are popping up all over bringing with them their evil ideology.

    • Unless it’s millions of protestors combined with a work stoppage it is now meaningless. Too many millions of quietly radicalized and stanby Muslims moving to the rabies stage in their process. Probably building up arms dumps, tunnelling, mosqueing, targeting and infiltrating – with Turkey watching their backs. You don’t think the Muslims are not doing their preparation and planning on a grand scale? Well evidently not. I’m just imagining again. Kidding.

    • Not just the French. This is about the “grand out”. All of us. “nous” in the same noose.

  2. The French president Francois Hollande’s message to the French People, in his New Year’s Speech 2015
    – I will make the fight against racism and antisemittism a great national cause

    • Memo to F.Hollande:

      1. You don’t need to launch a campaign against “anti-semitism”, you just need to enforce the existing laws.

      2. Any “anti-racism” campaign will simply embolden the very same people who habitually engage in violence and incitement of violence against Jews. Like that vile comedian of Maghreb origins who invented and popularised the disguised Nazi salute.

  3. New Year’s CarBQ

    Only(…) 940 cars burnt in France this New Year 2015, according to reports so far
    Down 12% from last year, says Ministry of Interior.

    “This is great! Now, how am I getting to work? Mine was burnt!”
    “Roger M
    “c’est super!!! avec quoi je vais aller bosser,?la mienne a brulée!”

    308 individuals interrogated at 2015 celebration
    322 were interrogated at 2014

    More CBQers are in Syria?

    • In a way, your conclusion is encouraging. Maybe they will continue to leave and the statistics will continue to decline…

      I am looking for small rays of sunshine amongst all the ruin and barbarity.


    Invited in as a voter base by Labour,
    Keeping their language, customs, and multiple wives,
    Advised they could live off welfare, most of them do:
    By postal voting fraud they elect their own.

    Wilfully driving our teachers out of the schools,
    They bully our children – some even take their own lives –
    Ensnare our under-age girls as sexual slaves,
    And attack our boys: Kriss Donald was tortured to death.

    Inflicting on all of us meat that was cruelly slaughtered,
    Expressing their strength in aggressive and menacing crowds,
    They threaten and drive our people out of the towns,
    And settle together to form their apartheid state.

    They openly curse police and abuse the Queen,
    Imposing by force their unconstitutional rules.
    Misleadingly feeding the press with deliberate lies,
    They blacken and smear any writers who tell the truth.

    The texts they recite instruct them to ambush and kill us.
    We are their enemy: this is their “Realm of War”.
    Commanded to view us with hatred as lower than beasts,
    They’re permitted to use deception, and lie to us all.

    Disclaiming loyalty here to our state and laws,
    Their men conspire to do killings at home and abroad:
    They scheme and plan to murder with home-made bombs.
    The intention is clear that we walk in fear of our lives.

    They are here and round us.

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