Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/21/2021

In Columbus, Ohio a black teenager named Ma’Khia Bryant was shot dead by a white police officer. Bodycam footage shows that Ms. Bryant was in the process of attacking two other girls with a knife when she was shot. However, BLM protesters and the dead girl’s family say the shooting was not justified.

Meanwhile, the District Attorney in Knoxville, Tennessee released bodycam footage of the fatal shooting by a white police officer of a black teenager named Anthony Thompson Jr. in the bathroom of a high school. The video shows the young man firing at police with a gun. However, BLM protesters and the dead boy’s family say the shooting was not justified.

In other news, sixty people were arrested at a protest in Berlin against COVID restrictions.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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And the Beat Goes On

The cultural enrichment beat, that is.

Below are four recent articles about various aspects of the migrant invasion of Europe. The first article (translated by Hellequin GB) concerns a deadly attack by a Syrian culture-enricher in Berlin. The report doesn’t make it clear, but I suspect that both his victims were also culture-enrichers.

Translator’s note:

I couldn’t find the article from the Berliner Zeitung, but the gist is clear: another case of Cultural Enrichment.

The word “colorful” in the title (German Bunte) is a reference to multiculturalism, roughly equivalent to the way “rainbow” was used in the USA before it was co-opted by LGBT.

The article from PolitikStube:

Colorful capital: Attack on two Berliners, one dead, one seriously injured — Syrian (30) arrested

In the politically correct police report from April 20, 2021 it says: Emergency services arrested a 30-year-old man yesterday evening. He is suspected of having killed a 56-year-old man in his apartment on Huttenstrasse in Moabit. The 56-year-old was found lifeless in a room in his apartment around 8:40 a.m. yesterday. The situation and the injury pattern indicated a homicide.

The arrested person is also suspected of having tried to kill a 56-year-old man in his apartment on Neue Schönhauser Strasse in (Berlin) Mitte. The investigations into both cases are ongoing and are being led by the Third Murder Commission of the State Criminal Police Office and the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office. The 30-year-old suspect is due to be brought before a judge today.

The Berliner Zeitung reports in more detail: The suspect is a Syrian national who is said to have attacked two Berliners in their apartments. The Berlin public prosecutor’s office obtained the suspect’s temporary placement in a closed psychiatric facility.

Article #2 is from the conservative Austrian site Unzensuriert, and was translated by Gary Fouse:

“Closed borders” are only for Austrians: New asylum record in the first quarter of 2021

[Caption: Still in vivid memory: 2015/16 tens of thousands of illegals stormed our country. If the interior minister still cannot protect our borders, we will soon be back.]

In the flood of daily media Corona numbers game — and fear-making mode — other, potentially much more dangerous reports are lost — some on the topic of massively increasing illegal migration to Austria. The assurances of ÖVP-interior minister Karl Nehammer aside, the “social travelers”, particularly in the past year, did not adhere to his “total border closure” and came into the country in large numbers, largely unhindered. 14,200 asylum applications were counted to the end of the year, the first increase since 2015, and then by an impressive 12% (versus 2019).

In March, 90% more illegals than last year

It is likely to get worse this year, as even the Kurier cannot conceal. By the end of the first quarter, end of March, according to the Federal Interior Ministry, there were already 5,024 applications nationwide — that is an increase from the previous year of an impressive 42%. In a monthly comparison, there were, in March 2021, 90% more illegal social migrants compared with March 2020, who merrily streamed over the “closed” borders of our land.

In spite of the end of the war, Syrians continue to lead the way

And it is always the same, those who come. Also this year, the lion’s share are Syrians (2,267 applications), who have the greatest chance of recognition, although the civil war in Syria in a wide part of the country has for a year been all but ended and the bombed county needs every young man for the rebuilding of houses, businesses, and infrastructure. Because it is mostly young men who seek our protection (82% of those who traveled here).

It is almost all Muslim males

And it is almost without exception Muslims, who are hardly compatible with our Western value system. Behind the Syrians are the Afghans and Moroccans (the latter have little chance of asylum, but are no longer accepted by their country in case of deportation). Behind those are found Iraqis, Turks, and Somalis. 554 of the uninvited guests were (allegedly) “unaccompanied minors”.

Suspension of asylum rights as the only way out

What that means for the security of our country and our citizens is reported regularly by Unzensuriert. The only way out of this hopeless situation would be the suspension of asylum rights, long-demanded (unfortunately only) by the FPÖ, which, with the prevailing pandemic in the face of unvetted and uncontrolled travelers, in the sense of public health, should be easy to argue.

Austria has the most illegals in the EU, Hungary the fewest

In addition, the economic migrants cross several safe countries on their way to the most lucrative European social paradises before they reach Austria. Speaking of Austria. While the asylum numbers have risen exorbitantly in Austria in spite of “Corona closures”, in the rest of the EU, they were significantly reduced in the previous year (416,000 applications in the 27 member nations, the lowest since 2013). Every fourth application succeeded in Germany (which, by the way, is exclusively surrounded by safe countries). The lowest number of illegal entries was in Hungary.

Article #3, from PolitikStube, translated by Hellequin GB:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/20/2021

The former police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted on all counts today by a Minneapolis jury after being tried for the death of George Floyd. Mr. Chauvin will be sentenced for the charge of second-degree murder.

In other news, as many as 70,000 restaurants all across Italy will reportedly close permanently as a result of the Wuhan Coronavirus lockdowns.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Deadly Enricher vs. Enricher Violence in Liège

Last week the Chechens fought the Kurds in Liège, Belgium. One unfortunate culture-enricher died in the affray.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Flemish daily De Standaard:

28 arrests after deadly confrontation between rival gangs in Liège

April 16, 2021

Two rival youth gangs fought out a conflict Friday afternoon in the streets of Bressoux, a suburb of Liège. During the fight, there was one death and two wounded. The Liège prosecutor’s office has begun an investigation.

In the Liège suburb of Bressoux a severe fight broke out on Friday afternoon. The events took place around 5pm Friday evening on the Avenue de Nancy.

A young man of Chechen origin was attacked by a gang of masked men with baseball bats when he was driving on the street in his car. “The young man tried to drive away, but in doing so, he drove into some parked cars. He was then shot at,” says Damien Leboutte of the Liège prosecutor’s office. The victim later succumbed to his wounds in the hospital.

Two others were injured during their arrest. In total, the police, who arrived at the scene en masse, arrested 28 people.

The prosecutor’s office of Liège opened an investigation after the events. Those arrested were interrogated, and Friday evening, an investigating judge, a police doctor, and a ballistics expert also came to the scene. According to the Liège prosecutor’s office, the latter expert was called because heavy weapons were used. There are pictures that have appeared in which a Kalashnikov is visible.

During the confrontation, a TEC bus was hit with a stone. Several lines have been diverted or canceled this weekend.

According to various French-language media, the fight was the result of a conflict between youths of Kurdish and Chechen backgrounds who live in Liège or Verviers. The information was not confirmed by the prosecutor’s office. The young man who died is reportedly a Chechen.

According to the Wallonian newspaper La Meuse it was about a settling of scores. The two gangs did not meet each other by chance. The confrontation was set up via social media. They are reportedly very young gang members.

The police are wary of retaliation. On social media, a call for revenge is now circulating. On Saturday afternoon one of the gangs reportedly wants to go to Verviers. “The Verviers police are aware of the call and have taken the necessary measures,” the RTBF reports.

Correction 4/17: We first reported that the dead victim was a woman, but that is not correct.

Women’s Work — Or the Lack of It

The female culture-enrichers who arrived in Germany during the Great Migration of 2015 remain largely unemployed and dependent on state benefits. Who could possibly have foreseen this distressing outcome?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from PolitikStube:

The “skilled workers” of 2015: Only 27% of migrant women employed — the majority are not looking for work anyway

What a disaster: after five years of residence, according to a study, only 27 percent of migrant women are gainfully employed, but it also means that 73 percent live well and happily on German taxpayers’ money, and probably permanently. For the 27 percent of employed migrant women, the question arises: Who works full-time and who works as mini-jobbers?

In 2015, who could have foreseen that the level of education, especially among Muslim migrant women, would be rather low and that integration in the labor market would have a negative impact? Well, the majority — 56 percent — are not looking for a job anyway and are more concerned with the crowd and the household. The child benefit and social benefits as sources of income are also completely sufficient, so why go to work and make a living for the family?

Are these the propagandized “skilled workers” that Germany absolutely needs? Hardly — 73 percent of immigrant women have been living out of German taxpayers’ pockets for five years already; this is the most unique invitation in the world [for parasitical Cultures to thrive], and thanks to Merkel. One can only pray the tax and social coffers are still well-filled; unimaginable that those free blessings might suddenly be absent.

Corpses? Slaves? Or Compliant Drones?

I originally intended the essay below to be part of last Friday’s post about compliant drones. However, the entire piece would have been longer than I wanted, so I broke it up into two parts. And it’s a good thing I did, because the comments on the first part not only touched on issues that need further discussion, but also reminded me of others that I might otherwise have neglected to address.

The existence of the Deep State in the USA has never been more obvious than it is now. The election of Donald Trump in 2016 — not to mention the unremitting and unconcealed campaign against him ever since — has brought a welcome clarity to the ruthless machinations of the permanent government. People who had never been conspiracy theorists before have become conspiracy theorists now, because the existence of a conspiracy has never been so clear and so obvious. The creature that had previously been lurking in the shadows has come forth to snarl at us in the full light of day.

The same may be said of the globalist conspiracy. Two recent events have made the machinations of the NWO starkly visible, as if a nighttime landscape were suddenly illuminated by two successive flashes of lightning. The first was the coronavirus “pandemic”. As soon as the global governance crowd — represented by the World Health Organization — decided that the Wuhan virus was indeed the great crisis they had been waiting for, nations all over the world fell into line at the same time, implementing the same mitigation policies and drastically curtailing the civil liberties of their citizens in the same manner. The response was uncannily uniform and immediate — even Hungary climbed on board.

How could all that happen without some sort of coordination?

The second obvious sign was the appearance of simultaneous Black Lives Matter protests and riots all across the globe after the death of George Floyd. Sudden uprisings in American cities could perhaps occur without coordination, given the pervasive BLM propaganda that had already enfevered the minds of leftists and persons of color. But Sweden? Ireland? Scotland? Finland? When rioters started smashing and looting and pulling down statues in England, their modus operandi was identical to that of mobs in Minnesota, Seattle, Portland, and other American cities.

Somebody was clearly handing out instruction manuals all over the world, or at least the entire Western world. I have no doubt that the name “Soros” figured prominently in those events, but he couldn’t have been the only one.

I don’t have any definitive information about such conspiracies, but they have made their existence known the same way Planet X did, by causing visible perturbations in the orbits of other bodies. When you see that many national governments do (or allow) the same sorts of things in exactly the same manner, you know that something is out there exerting a strong gravitational tug on them.

So we’ll take it as a given that globalist conspiracies exist. What, then, are the goals of the conspirators?

Not all of the conspiring is concealed. Take the “Great Reset”, for instance. That’s not a fever dream under the tinfoil hat of a conspiracy freak, but the official policy of the World Economic Forum. We’ll own nothing, and we’ll be happy. We’ll be chipped, and we’ll never use cash again. Those goals are being openly discussed — which moves them out of conspiracy territory. Instead we might call them “proposed policy positions for global governance.”

It would be imprudent, however, to assume that there are no additional conspiracies out there. After all, if any of the grand plans to construct the Ultimate Global Utopia involve mass suffering or death, it would not be prudent to discuss them openly. Adolf Hitler understood that it would be unwise to publicly reveal the Final Solution until it was a fait accompli. One assumes that the Powers That Be are no less canny in their preparations than Der Führer.

So what might the covert goals be that are being advanced behind the gilded doors of the New World Order?

Obviously, there is no way for ordinary peons like me to be able to state with any certainty what the conspirators intend. All I can do is use my observational skills and employ Occam’s Razor in order to make educated guesses.

When conspiracy-minded people discus the plans of the globalists, two possible goals are usually adduced, and they are not necessarily mutually exclusive:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/19/2021

Cities across the United States are bracing for possible riots in anticipation of the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial in Minneapolis. The governor of Illinois has called up the National Guard at the request of the city of Chicago.

In other news, the USA reached an important milestone over the weekend, as more than 50% of the population has now been “vaccinated” against COVID-19.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Mean Streets of Kista

Kista is a suburb to the north of Stockholm, adjacent to the culturally enriched no-go zones of Tensta and Rinkeby.

The following video and article, both translated by Gary Fouse, concern a shooting death that occurred early yesterday morning in Kista. As usual, there is no mention of ethnicity in the reports, but the fact that “gang criminality” is said to be a possibility makes one suspect that the murder may have been culture-enriching. Oh, and there’s also a connection to the Vårby network*.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The article from Samhällsnytt:

Murder in Stockholm suburb — Young man executed with several shots

April 18, 2021

A 20-year-old man was shot to death just before 3am in the northwestern Stockholm suburb of Kista next to the “vulnerable area” of Rinkeby, Tensta, and Husby. A number of people are said to have witnessed the shooting.

At 2:43 am on Sunday morning police were notified. A man in his 20s had been hit with several shots fired in the residential area of Kista. The shooting occurred in front of several witnesses.

Police do not rule out the possibility that this may be a case of gang criminality. According to Expressen, the victim is a close relative of a person who is accused in the big Vårby case.

“They engaged in some form of confrontation with the victim, shot him outside, then left the area,” says Ola Österling, the press spokesperson for the Stockholm police.

During the night police interviewed witnesses and are also going through a number of video recordings of the murder, since it occurred in an area with surveillance cameras.

Police have no suspect

“There is extensive material to go through,” states Österling.

The area is cordoned off today, and the police are searching it with dogs while criminal technicians analyze any findings in the hunt for clues. Nobody has been arrested for the murder, and the police report they have no suspects. The man’s relatives have been notified, the police report.

The close relative of the victim is one of 30 people from the criminal Vårby network charged with a large number of serious crimes, including murder, kidnapping, bombings, as well as serious weapons and narcotics offenses.

*   Article in English on the Vårby network

Video transcript:

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Alice Weidel to Angela Merkel: You Have Exploited the Corona Crisis to Create a Police State

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are currently vying to see who can use COVID to create the most totalitarian state in the West. Mrs. Merkel recently proposed new legislation that would disempower the German states and centralize political power in the federal government.

Alice Weidel is a member of the Bundestag and the party group leader for AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) in the Bundestag. In the following video Ms. Weidel addresses the Chancellor directly about the latter’s attempt to arrogate to herself an unprecedented level of political power.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/18/2021

Queen Elizabeth was forced to sit by herself at Prince Philip’s funeral due to COVID social-distancing regulations. Meanwhile, the state of Oregon is considering extending a mask mandate for businesses indefinitely.

In other news, violent BLM protests continued last night in cities across the country, including Minneapolis, Albany, Durham N.C., Sacramento, and Washington D.C.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JD, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Matteo Salvini: “Tried for Defending My Own Country”

Former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is on trial again, this time in Palermo. His crime? Denying migrant-rescue NGOs the right to land in Italian ports, which is being described as “kidnapping”. Mr. Salvini faced the same charge a few months ago in a court in Catania, but was acquitted. Presumably the Italian legal system will keep dragging him from venue to venue until they get the verdict they want.

In the following video, Matteo Salvini talks to reporters in Palermo about his case. Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Who’s Your Daddy?

Hellequin GB has translated an article about anchor babies, European style. The translator includes this note:

In a nutshell, pregnant women from outside the EU are looking for German men who are destitute or have only a low income, and induce them to recognize the paternity of the child, and thus secure the right of residence for mother and child as well as existing children. Apparently there are enough low-lifes willing who support this fraud and accept the deal of a sham fatherhood.

These unscrupulous machinations could be stopped easily, provided the WILL to change the law were present and the authorities were given more opportunities to combat the abuse. What I don’t understand is: why has no consideration been given to ordering a DNA test in cases of suspected fake paternity in order to prevent fraud — including against taxpayers?

The article from Die Welt:

Interior ministries record hundreds of suspected cases of bogus paternity

Pregnant women from countries outside the EU pay thousands of euros to mostly destitute German men so that the latter will assume paternity for the children. There are suspected cases all over Germany, but only very few can be proven.

The interior ministries of the federal states record hundreds of suspected cases of so-called bogus paternity. According to a query from Welt am Sonntag, there have recently been criminal investigations into such cases in all countries. Pregnant women from countries outside the EU travel to Germany and pay several thousand euros to mostly destitute German men who take on the paternity of the unborn children. In this way, the mothers, children and siblings obtain a right of residence in Germany. According to the query, most suspected cases were in Baden-Württemberg (189 cases), Bavaria (120), Bremen (97) and Hamburg (78).

The police and the public prosecutor assume that these suspected cases represent only a small part of the actual scope of these crimes. According to the research, both dubious recruitment agencies who bring mothers and fathers together and dubious notaries who certify such alleged paternity to the authorities make money from this illegal business. In a current case in Berlin, investigative authorities from the police and the public prosecutor suspect links to a gang of organized criminals who are also said to have engaged in human trafficking.

Investigators report that such pseudo-fatherhoods can put a strain on public budgets. The responsible youth welfare offices cannot call upon the often destitute fathers to make maintenance payments for the children if necessary. However, only very few suspected cases can ultimately be proven beyond doubt as pseudo-paternity during criminal investigations. Some federal states are calling for the legal situation to be tightened in order to prevent fraudulent recognition of paternity. The North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Justice is planning a bill according to which, among other things, only immigration authorities should be able to certify paternity, no longer notaries.

I Got the Hesitation Blues

Tell me how long do I have to wait?
Can I get you now, or must I hesitate?

— From “Hesitation Blues” (traditional)

I can’t help but admire the term “vaccine hesitancy”. The propagandist who thought that one up should get an award — assuming there is a professional association in his field that hands out such awards.

People who don’t want to get the “vaccine” against the Wuhan Coronavirus are simply “hesitant” about it, implying that if the government or the health insurance company or local family practice doctors are patient and persuasive, those who balk at the idea of the jab will eventually come around.

We can’t call them “refuseniks”, because that term bears a positive connotation from Soviet days as a label for heroic freedom-minded people who resist the pressures of a totalitarian state.

For myself, I prefer to be called a “vaccine dissident”, but that one is obviously also verboten for the same reasons.


The Farmville Herald is a local paper in Southside Virginia not too far from where I live. When I saw the headline for the following article, I thought, Oh no, here’s another dreary pro-vax propaganda piece. But it turned out that the only propaganda was in the headline — my guess is that the paper’s editor, presumably a Gutmensch, took the reporter’s copy and wrote his own headline for it, one that carries the CDC/Fauci seal of approval.

It’s very encouraging to note that the reasons cited by the refuseniks are tropes they could not possibly have picked up from the MSM, or the CDC website, or official government spokesmen. They can only have acquired them from deplorable websites like this one. And these dissidents make up a quarter of the population!

In other words, 25% of American citizens have done their own research, using websites that the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, social media, academia, and the permanent governing class would shut down if they possibly could. And, against all the pressure that has been exerted to make them compliant, they have reached conclusions that contradict the Narrative.

That’s VERY encouraging.

I don’t think the Powers That Be can force 25% of the population to take a “vaccine” that they don’t want. They can bring to bear a lot more pressure, however, by establishing a “health passport” scheme that denies the dissidents certain privileges. Whether those will include eating in restaurants or visiting grocery stores remains to be seen.

Below are excerpts from the Herald article:

Locals discuss vaccine hesitancy

With Prince Edward County now celebrating its 10,000th COVID-19 vaccine shot being administered this week and the commonwealth only days away from opening vaccine registration to everyone age 16 or older, the community is making major headway on the immunization front.

But with most community members anxiously rolling up their sleeves to get vaccinated, there are still those who say they will never get the vaccine.

Taking to Facebook to express their opinions, locals cited everything from potential side effects to theories of population control as to why they will be declining the shot when their turn comes.

“I have kidney disease, GI (gastro-intestinal) issues, chronic pain and will not ever get the vaccine,” Facebook commenter Robin Reece Jennings wrote. “Too many side effects and no (proof) that it will not make it worse, nor is it effective.”

A recent poll from Monmouth University said 25% of Americans will decline to receive the vaccine.

Side effects are a common concern listed among those who plan on foregoing the COVID-19 vaccine, a flame stoked this week after federal health officials recommended states pause the use of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine following six cases of a rare blood clotting disorder.


“I am just saying that I know medicine has to go through a rigorous amount of testing that takes years before being approved, and even then it can still cause problems,” Jennings continued.

Local Breanne Hicks had similar concerns. Hicks said she has an autoimmune disease and worries the side effects of the vaccine may trigger her disease to move out of remission.

“Having a vaccine doesn’t make you immune to the virus,” she said. “I’d rather see a treatment developed.”

Resident Holly Chappell Aitken said she believes the public needs to build up a natural immunity to the virus, adding she has never had a flu shot and has no plans to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/17/2021

Mass protests sparked by the killing of Daunte Wright, some of them violent, continued into the weekend. Among the cities targeted were Minneapolis, Portland, Atlanta, Albany, and Chicago. Meanwhile, schools in Minneapolis will be closed to in-person classes and revert to distance learning in anticipation of the verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd.

In other news, President Biden quoted the Koran in his Ramadan greeting to Muslims, saying that Muslims have enriched the country since its founding.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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