José Ortega y Gasset on Self-Satisfaction and Specialization

Thomas Bertonneau’s latest essay discusses José Ortega y Gasset’s most well-known work.

José Ortega y Gasset on Self-Satisfaction and Specialization

by Thomas F. Bertonneau

The Revolt of the Masses (1930) by the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), like many books openly critical of modern trends, was once celebrated and judged to be something of a contemporary classic, but it has gradually, over the last four or five decades, vanished from awareness even among the supposedly educated. I read it for the first time in the early 1970s when I pursued (rather fitfully, I confess) my undergraduate degree at the University of California, Los Angeles. The College Library possessed two copies, an indication of how widely the book circulated in the middle of the Twentieth Century. Were one to canvass today’s English or History faculties, familiarity with Ortega’s book would likely be non-existent; it would be a rare incident even if so much as the name Ortega registered with humanities professors in their thirties and early forties.

The Revolt nevertheless speaks to the present moment with increasing pertinence, as do many similar books of its day, such as Oswald Spengler’s Hour of Decision (1934) and Eric Voegelin’s New Science of Politics (1952), which likewise have lost all currency. The Revolt also describes those who know not of it and who think that knowledge is circumscribed by the syllabus of their graduate studies. The Revolt illuminates a remark made by Alain de Benoist and Charles Champetier in their Manifesto for a European Renaissance (2012): “Modernity has given birth to the most empty civilization mankind has ever known.” Two chapters of The Revolt offer themselves as especially relevant to the situation of the West in the second decade of the Twenty-First Century — “The Self-Satisfied Age” and “The Barbarism of Specialization.” First, however, a brief summary of Ortega’s general argument is in order.

The late Nineteenth Century, according to Ortega, saw the sudden rise in Europe of economies of abundance. This mounting wealth resulted, in the first part of the Twentieth Century, in mass man, a social and cultural phenomenon that adapted itself, but in no positive way, to the advent of material ease and comfort. Mass man reaped the benefits of a civilization to which he had in no way contributed, which he failed to understand, and which he took entirely for granted, identifying it as the natural background to his existence. By the power number alone, mass man, in Ortega’s phrase, intervenes everywhere, breaking down the hierarchical aspects of society and culture, while assimilating to himself — that is, to his limitation and incapacity — every institution. Mass man undertakes no projects, but contents himself with diversion. If he were to labor, it would be reluctantly, without commitment, and for the sake of diversion. Ortega defines mass man as “he whose life lacks any purpose, and simply goes drifting along.” This Homo novus has proliferated with such celerity that he overwhelmed any possibility of education. Thus, in Ortega’s words, “heap after heap of human beings have been dumped onto the historical scene at such an accelerated state, that it has been difficult to saturate them with traditional culture.” Mass man experiences a privative consciousness bereft of history, ignorant of the ancestors, and by tendency self-centered. He is egocentric in the extreme, in fact, but with the codicil that his ego remains at an infantile level of development.

A key to grasping mass man, Ortega argues, lies in the discovery of his most fundamental assumption concerning himself, namely that he is “exempt from restrictions.” Mass man also takes a stance of “radical ingratitude towards all that has made possible his existence,” a disposition related to his lack of any historical perspective or knowledge. Whereas “the ordinary man of past times was daily taught… elemental wisdom by the world about him,” because instability continually unbalanced that world; yet, “the new masses find themselves in the presence of a prospect full of possibilities, and furthermore, quite secure, with everything ready to their hands, independent of any previous efforts on their part.” This almost automatic proffering of goods and services in response to mere whim provokes in mass man “the psychology of the spoilt child.” The child of indulgence confidently presumes his priority over everyone else, and his superiority to anyone who thwarts, or attempts to thwart, him in his desires. He “makes no demands on himself, but contents himself with what he is, and is delighted with himself.” Ortega’s phrase — “full of possibilities” — requires qualification. The range of “possibilities” that interests mass man remains quite narrow. What one specimen of mass man wants, every other specimen of mass man also wants. Mass man brings an unprecedented conformity and homogeneity to his milieu.

These trends, including the abrupt dominance of this new, vague variety of human being, have expressed themselves, as Ortega puts it in one of his chapter titles, in “A Self-Satisfied Age.” Let it be said that the label that applied justly to the civilizational scene of Europe in 1930 applies no less justly, but with greater justice than ever, to the civilizational scene of North America ninety years later. Ortega could be sketching a portrait, for example, of the typical college freshman of 2020 in one of the state systems of (so-called) higher education, or of a self-declared “expert” prattling about this, that, or another thing on one of the cable news channels. The current chapter of modernity — or of “post-modernity,” as it preeningly calls itself — is undoubtedly ten times as self-satisfied, as entitled and narcissistic, as its precursor-chapter. What, then, are the basic characteristics of a “Self-Satisfied Age” or, rather, of the constituent personality of that Age? Ortega draws from his previous analysis three chief traits: “An inborn, root-impression that life is easy, plentiful, [and] without any grave limitations”; “contentment with himself [as he is that] leads [mass man] to shut himself off from any external court of appeal”; and a tendency “[to] intervene in all matters, imposing [his] vulgar views without respect or regard for others.” Ortega unites these traits, while emphasizing the third trait or vulgarity, under the damning etiquette of “spiritual barbarism.” Because “all life is the struggle, the effort to be itself,” and because mass man never struggles, but only revels in diversion, spirit or self has no inward grounds on which it might consolidate or exercise itself. It never appears.

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The Coronavirus Police State

The following four videos chronicle yet another weekend of anti-lockdown protests in Germany.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

Video #1: A girl on the ground

Notes from the original YouTube video (also translated by MissPiggy):

YouTube Independent journalist Lisa Lecentia getting arrested in Cologne —

Activist Lisa Lecentia was attacked and beaten by “Antifa” supporters at the demo for our freedom in Cologne. When she defended herself, she was knocked down by the police. She was even handcuffed.

Video #2: “Pull back or I’ll use my gun”

From the notes on the YouTube original (also translated by MissPiggy):

Corona-Demo Gera on May 16, 2020 — policewoman screams: “Go back or I will use gun”?

Apparently a policewoman was overstrained and lost her nerve during the Corona demonstration at the corn market in Gera on May 16, 2020. The policewoman said: “Get back or I’ll use my gun.”

An eyewitness describes the incident: Policewoman screams “I’m using the gun!” I was there with my husband. The people were sitting and standing peacefully together at a distance. There was no reason for the police to be so aggressive. We shouted, and “this is against our own people”, “Fie, shame on you police”, and shortly afterwards we were told over the police loudspeaker that the police did not want to hear any comments and that we should shut up. Some citizens who watched the video said the policewoman said: “Go back or I’ll put some pepper in it.” — Watch the video and listen carefully whether gun or pepper was said.

Video #3: A protest and manhunt in Berlin

Midway through this video you’ll see a man elude the grasp of the police and take off running. Watch how many officers set off in hot pursuit.

Video #4: The arrest of Angelika Barbe

Angelika Barbe was a dissident in the DDR (East Germany), and became a politician after Germany reunited. In the following video she is arrested in at an anti-lockdown protest in Berlin.

Below is a Facebook post by Angelika Barbe (also translated by MissPiggy) about her experience at the hands of the police in the Alexanderplatz:

Dear FB friends,

We just got back from being led away by the police at Alexanderplatz. This arrest is shocking in many ways, not only because of the degrading film footage.

We arrived at the Alex at about 2:50 pm, which was not very busy, and were surprised about a cordoned-off area in the middle of the square. I turned to a policeman, who kindly explained to me that this was the approved portion for the Antifa demo. If we wanted to participate in it, we could do it. In the meantime several passers-by had become curious, we started talking. Suddenly I was barked at by a policeman with the number 34113, I should leave the Alex. Perplexed, I answered that I was here with a friend and my husband, that I wanted to talk to people and also go shopping. He was obviously angry that I did not obey his order immediately. He immediately verbally sent me off. In surprise I turned to another policeman and asked him why the Antifa was protected but we passers-by were not allowed to stay. He also asked me to leave. I relented and explained that I wanted to go shopping, but he let me go on. A few moments later, 34 113 came storming after me and shouted: “No, we’ll report them!”

Thereupon about five policemen rushed at me from behind, two took my arms brutally and mercilessly, dragged me on by force, two flanked the attack. As I recently had a knee operation and I am still suffering from pain, I cannot run so fast and I kept shouting that they should be slow and not rush me, I would not resist and go myself. On the contrary, they ran faster, still twisted my arm and bent my left hand, which the spectators could not see. I pointed at my knee scar and desperately asked to walk slowly. They regarded this as resistance.

It was an arbitrary arrest, I offered no resistance and was fished out of the discussion group. My husband asked the policemen why they had arrested me of all people, especially since several were also standing on the square and remained undisturbed.

Video transcript #1:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/17/2020

A recent poll suggests that 40% of American families are more likely to homeschool their children after their experience with the coronavirus lockdown. Meanwhile, anti-lockdown demonstrators took to the streets in Warsaw, Stuttgart, London, and other European cities.

In other news, almost fifty illegal migrants were rescued by Spanish maritime services off the coast of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, CM, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Signs and Portents Everywhere… But of What? (Part III)

Below is the most recent installment in Seneca III’s latest treatise. See the archives link at the bottom of this post for previous installments in this series.

Signs and Portents Everywhere…But of What?

by Seneca III

Part III — Of times past and modern parallels

Times can and do change drastically, often after great events that upturn the lives of vast numbers of people. And so it shall soon be for us as we fight our way out of this Covid debacle, an event which has been as badly mismanaged as was the advent and conduct of the Great War 1914-18, which saw the end of the Edwardian era and kick-started the 20th century.

I found this visual vignette on the Woodpile Report sometime last year (although the link no longer seems to work) and it has fascinated me ever since. Every time I look at it, it seems to encapsulate a time different from ours and yet in some ways not so distant or different despite being separated by nearly a century. No date came with it, but there are clues aplenty, and it provides an interesting look into the prescient mind and times of the graphic artist who committed it to posterity.

The artist went to some length to emphasize that the ‘boisson du jour’ was lemonade so we can assume that we are looking at a time during the period between 1920 and 1933. The Volstead Act[1] (ratified on January 16th 1919, came into force on January 29th 1920) was a statutory ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages designed to provide enforcement for the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution. The 21st Amendment, which repealed the 18th, was ratified on December 5th 1933… and a very Merry Christmas for America.

Starting in the top left-hand corner we see a small aircraft with what appears to be the aerodynamic characteristics of a house brick, despite the semi-streamlined overall shape. What purpose the mudguards were meant to serve is beyond me, although they do have a vague aerodynamic shape to them. The rear of the aircraft is obscured by the head of the woman in red, so we cannot determine what form of propulsion the artist had in mind. Also note that the cockpit/passenger cabin is fully enclosed and windowed. This does not provide any clues to the exact time as the first airplane with an enclosed cabin appeared in 1912, the Avro Type F, and during the 1920s there were many passenger aircraft with enclosed cabins.


The largest impediment to having closed cockpits/cabins was the material used to make the windows. Prior to Perspex becoming available in 1933, windows were either safety glass, which was heavy, or cellulose nitrate (i.e. guncotton), which yellowed quickly and was extremely flammable.

Hence we shall have to look for other clues if we wish to pin down the precise period, although the fact that the women are wearing goggles would suggest a time in the mid to late twenties, when the movement from open to enclosed cockpits was well afoot but open cockpits were still far from obsolete. The clothes the women are wearing[2] are a different matter, and very much of their time, so let us have a look at their outfits and see what we can determine there.

First, observe the waitress in the middle ground. Bearing in mind that as I am far from being an expert on haute couture, I will happily accept a different opinion on this subject from anyone who is au fait. The simple two-piece includes slacks (trousers), just as the two main characters are also wearing, and which prior to WWI were seriously frowned upon in certain circles. That and the rather butch hair-do the waitress is sporting clearly signal that post-war female emancipation had come to stay and, of course, the liberal application of rouge to women’s cheeks is very much a thing of that time.

That was that generation, so what now of ours, I wonder?

Back to the main theme

The two women in the foreground are using devices that were yet to come. The artist must have been very far-sighted to hypothesize in such a way… or was he or she simply looking at technical developments during that period and then extrapolating?

The arrival of mobile (cell) audio-phones, and then later with the addition of colour screens, was far in the future, in fact such speculation was only found in the realm of the lurid pulp science fiction of the time. It amazes me that he or she was not that far off in that prediction, fact when one considers that the technology extant then — headphones, a microphone, a flat screen (that was far, far in the future) and a transportable battery pack to power them — were all there before the days of Silicon Valley, electronics, lithium batteries and the consequent step-by-step miniaturization of everything through the development of solid-state architecture.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/16/2020

The city of Atwater, California has declared itself a sanctuary city for businesses, and is defying Governor Gavin Newsom by allowing businesses to remain open during the Wuhan Coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile, a federal judge has blocked North Carolina’s order banning religious services during the pandemic. Also, former First Lady Hillary Clinton described lockdown protesters in Michigan as “domestic terrorists”.

In other news, Serbia sent troops to its border with Croatia to secure three migrant camps and protect local residents from the depredations of “refugees”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Self-Deportation: The Solution to Migrant Crime in the Netherlands

Theo Hiddema is a Dutch lawyer and a member of the Tweede Kamer for Thierry Baudet’s party Forum for Democracy. In the following video Mr. Hiddema outlines a creative solution to the problem of migrant crime in the Netherlands.

Many thanks to C for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Youths Gone Wild in Barcelona

Culture-enriching “youths” have been engaging in mischievous hijinks lately on the streets of Barcelona, stealing motorcycles, breaking into ATMs, and indulging in other sorts of youthful fun, while recording it all on their cell phones. The video below is a compilation of their pranks, as recorded by the youngsters themselves.

Many thanks to Pampasnasturtium for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The accompanying article from the Catalan digital news outlet El Nacional (also translated by Pampasnasturtium) describes the antics of those high-spirited youngsters in the video:

Youngsters out of control in Barcelona: They break ATMs, steal motorcycles, and they’re armed

May 13, 2020

Mossos d’Esquadra [Catalan regional police force] and Guàrdia Urbana [municipal police force] in Barcelona are worried due to the appearance, in different social media, of several videos in which groups of young people, all of them of Maghrebi origin, show firearms, stolen motorcycles and large amounts of cash.

In the video, which has circulated during recent days, and which is now in hands of the Mossos d’Esquadra, and which has had access to this morning, it can also be seen how the youngsters insult the Mossos and Guàrdia Urbana agents of Barcelona. One of the images shows how one of these youngsters jumps onto a city police van.

Insults towards police, motorbikes against ATMs…

In other video frames it can clearly be seen how the youngsters throw motorbikes, and there’s reason to believe they’re stolen, against the ATM of a branch of ‘LaCaixa’ bank.

Video frames are interspersed with photos where big sums of cash and there’s also a picture where one of the youngsters holds a gun to the head of another person. Small (intentional) fires can also be seen and homophobic insults against Mossos d’Esquadra are heard.

Violence on the streets of Barcelona

The video, which lasts some two minutes and was made out of fragmented clips also published on social media such as Instagram, demonstrates the degree of violence with which these youngsters act against the police and also against other citizens.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/15/2020

A Colorado inmate who was released last month because of the coronavirus has been arrested in Denver for first-degree murder. Meanwhile, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended his state’s lockdown until at least June 13.

In other news, a federal grand jury in Minnesota has indicted a Pakistani doctor named Muhammad Masood on a charge of attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State. The case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Stop the Coronamadness!

The following video is a compilation of anti-coronatyranny demonstrations that took place last Saturday (May 9) in Germany. The producers of the video say that there were 180 such demonstrations across the country, but almost no information about them appeared in the media.

Parts of this video are already subtitled in English. Many thanks to MissPiggy for translating the rest, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Culture-Enriching Crime Wave in the Netherlands

The following report discusses an alarming increase in the number of crimes committed by asylum seekers in the Netherlands.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from De Dagelijkse Standaard:

Asylum-seekers break crime record again!
Moroccans and Algerians stand at the top of the negative list

by Bart Reijmerink
May 13, 2020

State Secretary Ankie Broekers-Knol has announced the annual data to the Tweede Kamer. And to no one’s surprise, asylum-seekers are revealed to be massively involved in crime. In the past year they were more often involved than the previous year. This is what you get when the VVD [Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie, People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy] has this portfolio…

The increase in 2019 compared with 2018 is no less than 27%. Within AZCs [asylum reception centers], more than 17,000 crimes took place, and almost 5,000 outside AZCs. These numbers are worrisome, given that the total number of asylum-seekers has only declined in the past few years. Thus we can conclude only one thing: The current cabinet is failing miserably with its policy of asylum and migration.

The VVD has been yelling for years that they favor a strict quick-response policy, but in fact we never see any effects from this. They never dare to follow through, unfortunately. In this sort of case, you miss a political heavyweight like Frits Bolkestein [retired VVD politician]. But what do you expect when your party leader is Mark Rutte?

The crime numbers among asylum-seekers are increasing because more and more asylum-seekers come to the Netherlands who have zero-point-zero chance of asylum. Namely, they come from “safe countries”. Countries like Morocco or Algeria. They know that in reality they have no chance of asylum. Unfortunately, they therefore decide to ruin the atmosphere for other asylum-seekers inside the AZCs, nor can they resist causing problems outside the AZCs.

State Secretary Knol herself says that she has taken hard measures; therefore, in the coming year we should expect a drop. First see, then believe…

The Corona Papers

There are a fair number of coronadissidents among credentialed experts in German academia, as evidenced by the following report.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for translating this essay from Die Achse des Guten:

The Corona Papers: How the Ministry of the Interior Conjured up the Risk

Dear readers, what I am writing to you today should, if we still have reasonably functioning institutions, authorities, courts and media, bring the lockdown to an immediate end. The story that follows will remind you of Watergate and whistle-blowing, except it is happening today and we’re in the middle of it. Since I am a doctor, and I am primarily interested in people, I will tell you the story from that perspective.

You may have seen my other Corona articles. The factual and sound approach receives a lot of approval. As a result, ten days ago an employee of the Federal Ministry of the Interior asked me to assist in preparing an analysis of the medical damage resulting from the lockdown. From my twenty years of experience in dealing with the issues of nutrition and obesity, I know how little authorities and institutions — and I won’t even mention the media — are concerned with the actual findings. Therefore, I was not surprised by the answer to the following question: Hasn’t an analysis of the damage due to the Corona Protection Measures been prepared by the ministry already? The incredible answer: unfortunately, no. The employee of the Federal Ministry had already made proposals in this respect, which either fell on deaf ears or in some cases, were answered with threats of consequences for not keeping quiet. In this respect, this call was very courageous and the employee knew that this path would not be easy.

Thereupon I quickly provided this employee with the addresses of my professional network, and the colleagues immediately got to work alongside their demanding professions (ranging from university institute directors to clinic directors), enabling the employee to produce a reliable, highly competent assessment of the medical consequences of the lockdown within a week.

The results do not surprise any expert. From a purely medical point of view, the damage caused by the lockdown will be much higher than Corona could ever have caused. Naturally, the economic, social and political damage is also related to this. Everything is interdependent, but this paper was mainly concerned with the medical side. This includes the 2.5 million operations, follow-up treatment, early diagnosis or care restrictions not carried out during the Corona months.

Yesterday he finished the paper. In addition to the medical damage assessment of the lockdown, the paper also states that these measures should never have been taken. Because, in terms of the dimensions of a national civil protection system, the Corona infection never had the potential to trigger a national disaster with a significant threat to the general public. All the figures, even those of the RKI [Robert Koch Institute], show this. He sent this paper to the official channels of the authorities in the afternoon of May 8, 2020, including to every Ministry of the Interior of each German state. In it he also described in detail how the Corona error occurred and where the systemic error lies in the decision-making processes.

It’s just as I thought it would be. Essential data was negated, along with the technically correct interpretation of that data, and it never reached the departments of the ministries and thus no longer appears in the ministerial work templates. The public, especially the leading media, applauds this, instead of pointing out these fundamental omissions. Those who do, such as Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and Professor Stefan Hockertz, are forced to switch to Internet media, which is used as a tool to defame them as outsiders. This mechanism has become a major vulnerability of our society, which no longer allows us to react to crises in a competence-controlled and appropriate manner. As this paper states, there is no longer a functioning alarm button that effectively warns policymakers when they run the risk of making a colossal mistake.

The Ministry responded promptly

This paper, launched into the ministerial bureaucracy, led to a response from the ministry to all the scientists involved in just two hours. Here is the text of the email:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/14/2020

A man in Colorado with a blood alcohol level of 0.55 died, and the medical examiner identified the cause of death as ethanol poisoning. However, since the deceased also tested positive for COVID-19, the state health department listed him as a coronavirus victim.

Meanwhile, at a New York City subway station a woman was knocked down and handcuffed by police for not having her mask on right. Also, a restaurant in South Carolina has started seating fully-clothed inflatable dolls at every other table to enforce social distancing rules without having to put up barriers.

In other news, two Afghan migrants were sentenced to six years in jail by a Greek court for committing violence and property damage during riots last weekend at an asylum center.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Welcome to Little Ankara!

Poelenburg is a culturally enriched neighborhood in the Dutch city of Zaandam. Most of the population there is Turkish, and not everyone can speak Dutch. The citizens of Poelenburg use their satellite dishes to watch Turkish television, and take their cues from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the proper precautions concerning the Wuhan Coronavirus. Until Mr. Erdogan says it’s time to wear a mask — no masks! Regardless of what the infidel Dutch government says.

Many thanks to C for translating this news report, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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It Has Nothing of Value

What are all these people referring to?

It Has Nothing of Value

Compiled by Michael Copeland

Originally published 11 July 2017 at LibertyGB

It has nothing of value to bring.
— Pat Condell, YouTube commentator

It makes life barren and empty. It encourages a savage pride and cruelty. It makes men tyrants or slaves, women puppets…
— James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888) [top picture], American theologian

…a state of permanent hostility…
— Karl Marx

…it is the principal cause of decadence so visible in [their] world today…
— Alexis de Tocqueville

…morally rancid ideology… that brings nothing good whatsoever.
— Fahrenheit211 (website)

…it has violated all ten of the Ten Commandments.
— Nonie Darwish

[It] will never become a part of liberal secularism.
— Mazin Abdul Adhim, imam in Canada

…totally incompatible with Western democracy.
— Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Canada

It is an Arab war pitting an ideology of slavery, violence and submission against an ideology of freedom, humanity, civility and respect for life.
— Dov Berrol (commenter, Jihad Watch)

[It]… never brings wealth anywhere it comes.
— ‘Mike’ (commenter, Jihad Watch)

…building a future where the living envy the dead.
— ‘the thought offender’ (commenter, Gates of Vienna)

For previous essays by Michael Copeland, see the Michael Copeland Archives.