The Corona Papers

There are a fair number of coronadissidents among credentialed experts in German academia, as evidenced by the following report.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for translating this essay from Die Achse des Guten:

The Corona Papers: How the Ministry of the Interior Conjured up the Risk

Dear readers, what I am writing to you today should, if we still have reasonably functioning institutions, authorities, courts and media, bring the lockdown to an immediate end. The story that follows will remind you of Watergate and whistle-blowing, except it is happening today and we’re in the middle of it. Since I am a doctor, and I am primarily interested in people, I will tell you the story from that perspective.

You may have seen my other Corona articles. The factual and sound approach receives a lot of approval. As a result, ten days ago an employee of the Federal Ministry of the Interior asked me to assist in preparing an analysis of the medical damage resulting from the lockdown. From my twenty years of experience in dealing with the issues of nutrition and obesity, I know how little authorities and institutions — and I won’t even mention the media — are concerned with the actual findings. Therefore, I was not surprised by the answer to the following question: Hasn’t an analysis of the damage due to the Corona Protection Measures been prepared by the ministry already? The incredible answer: unfortunately, no. The employee of the Federal Ministry had already made proposals in this respect, which either fell on deaf ears or in some cases, were answered with threats of consequences for not keeping quiet. In this respect, this call was very courageous and the employee knew that this path would not be easy.

Thereupon I quickly provided this employee with the addresses of my professional network, and the colleagues immediately got to work alongside their demanding professions (ranging from university institute directors to clinic directors), enabling the employee to produce a reliable, highly competent assessment of the medical consequences of the lockdown within a week.

The results do not surprise any expert. From a purely medical point of view, the damage caused by the lockdown will be much higher than Corona could ever have caused. Naturally, the economic, social and political damage is also related to this. Everything is interdependent, but this paper was mainly concerned with the medical side. This includes the 2.5 million operations, follow-up treatment, early diagnosis or care restrictions not carried out during the Corona months.

Yesterday he finished the paper. In addition to the medical damage assessment of the lockdown, the paper also states that these measures should never have been taken. Because, in terms of the dimensions of a national civil protection system, the Corona infection never had the potential to trigger a national disaster with a significant threat to the general public. All the figures, even those of the RKI [Robert Koch Institute], show this. He sent this paper to the official channels of the authorities in the afternoon of May 8, 2020, including to every Ministry of the Interior of each German state. In it he also described in detail how the Corona error occurred and where the systemic error lies in the decision-making processes.

It’s just as I thought it would be. Essential data was negated, along with the technically correct interpretation of that data, and it never reached the departments of the ministries and thus no longer appears in the ministerial work templates. The public, especially the leading media, applauds this, instead of pointing out these fundamental omissions. Those who do, such as Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and Professor Stefan Hockertz, are forced to switch to Internet media, which is used as a tool to defame them as outsiders. This mechanism has become a major vulnerability of our society, which no longer allows us to react to crises in a competence-controlled and appropriate manner. As this paper states, there is no longer a functioning alarm button that effectively warns policymakers when they run the risk of making a colossal mistake.

The Ministry responded promptly

This paper, launched into the ministerial bureaucracy, led to a response from the ministry to all the scientists involved in just two hours. Here is the text of the email:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to point out that this is a paper written by a single member of staff. The employee was not involved in the crisis team, nor was he commissioned or authorised to produce or publish such an analysis. It reflects his private opinion, not that of the Federal Ministry of the Interior for Building and Homeland Affairs.

With kind regards,

On behalf of H.
Joint Crisis Staff of the BMI/BMG

Staffing Area 4

Here are some answers to this letter from the experts involved:

Dear Mrs. H.,

Tank you for the information. Since this is a very urgent matter, Mr. XY, in the interests of your House and of the Republic, and since we are not invited by the crisis unit, but we are experts who are nonetheless proven experts, I believe it would be not only wise but also politically and factually sensible to allow extraordinary ways forward in extraordinary times. I take note of your position. However, I have no sympathy for it.

Best regards
Harald Walach
Prof. Dr.Dr.Phil. Harald Walach
Lecturer and visiting professor — Department of Psychology — University of Witten-Herdecke

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Dear Mrs. H.,

Please realise that many very knowledgeable scientists are looking to you and your ministry, and that all reactions will be carefully documented. The truth will certainly come out in the not too distant future. And then those responsible will be brought to justice.

If you have not recognized the truth, you may want to take a serious look at the subject out of your own interest. We are certainly not conspirators, but we want to help put an end to injustice in our country, which has caused infinite suffering to an infinite number of people.


Sucharit Bhakdi

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Dear Mrs. H.,

Thank you for your information.

I can see that you don’t disagree with Mr. XY on this matter. I also hear that Minister Seehofer expressly encourages his officials to take the initiative. I therefore hope that Mr. XY is not denied a hearing.

Most sincerely,

Gunnar Heinsohn

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Dear Mrs. H.,

Thank you for your information.

Even if it is a paper written by an individual employee of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, and this employee was neither involved in the crisis team, nor was commissioned or authorised to prepare or publish such an analysis, it would still be advisable to deal with the content of these documents.

Formally, it may have been an unusual step on the part of this employee, but dear Ms. H., we are also living in extremely unusual times at present. And these historic times also entitle us, as citizens, to take the initiative in what we can expect from our ministries.

So after this formal statement, which I have taken note of, I now expect you to discuss the content — with us as experts.

Yours sincerely,

Stefan Hockertz

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Dear Mrs. H.,

in view of the dramatic situation which already exists in many areas of patient care and which is worsening every day of the lockdown, I would ask you not to insist on formalities but to deal with the problems in substance. As a citizen, I am counting on the Federal Ministry of the Interior to ensure that the major health problems resulting from the lockdown are properly balanced by the risks of corona infection. May I ask you whether this has been done sufficiently so far and where this can be seen?

With kind regards

Gunter Frank

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How to deal with such volatile knowledge?

Now the question was how to deal with such explosive knowledge. With that aim, I established further contacts from prominent circles to support the employee. The goal was also to find a clever strategy to communicate this highly important process in such a way that it could be picked up by the major leading media after the state ministries had had the opportunity to evaluate the explosive analysis. provides these confidential networks because has the big picture in mind and does not want to report hastily. However, excerpts from the paper have since found their way into the media by a different route.

Whether it is right to report on this before the state ministries have had a chance to react to these 200 pages of expertise is something I cannot judge. However, the cat is already out of the bag. That is why I am reacting here in coordination with The editors have received the entire paper and are currently examining to assess to what extent it can be quoted from. Further contributions will follow.

Heedlessly into the biggest crisis since the Second World War

As far as it is possible for me to assess, I consider the request of the employee of the Ministry of the Interior to be justified and credible. Professor Gunnar Heinsohn has known him for years. This man acts in full possession of his powers and with a high sense of responsibility towards his work and tasks. It is precisely because he does this that he is courageous and now needs the support of the public. If an attempt is made to label him as an outsider and/or that his behaviour is psychotic in order to invalidate the explosiveness of his paper, the public should intervene.

This man proves that our government has plunged the country headlong into the biggest crisis since the Second World War. This is a matter of urgency. We have to remind ourselves that professionally competent criticism of government policy plays a fundamentally important role in the functioning of our democratic constitutional state. If honourable and renowned critics are excluded from public debate by an arrogant gesture, and if they are publicly pilloried, for example, in order to defame them as “Corona-deniers”, then our society’s ability to find adequate solutions to major challenges is weakened.

This is precisely what we are faced with in the Corona crisis, and we must pay the price for our lives and possessions. Therefore, the first lesson from the Corona disaster must be to change this. Politicians and the media must finally allow real debate to take place again. We have the experts and the knowledge to overcome even major crises. All we have to do is finally make use of this potential again. Our democratic constitutional state can no longer afford the way public debate is currently being organised concerning the “Corona crisis”.

To be continued.

2 thoughts on “The Corona Papers

  1. You are correct that the ruling classes are systematically making it harder and harder for legitimate dissent from even those who are scientifically and technically proficient on the issues being acted upon by imperial edict. Legitimate criticism and disagreement earns those who speak up ridicule, ostracizement, and even professional censure. I don’t see this changing, at least not peacefully. The elites are too deeply entrenched to uproot through normal means and the time is almost upon us when the only remaining option will be to just stand back and nuke the whole site from orbit, metaphorically speaking.

    I wonder what those French nobles must have been thinking as they were led to the guillotine; perhaps that they shouldn’t have screwed the peasants quite so hard?

  2. It is time populations realised we are now in a physical war for freedom and survival.
    We were sold a “Pup” with Trump. He has joined the Nasties. I was fooled too. Trump is a Globalist shill and distraction. For nigh on four years he had all the info on Hillary and Obama and yet has done nothing. He will not.

    “New boss same as the old boss” and I certainly will not be fooled again. Trump has joined Gates and wants to vaccinate us all.

    I feel such an idiot for allowing myself to hope. And no I am not going away a broken man and to cow in hopeless despair. I am now a warrior, as I always was and still am at heart. All these clowns have done is made me even angrier and more determined to resist them and their arrogance.

    I ask my readers to forgive me.

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