Volkert van der Graaf Will Soon Be Free as a Bird

Leftist attack poster featuring Pim Fortuyn as a Nazi

In 2002 the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was the leader of the party Leefbaar Nederland [Livable Netherlands]. During the 2002 election campaign Mr. Fortuyn called Islam a “backward religion”. He was dismissed as party leader shortly afterwards, and immediately founded the Lijst Pim Fortuyn [List Pim Fortuyn]. At the time he was the most popular politician in the Netherlands, and might well have become prime minister.

Pim Fortuyn was assassinated in Hilversum on May 6, 2002. An environmental extremist named Volkert van der Graaf was convicted for the murder and sentenced to eighteen years in prison. He was released on parole on May 2, 2014, after serving two-thirds of his sentence, as required by Dutch law.

Now that the full term of his eighteen-year sentence is nearly complete, Mr. Van der Graaf’s parole/probation is about to come to an end. The following article from De Dagelijkse Standaard concerns the reaction of Mr. Fortuyn’s family to the imminent freedom of Volkert van der Graaf.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for the translation:

Volkert van der Graaf probation ending! Pim Fortuyn’s family very worried: “He is deadly dangerous!”

by Bart Reijmerink

[Note: According to the Dutch word proeftijd, van der Graaf has been on probation. We would consider it a parole.]

For the family of Fortuyn, it is incomprehensible that Volkert van der Graaf will soon be completely free to walk the streets without supervision. According to them, the man is still as dangerous and unpredictable as ever. Nevertheless, Van der Graaf will shortly enjoy his complete freedom. Meanwhile, the Netherlands must still do without the Great Pim.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/21/2020

The state of Missouri is suing China to recover costs incurred due to the Chinese government’s mendacity at the onset of the coronavirus outbreak. Meanwhile, in Italy a Mafia boss was caught hoarding 11 tons of hand sanitizer.

In other news, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 94th birthday.

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Thanks to Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Resistance to the Lockdown in Chemnitz

Last week I posted a video of Muslims in Berlin crowded together in the street outside a mosque as the call to prayer was broadcast via loudspeaker. Police were present at the time, but did nothing to prevent the violation of social distancing regulations.

When German patriots gather, however, it’s a different matter. The following video shows the draconian restrictions imposed on anti-lockdown demonstrators in Chemnitz.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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’Arold Decks Enoch

I was going through a box of very old stuff today up here in the Eyrie at Schloss Bodissey, and I found a crumpled political cartoon from the autumn of 1968. I’ve restored it as best I can; it’s a real blast from the past:

It was published in The Manchester Guardian, as it was known then. Now it’s just The Guardian, more popularly known as The Grauniad.

The guy landing the punch is Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson. The man receiving the knockout blow is Enoch Powell of the Conservative Party. The previous April Mr. Powell had delivered his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech about immigration. At the time the cartoon was published, he was in the process of being shunned and shamed for that speech by everybody — Labour, Conservative, and Liberals alike. The latter party held about two seats in Parliament, if I remember rightly. I don’t know if the cartoon had anything to do with Mr. Powell’s speech, but presumably he had just been lambasted by the prime minister, who had chosen to attack him instead of Edward “Ted” Heath, the leader of the Conservative opposition, who is depicted here sitting gormlessly on his stool while ’Arold decks Enoch.

Ted Heath was popularly known as “Grocer Heath”, due to his supposed bourgeois family background, if I remember rightly. The Conservatives won the general election of June 1970, and Mr. Heath became prime minister a few days after I took my A-levels, just before my family moved back to the USA.

The artist who drew the cartoon was Papas, who was my favorite cartoonist at the time. I entered some sort of caption contest that he and the Guardian held that year. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but I found a note of acknowledgement from him in the same dusty box.

There’s no punch line to this post. It’s just a snapshot from a brief political moment in the distant past, almost fifty-two years ago. Tempus fugit.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/20/2020

Demonstrators gathered in North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and California to protest the Wuhan Coronavirus lockdown. Some of the protesters failed to observe social distancing regulations.

Meanwhile, more than a thousand companies are considering relocating their production facilities from China to India, due to concerns about the pandemic. Also, negative oil prices were recorded in the USA for the first time in history as producers experiencing a glut of supply were willing to pay customers to take the oil off their hands.

In other news, a man who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State has pled guilty to charges that he planned to carry out bombings at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, GH, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Evil Returns to Sweden

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this op-ed from the Swedish daily Nyheter Idag. It was published in December of 2018, and refers to the two young Scandinavian women who had been slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Morocco the week before:

Ann Heberlein: Evil in Morocco

Today, Sweden is for Islamic State (IS) terrorists what Argentina and Brazil were for Nazis after the Second World War. A sanctuary where they can lick their wounds and start a new life without taking the consequences for all the abuses and crimes they committed. Instead of being locked up, the terrorists receive visits from social workers. It is high time that Sweden changes its attitude, writes Ann Heberlein.

“Evil,” wrote Hannah Arendt in Responsibility and Judgment, “is something that makes us think, ‘This should not have happened.’”

In the middle of preparations for Christmas, evil is brought to mind — first, an act of terror at a Christmas market in Strasbourg. A man senselessly shoots straight into a group of people drinking mulled wine and buying Christmas presents. Five people die and ten are wounded. This should not have happened.

Barely a week after the massacre in Strasbourg, two young women, Norwegian Maren, age 28, and Dane Louisa, age 24, are found brutally murdered in Morocco.

The two friends were to spend the Christmas holidays hiking in the Atlas Mountains. It would be an adventure, a memory of a lifetime; it ended with their deaths. Several men sit in custody, suspected of killing both girls. This shouldn’t have happened.

The common denominator for the acts is spelled Islamism. The perpetrator in Strasbourg, as well as the murderers in Morocco, are reported to be Islamic terrorists. Blinded by religious fanaticism and hatred against our Western lifestyle they consider sinful, they turn on innocent people. We are their enemies.

At the same time, home in Sweden, social services and politicians discuss how we best treat the “returnees” who are now coming back to Sweden as ISIS loses ground in Syria and Iraq.

As the Islamist dream of a caliphate seems increasingly distant, Sweden, with its forgiving attitude and its generous welfare system, is as good as a treat for the terrorists: Because that is precisely what they are, terrorists, with human lives on their consciences and blood on their hands. To call these men “returnees” — as if they studied or worked abroad for a time — is a mockery of their victims.

Since 2012 — so far as we know — about 150 people have returned to Sweden after having fought for jihadist, violent organizations in Syria and Iraq. In Stockholm, people are waiting for them to report to social services to be “de-radicalized”.

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In Loco Parentis

Longtime readers will remember that Dymphna spent much of her childhood in foster homes and an orphanage. This week’s edition of Dymphna’s Greatest Hits, written on Christmas Eve of 2009, is an extensive meditation on her experiences, and how they compare with an academic study on the subject.

In Loco Parentis

by Dymphna
Originally published December 24, 2009

Do you have an opinion on the value of orphanages versus that of foster homes as places to put a motherless child?

Which of the two do you think is better for children? Whatever your conclusion, how did you come to hold your opinion as the correct one?

These aren’t rhetorical questions, but they are (in a sense) loaded. Unless you’ve made a study of the subject, or been a resident of an orphanage or foster home, you’d have to base your answer on what you ‘feel’ rather than any hard information. No surprises there: we all do that on any number of issues. We work from our own experience, from observations, maybe from reading or from conversations with other people. In these ways we arrive at answers crafted to satisfy our intellect and our practical experience.

Of course, the question about which environment is best for children assumes you care one way or another. Those who don’t care should read something else.

In putting forth my own ideas there is the unspoken assumption that at least some of our readers have an opinion on this, if for no other reason than the inescapable fact we’ve all experienced being a child (some still are — e.g., our homeschoolers). Every child has wondered at one time or another, “Who will take care of me if something happens to my parents?” Kids know they’re dependent on adults to survive. For them the question is not yet academic.

Recently Scientific American published a study addressed to this very question: which is better for the motherless (okay, “parentless”) child, an orphanage or a foster home? Before looking at their findings, I’ll present my own experience with foster homes and orphanages, both as a child and later as an adult social worker. If the personal part isn’t of interest, just skip to the section about the study’s findings.

I’ve given lots of thought to foster homes and orphanages. They loomed large in my childhood from the age of two until I reached ten. I didn’t know that I was to encounter these places again in my adult work life.

From age two or so until age five, I was in any number of unsatisfactory daycare, foster care and foster group home arrangements. There was even a brief surreal interlude where a homeless mother with her own child lived in our house to take care of me while Mother was at work. In exchange for room and board and a spot of money, Mrs. X was to mind me during the day. In addition she was to cook supper for all of us. That set-up lasted only as long as it took the neighbor ladies — two widows with a parrot — to report to my mother the screams and beatings taking place while she was absent. Half-deaf, the both of them, but they could hear my travail loud and clear. Their frightened report to my mother brought that experiment to an abrupt end. On paper it had been a great idea. In reality, envy and rage at my mother’s good fortune to have a home and a job created an unbearable turmoil for Mrs. X and she was compelled to pass the mess on to me.

Stacked up in my memories there are other more mundane tales of neglect, of punitive harshness decked out in “you must learn to be obedient”, and a myriad of other sadisms all children know so well, even the lucky ones with parents.

By the time I was five and no stable arrangement had been found by my determined, fiercely devoted Mother, the damage was starting to show. Mostly it took the form of anxiety and a run-down immune system. At the family doctor’s behest, Mother placed me in Saint Mary’s Orphanage so that I could have a stable routine and some continuity. I got both, and much more than that during the years until I turned ten.

Yes, of course I’ve wondered why my mother didn’t apply for welfare back then. She’s gone now, so I can’t ask her, but I have some ideas about her hesitation. Recently her oldest passport, the one that got her from Liverpool into New York City, floated up to the top level of my chaotic papers. Looking at that worn dark green booklet made me recall having seen her immigrant card a few times. The light went on: my foreign mother was not a citizen, so she didn’t qualify for welfare.

My guess is she’d have applied if she weren’t so afraid of calling the attention of “the authorities” to her existence, thus starting a Kafka-esque process ending in her being sent back to Ireland. If you’re familiar with the fundamentally shame-based reality of the Irish middle class, you already know why she’d have died rather than face such a fate.

Logical thinking? Hardly. More like basic animal fear. My mother’s Logical Thinking chip never did function very well. Her quite Victorian father seems to have removed that potential from all his daughters. So whatever thinking went on where her children and her own survival were concerned was paralyzed with fear but fueled with fierce mama-bear determination. In other words, an engine stuck in neutral but revved up all the time…

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/19/2020

Demonstrators in Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin gathered today to protest the coronavirus lockdown. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 crew members aboard the French aircraft carrier have tested positive for the disease. Also, more than a hundred Italian priests who tested positive for the coronavirus have died.

In other news, 180 illegal migrants who were “rescued” by a Spanish vessel have been quarantined on a ferryboat off the coast of Sicily.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Panic in the World

I might as well out myself: I’m a COVID-19 skeptic, a.k.a. a Coronaskeptic.

I have to be careful when I talk about the ChiCom flu with my friends and acquaintances. The vast majority of them, both liberals and conservatives, have succumbed to the general hysteria that has been propagated by the television and greatly amplified by social media. Conservatives are slightly less likely than liberals to have joined the mad rush of panic, but most of them have been infected by it to at least some degree.

I don’t think Corona 2019-nCoV, a.k.a. COVID-19, a.k.a. the Chinese Crud, is “the most deadly epidemic in human history”, or whatever hyperbolic designation that is currently being peddled by the media. Rather, it is a pandemic of mass hysteria.

That doesn’t mean that I think that the Wuhan Coronavirus doesn’t exist, or that it isn’t killing people. I’ve simply come to the conclusion that it is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, and possibly less so.

If I posted the above on social media, it would immediately be taken down, and my account with Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/YouTube would most likely be closed. The major social sites have joined hands with the legacy media and governmental agencies to suppress any opinions that contradict the coronavirus narrative.

I’ve waited this long to post about it because I’ve been patiently collecting data on the disease since long before the hysteria began. The first thing I can tell you is that ALL the models that predicted the trajectory of the pandemic are useless. None of them seems to have remotely reflected the reality of the spread of the disease. As a result I won’t be referring to any of them; there’s no point.

Before I outline my general conclusions about what’s happening, I’ll go over some of the data points here.

The single most valuable resource I’ve encountered thus far is a Swiss site called Swiss Propaganda Research. Yes, they are avowed Coronaskeptics, but they have compiled their data carefully and thoroughly, and they source everything they assert. My favorite quote from them is this one:

Danish researcher Peter Gøtzsche, founder of the renowned Cochrane Medical Collaboration, writes that Corona is “an epidemic of mass panic” and “logic was one of the first victims.”

I recommend their page as a useful source for links to detailed, sober scientific data on the spread and virulence of COVID-19. It is updated frequently.

Peter Robinson’s interview with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, is lucid and informative (hat tip Power Line):

Scott Jensen is a physician and — horrors! — Republican state senator in Minnesota. In the following video he reveals to an astonished interviewer that the state government had given doctors instructions on how to tweak death certificates to overstate the incidence of COVID-19 as the cause of death (thanks to Vlad for uploading this video):

For some interesting analysis of the WuFlu data, see Vlad’s two interviews with former CIA station chief Brad Johnson.

Video #1:

Video #2:

We are far enough into the pandemic now to have ample data on its lethality. At this point it seems to roughly comparable with the seasonal flu — maybe slightly worse, maybe not quite as bad.

The data from Germany have proved particularly useful. According to this article from Reason:

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Nobel Prize Winner Violates the COVID Narrative

The French virologist Luc Montagnier headed the team at the Pasteur Institute in Paris that discovered HIV in 1983. In 2008 Professor Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition of his work.

In the video below Professor Montagnier discusses his conclusion that the COVID-19 virus is a product of genetic manipulation in a laboratory. He says there is no other plausible explanation for the HIV gene sequences that have been inserted into the RNA of the virus.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/18/2020

President Trump announced that Idaho, North Dakota, and Ohio would begin reopening on May 1. Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin “Baby Doc” Trudeau said that the border with the USA will not reopen fully for another month. Also, San Francisco decided to cancel June’s annual Gay Pride parade due to the Wuhan Coronavirus.

In other news, in a no-go zone near Paris, an Afghan migrant who attacked an officer on horseback with a knife was shot dead by police.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to GH, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Violate the COVID Narrative, Get Sent to the Looney Bin

Beate Bahner is a German lawyer who specializes in medical issues. Earlier this month she raised a stink about the strict quarantine measures the government had imposed to fight the Wuhan Coronavirus, calling them a violation of the German constitution. By her own account, she was violently subdued and forcibly committed to a psychiatric institution.

The report below takes pains to be even-handed, presenting Ms. Bahner’s account, and also the opinions of those who think she truly is a lunatic, or has been hysterically grandstanding. In any case, crazy or not, the fact remains that she was involuntarily committed to a mental institution because of what she said about the ChiCom flu.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/17/2020

Switzerland, Texas, and Jacksonville, Florida have all decided to begin easing their coronavirus restrictions. Meanwhile, Austrian mosques will remain closed, despite the start of Ramadan. Also, Russia’s number of coronavirus cases increased by more than 4,000 in a single day.

In other news, Germany will take in 50 underage migrants this weekend from the Greek camps.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Ikhwan in Sweden, Part Three

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating the third article in a series on the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden (previously: Part 1, Part 2):

Muslim Brotherhood established in SIPRI

The Muslim Brotherhood’s network-and aid organizations reach an ever more established position within Swedish foreign policy sphere. As co-organizer with SIDA (Swedish International Development) and the Swedish Peace Research Institute, SIPRI, they are taking a larger place in Swedish foreign and security policies.

On 28 November 2019, SIDA arranged a breakfast seminar together with SIPRI and Islamic Relief on connections between peace-making work and humanitarian aid. The theme of the seminar was: “Implementation of the Humanitarian, Development, Peace Building Nexus”.

Islamic Relief is classified as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, among others. Most of its leading representatives have repeatedly expressed anti-Semitic views and values. The international banks, UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) and HSBC (UK) have closed the organization’s accounts after funding from the terrorist organization, Hamas, was revealed.

Islamic Relief was represented by Dr. Paul Quinn and Dr. Sylvia Brown, who, among others, highlighted Islamic Relief’s activity in the Philippines. Brown pointed out Islamic Relief’s work in the inclusion of children and women, which is based in the Koran.

Islamic Relief is one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s two aid organizations, along with Muslim Aid. Both are found to be represented in Sweden. In the leadership of Islamic Relief is found the Islamic Union in Sweden’s chairman and ex-union rector, Omar Mustafa. Mustafa earlier represented Sweden as a participant in a business delegation to Azerbaijan. Among the leadership of Muslim Aid is found the former housing minister, Mehmet Kaplan (MP).

An active member of Muslim Aid Sweden was earlier sentenced to six months in prison for terror financing. The judgment was appealed to the Supreme Court but was upheld in the autumn of 2019.

Swedish Islamic Relief is currently involved in collaboration with the Swedish Church, which Ledarsidorna.se previously reported on.

That Islamic Relief Philippines is highlighted is interesting. For the US Dept. of Treasury, the American finance department responsible for the USA’s list of terrorist-connected organizations, Islamic Relief is an old acquaintance. In 2006, Islamic Relief Philippines was placed on the USA’s sanction list of terror organizations, in accordance with the US President’s Executive Order 13224, after being caught passing economic resources to two al Qaeda-connected organizations, Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and Jemaah Islamiyeh (JI).

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