The Grauniad Strikes Again

The Guardian — a renowned progressive British newspaper that was called The Manchester Guardian when I lived in England — has published another factually-impaired hit piece on the Counterjihad. I normally ignore such trivialities, but this one contained a slur against me that I just had to correct:

Gates of Vienna was, and still is, run by Edward “Ned” May, an American computer programmer from Washington DC.

I am most emphatically not from Washington DC*. I was born in a small town here in Virginia, and have otherwise lived in Maryland and England. I worked in DC for four years back in the mid-’70s, but never lived there, thank the Lord — Northern Virginia was bad enough.

The Grauniad continues:

It was among the first in a wave of blogs that urged the US to war after the shock of 9/11, and almost certainly the most fanatically anti-Muslim. It takes its name from the siege of Vienna in 1683, when an Ottoman Turkish army was defeated by a Polish-led one. Its essential thesis is that this was only one battle in a long war and that Europe and its civilisation are constantly threatened by a Muslim invasion.

On these varied online forums, the narrative was always the same: a liberal cabal was conspiring with hostile Muslim powers to hand over the decent working people to Islam. This was the animating myth of the bloggers, calling themselves the “counter-jihad”, who congregated at Gates of Vienna and other like-minded sites — and inspired both the violence of Breivik and the message of the racist far-right parties that have transformed European politics in the past decade.

The part about Breivik is reiterating an earlier assertion in the article:

…according to the manifesto he published online, Breivik had been directly inspired by Gates of Vienna — the blog where all these comments appeared on the day of his massacre. Breivik called the ideology that justified his murders “The Vienna school”, after the blog.

This is typical of reportage by MSM “journalists”. They have been retailing this stuff about Anders Behring Breivik for more than eight years, as if Mr. Breivik himself had never explained that his Counterjihad affiliation was just a feint, a ruse designed to keep the media and the authorities away from his true friends, the “nordicists”, i.e. neo-Nazis and Aryan supremacists.

The Grauniad and all the other major outlets should be well aware of Mr. Breivik’s later explanations, because he sent them all a letter in the autumn of 2013. None of them reported on the second part of the letter, which contained his paean to the nordicists. We managed to obtain a copy of it in early 2014; the PDF is available here.

So why did the media decide to exhume the Breivik material at this late date? Apparently it’s because of last week’s shooting attack on a mosque in Oslo. As it happens, this paragraph contains yet another factual error:

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The Democratic Communists of America

They don’t call themselves communists, but they might as well — the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) revere past American communists, adhere to communist doctrine, and use the venerable jargon of communism.

The video below features excerpts from a talk given by DSA head Maria Svart at a global meeting of Marxists held in April of this year at the EU Parliament building in Brussels. Ms. Svart is quite candid about her organization’s plan for infiltrating, co-opting, and assuming control of American political institutions. And she’s proud of how much success they’ve had in recent years, helping numerous candidates get elected to local, state, and federal government positions. Mind you, they ran for office as candidates for the Democrat Party, the same way Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did (and do).

One of the DSA’s proudest moments was its success in deterring Amazon from establishing its headquarters in New York City.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing this video, and to the RAIR Foundation USA for uploading it:

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/15/2019

Two congresswymyn, Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Palestine) were denied entry to Israel. The decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came after President Trump had urged on Twitter that Mss. Omar and Tlaib be kept out of the Jewish state due to their blatantly anti-Semitic statements.

In other news, the autopsy on Jeffrey Epstein revealed that several bones in his neck were broken, injuries that are more consistent with being strangled than with hanging oneself.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Islam: Can a Religion Actually Be Evil?

Islam: Can a religion actually be evil?

by SF

It’s human nature to love the members of your own tribe, and to hate those from enemy tribes. Many religions follow this principle to varying degrees, but none does so to the extent that Islam does. Islam is a totalitarian “religion” that demands total mind control from its adherents. It turns believers into “robots for allah”. Its supreme example is Muhammad. In early Islam, he was still a human being, and totally separate from allah. But as Islam quickly evolved, Muhammad received a promotion. He became “the only perfect human being who has ever lived, and who ever will live”. As such, “his every thought, word, and action were perfectly in tune with allah”. In other words, if allah himself came down to earth and was incarnated as a human being, that human being would be Muhammad!

As a result, Islam was “perfect” from its very beginning, and could never be improved upon. And if you ever wondered what you were supposed to do, you only had to copy Muhammad, and do whatever he used to do (including marrying and having sex with nine-year-old girls).

Accordingly, it is worthy of note that the Koran tells you not to take non-Muslims as friends, and obligates you to convert all non-Muslims or conquer them, so that the entire universe ends up under the rule of allah and his chosen people, the Muslims.

Following the example of Muhammad, Islam originally spread through the sword. Of those countries containing the most Muslims in the world, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh were all conquered by the sword. In contrast, Indonesia converted to Islam voluntarily. The rulers there saw Muslims as their most powerful potential allies, and converted in order to win their favor (similar to the way Germanic pagans converting to Roman Christianity).

Islam is designed to make it easy for men to convert. But once you do convert, it becomes like the legendary roach motel: You can check in, but you can’t check out. If you try to leave Islam, then all Muslims are given permission to kill you, and are encouraged to do so.

Islam is also designed to give its warriors an incentive to fight and die for Islam. And, following the example of Muhammad, it is obsessed with sex. If you fight an infidel and win, you immediately get all his possessions, including his wife and children, who become your sex slaves. And if you fight but die, your reward is even greater: you are given free admission to a sexual paradise. This paradise is flowing with wine, which you can drink endlessly but never get too drunk. And best of all, you are given 72 virgin sex slave angels, devoted to your endless sexual gratification. They are busty and beautiful (Muhammad was apparently a breast man), and remain forever virginal no matter how many times you have sex with them. And, if you ever get tired of women and crave a little variety, you are also surrounded by immortal beautiful young serving boys. (Predictably, it is never stated exactly what reward faithful Muslim wives will receive in the Muslim paradise, but according to them, it must be pretty good).

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The A$AP Rocky Verdict in 15 Steps

As reported in yesterday’s news, the Swedish court reached a verdict in the assault case against the American rapper A$AP Rocky and his entourage, as scheduled. The defendants were convicted, but were sentenced to pay only minuscule fines. Our Swedish correspondent LN has prepared a summary report on the court proceedings.

The A$AP Rocky Verdict in 15 Steps

by LN

Summary of a completely trivial episode in Stockholm City and its consequences:

1.   By chance, two groups of people meet.
2.   Group A: Rocky, two or more companions as well as a bodyguard.
Group B: an Afghan-Arab culture-enricher and at least one companion.
3.   Group B begins to follow Group A. Probably some form of verbal communication begins.
4.   Group B is asked by Group A — perhaps only by the bodyguard — to f*** off, or go to hell.
5.   Group A continues, but Group B follows.
6.   Possibly, probably steps 4 + 5 are repeated several times — it is now a matter of persecution on the part of Group B. Gibes might have been exchanged. No form of serious scuffle or bodily contact from either group has occurred.
7.   Group A is now tired of the persecution — shoves and the like are possibly made by Group A against Group B. Some sort of mêlée arises; the bodyguard acts.
8.   Someone in Group A, (maybe) Rocky, lifts the Afghan up and throws him elegantly into the street; two Group A companions rush forward and hit the lying Afghan, who also receives one kick.
9.   The Afghan claims to the police that he was hit on the back of the head with an empty bottle; however, the bottle was missing.
10.   The Afghan’s forearm has wounds from broken glass; how these were inflicted has remained unknown.
11.   This is a case of illegal retaliation, not of adapted legal self-defense.
12.   According to Swedish law, there was no attack from Group B that could motivate self-defense by Group A as described in Step 8. The Swedish judiciary as usual is not interested in the causes, which is what happened before Step 7.
13.   The verdict is judicially 90% correct — consideration should have been taken of Steps 5 and 6, and of the Afghan’s lying, false statement, Step 9.
14.   All taken together, it should have resulted in Step 15. One month in Swedish indecent detention is punishment enough for this trifle.
15.   Benefit of the doubt should have prevailed.

For details on the verdict, see Fria Tider (and use Google translate).

More about the plaintiff.

Note. Sweden today is a kretinocratic, stupido feminist, socialist country, reminiscent of the old DDR, which does not resort to exercising anarcho-tyranny against its own indigenous population.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/14/2019

When police attempted to serve a narcotics warrant at a residence in Philadelphia, they were met with sustained gunfire from at least one of the suspects. Four officers were wounded by gunshots, and two others were injured in a traffic accident related to the incident. At least one suspect was eventually arrested.

In other news, Muslims who slaughtered sheep in a Bologna parking lot for Eid al-Adha are being investigated for animal cruelty.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Setting the Example — Not

We recently encountered Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema (GroenLinks, which used to be the Communists) in one of the videos about the culture-enriching rape and murder in Buitenveldert. Today she’s back in another context: as H. Numan reports, her dear son has got himself into a spot of bother.

Setting the example — not

by H. Numan

Quite a stir in the Dutch news today. The 15-year-old son of the mayor of Amsterdam, comrade Femke Halsema, was arrested for an armed robbery on the 14th of July. He burgled a houseboat (plenty of those in Amsterdam) with a friend, was pursued by the police and arrested. The boys left two knives and an alarm pistol (a pistol that can only fire blanks — legal in The Netherlands) in the boat, which the police retrieved.

As you can see, the date of the burglary was on the glorious quatorze julliet. We don’t celebrate that day in The Netherlands, but it took well over a month for the news to leak out to the press. We all know that all pigs are equal. But some pigs are a bit more equal than others, right? The media criticize comrade mommy for keeping the affair under the rug for so long.

The police (comrade Femke is head of the militsiya in Amsterdam) made a statement that this arrest was not kept under any rug. “It’s just a sensitive case that need to be handled with care.” Our lovely burkamaster said no special privileges are given to her son, and he wasn’t burgling. He was just a rebellious teenager vandalizing. Armed. We all do that when we are young, don’t we? The police — who shouldn’t give special attention to the son of the mayor — give some special attention to the brat ‘because the high office of his mother makes him very vulnerable and can hound him for years to come’.

It’s extra embarrassing for comrade mayor, as she said on Tuesday extra measures are required for the wave of extreme violence raging in Amsterdam. Several shootings happened the last few weeks. Even a few hand grenades were found. That violence — you won’t read that in any Dutch paper — is almost exclusively Moroccan. And Turkish. Yes, us Dutch have replaced our own homegrown hoodlums with far more violent criminals who have a phobia of pork.

The time you could walk most streets of Amsterdam in peace any time day or night are long gone. But this is rather different. Walking in a dangerous alley at night is one thing; risking being machine-gunned in a busy street in broad daylight is another. Several gang murders have been committed with AK-47s and hand grenades, with innocent bystanders as victims. Sometimes the murderers even apologize. It was a mistake; they wanted to hit a family member. Or he really looked like the guy they wanted to waste. More often than not no arrests are made. Seems it is something we have to learn to live with.

After all, we can’t do racial profiling, can we? Imagine that! The police would have to fire most of the officers of the mohammedan persuasion. Remember the mohammedan bodyguard, a couple of years ago? He was prosecuted — in itself a rarity — for leaking sensitive information about Geert Wilders. Several — dare I say many? — officers with a phobia for pork have been prosecuted for similar offenses. They leaked sensitive information to criminal organizations.

I remember well when my parents got a visit from two marechaussee [Dutch armed forces] officers, just after I signed up. My folks were highly surprised by that visit. Not to worry, ma’am one of them said. He’s not in trouble. We always visit the family of our new recruits to see where they come from. We’ve already done a background check, otherwise we wouldn’t be here to visit you.

That is now impossible. Racial profiling! Several (mohammedan) police officers have family members with serious criminal records, even. Going back 40 years — I’m getting old — supposing my sis or my dad had a criminal record, I wouldn’t have made it through the background check. But today multiculturalism rules. That automatically means common sense goes down the drain. Oh, do mind that no criminal record for family members still stands. If you happen to be real Dutch, that is.

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Giuseppe Conte and the Migrant Airlift Into Italy

The following conversation took place at World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos in January of 2019, more than seven months before Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini called for a vote of confidence and new elections.

The participants are German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The Italian government is a coalition of equals between the Lega (under the leadership of Matteo Salvini) and the 5-Star Movement (under the leadership of Luigi di Maio), so neither party leader could serve as prime minister. However, as the video below makes clear, Mr. Conte is no friend of Mr. Salvini.

It seems that even back in January the M5S could see electoral trouble ahead, and Mr. Conte was appealing to Mrs. Merkel for advice and help. Notice the service he was offering to perform for the chancellor in an apparent quid pro quo.

It’s not clear why it took so long for this video to go viral on the Internet. Perhaps Mr. Salvini’s people held onto it until their boss judged the time to be ripe for new elections.

The conversation took place in English, but the audio quality is extremely low. I can only make out a word here and there, but someone must have used sophisticated audio-enhancement tools to make a transcript. There are versions out there on the web subtitled in both German and Italian; this one was translated from the latter.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/13/2019

More than 500 “rescued” migrants are stranded on two separate NGO ships in the Mediterranean. The vessels are unable to land because Italy and Malta have refused to grant them access to their ports.

In other news, according to the latest polls, 54% of Britons want Brexit by any means, even if it means that the prime minister has to suspend parliament.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Matteo Salvini Prepares For a Snap Election

After being sabotaged repeatedly by his coalition partner, the 5-Star Movement, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini announced that the government was no longer viable, and there must be a snap election. This has thrown the Italian political scene into turmoil, with legislators being recalled from their August recess to be present for the upcoming election-related votes.

Below are four news reports about what’s happening in Italy, variously in Italian, French, and German. Vlad Tepes did the subtitling for all of them.

The first two videos show Matteo Salvini campaigning on the beaches of Calabria, pressing the flesh and letting his admirers (of which there are many) take selfies with him.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for both translations:

Beach campaigning #2:

The third video discusses the recall of legislators from their vacations. Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation:

The final video gives an overview of the governmental crisis in Italy. Notice the matter-of-fact reference to Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia as a “neo-fascist movement”. Once again, many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation:

Video transcript #1:

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Political Correctness Will be the Death of the Rule of Law

In the following television appearance, Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands, discusses what happens when Islam gains a foothold in a Western country. Political correctness demands that Islam be accommodated and nurtured under the rule of law. However, Islam does not respect Western rules, refuses to follow them, and simply exploits Western institutions in order to destroy them and implement sharia:

Raped and Murdered by an Asylum Seeker in Buitenveldert

Back in April a 68-year-old woman named Rinia Chitanie was raped by a culture-enricher in Buitenveldert, a district of Amsterdam. Afterwards the perpetrator beat his victim so badly that she went into a coma, and was unrecognizable to her family.

In June the family decided to take her off life support, and she died. In practical terms, she had been kicked to death.

Public outrage about the incident was compounded by the government’s plan to open a residence for illegal migrants in the same neighborhood, where most of the residents are senior citizens.

Below are four videos about the heinous incident, and the public reaction to it. Many thanks to C for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

The first video reports on various reactions to the brutal attack:

In the second video Femke Halsema (Green Left, formerly Communist), the mayor of Amsterdam, is interviewed about the attack on Ms. Chitanie:

The third video chronicles a protest by local residents about the new residence for illegal immigrants:

The final video features interviews with witnesses and a representative of the police:

The article below was published in June after the victim was allowed to die. Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this piece from the Algemeen Dagblad:

Woman (68), Beaten and Raped, Dies in Amsterdam

A 68-year-old woman who was victim of a severe beating in Amsterdam on Easter Monday died yesterday of her injuries. A 20-year-old suspect is in custody.

June 11, 2019

The suspect has since confessed that he beat and raped the woman. The investigation, which continues as a sex crime [investigation], made the TV program Opsporing Verzocht [Investigation/Search for Clues Requested] on Tuesday.

On April 21 around 9:30pm the police received a report from residents in Geervliet, who heard screams outside. Witnesses also say a man was beating on “something”. That turned out later to be the woman. Officers sped to the Geervliet and shortly thereafter found her seriously beaten and unconscious. The police were able to quickly arrest the suspect nearby.

The victim, Rinia Carlien Hazra Chitanie, who worked as a doctor in the Ministry of Defense, was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. There she lay in a coma for weeks. She was so disfigured that her family members didn’t even recognize her in the hospital. Yesterday, the family decided to let her life end. The prospects for recovery were minimal.


It is not clear where and how the suspect and the woman came together. It is important for the investigation and relatives to learn more, the police say.

What they suspect : The woman probably left her residence on the Rhijnestein in Buitenveldert around 9:15 pm. She walked in the direction of the Gijlsbrecht van Aemstelpark and turned right there just before the bridge. Because of this, she was walking parallel to the park and the water. How the woman continued walking is not clear. The police want to talk with anyone who saw Chitanie walking, they tell Opsporing Verzocht.

The woman is about 1:50 meters tall, of Surinamese origin, and wore black half-high shoes with white soles and light-colored, vertical stripes, black pants, light T-shirt and a black and white shoulder bag.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/12/2019

Animal protection groups in Sweden say that there is an epidemic of cruelty to animals in culturally enriched areas of the country. Swans, hedgehogs, and cats are among the animals that are being wantonly killed.

In other news, a Labour MP who is a member of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow government in the UK says that nation states must be abolished in order to achieve a socialist utopia.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JD, LP, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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C’mon Baby, Light my Fire

An angry husband in Quebec doused his ex-wife with gasoline and set her on fire. The unfortunate woman survived the attack, but the extent of her injuries is unclear.

Despite the fact that the alleged perpetrator is a culture-enricher, the incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 0%.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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