Cottbus: The Resistance Marches Against Immigration

Cottbus is a city in eastern Germany, close to the Polish border in what used to be the DDR. Over the last few months there have been multiple stabbing attacks against native Germans in Cottbus by “Syrian” “refugees”. Local residents are less reticent about expressing their anti-immigrant sentiments than their Western counterparts, and have mounted several protest marches in recent weeks. The video below shows footage of one such march.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for translating the chants and banners, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript (chants and banners):

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Mayhem in Madrid

The death of a Senegalese street vendor last week caused a riot in Madrid. Mame Mbaye allegedly died of a heart attack while fleeing police. Rioting culture-enrichers and their allies caused mayhem in the capital, injuring ten police officers.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this Spanish news report, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is an article about the same incident:

Six Arrested in Madrid Protest Over Migrant Death

Spanish authorities arrested six people during a violent protest in Madrid over the death of a Senegalese street vendor, police said Friday, adding 10 officers were injured.

The clashes on Thursday evening in Lavapies, a district in the centre of the Spanish capital with a large immigrant population, saw angry protesters set fire to dustbins and motorbikes, and throw stones at riot police.

A police spokesman said six Spanish people had been arrested, including a minor and a woman.

He added 10 police officers were injured in the unrest, while emergency services said four people were slightly hurt in the protest.

Demonstrators at the time told AFP they were protesting in support of Mame Mbaye.

Mbaye was a street vendor in his mid-thirties from Senegal, who arrived in Spain by boat 12 years ago.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/21/2018

The alleged serial bomber in Austin, Texas has now been identified as a 24-year-old man named Mark Anthony Conditt. Mr. Conditt detonated a bomb inside his vehicle, killing himself, after police had tracked him down and closed in to arrest him. His motives are unknown.

In other news, an immigrant from Ghana is on trial in Italy for allegedly raping and impregnating his 13-year-old daughter.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Charles Low, Dean, DV, Insubria, JD, Red Mike, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gustav Kasselstrand: Nationalism is Both a National Struggle and a Global Democratic Revolution

Many thanks to LN for translating this essay from Fria Tider.

Help Us. Help Sweden.

[Photo caption: Alternative for Sweden’s ambition is to become part of a kind of nationalist international, writes Gustav Kasselstrand.]

“Therefore, AFS seeks support from Trump followers in the United States”

by Gustav Kasselstrand
March 20, 2018

Alternative for Sweden is a new movement for a new era. Today, we are the first Swedish party ever to launch an international fundraising campaign on the Internet, writes party leader Gustav Kasselstrand.

Currently, the political map is redrawn throughout the Western world, the traditional right-to-left axis diminishes in importance, as do the parties that for decades have defined it. In its place new conflicts emerge. Conflicts that do not primarily concern how different social classes should advance at each other’s expense, but who can represent the people before the establishment, freedom of expression before political correctness, and the nation before globalism. This is the new game plan, which the established parties have had terrible difficulty adapting to. U-turns have been shown to be difficult in politics.

Established parties who, in the eleventh hour, try to piggyback on disruptive newcomers, rarely manage their repositioning. Drowsy, they venture into unknown terrain, often seeing their credibility drop further.

The party structures are too chewy: bloated by successes in the 20th century, the insight into their own instability becomes too difficult and painful. They finally will become aware of this in an abrupt manner.

[Sebastian] Kurz in Austria and [Emmanuel] Macron in France are perhaps the clearest examples of how the established parties are challenged not only by outsiders like [Heinz-Christian] Strache and [Marine] Le Pen, but also from within, by people who have seen new opportunities in a new era.

In Britain and the United States they have tasted victory’s sweetness in the form of Brexit and Donald Trump’s triumph in the presidential election.

The trends are clear: successes for new, energetic contenders; established parties’ craving for yesteryear.

When media and established politicians judged against Trump’s election campaign, anti-establishment politicians all over the world from the very first moment chose to learn from it.

It shows that modern nationalism at one and the same time is both a national struggle and a global democratic revolution. While there are many political achievements to be enjoyed in the Western world, there is also a deep seriousness behind all that happens.

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English Cultural Genocide

English Cultural Genocide

by David Abbott

Southwark is an ancient London borough on the south bank of the Thames.

Harold, the last Saxon king, rode through it on the great road into Kent to inspect the fleet at Sandwich or Dover or to embark on a trip to France, and his doomed army marched through it on its way to Hastings. Chaucer’s pilgrims set out from there, from an inn at the western end of the Old Kent Road, for Canterbury. Many of Shakespeare’s plays were staged there, at the Globe Theatre, named after its sign, which showed Hercules with the world on his shoulders. Dickens’ father was jailed there, in the Marshalsea debtors’ prison in Borough High Street, and the author returned there often as an adult and portrayed his father’s experience in Little Dorrit.

Southwark Council recently published a brochure called ‘Welcome to Southwark’. On its page of history it reads:

‘Southwark is a highly cosmopolitan area with a rich mixture of communities going back centuries. The borough’s proximity to the River Thames led to strong links across the world and by the 15th century Southwark had one of the largest immigrant populations. German, Dutch and Flemish craftspeople excluded by the City of London settled in Southwark… immigrants from Ireland took up manual jobs… the labour shortage was eased by workers and their families invited from the Caribbean and West Africa… communities from China, Cyprus, Vietnam, Somalia, Ethiopia, Bosnia and Croatia… just under a third of our population is from an ethnic minority and over a hundred languages are spoken by our children.’

Reading this brochure, you would not think the English had ever been in Southwark. They are not mentioned. They have been airbrushed from the history of the area. This is typical. The English have gone — and been wilfully forgotten.

The people of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are in a stronger position than the English. The English are doomed.

When the experimental policy of multi-culturalism has reached its logical conclusion, when the English have departed in an exodus, when every dissident has been silenced and the newcomers have multiplied until they predominate and their traditions prevail, England will be as dead as if every English person had been killed. It will have lost its culture, its beliefs, its common ideas, which have guided it and given it a soul, which, in short, made it a nation. This is not mass murder, but it is genocide; the destruction not of individuals but of a culture and a nation.

Raphael Lemkin, the lawyer from Belarus who coined the word genocide in 1944, spoke of it as meaning not only the destruction of individuals but also of cultures. Controversy over its meaning stems from the more legalistic definition set down by the United Nations four years later, when it was officially restricted to the annihilation of entire ethnic groups. ‘Genocide’ thereafter became organically bound up with race theories, and the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines it simply as ‘annihilation of a race’. And indeed genos is Greek for family, tribe or race and caedĕre is Latin for to kill.

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An Equinoctial Blizzard

Well, it’s not really a blizzard. But still…

Spring arrived last night, but you wouldn’t have known it by looking out the window this morning here at Schloss Bodissey. We’ve had snow-covered daffodils quite a few times in the past, but not usually so much, nor so late in the season.

It was quite warm at ground level as the snow came down, but the temperature up there in the empyrean was frigid, so the snow was actually dry until it hit the ground. Nevertheless, by lunchtime it was melting rapidly. As I write this it’s still snowing fitfully, but melting faster than it accumulates.

From what I read in the news, people to the north and west of us got it much worse. I read one prediction saying that Garrett County, Maryland might get as much as two feet (60 cm) of the stuff. Ugh!

New to Amsterdam? Don’t Speak Dutch? No Problem — You Can Still Vote!

The electoral prospects for the Turkish party Denk look promising at the moment. In a recent election in the Netherlands, Turkish-speaking helpers accompanied ethnic Turks into the voting booth and gave them advice and assistance in Turkish.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from De Telegraaf:

Reports of Turkish ‘observers’ in voting booth

March 21, 2018

AMSTERDAM — UPDATE — Turkish ‘observers’ would accompany voters in at least two Amsterdam electoral locations into the voting booth to explain everything in Turkish. This is reported on Twitter. The municipality has a statement that is at odds with the findings of voters, but will do some investigation.

A polling station at Amsterdam Central

VARA comedian Johan Goossens tweeted Wednesday after the vote: “I predict a great victory for Denk in my neighborhood Bos en Lommer in Amsterdam. In the polling room they give personal voting advice in Turkish and even go with you in the booth… I said something about it, but no one intervened. Bizarre.”


Only a voter is allowed to enter the voting booth because of voting secrecy. This is to prevent someone from being forced or influenced to vote for something. Only people with a disability may be helped. According to Goossens, who confirms his story by telephone, the latter was not the case.

“Guys, this is not allowed?”

I arrived at the polling station and that observer pointed out the older couple on the list. They spoke in Turkish and a moment later the person with the older couple disappeared into the booth, pushed through. I said, guys, this is not allowed? There were five other observers, but they did not look up. This is serious.

Goossens has complained to the Electoral Council and the municipality of Amsterdam. The municipality indicates that they are taking the message from Goossens seriously. A spokesperson says that the report is now being investigated. Among other things, a visit will be made to the polling station.

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Poor Jordan Peterson

He truly believes in the myth of the soi-disant “moderate” Muslim.

Perhaps our Canadian readers can take up a collection to buy for Dr. Peterson the definitive book on Sharia law:

Reliance of the Traveller: The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law Umdat Al-Salik

The reason I’m not suggesting the excellent work of, say, Robert Spencer or Bill Warner, is that in order to truly understand a subject – to “stand under” it – one has to begin by reading its own documents. The blurb on “Reliance” states:

This is a classic manual of fiqh rulings based on Shafi”i School of jurisprudence and includes original Arabic texts and translations from classic works of prominent Muslim scholars such as al Ghazali, al Nawawi, al Qurtubi, al Dhahabi and others. It is an indispensable reference for every Muslim or student of Islam who needs to research on Islamic rulings on daily Muslim life.

The Baron will remember when it was that we bought our own copy (I find the past becoming one fluid succession of moments). But I well remember the price since I do all our online ordering. It cost $30.00 back then. Thus, when “Reliance” arrived, I was surprised to see how beautifully bound it was. I wondered then if it were not being subsidized by some Sunni group (not a book for Shi’ites – another distinction Jordan Peterson will have to learn).

At the time, there were fewer than a dozen reader reviews and many of them were written by devout Muslims. The times have certainly changed; current top reviews (i.e., five-star verified purchases) are decidedly against the book whilst still recommending that one buy it.

Today the price stands at $56.00, but still worth it for those who want to be thoroughly informed about what it means to live under Sunni Sharia Law.

Here’s one review [edited]:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/20/2018

Two more explosions occurred today in Texas, one in Austin, and one in a FedEx facility near San Antonio, where a package addressed to Austin exploded. A third device that did not explode was found at the same location. Two people were injured in the blasts.

In other news, today’s school shooting was held in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, where a 17-year-old student shot two of his fellow students before being shot and killed by the school’s “resource officer”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Charles Low, Dean, DV, Insubria, JD, JLH, MM, Reader from Chicago, Red Mike, Srdja Trifkovic, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Help Us. Help Sweden.

The video below is a message to Americans from the new anti-immigration party Alternative for Sweden (Alternativ för Sverige, AfS). The party hopes to gather enough momentum with Swedish “deplorables” to be able to throw the rascals out in September’s parliamentary elections.

I’m not sure what they think Americans can do to help Sweden, aside from publicizing their appeal, which is what I’m doing with this post. Are Swedes attentive enough to foreign public opinion that they would notice negative American reactions to their current traitorous government?

AfS is also appealing for donations:

Hat tip: Da Capo.

Will There Be Justice For Justine Damond?

Last July an Australian woman named Justine Damond was shot to death in Minneapolis by a Somali-American policeman named Mohamed Noor. Ms. Damond had just called 911 to report what appeared to be a sexual assault in progress in the alley behind her house. When the police arrived, Mr. Noor fired his gun from the passenger’s side in front of his partner, who was driving, and killed Ms. Damond, who was standing at the driver’s side window.

It has taken eight months, but Mohamed Noor has finally been charged with the killing. The charges are third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. If convicted on both counts, he could receive a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison.

Three or four months of the lag time were taken up with the deliberations of a grand jury empanelled by the prosecutors. A couple of months ago a prosecutor remarked that they didn’t have enough evidence to charge Mr. Noor. Now, suddenly, they’ve found the evidence, and the officer has indeed been charged.

By the way — the case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Concerning the eight-month interval, Vlad says:

Yes, he was an affirmative action hire; yes, he did shoot a woman across the lap of his partner outside the driver’s window from the passenger seat; yes, he is a Somali Muslim; and yes, it took WAY too long to jail and charge him. Had it been a white cop and a black vic, it would have been instant.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this TV news video:

Below are excerpts from the accompanying article:

Charges Filed Against Officer Noor in Damond Shooting

Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor was charged Tuesday with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for fatally shooting Justine Damond last July.

Noor turned himself in late Tuesday morning and is being held at the Hennepin County Jail on $500,000 bail.

If convicted of third-degree murder, he could face a maximum of 25 years in prison. A judge could issue a sentence ranging from about 10 ½ to 15 years. The second-degree manslaughter charge carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

According to the criminal complaint filed against him, prosecutors say at the time of the shooting Noor neither investigated nor confirmed a threat “that justified the decision to use deadly force.”

The complaint also states Noor “recklessly fired his handgun” when he shot Damond, leaving her with her hands on a gunshot wound to the left side of her abdomen, saying “I’m dying” or “I’m dead.”

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman has scheduled a press conference for 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hennepin County Government Center to discuss the decision.

2018, 1984 and the Simple Truths

Dushan Wegner is a Czech-German journalist and political commentator. The following essay by him updates 1984 to 2018 and transplants it to Germany. We owe JLH a big debt of gratitude for the translation.

2018, 1984 and the Simple Truths

by Dushan Wegner
March, 2018

Wilfried Schmidt no longer looked out his window. A poster on the house opposite — he knew it already. “Hate is not an opinion!” There was one on the house front immediately opposite. “Hate is not an opinion!” Down at street level another poster, torn at one corner, flapped fitfully in the wind, alternately covering and uncovering the words “No Hate Speech.” In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hummed for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the Police Patrol, snooping into people’s windows. The patrols did not matter, however. Only the Thought Police were to be feared.

Every noise made by Wilfried was registered by a Smart home device. Wilfried had been able to locate the business he had bought it from. Wilfried hadn’t had to buy it, but who wants to make himself look suspicious.?

There was, of course, no way to determine if you were being watched at any given moment. How often and by what means the Thought Police infiltrated a private apparatus was anybody’s guess. Everything was recorded. Even if they overlooked an incident of hate speech or intended to get someone anyhow, better filters and artificial intelligence could retroactively find the false thought. So if someone wanted to attack an inconvenient politician, they sent the press an e-mail that the politician was supposed to have written years ago. Or a sentence he was supposed to have uttered years before, one night in a bar as an incautious reply to a provocation. There was always something to find about someone you wanted to finish — something that could be interpreted as “hate” or one of the sub-categories of hate. Anyone loyally serving the government and the official line was allowed to openly express hate every day. Hatred and lies against dissidents were rewarded by medals, money from propaganda funds and sometimes even an individual program on state broadcasting.

The past of anyone who deviated from the line was dug into as long as necessary to find alleged “hate.” The credibility of assertions was not confirmed by technical experts, but by moralists according to “demeanor.”

Truth was proven by “demeanor.”

It was necessary to live with the assumption — and instinctively adjust to the fact — that every sentence spoken or written, every post shared, was heard or read by attitudinal experts and assessed for “Hate Speech.”

A kilometer away, the Ministry of Anti-Fake News, Wilfried’s workplace, loomed, massive and white above…

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Well, you noticed it some time ago. I transplanted excerpts from the novel 1984 to the year 2018. I re-named Winston Smith “Wilfried Schmidt”, made the Telescreen into the Smart-Home-Loudspeaker and substituted “Hate is not an opinion” for “Big Brother is watching you.” It is remarkable how little it takes to transport 1984 into the present age. Orwell had no inkling of storage and retroactive evaluation. We had to add them.

How many fingers, Winston?

For some time now, the saying has gone around: “1984 was not intended to be an instruction manual!” It is supposed to serve as a warning not to let the state get too close to that novelistic nightmare.

But Merkel and the SPD, ARD and ZDF[1] happened, and we see what is happening and we can’t believe what we are seeing. And it makes no difference to what is happening whether we believe it or not.

In the following, I intend to take an uncomplicated preliminary leap into this casual, everyday insanity, by using several points covered in Wikipedia’s 1984 entry under “Methods of Exercising Power.” And I will be writing about the present day.

Control of the past

They have begun to re-write history. For instance, Tagesschau reported recently that the first Briton was dark-skinned — not likely. Leftists invoke the Scholl siblings, implying they were leftists — historically insupportable. Discussing marriage, they invoke the conservative rabbi, Jesus, and on tolerance they mention the “Jew critic,” Luther — it’s absurd. The effects of re-writing history reach into the present. They portray wide-eyed children who are in reality young men old enough for military service. They manipulate videos of unpopular politicians. (To be sure, they sometimes even admit their untruths, but only after the damage has been done, and the government has been able to carry out the measure in question.) Indeed the creation of new history reaches into the future. They show absurd horror films produced by the film company that produced films for Hitler, and today has the very best relations with big politics. They write a history, a present and a future that support their power. The truth is what serves power.


In the beautiful new Germany, there are two realities. One takes place on the streets and in the squares. The other — if you want to keep your feet on the earth — is what you are obliged to believe, to see and to report.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/19/2018

A woman crashed a car that contained accelerants into a satellite sheriff’s office in Broward County, Florida, near Miami. After the impact the car caught fire, and the woman is now in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. Police have not released her name.

In other news, early on Sunday morning forty Peruvian youths got into a brawl on the street in the Italian city of Florence, using beer bottles, cans, and street signs as weapons. The altercation reportedly started after a disagreement in a nearby disco.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, HR, Insubria, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Red Evolution IV: The Subversive Left, the Destabilising Left, the Antecedents of Generation Snowflake and the Ultimate Surrender of Rationality (Part One)

The essay below is the latest in an occasional series by our expatriate English correspondent Peter on the history of the Socialist Left in Britain.

The Red Evolution IV: The Subversive Left, the Destabilising Left, the Antecedents of Generation Snowflake and the Ultimate Surrender of Rationality

by Peter


Having lived through it, I believe the period from 1960 to 1975, commonly known as the ’60s, was a carefully devised trap into which we all propelled ourselves, willingly and of our own volition, a knot with a multitude of apparently loose strands which, when drawn tightly together, ensnared us all. The summer of peace and love did not happen, at least, not the way they said it did. With the wisdom of hindsight, I believe that what did happen in the 1960s was mass-indoctrination; the first of a succession of generations to move into Communism, not by force, but by stealth, subversion, sex, drugs and rock and roll by way of a process which began many years before.

World War II finally ended on 2nd September 1945 with the signing of the Peace Treaty with Japan on the deck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo harbour, Germany having surrendered to the Allies four months earlier, after Hitler had thoughtfully put himself out of everyone’s misery. As a result, the Soviet Union had acquired East Germany and much of Eastern Europe, upon which by means of the eradication of political institutions, terror campaigns, purges of dissidents, mass murder and other tried and tested methods of enforcing totalitarian control, the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ruthlessly imposed communist rule in defiance of assurances extracted from him by his allies at Yalta in February 1945 that free elections would be held. He guessed rightly that Western leaders had had enough of war and would not take up arms again — at least, not then, and not over Eastern Europe.

Stalin and his cronies had planned the Communist takeover of Eastern Europe well before 1939, so that when the Red Army had ‘liberated’ those countries, police forces, both conventional and covert Communist party structures were already in place and awaiting activation. In the late 1940s, with the Soviet Empire now a work in progress, Stalin was intent on extending Soviet influence, believing it was only a matter of time before Western Europe fell into its clutches, but there were several restraining influences.

While Western Europe was nearly destitute and primarily engaged on rebuilding what remained of its society and its cities, thanks in a large part to the Marshall Plan, it was still prepared to defend itself, and if it were to fall short in this enterprise, then America stood ready, willing and able to pick up any deficit. Additionally, the Soviet Union had paid a terrible price for its own role in what it called The Great Patriotic War, far greater than any other participating country. Stalingrad was not the only Soviet City to have been reduced to rubble during hostilities. In Western Russia alone, the degree of desolation caused by a scorched earth policy exercised by both sides had all but obliterated 1700 towns and approximately 70,000 villages, along with 32,000 factories and 65,000 kilometres of railway track. In addition, the loss of life suffered by the population of the USSR as published by the current Russian Government totals 26.6 million people, two thirds of which were civilians, but this has been called a conservative estimate by Russian scholar Boris Sokolov, who believes there were around 43.3 million Soviet lives lost, 27 million of which were civilians.

Therefore Stalin’s options for Soviet expansion through direct assault appeared limited, but there was one option, a proxy war in the east. This would require a minimal call on Soviet manpower while ascertaining firstly whether the West still had the stomach for a fight, and secondly whether his newly-acquired Chinese allies would rally to the cause. The Korean Peninsula had been occupied by the Japanese since 1910, and following their surrender in 1945 had been divided along an area just north of the 38th Parallel between the Soviet-backed north ruled by the Communist Kim Il-Sung and the US backed south led by President Syngman Rhee. It would be fair to say that Soviet support for the North Korean leadership was lukewarm, while the Americans regarded Rhee as the best of a particularly nasty bunch, whose only positive characteristics were his fluency in English and his aversion to communism.

Throughout 1949 and 1950 the North Korean military had been receiving large quantities of Soviet tanks, artillery and aircraft as well as intensive combat training, while its numbers had been enhanced considerably by the return of battle-hardened veterans who had fought on the Communist side in the Chinese civil war. By contrast, the South Korean army had little more than small arms with which to defend itself. A North-versus-South conflict appeared to be a very unequal contest, and this encouraged Stalin to give the word for his North Korean client to invade the South, which it did on 25th June 1950.

Although the invasion caught the Americans by surprise, the UN reacted with amazing speed, compared to the lethargic Arab-dominated talking shop it has now become. On 27th June it authorized a US-led multinational force from what would eventually become twenty-one countries to repel the North Korean invasion. After the first months of the conflict, coalition troops were very much on the back foot until a seaborne UN counter-offensive landed at Inchon cut off North Korean troops and effectively altered the course of the war. The retreating North Korean forces were pursued northwards to an area close to the border with China, whereupon in response to an earlier commitment made to Stalin, Mao Zedong ordered the Communist Chinese army into the war, dispatching a massive force across the border into Korea, compelling the UN armies to retreat in the face of its ferocious advance.

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