Putin to Hack the Bundestag Elections?

According to the German-language press, Russian President Vladimir Putin is not satisfied with just throwing the US election to Donald Trump: German security services are said to be expecting a Russian “hack” of next year’s parliamentary elections.

Many thanks to Egri Nök for translating this article from OE24:

Targeted sex mobs: this is how Putin plans to topple Merkel

December 12, 2016

The German Foreign Ministry is dealing with a new danger.

A high ranking official of the German security service warned that Moscow plans to sabotage the election for the Bundestag in 2017: “We will see an exertion of influence like we have never seen before.”

It is still in question how exactly Putin & Co. want to exert influence. Currently, there are several theories:

  • The leaking of classified documents (as in the US elections)
  • targeted spreading of false rumours (“rape case” Lisa)
  • planting sex mob refugees

Gustav Gressel, an expert on Russia from the European Council on Foreign Relations, explained in the Bild newspaper: “A part of the refugees from Iraq and Syria, even if just a very small part, had connections to Assad’s or Saddam Hussein’s secret services.” These could now be used for heckling, Gressel is concerned.

“What, for example, would happen, if at a summer festival before the elections something similar like the Silvester night of Cologne repeats? How would this make Merkel look? What were the consequences for the Bundestag election? Of course this is an extreme example, but it is within the realm of possibility”, Gressel warns.

This satirical piece from Der Postillon, also translated by Egri Nök, fits right in:

CIA: Putin rigged the elections for Hitler in 1933

December 12, 2016

Berlin, Moscow (dpo) — It is beyond doubt for most media that Vladimir Putin significantly influenced the US elections. Now it has surfaced that the Russian president apparently also had a hand in German politics: According to CIA analysis, during the Reichstag election in the year 1933, Putin rigged the election with targeted propaganda for the NSDAP candidate Adolf Hitler.

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Careful With That Axe, Eugene!

What should a conscientious citizen do if he observes a man with an axe who looks like he might use it for something nefarious? The Berlin police recommend that you… call the police, what else? But it’s better not to try anything heroic — just scream real loud and get out of there.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from the Berliner Morgenpost:

What do I do if I’m standing in front of the axe-wielding man?

A 27-year-old man was endangering himself when he followed two men with an axe who looked like they were ready to inflict violence. Here’s what one can do in case of such a situation.

Two men who looked like they were ready for violence were roaming through Berlin with an axe. A man noticed them and wanted to stop them — when one of the two men punched him in the face with his fist, while his friend handed him the axe and as he was going to bring the axe down, he stopped himself. That is how the 27-year-old victim recounts his experience from Wednesday evening.

It’s quite possible that the man prevented something much worse by immediately calling the police when he noticed the two men with the axe. But obviously he also put himself into danger because he followed the two men.

The Berlin Police do not want to evaluate the man’s actions. How one should act accordingly, always depends on the situation. “One should just trust one’s gut instincts,” says a spokeswoman for the Police. But basically, “one shouldn’t put themselves in danger, of course.” Of course one should help, but what one concretely does or shouldn’t do depends entirely on the situation — for instance, whether or not the offender is armed. “In this case we’re talking about an instance where one instead shouldn’t have intervened. One is, after all, not armed in return.”

Immediately called the police

But it is great that the 27-year-old immediately called 911 for the police once he noticed the two men with the axe at the Berliner Strasse subway station. “That’s exactly what one should do when one observes such a situation,” the spokeswoman says.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/14/2016

Security forces in Western Europe are ramping up their counterterrorist efforts ahead of the coming holidays by increasing surveillance and detaining suspected terrorists. Intelligence officials believe that attempted terrorist attacks are likely during the Christmas season.

In other news, the young Muslim woman who reported that she was harassed and called a “terrorist” by white Donald Trump supporters on the NYC subway has admitted to police that she made the story up.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, LP, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Primer for HF Radio

What happens if the Internet gets shut down?

Or: Imagine that the transfer of ICANN to the UN takes effect, and suddenly your IP address is blacklisted. You can’t get a viable domain. And the Powers That Be are tracking your efforts to establish anonymous proxies, and keep blocking your access. What alternatives do you have?

These scenarios overlap with the problem of what to do if the grid goes down. A diligent household prepares alternate means of long-distance communication, and that’s what Brushbeater talks about in this detailed primer on HF radio:

Your First HF Station

So far, in following the Survivalist paradigm concerning radio, we’ve discussed the many uses of hand held sets, due to their overwhelming popularity but far more importantly their largely misunderstood role. Capable of local, or Line of Sight ( LOS ) communications, they are often the entry-level communications device that most cut their teeth upon. Mobile VHF or UHF sets usually offer more power and increased range, but basically accomplish the same goals with most off the self models leaving out AM and SSB from the upper bands. But from there, the next step seems bewildering at a minimum and inaccessible at worst. The advantages of HF communications however, are numerous and bring to the table tools that possibly get overlooked in other contexts. That being said, getting on HF is kinda tough. You need at least a General Class radio license, which is certainly attainable but no small feat, and the selection of equipment is nothing short of bewildering ( as well as expensive in many cases ). Hopefully by the end of this, together we’ll get a better understanding of meeting our requirements.

Why HF?

The first question in a lot of minds among the uninitiated is ‘Why is this important? Why do I want to talk to people I don’t know?’

Well, at first glance, this would seem logical. In a grid-down, crazy variable-x situation, talking to people you don’t know could endanger your ‘opsec’ and ‘put your preps at risk’ (these are both face value arguments I’ve heard) and that possibly may be true over LOS. If you’re talking to people you don’t know on VHF, they very likely are within range to affect your near-term living condition. This is not necessarily logical over HF. First, the antenna size required for efficiency (in most cases) and complication of operation negates likely hostiles baiting folks over HF. It’s just too hard. You’ll most likely find that stuff on the license-free options.

Second, and much more important, is that HF creates self-controlled regional and even global communications. Yes, you read that right. Sure, there’s shortwave radio stations to be heard, but we can do that with some of the higher-end handheld radios I’ve previously recommended or the excellent SW receivers on the market without buying a much more expensive and complicated HF set. But those SW stations are filtered, written and approved by someone with an agenda, as nearly all international stations are state-run and to varying degrees exist as propaganda tools.

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David, Goliath and a Dead Horse

The following essay is an overview of the prospects for Hungary and the Visegrad Four as events in the EU and the USA unfold.

Many thanks to CrossWare for translating this piece from the Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap:

David, Goliath and a dead horse

By Sándor Faggyas
December 5, 2016

Position: In next week’s EU summit, the primary topic of discussion will again be mandatory refugee quota allocations

In early January the new UN Secretary General will take office. He is António Guterres, the former Prime Minister of Portugal, who was the President of the Socialist International. It has already been revealed that the General Assembly chose badly in October, when they unanimously elected him to replace the departing South Korean Ban Ki-Moon, who served for ten years. The Portuguese politician headed the UN High Commission for Refugees for ten years, and on many occasions he advocated for the rights of the refugees. The Portuguese bishops also praised Guterres, who is a faithful Catholic, for his faith in humanity after his nomination for the post of UN Secretary-General.

Well, the other day the soon-to-be new Secretary General said the following at a conference in Lisbon: “Migration is not the problem but the solution.” In his view, “It must be recognized that migration is inevitable and will not stop,” so “we must convince Europeans that migration is inevitable, and the multi-ethnic, multicultural, multi-religious societies are the ones generating wealth.” He called on politicians for tolerance and put into focus rational arguments to support their decisions. According to him, they must choose ideology instead of focusing on their next national parliamentary elections, because if you abandon ideas and ideology, it will be very difficult to bounce back again.

So this left-wing migration-philic politician will be directing the United Nations for the next five years. This is an ominous sign for us Europeans, because the vast majority of UN member states are not recipients of but source countries for migration. In other words, they support migration, and support Guterres’ “idea” that European countries must to accept, receive and distribute refugees from Asia and Africa more effectively. António Guterres does not understand, however, that there seem to be many millions seeking a better life in Europe, and migrants transported here by human trafficking gangs are not the same as real refugees in real danger — or he deliberately confuses the two categories. Just as the top offices of the European Union are still under the control of stupid and raving left-wing bureaucrats. Those who are always interested in massive and illegal immigration to the European Union, and in spreading it among the member states.

Anyone who thinks that migration is the solution is like the simpleton who has not noticed that he is sitting on a dead horse, and wonders why he cannot escape from the fast-approaching prairie fire. The future UN Secretary-General — who is not even in office yet — has not yet noticed that Germany, after spending a year with Merkel’s well-intentioned, naïve, yet suicidal Willkommenskultur doctrine, has also got off the dead horse. [I do not think the Germans have got off that proverbial horse just yet. — translator]. A few months ago Angela Merkel admitted: “If I knew what was going to happen I would turn the clock back many years.” She admitted that Germany and she herself were not prepared for the refugee crisis: “In recent years we did not do everything right, and we were not the world champions of the integration.” Germany is now at a point where a lot of public money is being spent to support and encourage the Asian and African asylum seekers to leave voluntarily and return home. The federal government estimates that since the beginning of last year, more than one million asylum seekers arrived, and by the end of this year, only around one hundred thousand people have left Germany, including nearly twenty-seven thousand deported, which is huge peak in decades of statistics.

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Björn Höcke: “We Say NO to a Tolerance That Ends in Self-Abandonment”

In recent years we have featured several videos of Björn Höcke, who is now an MP for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany). The following video is a short extract from a speech given recently by Mr. Höcke.

Oz-Rita, who translated the clip for subtitling, includes these notes:

This speech was given just after the election victory of Donald Trump, on November 12, 2016. The event, organised by the AfD, took place in Gunzenhausen in Bavaria.

Höcke is one of my favorite MPs in Germany (passionately feared, hence hated and defamed by the dark Merkel side) because he puts his energy into Klartext (clear language) and seems fearless. I see a future Chancellor in him, if they do not kill him one way or another.

In his speech he welcomes the victory of Donald Trump, defends Populism, disparages the left-right schema, condemns Political Correctness and praises patriotism.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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The Accused Murderer of Maria L. Has Been 17 For Three Years

If only the Spanish explorers had known that the Fountain of Youth was in Afghanistan, they wouldn’t have wasted so much time fooling around in Florida.

According to the latest news from Germany, the wee Afghan lad who allegedly raped and murdered Maria L. in Freiburg was arrested and imprisoned three years ago… when he was seventeen years old. He must have employed some interdimensional time warp to travel to Germany, because by the time he threw Maria’s body into the River Dreisam in October 2016, he was still only seventeen.

That must be some water they drink up there in the Hindu Kush.

The following news clip from German TV gives more details on the latest revelations about Hussein K., the alleged teenaged alleged murderer. It seems the energetic fellow threw a young lady over a cliff in Greece in 2014. His victim was fortunate enough to survive the fall, and was able to identify her assailant at his trial. The Greeks gave him a ten-year sentence, but released him early for unknown reasons. When he got out, he heard Mutti Merkel’s siren call and set his compass for Freiburg.

This German report goes to absurd extremes in pixelating faces and abbreviating names. If you want to read Hussein Khavari’s full name, and examine unblurred photos of his various tattoos, see the feature in today’s Daily Mail.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below are excerpts from the Mail article:

Afghan Migrant Accused of Raping and Murdering EU Official’s Teenage Daughter Had Previously Tried to Kill a Woman by Throwing Her Off a CLIFF

A teenaged Afghan refugee accused of raping and murdering a young medical student in Germany had tried to kill once before, it emerged today.

Stern magazine reported that Hussein Khavari, 17, had thrown a 20-year-old student off a cliff on Corfu, Greece, in May 2013.

The woman was severely injured but ‘miraculously’ survived and was able to identify her attacker.

Khavari, who sits in detention in Germany after his DNA linked him to the October sex killing of Maria Ladenburger, 19, in Freiburg, was given a 10 year jail term by a Greek court.

Khavari told his lawyer that he ‘regretted’ what had happened. The magazine added: ‘Why the Greek justice system early on let him out of jail, if he pushed her off, is thus far unclear.’

Bild newspaper in Germany showed a picture of Khavari that he took of himself days before the attack on Maria to Maria-Eleni Nikolopoulou, his Greek lawyer in the trial in 2014.

Her reaction: ‘This is the same person, definitely. I’m speechless.’

The Greek victim plunged 25 feet down the cliff face. Authorities said she only survived because, as a keen amateur mountain climber, she knew how to protect her head during the plunge.

The attack came after Khavari had been drinking in a bar. The Greek history student told said she had been walking home when ‘he was suddenly in front of me. I gave him my purse. But when the headlights of a car him he pushed me backwards.’

In a further interview with the Greek TV channel Alfa in 2014 she went on; ‘Then he grabbed me at the hips and legs, lifted me up and threw me down the cliff.’

In February 2014 he was sentenced to 10 years in jail. But he was placed in youth detention and it remains unclear why he was freed so soon into his term.

Video transcript:

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RTL West Commentary: “The Mood is Changing Massively”

The “university rapist” from Bochum is a “refugee” from Iraq. The “cemetery rapist” from Ibbenbüren comes from Eritrea. Below is a brief commentary from Jörg Zajonc, the head of RTL West, on the recent wave of rapes committed by migrants in Germany.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Christian Statues Defaced in Havixbeck

The following report from Germany describes the recent vandalism and destruction of Christian statues at churches in North Rhine-Westphalia. The police investigators interviewed for the report don’t mention JIM, but they acknowledge that there is most likely a religious motive for the destruction.

A side-note: In ancient times, when a city-state was invaded and conquered by warriors from a different political entity, during the process of conquest the invaders would systematically deface the religious sculptures of the conquered group by striking off noses, breasts, hands, and genitals, and sometimes by chiseling out the eyes. These actions were believed to neutralize any supernatural powers the statues might have.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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The Word “Integration” is Very Unpopular With Young Muslims in Berlin

The following brief clip is from an event that is not identified, but based on the backdrop, it’s a joint event of the “Union” parties in the German parliament: the Christian Democratic Union (Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands, CDU), and the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern, CSU).

In it you’ll see a young Muslim woman explain that the term “integration” is unnerving to her and many young Muslims because they do not have to integrate themselves in Germany, and that therefore they should not constantly be bothered with demands for integration.

The Muslima is not identified, but she is obviously a member of the Muslim youth organization JUMA (jung, muslimisch, aktiv, a project for young Muslims in Berlin sponsored by the Berlin Senate and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth).

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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No Girls Allowed!

The following report from French television examines the neighborhoods and businesses in France where women are simply not permitted. Needless to say, in any area where the exclusion of females is practiced, cultural enrichment predominates.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/13/2016

A priest in a town in northern Italy has decided not to set up a Christmas crèche this year in his town’s cemetery. Fr. Sante Braggie said that he decided to break with tradition to avoid offending Muslims, who might be visiting the graves of their loved ones in the Muslim section of the cemetery.

In other news, the Tunisian captain of a ship that capsized and drowned 900 illegal migrants has been sentenced to eighteen years in prison by an Italian court.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to FouseSquawk, Insubria, JD, Nick, Reader from Chicago, Srdja Trifkovic, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy’s Day

’Tis the year’s midnight, and ’tis the day’s,
Lucie’s who scarce seven hours herself unmasks,
The Sun is spent, and now his flasks
Send forth light squibs, no constant rays;
The whole world’s sap is sunk:
The general balm th’hydroptic earth hath drunk,
Whither, as to the bed’s-feet, life is shrunk,
Dead and interred; yet all these seem to laugh,
Compared with me, who am their epitaph.

— From “A Nocturnal upon St. Lucie’s Day, Being the Shortest Day” by John Donne

Today is St. Lucy’s Day, and tonight is the night for celebrating the shortest day of the year (which it was under the Julian Calendar, when the feast day was set).

We’ve written in the past about the St. Lucy celebrations in Scandinavia, particularly Sweden, when young girls wear a rack of candles on their head and walk in a procession. As political correctness corroded Swedish culture, first a girl of color was substituted for the traditional blond-haired blue-eyed child, and then later boys wore the candles on their heads. After the latter revision was instituted, Dymphna predicted the demise of the festival of St. Lucy, and now it has indeed occurred.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Politically Incorrect:

Santa Lucia 2016

Today, December 13th, is Lucia Day. All over Sweden on this day, local Lucias are being selected. Each school, each kindergarten, each city and each town and village chooses their own Lucia. These Lucias will then on December 13th sing the Lucia songs with a crown of candles on their heads. Traditionally they are accompanied by other girls also dressed in white and with a few boys, the Stjärngossar, star singers, with long white shirts and their pointed hats decorated with stars. They sing in churches, but also in Hospitals and in nursing homes. That’s how it used to be!

This December it will be unusually dark in many different towns. There will be no Lucia in Ystad, nor in Köping, Umeå, Uddevalla or Södertälje. More and more cities and communities are doing away with this tradition. Lucia is disappearing from the schools and kindergartens as well. Seven kindergartens in Stockholm alone have decided to abolish this Swedish tradition this year. At the Tantolunden preschool, the Santa Lucia celebration was replaced with a “festival of lights”. Declining interest, in connection with the fact that this celebration does not include all (new) Swedes, is the common reason stated. “The picture of Lucia almost always shows a blonde woman that symbolizes everything Swedish. Many people do not recognize themselves in this,” says Jonas Engman, an ethnologist from the Nordiska Museum.

Back in 2012 Swedes experienced a politically correct Lucia with a multicultural look that the public Swedish TV channel SVT broadcast from the cathedral in Uppsala. Moreover, an Arabic “new Swede” destroyed the celebratory mood by performing a street rap in broken Rinkeby Swedish with a text that celebrated “multiculti”. The brown “Pepperkaksgubbar”, gingerbread boys, and the Stjärngossarna, star singers, were forbidden due to consideration for Muslim kids (and parents).

This year an advertising campaign for the Swedish department store Åhléns, which chose an African boy for the role of Lucia (was USED for the role of Lucia), caused quite a stir. Especially in and through social media, the campaign brought huge media attention. After criticism (racist hate on the net) by outraged citizens, who complained about the trampling of Swedish traditions, there was an even bigger multiculti indignation about these “racists”. And if that wasn’t enough, it is now assumed that the department store organized this as a public relations campaign together with the left Facebook group #jagärhär that operates against hate on the net (!), in order to provoke hate mail. The Facebook group is said to have written quite a few of these hate emails themselves.

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Twilight of the Angela

The populist uprisings this past fall may portend a “European Spring” in the new year. The future does not look bright for Angela Merkel and all the other EU-philic political leaders west of the old Iron Curtain.

What will become of Frau Dr. Merkel after the inauguration of Donald Trump next month?

Many thanks to JLH for translating this essay from Geolitico, a classical-liberal magazine of political culture:

Twilight of the Chancellor Since the Advent of Trump[1]

by Wolfgang Prabel
November 18, 2016

Chancellor Merkel will run aground on Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as Erich Honecker did on Gorbachev and Reagan

Frau Dr. Merkel was chosen almost yearly as the most powerful woman in the world by the American stuffed-shirt magazine Forbes. We will forebear to comment, for now, on how that may have gone to her head. What is clear is that Merkel’s power was on loan, as long as she faithfully carried out the orders of the propaganda ministry in Hollywood. For example, destroying Germany’s energy supply, naturalizing limitless numbers of North Africans, and constantly propping up Greece. Merkel was President Obama’s European executor.

If a European head of state refused to follow the Imperial Berlin Chancellery, pressure came from Washington. If there was no European consensus, Merkel went it alone, without consulting her European partners. And so it was for the German energy policy that weighed on all its neighbors, and the grandiosely collapsed Turkey deal.

Allies Hardly Reliable

Nonetheless, an anti-German block formed, encompassing all of East and Southeast Europe. For instance, in the case of the “refugee distribution,” the sinister Dr. Merkel made not an inch of progress. Resistance formed up at first in the Visegrad states of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czechia. Austria joined in and blocked off the Balkan route in cooperation with Macedonia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria and Albania. In addition, Poland, the Netherlands and the Czechs are shielding themselves against the German maelstrom. Denmark is guarding its German border, France its Italian border.

The euro rescue operation is over in South Europe. In Portugal and Greece communist regimes are in charge and scornful of any consolidation measures. Italy’s debt has long since passed the point of no return. France and Spain are being infected by the example of the others. The euro has been destroyed by Merkel’s mistaken decision to let Greece continue muddling along in the eurozone. Merkel, meanwhile, is storming against a defensive backfield that forms a soft-euro bulwark.

The UK had already fled via Brexit, before Merkel’s ill-considered policy catastrophe. Only Luxembourg and the mighty US were still reliable allies. And now all that is left is the Grand Duchy. Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, is sitting on his already packed luggage in Brussels, and planning his flight to Berlin, before the storm breaks over him.

Merkel’s Electoral Dilemma

As of January, all of Merkel’s European opponents will be encouraged by Washington. In good German tradition, she will lead a lone battle against the rest of the world from her Führerbunker, tinkering with the moral atom bomb. Sinister German politics will not welcome the fact that the French presidential election will take place shortly after the changing of the guard in America and still before the German parliamentary elections. This is significant, because all recent elections have been angry and fearful reactions to Germany’s kamikaze policy since September, 2015:

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