Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/24/2013

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been convicted of paying for sex with an underage Moroccan prostitute known as “Ruby Heart-Stealer” during notorious sex parties at his villa. He has been sentenced to seven years in prison, and barred from political office for the rest of his life.

In other news, in response to last night’s rocket attack, Israeli jets targeted storage areas and launch facilities for rockets in Gaza.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DS, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, MC, McR, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Report from Lazarus

I went on a little outing this afternoon: I drove through the thunderstorms to visit a nice doctor who stuck a needle in my left eye.

The good news is that this means I have recovered sufficiently from Lyme disease to be able to resume my scheduled treatments for choroidal neovascularization (wet macular degeneration). And, truth to tell, the process is less horrible every time I go through it. I know exactly what will happen, how it will feel, and what the aftereffects will be in the hours and days following each treatment. And I have the positive effects of the injection — which have been considerable so far — to look forward to.

So, all in all, it’s not bad. I still have to blog with one eye, but my goal is to be able to use both eyes again someday.

At my final follow-up visit to our family doctor last week for a Lyme disease check-up, the doc gave the go-ahead for my visit to the retinal specialist today. She said that I almost certainly had had Lyme, or one of the closely related tick-borne bacterial illnesses, and that I was slowly but surely recovering.

And recovery has indeed been slow. It took five or six days of doxycycline before the major symptoms receded significantly.

The main cycle of symptoms — severe chills, high fever, terrible headache, muscle aches, etc. — continued at roughly 24-hour intervals for eleven days, until the 16th of June. The cycle of bad headaches continued for another six days, until late last week. Now there is nothing left but slight muscle aches that appear from time to time, plus a tendency to become exhausted earlier than usual. I’m about 95% back to normal.

Thirty or forty years ago I probably would have bounced back more quickly. I’m a tough old geezer, but still — this Lyme is a mean disease.

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NER Is Back Up

The New English Review is back in business after being down for an extended period due to a DDOS attack.

Editor Rebecca Bynum just sent us this note:

NER is back up and rolling again. There is a lot of work to do to get the site cleaned up, but we’re on our way.

It seems to be a bit slow loading — let me know if you have problems.

I will try to have the July issue basically done by Sunday, but it may be a bit late.

“The Government Wants Us to Fear Them”


The auto-play-won’t-turn-off video I embedded from The Daily Caller was too much for my PTSD brain. I have left the link in place so you can see that interview; it’s very good. In its place is a snip of Mrs. Gerritson’s testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this month. You can search for the whole seven minutes or so on other You Tube channels, using her name, Becky Gerritson.

From Grae Stafford at The Daily Caller, who calls this “the human face of the IRS scandal”.

Gerritson is the president and founder of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama. In an exclusive — and at times, emotional — interview with The Daily Caller, she spoke about the fear and mistrust in her life since the IRS targeted her and other Americans on the basis of their political beliefs.

Gerritson and her testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee put a human face on the IRS scandal and made her an overnight sensation.

“I’m a born free American woman, wife, mother and citizen. And I’m telling my government that you’ve forgotten your place,” Gerritson testified.

In an interview with TheDC’s special correspondent Ginni Thomas, Gerritson said that it appears that the government wants its citizens to fear it.

Many people have long ‘joked’ that the U.S. has its very own KGB in the persons of those government employees in the IRS who perform tax audits.

Playing With Matches in Gaza

Our Israeli correspondent MC sends this brief report about last night’s fireworks show from Gaza:

Hi Baron,

I awoke last night to three explosions, probably Iron Dome taking out the missiles fired at Ashkelon.

I read in the newspapers that this is all about an internal squabble in Gaza, where the little boys are playing with matches at our expense.

It just illustrates how cheap human life is to the Palestinians, and Jewish life particularly so.

I suppose that what is worse is that the rest of the world excuses this behavior, or ignores it,


Below are excerpts from a report on the incident in The Times of Israel:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/23/2013

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who leaked secret surveillance documents to the press, has flown from Hong Kong to Moscow on an Aeroflot jet. He has reportedly been granted asylum in Ecuador, and will fly there accompanied by Ecuadoran embassy officials.

In other news, the EU’s counter-terrorism coordinator says that as many as 800 Europeans are fighting alongside the “rebels” in the Syrian jihad.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Piglet Vindicated in Kristiansand

Some positive news from Norway, for a change.

Back in February we reported on the case of a man in Kristiansand who had been convicted of a crime for leaving a pig’s head in front of a mosque. His act was a protest against the fact that complaints from Muslim patients had forced a hospital to take down a poster of the cartoon character Piglet.

The defendant appealed the case to a higher court, and with the help of SIAN (Stop the Islamization of Norway), his conviction was overturned on Friday.

Many thanks to The Observer for this translation from SIAN:

Muslims’ contemptuous attitude towards Piglet is nothing but an affront

The police got ‘whipped’

It took Agder Court of Appeals just
half an hour today to reverse the original verdict against Dan Eivind Lid (41) — who in February this year was ordered by the District Court in Kristiansand to pay NoK 20,000 in fines, or alternatively spend 40 days in prison — after he was found guilty of placing a red-painted pig’s head outside the mosque in the city in May last year.

Consequently the police received a proper ‘slap’ — as the judicial strategy chosen by the police prosecutors for this particular incident was completely wrong. The police are free to come up with a new criminal charge, but it is highly unlikely that they will choose to do so. Dan Eivind Lid is thus no longer a convicted individual. In a comment to Sian’s online newspaper, Lid says:

“This was a very satisfying outcome. I received complete redress — we won a victory over Islam’s disparaging and contemptuous attitude towards Piglet.”

It was the lawyer Bengt Waldow who represented Lid in court, while the police attorney Leif Aleksandersen represented the prosecution. Dan Eivind Lid says that he is very grateful for the fact that his lawyer took the matter seriously, but he would also like to add that he wants to thank SIAN for the support he received from the organization.

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The Istanbul Process Continues

Almost two years ago — exactly a week before Anders Behring Breivik’s massacre in Norway — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) launched what they called the “Istanbul Process”. Their initiative was a joint project of the OIC and the USA, and was intended to bring Western nations (especially the USA) into compliance with UN Resolution 16/18, which aims to “[combat] intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatisation of, and discrimination, incitement to violence, and violence against persons based on religion and belief.” The eventual goal is that member states of the UN will be required to pass laws criminalizing such “stereotyping” and “discrimination” based on religious belief. I don’t have to tell you that the intended primary beneficiary of Resolution 16/18 is Islam, and that all the attempts to implement the resolution are being pushed by the OIC and its Muslim Brotherhood-influenced allies in the governments and NGOs of major Western nations.

Mrs. Clinton is gone from the scene now, felled by the Benghazi scandal, but the Istanbul Process soldiers on without her. The European Union has to a large extent already complied with the demands of Resolution 16/18, and that’s why it was such a pleasant surprise to hear about the recent vote by the European Parliament.

On Tuesday June 18 the Legal Project published the following report about a very welcome resolution on free speech passed by the EP:

EU Challenges the UN and OIC on Press Freedom
by Nathaniel Sugarman

The European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg passed two resolutions Thursday, each detailing a set of recommendations to protect the rights of journalists to speak and print freely.

“The EU, as a community of values, should aspire to lead in ensuring the free word, whether blogged or spoken, and information, whether researched or photographed, are protected. Journalists and a free, pluralist media, are essential for democracies and checks on power. Freedom of speech and freedom after speech are at the core of open and free societies,” said Marietje Schaake (ALDE, NL), rapporteur for press and media freedom in the world. The EP is the directly elected parliament of the European Union.

The first resolution (2011/2081(INI)), focusing on press freedom, “(r)ecognizes that governments have the primary responsibility for guaranteeing and protecting freedom of the press and media.” The resolution also “points out that governments also have the primary responsibility for hampering freedom of the press and media and, in the worst cases, are increasingly resorting to legal pressures in order to restrict that freedom, e.g. through the abuse of anti-terrorism or anti-extremism legislation and laws on national security, treason or subversion.” The EP endorses a “balance” between the concerns of national security and press freedom. The resolution goes further to deplore the fact that “journalists are frequently wounded or murdered or are being subjected to serious abuses throughout the world, often with impunity,” and stresses the “importance of combating impunity.”

The second resolution (2013/2082(INI)), centering on religious freedom, endorses the firm opposition of “any attempt to criminalise freedom of speech in relation to religious issues, such as blasphemy laws.” The EP predictably condemns “all forms of violence and discrimination,” but goes further to emphasize that “particular attention should be paid to the situation of those who change their religion or belief, as in practice they are subject in a number of countries to social pressure, intimidation or outright violence.”

Both moves by the EP stand in contrast to the more restrictive policies endorsed by the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The OIC has endorsed “blasphemy laws” — the same type of law denounced by the EP in today’s resolution. Although now blasphemy laws are often euphemistically referred to as laws protecting the “defamation of religion,” the concept remains the same — laws that punish non-incitement speech about religion. The UN has worked with the OIC to help codify this type of speech restriction as international law.


Some have already opined that the European Parliament, although ideologically praiseworthy, lacks the will to implement these resolutions as law, which now only exist as recommendations. Whether or not resolutions 2081 and 2082 are eventually codified in any way, the EP’s actions remain significant in the face of UN and OIC pressure to promote a more restrictive international speech code.

What’s going oh here? Just a few days after this resolution was passed, Secretary General Ihsanoglu said the “Istanbul Process must also be seen as a poster child of OIC-US-EU cooperation.” So what happened to the third leg of the 16/18 triad? Did the EU secede from the Istanbul Process? Or was this just a last toothless gesture of European defiance against an illiberal regime that will criminalize all thoughtcrimes concerning Islam?

Events surrounding the Istanbul Process often seem to move in a mysterious synchrony with other relevant events. Sometimes its proponents seize on a serendipitous opportunity, as seems to be the case with the Breivik massacre — which occurred just a week after the launch of the Istanbul Process. Alternatively, certain eruptions of “Islamophobia” are carefully prepared in advance, at least partially, and then used as grist for the OIC’s mill at the right moment. An example of the latter is the notorious Mohammed movie, which was obviously pushed into the Arabic-language Internet just in time for the “Free the Blind Sheikh” demos in Cairo on September 11, 2012. Events in Benghazi put a spanner in the works of that project — there’s no telling how it would have turned out if Al Qaeda hadn’t departed from the prepared script in Libya.

In another amazing coincidence, the next round of the Istanbul Process began the day after the Legal Project published its report on the EP resolution: on June 19 the OIC convened its third meeting on “Religious Hatred” in Geneva. The Malaysian Bernama news service announced the three-day event [emphasis added]:

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Allen West Honors a Hero

On Thursday night Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff appeared at the annual ACT! For America gala banquet at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C. Her function at the occasion was to present the first annual “Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Profiles in Courage Award” to Lt. Col. Allen West. After Col. West received his award, he told the audience that he didn’t deserve it. He presented it in turn to a young woman named Julie, a Pakistani Christian who had acid thrown all over her body by Muslims. She is now an American living in Texas, and is studying to be an accountant. She had spoken previously at the event.

This moving moment was caught on video. The sound in the clip below is somewhat unclear at the beginning, but settles down after Col. West begins speaking into the microphone. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for processing and uploading this video:

Gang Rape in Broad Daylight in Bergen

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article about a culturally enriched gang rape in the city of Bergen in Western Norway. The translator includes this introduction:

I have translated this article from about a particularly brutal rape that occurred in Bergen yesterday in broad daylight. The article mentions that that the alleged perpetrators are five men of foreign origin, but nothing more than that. However I did some research online and found out that the park mentioned in the article is frequently used by African and North African drug pushers, so it’s not unreasonable to assume that the perpetrators are involved in this line of work or that they hail from those parts of the world.

I don’t know anything about the victim, whether she’s a drug addict or not.

If this had happened 25-30 years ago the police in Bergen would have beat the living crap out of the perpetrators if they had been able to track them down. Check out this article about police brutality in Bergen in the ‘70s and ‘80s.

The police in Norway knew how to deal with criminals before PC was allowed to poison the profession and society as a whole, and all the girly-men were allowed to join the force.

The translated article from Aftenposten:

Woman raped by several men

The woman was taken away in an ambulance. “She was injured and collapsed,” says one witness

Police were notified of the incident at 3.11 PM. Ambulance and police personnel were immediately dispatched to the scene.

“The woman has told us that she was raped by several foreign men approximately 35 minutes before we were notified of the incident,” says Erik Gjesdal, leader of operations in Hordaland police district, to Bergens Tidende [local newspaper].

“The woman was in a terrible condition and it was obvious that she was very distressed,” says the chief detective at the scene.

Partially naked

A nurse in her 40s discovered the woman.

BT’s (local newspaper) cultural editor and editor of the comments sections, Hilde Sandvik was walking just behind the nurse who discovered the battered 30-year-old victim when she (the victim) collapsed in Nygårdsparken [The Nygård Park].

“She shouted to me while she was holding the woman still. I immediately called the 113 emergency number and informed the emergency operator that a woman had been attacked,” says Sandvik.

According to Sandvik the woman had scratches on her body, had been subjected to violence and was partially naked. Sandvik concluded that the victim was in a state of shock.

In a terrible state

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Happy Life in the USSA

As America’s ‘exceptionalism’ erodes and we become just another threadbare socialist failure, the idea of doing an occasional Soviet joke has come to seem more and more appropriate. One has only to read the Drudge Report headlines to see how far down the slippery slope we’ve gone. It looks like we’re picking up speed, too.

So today, while I still feel well enough, I’m instituting this “Happy Life in the USSA”…that’s its name for the moment. It may be that readers will suggest something better and it will change with the next one, whenever that is.

Several events have converged to lead me into this project: talking to Oleg at The People’s Cube about his experiences growing up in Ukraine. Another is receiving soviet-style jokes from people I would never have thought likely to notice. In other words, it’s in the air. Finally, I’ve always been attracted to gallows humor and ethnic jokes. Those people understand how humor arises in the face of misery; not in spite of our suffering but because it is a robust response of liveliness in the face of death or being silenced. That is sadly true as the shadow of the gallows they’ve set up for free speech looms ever larger over our public space.

Might as well tell these while I can, eh?

The joke that finally pushed me to begin this series isn’t all that funny or memorable. What was striking is its obvious resurrection from an earlier life in Russian. Or Polish — or any Eastern bloc country where those who ran the state security apparatus were to be feared. In its current incarnation, there are these two fellows, see…or rather, there are these two workers:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/22/2013

On Midsummer’s Eve, “youths” in the Stockholm suburb of Kista knocked down a pregnant woman and kicked her in the stomach whilst robbing her of her handbag. They also knocked over the stroller she was pushing, throwing the child inside to the ground. The child in stroller was unhurt, but there was no word on the woman’s condition, or that of her unborn baby.

In other news, 46 million dollars in tax refunds were sent to nearly 24,000 “unauthorized” aliens, all of whom were apparently living at the same address in Atlanta, Georgia.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JP, McR, Nick, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Ottawa Muslims Call for Sharia-Based Restrictions on Freedom of Speech

“Everything has a limit… There is no such thing as unlimited free speech.”

As most readers know, back in February Gavin Boby of the Law and Freedom Foundation visited Ottawa to talk to interested Canadians about the need to stop the building of new mosques, and how to use legal means to accomplish that purpose. Gavin’s appearance at the Ottawa Public Library provoked controversy before, during, and after his talk took place. CAIR-CAN tried to pressure the library to cancel the event, but failed.

Several weeks a later a group of Muslims gathered in the same room of the same library to give what they styled as a rebuttal of Gavin Boby. Their only significant proposals were that people like Gavin Boby not be allowed to speak out about Islam, and should be denied entry to Canada.

Vlad Tepes has compiled some excerpts from that “rebuttal”, and includes some of his own commentary:

For more information on the context of this event, including links to the complete videos of the “rebuttal”, visit Vlad’s place.

Recruiting for Jihad in Ceuta

Ceuta is a Spanish enclave on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, surrounded by Morocco. The Spanish authorities arrested eight men yesterday in Ceuta on suspicion of being Al Qaeda operatives recruiting for the jihad in Syria.

Many thanks to Hermes for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for subtitling this report from RT:


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