Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/11/2015

Kinetic activists for the Islamic State in Libya are reportedly continuing their campaign to abolish antiquity by destroying ancient Sufi shrines. Meanwhile, Caliph Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi and a militant preacher in Kuwait are calling for the destruction of the Egyptian pyramids and other blasphemous relics of the jahiliyyah.

In other news, Madame Hillary Clinton, the First Lady Emeritus of the Amalgamated Socialist Republic of America, held a press conference yesterday at the UN at which she repeatedly insisted that she did not have text with that email server.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Papa Whiskey, Prospero, Srdja Trifkovic, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Will Quebec Say “Non” to the Niqab?

Will Quebec join its francophone cousins in Europe and ban face-covering veils? According to TVA Nouvelles, that may well be in the cards.

The following translation by C.B. Sashenka originally appeared at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form:

Secularism: Quebec Wants to Ban the Wearing of the Full Islamic Veil

March 10, 2015 (3:30 pm) Agence France-Presse

[Quebec Premier] Couillard promises a plan of action and a law

The Quebec government will legislate on secularism by the summer to ban the wearing of the full Islamic veil for officials in contact with the population, as well as for citizens in public administration, an unprecedented measure in Canada.

The law on “state neutrality” should remind us of our “fundamental individual rights” that apply in this province, said Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard during a recent interview with AFP.

“It will be proposed that both the person providing a public service and receiving it must have their faces exposed for communication, safety and identification purposes.”

The Liberal leader, elected with a large majority last April, notes that this will apply to both public service and municipal government.

This enforcement action will prevent the wearing of the full veil (niqab or burqa) by employees or users of the administration.

“It’s the least the government could do. The expectation of citizens was high to ensure that the state decides on its relations with the religious,” considers Jocelyn Maclure, a philosophy professor at Laval University in Quebec City.

“It’s surprising that this has not yet been done.”

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The Betrayal Papers — Part IV of V

NOTE: This essay is the fourth in a five-part series from the Qatar Awareness Campaign. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood created and backed the Arab Spring, and are responsible for the rise of genocidal ISIS.

The Betrayal Papers, Part IV of V: A New Genocide

Part I of The Betrayal Papers explained the history and context of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in the American government.

Part II looked at the associations of seven Obama officials with Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in the United States.

Part III traced the Muslim Brotherhood’s and the State of Qatar’s influence on domestic policy and Obama administration scandals.

Part IV will examine foreign policy under Obama. It will explain how the Obama administration and U.S. Department of State have used the American military and standing in the world as tools to kick start the creation of a new Islamic Caliphate. Obama’s unconscionable enabling of and silence regarding a new genocide will be revealed. Finally, this article will offer a cursory reassessment of America’s allies, and which countries we have lost as friends.

“The transformation of America has been in the full swing ever since 2008. President Obama’s no-show in Paris was an embarrassment for all Americans. But it also was a signal to the Islamic jihadis. It’s one of the many signals he’s sent over the years while he’s in office. Now there’s no question: We got a hell of a job ahead of us… with the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies.

— Admiral James ‘Ace’ Lyons, speaking at the Center for Security Policy

Is Obama a Muslim?

This is the question that many Americans and people around the globe are asking themselves lately. From his refusal to label the Islamic State “Islamic,” to his lecture about the Crusades at the National Prayer breakfast, what once was taboo is now starting to be verbalized.

Yet this may be the slightly wrong question to ask. The ruling establishment of Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, is rightly considered an authoritative voice of Islam. In case you missed it, the Saudis have emerged as some of Obama’s biggest critics.

In doing so, the Saudis also revealed the truth regarding the Arab Spring.

Writing in the Saudi daily Al-Jazirah, columnist Dr. Ahmad Al-Faraj, while supporting Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, not only called Obama “one of the worst U.S. presidents;” he also exposed the nature of so-called “democratic revolutions” in the region. Stated al-Faraj:

Since Obama is the godfather of the prefabricated revolutions in the Arab world, and since he is the ally of political Islam, [which is] the caring mother of [all] the terrorist organizations, and since he is working to sign an agreement with Iran that will come at the expense of the U.S.’s longtime allies in the Gulf, I am very glad of Netanyahu’s firm stance and [his decision] to speak against the nuclear agreement at the American Congress despite the Obama administration’s anger and fury.”

Translation: Obama served as a mouthpiece for, and armed, the Muslim Brotherhood (i.e., “political Islam”) revolutionaries in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria. He was aided in this incredibly destructive policy of jihad by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton until her resignation in 2013, and has been further aided by her successor, John Kerry.

The original Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan, was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1927. The conservative Wahhabi Saudi royals have traditionally had little use for exporting jihad, and indeed are one of the United States’ oldest strategic allies in the region. Despite Americans’ revulsion at Saudi Arabia’s application of barbaric sharia (i.e., Islamic) law in their own country, outside the Kingdom Saudis have every reason to maintain the status quo with neighbors, including Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. That means keeping the Muslim Brotherhood out of power.

The pertinent question is not whether Obama is secretly a Muslim, per se, but rather if Obama is a secret Muslim Brother. That is the real question.

The Words of Obama, Dalia, and Rashad

If we take the Saudis, the most influential Gulf country, seriously, then it follows that Obama and his administration must have had a plan for the Arab Spring that goes back several years, i.e. 2008.

Part II of The Betrayal Papers identified seven Obama administration officials who had/have associations with several Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in the United States (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc.). It also tracked their associations with Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution, both recipients of significant amounts of money from the State of Qatar, the home of many prominent Muslim Brothers.

One of those officials is Rashad Hussain, who is Obama’s Special Envoy to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. In August 2008, Hussain co-authored a paper for the Brookings Institution called Reformulating the Battle of Ideas: Understanding the Role of Islam in Counterterrorism Policy. The paper, which calls Islam the “strongest ally” in the “global effort to end terrorism,” explicitly calls for the American government not to reject political Islam, but to utilize Islamic scholars and Islamic “policymaking” to reject “terrorism.” It also recommends that “policymakers should reject the use of language that provides a religious legitimization of terrorism such as ‘Islamic terrorism’ and ‘Islamic extremist.’“

Is it any wonder now why Obama says that the Islamic State “is not Islamic?” This is the deceptive language of the Muslim Brotherhood, recently welcomed to the White House.

Let’s now turn our attention at a report co-authored by Dalia Mogahed, who was a member of Obama’s Advisory Council of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and influential in writing Obama’s nefarious 2009 speech in Cairo. Additionally, Mogahed is currently listed as a member of Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs.

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Disarming Hjemmeværnet

In response to the killings in Copenhagen last month — in which a culture-enriching “Danish” kinetic activist attacked a café and a synagogue — the Danish government has acted in a manner that is remarkably similar to the response of the state of Connecticut to the mass murder in Newtown in December 2012: it implemented a program of mass disarmament because of the actions of a single gunman.

In the Danish case, the order to disarm Hjemmeværnet (the Home Guard) wasn’t the result of legislation or action by the entire government, but the decision of a single general with socialist inclinations. As may be expected, parties on the Left support the order, while those on the Right tend to oppose it.

Below are excerpts from an article about the action from The Local:

Danish Home Guard to disarm after terror attack

Some 4,300 volunteer members of the Danish Home Guard are being told to disassemble their rifles in light of the fact that one of the weapons used in February’s shootings in Copenhagen was a stolen military rifle.

One of the weapons used in February’s terror attack in Copenhagen was an M95 rifle that had previously been stolen from the home of a Danish Home Guard (Hjemmeværnet) member.

As a result, the Home Guard has now decided that it will temporarily require all Home Guard members to turn in the bolts to their rifles, making them unable to be fired.

Over 4,300 volunteer members have a Home Guard issued weapon and they now have until March 30th to turn in their bolts, which will be stored in central depots across the country. The military service says it will then implement a long-term solution for dealing with members’ weapons.

“In light of the tragic events on February 14-15, 2015, the Home Guard is implementing these security measures until the Home Guard has found the proper solution,” Home Guard General Major Finn Winkler said in a statement.

In addition to being asked to disarm their rifles, the Home Guard members will also be subjected to periodic visits from controllers who will check that the weapons are stored safely and properly.

Prior to the new measures, members were already required to store their rifle and bolt separately behind lock and key. But thieves have managed to get their hands on the military weapons and one of the stolen rifles was used by Omar el-Hussein in the twin shootings that killed two men and injured six police officers in Copenhagen last month.

Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc sends the following observations about the politics of disarmament in Denmark:

Well, Baron, this ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

Yes, people are outraged and the government just lost some 100,000 potential voters. However, it appears that the order came from one desktop general — a socialist, of course — who had not checked with his superiors. He is panicking and claims that the order is ‘temporary’ and that the bolts will be released when the current ‘terror threat’ is over (sic!). Maybe he knows something no one else does…?

Nevertheless the debate is furious. Many soldiers are handing in their — now useless — weapons and quitting the force. A rather stupid thing to do, since that is exactly what the socialists want. It’s better to threaten them with staying than to threaten leaving.

It isn’t so much a matter of weapons, though. Anyone can get a firearm without much effort, and the number of legal firearms in private homes is 750,000 as of 2013. That’s 15% of the populace. The greater issue here is the loss of social confidence and coherence. The Home Guard (or National Guard or ‘Territorial Army’) fulfills many civil tasks such as assisting the police, fire brigades and ambulance services. Whenever there is a major public event — rock concerts, market fairs, sports events etc. — or when natural disasters such as blizzards or floods strike, the force is in place helping the citizens.

So now the volunteers feel mistrusted — and with good reason. Stirring up this matter just now could very well be a shot in the present regime’s own foot. Some politicians from the right side have already smelled the smoke and are making this an issue in the upcoming elections. As the saying is right now: when other nations feel threatened they ramp up their preparedness; the Danes dismantle theirs…

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/10/2015

Tonight’s PEGIDA march in Frankfurt ended in violence, as left-wing activists attacked the demonstrators at the conclusion of the march. About 80 PEGIDA protesters took part, and the march proceeded peacefully in an area cordoned off by police. However, when the marchers started towards the main railway station, they were attacked by about 1,000 Antifa community organizers, who threw bottles and rocks at the police and the marchers. One female demonstrator was seriously injured.

Meanwhile, in transnormative gender news, Swedish activists are advocating gender-neutral toilets by pasting stickers over restroom signs that say “men” or “women”.

In other news, the euro continued to decline against the dollar, falling to $1.07, a twelve-year low. Now’s the time to book a trip to Europe, folks! Just avoid the no-go zones and Swedish restrooms, and you’ll be fine.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to DS, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, K, Papa Whiskey, RL, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Dutch Cabinet is About to Fall

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends this account of the latest political crisis in the Netherlands:

Both the Dutch secretary and the undersecretary for Justice resigned

The minister of Justice, Ivo Opstelten, and his junior minister Fred Teeven offered their resignation to the king. They were forced to resign due to a political scandal. One of many surrounding this dynamic duo. The straw that broke the camel’s back was a deal that Fred Teeven made with a criminal when he (Teeven) was district attorney. According to Mr. Teeven, he paid 1.5 million guilders to the criminal Cees H. According other sources it was quite a bit more: 4.5 million. Until last week no receipts were found.

However, this week civil servants working for the Justice Department did find those receipts. As the minister fully defended his junior, both lied to parliament in a major way. So the minister had no other option than to offer his resignation. Therefore, his number two had to resign as well. Both are being replaced by the relative nonentity Stef Blok, currently secretary of housing. He’s managing both departments right now.

What exactly happened is not really important to GoV readers, but their resignation certainly is. Because the consequences will be pretty big.

Currently we have a coalition cabinet between the VVD (conservatives) and the PvdA (socialists). That coalition is on its very last legs. It wasn’t a match made in heaven to begin with, but right now both parties are in real trouble. A cabinet of conservatives together with socialists can work, but usually it doesn’t. Though the VVD won the elections, during the first year of the cabinet the PvdA called the tune. That didn’t sit very well with the conservative electorate. The VVD tumbled from 40 seats at the last election to half that number now.

During the second year of the cabinet the tables were reversed. The PvdA was raked by scandals and needed all the support they could get. Which the VVD was kind enough to give. Of course for a political price. That didn’t sit very well with the progressive electorate. The PvdA tumbled from 35 seats at the last election to 9 seats, though both parties are slowly recovering.

Now, next week we have elections. Nothing fancy, the coming elections are about the most boring and utterly insignificant we have. We are to elect new provincial governments. What a provincial government actually does is a bit of a mystery. Because real important decisions are taken by either the national government or the municipalities. Not by the provinces. Most people see this as a kind of ‘inactive position’ for misbehaving politicians, or a kind of training ground for aspiring ones.

But this time it’s very different. The senate is due for elections. Now, electing senators is something so difficult and complicated ordinary citizens are deemed to stupid for it. Only the provincial representatives can do that. Stepped elections, in other words.

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JLH has translated five articles about PEGIDA and related movements in Germany, and includes background and commentary.

by JLH

For those interested in how PEGIDA is doing after taking what appeared to be some heavy hits, here are a few facts and a mélange of articles.

First, the facts. This Monday, March 9th, the PEGIDAs in the west of Germany continued their grim and dauntless struggle against the odds. In the east, “officially,” 1,000 turned out in Aue, 1,000 in Chemnitz, 1,500 in Leipzig, and Dresden improved from last week’s 4,800 to 6,500.

Oertel and Jahn, who had split from the leadership of PEGIDA in Dresden, took out an ad announcing the end of their effort on Sundays and saying that they had trusted the wrong people. The reasons, other than poor turnout, will become obvious in the following article from Politically Incorrect:

The Man With Many Faces

He likes to slip into various roles, as in the photo where he is the GDR policeman, and is also making fun of himself. But his satirical turn as “Adolf” was a severe wound to both him and PEGIDA in the media two months ago. In a PI interview, Lutz comments for the first time on the falsification of the famous Hitler photo that circled the world in January, and the future of the PEGIDA movement.

PI: Why did you not intervene immediately after the Hitler pictures went out, to point out that the mustache was forged?

Bachmann: At that time, no one would have believed it. It would have given the impression like I was an establishment politician and wanted to talk myself out of trouble.

But because of the “double disclosure,” you were on the defensive anyway.

In their first appearance, my allegedly xenophobic comments in the screenshots were taken out of context, also shortened and reworked. And Mr. Wolf of the Sächsische Zeitung noticed some peculiarities in the “incriminating material” and apparently investigated further.

Do you think the press would have taken up your rebuttal?

Perhaps in a four-line item on page 8. But now there is more attention, because the investigation is happening on its own and the truth has been uncovered.

And you still don’t know who added the mustache after the fact. Will you make an official complaint to the police and follow up?

No, why should I? I still think as I did before, that it is legitimate to mock this madman Hitler. Satire is a good means of dealing with the past. Taking Hitler seriously gives this monster too much importance in today’s society. He is the past, and should stay there.

After the Sächsische Zeitung revealed the forgery on February 15th, neither BILD nor Spiegel nor any other of the so-called “lead media” reported on it. Does that confirm you opinion of the quality of the press?

However that may be, I am pleasantly surprised that in this case the Sächsische Zeitung went after the truth, and I must express my gratitude to the editorial staff. I am not surprised that the media outlets have not taken it up. It doesn’t fit the picture, if Bachmann is not a Hitler hobbyist.

Was there actually a vote in the leadership team, after the BILD headline “PEGIDA Chief Postured as Hitler” about whether you should step down?

It was discussed and voted. The decision was that I should not step down. But at that time here was already a press release from Mrs. Petry of the AfD in the media announcing my stepping down. How Mrs. Perry received this misinformation is still not clear. Apparently there was an agreement through some members of the leadership who were close to the AfD, but this is still unconfirmed. After that, without any further vote and contrary to the leadership vote, a press release about my stepping down as leader was sent out.

On January 10th, the Spiegel evoked the end of PEGIDA (“Thank You and Goodbye”). In the meantime, the demonstrations in Dresden are growing again. Do you think it is realistic that you can come up to your old numbers again?

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/9/2015

Four alleged associates of the late kinetic activist Amedy Coulibaly have been arrested in France. Mr. Coulibaly was the community organizer who took hostages and killed four people on January 9 at a kosher grocery store in Paris before being killed by police. One of those arrested is a policewoman, reportedly a convert to Islam and an ex-girlfriend of the deceased militant.

In other news, after an extensive investigation, Swedish police have determined that the Christmas Day mosque fire in Eskilstuna was caused by an overheated deep fryer, and not by a firebomb thrown by right-wing extremist racist neo-Nazi Islamophobes.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Papa Whiskey, Phyllis Chesler, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Flying the Raya in Vermont

A Vermont reader named Heimdall emailed me recently with a question:

I have a question about Islamist flags. I recently saw a pickup truck with Vermont plates, with a large sticker decal on the back window of what looked like the black flag of jihad, the black banner with white writing of what I think is the shahada. I didn’t get a chance to get a pic, but I am concerned due to the fact that the truck was pulling into a neighborhood known to be populated by Bosnian refugees transplanted to Burlington, Vermont.

There is only one main Islamic center here in Colchester, Vermont, but there are several smaller masjids and several halal stores, and the communities are notoriously closed-lip. We have a goodly-sized Somali and Sudanese communities, and a lot of Bosnians. Are there any mutterings in your research of Islamists residing in Vermont? Our press just loves them. The politicians here are basically socialists, and use them to create division in the community — so it is hard to find any info locally.

I wrote him back and told him that the flag decal was likely al-raya, more commonly known as “The Black Flag of Jihad”. It has been widely used by Al Qaeda and its admirers, and was the pre-eminent flag among the world’s Sunni mujahideen until the Islamic State began to dominate the market with its version of the black flag:

Concerning the Islamization of Vermont, I told him that I had very little information on the state, and suggested that he check the archives at Refugee Resettlement Watch to see what they had. As it turned out, he knew quite a bit himself — he wrote me back this morning with a wealth of first-hand information on the cultural enrichment of Vermont.

With his permission, here is Heimdall’s account of what’s happening in Vermont:

Vermont, especially its largest city Burlington, has a sizable Somali Bantu community. It was started as part of the Vermont Refugee Resettlement program. They have been balkanized into mainly two towns, Burlington and the neighboring city of Winooski.

The Bosnians have been coming here since the war in the early ‘90s, and there are hundreds of them. For the most part, they have assimilated into life here fairly well. I actually have three families on my street, and I know them all. However, they have not been without issues.

I have added some links below; they are interesting as well:

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An Interview With Lars Vilks

Although he would probably not agree with the characterization, the Swedish artist Lars Vilks is a hero of the Counterjihad movement.

Like many other people who have chosen to criticize or mock Islam, Mr. Vilks’ life has been in danger for years. Last month he was the target of a failed assassination attempt in Copenhagen. Throughout the aftermath of this incident, and during all his previous tribulations, the artist has remained steadfast in his defense of free speech as an absolute. For the past eight years he has never retracted or groveled or apologized to Islam. His position in March 2015 remains the same as it was in July 2007.

In the fall of 2007, at the height of the initial controversy over “The Prophet as a Roundabout Dog”, someone asked Mr. Vilks if drawing the cartoon was worth dying for. In reply he said simply, “Yes, it is.”

That’s what makes him a hero.

The following interview with Lars Vilks was aired recently on Danish television. To help add context to Mr. Vilks’ words, please take a look at Modoggie Archives. There was very little MSM news in English on the topic before “Jihad Jane” was arrested in October 2009 for plotting to kill him. However, we’ve been covering Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs since his first drawing was removed from the art show in July 2007.

Many thanks to Liberty DK for translating the interview, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Deus ex Machina — Narrative of a Tragedy in Three Acts

Note: This post was originally “sticky”, and was on top for several days. Scroll down for “Jihad With a Latin Rhythm”, “Off of the Roof”, a video about the Iranian general who commands the offensive to retake Tikrit from ISIS, an interview with George Igler, a video of an “Islamophobic” city councilor in the Netherlands, and last night’s news feed.

Our English correspondent Seneca III returns with a disheartening look at the current state of political affairs in the United Police State of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Deus ex Machina — Narrative of a Tragedy in Three Acts

by Seneca III

Caveat: There are no caveats regarding this week’s rant, although it may constitute a ‘heads up’ and our Cousins across the pond and our European Kin would be wise to have a close look at any similar, well buried legislation in the darker corners of their own Statutory Instrumentation. — S III.

(Deus ex Machina (L fm. Gk) — God out of the Machine)[1]


A couple of weeks ago I was in conversation with an old friend (in the Antipodes) as a result of his calling me, having just read my previous Post. During the course of this conversation he posed a seminal question: “What precise mechanism or mechanisms can your Junta-In-All-But-Name use to effect a seizure of absolute power?”

This question has been bouncing around in my old grey matter ever since, particularly within that intransigent part that tends to seize upon a particular idea and refuses to let go of it — somewhat like a mangy old dog with a dirty bone — and thus I have been on another eye-opening journey through the bowels of progressive totalitarianism, through the rotten rump of what once was a great, patriotic political system governing a once United Kingdom.

I am beginning to wish that I hadn’t.

DEMETRIOUS:   Villain, what hast thou done?
AARON:   That which thou canst not undo.
CHIRON:   Thou hast undone our mother.
AARON:   Villain, I have done thy mother.

William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Act I — The Twilight of the Gods

Scene 1 — Meltdown

First we look at the exposed face of the Mother of Parliaments and cast our eyes over the tip of this iceberg[2] shaped monolith, the bit that sticks out above the waterline, the medusa that is the UK State apparatus as we find it now halfway through the second decade of the 21st century.

Balancing precariously on top of that exposed and rapidly melting pinnacle, trying desperately to establish how many angels can dance on the head of a very slippery ideological pin, we find the current leaders of the two main political Parties and one from a minor. Venal all, the first two present as a vacuous, Islam-besotted rich boy (with some very dodgy foreign friends[3]) and an incoherent and mentally dislocated glove puppet openly manipulated by the hand of a collection of moribund Trades Union thugs. At their feet, scrabbling desperately for its moment in the Sun, is a diminutive puddle of even more duplicitous slime wearing a so appropriately yellow-coloured rosette.

All in all this tableau is not a heart-warming sight. With a General Election on the near horizon, it is quite a precariously balanced one to boot, little more than a triplet of ephemera blown out of their time by the hurricane winds of the 21st century, mayflies, having risen and now falling after their failed breeding season — three morally defenestrated tyro Horsemen of our Apocalypse anxiously awaiting the return of the Fourth who at the moment, but only for the moment, is otherwise occupied in Brussels, France, and Denmark.

Looking even further down the slippery slope our eyes will settle on the next layer of Misgovernance. Below the Horsemen we find the Principal Secretaries of State, Ministers, Junior Ministers and their ‘Special Advisors’ and then several layers of ‘Honourable Members’ (sic), the ‘Backbenchers’ as they are so quaintly labelled, so many of whom could hardly be described as the sharpest needles in the legislative sewing kit — except when it comes to creative expense accounting, that is.

And immediately below them, unhealthily close up tight, and most but not all ideologically in step with the left or the far left of the now conjoined social conservative and Labour Party drones, are the Parties Minor, all strong on ambition but currently weak on the ground and hoping to obtain a larger foothold and hence leverage in nine weeks’ time. Finally, beneath them all, right on the waterline, we find the exposed part of the principal Executive Branch of government, the Judiciary and, by association, much of the legal Profession, a murder of ambulance-chasing moral ambivalents with second homes and large amounts of pony fodder to fund, who in essence direct that Common Purposed iron fist in a no longer velvet glove, HM Constabulary, now known almost universally as the ‘Thought Police’.

There are many others, of course, partly submerged, particularly the mind-altering, borderline-superstitious interconnected disciples of the Human Rights, Racism, Global Warming and Multiculturalism myths, all to be found peddling their creed throughout the media, academia, the teaching profession and anywhere else they can penetrate. However in the interests of restricting this particular article to a readable length we shall have to leave that lot there, basking in the chill, actinic arctic light, and dip our heads below the waterline to have a look at what is happening beyond the light of day.

Scene 2 — Crossing the Styx

In those murky depths, where outsiders rarely penetrate, where the modern Scylla and Charybdis ply their trade, is the real power, eternal and existential, the arch schemer and manipulator of the posing, posturing political fools above, the gorgon that drifts so effortlessly in the shadows as its shadow stalks us down all our days: the Secret State, a squat, pyramid-shaped construct. At its apex the Mandarins head a Civil Service consisting of 350,000 careerists, penetrating deep into the intestines of the serpentine edifice above and in its turn supported by a vast, ever shifting sardine-like school of internecine bottom-feeders at its base — the Quangonistas[4], that self-serving tribe of pecuniary advantaged nomadic Jobsworths creating, maintaining and enforcing the politically correct diktats superimposed on our deconstructed and culturally exsanguinated nation.

It is here, somewhere at the epicentre this privileged realm, that we will find the locked cupboards of the Ministry of Hidden Skeletons. There lie the real records of the Department of Whitewashes and Cover-ups, the transcripts of the Secret Courts, the Secret Registers and all the of the other products of a vast personal power preservation and surveillance apparatus that has long been busy gathering and hoarding every little bit of information that may be useful in keeping an increasingly stroppy electorate in its rightful, ignorant place. And, in passing, further down this subterranean corridor can also be found the various publicly funded Party spin machines, the arch peddlers of misinformation and disinformation to a recently supine public at large. But not supine any longer, one can but hope and begin to suspect.

And so to…

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/8/2015

Kurdish forces resisted the kinetic activists of the Islamic State who attempted to take the strategic town of Tal Tamr in northeastern Syria. At least forty activists on both sides were killed. Meanwhile, community organizers for ISIS have begun razing another ancient archeological site, Khorsabad, the capital of Assyria under King Sargon in the 8th century BC.

In other news, the Nigerian militants of Boko Haram have declared allegiance to the Islamic State — where else? — on Twitter.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Papa Whiskey, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

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Jihad With a Latin Rhythm

As everyone knows by now, most propaganda videos released by the Islamic State feature a particular style of musical accompaniment. Jihad vocalists chant rousing martial verses in harmony while their comrades advance through the rubble of destroyed towns, blow up shrines, shoot mushrikun, and behead infidels. This genre is commonly known as “Butchershop Quartet”.

Vlad Tepes noticed that the vocal accompaniment for a recent ISIS video was different in style from the usual chants, having a distinctly Latin rhythm. He was inspired to borrow the vocal track and some of the footage from it, and then augment the result with additional material to make a new hybrid form in a south-of-the-border style.

Note: A new craze called “unexpected jihad” has recently appeared on YouTube — do a video search on the phrase, and you’ll find lots of examples. The trick is to take an unpleasant moment of shock or discomfort — say, a little boy falling off his tricycle — and add ISIS flags, Butchershop Quartet, and other standard material from jihad videos, in order to make it appear that the mujahideen are taking credit for and celebrating whatever bad thing just happened to an infidel.

Vlad deliberately reversed this process in his production, taking a jihad video and turning it into an unexpectedly swish, campy Latin musical moment:

Turning the Turntables on ISIS

[NOTE: Both the subject of the news and the subject of this parody song are too fraught to permit comments on this here particular post. The Baron says “you post it, you moderate comments”. Nuh-uh. Sure, lots of y’all would be perfectly on-topic, in-tune, and civil in your responses. But backstage I’d be plenty busy murdering the ugly reactions. I simply don’t have the energy.]

Commenter Papa Whiskey sent a parody today a few days ago. His response to the perfidious CNN’s latest jihad porn masked as “news” is, in my humble opinion, clever. Clever because instead of remaining in that swamp of bad feelings evoked by this MSM excrement and the ISIS behavior they insist on having you view, Papa Whiskey decided to transcend it with his own creation. It’s a thumb in the eye of ISIS. Not to mention CNN. No, it is neither an indictment of homosexuals nor a plaudit on their behalf. As we’ve learned, the gay community is quite capable of taking care of their own. Well, maybe not where ISIS wanders, but then ISIS is an equal opportunity hater: women, Christians, heretic Muslims, etc., ad nauseam.

First, though, do you remember the song “Up on the Roof”?

Yeah, the Drifters in 1962.

Definitely an urban song, the kind suburban kids sang along to as they went cruising. Back then they ‘cruised’ in packs along their town’s main drag, with the object of burning all that cheap gas to see and be seen. Urban kids identified with being up there on the roof wishing they were at the beach; suburban kids simply sang along.

For the Suburbians, cruising passed for personal contact in the Automotive Age in mid-20th century America — a time as vanished and vanquished as, say, the election of Lincoln. The only difference being that many of those folks from 1962 are still extant. So this isn’t relevant to the Kewl Kids in Charge of Everything, but to those others, still breathing and still voting — though the latter activity seems less relevant now than it did back then.

Early on in a year that promises to be bloody-in-your-face-MSM-“news” porn, we can watch the meaning of a simple middle class adolescent pleasure from 1962 morph into something ugly, deadly, and terrifying. In order to maintain sanity, infidels like Papa Whiskey are tuning up and using their creative juices to transcend the terror:

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