Nothing to do with You-Know-What!

The following little ditty was posted today in the comments on Breitbart London:

If a jihadi cuts your head off
You shouldn’t get too perplexed
He’s only doing what he’s told
By a seventh century text
And even as you bleed to death
There’s one thing to recall
This isn’t Islam at all
Oh no, Good Lord,
This isn’t Islam at all.

If a Muslim crucifies you
Don’t be too alarmed
It’s written in his holy book
That infidels must be harmed
And even as you die of thirst
There’s one thing to recall
This isn’t Islam at all
Oh no, Good God,
This isn’t Islam at all.

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The Agenda to Erase America

As a follow-up to the excellent work of Ann Corcoran at Refugee Resettlement Watch, the Center for Security Policy has just published a report on the alliance between Islam and the Left to destroy the cultural fabric of the United States through mass immigration from Muslim countries.

Below is the press release that was sent out today by Secure Freedom.

New Report Heralds Existential Threat to America

Washington, D.C.: The Center for Security Policy today released a new report by the investigative journalist James Simpson: The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.

This report extensively details the networks of radical left non-profits, foundations, government agencies and the personalities behind them. Unbeknownst to most Americans they are using refugee resettlement as a pretext to import waves of immigrants from third-world nations as a key front in Obama’s strategy of “fundamentally transforming” America. These refugees have little interest in assimilating. Many are from Muslim countries, view immigration as “Hijra” i.e. a subversive means to invade a foreign nation, and have demonstrated a willingness to either support or engage in terrorism both in America and abroad.

These groups are coached by leftist non-profits to capitalize on our generous welfare programs and shown how to maneuver around legal impediments — all at our expense — but are not being taught how to assimilate. The report conservatively estimates welfare costs at $10 billion per year. Additionally, government resettlement contractors receive $1 billion annually in federal tax dollars and non-profits supporting the agenda are provided billions of dollars from non-profits like George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

The President has launched a “Welcoming America” initiative, which seeks to “seed” refugees throughout our communities and weed out “pockets of resistance” with a full-throated effort vilifying anyone opposing his radical agenda. It is literally an offensive to erase American laws, traditions and culture, and replace them with a pliable, multi-cultural society that will vote the Left into the “permanent progressive majority” it seeks.

Center for Security Policy President, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. states:
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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/9/2015

Fighters for the Islamic State have finally achieved control over Sirte, Moammar Qaddafi’s hometown in Libya. After taking the airport, ISIS fought a protracted series of battles with the Fajr Libya militia before capturing the power plant and other strategic sites, thereby gaining complete control over the town.

In other news, a French woman is suing the government for failing to prevent her 16-year-old son, a convert to Islam, from making hijra to Syria to wage jihad for the Islamic State.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to CC, Diego, Fjordman, JD, JLH, RRN, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Destructivism and Pathocracy

The work of the German author Roland Woldag has appeared here previously (“After the Enabling Act: Overcoming Socialism”, translated by Rembrandt Clancy).

The following essay was originally published in the national-conservative students’ magazine Blaue Narzisse and in the libertarian ef-magazin. It has been translated by the author.

Destructivism and Pathocracy

by Roland Woldag

What has led the West into the current silent disaster?

Already as a child playing in the sandbox I experienced the difference between creative-constructive and insidious-destructive people. There are always children who build sand castles, and those who jump into them as soon as the builder turns away.

The sand castle builders later go into constructive occupations in which they become builders of wisely-designed structures. The most ambitious of the sand castle destroyers become politicians. They are obsessed with “changing” all structures work traditionally work. They radically “renew” and trample everything that’s natural. That’s what they call “making policy”.

Destruction as “mainstreaming of the society”

For destructive people, creating and destroying is the same. Except that destroying is more spectacular and leads to “success” in less time. All “Century Reforms” of recent decades have destroyed functioning systems and replaced them with oppressive power structures and bureaucracy. Nothing was really improved: The monetary system, education system and social system have been “reformed” into dysfunctionality. Marriage, family, nation, religion, country, culture, and not least our self-image as men and women were dismantled. Crushing someone by telling him that he finally forgets whether he is a man or a woman was the greatest threat in my youth. The devastation of these most basic biological human self-understanding today left-green politicians propagandize as “the main issue of social transformation” in the form of “Gender Mainstreaming”. Not even the murderous red-brown culture-destroyers of the 20th century came up with the idea of doubting natural gender.

From the “death instinct in history”

The protest against this systematic, political rape of the natural human order is now the issue at the Monday demonstrations (PEGIDA = Patriot Europeans against the Islamisation of the West). The PEGIDA “Monday walkers” fight back against the wanton decomposition of all that gives mankind honor, support and position. The steerable — because vulnerable — and purchased, destructive politicians play the role of Cerberus in that game. Cerberus is this “demon of the Underworld” from Greek mythology, the hell-hound that guards the entrance to the underground, so that no dead man comes out and no living man can enter.

The “death instinct in history” has its home in international/national socialist parties and organizations. It is accompanied by the totalitarian urge to tear down everything that’s outside the average and re-educate anyone who does not follow. Communism and counterfeit-money imperialism are two sides of the same coin. Communism centralizes the market economy under oligarchy order to destroy the natural manner of trade. Fiat money imperialism destroys the market economy to centralize it under an oligarchic order, which just takes longer and gives more time to the pathocrats for destruction and sadistic tortures to “modernize” society. The destructivism has no goal except destruction, power and self-satisfaction. Therefore the attempt to point out to these people the consequences of their actions is not only futile, no, it even leads them to terrible new ideas.

The revenge of the psychopaths

This defect is the innate trait in the soul of the psychopaths. Therefore these people are the ideal candidates for positions of power into which they themselves are again hoisted by other psychopaths. Psychopaths recognize each other, because they are always in a minority compared to normal and decent people — by whom they are shunned. This instinctively correct discrimination by mentally healthy persons makes psychopaths seek revenge on the society from their childhood on. They politically cultivate their hate against the common structures which exclude them and try to equalize everybody at their pathological level. That’s why they go into politics. That’s easy for them, as psychopaths lack empathy and conscience. Mentally healthy people would hesitate inflict upon society such treachery and ruthless plans.

Pathocracy: Constructive and reasonable people fail

When psychopaths finally became politicians and develop into to pathocrats, they surprise everyone with their mere average intelligence. Many decent people make the wrong interpretation in thinking that the power position of these people is based on a particular acumen or knowledge of domination. No, it is only their unscrupulousness and ability to lie without blushing. Even repentance is unknown to them. If the proportion of constructive people at decision-making levels of government decreased to the current level, the psychopaths determine the issues, and the reasonableness falls silent, we have arrived at the pathocracy — the political order of the psychopaths.

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Reality Bites… The Austrian Social(ist) Democrats

The recent provincial elections in Austria passed largely unnoticed outside the country, but the results were a significant bellwether for what lies ahead in Austrian national politics. Our Austrian correspondent AMT sends the following recap of what happened, with an analysis of what it all means.

Reality bites… The Austrian Social(ist) Democrats
by AMT

These days it can’t be easy fighting injustice. The injustice of Realpolitik appears even graver in the face of elections in which the voter has decided to kick the Socialists’ butt punish the socialist agenda of peace, love and harmony of all peoples.

Nearly two weeks ago, the first of two major Austrian provincial government election cycles took place in Styria and Burgenland. The current feckless federal government coalition is ÖVP/SPÖ, i.e. “Conservatives” and Socialists. Given the glaringly obvious incompetence in every aspect of governance not only at the federal level, but also that of the provincial governments (SPÖ/ÖVP coalition in Steiermark and Burgenland), the major, even catastrophic, losses in the polls were no surprise.

The stunning gains by FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party), which in Steiermark reached nearly 28% of the vote, has since wreaked havoc within the socialist party of Chancellor Werner Faymann. While a government in Styria has yet to be formed, Burgenland, with its Socialist governor Hans Niessl, already has one — a coalition between the Socialists and FPÖ. And it is this “breaking of a taboo” that might be Chancellor Faymann’s downfall. Niessl has said he clearly understands the voters’ decision to punish SPÖ and ÖVP and add 5% of the vote to FPÖ. This is the reason why he formed a coalition government with FPÖ. And all hell has broken loose ever since.

SPÖ is caught between a rock and hard place. On the one hand, the party does not want to relinquish power in any of the Austrian provinces. This is understandable. Furthermore, the party leadership has been on record for more than twenty years with the pledge that there will be no coalition with FPÖ at any level of governance. The reasons are simple: FPÖ is racist, xenophobic, sows hatred, etc., etc. And now Hans Niessl comes along and breaks this institutionalized cordon sanitaire. Before the election he explicitly polled all card-carrying members of SPÖ Burgenland about their wishes regarding FPÖ. Since the majority approved a coalition government if the election results mandate it, Niessl did what he felt the electorate wanted.

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Pamela Geller, Asma bint Marwan, and America

Our Indian correspondent the Kafir returns with an essay on the parallels between Pamela Geller and a woman whom Mohammed ordered assassinated.

Pamela Geller, Asma bint Marwan, and America

by The Kafir

Asma bint Marwan did not travel to Mecca to lampoon Mohammed. She might not have even heard of him before he took shelter in her city. She was happily living her life among her own people, in her own city. When she was murdered by one of the Muslims at the behest of Mohammed, already nineteen months had passed since Mohammed came to Medina seeking asylum, and Asma had not bothered about him.

Medinans had given Mohammed asylum, and used to accept mediation from him, because they thought he was a man of God.

But soon he started his reign of terror. First against the Meccans who had driven him out of that city for lampooning their religion. And soon against everybody who raised their voices against him.

Abu Afak, a Medinan, a man over a hundred year old, could see what was coming to the Medinans, and tried to warn them. Mohammed immediately ordered his assassination, and his orders were carried out.

It was after Abu Afak was murdered that Asma bint Marwan became alarmed and challenged her tribe, asking how they could obey a man who was killing their chiefs. How could they let him live among them?

Her words reached Mohammed, and as usual he ordered her assassination as well. The deed was carried out by a man of her own tribe, in the night, as she slept with a suckling child at her breast. The man went to Mohammed next day early morning, offered prayers, and told Mohammed of his deed. Mohammed said, “You have helped God and His apostle, O ’Umayr!”

As if God indeed needed murder of a woman.

Mohammed also assured the killer that there wouldn’t be any consequences.

Encouraged, Umayr, the killer, went to her house and mocked her five sons.

The next day her whole tribe, Khatma, impressed with the power of Islam, converted to Islam. Islam learnt the lesson it has not forgotten: that violence works, and that violence works wonders for Islam. That violence breaks resistance to it, and kafirs quietly submit to violence. All of this happened in the year 624AD.*

Now cut to the year 2015AD.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/8/2015

British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned ministers in his government that they must resign if they favor British withdrawal from the European Union. However, a group of 50 anti-EU Tory backbenchers has promised to lead a rebellion against Mr. Cameron if he does not secure major concessions in his current negotiations with Brussels.

In other news, the PEGIDA candidate for mayor of Dresden did surprisingly well in yesterday’s election, gaining almost 10% of the vote.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, JD, Phyllis Chesler, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Would a Transsexual Geert Wilders Be Hailed as a Hero?

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

Would a Transsexual Geert Wilders Be Hailed as a Hero?

by Fjordman

have been watching the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner story unfold with some interest. Not because I think Mr. or Ms. Jenner is very interesting — I don’t. But the reactions sometimes are. He, or she, or whatever is the appropriate term is now reveals very interesting things about our society. Jenner is hailed as a hero, for making a sex change.

Contrast this with the anti-Islamic Dutch politician Geert Wilders. There are millions of people in The Netherlands and across Europe who view Mr. Wilders as a hero. However, that is not how the mainstream media usually portray him. Western mass media often present Wilders as a dangerous “right-wing extremist Islamophobe”. They do this even though he is the one who has to live with constant death threats from radical Muslims.

To Western media and cultural elites, Geert Wilders is not a hero for risking his life by standing up to an ideology that is a threat to European civilization and has been a menace to the world for fourteen centuries. Bruce Jenner is hailed as a hero by the same media and cultural elites. For cutting off his penis. The person now being referred to as Caitlyn Jenner insists on being treated as a woman. This presumably means that she no longer has a penis. (I don’t really need to know that particular detail, but I would assume it to be the case.)

Just being gay is no longer news. The Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was gay, and he was still vilified by the mass media and eventually assassinated. Being a homosexual is no longer enough. You now have to be a transsexual to stand out from the crowd.

If Geert Wilders suddenly decided to remove his penis and start wearing a dress and shoes with high heels, he would magically be transformed from a villain to a hero. I am not even sure if that is entirely a joke. When the entire Western world starts looking like a Monty Python sketch, it is hard to tell when reality ends and the joke begins.

Now, what does all this say about Western society today? I would claim that it reveals a culture that is deeply sick and twisted. I am sure there are individuals who are transsexual, but why should we overtly celebrate that? Compare this to the polite and highly educated Swedish artist Lars Vilks. He is now homeless and under constant police protection because he made some drawings of a man who may or may not have lived in the seventh century AD. Yet he is not celebrated in the same manner that Jenner is being celebrated in 2015.

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How the Muslim Brotherhood Operates in Tennessee (Part 8 of 8)

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #170 — How the Muslim Brotherhood Operates in Tennessee (Part 8 of 8)

After the Holy Land Foundation prosecution, the FBI severed its relationship with CAIR because of its associations with the HAMAS-support network. But some FBI field offices violated the restrictions.

In 2011, a continuing funding resolution signed by Obama included language that barred the FBI from partnering with unindicted co-conspirators like CAIR. Two years later, the DOJ Inspector General released a report documenting how the FBI violated the Congressional ban by working with CAIR.

Regardless of the FBI’s efforts, CAIR directors work to undermine law enforcement. Michigan’s Dawud Walid tells his listeners not to cooperate with the FBI because they are “agent provocateurs” that target Muslims.” Walid was brought to Tennessee by ACO’s director to train Muslim high school students in political activism.

CAIR spreads suspicion about the FBI and posted this flyer on their website:

On a broader scale, the Islamist organizations are working to sanitize law enforcement training materials by withholding pertinent information and thus, effectively neutering our national security agencies.

In 2013 Judicial Watch issued its detailed report about the purge of counterterrorism training materials used by different federal agencies. The identities of who decided which materials were offensive and needed to be removed is unknown; 876 pages and 392 presentations were purged.

Kenneth Moore, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Knoxville Office, signed the FBI memo detailing the information purged from the FBI training programs. Moore spoke at the Tennessee AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council) event in Manchester where Tennesseans were told what they could and could not say about Islam and Muslims.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/7/2015

Turkey went to the polls today, and the AKP — the party of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — lost its absolute majority in parliament. The AKP still won, but received only 42% of the vote, and will have to head a coalition government.

In other news, up to half a million would-be migrants are said to be waiting in North Africa to attempt to cross the Mediterranean to Europe.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, JD, Papa Whiskey, RRN, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“Our Nation and Country is Islam”

As widely reported in the media about ten days ago, a special forces commander in Tajikistan named Gulmurod Khalimov recently defected to the Islamic State. Col. Khalimov has now made a propaganda video for ISIS calling on his Tajik co-religionists, especially soldiers, to give up their positions and make hijra to the Caliphate. He makes a special point of targeting his ethnic comrades who are serving in the Russian military.

And this is not just some inconsequential no-account soldier: Gulmurod Khalimov was in a high-level position with the Tajik government before he defected, and had been trained in the United States.

“Experts” say that Col. Khalimov is “likely not an immediate threat to coalition forces.” However, they are overlooking what is actually going on here: the erstwhile OMON commander is aiming his call directly at ethnic Tajiks in both Tajikistan and the Russian military. That is, it is not an invasion by ISIS that is the “immediate threat”, but a sudden explosion of jihad within the ranks of our “staunch ally” Tajikistan — or in the Russian army.

By the way: do you think Gulmurod Khalimov is a “moderate Muslim”? He must have been when he was stationed in Baton Rouge — otherwise we wouldn’t have been training him, would we?

But he’s working for ISIS now. Does that make him an “extremist”? If so, how was he radicalized? On the Internet, right?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

This is an important video.

Most of what Col. Khalimov says is in Russian. His words have been kindly translated by D@rLin|{ and subtitled by Vlad Tepes.

YouTube took down the original almost as soon as it went up, probably because it constitutes ISIS propaganda. Everyone should watch it, however, so that they can understand how the Islamic State is so effective at summoning Muslims to jihad. When an observant Muslim hears the call in a video like this one, he knows intuitively that it is his duty to obey the summons. Col. Khalimov never departs from strict Koranic teachings in his exhortation, and any Muslim who spends any time in the mosque knows that what he is hearing is exactly the truth.

Videos like this are what bring “foreign fighters” in their tens of thousands to Syria and Iraq to join the jihad.

There’s no telling when this version of the video will be taken down. If you have the capability to do so, please download a copy and make it available to others by whatever method is practical for you:

See also the Fox News story about the defection of Gulmurod Khalimov.


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To Hell With the Constitution!

The following video features an interview with a hirsute culture-enriching young man from the Danish city of Aarhus. In the run-up to the elections, prominent “Danish” Muslims are calling on their co-religionists not to vote, since democracy violates the laws of Allah. Adnan Avdic, being of the Salafist persuasion, was selected to appear on TV as a representative of this anti-democratic point of view.

Many thanks to Liberty DK for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/6/2015

Nearly 2,000 migrants were rescued by EU maritime forces in the Mediterranean today. Italian, Irish, German, and Maltese vessels were among those that brought the refugees safely to shore.

In other news, Saudi Arabia says that it shot down a Scud missile fired at it by Houthi rebels in Yemen.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, JD, Phyllis Chesler, RL, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“We Need to Spend That Money on The Netherlands!”

In the following video clip, Geert Wilders reacts to recent revelations that The Netherlands spends €36,000 per asylum seeker per year — three times as much as it spends on an old-age pensioner.

Many thanks to H. Numan for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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