No Charlie!

Update Jan 16 10:25am: C.B. Sashenka has revised the translation to fine-tune the nuances. The revised version is now posted below.

Charlie Hebdo has been offending Muslims for a long time. The trouble began long before last week’s massacre. Its staff had received death threats. Its offices were firebombed in 2011. Jihad websites had posted fatwas demanding that the editors, writers, and cartoonists who insulted the prophet be killed.

Mainstream Islamic sites were more circumspect, preferring indirect methods of intimidation — the implied threat of violence against those who “insult religion”, the iron fist of jihad in a velvet glove.

Once such site was Présence Musulmane (Muslim Presence). According to (via Point de Bascule) the website for Présence Musulmane was set up by Tariq Ramadan in 1996 to target French-speakers. In 2008, the Bouchard-Taylor Commission recommended that Présence Musulmane and 22 other Islamic organizations receive funding from the Quebec government.

Last September In September 2012, after some new “offense against the prophet” by Charlie Hebdo, Présence Musulmane published an article entitled “Non Charlie” that demonstrates the softer variety of Islamic threat.

The hardened mujahid says: “Those who insult the prophet of Islam must be killed.”

In contrast, the suave silver-tongued cosmopolitan taqiyya artist demands “the greatest respect that we owe to all those with whom we wish to live and die in peace”, the lack of which “will cost the lives of all those who believe that we can laugh at everything and everyone.”

The “No Charlie” article was still up a couple of days ago — I read it in its original location — but has been pulled since then. However, a cached version is available.

Many thanks to C.B. Sashenka for the translation:

No Charlie

“We have no right to grant ourselves all the rights to offend and put down people in what they hold most sacred: the object of their faith or their distress”.

If offending is the expression of your freedom, then recognize that violence will be the expression of their freedom! No, do not say “but”! Make your choice…

No Charlie

I do not agree with you and will fight all my life if necessary so that you cannot, under the guise of freedom, trample the meaning of all transcendence.

For you it is freedom that transcends … for them it is transcendence that frees!

No Charlie

In the name of freedom of expression, it is not your life that is on the line, but the lives of others… Have you thought about this a little bit? About your compatriots in Cairo, Tunis or Tripoli? Who will soon no longer be able to read you…

No Charlie

Your cartoon is an insult to anyone who has two grams of intelligence and a minimum knowledge of the current situation, the forces present, and the desire for revenge to which you have just given life.

No Charlie

We have no right to grant ourselves all the rights to offend and put down people in what they hold most sacred: the object of their faith or their distress.

No Charlie

There is no freedom…there’s also the secret that goes with the greatest respect that we owe to all those with whom we wish to live and die in peace.

No Charlie

I know you know what everyone else knows: that any bad cause results in the worst effects…the innocent will have to pay for your limited freedom of free thinking devoid of responsibility.

No Charlie

We have no right to tamper with the Prophet when we want to mock him. If the Islamists do not come back … you have to tell them to their face, without violating their religion and their mark with your dark intentions.

No Charlie

Speak no more of freedom of speech…but of values and value scales.

And it is on this scale, it seems important to remember, that freedom of conscience comes first. We are not obligated to honor it indeed, but we don’t have the right to dishonor it.

No Charlie

Your cartoon is a sham.

Moreover, it amounts to marketing that will cost the lives of all those who believe that we can laugh at everything and everyone.

That is a declaration of war…a war of religion that no free expression in the world can be proud of.

No Charlie

If offending is the expression of your freedom, then recognize that violence is an expression of their freedom! It is a trade of bad practices.

No, do not say “but”! Make your choice…

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for all his work on this, and for the screen shot.

The Tiger Team

Update: The event will be live-streamed here.

If you’re anywhere near downtown D.C. tomorrow, you might want to drop by the National Press Club and listen to some well-informed and articulate people discuss their strategy for defeating the Great Jihad.

Below is the announcement sent out today by the Center for Security Policy.

National Security Tiger Team Presents the ‘Secure Freedom Strategy’ for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement

Says the Plan Reagan Used to Destroy Soviet Communism’s Totalitarian Ideology Can Work Now

(Washington, DC): If there were any lingering doubts that the United States and the rest of the Free World are losing a decades-long war with the Global Jihad Movement (GJM), events of the past week should have put them to rest. Murderous attacks in Europe, warnings by MI5 of more – and worse – to come, there and perhaps here and an intercepted plot to attack the U.S. Capitol are the most obvious indicators.

Less evident, but no less portentous, is the absence of the President of the United States from the Western effort to push back – compounded by his record of accommodation to, and collaboration with, those seeking to impose “blasphemy” and other restrictions driven by their shariah ideology at the expense of Americans’ constitutional freedoms.

Such developments have moved a remarkable, ad hoc group of highly skilled national security professionals to step forward and offer an alternative approach: a strategy for actually countering and defeating totalitarians and their supremacist ideology that has been proven effective in the one environment that matters: the real world.

This “Tiger Team” has been sponsored by the Center for Security Policy, an organization whose mode of operation from its founding 26 years ago has been modeled after the best of America’s military – its elite unconventional warfare units. As the “Special Forces in the War of Ideas,” the Center has pulled together, much as the real special operators would do, sixteen of the best in the business, individuals with unique and necessary skill sets for the mission at hand: Adapting the strategy that defeated the last totalitarian ideology that sought our destruction, Soviet communism.

At a National Press Club conference at noon on Friday, 16 January 2015, ten members of this Tiger Team will introduce and explain the component parts of the Secure Freedom Strategy:

  • Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (U.S. Army, Ret.), former leader of U.S. Special Forces and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
  • Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.), former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and father of the Navy Red Cell counterterrorist unit
  • Fred Fleitz, career intelligence professional who served under William J. Casey at the Central Intelligence Agency
  • Kevin Freeman, Chartered Financial Analyst and best-selling author of Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Attacked the U.S. Stock Market and Why it Can Happen Again
  • Clare Lopez, former Operations Officer in the CIA’s Clandestine Service
  • Jim Hanson, former Army Special Forces technical weapons sergeant
  • Dr. J. Michael Waller, expert on information and psychological warfare, propaganda and influence operations
  • Tommy Waller, combat Marine Force Reconnaissance reservist
  • David Yerushalmi, Esq., co-founder and partner, American Freedom Law Center, and expert on shariah

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., who formerly acted as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under President Reagan and now is president of the Center for Security Policy said of this effort:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/14/2015

A “youth” named Abdalah Mohamed has been arraigned in Portland, Oregon for threatening to blow up a deli in the name of Allah because it refused to sell him an individual cigarette. Despite the fact that the incident had a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%, it had nothing to do with Islam.

In other news, an estimated 11,000 Nigerians have fled from Boko Haram and taken refuge in neighboring Chad. Meanwhile, the latest satellite imagery shows that entire villages in northeastern Nigeria have been almost completely destroyed, lending credence to reports that up to 2,000 people may have been slaughtered in the most recent rampage by Boko Haram, which has nothing to do with Islam.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Henrik Ræder Clausen, Insubria, K, LS, Nick, Papa Whiskey, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“Never Say That You Were Not Warned”

Geert Wilders is the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands. This afternoon Mr. Wilders gave an impassioned speech during a parliamentary in the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament.

Many thanks to SimonXML for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

A timed transcript in English is posted below the plain (untimed) English and Dutch transcripts.

English transcript:

Madam President, I am extremely angry. I am furious. Frankly, my party is furious. Furious that once again there have been innocent victims of Islam. Jews, critics of Islam, innocent people.

And also very angry because there are the same politically correct responses. The denial that Islam is the cause. The failure to make the Netherlands safer.

And, madam president, I wonder how many more debates will be needed, how many more attacks there will have to be, how many more innocent people will have to die before the penny drops. Before the cabinet and the majority of this Chamber wake up. It’s enough to drive you mad.

I don’t understand it at all, and I am justifiably extremely angry about it. Not just because I am also on the Al-Qaeda hit list, but because this concerns the safety of the Netherlands. The safety of the Dutch.

What is needed, madam president, and what is currently missing is a good analysis of the cause and the right solution for all this terror. The cause, madam president, is of course Islam. Islam that declared war against us a long time ago. The Islamization of the Free West. Of the Netherlands. Of Europe.

Of course there are peaceful Muslims. But there is no such thing as peaceful Islam. And of course not all Muslims are terrorists. And anyone who still dares to deny that there is a link between the terror and Islam is crazy.

Madam President, Islamization is a life-threatening danger. For decades, mass immigration has been bringing hundreds of thousands of people from an alien culture to Europe. To our country. Why do we import all this misery? Madam President, everywhere, wherever it comes, Islam brings us hate and violence. In every country where Islam is strong it is at the cost of freedom. Freedom of speech, of journalists, minorities, everyone.

Madam president, and that’s without mentioning the terror organizations such as the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, to name just a few.

Islam, madam president, simply does not belong in the Netherlands. It is a danger to the Netherlands. We must de-Islamize.

Madam President, apart from this analysis, what is particularly shocking is the total inanity of the terror measures. I find it inconceivable that after all these years of debate, the Cabinet proposes measures that will cause more problems in the Netherlands rather than fewer. How is it possible — I can’t explain it to anyone in our country — that Jihadis who want to go to Syria to do the most horrific things there, are stopped? It’s unbelievable. Let them go! All of them! We should be glad to see the back of them.

We don’t do that, the Cabinet doesn’t do that. They don’t even put the people they stop in prison, leaving ticking time bombs, Islamic terrorists, to roam free in the Netherlands. That should not be possible!

Let the people leave, madam president, but never let them come back. Take away their passports, revoke the Schengen Treaty and reinstate border controls. That legislative proposals are now being made that we should have seen ten years ago. Ten years ago. That is what the Netherlands deserved and that is what the analysis justifies.

And I completely fail to understand why the Cabinet lets the Jihadists come back. How stupid can you be?

Of the people that have returned, I believe that three have been imprisoned and the rest have been left free to walk around. It’s enough to drive you mad. Madam President, from all other Schengen countries — that’s 25 not counting the Netherlands — people can also simply come to the Netherlands. Thousands of terrorists. According to Europol, 5,000 can simply come to the Netherlands.

What in heaven’s name are you doing? I’m not speaking in Chinese, am I? Surely we don’t want all those people to come to the Netherlands?

Madam President, what I also don’t understand is that the army is deployed to Mali, is deployed to Afghanistan, while it should of course be protecting vital points in the Netherlands such as railway stations, airports, shopping malls and streets. Yesterday, the front page of a national newspaper had a report that Amsterdam is a target. What are the military doing in Mali? Let them protect this country.

Madam President, these are big words but I do mean them. Of course the Cabinet is not responsible for every attack. But if someone who could have been stopped when coming back to the Netherlands. Or if someone that the Cabinet prevented from going to Syria without putting them in prison. Or if someone comes to the Netherlands from another Schengen country and carries out an attack, this Cabinet has blood on its hands. And that is a terrible thing to have to say.

And, Prime Minister, never say that you were not warned. In the last ten years I have told you and your predecessors a thousand times. You will never be able to get away with the words “wir haben es nicht gewusst”. You did know. You have known it for years.

So make the right analysis, make the Netherlands safer. Do not drive myself and the Netherlands to despair. Put an end to the incompetence.

This, madam president, after all these years, is no longer party politics. It concerns the safety of our country. The safety of our citizens. And the Cabinet lets it happen.

Madam president, fortunately, the tide in Europe and in the Netherlands is turning. More and more people in Europe are fed up with all the people who look the other way. In Germany, 40,000 people took to the streets the other night to demonstrate against Islamization. Parties such as the PVV are growing throughout the whole of Europe.

People have had enough. Enough of Islamization. Enough of members of the political elite who look the other way.

And I have been telling the Prime Minister, even though he will not listen to me. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. They are the people, not you. They will turn the tide, madam president, and turn it must.

Because enough is enough.

Thank you.

Dutch transcript:

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“The Values of Islam Are Diametrically Opposed to Our Way of Life”

Filip Dewinter is the leader of the Flemish separatist party Vlaams Belang. The day after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, Mr. Dewinter delivered an intervention in the Belgian federal parliament.

Note the speaker’s reference to the strong words directed at violent immigrants by the mayor of Rotterdam.

Many thanks to SimonXML for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Who Exploited the Victims of Paris, Frau Merkel?

Back in the Cold War, the rulers of the Soviet Union and the East Bloc were master propaganda artists who specialized in carefully staged “spontaneous” events. Last Sunday a Potemkin extravaganza of the same sort came to a Paris street, orchestrated in part by a savvy East Bloc veteran herself.

Rembrandt Clancy has translated a brief article on the topic, published yesterday at Politically Incorrect.

The Appearance…

On Sunday in Paris a large solidarity event took place for the seventeen victims killed in the terrorist attack in France. In France’s capital alone, over a million people gathered together in the streets to express their condolences and to demonstrate against terrorism and for freedom of speech. In the first row of this impressive gathering of people walked France’s President Francois Hollande, FDJ Secretary* Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and dozens of other heads of state and government. In a symbolic gesture they locked arms and mixed together with the “common” folk, in order to demonstrate cohesion. Or so it appeared.

* [Translator’s note: FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend,: Free German Youth). In the German Democratic Republic (GDR) Angela Merkel was Secretary for Agitation and Propaganda in the communist SED-Youth Organisation, or Free German Youth (FDJ). (German Source: Michael Stürzenberger’s article, “Germany is Ruled by an Unprincipled Opportunist”)]

by Buntlandinsasse

Source: Politically Incorrect
Translation: Rembrandt Clancy

13 January 2015

However, politicians and media have still not understood that in the age of the Internet one must exert a little more effort if one wants to be s***ting the people [das Volksverarschung] and deceive them. As can be seen in the photo below, they would not dream of mixing with the citizens, who are in any case contemptible; rather they staged a dissembling comedic farce which can only bring shame upon these people.

… and Reality

Deception of the People

It was feigned that the refined lordships mingle in solidarity with the people and form the vanguard of the demonstration for freedom and solidarity.

The bird’s eye perspective shows: EVERYTHING IS STAGED!

A self-staged pantomimed piece, which is now being spread in a promotionally effective manner by the mass media, and which is only another showpiece for s***ting the people [Volksverarschung].

Even the state-loyal Spiegel Online noticed this shabby staging:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/13/2015

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that President Obama would crack down on journalists who write anti-jihad articles. The president is concerned that outbreaks of anti-Islamic expression may cause jihad attacks on members of the American military.

In other news, Charlie Hebdo published three million copies of its first edition since the massacre. The cover of the magazine features a cartoon of Mohammed weeping while he holds a “Je suis Charlie” sign.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Nick, Papa Whiskey, Phyllis Chesler, RL, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Sweden: A Democratic Joke

Our Swedish correspondent Alfred Fredriksson sends a report on the state of political affairs in Sweden since the recent terrorist atrocities in France. He includes a video that he translated and subtitled himself.

Sweden: A Democratic Joke
by Alfred Fredriksson

The Swedish Domestic Minister Anders Ygeman said during Folk och försvar (Swedish defense conference) today that it is possible that there will be terror attacks in Sweden. At the same time he strongly criticized opponents of mass immigration and compared them to terrorists.

“Je Suis Ahmed”, he proclaimed.

The domestic minister briefly addressed the terror attacks in Paris followed by a long description of Muslims in Europe and Sweden as an oppressed group. He compared critics of mass immigration with terrorists who murder people.

“Je Suis Ahmed”, he proclaimed and continued, “Ahmed Merabet, the 42-year old Muslim police officer who gave his life to defend Charlie Hebdo’s right to joke about Muslims.”

He chose to focus on Merabet because he was a Muslim, but he did not mention the fifteen other people who died in the gruesome attacks. That is not to say Merabet doesn’t deserve our respect and his family our condolences, but not even mentioning all the other people who died is blatantly disrespectful. Afterwards Ygeman focused on the fire at the mosque in Eskilstuna — a fire which after media speculation and a comprehensive police investigation turned out to be the result of an accident, not hate crime against Muslims.

“Dark forces on both sides are trying to make the struggle against terrorism into a war between religions,” he claimed.

Before discussing the likelihood of Sweden’s suffering a terrorist attack he also claimed that the “brothers in Paris were no warriors,” referring to Said and Chérif Koachi who shortly before the terrorist attacks were in the Middle East waging war on behalf of the Islamic State.

“We have to dare to think that this could happen in Sweden and take necessary steps to protect ourselves,” he said and continued, “It is extremely difficult to protect against perpetrators who are prepared to die to harm others. We can’t protect ourselves against everything.”

During the questions after his speech Ygeman admitted that it is easy for immigrants to get Swedish passports — passports often used for smuggling of illegal immigrants and by terrorists who travel to Syria and Iraq to participate in gruesome acts of violence.

“It shouldn’t be possible to obtain ten to fifteen passports; we have to tighten regulations,” he said.

As we can see our Domestic Minister is taking the terrorist threat very seriously. As is our beloved media, who instead of asking critical questions about mass immigration, Islamization and “Swedish” terrorists, are fully occupied proclaiming that they are Charlie.

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PEGIDA Has an Effect

JLH sends his translation of this brief note from Politically Incorrect:

PEGIDA Has an Effect: Middle German Radio (MDR) Moderator Criticizes the Media

This doesn’t happen every day. During a live talk show, the host expressed harsh criticism of his own guild. On Monday evening, at the 28th minute of the MDR program “Faktist,” the moderator Andreas F. Rock said: “I would say that the media — individual members of the media — have in the past abandoned the idea of non-partisan reporting. That they have made themselves part of campaigns. That is my personal opinion.”

Imprisonment, Dhimmitude… or What?

The European Union’s top counter-terrorism official says that additional terror attacks cannot be prevented in Europe. Moreover, he says that imprisoning the mujahideen who return to Europe from Syria is not a good idea.

Yes, you’re right: I should have warned you not to read those words while you were drinking your coffee. I’ll wait for you to finish cleaning up before I continue…

The current situation in Europe reminds me of El Inglés’ famous essay on the coming civil war, “Surrender, Genocide… or What?”. When unpalatable options are closed off as a matter of public policy, and then the socio-political crisis deteriorates even further, options that are currently unthinkable become the only possible courses of action.

Here’s the report from AGI:

EU’s Kerchove Says “We Cannot Prevent New Terror Attacks”

(AGI) Brussels, Jan 13 — Gilles de Kerchove, the EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator, warned that “we cannot prevent further [terror] attacks.”

The top European official said that prisons “are incubators of a massive radicalisation”, and explained that “it is not possible to totally prevent terrorism attacks such as the Paris massacre.” He added that the solution cannot be that of imprisoning the so-called ‘foreign fighters’ because prisons have become ‘huge incubators of radicalisation’.

Italian Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando shared this sentiment by saying that “potentially prisons may become incubators” [of a certain type of Islamic extremism], hence, “great caution” is needed. Minister Orlando spoke at the sidelines of an event organised at the Poggioreale prison in Naples. He underlined that he had discussed with the EU justice ministers about the punishment to issue in order to curb this phenomenon.

“Isolating such cells is of major importance,” he said, “in order to avoid what has happened in the past with other types of terrorism.” He added it was necessary to avoid “criminal punishment becoming a tool which gives more power to the organisations which we are fighting against.” He emphasized that it is necessary to bear this aspect in mind when issuing anti-terrorism norms.

Minister Orlando announced he is due to meet top Italian prosecutors this Tuesday afternoon in Rome in order to assess ‘the best facility to pursue a more appropriate coordination, which is certainly the goal to be reached.”

Bear the above in mind when reading about what Europol has to say about “fighters” who return to Europe from Syria:

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Arson for Allah

A mentally disturbed lone wolf culture-enricher in France was recently convicted of threatening to burn down a kindergarten and kill members of its staff. He shouted “Allahu akhbar” whilst uttering these threats.

The unfortunate young man will serve at least three months in prison. The threats occurred before the Charlie Hebdo massacre, but the sentence was handed down afterwards.

The incident had nothing to do with Islam.

Many thanks to Bear for this translation from Le Parisien:

Souppes-sur-Loing: Definite prison time for threatening to set fire to a school

The head of a family (the father) from Souppes-sur-Loing was sentenced this Thursday afternoon to twelve months in prison, including three months that must be served, by the correctional tribunal of Fontainebleau. Wednesday morning, not long before the assassination that hit Charlie Hebdo, this 30-year-old man, a convert to Islam, uttered some death threats against the personnel and the director of the Carnot kindergarten.

He also threatened to set fire to the school while screaming “Allah akbar”. The man was apprehended soon afterwards at his home, and judged after appearing in court immediately on Thursday. At the end of the hearing he was jailed. The origin of the problem is an incident that happened with his child, who attends the school.

During the search of his home, the investigators found drugs. He was immediately placed in police custody at the police station of Nemours for “threats against property by arson”. The sub-prefect of Fontainebleau was immediately made aware of these facts. The Mayor of Souppes-sur-Loing, Pierre Babut, is the first to be concerned by this situation: “We are always surprised by this type of behaviour. Even more so during our campaign. The Republic must protect itself.”

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Islam: The Good News and the Bad News for Europe

Below is the most recent opinion piece by the Austrian writer Andreas Unterberger, as published last Friday at the author’s website. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Islam: The Good News and the Bad News for Europe

by Andreas Unterberger
January 9, 2015

The new book by the bestselling French author Michel Houellebecq is on everyone’s mind, because of the Paris attacks. It envisions a Muslim president of France in eight years, and the elimination of all “infidels” from the “Islamic University of the Sorbonne.” Actually, the demographic development makes that most likely a few years later. But, in fact, the triumph of Islam over what was once the West could take place in eight years. Indeed, the tendency of most leftist parties is to prefer voting for Muslim candidates than for those from anti-Islamic parties.

That is the logical result of their intensive efforts in recent years to label all Islam critics as neo-Nazis. It was ostensibly a strategy to retain power, but with no factual basis. This characterization has become an unquestioned axiom and, therefore, a self-made trap.

Something similar is happening in Germany, where there has been increasing support for Islam-critical demonstrations. Where, however, all the Bundestag parties (excepting only the CSU*) have made the mistake of denouncing as rightist-radical the rapidly growing concerns of that portion of the population that is still in the majority. Even as partisan tactics, that is stupid. It is to be expected that Muslim-qua-Muslim parties will be forming everywhere in Europe in coming years. And as that happens, the present membership of Muslims in red and green parties will be a thing of the past.

The SPD parliamentary leader Opperman had a particularly dramatic reaction after the Paris attacks. “These are killers, not Muslims,” he decreed, without explaining why these two terms should be mutually exclusive, And, as a reaction to this attack on freedom of expression, he actually demanded that PEGIDA stop its demonstrations. With no understanding of the fact that this is what the Islamists want — for any further peaceful exercise of freedom of expression to be made impossible. Some Europeans believe that prognoses about an Islamic majority are like predictions of economic cycles — just reading tea leaves. But that is wrong, because demography — even in reference to the future — is based on hard facts. The mothers of the next generations are already born. Or not born. And the tendency to be prolific is an amazingly firm constant. The more educated, the more cosmopolitan, the more non-Muslim women are, the fewer children they have. That has been true for decades now. And in every country in Europe. It is therefore almost inevitable that several European countries will have Muslim majorities sometime in this century.

A Religion Like Any Other?

Now this does not mean that we can just await Europe’s future with resignation. There are a number of factors that can still be influenced (by, for instance: emphatically liberal-democratic education, stopping any further immigration, firm action against preachers hostile to women and the constitution, etc.). Of course, that will only happen if Europe’s governments, the EU and the media finally recognize the ominous developments. If they do not continue across-the-board to prefer repression and concentration on the teeny-tiny pseudo-problems of the real world.

Others are soothing, saying: Islam is a religion like many others. That’s not bothering anybody. It doesn’t matter, in present-day Europe, whether you live in a country with a Catholic or an Anglican or a lay majority, or a Nordic national church. Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu — it’s all the same.

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