“Never Say That You Were Not Warned”

Geert Wilders is the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands. This afternoon Mr. Wilders gave an impassioned speech during a parliamentary in the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament.

Many thanks to SimonXML for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

A timed transcript in English is posted below the plain (untimed) English and Dutch transcripts.

English transcript:

Madam President, I am extremely angry. I am furious. Frankly, my party is furious. Furious that once again there have been innocent victims of Islam. Jews, critics of Islam, innocent people.

And also very angry because there are the same politically correct responses. The denial that Islam is the cause. The failure to make the Netherlands safer.

And, madam president, I wonder how many more debates will be needed, how many more attacks there will have to be, how many more innocent people will have to die before the penny drops. Before the cabinet and the majority of this Chamber wake up. It’s enough to drive you mad.

I don’t understand it at all, and I am justifiably extremely angry about it. Not just because I am also on the Al-Qaeda hit list, but because this concerns the safety of the Netherlands. The safety of the Dutch.

What is needed, madam president, and what is currently missing is a good analysis of the cause and the right solution for all this terror. The cause, madam president, is of course Islam. Islam that declared war against us a long time ago. The Islamization of the Free West. Of the Netherlands. Of Europe.

Of course there are peaceful Muslims. But there is no such thing as peaceful Islam. And of course not all Muslims are terrorists. And anyone who still dares to deny that there is a link between the terror and Islam is crazy.

Madam President, Islamization is a life-threatening danger. For decades, mass immigration has been bringing hundreds of thousands of people from an alien culture to Europe. To our country. Why do we import all this misery? Madam President, everywhere, wherever it comes, Islam brings us hate and violence. In every country where Islam is strong it is at the cost of freedom. Freedom of speech, of journalists, minorities, everyone.

Madam president, and that’s without mentioning the terror organizations such as the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, to name just a few.

Islam, madam president, simply does not belong in the Netherlands. It is a danger to the Netherlands. We must de-Islamize.

Madam President, apart from this analysis, what is particularly shocking is the total inanity of the terror measures. I find it inconceivable that after all these years of debate, the Cabinet proposes measures that will cause more problems in the Netherlands rather than fewer. How is it possible — I can’t explain it to anyone in our country — that Jihadis who want to go to Syria to do the most horrific things there, are stopped? It’s unbelievable. Let them go! All of them! We should be glad to see the back of them.

We don’t do that, the Cabinet doesn’t do that. They don’t even put the people they stop in prison, leaving ticking time bombs, Islamic terrorists, to roam free in the Netherlands. That should not be possible!

Let the people leave, madam president, but never let them come back. Take away their passports, revoke the Schengen Treaty and reinstate border controls. That legislative proposals are now being made that we should have seen ten years ago. Ten years ago. That is what the Netherlands deserved and that is what the analysis justifies.

And I completely fail to understand why the Cabinet lets the Jihadists come back. How stupid can you be?

Of the people that have returned, I believe that three have been imprisoned and the rest have been left free to walk around. It’s enough to drive you mad. Madam President, from all other Schengen countries — that’s 25 not counting the Netherlands — people can also simply come to the Netherlands. Thousands of terrorists. According to Europol, 5,000 can simply come to the Netherlands.

What in heaven’s name are you doing? I’m not speaking in Chinese, am I? Surely we don’t want all those people to come to the Netherlands?

Madam President, what I also don’t understand is that the army is deployed to Mali, is deployed to Afghanistan, while it should of course be protecting vital points in the Netherlands such as railway stations, airports, shopping malls and streets. Yesterday, the front page of a national newspaper had a report that Amsterdam is a target. What are the military doing in Mali? Let them protect this country.

Madam President, these are big words but I do mean them. Of course the Cabinet is not responsible for every attack. But if someone who could have been stopped when coming back to the Netherlands. Or if someone that the Cabinet prevented from going to Syria without putting them in prison. Or if someone comes to the Netherlands from another Schengen country and carries out an attack, this Cabinet has blood on its hands. And that is a terrible thing to have to say.

And, Prime Minister, never say that you were not warned. In the last ten years I have told you and your predecessors a thousand times. You will never be able to get away with the words “wir haben es nicht gewusst”. You did know. You have known it for years.

So make the right analysis, make the Netherlands safer. Do not drive myself and the Netherlands to despair. Put an end to the incompetence.

This, madam president, after all these years, is no longer party politics. It concerns the safety of our country. The safety of our citizens. And the Cabinet lets it happen.

Madam president, fortunately, the tide in Europe and in the Netherlands is turning. More and more people in Europe are fed up with all the people who look the other way. In Germany, 40,000 people took to the streets the other night to demonstrate against Islamization. Parties such as the PVV are growing throughout the whole of Europe.

People have had enough. Enough of Islamization. Enough of members of the political elite who look the other way.

And I have been telling the Prime Minister, even though he will not listen to me. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. They are the people, not you. They will turn the tide, madam president, and turn it must.

Because enough is enough.

Thank you.

Dutch transcript:

Mevrouw de voorzitter,

Ik ben ontzettend boos. Ik ben ontzettend kwaad. Mijn fractie is eerlijk gezegd woest. Woest dat er weer onschuldige slachtoffers zijn gevallen door de Islam. Joden, islamcritici, onschuldige mensen. En ook ontzettend boos omdat er weer dezelfde politiek correcte reacties komen. De ontkenning van de islam als de oorzaak. Het niet veiliger maken van Nederland. En vz ik vraag me af hoeveel debatten zijn er nog nodig, hoeveel aanslagen moeten er nog plaatsvinden, hoeveel onschuldige doden moeten er nog vallen voordat het kwartje valt. Voordat het kabinet en de meerderheid van deze Kamer wakker wordt. Het is om gek van te worden.

Ik snap er helemaal niks van en ik maak me er oprecht ontzettend boos over.

Niet alleen omdat ikzelf ook op de hitlist van Al Quaida sta, maar omdat het gaat om de veiligheid van Nederland. De veiligheid van Nederlanders. Wat nodig is vz en wat ontbreekt is een goede analyse over de oorzaak is de juiste oplossing voor al die terreur. De oorzaak mevrouw de vz is natuurlijk de islam. De islam die ons al zo lang de oorlog heeft verklaard. De islamisering van het Vrije Westen. Van Nederland. Van Europa.

En natuurlijk zijn er vreedzame moslims. Maar er bestaat geen vreedzame islam. En natuurlijk zijn niet alle moslims terroristen. Maar wel zo ongeveer alle terroristen vandaag de dag zijn moslim. En wie nu nog durft te ontkennen dat er een verband bestaat tussen de terreur en de islam is knettergek.

Vz de islamisering is een levensgroot gevaar. Al decennialang brengt die massa-immigratie ons honderdduizenden mensen van een wezensvreemde cultuur Europa binnen. Ons land binnen. Waarom importeren we al die ellende? Vz de islam brengt ons overal, overal waar ze komt haat en geweld. In alle landen waar de islam sterk is gaat het ten koste van de vrijheid. Van de vrijheid van meningsuiting, van journalisten, minderheden, van iedereen. Mevrouw de vz, en dan heb ik het nog niets eens over die terreurorganisaties als de Islamitische Staat, Al Quaida, Al Nusra, noem maar op.

De Islam hoort eenvoudigweg niet bij Nederland. Het is een gevaar voor Nederland. We moeten de-islamiseren.

Wat behalve die analyse vooral stuitend is, is de totale onbenulligheid van die terreurmaatregelen. Ik vind het onvoorstelbaar dat na al die jaren debatteren, dat het kabinet vooral met maatregelen komt die Nederland meer in de problemen brengen in plaats van minder.

Hoe is het mogelijk, ik kan het aan niemand in ons land uitleggen dat Jihadgangers die naar Syrie willen gaan om daar de meest verschrikkelijke dingen te doen, dat die worden tegen gehouden. Het is toch ongelooflijk. Laat ze gaan! Allemaal! We zouden ze toch liever kwijt dan rijk zijn. We doen dat niet, het kabinet doet dat niet. Ze zetten de mensen die ze tegenhouden niet eens vast in de gevangenis, waardoor er op dit moment in Nederland lopende tijdbommen, islamterroristen, vrij rondlopen.

En dat kan toch niet! Laat die mensen gaan, maar mevrouw de vz laat ze nooit meer terugkeren. Pak hen inderdaad hun paspoort af, zeg het Verdrag van Schengen op en doe weer aan grenscontroles. Dat er nu wetsvoorstellen komen die we nog steeds niet hebben gezien, dat had al 10 jaar geleden moeten gebeuren. 10 jaar geleden, Dat is wat Nederland verdient en dat is wat de analyse rechtvaardigt.

En ik snap er niets van dat het kabinet jihadgangers laat terugkeren. Hoe dom kan je zijn? Van de mensen die zijn teruggekeerd zijn er geloof ik 3 vastgezet en de rest loopt ook vrij op straat rond. Het is om gek van te worden.

Vz, ook uit alle andere Schengenlanden, minus Nederland zijn dat er 25, kunnen mensen gewoon naar Nederland komen. Duizenden terroristen. Volgens Europol 5000 kunnen gewoon naar Nederland komen. Waar bent u in hemelsnaam mee bezig? Ik spreek toch geen chinees? Dat willen we toch niet dat die mensen naar Nederland komen?

Vz, wat ik ook niet begrijp is dat het leger in Mali wordt ingezet, in Afghanistan worden ingezet terwijl ze natuurlijk in Nederland vitale punten als stations, vliegvelden, winkelcentra en straten zouden moeten beveiligen. Gisteren meldt een grote ochtendkrant op de voorpagina dat Amsterdam een doelwit is. Wat doen die militairen in Mali? Laat ze hier het land beveiligen.

Vz, het zijn grote woorden maar ik meen het wel. Natuurlijk is het kabinet niet voor elke aanslag verantwoordelijk. Maar als iemand die tegengehouden had kunnen worden om terug te keren naar Nederland. Of als iemand die het kabinet heeft tegengehouden te gaan naar Syrie zonder ze vast te zetten. Of als iemand uit een ander Schengenland naar Nederland komt en een aanslag pleegt, heeft dit kabinet bloed aan zijn handen. En dat is verschrikkelijk om te moeten zeggen.

En zeg nooit Minister-President dat u niet bent gewaarschuwd. Ik heb het u 10 jaar lang duizend keer gezegd en uw voorgangers ook.

U zult nooit kunnen wegkomen met de woorden “wir haben es nicht gewusst”. U wist het wel. U wist het al jarenlang. Dus maak de goede analyse, maak Nederland veiliger. Drijf mij niet en Nederland tot wanhoop. Hou op met die incompetentie. Dit is mevrouw de vz na al die jaren ongeveer geen partijpolitiek meer. Het gaat om de veiligheid van ons land. Om de veiligheid van onze burgers. En het kabinet laat het lopen. Gelukkig keert het tij in Nederland en Europa wel. De burgers in Europa hebben in toenemende mate de buik vol van al die wegkijkers. In Duitsland 40.000 mensen op de been op een avond die demonstreren tegen de islamisering. Partijen als de PVV in heel Europa die groeien. Mensen hebben er genoeg van. Genoeg van die islamisering. Genoeg van die wegkijkers in de politieke elite. En ik zeg de Minister-President al wil die niet naar mij luisteren. Die geest krijgt u niet meer terug in die fles. Zij zijn het volk, niet U. Zij zullen het tij keren, en dat is nodig mevrouw de voorzitter. Want genoeg is genoeg. Dank u wel.

Timed English transcript:

00:08   Madam President, I am extremely angry.
00:12   I am furious.
00:16   Frankly, my party is furious.
00:20   Furious that once again there have been innocent victims
00:24   of Islam. Jews, critics of Islam,
00:28   innocent people. And also very angry
00:32   because there are the same politically correct responses.
00:36   The denial that Islam is the cause.
00:40   The failure to make the Netherlands safer.
00:44   And, madam president, I wonder how many more debates will be needed,
00:48   how many more attacks there will have to be,
00:52   how many more innocent people will have to die
00:56   before the penny drops. Before the cabinet and the majority of this Chamber wake up.
01:00   It’s enough to drive you mad.
01:04   I don’t understand it at all and I am justifiably
01:08   extremely angry about it. Not just because I am also
01:12   on the Al-Qaeda hit list, but because
01:16   this concerns the safety of the Netherlands.
01:20   The safety of the Dutch. What is needed, madam president, and what is currently missing
01:24   is a good analysis of the cause and the right solution
01:28   for all this terror. The cause, madam president,
01:33   is of course Islam. Islam that declared war against us a long time ago.
01:37   The Islamization of the Free West.
01:41   Of the Netherlands. Of Europe.
01:45   Of course there are peaceful Muslims.
01:49   But there is no such thing as peaceful Islam.
01:53   And of course not all Muslims are terrorists.
01:57   And anyone who still dares to deny that there is a link
02:01   between the terror and Islam is crazy.
02:05   Madam President,
02:09   Islamization is a life-threatening danger.
02:13   For decades, mass immigration has been bringing hundreds of thousands of people
02:17   from an alien culture to Europe.
02:21   To our country.
02:25   Why do we import all this misery?
02:29   Madam President, everywhere, wherever it comes, Islam brings us hate and violence.
02:33   In every country where Islam is strong it is at the cost
02:37   of freedom. Freedom of speech, of journalists,
02:41   minorities, everyone. Madam president,
02:45   and that’s without mentioning the terror organizations such as
02:49   the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, to name just a few.
02:53   Islam, madam president, simply does not belong in the Netherlands.
02:57   It is a danger
03:01   to the Netherlands. We must de-Islamize.
03:05   Madam President, apart from this analysis, what is particularly shocking
03:09   is the total inanity of the terror measures.
03:13   I find it inconceivable that after all these years of debate,
03:17   the Cabinet proposes measures that will cause more problems in the Netherlands
03:21   rather than fewer. How is it possible —
03:25   I can’t explain it to anyone in our country — that Jihadis
03:30   who want to go to Syria to do the most horrific things there,
03:34   are stopped? It’s unbelievable.
03:38   Let them go! All of them! We should be glad to see the back of them.
03:42   We don’t do that, the Cabinet doesn’t do that.
03:46   They don’t even put the people they stop in prison,
03:50   leaving ticking time bombs, Islamic terrorists,
03:54   to roam free in the Netherlands.
03:58   That should not be possible! Let the people leave,
04:02   madam president, but never let them come back.
04:06   Take away their passports, revoke the Schengen Treaty and reinstate border controls.
04:10   That legislative proposals are now being made
04:14   that we should have seen ten years ago. Ten years ago.
04:18   That is what the Netherlands deserved
04:22   and that is what the analysis justifies. And I completely fail to understand
04:26   why the Cabinet lets the Jihadists come back. How stupid can you be?
04:30   Of the people that have returned, I believe that three have been imprisoned and the rest
04:34   have been left free to walk around. It’s enough
04:38   to drive you mad. Madam President,
04:42   from all other Schengen countries — that’s 25 not counting the Netherlands —
04:46   people can also simply come to the Netherlands.
04:50   Thousands of terrorists. According to Europol, 5,000
04:54   can simply come to the Netherlands. What in heaven’s name are you doing?
04:58   I’m not speaking in Chinese, am I? Surely
05:02   we don’t want all those people to come to the Netherlands? Madam President, what I also don’t understand
05:06   is that the army is deployed to Mali, is deployed to Afghanistan,
05:10   while it should of course be protecting vital points in the Netherlands
05:14   such as railway stations, airports, shopping malls and streets.
05:18   Yesterday, the front page of a national newspaper
05:23   had a report that Amsterdam is a target. What are the military doing in Mali?
05:27   Let them protect this country. Madam President,
05:31   these are big words but I do mean them.
05:35   Of course the Cabinet is not responsible for every attack.
05:39   But if someone who could have been stopped
05:43   when coming back to the Netherlands. Or if someone that the Cabinet
05:47   prevented from going to Syria without putting them in prison.
05:51   Or if someone comes to the Netherlands from another Schengen country
05:55   and carries out an attack, this Cabinet has blood on its hands.
05:59   And that is a terrible thing to have to say.
06:03   And, Prime Minister, never say that you were not warned.
06:07   In the last ten years I have told you and your predecessors a thousand times.
06:11   You will never be able to get away with the words “wir haben es nicht gewusst”.
06:15   You did know. You have known it for years.
06:19   So make the right analysis, make the Netherlands safer.
06:23   Do not drive myself and the Netherlands to despair.
06:27   Put an end to the incompetence. This, madam president,
06:31   after all these years, is no longer party politics. It concerns the safety of our country.
06:35   The safety of our citizens. And the Cabinet lets it happen.
06:39   Madam president, fortunately,
06:43   the tide in Europe and in the Netherlands is turning.
06:47   More and more people in Europe are fed up
06:51   with all the people who look the other way.
06:55   In Germany, 40,000 people took to the streets the other night to demonstrate against Islamization.
06:59   Parties such as the PVV are growing throughout the whole of Europe.
07:03   People have had enough. Enough of Islamization. Enough of members of the political elite who look the other way.
07:08   And I have been telling the Prime Minister, even though he will not listen to me.
07:12   You cannot put the genie back in the bottle.
07:16   They are the people, not you.
07:20   They will turn the tide, madam president, and turn it must.
07:24   Because enough is enough. Thank you.

47 thoughts on ““Never Say That You Were Not Warned”

  1. At 6:10 Wilders says that Dutch government officials will not be able to get away with the words “wir haben es nicht gewusst”. Why is this “we didn’t know” statement in German, not Dutch? Is this an allusion to Nuremberg trial National Socialist defendants who denied knowledge of the Holocaust?

      • It’s also what homegrown Netherland Nazis (the NSB- Nationaal Socialistische Beweging) said after the war.

        A Dutch in-law, who fought in the Resistance, had a mordant joke about the NSB-ers who claimed that their acronym really stood for “Niet So Bedoeld” (I didn’t really mean it).

        Wilders is leader the New Resistance.

        Sterkte Geert! (Strength G.!)

        • Geert’s decades-long sheer grit in the face of the elites’ hatred is exemplary. I do wonder if they’ll dare try to imprison or impoverish him in this next trial by fire. Does anyone know if one can continue to be elected if imprisoned in the Netherlands?

          • Anti-Islam Dutch MP on trial for hate speech
            Saturday, 02 October 2010 2010
            ….Home Affairs spokesman Frank Wassenaar added that Wilders, if convicted, would only be disqualified from holding a parliamentary seat if the judge declared him ineligible — which would be unprecedented…..

            If he was made ineligible then I would run a pig and give Gert “power of attorney” to run the affairs of that pig.
            I am sure the pig would not like to be part of a ‘hatefest’ and so should have all equal rights, species rights and opportunities etc, and if any one spoke against it, then that would be a blasphemy that could be criminalized.

            Pigs are not dumb, and know what side the bread is buttered on, and unlike turkeys, will not vote for Christmas.
            Like Gert the Pig should also claim “Je suis Charlie” as it will truly do what it can “against extreme violence” and maintain true free speech.

  2. The next step Mr. Wilders is to start labelling the cabinet and the Prime Minister as Traitors because that is what they have become.

      • We must never forget that the British government banned Geert Wilders from entering the country.

        These people are not just a national disgrace, they are enemies of humanity!

        • Yes, and just because a muslim ‘raised hell’ in the House of Lords. A big disgrace for UK!

    • For me it is also from the knowledge of history, when Churchill first gave his major warnings about Hitler when he increased his party vote to became the 2nd largest party,in September 1930 elections. 9 years to be proved right.! ! and a lot of odium poured out on him during much of that time.

      Churchill (also Gert) had read ” Mein Kampf”, and although Hitler spoke nice reasonable words all the time, the truth was already written, so Churchill knew what Hitler was about, and so to do many of us now, if you, as Churchill and Gert have, read the koran, hadiths and sira about Mohammad, and it is so easy to find even in todays words and English what Islam is about.

      Just look at the OIC charter and their 10 year plan that is bearing fruits for them leading to major changes in the UN of the meaning of free speech with Resolution 16/18 , that only needs ratification to criminalize if some one is offended by words that moves them to “feel” incited/enraged to act out physically, and already has variant forms of it known as “hate speech, crimes and laws”
      M. Zuhdi Jasser, an observant American Muslim and the founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, remarked “Anyone who believes that Resolution 16’18 is some kind of a breakthrough is sadly being duped by the most obvious Islamist double discourse. The shift from ‘defamation’ to ‘incitement’ does nothing at all to change the basic paradigm where Islamist nations remain in the offense, continuing to put Western, free nations on the defense.” “We should be putting Islamist autocracies on the defense and then simply reiterate that our First Amendment principles already protect the rights of all minorities — whether Muslim or otherwise — and that the best standard of free speech is the American one. Beginning to categorize speech as ‘incitement’ is a slippery slope that could open the floodgates for any post-tragedy analysis to indict what would otherwise be free speech absurdly as incitement in some far-fetched cause-effect analysis that would depend on proving that speech causes violence.”

      There is another leader ,

      http://tinyurl.com/8m7jf2s “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”

      so I get the feeling there will be a trade off, sell out, to reduce (momentarily) islamic violence , that is less desecration of churches etc. and of course if lucky no other westerner get executed for a while, so ratification of Resolution 16/18 will be quietly fine tuned in.
      Just what can be slipped through on Feb 18th in the Summit on “Countering Violent Extremism” in Washington on February 18.http://tinyurl.com/kzcmkjn
      Is this a rehash of “Summit Against Violent Extremism (SAVE)” that was in June 2011? http://tinyurl.com/ml8vuyl

      Though not perfect and there had to be many trade offs, Churchill never waiver-ed, kept to his principles facts and knowledge, and although a close run thing, was able to lead the British and much of Europe, out of the quagmire.

      For me it is feeling inspired by Gert Wilders, but we too also must trust him, as he probably can not speak of all he sees. It will be many years of keeping to the course, stopping these ” free speech” changes, for one, as he has direct experience of. where the opposition( too many of Dutch parliament) can not guess. As he mentioned, the genie is out, so changes in immigration, and all those laws too. Plus all the politics through the EU, NATO, OIC and UN that bring pressures and costs to bear on a small country.

      Though it was a cross roads/collision roads for Britain, and seemed nearly too late;- Cometh the hour, cometh the man Winston Churchill , and what a background of experience he bought to bear, in that war. He knew of persistence, endurance, and failure and to be able to pick up, dust off and go at it again. He was also politically astute so was able to carry a united UK parliament and of course the people for that whole period of time.

      Gert for all the time that has been in politics, and facing great pressures and adversities in his life, I do figure is being well honed to stand true, and lead through the future desperate struggles that Holland faces, as will all of the European countries that will have this massive struggle, to lead their people to keep freedom and to be secure, in them-selves.

      At some stage we will be giving sacrificial blood, or the blood will be drained from us, as we saw last century, and also through the past 1400 years, as actively is happening now in Syria/Iraq, Nigeria Sudan etc..

      One of the biggest thing are leaders; inspiring, and reopening, resetting our core beliefs, what we are, what we really stand for and why things must be stopped and changed. The difficulty is to get the vast majority to come on board, and then for them to push and pull the academics, intelligentsia, media etc, to look more at the problems in a reasoning and logical manner.
      Other wise none of us will do it.

      Inspiration comes from many sources, so thank you to Baron and Dymphna for your dedication in drawing together so many sources of information, that gives us greater understanding and thoughts of our western civilization, and inspires me to appreciate and not take it for granted.
      So far to endeavor to spread the knowledge, and point out the faults in our country’s politics and create more well resourced awareness in others too, and to back the ones that stand out.
      Thank you

      • I like your linked thinking. For Geert to be a Churchill there would need to be an open conflict. As with the war between the IRA and Great Britain one side declared war, the other denied that this was war. Idealistic wars have no borders, no mutual defence pacts to trigger war (Poland), this war is being lost before our very eyes, before we know that it is an invasion taking place. Thank the Lord for strong leaders such as Putin, not ideal, but he sure knows how to lead a nation of his own people. Otherwise I don’t think

      • I like your linked thinking. For Geert to be a Churchill there would need to be an open conflict. As with the war between the IRA and Great Britain one side declared war, the other denied that this was war. Idealistic wars have no borders, no mutual defence pacts to trigger war (Poland), this war is being lost before our very eyes, before we know that it is an invasion taking place. Thank the Lord for strong leaders such as Putin, not ideal, but he sure knows how to lead a nation of his own people. Otherwise I don’t think that there is much hope for the free (of Islam) world.

  3. Mr. Wilders is speaking to his government leaders as if they don’t have a hand in the Islamization of their country. He’s talking to his people as if they don’t know that what is happening to their country is by design.
    Why does he not tell everybody that what is going on is by design? And cite his sources.

    • People in Wilders position cannot afford to be seen to tread on ground considered to be ‘conspiracy’ theory. One can cite proofs of conspiracy theories (where there are proofs) BUT, if the subject is deemed ‘off limits’ by the great and the good, then no amount of ‘proof’ is going to be adequate (see “American Betrayal” by Diana West and the articles in the archives, for an example of this kind of saga).

      There are some subjects where it is just impossible to expose the truth, for example, communism and nazism are the same thing with just a few tiny doctrinal differences, we know that, but to state it in public would be political suicide. The loony-left have planted field after field full of tares, and the little wheat that grows amongst them must be very careful not to appear un-loony enough to be considered ‘insane’ (non-normal human behaviour). Public mockery is one of the left’s most powerful weapons and many are too ignorant (and too lazy to research a subject for themselves) to realize what is happening.

      • Agree completely on the avoid conspiracy aspect. It is political suicide to even allude to conspiracy or even allow opponents to infer it. And Wilders is more than astute enough to know it.

        As an aside there is a significant body of Leftist opinion in the Netherlands that asserts Wilders is motivated by having supposedly had a part-Indonesian grandparent. Look at his eye colour! Why does he dye his hair blonde? This motivation “theory” is that he is merely projecting his self-hate or insecurity over not being 100% ethnically Dutch.

    • While MC has a great explanation of why Mr. Wilders is not yet screaming out ‘Traitors’, his speech is more or less along that line and to which most people who have just an inkling that something is wrong will understand. At this time that is all that matters.

  4. Mr Wilders knows what he is talking about. Still no slow down to the ever expanding empty space while the muslim fifth column whines, dines and dumps on Holland. The same all over it seems.

  5. Spot on, Mr. Wilders laid it on the line, they cannot even come up with a lame rebuttal. The truth is never delivered softly but in cold hard FACTS, woe to them who disregard the truth.

  6. So what’s the solution, people? Start rounding up all the Muslims? Stick them in camps? Give a guy like Wilders power and there’s no telling how far he’ll push the envelope. This is a man attempting to coast into a position of immense power on the waves of hate and intolerance. Anybody else here remember what happened when a certain European leader decided to marginalize and attack an entire religious group? It didn’t work out so well. It’s disgusting to see this man invoke the Holocaust while he himself is bopping around like Hitler 2.0.

    And it’s like Wilders has any other ideas to solve the NL’s far more pressing problems like austerity. While he’s off chasing boogeymen, the Netherlands rots from the inside.

    • Enough with the fear mongering and labeling him Hitler. He’s merely sticking up for his people unlike most Leftist thugs who despise their own kind and work hard at destroying their own countries.

      As far as hate and intolerance goes. Well your Muzzie buddies have a lock on that. They are the ones who murder gays, see non Muslim women as rape objects, murder those who leave the religion, murder anyone who mocks their religion(hello Charlie Hebdo), practices FGM on their own women and generally hate non-believers to the point of murdering them when they get the chance.

      About the holocaust. Well if you take a look at what recently happened in the Middle-East to Chrisians, Gays, Yedzidis, Sufis and secularists. It was your Muzzie buddies slaughtering them. And guess what that intolerance for minorities goes back a millennia.

      Yet your kind is always silent when Muslims do all that. But when a man like Wilders stands up, your sort comes crawling out of the woodwork.

    • Its too late dimwit, lets be blunt I hope you live in an area close to a lot of Muslims, enjoy whats coming to you, you deserve it, sadly many people do not!

      If 10 years ago we had removed Salafists and their mosques, exposed Islam to full freedom of expression and open ridicule, with the threat of removal of citizenship and deportation if they acted against it with violence we would have made a start. Yes there would have been violence but it would not be like whats coming.

      In 2016 ISIS will move to full on total war, that is why many of their fighters are heading back into Europe, at the same time Turkey will declare for the Caliphate. After that it will be terrible…

    • It’s disgusting to see people drawing a patently false and offensive parallel between the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and the effort to draw attention to concrete and in some ways quantifiable damage being down to Europe by mass Muslim immigration.

      Judaism is not an ideology of global conquest and domination; Islam is. Judaism does not command fighting against “unbelievers until they feel themselves subdued”; Islam does. Judaism does not impose a death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy; Islam does. Judaism does not recommend deceiving unbelievers to get the upper hand over them; Islam does.

      Jews were not aiming for a demographic conquest of Europe; Muslims are. Jews were not demanding that the whole of European society honor their own religious taboos; Muslims are. Jews were not creating violent enclaves within European cities; Muslims are. Jews were not perpetrating an epidemic of rape against women who don’t share their religion; Muslims are. Jews were not firebombing other religions’ places of worship; Muslims are. Jews were not attacking and murdering people simply because they came from a religious or ethnic group that Jews didn’t like; Muslims are. Jews did not have a long history of destroying cultural treasures that represent a different civilization; Muslims do. Jews were not trying to engineer a global prohibition of any criticism of their religion; Muslims are.

      Perhaps the most obvious difference that you ignore is that Hitler’s bigotry against Jews (and gypsies) was racial. It didn’t matter whether ethnic Jews believed Jewish doctrine or adhered to Jewish practice; Hitler wanted to exterminate the whole bloodline.

      By contrast, Geert Wilders is speaking about the hateful doctrines and violent practices that have been at the heart of Islam since its origins. Anyone of any race who was born into that cult has the possibility of rejecting that hateful, stultifying ideology of conquest. Of course, orthodox Islamic doctrine decrees that such people should be killed, but that seems to offend you less than people speaking about the malignant teachings of Islam.

    • Could you show me one speech where Hitler states: I will spare all non-religious Jews.

      Or perhaps a quote from the National Socialists leader saying something like: i have no problems with Jews, I have a problem with there religious books?

      You cant. Hitler- the socialist- wanted the Jews dead. Just like his muslim friends.

      You better be more precise when you post a thing like that, Roger. Now you look silly and part of the problem at hand.

    • Geert has NEVER spoken for camps! One can tell from everyone one of his speeches that he is a humane and liberal man. He wants to maintain gender equality, gay rights, the free lifestyle of the Dutch. He does want to encourage fundamentalist muslims to leave the country, to live in countries that are more to their liking, and that is an excellent idea. Encourage, that is, not force.

    • Roger,

      Geert Wilders has already set out a very reasonable and humane point by point program to address the problem.

      I won’t waste any more of my time responding to somebody who invokes the utterly bogus and facile Hitler/Holocaust parallel, other than to rhetorically ask you: what might be a big factor in the “austerity” problem, aka the unsustainably huge growth in Dutch welfare spending?

    • The Great Lie of the 20th Century:the Jews are to blame for everything.

      The Great Lie of the 21st century: the Muslims are to blame for nothing.

      The German and European Jews were peaceful, industrious, intelligent and highly assimilated, and were as German and European as possible -before Hitler handily used them as a convenient scapegoat for all of his own country’s failures. Muslims in the Middle East and the Balkans joined the Nazis to help exterminate the Jews.

      Wilders, on the other hand, is speaking out against a de facto colonizing force of anti-assimilation, supremacist, increasingly-violent Islamic fanatics and their silent Muslim communities (who do not root them out and stop them) . He opposes those who have contempt for the infidel countries they infest and for the unbelieving continent itself.

      Islam has tried to invade and destroy Europe since the 8th century when they flooded into Spain, laying waste to the indigenous people and culture. They were turned back at Tours in 732 A.D. by Charles Martel, managed to regroup and sacked Rome in 846 A.D., but were finally stopped in 1683 by Jan Sobieski’s forces at Vienna on September 11.

      Muslims believe in conversion by The Sword.

      This is intolerable to anyone who is civilized.

      Until they forswear this despicable barbarity and expunge it from their faith they will need to be kept out of the infidel world.

      Those already here must to be encouraged to Reform Islam or return to an Islamic land. Refusing all social welfare to those who do not reform would be a start. A way of pressuring them to self-deport. If this causes more violence, then they will need to be shipped out forcibly. If that leads to even more violence, then the Western Sword will have to rise to smash the Islamic Sword.

      If Islam were peaceful none of this would be necessary.

      If the Jews under Hitler had been as violent and anti-Europe as Islam there might be some shred of the pseudo-equivalence you are laughably straining to concoct.

      Your “logic” worked once already on a gullible “animal rights activist” in The Netherlands who assassinated the gay Dutch patriot Pim Fortuyn when he was labeled “the next Hitler” by the Leftist media in H9olland (even though he was a gay ultra-liberal who simply didn’t want to be killed by a sanctimonious mullah or jihadist scumbag for his homosexuality).

      This “It’s the new Hitler!”trick won’t work twice. The Dutch now realize what the bloody truth about Islam is.

      It is an imperialistic Death Cult.

      It does not assimilate, it devours.

      • Profitsbeard

        Apropos your first paragraph, what rock have you been hiding under? Whilst the Jews may not have been entirely responsible for everything bad that took place in the C20th, they have certainly been responsible for everything bad that has thus far taken place in the C21st:

        9/11 – a Mossad “black op”;

        7/7, Madrid bombing & Bali bombing – ditto;

        The Arab Spring – it was a democratic, secular groundswell which was cleverly subverted by the Israelis to:

        a) in Egypt to first put the moderate Muslim Brotherhood fellow Morsi into power and then, in a deep finesse, have him deposed by a Zionist stooge called al Sisi, and

        b) in Libya to fracture the country into warring factions to ensure that Libya’s oil production dropped, thereby giving the Israeli oil industry (very few people know that Israel is a major oil producer because the Zionist media work hard to keep it a secret) a bigger market share;

        ISIS – a Mossad creation designed not only to distract world attention from the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians and propagated by the Jewish run media, especially by that crypto-Jew Rupert Murdoch (real surname: Murdovsky), but to set the Shi’ites and the Sunnis against each other, despite many centuries of complete harmony between those two sects of Islam; and

        The Charlie Hebdo massacre – another Mossad ‘black op’ to try to persuade the French that their Muslim population is somehow disloyal to French values. Note how they also organized the Paris kosher supermarket murders a day or so later to throw people off the scent.

        • Good grief Julie-Anne, your irony is so black, and subtle, I was worried there for a while- until I saw your account of your travels, below.

    • And Roger, you want to jail Geert and let the rot continue, right?

      I don’t see anyone else trying to do anything. I see only Geert Wilders; and the police, the government, the judges and people like you bad-mouthing him instead of realizing he is a voice of sanity in a world gone mad.

  7. After this speech, the leaders of the other parties in parliament all took their turns at trying to demonize Wilders for his views on islam.
    He completely wiped the floor with all of them. He was articulate, righteous and angry , they didn’t stand a chance.
    Hold on Geert. You’re on the right side of history.
    The (real) Dutch people know this and we stand by you.

    • Geert is a moral giant with a colossal supply of courage and fortitude. Few human beings are his equal.

  8. Americans have an even worse problem, since it involves our economy.

    All those Muzzies in charge of those ‘Too Big to Fail’ Wall Street banks that have looted trillions of dollars of our wealth need to be arrested and prosecuted for their frauds.

    Ditto for the counterfeiting operation known as the Federal Reserve that is literally giving away OUR money to those same Muslim bankers.

    The Muslims at the Fed watched and did nothing while their fellow Islamists at those banks defrauded America out of trillions, wrecking the economy which still hasn’t recovered.
    They too need to be arrested for thefts and frauds.

    Until those Muzzies running our financial system and using their power and influence to enrich themselves while Americans work for minimum wage are arrested, tired and convicted and put in jail, we will not be safe from the Muslim Wall Street menace!

    • Ah, the not-so-subtle anti-Semitic slur.

      Let’s add up the Jewish contributions to civilization on one side, and the Muslim contributions on the other. Take your pick. (The number of patents and the number of Nobel prizes in science and medicine might help you make that tough decision.)

      Here’s another choice: You could live in any Muslim-run country, or in the only predominantly Jewish country in the world. Where would you be likely to have more rights and more prosperity?

      • Radegunda

        Having spent time in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Indonesia, the question you posed to Paul James is a no-brainer: any of the latter four over Israel.

        I enjoyed the near-complete absence of other women on the streets of Amman. I really liked being groped and continually pestered by men in Morocco. I like the fact that in Egypt the police and public officials wouldn’t look me in the eye and would address my brother Julius instead of me when I was the subject. I particularly enjoyed having rocks thrown at me by villagers in Sumatra as I walked to the beach in my bikini (I had mistakenly thought wearing a sarong over it would be sufficient modesty for the locals’ sensibilities).

        In Israel, one of my horrific experiences was being greeted in English by a middle-aged man outside a bus station who gave me an English-language street map of Tel Aviv. When I asked how much he wanted for it, he waved me away, explaining that he was part of a volunteer group that worked to try and make non-Jewish visitors to Israel. The b***ard didn’t even give me a salacious grin. much less grope me. At the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, some old codger had the temerity to ask me if I was Jewish and when I replied told me it didn’t matter: I could still write out a personal wish on a piece of paper roll it up and stick it in a crack in the stone blocks and God would answer my prayer. The cheek of him! Assuming I would believe in such superstitions! When I declined politely, he then had the nerve to say “God bless you”, still smiling and not even checking out my figure.

  9. The expensive education of our ruling elites in Britain has been a waste unless they are purposely Islamifying our nation and driving us all to civilizational war. They surely can’t be that incompetent or stupid. But they can be that selfishly greedy….

    • For my first few years in this struggle against islam, I thought the leaders were ignorant (as did almost everyone else I knew in the struggle). Then, as I accumulated more and more information about how islam was known and discussed in the West before the 1970s, I realised that of course they have known the truth about islam.

      The question then becomes why they would want to islamise Europe. It cannot be to do with falling birth rates (that can be dealt with by programmes to encourage families, or by cutting back the state). The lie that immigrants pay in more in taxes than they take out in benefits cannot be a justification for importing muslims; most working-age muslims are a net drain on the economy, and they import dependent relatives which makes them an even greater drain.

      The answer has to come back to oil. I think it is almost impossible for us to conceptualise what the availability of cheap oil means for our societies. We live like kings compared to the ordinary people of just 200 years ago.

      The immediate response to the 1970s oil crisis was Eurabia. Bat Ye’or has convincingly documented the existence of this project.

      However, it is my view, that in the long term the elite do not want there to be democracy when oil starts to run out. People used to democracy and used to making demands for the sharing of wealth will be highly problematic for the elite in such a situation. So the answer is to have replaced a population who want democracy for a population who reject democracy.

      The elite are involved in population replacement.

  10. I’ve said it before, but Geert Wilders is the real deal. The poltroons who edit the national newspapers across the West could learn a lot from him; when none of them had the guts to publish the Hebdo Motoons after the Jihad attacks in Paris, despicable.

    • Who or what leads this apparent capitulation to the caliphate? Agenda21, the UN have decided that there are too many people. They decided that we humans need to be governed by a single authority. After great deliberation they decided that we would be best served by dying or being ruled by Sharia. Thanks, that’s really nice of them to be on my side. Thanks a lot.

  11. I agree with what Wilders says. My problem is that I cannot see the difference in outward appearance between an islamist and a moderate Muslim and am thus obliged to regard all Muslims as potential terrorists. They also lie very often. Every Muslim is a fully paid up member of Islam and they all know what its agenda is- to make everything Muslim.

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