Scientific Insanity

MC’s latest wide-ranging essay addresses various aspects of the Culture Wars, most of them from the American front.

Scientific Insanity

by MC

We should by now be learning that ‘Nazism’ as such, is not an instance in history, but a logical pathway for those who seek totalitarian power. Soviet Communism destroyed itself because it assumed that ‘equity’ would overcome all difficulties, and that expertise was bourgeois, unneeded and unwanted. By killing off successful farmers, the Soviets destroyed their agriculture, failing to learn that ability needs to be rewarded, otherwise it is replaced by mediocrity; the “to each” side of the equation driving the “from each” to a degree which renders the whole instance unbalanced and unworkable.

Nazism works, and had to be taken down by overwhelming (and expensive) force of arms; it rewarded each according to his input and thus kept the workforce motivated.

We know that repeated attempts to make a losing strategy work are futile, and until one admits that failure, and accepts that there is a need to change the direction of the strategy, then failure will follow failure. To continue to try and make failure work without changing the strategy is pure insanity. In a society that forces the productive to support the unproductive there is an element of unpaid labour inflicted on those who produce. Am I therefore a 30% slave if I have to pay a third of my paycheck in extra taxes to support the idle?

Traditionally, those unable to work — the ‘poor’ — were a family responsibility, but historical Poor Laws made them a parish responsibility, and in many ways this was the start of the disintegration of the family as responsibility and duty passed to (expensive) bureaucrats. Costs increased, as did the numbers as more and more discovered that they could ride the gravy train. Thus the ‘solution’ was worse than the original problem .

This tendency for failure to repeat itself is endemic in democratic politics where the appearance of emotional intelligence is essential to winning votes, but irrational when it comes to actual lawmaking. Thus are politicians always benighted with the need for inappropriate emotional answers (lies) to rational questions.

There can be no doubt that President Trump was a highly successful President, as Presidents go, but he lacked an emotional empathy with a particularly avid but active and vocal group of powerful and immoral people for whom the ends justify the means. While they succeeded in displacing President Trump — possibly through the illegal manipulation of the vote — his compromise replacement(s) were and are totally disastrous.

The powerful voices in the Democrat party — Clinton, Sanders etc. — were unelectable, and even Democrats are wary of avowed communists and unindicted criminals.

So we got Brandon as a time-served and ranking Dem, who, they thought, could be relied upon to follow the party line. However in a divided party, the party line comes from she who shouts loudest.

But the big drawback of rigging votes is that the election concerned lacks credibility and does not help the winner’s political credibility. In the case of President Trump in 2016, it would appear that vote rigging was inconclusive and failed because Trump basically got more votes than had been predicted in (biased) pre-elections polls (poetic justice?). Still, shedding doubt on outcomes because more ‘people’ apparently voted for Clinton, did not help the Trump presidency.

In 2020 the vote rigging was much more blatant. It was based on COVID panic measures, and relied on a biased media and a bought (or blackmailed) SCOTUS for any credibility it had.

The Brandon administration started under a cloud which got blacker and blacker as Brandon lost all real credibility. He is at best senile, and at worst in the middle stages of dementia. All at a time when the USA needs strong leadership. The Veep is no better, displaying a strange idiocy even without the obvious dementia. This idiocy of the Veep is the guarantee that the dolt needs to stay in power. She is there because she is non-white, female and incompetent non-threatening.

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Another Somali Success Story in Germany

A Somali culture-enricher got down to some serious stabbing yesterday in the German city of Mainz. The big question: jihad or not jihad? Based on what the police say, it was probably just an ordinary culturally enriched knife fight, and not jihad.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:

Knife attack in Mainz

Police officer shoots 32-year-old

March 22, 2022

A 32-year-old man attacked and injured several people with a knife in front of a Mainz driving school. Investigators currently believe it was a personal dispute.

In downtown Mainz, a 32-year-old man attacked and injured several people with a knife in front of a driving school. A 48-year-old was critically injured Tuesday afternoon. At least two other men aged 28 and 48 suffered light injuries, according to the prosecutor and police.

A police officer handling a traffic accident nearby immediately rushed to the scene. “He was able to stop the attack only by the use of his firearm and fired several shots,” the investigators’ report says. A 32-year-old Somali was wounded. By how many shots and how seriously was initially not clear. He is being guarded in the hospital.

The background of the attack is believed to be a personal dispute. There is no evidence of a rampage or a terrorist background. The police are investigating it as an attempted homicide.

The incident occurred on Tuesday around 3:10pm at Alice Square. There is no connection with a fatal traffic accident a few hours earlier in the vicinity. A 3-year-old child was fatally injured, struck by a car while crossing at a traffic light.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/22/2022

A young man named Mohammad Moiz Omar entered a mosque in Ontario and attacked the faithful there with bear spray and an axe. Fortunately, there were only minor injuries, all of them caused by the bear spray, before the attacker was subdued and arrested. The incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

In other news, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre refused to ban Russian media, saying that he is opposed to censorship.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Fjordman, LP, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Pope Francis Expresses Support for Zelensky

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the Italian parliament recently by video link. As part of his remarks, he recounted a supportive phone conversation he had just had with Pope Francis.

Italian public opinion generally favors Russia, but Prime Minister Mario Draghi expressed his effusive support for Ukraine when replying to Mr. Zelensky.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Putin’s War Speech Exposes Agenda 2030 in Russia

One of the curious facts of our time is that both Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky are alumni of the Young Global Leaders sponsored by the World Economic Forum. Moreover, just about all prominent Western politicians (and many who are not at all prominent) are also alumni.

So what’s really going on with the war in Ukraine? With that question in mind, our Hungarian correspondent László fisks a recent speech by Mr. Putin.

Putin’s War Speech Exposes Agenda 2030 in Russia

by László

Below are excerpts from the transcript of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s recent speech that was supposedly on the war with Ukraine and the West.

“And I emphasize: even in the current difficult situation at the end of the year, we need to achieve a reduction in the level of poverty and inequality. This is a quite feasible task even today. I ask the Government and the regions to focus on achieving this task. And I would like to add that it is not only of an economic nature, as we all understand, but is also a matter of social justice.”

“reduction in the level of poverty and inequality”

— Communism. (He is talking about it in connection with the situation inside Russia.)

“social justice”

— Socialism.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the Russian business community, the labor collectives of companies, banks and organizations that not only provide an effective response to the sanctions challenges, but also lay the foundation for further sustainable development of our economy.”

— “Sustainable development” is a known buzzword for the transformations planned for ushering in the New World Order (NWO). Most governments in the West have it in their written strategies. And the president of a country “expressing his gratitude” to private entities speaks volumes. Moreover, the fact that Putin says that these companies “lay the foundation for further sustainable development of our economy” is a clear indication of public-private partnerships… Actually, there is a more accurate term for public-private partnerships: it’s called fascism.

“a decree giving additional powers to regional heads”

— Arbitrary state tyranny.

“this is how we have built our counter-coronavirus measures”

— In the name of freedom, of course. Is Russia different? No, it isn’t. And remember, it is supposed to be a speech on the Ukraine war, right after the Corona-hoax.

“I am instructing all branches of the federal government in the regions to coordinate their work with the regional authorities in the next six months, and for governors to create operational headquarters to ensure economic development, and to personally lead this work.”

— Building back the economy from above; like the good old “five-year plans” in the Soviet era. “Rhymes” with Build Back Better in the West. Controlled demolition provided by the “war with the West”, so that you can “build back better”.

“The State Council and its specialist commissions have already proven their effectiveness. I ask the State Governance Committee headed by Sergei Sobyanin to work together with our government colleagues to identify problematic issues on the regional agenda, develop the best solutions and apply them to all of Russia’s regions. We have had good experience in dealing with the epidemic.”

— He seems to entrust the same people with the transformation, justified by the war, who were also responsible for the Plandemic measures. An NWO crisis-team that need not be ‘specialists’ in anything (like healthcare or the economy) but the transformation of society.

“All the strategic, national goals we have set for the period until 2030 must be achieved. The current challenges and the opportunities they present should only mobilize us, and that is what we should set ourselves up for, aiming to achieve tangible results in the interests of our citizens.”

— Agenda 2030. And “mobilizing” for it now. Because Ukraine. In the interests of the citizens, of course… NOT. “Set ourselves up for” — oh, yes, it is all a setup.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/21/2022

92% of those who voted in a referendum in Alsace favor the independence of the region from France. Meanwhile, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted against seceding from the United States.

In other news, police in Canada removed a couple from a train when they refused to pull their masks up in between sips of their drinks.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, Fjordman, JAS, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Somalis in Sweden Consider Ukrainian Women Fair Game

A group of women and children fled the war in Ukraine for Sweden, where they have been subjected to close encounters with Somali culture-enrichers. Now they want to go back to Ukraine — compared with Africans, the bombs don’t seem so bad.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Night of terror for Ukrainian women — Somalis invade residence: “I am so afraid that I want to go home”

Thousands of Ukrainian women and children have fled to Sweden in the past weeks. Now Samnytt can be the first media to report that some of them who moved to Örebro want to return to the war in Ukraine. The reason is that, after an incident during the week, when foreign men entered in their accommodation, they no longer feel safe.

“When the bombs fall, I know that in every case I can go down in the cellars and hide there,” one of the women says.

Busloads of Ukrainian refugee women with children have arrived in Örebro in the past few weeks. A number of them have been offered beds in the Örebro city hostel.

But the Ukrainians do not feel safe in the hostel. The background is some incidents that occurred on the night between Sunday and Monday, when a number of unidentified men tried on several occasions to get to the women.

Volunteer reports

Samnytt has spoken to one of the Ukrainian women at the hostel. We have also spoken to a female volunteer in Örebro who works with the women. Neither of them wants us to publish their names.

By talking with both women, Samnytt has been able to provide a description of what happened Sunday night/Monday morning.

First Somalis

The first incident occurred around 3am. At that time, two Somali men began to pound on the front door of the hostel. Without opening the door, the Ukrainian women attempted to talk to the men outside.

“They looked like African-Americans, if I am expressing myself correctly. They were black people. Tall and slender with black skin color,” she tells Samnytt.

She explained to the men that there were only Ukrainian women and children living at the hostel, but they claimed they had a friend living there. After asking the name of the friend, she could confirm that no such person was living in the hostel.

But the men didn’t give up. After a while, a third Somali man showed up outside the hostel. The women felt the situation was becoming unpleasant and went back and locked themselves in their room.

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Ukraine: Field Test of the Great Reset

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian weekly Der Wochenblick:

In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the Great Reset laboratory of the global tech elite

While a very real conflict is raging in Ukraine, naturally no spotlight falls on the digital distribution battles. The advocates of radical world restructuring and total surveillance have long recognized the potential of the Eastern European country. With the strong participation of President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine would not only be a Mecca for US bio-weapons laboratories, but also pave the way for digital networking, the Metaverse and the transparent citizen. The lynchpin is the digital ID app “DiiA”, an abbreviation for “The State and I”.

Zelensky’s social credit system

The journey takes us back to 2019. Zelensky had only been a few months in office, and founded a “Ministry for Digital Transformation”. Its most important task was to create a platform for the “state on a smartphone”, the DiiA app finally rolled out in February of 2020. Since then everything has been going fast: more than 50 applications, proofs and official channels are now running via the app: driver’s license, Covid vaccination pass, student card, starting a business, insurance, social benefits. A French tech portal writes: “A model that we only knew from China with its social credit system.” By the way: “ID Austria” is supposed to go in this direction in the final phase.

The social credit system is also to be taken quite literally: last year Zelensky promised every citizen who could provide proof of a full vaccination certificate in DiiA a reward of 1,000 hryvnia (roughly €30) — about a tenth of a typical monthly wage. Authorities may no longer insist on the paper form of documents — and observers assume that the dual variant is only an interim solution. The timing is hardly a coincidence: Two weeks before the release, Zelensky was the guest of honor at the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit led by the “Great Reset” architect Klaus Schwab.

“Investment Mecca” for tech companies

In Zelensky’s WEF speech, the catchphrase of a “new normal” was already mentioned. The current global institutions did not work efficiently; one needed to rethink international security. His vision at the time: Ukraine should take a leading position in Central and Eastern Europe. He openly presented his country’s investment opportunity and recalled that some “big tech” companies started in garages. His stated dream was to open a kind of East European Silicon Valley and transform his country into an “investment Mecca”. Or as Zelensky put it: “Ukraine is the place where miracles are made a reality […] there is a significant opportunity to expand new industries.”

Schwab was impressed and happy with the “reforms” in the country. The WEF itself initiated some of these with its subordinate think tanks for Ukraine.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/20/2022

A man drove his car at high speed into a large crowd of Carnival revelers in the Belgian town of Louvre this morning, killing six people and wounding dozens more. The ethnicity of the suspected perp is not clear, so there’s no information just yet on whether cultural enrichment was involved in the tragedy.

In other news, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has banned eleven opposition parties. No parties with connections to neo-Nazis were included in the ban.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, Fjordman, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Dispatches from the Killing Fields

Hellequin GB has translated three German-language articles that illustrate various aspects of the increasingly lethal dystopia we are all now forced to inhabit.

#1 Believe or burn

From Freischwebende Intelligenz:

In the clutches of the forced confessional community

Would you like a round of Russian hatred? A society that knows no more shades of gray is bound to be totalitarian.

by Milosz Matuschek

At the beginning of the pandemic, you were already amazed at how quickly it went. Did you notice it, too? Suddenly Islamist terror was gone. And not just a little bit gone, but completely gone. Probably killed by Corona. Or did ISIS take a short break out of pandemic piety? Well, the media kaleidoscope has just turned again. In the window “safe to hate” appears, like on the turntable of a juke box, after the man with the beard and turban and the Querdenker, now the enemy from the mothball box: “The RUSSIAN”.

Yesterday a doctor’s coat, today a camouflage patch

With the new image of the enemy, the solidarity industry immediately shifts. The cloak of virtue has changed colour, from a white doctor’s coat to camouflage with yellow and blue merchandising. It’s a bit like Carola Rackete, the sea rescue captain, who quickly retrained in green world rescue. Ukraine cheerleading has already started on Facebook and elsewhere. Nothing against real sympathy and help for war refugees, of course. But the suspicion creeps in that the new Ukraine fans are pretty much the same people who clapped frantically for the nurses on balconies two years ago before kicking them in the back with a mandatory vaccination. Instead of incidence numbers that nobody understands, there are now Ukrainian city names that nobody knows. While a real war rages elsewhere.

After the Corona cancel culture, whose most prominent final victim is the head of a German health insurance company, who warned of the greatly increased side effects of vaccination and then lost his job, it is now the turn of the Russian cancel culture. At the University of Milan, a lecture on Dostoyevsky was recently canceled. In Munich, the conductor Valery Gergiev was fired; Anna Netrebko’s performances are currently being canceled worldwide. Those who don’t distance themselves from Putin quickly enough are defenestrated. The German SPD dutifully removed the Gerhard Schröder coffee mug from their shop. The ex-chancellor has been lobbying for Gazprom for decades.

Does expulsion from the party come next?

The coffee mug with the likeness of Karl Marx, “Have a coffee with Karl”, is, by the way, still available. Yes, there is always something more ridiculous.

Shades of gray no longer fit into the picture

The first casualty of war, some say, is truth. It is neutrality. Anyone who draws the stereotype of war over society only accepts the distinction between friend and foe. Democracy, which always thrives on nuances, shades of gray and alternatives, is being transformed into a forced confessional community in the media. Anyone who has a Facebook profile, please contact their responsible propaganda unit immediately. In such a situation we would need more competence in complexity instead of boastful declarations of certainty. Incidentally, neutrality does not mean indifference or total non-partisanship. Above all, neutrality is the sovereign right to freedom from compulsory confession. Just as it is part of freedom of opinion not to have an opinion or to have to express a specific one.

Stratagem number 6 of the Chinese theory of lists reads: “Make a noise in the east, attack in the west”. The winner for the last two years has clearly been China. No matter what happens: lockdowns, compulsory testing and vaccination, expansion of surveillance methods or now the war in Ukraine. All of this helps China to quietly scale the summit as the new world superpower. While everyone is watching the bloodshed in Ukraine, the West is bleeding itself dry. Inflation is skyrocketing, the middle class is going to the dogs, their own identity is blurring, Western values only count in the right camp.

The war has long been in people’s minds and hearts; it’s raging among us, globally and under the guise of fighting the pandemic. It is a war against the citizens of the West which officially must not exist. How convenient that there is now a real, visible war that distracts from exactly that.

All that’s really missing now is an extremely contagious Russian mutant variant, which is born as a result of a cyber-attack and is spread around the world through Russian gas and Russian vodka.

#2: Where has the harshness of the law been for the past seven years?

From the news portal T-Online:

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The Nothing Tree

The following post is a personal side journey. It’s unrelated to the mission of this blog, so if you don’t want to stray from the main track, you may want to skip it.

Spending my sunset years as a Counterjihad blogger was not part of my life’s plan. I just kind of fell into it, joining Dymphna at the task after I was laid off in 2006. It seemed like a worthwhile endeavor, so I kept at it full-time for the next sixteen years (and counting).

Before that I had pursued numerous occupations since I graduated from college: taxi driver, tuxedo store manager, messenger for a legal firm, mathematician/programmer, systems analyst, sign painter, painter of ceramic cups, Kelly Girl, seller of mistletoe (seasonal only). I took all of those jobs just to keep the wolf from the door while I did the two things I was put on this earth to do: paint landscapes and write poetry.

I was fortunate enough to be able to paint for a (meager) living for more than twenty-five years. And I was especially fortunate to have married someone who understood my drive to create, and who was willing to help support me via her own employment. For that I will be eternally grateful to Dymphna; may she rest in peace.

As you all know, I ruined my eyesight by sitting outside in the bright sun day after day for decades. My intuition tells me that having my retinas bathed in so much ultraviolet light for all those years brought on macular degeneration at a relatively early age. Since I gave up painting in 2005 I have been reduced to programming digital images on the computer to satisfy my visual creative urge.

When I was eighteen years old I started writing poetry seriously — or as seriously as a callow clownish youth can do at that age. Almost everything I wrote before I was in my mid-twenties was dreadful stuff, and embarrassing to look at now, but a few things were worth saving, and have held up over the decades. By the time I was in my late thirties the quality of what I wrote was more consistent. I really hit my stride in the mid-’90s and early 2000s.

I encountered a fallow period after 2006, when the muse abandoned me for eleven years. I thought she was gone for good, and that my poetic career was over. Then in 2017 she mysteriously returned, and I started writing verse again. At that point it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to self-publish a volume of selected poems.

I gave up submitting my poems to periodicals thirty years ago. By then it had become clear that the type of poetry I write — traditional forms, often with a rigorous rhyme scheme and metrical structure — was out of step with the post-modern age. I got tired of the rejection slips, so I abandoned all attempts at publication. I haven’t published anything since a number of my poems (most of them lousy) appeared in William and Mary’s literary magazine back in the early 1970s.

Until now, that is. Thanks to the magic of self-publishing, I was able to put together a selection in a book entitled The Nothing Tree in Bloom. It contains all the poems from a fifty-year period (1970-2019) that I consider worth reading, and is listed on Amazon.

Self-publication turned out to be very easy, and it cost almost nothing, unlike vanity publishing. Actually, I suppose it is a form of vanity publishing, because I don’t really expect to sell any copies of the book. I just bought a few dozen author’s copies at a low price to give away to family and friends. It’s a satisfying way to wrap up a lifetime’s worth of work in a meaningful fashion. As Wallace Stevens said (in “The Lack of Repose”), the book provides “A few sounds of meaning, a momentary end / To the complication”.

I dedicated The Nothing Tree in Bloom to Dymphna. It makes me sad that she didn’t live to see it published, but she did read an early PDF version of it, which included the cover design. At that point the dedication page read: “For my wife”. In the published version it reads: “In memory of my wife”.

Since I’ve never published any poems since college, I’ve never had an editor. Fortunately, for forty years I had Dymphna to act in that capacity. As most of you know, she was an accomplished poet in her own right.

From 1979 until her death she read everything I wrote, including the most recent poem in the book. She was an incisive reader and critic, and never hesitated to point out infelicities and suggest changes. My oeuvre would have been far less competent without her input.

It was my habit to read every poem out loud to her as soon as I finished it. In later years, as her hearing deteriorated, I would print out a second copy so that she could follow along while I read it. After she died I found a pile of many years’ worth of those printed pages on the bottom shelf of the bookcase next to her side of the bed.

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When I was a teenager attending an English grammar school, I was required to study large quantities of poetry in depth for my O-level and A-level exams. It was like discovering a magnificent palace filled with treasure, and I took to it as if it were my natural environment. At the time I didn’t understand that most of my fellow students experienced it quite differently: it was just something they had to do, to memorize and analyze long enough to pass their exams, and then gratefully forget.

In the ensuing years I’ve learned the hard lesson that poetry is an acquired taste. Most people don’t get it, and aren’t interested in getting it. And that’s especially true of the type of poetry I prefer to write, which admittedly is intellectually abstruse.

With that in mind, I’ve chosen two examples from the book to post here that are somewhat more accessible.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/19/2022

The Latvian parliament voted to support the imposition of a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Polish prime minister called for a total ban on trade between the EU and Russia.

In other news, at least ten people, including at least one child, were shot during a mass shooting at a car show in Arkansas.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Alice Weidel: “Compulsory Vaccination is an Act of Disenfranchisement”

Alice Weidel is the co-leader of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany). In the following speech from the floor of the Bundestag, Ms. Weidel argues the case against mandatory injections with the experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/18/2022

Three men opened fire on a crowd of people outside a lounge in Edmonton, Alberta, killing one person and wounding six others. The suspects are identified as Mohamod Mohamod, Said Ibrahim, and Said Osman, two of whom have been captured. The incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 66.7%.

In other news, the first new nuclear reactor in Europe for 15 years has been brought online in Finland.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Hellequin GB, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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