Jew-Hatred in the Netherlands is a Turkish and Moroccan Affair

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from De Dagelijkse Standaard:

Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch websites are packed with anti-Semitism. “Tracking it is more necessary than ever!”

by Tim Engelbart
July 7, 2020

Anti-Semitism on Dutch websites is beginning to spill out, reports the anti-Semitism watchdog CIDI today with the release of a new report on Internet anti-Semitism. The websites with the most anti-Semitic utterances are and, as the group discovered in collaboration with the investigative bureau, Kantar.

Tackling online anti-Semitism is more “necessary than ever”. So says the CIDI, which has long monitored anti-Semitism in the Netherlands. This conclusion is drawn after the publication of a report (pdf) by the investigative bureau Kantar into the extent of Jew-hatred on the Internet in 2019.

On as many as 286 Dutch websites anti-Semitic utterances are found, which vary from remarks that the September 11 attacks were allegedly carried out by Zionists, to Frans Timmerman being a puppet of the Jews, to the “Jewish lobby”, which is allegedly behind all kinds of sinister developments. Anti-Semitism is also rampant on Twitter and CIDI, and Kantar found some 750 tweets in which Jews were attacked because of their origin.

Remarkably enough, the websites that stand out as to the extent of anti-Semitism are often aimed at Dutch people with a migration background. On the Internet pages that have a lot of “incidental anti-Semitism”, tops the list. Aside from some consumer websites, can also be found in the top ten— this site calls itself the “virtual house of Turkey”.

On the other hand, “structural anti-Semitism” is practiced on web pages of Moroccan-Dutch origin. (“the oldest online forum for Moroccans in the Netherlands and Flanders”) contained no fewer than 85 anti-Semitic utterances, followed by forums.marokko (“‘the largest Moroccan web community in the world”) where Jew hatred showed up 53 times.

In addition to the websites aimed at migrant communities, there are also some notorious conspiracy theorists, such as Martin Vrijland, Nine for News, and Stan van Houcke.

The CIDI believes that this is all the more reason to tackle these kinds of utterances on the Internet. “Much of the most disgusting anti-Semitic content that we found is still on the Internet.” However, the watchdog is positive about the future. “CIDI expresses the hope that the National Coordinator for Combating Anti-Semitism, launched last week by Parliament, will work on this with CIDI and the judiciary.”

The Beheader of Wilma is Not Sick in the Head

Back in May I posted about a young “Swede” named Tishko Ahmed Shabaz, who was arrested for murdering and beheading his 17-year-old native Swedish girlfriend. The report below provides an update on the case.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Aftonbladet:

Wilma’s Murderer — Not Insane

by Malim Kardell
July 15, 2020

Wilma’s ex-boyfriend, Tishko Ahmed, 23, does not suffer from any serious mental disorder. That is according to the forensic psychiatric examination made public on Wednesday. Now the 23-year-old risks life imprisonment for murder.

Wilma Andersson, 17, disappeared without a trace from her home in Uddevalla on November 17 of last year. Two weeks later, police reported that a body part had been found, which meant that any hope that the disappeared girl would be found alive no longer existed.

In June of this year, the Uddevalla district court found Ahmed guilty of murder and desecration of a dead body.

Now it has emerged in a statement from the Forensic Medical Agency that Wilma’s murderer, the 23-year-old ex-boyfriend, does not suffer from any psychiatric disorder.

According to the statement, which was made public when it was submitted to the Uddevalla district court on Wednesday, the 23-year-old did not did not commit the acts he was accused of under the influence of a serious mental disorder. Thus, there are no medical conditions which would require him to be turned over to judicial psychiatric care.

In practice, this means that he now risks being sentenced to life imprisonment, as the prosecutor, Jim Westerberg, demanded during the main proceedings in Uddevalla district court in June. In connection with the court’s judgment, it was reported that the man should undergo a forensic psychiatric examination.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/20/2020

The county administrator of Broward County in Florida issued an emergency order requiring residents to wear face masks inside their own homes. Meanwhile, the wearing of masks in English supermarkets and shops will be mandatory beginning on July 24.

In other news, lessons on slavery and racial justice will be part of the curriculum for kindergarten students in Virginia beginning this fall.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The New Untermensch (And Some Old Ones, Too)

Our Israeli correspondent MC weighs in on the Black Lives Matter phenomenon and associated battlefronts in the Culture Wars.

The new Untermensch (and some old ones, too)

by MC

Black lives may matter, but not, it seems, if they are either Jewish or if they are still happen to be in the womb. So it is now official: there are certain classes of people who are less equal than others; and, of course, snowy is one of them. But this time the pigs are in trouble, too, and it is the black sheep who rule.

‘Untermensch’ was a German word used by the Nazi party to describe people that they did not like: Jews, Slavs, gypsies and others. In the Nazi parlance it is much more nuanced than just the literal translation of ‘less than human’. It also implied ‘dangerous’ in a eugenic context, as in polluting the ‘Aryan’ phenotype . They also did not like Africans, Asians and Muslims, but for political reasons had to pretend to accommodate them. Africans were not really relevant and the Japanese and ‘Palestinians’ had to be treated as allies for political reasons.

To clarify the above , I use ‘Palestinian’ in its modern context, but in WW2 one might have called them Pan-Arab Nationalists, followers of Haj Amin Al Husseini, an ardent Nazi and founder of Fatah and the PLO (now the Palestinian Authority).

Because of the confusion between political ‘left’ and political ‘right’, there is a problem of nomenclature with BLM. It is a race-based movement, very similar to the Nazi movement but lacking the nationalism of the Nazis, or rather, paying heed to a ‘Nation of Farrakhan’, where Louis Farrakhan is a kind of race-based cult using the name of Islam as an image enhancement.

In the USA the ‘woke’ movement is using race, and particularly skin colour, to divide the American people, whereas the Communists traditionally used class, which was only relevant in Europe. This flexibility demonstrates just how close Nazi socialism and Communist socialism are.

So the USA now has a pseudo-Nazi political religion which is currently as untouchable as a First World War trench system, surrounded as it was by the old barbed wire upon which it is all so easy to get oneself hung.

The German Nazis showed how easily democracy could be destroyed by an extreme party which, because ‘the ends justify the means’, could lie, cheat and steal in order to exploit democratic vulnerabilities, and thus end the democratic process and replace it with tyranny. Democracy requires that participants to be willing to defend democracy by undemocratic means if necessary, but that the participants believe in the overall benefit of democracy.

The particular vulnerability that the Nazis exploited was that the role of Chancellor and of President could, under the Weimar constitution be held by one person, thus giving the one person, in this case Adolf Hitler, plenipotentiary powers to dismiss the Reichstag and rule by executive decree.

The US Constitution is a lot more difficult to crunch, and the separation of powers inbuilt into the system means that no one person can hold ultimate power. But we are seeing before us a wholesale attempt to bring down any form of constitutional government and replace it with a one-party system. Although the Democrat Party appears to be the vehicle for this, hijacking the Democrat party has been part of the process.

The vulnerable points of the Constitution are the respective roles of the Supreme Court and the role (or non-role as the case may be) of the media as the established major critic of balanced government policy and the purveyor valid information to the people.

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The Christian Democrats Just Chose Eurabia

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan checks in with the latest political scuttlebutt from The Netherlands.

The Christian Democrats just chose Eurabia

by H. Numan

An interesting event happened in The Netherlands. The Christian Dhimmicrat Democrat Party CDA held internal elections for the new party leader. There were three candidates; one didn’t matter. The other two were Hugo ‘Pipo’ de Jonge and Pieter Omtzigt. Mrs. Nobody fell off in the first round. Before the voting, Hugo boasted for a bottle of good wine that a second election round wouldn’t be necessary. He would win by a landslide. Well, he lost. Pieter Omtzigt got 40%, so a second round was necessary. That round Pipo the Clown won, but barely. The difference was less than 1% in favor of the clown. About 300 votes…

Why do I call the right honourable Hugo de Jonge ‘Pipo the Clown’? That’s because of his choice of shoes. Hugo doesn’t stand out in anything, so he decided to stand out as the most ridiculously dressed politician ever. He has a sense of fashion bordering the deranged. No matter how inappropriate, he wears clown shoes. Pipo, pardon, Hugo wore a nice blue suit with white clown shoes when the customary photo was taken after the inauguration of the present cabinet. He stands to the left of the king.

This is a very formal situation, not suitable for a wannabe court jester.

Hugo the Clown is not the minister of funny walks, but minister of health. Under his incapable leadership the Chinese virus pandemic was mismanaged. Even our parliament wasn’t too pleased with Mr. Funny Shoes’ performance, and grilled him. He barely saved his political skin by putting the blame on someone else. He had his staff call Dr. Diederik Gommers. How many ICU beds are available this weekend, was the question. “I dunno, about 1,600, I guess” replied Dr. Gommers. He is head of the ICU unit of a major hospital and member of the Chinese Virus outbreak team. “Can you confirm this by sms?” So he did. To his amazement he discovered that statement was used by Hugo to save his skin. “There is nothing wrong, 1,600 ICU beds are available; I got this confirmed by Dr. Gommers.” Needless to say Dr. Gommers is anything but pleased.

Normally, I wouldn’t bother writing you about an overly ambitious local nincompoop. You have plenty of those yourself. But his election is important, as it is another brick in the wall of Eurabia. Apart from having no fashion sense whatsoever, his ambition is without peer. Hugo de Jonge is by far the most europhile politician in the CDA. A party that already is a very euro-centric party.

So why this article? Because his victory may very well be a pyrrhic victory. That’s because of his opponent, Pieter Omtzigt. As politicians go, Omtzigt is a popular hard-working not (overly) ambitious parliamentarian. Very popular with his electorate, much less so with his peers and the civil administration. Omtzigt is a muckraker. He likes to investigate what is swept under the carpet. And he doesn’t let sleeping dogs lie. Several whistleblowers of nefarious affairs in the civil administration got his support. He’s also a very vocal voice on the MH17 scandal. One doesn’t make friends in high places that way.

All Omtzigt wanted to be is a hard working parliamentarian. He never said he wanted to run for office. ‘Winner’ Hugo said — silly as it is — that there are no winners, he will work as a team with Pieter. That’s sheer nonsense. There can only be one party leader. That goes for dictators just as well as for democratically elected parties.

Pieter Omtzigt can no longer be a regular parliamentarian. Given the fact that he ended in second place with a mere 300 votes’ difference, he has to be given a much higher position. The only job available is party whip. Which means that our ambitious clown will have to take orders from Pieter Omtzigt. That could lead to very funny situations in the near future.

Now don’t get your hopes raised too much. Hugo the Clown is very much against any cooperation with the PVV and FvD parties. Even more than the D66 party. Difficult to believe, but there you go. He hates both with a passion. With him in the command seat the boycott is total. But Pieter Omtzigt is also against such a coalition. He’s not as vocal about it, nor as outspoken. That’s all. Effectively, it doesn’t matter much whether Omzigt or de Jonge hold the command seat. Both will oppose any attempt to work with the PVV and FvD parties.

Having elected de Jonge by the narrowest of margins, the CDA goes bravely forward to their own rapture. De Jonge is not a popular minister. His election will turn off many voters. Omtzigt is far more popular, and could revive the CDA. However, the powers that be (The Hague, Berlin, Brussels) prefer have an easy-to-manipulate clown. Like the one they have in Paris.

Let me explain what the CDA is and why it’s doomed to fail. CDA stands for Christian Democratic Appeal as a reaction to the consistent secularization of Dutch politics. Until 1977 every Dutch cabinet consisted of at least one Christian party. However, those parties were shrinking in popularity. They realized if they didn’t cooperate, a — heaven forbid! — cabinet without a religious party would come soon. So three Christian parties merged together into the CDA: The KVP, Katholieke Volkspartij or Catholic People’s Party, the ARP, Anti Revolutionaire Partij or Anti-Revolutionary Party and the CHU, Christen Historische Unie or Christian Historical Union.

Their positions were center-right for the KVP, center-left for the CHU and definitely left for the ARP. Oh, what revolution are those devout ARP Calvinists against? The FRENCH revolution. (Don’t ask me why. It makes no sense. I know.)

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Before we resume our regularly-scheduled programming, I’d like to pay another visit to the Farmville Detention Center.

I wrote last December about the immigrant holding facility known as the Farmville Detention Center, located not far from here in Farmville, Virginia. It’s operated by Immigration Centers of America, a contractor for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The center’s inmates, mostly Hispanics and Haitians, enjoy cushy living conditions at taxpayers’ expense.

Since the Coronamadness set in last March, the price tag on the culture-enrichers’ lodgings must have increased drastically, based on the article below from The Farmville Herald. Each inmate is now receiving a medical checkup twice daily.

The most interesting thing about the story, however, is the incidence of symptoms of the Wuhan Coronavirus among the detainees who tested positive for the disease. The headline tells us that 74% of the culture-enrichers have tested positive, which is 268 people. Buried much deeper in the story is the fact that only three migrants — 1.1% of those tested, or 0.8% of the population of the facility — have been hospitalized with serious symptoms, and none of those has died.

The only reason ICE ordered general testing at the center was the fact that three cases of the coronavirus — possible the same three who were hospitalized — appeared among a group of newly-arrived residents who were under quarantine. That is, hundreds of the center’s inmates had already been infected with the disease without showing any symptoms.

A reminder: we’re talking about COVID-19, a disease that is more dangerous than the Spanish Flu, the bubonic plague, and the Black Death combined. A disease that is so virulent that it spread like wildfire among a group of immigrants detained in a closed facility. A disease that is so deadly that none of them knew they had it.

The American people — and not just Americans, but the whole world — are being massively hoaxed about the ChiCom flu. The populace has been indoctrinated to be so frightened of it that millions of people hide in their homes, or venture out in terror, screaming at anyone who isn’t wearing a mask or who gets too close. The economies of Western countries have been wrecked by the lockdowns, more of which are coming as the “second wave” sets in just time for the fall campaign season.

The virus is real, but the official reaction to it, especially as purveyed by the media, is an artificial construct created for political ends.

Below are some excerpts from the article in the Herald:

74% of Farmville ICE detainees positive for COVID

by Alexa Massey

After testing all the detainees of the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Immigration Centers of America (ICA) Farmville Detention Center, 74% have tested positive for the coronavirus, with 71 test results pending.

ICE Public Affairs Specialist Kate Pote said Tuesday, July 14, ICA Farmville offered testing to all of its detainees from Wednesday, July 1, to Friday, July 3. 359 of the center’s 360 inmates were tested, with only one detainee declining testing.

Of those 359 detainees, 268 have tested positive. 20 have tested negative, and 71 test results are pending.

Officials said Tuesday three detainees were actively hospitalized due to complications with COVID-19, but in stable condition. Pote added the majority of others who tested positive are asymptomatic, but are being closely monitored and are receiving appropriate medical care.

Detainees who have tested negative will be retested and are being held separately from positive detainees.

Medical checks, according to officials, are being done twice daily, including a temperature screening and medication disbursement.

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We’re Rolling Again

In the wee hours of this morning the technical issues with the upgraded server were resolved, and the migration to the new site was finalized.

I’ve restored the news feeds that were wiped out, but some of the last comments may be missing. I’ve also turned comments back on, so y’all can have at it.

New articles and essays from the accumulated backlog will be posted as the day proceeds.

As far as I know I’m receiving all my incoming email, but my outgoing email is still down, so I can’t reply to any of your messages just yet.

And my phone is still out. I’m waiting for the telephonician or someone like him.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/19/2020

The never-ending saga of Gates of Vienna’s site migration has taken a new, dismaying twist: the new mail server won’t send SMTP email under the same settings as used in the old server.

New emails have been arriving, which is good. They include some of the missing messages from yesterday. However, I can’t reply to anybody at this point.

To make matters even worse, my phone service went out on Friday. The phone and the Internet arrive at Schloss Bodissey on the same skinny little copper wire, but for some reason voice quit working. There was no thunder and lightning, and no power outage. The phone just decided to quit.

I opened a repair ticket via the Internet. The phone company has promised to send a technician no later than 5pm on Tuesday July 21. They don’t care. They don’t have to care. They’re the phone company.

So the situation is now Murphy Squared. I had been communicating with the hosting company by email. The only way I can send communications to the outside world now is via skype or carrier pigeon. Neither of those helps me deal with the hosting service, and my bandwidth is too limited for their “chat” to work properly. So I have to wait for the phone company droid to get here.

Oy vey.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, RR, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/18/2020

I’m still in the throes of the site migration, waiting for the technical problems to be resolved on the upgraded server.

In the meantime, my email is affected. The mail server has a new IP address, and the DNS settings for it are still propagating across the Internet tonight. That means some of my email isn’t coming in — including from some of my regular tipsters — and may be lost forever, for all I know.

If you sent me an email today, and didn’t get an answer, or sent tips for items that don’t appear in tonight’s news feed, send the messages again in 24 hours. I hope by then the DNS settings for the mail server will have propagated everywhere.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, VG, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/17/2020

The Royal Canadian Navy announced that it is planning to abolish the rank of “seaman”. The term will be replaced with a more gender-inclusive designation.

In other news, a boat carrying 63 migrants was rescued in the Mediterranean and brought safely to the island of Malta.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AA, Caroline Glick, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/16/2020

A group of churches in northern California is suing Governor Gavin Newsom over a ban on singing in houses of worship. Meanwhile, the Kroger supermarket chain will make the wearing of masks mandatory in its stores beginning next week.

In other news, a 15-year-old Mongolian boy died of bubonic plague after eating an infected marmot.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, JF, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Bang a Gong Against the Call of the Muezzin

Protesting with spoon and pot against the muezzin call

Many thanks to MissPiggy for translating this article from Westfalen-Blatt:

Why does Marcel Bauersfeld makes noise in front of the Herford Mosque during Friday prayers?

The police were already waiting for him: Marcel Bauersfeld in conversation with the two officers in front of the Ditib Mosque. After a lengthy discussion, the 37-year-old is sent away. But he says, “I’ll be back next Friday.” Photo: Moritz Winde

Herford, Saturday July 11

When the muezzin calls to prayer at the Ditib [Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs] Mosque, Marcel Bauersfeld stands on the sidewalk of Bielefelder Straße — again. He hammers with a spoon on a cooking pot. Shortly afterwards, the police come and send him away

by Moritz Winde

Is this freedom of expression, or does the 37-year-old interfere with religious freedom with his actions? “Two fundamental rights collide,” said the police spokeswoman Simone Lah-Schnier. However, as soon as there is a suspicion of a criminal offence, the police may, as in this case, issue a dispersal order. According to the government spokeswoman, the man from Herford has never had a police record, but he is now being charged with disturbing religious freedom.

On July 3, Marcel Bauersfeld had also made a lot of noise in front of the mosque. A week ago he used a cowbell. “That was confiscated by the police. That’s why I’m here with the pot today,” he says. The case is currently before the Bielefeld Public Prosecutor’s Office. Simone Lah-Schnier says that it will be examined whether it is a criminal offence. For the time being the cowbell will remain in the custody of the authorities.

For the third time in a row, the 37-year-old is protesting this Friday against the Islamic call to prayer that Mayor Tim Kähler had allowed the Turkish community in mid-June. Since then, the decision of the head of the administration has caused controversy. The CDU, led by mayor Anke Theisen, had criticized the decision. A majority of the City Council, however, regards the call to prayer as a fundamental right.

Marcel Bauersfeld makes it clear in an interview with this newspaper: “I am neither left- nor right-wing. Nor do I have anything against other cultural practices. The only thing that bothers me is the muezzin call, which in my view is nothing more than calling out a Caliphate. I don’t want to have Sharia law here.’

The protester says he has studied the Koran in detail and believes with the permission for the muezzin call, a Pandora’s box was opened. “Other Turkish communities could claim the same right.” He calls for the city of Herford to revoke the permit for the muezzin call.

The 37-year-old has announced he will be back next Friday. “I’m curious to see if I’m prosecuted for a cowbell or a cooking pot,” he says.

The Ditib community could prevent this if it obtains an injunction from the local court to impose a restraining order. This means that Marcel Bauersfeld is only permitted to approach the mosque up to a certain, fixed distance.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/15/2020

The city of Asheville, North Carolina has promised to pay reparations to black people, and apologized for slavery. The reparations will take the form of investment in affordable housing and other enterprises in mostly-black neighborhoods.

In other news, at least eight gendarmes were injured by rioting youths during incidents of urban violence in France.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Algerian Mujahideen Busted in Barcelona

Two Algerians have been arrested in Catalonia for plotting a jihad terror attack. According to Euronews (hat tip Fjordman):

Duo Arrested on Suspicion of Planning Explosives Attack in Barcelona

Catalan police have arrested two men on suspicion of planning an explosives attack in Barcelona. The two individuals of Algerian nationality, aged 41 and 43, are suspected of belonging to a cell that has been under investigation since 2017.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this TV news report, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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